Semi-Weekly Tribune IHA L. BARE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oiio Year bv Mall In Advance. .. .SJAi One fear by Carrier In Advnncc..$lJiO j jnmea K. Kelly being the officiating ...... .minister. Liuislng-HIclmrdN. A very pretty wedding occurred at tho home of Mrs. Sam Morant, Lamonl. Ia., on Tuesday aftornon, Juno 22, 1915, at Ave o'clock, the oc casion bolng the marriage of Fred erick M. Lansing, of Omaha, Neb., and Miss Myrtle Richards ot North Platte, Neb., sister of Mrs. Morant, Elder To the strains of Mendelsshons wed ding march, very beautifully played , by Miss Amy Vredenburgh, the groom nnd Master Joseph Itlchnnls, by whom 1 the groom was attended, took their . places under a large white wedding, bell, from which yellow and white streamers were festooned and awaited "No wonder bus.nesH In . general tho bride who , wn. "ccomnan ed by Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postoffico as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY (illi, 1015. STORIES OF THE STREETS. linos Is dull," said an auotniobllo deal er Snturdny, her niece Miss Mabel Morant and three . I am selling car but ""le J!: path with (lowers and by Hlchara ; Anderson bearing the ring. i Tho color scheme being yellow nnd . o Intcd to six or eight whlto the house was decorated with 3 tho garagV "None of j" white tamo and wild . (iwi, n i,mio,iiii luiinru tiowers. I must admit that there too muny fel lows buying automobiles who really cannot afford to buy a baby buggy. Look at that bunch of cars over there," ho said as he standing In ZnrT. Attcr congratulations to the young ,101 0"re. " r.e. ,t-.n.t .IVi ! " ,i" i' neople. those present took their places ami yui iouy u.u.u . i.uL u, . i .... - . . .-,,.., ..reviougiv on ".8" I "V, "'5 the iwn anda threee course 'wed- "H.y.u'"". "XL","?"?1 " ding dinner was served. yi!l uuiiruuiuuuii is iuu 1.101. i.i..ib ...,. ..-.. .!,, ,..nro I ul.lnrn.l l.v n tmin wlmn tin HIVH n rnr! 'V'""1 3 : " ' "v.. ,....v, aiY ' ,, ,,, i . ; ..( 'run and Mr. and Mrs. Lansing were tne W lOrcUB It Should be tllO first. 1 110 -,,,.. r ... t.nmiHfiil mid vnrv depreciation of cars In Lincoln county "i'?.1,01'1.8,,01 mnn 1,etu,tlful nml el Is not less than fiscuuu per yoar. auu ,1-. " . ,,, ,,niltT,or nf i it. ,.,.1 I.. 1 ..1.., t,.,. .in,! 1 1 1llUl, IO VH V "filial w " .""hi nnd ho c st s another "' JIrs- J- c- "clards of this city Snoi H "n(1 ,n 11,18 ',lilce hil8 sl,e 8,,e,lt the SiOO.000. nere is " 1 greater part of her life. She Is a i ow is ua w ui . u - graduate of the commercial and music yuius sevorn Wliai IB iruB 111 UlUUIIl UUUIIl IOI , ., ,,,Q- f !,. what Is truexo No n s la Is true or Mr nnd Mrg Lnna, left Wodnes- 81 ir .V; day evening for Chicago and the lakes. liioillio proii isw luuoinuiu luwu.u uiu ... . . . , .,., fr,mils financial ni i nation of the country man f ' g t x nt 0nm,,a whero Mp- liny oiuui iiiuif,. r.miliu linlils n rpstinnslhle nnsitlnn "O - . w . . - I I with tho Pnstnl Tolncrnnh Conmnnv. auio lourisis iroiii inu uasi iiuvu nn,i ... ti. , ,. , e . comimnv 10 has been coriainiy nua -gneL me nasi ion nvnr ton venrs uays, ami wiiuoui mopping 10 cuu- . ..... .... i . . .. ... .... . . ........ snior uiui uiu ruu.a u. 4,,ku i.uu ,jAN HA,K;A,Ni( ouui uui .ucBut i , iu uiui, ln n creck VBlj enr pueblo, Colo x ... ' ..InTilV.1', . This valley is located In the foot hills JtUiti dIa. liuiii iiuw unit uirnuu ouiui" MftnB ,iA.,,ti, day with mud from front to buck and , Iilunvn nI1(i corn wheat ..... lui., uuw u vri . " nml nlfnlfn liniLn nvno nnl prnno T 1 1 ,f 1.1 .1.. .1 t ... ...'. .... .......v Vrtvv.iv... w.v.f. 1H1HIIU, HIUU UIO U11VUI, KB KUL . nn c 1,o ,..,,1 f. .n . T. .. , f I0 K other buildings, all level, best of soil, D innz it OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank oi XOHTIl J'LATTli. ZtliliKASICA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAl'l TA L A X I J S (III 1 ' L US : One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HA YE KEEN THE FACT011S IN THE GROWTH OF THIS IlAN'IvJ AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE HALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. IE J. N. Cloud, of Knbxvllle, Tenn., who was tho guest of his nlcco Mrs. "Harry Bybce, has returned to his home. Miss Alice Plcrson, of Overton, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ilrooks for a week, returned home Friday. KNOW IT WELL in it ricr,, fliln Himi wont IlirniiL'h the """- l tu""-'l-m' "'"' r lines of conniorclS department of Graceland college . w , v i Lamonl, la., and for tho past two rind Is true In Lincoln county Is n . .. ' ,. , ' pr nf . uttcuiptcd to pull us out but failed; wo sont Into town and got six mules, all under cultlvatilon and fenced; nu BUHl. liliu lunii mm gui, dia uiuius, i,r nn ., J .V w Z i. n.. .i. n. 165 acres, good soil, house and barn, B. i.-l.80"1...1" ftg" Ur1111,0. good well, also running water. 55 engine and a wire cable and managed "J"."6? ioo U G40acros. 2 springs; 400 acres till- travel had been diverted from Kearney , . . '.,. i.,. .,,.. i a.,i.i .M.1....1 .i able 100 acres broke, plenty of posts white no e" route to tills cltv l u 1,11,1 wuod- ur houses; price $12.00. w,. i,n i ,. .i Hflni . The above farms are 10 miles from oven that route has its bad stretches. ,. ,, 11IlU. 9r. ,iir.a fm,,, n, niiv town nnd only 25 miles from the city of Pueblo. Thoro Is also a small amount of government land open for homosteadlng but you would have to act quick to got a claim as they are going fast. For moro Information call on C. H. LEININGER, North Platte, Neb Farmer 9 Attention The greatest grain crop you ever raised is assured barring X 'T i , There have been had storms all around ub. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you can bar the consequences by letting us write you a policy against loss by HAIL. Delays are dangerous. iUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Tho damp cool weather has affected fellow's other than farmers who view with uncoinplncency tho hay or alful fa that should bo iu tho stack or the corn that Instead of being knee high on July 4th Is scarcely six inches. Cool v' , T weather is not conductive to the sale ruxuomst or ice cream and sort drinks, and tlieso Attempt to AsMissInnto Morgan doaiurs aro complaining; i-aim ueacn An'attomnt to assassinate J. P. Mor- BUlts,, light underwear and straw hats Bnn at his coutnry home near Glenn uio Hiow sine ni cooi, iiaiiip weauior, cove L. I was made Saturday. His una tnercroro tne cioiiung man coni- assailant Is a man named Holt, of Dal pmina; tne coot weauior cans ror suits Maj, Texas, ' a former Instructor in ratner man lingerie gowns ror tne la- Gorman in Cornell university, nnd his dlos, honco tho dry goods man isn't reason for the act Is that Morgan pleased With tho business Conditions, would lint n.r his InNnnnnn In Btnn. and thus U goes evqr and anonj we ping the Importation of munitions of complain If its dry; wo kick If Its wot; wur to Europe. Two bullets entered conditions aro never just as wo want mp. Morgan ln the region of his right ilium. hln. lint tlitt wnunils nro nnt ivumlil ornil ilnni'Ai'iina in la Hfn AlilAl.rA Ah 'l-lio man who shot Mr. Mnrirnn nr. A CUKE KOK THE HLUES rlvod at Glenn Cove Saturday morning on tho :C3 train .hired nn automobllo r....l ...n... , .1.n 1tnX.. l....n n.. HT... Chicago dispatch dated Julj ;!! ,,..,... ., ,n .., ... sayn: Altai a aa a remedy for indi- " :, '"", goatlon and mental depression was , ""f" y .f!1" focommonded today by Dr. Alexander mir,' A&" ,L S, ., . wn, ro L. IUackwood o! Chicago, at the clos- " 1 1 ,lir,1 L" f" l,ls ' '"l wns rc liur session of the anmial convention fulB.d Emission to tho house. v of tho American Instltuto of Homeon- 'ineman tnen pressed a pistol X Sfi.v A,nencnn lnD"tmo 01 "omeon BBnln,t th0 atomach of tho butler, who iinrnnmnil ntnl tiic!neii lila mm nnof Dr. IUackwood told of oxporlmonts ;,Tr:"" ...,.., ' 7. J ;',' " .: mniln Willi tho nnw nil . '" m u i nu. u. i.ioiKuh int.l ni. n pi, nnnn It vr vltnl I " UIMt Ullbillilh WtU 4 1 Witt, UUUI nu.lio Ul 11 V-11H..1SU liuaimui. H.rm,.1. tl.nltnll ll..,n 1J " Illi. n tl.r. lool i.m.M l,n,.,.,. tl.,o .. UIU .mil .ll HIV V.I.H.. Ill' UOOCU .'uiiiiK liiu moi. J (.til UUaUMIUIUIID ...I... 1 ..... . wore mndo of tho action of alfalfa on """ll"u . . ,. ..VI0.. 'V 8 V." sovonteen persons," ho said. "All of " c",ul1 "U4l'u luuu " ",u them noted that thoy grow so hungry t: ,, ..,, , r.n . . that. they could scarcely wait for their 0 - were u fe 1 1 nto meals. Tholr minds were c ear nnd " , "V'm, i .imi ... bright, all bodily functions were stim- ''"'tt uliiled nml it was tmnosuthln to linvo "raS3 con' 1,oa from tho n?-plnco and " i. V. i!1 1 imi)oBjtio to nine ,irought lt (lowu ou tUo asgnlinnt-s Tho Alfalfa Is converted Into tine- ""l l" '"",lm 41 olv turos and administered Internally. Its oinl shot. use iicfordliiL' to l)r Hlaekwood 'wn? 1IlB "ullur " lue "mn wresieu :: V.''"Vi ,n . " L f' . ...I L.!: J0 . ".3 the weapon away and overpowered him. Servants came running In ans wer to his call and tlio sheriff's olllce nnd h physician were telephoned. accompanied by an Immediate delight ful feoliug of well bolng. Increased ap potlte and gront Improvement In AVOigllt. "All nodiiy lunctions wore stimu- mis3 Erma Karraclough spont Sat miuu mm ii was uiipossiiiio 10 imvu unlay In Hershoy with friends. tlili lilima " mill) llm nil vali'liin's ri. I j,ort ' Mr, and Mrs. Androw McGovern, of Tlio druK Is known as Modlcnco Sat- Brady, are vlsftlng this wook with tho lvn and 1b manifested by tho snmo of- formers slstor Mrs. II. A. Donaldson. loots on guina pigs and rniiims ns on Mr. and Mrs. -Vnlter Ross left Sat .! , . nr,lny lor roznt1 u'llor" " ' vi8lt ui: uou niiuuey oi iiuiiiioi, w uiso relatives id ll ,t-o nr more nns niuuo oxporiments witn niraira," mild Dr. IUackwood, "and ho believe P. j. DIEXER & CO. n to no tlio coming drug, it stimu- Itcnl Estnto and Insurance 1.. i .... .1 rtnilt. ...111 P L I H..... ' . "". i.,." ,' " . Como and see us for town lots In ;imnerasUauor"llmUlU,lt SSm'llSS sumo souse ns liquoi. salo and rent. AVo havo also good bar ine theM;yikd t in i HONEST x Xf.l APANTFFn X X v I X f I X 1 X X Xj 1 T candle at i.i i Dotn ends doesn't "make both ends meet." A better way is to burn our reliable. high (Trade coaL It burns all up, giving greatest amount of heat with smallest amount of ashes. We absolutely give Fnnilllar Features Vt'ell Known to Ilu ml reds of orlh Plate Citizens. A familiar burdon in many homes. Tho burden of a "bad back." A lame, a weak, or aching back Often tells you of kidney Ills. Doan's Kidney Pills aro for weak kidneys. J. M. Harper, North Platte. Neb.. sayc: "I had occasion to uso Doan's kldne Pills for kidney troublo when living In Creston, la., and found them to be a splendid kidney remedy and tluy removed pains across my back which had troubled mo greatly. Thoy also strengthened my kidneys and reg ulatc-u the passages of tho kidney se cretions. I do not hesitate to recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills most highly." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kldiioy remedy get Doan'e Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Harper had. Fostor-Mllburn Co . I rop., Duffalo. N. Y. A Cure for hour Stomach. Mrs. -Win. M. Thompson of Battle Creek, Mich., writes: "I havo been troubled with Indigestion, sour stom ach and bad breath. After taking two bottles or Chamberlain's Tablets I am well. Theso tablets aro splendid none better. For salo by all dealers. J. B. ItEDFIELl). 1'HYSICIAX & SUJIGE02J Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redlleld & Rcdlleld Olllce Phono 642 Res. Phono G7C Order of Hearing on Original l'rolmto of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court, Juno 16, 1915. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Agnetha Hansen, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition or Rasmus Hansen, praying that tho instrument, filed on the ICth day of Juno 1915, and purporting to be tho last will and Testament of tho said de- oeased, may be proved, approved, pro- uatcd, allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Testament of said Agnetha Hansen, deceased, and that the execution of said Instrument may bo committed and the administration of said Estate may bo granted to Anna M. Hansen as Executrix. Ordered, That July 1G. 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons in terested ln said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should bo granted. That a copy of this order he pub lished In the North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper published In said county, for three successive weeks prior to said hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, J22-3 County Judge. JOHN S. SDOIS, M. !), Physician and Surgeon Olllce B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone. Office, 83; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics nnd Children s Diseases. Olllco McDonald State Bank Building, uorner aixtu and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attenlion given to Suigery and Obstetrics. Office: Buildinfr and Loarr Building 'p. Office' '130 Phone3 Residence 115 HONEST WEIGHT CMANTEFD fulL honest weight. I his ract is backed by our success in this com munity. Let us do business together, not only now but for years in come. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. PHONE 7 While coming down from Sutherland tho other evening Jim McDonald was inouuylng along ln his Chnlmer's six, and looking around saw Dr. Crook hitting u pace with his National. Jim for gnins ln farms and rnnchos. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts upstairs. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of an order of salo Iss rd 41. .1 li -I A. . r I.... ... r&llVV2 ff'M. OoW Ke upon a ' of " u "I'uituu "1 iu fnPl ,,.. -nn.lnrn.l Bn,l .1. IH,. Hurt Ml. Hi nlvtl Itut . ,wti.w linn llko tho wlnd--zln and ho wan imRt orc, Salmon C. Stowart is pit, a- and Tim was "ontlnc his dust " Doe's 1,11 n,m weorBO lidolman and Ly 'a sSemlomoZr Too" on 'urn semity n aro Jofondant. .and lo , ,o mark for nearly two minutes. "Go- ctf',K 1 T "l "l0 ' dnafy, inir Homo well I iMiorts voi " stild tho Jul' 1315 at 2 clock p. m., at t inj, 80110, W Oil 1 f,UOSS J OS, Saill UIO t tmnt ,1rui r.f Mm Pnnrt TIrt,,o.-. . fast-galtcd Doc. Woman Cures Horse Colic. east front door of tho Court Houso North Platte, Lincoln County. Nobrns kn, sell at Public Auction to tho high ost bidder for cash, to satisfy said do- Tho men woro away au usuuul .Tho creo, interest and costs, tho following horse was bad. A lono woman could doscrlbed property, to-wlt: not "drench" ln tho old way, Sho Northwest Quartor (NW'i) of Sec called up a neighbor and her mon tlon Elovcn (11) and tho Soutuwost woro away but: "Wo havo Farrls Quartor of tho Southwest Quartor Colic Remedy Unit you drop on tho (SWVi of SW) of Section Two (2) horse's tongue and tho horso was well all In Townsliln Nino (9) Ranco whon tho men caiiio liomo. Moral: Got Twouty-elght (28) Lincoln County,' Farrls Colic Remedy so tho women Nebraska. can euro horse colic. Wo sell It at GOo Dated North Platte, Neb., Juno 12, a'bottlo on tho Money Back Plan, 1915. Sold by A. P. Fiuk. A. J. SALISBURY, Shorlff. 1 j I The Bell Telephone Relieves Anxiety A word oyer the wive by long distance means a lot to the anxious ones at home. The Bell Telephone and its connecting companies, with 21,000,000 miles of wire, reach every nook and corner of the land, giving the cheapest and best telephone ser vice in the world. "Bell Service the Great1 American Triumph." NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - ' Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. 1) E It It Y IJ E It K Y & FORBES, Licensed Emhaliners Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. Hospital Phono Black G33. Houso Phone Black C33. W. T. ritlTCIIAltl), Grnduatii Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterlnar Ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. II. ir. LAXDGRAF Painter, Paperhringcr and Decorator Phono Black f70. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M. HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurse3 ln Attendance JOHN S. TWINE3I, Physician and Surgeon. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Tlllle S. Blankenburg is plain tiff, and alary Becker, ct. al. are de fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 10th day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m at tho east front door of the court house in North Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following de scribed property, to-wlt: south natr of Northwest quarter (NW Vi), Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter (SWVi of NEV1) and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter (NWi of SWVi) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Sixteen (1G), Range Thirty-three (33), Avest of the sixth principal meridian, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, June 5th, 1915. ' JS-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Sherlxg. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Olllce 459 C. H. WALTERS. 4 Al Welcome a Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono made at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation as a maker o fgood cigars In North Platto extends back thirty years. If wo did not raako good cigars we would havo been forced to closo the factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars lt Is not too lato to begin. J. F. Schmalzried. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of tlio Estate of Henry Doebke, Deceased. In the County' Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, June 18, 1915. Notice Is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the ex ecutrix of said Estate, before the Coun ty Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, ln said County, on the 20th day of July, 1915, and on tho 20th day of January, 191G, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months are allowed for July 20, 1915, and one year for theNSx July 20, 1915, and one year fo rthe Ex ecutrix to settle said estate from tho 18th day of June. 1915. This notice will be published In tho North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for four weeks successively, preceedlng July 20th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, l22-4w County Judge. Order of Hearing; 'on Petition (or Ap pointment or .lilnilnlxt rntor Or AiliiilnlNtrntrl v. Tlio State of Nebraslta, Lincoln Coun ty, 8S. In the County Court. In tho Matter of the Est.ito of "Wil llnm Slebold. Deceased. On reading and nuns' the petition of Julia M. Slebold praying that AdmlnlB tratlon of said estate may he granted to her as administratrix. Ordored. That July 22, A. D. 1915. at 2 o'clock P. II. Is assigned for hearing said petition when nil persons Inter ested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County .and show cause why Uio prayer of pntltloner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing n copy of this order In the North Platto Tribune a semi-weekly nowspapor printed ln said County for 3 successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated June 20th 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH J29-3w County Judge. XOTICH To every person In nctual possession or occupancy of the land hereinafter described and to Edgar A. Stebblns, In whose nam' said lands appear of record In the county clerk's olllce of Lincoln County, Nebraska: You and each of you will take notlco that on November 7th, 1910, L. E. Koaeh purchased at public sale, certifi cate No. 4037, at tho County Treasur er's olllce of said County, the following described lands situate ln Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: East Half of the West Half (Eh of W) of Section Twenty (20). Township Nino (9), North of Range Thirty-one (31), West of tho fith I'. M. for the delinquent taxes for the year 1909 assessed m the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on May 13, 1911 said L. E. Roach paid the subse quent taxes assessed against said lands for tho year 1910, assessed In tho name of Edgar A. Stebblns; that on May IB. 1912, said L. E. Roach paid the subse nent taxes assessed against said lands for the year 1911. assessed in the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on Aug gust G, 1913 said L. E. Roach paid tho subsequet taxes against said lands for tho year 1912. assessed in the name of E. A. Stebblns; that on August 7, 1914 said L. E. Roach paid the subsequent taxes assessed against said lands tor the year 1913. assessed In the nnme of E. A. Stebblns; that on May 171915 Ray C. Langford. assignee, paid the subso- ?uent taxes assessed against said lands or tho year 1914, assessed In the name of E. A. Stebblns. That tho undersigned Ray C. Lang ford Is the owner of said certitlcate by assignment and that after the expira tion of three months from the date of service of this notice. If said lands are not redeemed from said tax sale. Bald undersigned Ray C. Langford will ap ply to the County Treasurer of Lin coln County, Nebraska for deed to said lands. . .. - Dated June'21.'l9lS. - . . RAY C. LANGFORD. By E. II. EVANS, J23-3W Ills Attorney.