The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 09, 1915, Image 10

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    ' -
. ' i 1 .
July Clearance Sale
Men's Pants
$5.00 Pants $3.95
4.00 Pants 2.95
3.50 Pants 2.75
3.00 Pants 2.25
2.50 Pants 1.95
Boys Suits
in Three Lots
Values to 33.50
Values to 5 00 3 45
Values to $5.50 4 35
, mmmmm
Such Clothes Values as these have,
never been equalled. All the newest
and most wanted fabrics in four prices
Values to $12.50 $ 9.75
Values to $15.00 11.75
Values to $22.50 15.75
Values to $25.00 . . ... 17.75
Genuine Palm Beach
Pants 3.50 values
Flannel Trousers 35.00
One lot of Men's Felt
Hats worth to "33.50
Panamas and Straw Hats.
33.50 Panamas $2.85
35.00 Panamas 3.45
36.00 Panamas 4.25
33.00 Panamas 1,95
Any Straw Hat that sold' toJ2.50 .95
50c Silk Hats 39
Men's Dress
Shoes and Oxfords
35.00 values. $3.45
'1.50 values. 3. J 5
4.00 values 2.85
3.50 values 2.45
3.00 values ; 2.15
2.50 values 1.75
Underwear 20 Per Cent
31.00 Union Suits 80c
J .50 I'nion Suits $1.20
The Clothing Store of Better Values
i .1.
Semi-Weekly Tribune
IltA L. HAKE, Editor mid Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in Advance. .. .$1.23
One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.50
Entored at North Platte, Nebraska,
Poatofllco aa Second Clasa Matter.
EMMY, JULY Dili, 1915
Doings of the ('!!)' Council.
All councilmdu except Stone, who
was in Omaha, responded to the roll
call Tuesday evenlg.
The- first buslnes transuded wus the
lssuanco of plumbers' licenses to J. F.
Fllllon and Palmer & Llntz.
Special Health Inspector IlouglaiUt
recommended that each househotdei'
be required to tarnish a can Tor garb?
age, and that the garbage be collected
by a man and team .employed, by the
city and to bo paid by the city. This
was considered by the council as "the
boat solution of the garbago suestlou
so far as disposal is concorucd, and
the city attorney was instructed to
draft an ordinance covering tho sub
let. TTho chief of pollco was Instruct6d
to arrange a dog pound and take up
all dogs on which the license had not
been paid. The animals will bo hn
poundod for twenty-four hours and if
tho owners fall to tako out license and
call for their animals they, tho animals
will bo killed.
A resolution was passed acoptlng a
deed from the Union Puclllc which
convoys to tho city certain portions of
Front and Seventh streets. Dy this
deed tho north fifty feet of Seventh
strcot from the east to west limits is
convoyed to the city. On Front street
tho convoyanco is as follows: Fifty
feot from western limits of tho city to
Grunt avenue, from Grant avenue to
Oak street thirty foet.from Oak to Lo
cust stret furty-llvu feot, from Lo
cust to Cototnwood sixty feot, fronl
Cottonwood to Silbor avenue fifty foot,
Theso various stretches are on the
south sido of tho street.
Tho committee to which was roforr
cd tho drainngo question made a roport
recommending that tho suggestions of
tho city onginoor bo accoptcd as to
drainago ditchos north of tho track
bo cleaned and enlarged and tho irri
gation bitch be enlarged; also that a
dam bo built at the old gravol pit north
of tho formor Hupfer property nnd the
wntor bo diverted east. It was further
recommended that tho city engineer
consult with thoso interested in tho
pnposed cjralnugo district between
North Platto nnd Horahoy and uscor
taln if such drainngo district would
help out tho city. In case It would
not, tho commltteo favored tho plan of
the city onginoor to build a ditch on
tho south aldo of tho track to connect
with tho Suburban ditch and thnt the
latter bo enlarged. This system of
drainngo would cost In the neighbor
hood of $3,500.
Hills on filo wero allowed and tho
council ndjourned.
Organization Postponed.
On ncount of lnsulllclont notlco and
tho busy season, tho attondauco at tho
mooting of Juno 30 at North Platto of
tho Farmers' Educational and Co-opor-atlvo
Union did not Justify the perfect
ing of a county organization, but it
was decided to hold a mooting for
that purpose Septembor 23d, nt North
Platto, and a commltteo was appointed
from thoso present to secure a sulta
blo placo for holding cuch meeting,
and also to arruugo a program for
tho same.
Murrlago licenses wore grauted
Monday to E. E. Kyno and Miss Cora
Iloldenbrnnd of Ringgold nnd yestor
day to Edward J. White and Miss Nol
11b S. Qannon of Denver. Judgo
French performed tho ceremonies.
Lutheran Announcements.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school.
Mrs. Guy Holmes wont to Gothen
burg yesterday to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John States returned
yesterday from a visit In Denver.
Don't Tall to attend tho Grout Clear
ing Sale at RLOCK'S.
Miss Wyno Sullivan, or Brady, Is tho
guest of Miss Mildred Fitzpntrick this
Miss Esther Kelly has returned from
an extended visit with friends near
6age Holloway will return tomorrow
from a visit with friends In Omaha
and Gibbon.
Mis Marie Martini will leavo today
for Omnhn wliere. she will visit I'or a
wcok or more.
Mr, and Mrs. John Ureen, of Jack
sonville, 111,, aro visiting friends in
in nnd near town.
Miss Ruth Lonn has returned to
Gothenburg after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Brooks.
Spring chickens for Sunday dinner.
Inquire Mrs. Tekulve, phono black 505.
Miss Elizabeth Weir will leave today
for Cheyenne where she will visit for
a week with friends.
Henry Llntz was taken ill with
small-pox Wednesday and the resi
dence was quarantined.
Luther League on Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Topic: "Self Denial
for tho Sake of Othors."
Edward Dickey and son returned
Wednesday from Omaha where they
had spent several days. I
Mrs. Albert Rannlo went to Sidney
Wednesday evening whore she will
visit frlendB for a wok.
Mrs. Elizabeth Young went to Suth
erland yesterday to atend tho-funeral
of the lato Poter Mulr.
If you think or economy attend the
Big Clearing Snlo at BLOCK'S.
Miss Marpory Russell has returned
from LoMoyno where sho hud been
visiting tho Well family.
Mrs. JOSOUll Weeks o.amn nn frrmi
Grand Island Wednesday aftornoon to
..I ,. 1 1 ! 1 n -
viBii iru'ims lor a lew nays.
Mrs. Goo. M. Smith hns returned
from a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Dr. Carson, In Grand Island.
Mrs. Paul Meyer left yesterday for
Sun Francisco whoro sho will spend
sovernl weoks with relatives.
Mrs. Edward Burko is ono of the
latest small pox victims, tho disease
having dovoloped Wednesday.
Don't fall to nttnntl Min nrnnt Ptnn.
Ing Sale at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. McLellan, of Omnhn, who had
been visiting Mrs. Albert Rannlo re
turned to her homo Wednesday even
ing. If you ever expect to got a watch,
Buy It Now, our Big Discount Sale
closes July 17th. CLINTON, tho Jewel
er. Mrs. Fred Tubas, who has been vis
iting relatives In Cedar Rnplds, In.,
for several weeks, will return homo
this evening,
Dick Baker returned yestordny from
Omuha where ho had been visiting his
parents and transacting business for
sovernl days.
County Comnilslonor Whlto returned
yesterday from Osceoln, Nob., whore
ho had been transacting buslnes for
sovoral days.
After spending u couple of weeks
US!"1 i1,01" lBtor Mrs. J. B. Redflold,
Mlsa Hattlo Harris returned to Lin
coln yesterday.
Don't fall to attend tho Great Clear
ing Salo at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. Chris Paulson wont to Suther
land yestordny to atond tho funoral of
tho lato Petor Mulr and to visit friends
for a fow days.
Robert Parmale. who had been em
ployed at tho Gem candy kitchen, bus
resigned and accepted n position with
Derryborry & Forbes.
Tom Green, Ed Rebhauscn, A. W.
Plumor and Perry Sawyer spent a
day or two at Maywood this week
fishing with moderate sucess.
Hnrold, tho young son of Mr and
Mrs. Alex Brooks is snffirl 11 it frrmi n
broken arm which he sustained yester
day uy inning irom a porch.
Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., and children
returned to Omaha yesterday after
spending several weoks with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Goozce.
Do you need some silver for the
home? Buy It Now, you can't alford
to pass up the Big Saving nt our Sale.
CLINTON, tho Jeweler.
Tho plan is to have an all day rileet
ing of all the Farmer Union folk in
Lincoln county, and if the weather is
suitable it will be an out-door pidnic.
Don't fail to attend the Great Clear
ing Sale at BLOCK'S.
Walter Gcohrlng of Philadelphia, de
parted Wednesday for California cities
aftor visiting his uncle W. V. Hong
lnnd and family for a couple of weoks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Welsh and their
(laughter of Omaha spent Wednesday
as the guests of tho O'llaro family
while on their way to the Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook entertained
at a evon o'clock dinner Wednesday
for Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunvof Welling
ton, Knn. Covers were laid for
Miss Nell Burko, of Maxwell, who
had been the guest of Mrs. Annlo
Church for several weoks, left yester
day for Iowa where she will visit
Mrs. S. G. Keeney and daughter, of
Indlanola, la., arc visiting the former's
brother E. S. Davis and family while
enrouto homo from the Panama expo
sition. Mrs. S. B. Parr and daughter, of
Dos Moines, la., who bad ben visiting
Mrs. Parr's mother, Mrs. Annlo Church
for sovoral weeks, left for their homo
The Hanlfln house on east Sixth
street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Guthorless Is being Improved by tho
nddltlon or a bath room and other con
veniences. Perry Sltton is snbndini? fmv ,1 nva
in town whtlo enrouto to Norfolk from
California where ho spent two months
with his daughter Mrs. Clark Buchan
an. John Burgncr, Jr., and family loft
at noon Wednesday for Ravenna whore
thoy will make tholr future home. Mr.
Burgner has been employed there
sovoral months.
If you think of economy nttendtho
Big Clearing Salo at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. T. C. Patterson will entertain
the Indies of the 500 club at a one
o'clock luncheon tomorrow In favor of
Mrs. D. J. Adams of Omaha and other
out-of-town visitors.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Tho
pastor will oxplaln the plan adopted
for raising the funds for the now
church building. Solo by Mlsa Huff
man. No ovenlng service.
E. F. Miller, formerly book-keeper
at tho Davis garago, is visiting' in
town. Ho la now In tho employ of
tho Rio Grnndo railroad In Denver
nnd Is on his way to Willow Island to
visit rolatlvcs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond loft
yestorday morning for Los Angeles to
spond sovornl weeks with tholr son
Claronco and family. Thoy will also
attend tho Elks' convention and en
routo homo will visit tho exposition at
San Francisco.
Guests at tho J. H. Donogan homo
this wook aro Mrs. Folan anil daughter
of Chicago, who will leavo In a fow
days for tho San Francisco exposition.
Mis Fnyo Coates, of Sutherland, Is
expected horo tomorrow for a week's
visit with frlonds.
i MrS. H. S. Wllltfi lflft till pnplv nnr
i of the week for North East, Pa., whore
'sne win spend tlie greater part of the
'summer. Mrs. White spent, the early
part of her life at North East, and
goes oacK to visit every year or so.
Tho Davis Garage reports sales of
I cars ns iohows during tlio past week:
Chemberlaln & Gilbert or Atnv
! model D45. Rmirfohnsli AV Pot
i unapncii a model D55, and to Mayuard
e ioyes oi Mitchell a model D5.
i Don't fail to attend the Great Clear
ing Salo at BLOCK'S.
j Mrs. Scott Reynolds and daughter
' returned Wednesday from a month's
i visit with relatives in Chatham, On
tario, uannda. Thev rennrt that
country considerable wrought up over
uiu war, aim uiey were detained sever
al days by the custom olllcers.
Ill tho ball canif nt ni.-kpnq dm int
: ter Dart of last. VfnU- In wiiir.ii r'
I Jones and Roy Cochran of this city
i wnrf rnn iirurnrv. .tim ninimnn
defeated the Hayes" Centre team by a
suuro vi one to nothings Cochran
making the only score of the game.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Roberts, of
Pittsburg, Pa., aro guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Singleton this week, having
iinivuii weunesuav evon nir. Tiiov nro
, on their way to tho Panama exposi
tion anu tins is tno first time in fif
teen years that these former neighbors
nuvu enjoyed a viait together.
Tho following compose the commit
tee I. B. Bostwick and Henry Zauler
or Hershey, H. II. Wendoborn of North
Platte, I. M. Anibercromble and J. W.
Rose of Bignell. and S. S. Reynolds
of Maxwell. I. B. Bostwick was made
cnairman of the committe and S. S.
Reynolds secretary.
For Salo 21 head of mares and
colts, one large registered French
draft stallion, all for $1750, on 5 years'
time at 6 per cent interest, real estate
security. j. SEELEY,
Welllleot, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Koester, of
Baltimore, left for their home Tues
day evening after having been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walte
math for three weeks while enrouto
homo from the Panama exposition.
Misa Hilda Koester, their daughter,
who accompanied them on the journey
weat will spend the summer here.
Little Ruth Slzemore was Injured
by falling from a swing a few days
I1CO. OnC firm Wna hnrtlv ani.nlnn.1
and tho other considerably bruised.
uv. muter wrooic nas returned from
Omalwi where ho transacted business
and attended tho auto races.
Peter It. 31ulr Passes Away.
Poter B. Mulr died Tuesday noon at
(tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. John
D. Cox, in this city. Dentil was duo
to heart trouble, with which ho had
been afilicted for some time. Tho ro
mnins wero taken .to Sutherland and
the funeral held yesterday afternoon.
A number of friends In this city wont
up to attend itho funeral.
Tho deceased was one of the earli
est settlors In tho Sutherland section,
having taken a honiostend in tho tho
eighties. Ho lived thoro until a fow
years ago when ho camo to North
Platto to mako his homo with his
Mr. Mulr was a splendid typo of
man, a consistent christian over stand
ing for right, therefore a good citi
zen. JfOTICE.
Call at olllce of J. E. Sebastian
and reserve your booth space that is
for aalo in tho Floral Hall which will
bo orqeted on tho Fair ground. Call at
at once and get a good location. 48-2
Mr .and Mrs. R. C. Allison and f,
B. Allison, of Wallace, will return
homo today after visiting friends horo
for sovoral days.
Glenn Jackson of Sidney, formerly
employed as locomotive fireman horo,
loft yesterday after spending a week
with local friends.
Action on street paving did not come
boforo tho city council Tuesdny oven
I Ing tho commltto in charge not having
.fully completed Us work. A special
i moling of the council will be held next
I Tuosday evening and at that time the
I necessary ordlnanco nrovldlni? fnr tho
bond election will bo presented and
probably passed under a suspension of .
rules. It linfc lipon doHrlmi t
bond Issue at $16,000, which Is stiill-
cieni to pavo tho street nnd nlley In
tersections lu the district to bo form
ed, which will include two intersec
tions on north Locust in the Fourth
Graduate Dentist
Office over the. McDonald
"State Bank. '
Cnne ecil For .Snip At Ilershoy's,
opposite Post Ofllce. Phono IS.
Splccr's Parcel Delivery,
Now at your service. Let mo deliver
your parcels, baggage or express. Mot
to: Quick service, Prices right. Phono
Red 247, Huffman's Cigar Store.
Of the condition of the
Mutual lliillillng mill I.omi Ammh'Iii Hon
of North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 30th
day of June, 191G.
Certificate No. 32.
First mortgage loans $003,500.00
I. onus In process of foreclos
ure 3, GOO. 00
1-OHiia on stock or pass book
security , fi.GOO.OO
Ileal estate, olllce 29.2fi9.81
Ileal estnto sold on contract 3,353.16
V:n 19,131.10
Celebration at Bignell.
Business men of Maxwell and Bignell
rn.nnntntm1 ifttl Mia fn ...... 1.. .
ing 'n colebratton and rV !'. ?!? i IVift
In Stevens' grovo on Monday. Tho Foreclosure account 210.17
Total $727,G74.97
Hunnlng stock ami dlvidends$303,219.93
Paid-up stock and dividends. 3S0.200.00
program was carlod out in a har
monious manner all throuch tho dnv.
A song service, followed bv nrnvor liv
the Reverend Griffith of Maxwell, was
tho opening service, after which the
Declaration of Indenendenco wns
by S. S. Reynolds, followed bv a m nut
able address by Rev. Griffith.
una address was tho real feature
oi tno uny, being a rare treat, bearing
evidenco of tho ability of 'Mr. OrlfiUh
as a student or American hlstorv, from
the landing or the Pilgrims down to
the present hour.
In this address Mr. Griffith reviewed
the progress sOf our crowth In n mnat
Interesting manner, demonstrating lit
ability as a platform orator and a
minner. ah who heard this historical
review have been busy extending con
gratulations to Mr. Griffith. After the
oasKet dinner a very good time was
enjoyed in athletic sports and horse
manship and a ball game.
Week Old Chicks
For sale at ten cents each. Inquire of
Harry Lantz, 321 east Fdurth. 42-2
The young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Durbin, who was injured on
uv otn uy tne explosion of fireworks,
s getting along nicely. Tho hov wna
badly burned on tho face, chest and
If you think of economy nttpml tin
Big Clearing Sale at BLOCK'S.
State Engineer Johnson, of Lincoln.
spent Wednesday hero inspecting the
now bridge at Sutherland and also
the fill at the new brldgo east of this
city. Tho east fill of the new bridge
here measures three hundred and ten
feet and has been completed.
Wo will continue our Bic Discount
Sale one week longer, Saturday night
tho 17th. CLINTON, the Jeweler.
Heserve fund
rniuvluea profits
Advance Interest
Total $727,G74.97
IteoelplN mi ili:.ip-iullt!ircx for the Veur
Kmllim- .linn- :io. 1015.
Cash on hand last roport.... $ 10,240.15
Dues (runnlnsr stock) 90,220.50
Paid-up stock 107,700.00
Mortgage payments 60,782.29
Stock loan payments 3,099.80
Ileal estate Bales 8G.35
Interest 45.S5G.S0
Klnes 580.00
Membership and transfer
fees 417.00
Itents nnd olllce building re-
celpts 1.G29.S4
Other receipts In detail, fore
closure account 53.50
Total $320,5G6.23
Mortgage loans $178,700.00
w?.cik, loan? D.S00.0O
Withdrawals running stock
,..?.'Jd, dividends 29,947.95
withdrawals paid-up stock.. 02,000.00
V Ithdrnwals dividend on
liald-ui) stock on an7 id
Salaries lOOioO
Other expense 112.60
ileal estate account 4S5.30
Cash on hand 19.131.1G
Foreclosure account m 35
Furniture ami flvtnroa ah'o
Olllce building l,53o!77
Total $320,566.23
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County ss.
above named Association, do solemnly
swear that the foregoing Statement of
the condition of said Association, is
true and correct to the best of ray
knowledge and belief.
..... ,. , , Secretary.
fubscTlbed and sworn to before me
this 6th day of July, 1915.
u . Notary Public.
Public Closing Out Sale
The undersigned will offer at Public Sale at his place of busi
ness at Corner of 5th and Locust Street, opposite Post Office
at North Platte; Neb.
On Saturday, July 17th.
The Following described Property To Wit: '
Farm Machinery
5 New Century Sulky Cultivators, 1-2 row Century
Cultivator, 2 P & O Canton Sulkey Cultivators, 1 Badger
Sulkey Cultivator, 1 P & O Canton Corn Planter, 3-16 inch
P & O Canton Sulkey Plows, 4 Sulkey Attachments for Plows
and Listers, 2-3 Section Steel Lever Harrows. '
Wind Mills
1-10 Foot Sarnson, 1-8 foot Aermotor, 1-8 foot Fair
bury Wood Wheel, 1-10 loot Fairbury Wood Wheel, 1-12
foot Fairbury Wood Wheel, 1-10 foot Fairbury Vaneles.
Mowers and Rakes
2 Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mowers 6 feet, 3
Thomas 12 feet Self Dump- Steel Rakes, 3 Johnson 12 foot
Self Dump Steel Rakes, 4 Champion Foot Guide Hay Sweep
1 Bain Special Farm Wagon 3 inch Axle 4 inch Tires,
2-2 3-4 inch Bain Wagons with 3 inch wide Tire Wheels, 1
2 y2 inch Bain Wagon with 3 inch wide Tire Wheels, Extra
Wagon Boxes and Spring Seats with Lazy backs, 2-2 II. P.
Gasoline Engines, 1-1 y2 H. P. Gasoline Engine mounted on
Trucks, 1 Feed Cutter, 1 Grain Grader, 1 Well Boring
Machine, Wheel Barrows, and Hand Carts, Buggy Poles and
Shafts, Equalizers, Neckyokcs and Doubletrees, Pumps and
Pipes, 2-4 Wheel Hand Trucks.
Repairs for Mowing Machines, Wind Mills, Wagons in
large quantities
I log and Cattle Dip, Barn and Roof Paint, Binding
Twine and Rope, Hardware, Furniture, Stoves and Ranges,
Gasoline Stoves, Platform and Counter Scales, Show Cases
and Counters.
I Corrgated Iron covered Grainery, 2 story 16x40 feet.
Well built and durable, can be moved without taking down.
Numerous other articles not mentioned here.
All Subject to prior Sale.
Tprm nf Salo 6 months time 10 per cent interest, 3
under $10.00 cash.
per cent discount for cash. All sums
Col. Dave Love, Auctioneer. W. H. McDonald, Clerk.