--VIIMJ -. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 090 IIF1IL PROMISE ESI Average Increase of Acreage in Wheat Over 22 Per Cent. Wheat Acreage Province. Increase. Saskatchewan 25 per cent Alberta 2M: per cent Manitoba 15 per cent Averago for prairies. . . .22V4 per cent Saskatchewan. Tno growth ol the crop during tho past week was very satisfactory. Italn fell m many placoB during tho early part of tho week, followed by warmer weather, which has been most bene ficial to tho grain. Ureaklng and summer-fallowing were well under way, ami conditions generally were most promising. The following reports havo been re ceived by tho department from the various centers: Denholm A little rain needed In the northern part to start late grain; remainder of district plenty of moisture. Davidson Ideal growing weather; a few farmers har rowing grain to conserve moisture by breaking crust formed since last rain. North Battleford to Prince Albert Good growing weather; crops looking well. Slight damage near North Bat tleford from cutworms; recent rains beneficial. Klndersloy Crops looking tlno and prospects good; plenty of moisture, with prospects of more rain. Every slough In this country Is full. Prlnco Albert Crops In fair condition, though cutworms and light frosts have done damage in somo sections. Have had moderato quantity of rain. Owing to prompt marketing of the harvest of 1914, tho farmers were on ublcd to devoto more time than usual to cultivation In tho autumn, under conditions which were decidedly fa vorable, and that, combined with the opportunities for soil preparation pre sented by an early spring this year, has resulted in the seeding of a wheat area estimated at twenty-five per cent greater than last year. Areas sown to oats and flax may be less than last year, because of tho concentration upon the cereal in greater demand for Bxport. Wheat seeding was completed eight days earlier than the average, under almost Ideal conditions. Alberta. "Prospects excellent. Abundant moisture throughout the province, fol lowing rain. Area thirty to thirty-five per cent greater. Crop generally two weeks earlier." Attention Is drawn to the fact that tho land has not been In such flno con dition to work for years; neither has there been as much moisture as there was last autumn. This was protected during tho winter by a little more than the averago snowfall, which remained on the land, not being remoyed by tho warm chlnook winds, as is usually tho case. There never has been a more optimistic feeling than exists today, Judging by tho information received from various parts of tho province. Wo feel justified in saying that tho crop never went in under moro favorable circumstances; weather splendid and land particularly well worked. Whlie it Is true that the acreage will be greatly increased, it is pleasing to learn that despite tho high price of feed, tho receipts of milk and cream at the dairies continue to keep up, and that tho output of the creameries has Increased in quantity. One of the most encouraging things In last year's work was the Increase of It's a Picnic Getting Ready for a Picnic If you choose Spanish Olives Pickles Sweet Relish Ham Loaf Veal Loaf Chicken Loaf Fruit Preserve Jellies Apple Butter Luncheon Meats J? 4 IvImAp Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL I Omaha, Nebraska rimnpFiN pi AN Ctooma from l.00 up Blngle, 75 cents up double CAFE PRICES KKJsonAiKii HOG CHOLERA can b prevented, for particulars consult your Veterinarian or write tout, Always specify AilIIBnm V. 8. Vrlrlry Mmsm oibr 83. Bee that tlio bottles bear our labels and that the seals are unbroken. 6ia OStrout, South Oinulia W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 27-1915. practically thirty per cent In tho out put of cream and butter south of Cal gary. Manitoba, Owing to tho exceptionally early har vest last year and favorable fall weather, a much larger acreago of land was prepared than usual, and partly for tho same reason and tho prospects of high prices for all kinds of grain, farmers took moro pains In the preparation of land, so that tho spring opened up with 1,235,000 acres of fully prepared land abovo tho pre vious year. Seeding was general by tho 7th of April, somo days In advance of tho averago. Slnco that tlmo the weather has been exceptionally favor ablo for tho sowing of wheat, and tho farmers havo taken full advantago of it. Much of tho crop Is now abovo tho surface. Thero has been a vory gen eral and liberal rainfall; this will hasten tho germination of tho recently sown wheat, and will prevent tho soil from drifting off tho later sown crop. Tho area sown In wheat Is fully 15 per cent greater than last year. To sum up the agricultural situation generally, tho Department of Agricul ture says: "Tho area Is larger than usual, tho land, has been well prepared, and tho wheat has been sown at tho right time; not so early as to run tho risk of being killed off by frost, but sufficiently early to Insuro Its ripening In tho fall." Advertisement. Victims of the Drug Habit. According to a recent estimate ot tho United States public health serv ice, tho number of persons in this country who are victims of tho drug habit is about 70,000, and the number of doses of narcotic drugs consumed by thom annually Is about 850,000,000. This estimate Is based on figures col lected In tho state of Tennessee whcie under a recently enacted antlnarcotlo law 1,403 permits were issued in six months to persons petitioning for the privilege of UBlng narcotic drugs, and the consumption of such drugs amount ed to 8,498,200 averago doses. Too Late. Senator Kenyon, congratulated at a Juno wedding in Fort Dodgo on his eloquence, smiled and said: "Well, let us admit frankly that the gift of tho gab is, after all, a good thing. "For my part, I havo never found silence golden except at a wedding or a funeral when it's too lato to say anything." Important to Mothers Examino carefully overy bottlo ol CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy fo: infants and children, and see that it Bears tho Signature In Use For Over 30 Tears Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Looking Backward. Madge Tho present styles mako one look very girlish. Marjorlo Why shouldn't they? My skirts aro about tho same length as tho ones I wore when I was twelve. Puck. Irresistible. Peyton Bennet is organizing a regi ment of English butlers. Parker Why Butlers? Peyton To scare tho enemy to death.-r-Pnck. YOUIl OWN DKUCOIST WILI.TEIJ, YOU Try Murine Eye ltenirdy fur Hcd, Weak, Watery Hyoa unil Granulated Bljellas; No SmnrtlnK Just Bye comfort. Write for Hook of the Kye by mall Free, Murine Jtye Itemed? Co., Cnlcago Some of tho "scenery" is employed In the theatrical business and the bal ance of it is worn by women. Pork and Beans Ready to Serve Food Products Inshl on Lilly'i at four potct't 1k Has the Air. "That new clerk ot yours seems to bo an Important person about here." "You aro right." "Then he is important?" "No. He seems to be." Few women would care to bo angels if they couldn't talk out loud to each other while tho heavenly choir is sing ing. Tell your troubles to your friends if you would know how weak thoir sympathy really Is. STRICTLY Ho. i 85c Per Lb, F. O. B. OMAHA Ask for Dolivorod Prices Writo for Catalog tail A EMffi Florists Present Roses to the United States WASHINGTON. The formal presentation to the United States government of moro than 400 vnrletles of roses now growing In tho experimental farm of tho department of agriculture at Arlington, Va., took place tho other day at n gathering of prominent the experimental farm for about two years. They were donated by lloriBts, both amateur and professional, living In all sections of the country. The roses are being grown for tho purpose of ascertaining tie effect of this climate on the different kinds of plants. Similar testing gardens have been established by tho National Itoso society at Hartford, Conn.; Minneapolis. Minn.; Ithaca, N. Y nnd others are now being established on Long Island und at San Francisco. Two years ago tho department of agriculture set aside about two acres of ground In tho experimental farm for rose testing. Tho roso plants were supplied by various roso growers desiring to have different species tested. Tho testing of rose bushes takes three years. They are examined by experts at frequent Intervals during this period und nn accurate record kept of their growth und performance. Silkworms and Their Work in National Museum SMALL army of silkworms Is busy in the older building of tho United States National museum, gorging itself on mulberry leaves, and spinning cocoons from which tho silk thread and ing tho live silkworms forms tho be ginning of a series of exhibits showing what silk is, how it is manufactured, and many samples of the various prod ucts derived therefrom. This section of tho division of textiles takes the vis itor on a brief tour of Instruction in silk literally from the worm to tho gown. The exhibit Includes examples of practically every kind of fabric manufactured from silk in this coun try and abroad, as well as dyed nnd printed silks. Each worm winds about itself a cocoon composed of a single thread from 300 to 700.yards In length Tho time consumed for spinning is usually from two to five days. A case of preserved specimens shows the cycle of life of this Industrious little animal. Tho egg of tho silk moth is about tho slzo of tho head of a small pin, and hatches in about ten days Into a tiny worm. Its growth from this mlnuto form takes about a month, during which tlmo it develops Into a very respectable worm about three of an Inch in thickness. Upon reaching and begins to crawl about In search Within the finished cocoon the silkworm sheds Its skin, and passes Into the pupa, or chrysalis, stage. If tho cocoon is not put through a Btovlngr or stifling process, which kills tho chrysalis inside, it will become a grayish white moth in about two weeks more, the cocoon. Such procedure however, needed for breeding purposes, slnco In through overy layer of tho filament, reeling, and of value only for spun In order to reel tho cocoons, they and brushed, to rid them of tho loose then unwound almost to tho chrysalis, bo reeled, and is used with tho outer A single cocoon strand is.too flno combined with several ochers to make pound of six-ply reeled silk will reach How Army Prisoners N connection with tho system of honorable restoration to tho colors now lit force at the United States disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth Kan., and the branches at Alcatraz, shown tho sandbag, sod, fascine, gabion, hurdle, together with tho methods of fastening. All men who desiro restoration are put through a regular course on modeling theso trenches In Band In a "sand table," as well as In struction In constructing overhead shelter, zigzag approaches, pits, barbed wire entanglements, etc.. In mlnlaturo. After tho prisoners havo become ex pert at the modeling game they aro transferred to tho open fields, whore they reproduce tho work on the normal field scale. Tho sand-table work is a vory small part of a vory thorough three-month course of Instruction required to be taken before a man Is considered as qualified for restoration to tho army. Tho courso includes, also, drills, In struction in target practice, estimating distance and military signaling (flag and semaphore). Many restored men have been promoted to bo noncommls uloned officers. One of tho latter Is used to give lectures to the noncom missioned officers In his regiment, whllo tho reports as to character from a large per cent of those restored show "excellent." Naval Observatory Exposes North Pole's Vagaries 'I HE naval observatory has erected a very curious and Interesting machine whoso purpose is to see just how much the North polo falls from grace This instrument is in charge of Prof. F. E. Ross, who is making tho experi ments. Tho object of thin now work Is to find Just what are tho variations of tho pole. Of courso, to a layman It seems Btrange to hear any reflec tion cast upon tho upright conduct of tho North pole, which waB supposed to remain always an example of un flinching, steadfast devotion to keep ing Its position. Yet, as even a Jove may nod, so ono must accustom one's self to tho sad realization that tho polo actually "wobbles." Tho Instrument is a small hoUBO on tho obHorvatory grounds. It roBembleB a water tank standing on end, but Is ornamented with scientific paraphernalia. Contrary to tho commonly accepted belief tho polo does not keep point ing In tho same direction. Its axis 1b moving about constantly in a spiral and describes a path which varies at least GO miles from its true stutlon. Its farthest point will gain HO miles one sldo nnd tho same rato on tho other, but It has not yet been known to mako any wider swing out of Its standard position. Its variations aro in periods extending over seven years. The pole spends about throe und ono-half years in swinging outwards, then the same tlmo In retracing Kb steps. At tho present the polo Ib going on Its outward ioyago and vUl take more than a yeur to complete tho trip. rosarians from nil sections of the country. The roses wore accepted on behalf of tho government by Dr. W. A. Taylor, director of tho bureau of plant Industry, who represented tho secretary of agriculture at tho exer cises. Tho formal presentation was made by Wallace Plorson of Cromwell, Conn., president of tho National Itoso society. The roses havo been growing in fabrics are made. Tho enso contain and one-half Inches long and one-fourth its maturity, the worm stopB feeding, of a place In which to spin its cocoon and break its way out of one end of is allowed only when silk moths aro breaking its way out the moth pushes thus making the cocoon useless for silk are first Immersed in boiling water, outer filaments, Tho true thread is but tho inner lining Is far too flno to waste In tho manufacture of spun silk. for commercial use, and is, therefore, a single thread , of reeled silk. Ono a distance of about 180 miles. Get Back to the Colors Cal., and Fort .lay, N. Y., an Interesting oxhibit of tho system of military in struction required at theso places previous to returning general prison ers to duty with companies of tho regular army is on view In tho office of Adjutant General McCain at tho war department. It is a representation in sand, on a reduced scale, of an infantry trench, which tho members of disciplinary or ganizations aro required to bo pro ficient In constructing. Many of the Itinds of revetment now in uso are j SILK it's easier for a young man to rnlso b, row than a muBtachc. Blue. All grocers Bell it. Adv. Ready money Is seldom ready when you want to borrow somo. CLEAR YOUR SKIN By Dally Use of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Trial Free, You may rely on theso fragrant supercreamy emollients to caro for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Noth ing better to clear tho skin of pimples, blotches, redness nnd roughness, tho scalp of dandruff and Itching and tho hands ot chapping and soreness. Samplo each freo by mall with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. Y, Uoston. Sold every where. Adv. Resembled Dining Car. Jim Sullivan, typical American tramp, carried a kitchen cabinet under his coat, and when arrested In Red Wing, Minn., Jic following things were found: Eight large, raw potatoes, weighing seven pounds; ono quart bot tlo ot sweet milk, ono ten-cent loaf of wheat bread, one-half dozen tea bis cuits, one-half dozen rolls, fresh; two ono-pound packages of ground coffee, two aluminum salt and pepper shak ers, glass cruet filled with vinegar, ono raw onion and two Japanese paper napkins. Of Course. "Did you over hour such silly rot as that lino of Tennyson's; 'Half n leaguo, half a league, half a league, on ward'?" "What la thero silly about It?" "Why, anybody knows that not moro than half a leuguo can bo going on ward at any given time. For every gamo ono team wins somo other team has got to loso one." Well Named. Jack Slow May I er kiss you? Miss Sweet What do you wnnt tvrltten permission? Most old bachelors aro hard to pleaso; they don't even think n girl baby is lit to kiss until sho Is sweet ilxtccn. With 3,000 telephones ono Now York office building holds tho world's record. AWiK Crisp little bits of Indian VV) 1 jHi Com, rolled thin as paper, and ETaX I toasted to a golden brown fijfci I 05 Toasties pp Have a sweetness and tasty wfr Pj goodness distinctively their own. flvtFY CmT And all the way from raw ftFf TV'O material to your table not a hu man ant touches the food JK? clean and pure as snowflakea jMijO j&jgj Ready eat right from tho MKr) x5?J package with cream and sugar tr VSjpC or crushed fruit, Post Toasties fefiw JV are wonderfully delicious. jtllr jLj Sold by Grocers Everywhere fV. jy PoshuaCereal CompotLimited, V BlshBsWsWMHnMMs IJut n poet doesn't necessarily dwell In nn nttlc for tho sake of tho view, Drink Denlson'a Coffee, Always pure and delicious. Thero may bo n lot ol credit duo a man's wife, but bIiu usually domands cash. Good Reason. "Why Is tho policeman looking at your wall so suspiciously?" "1 suppose ho noticed It was cov ered with a vine that Is something of n porch climber." Monoy'o Worth. "You aro charging moro for sum mer board than you did last year." "Yea," replied Farmer Corntosscl. "We've got a lot of now tunes for tho phonograph an' my son Josh has learned all tho latest dances." Encore. "I'm glad wo didn't get any dupli cates," snld tho brldo ns they Inspect ed tho wedding gifts. "I wouldn't mind If somebody would dupllcnto that check your father gave us," replied tho bridegroom. Conflicting. "What Is tho matter, with the pan son nnd tho doctor tbnt they cannot agree?" "Tho parson says tho doctor Is so contrary. Just as soon as he gets a man properly prepared for tho next world tho doctor goes to work nnd cures him." Shocking and Inexcusable Waste. "Tho plaintiff In a recent suit for di vorce," related tho simp, "declared that ho awoko In the night to find his bod soaked with alcohol nnd his wife hunting for a match!" "Ar-r-r-r!" grumbled DoLcnry M, Trlmmlns, "that was a heck of a way to waste alcohol, wasn't It?" Kansas City Star. Interesting Comparison. "It beats all how luck does play fa vorites," remarked Farmer CorntosseL "I Jes' been to-seo Ezra HanklnB." "How's ho gottln' along slnco ho hurt his foot?" "He's purty glum. Tho doctor charged him a hundred dollars fur cut tin' his foot off. An' when tho rail road cut Undo Jake's foot tho com pany paid him six hundred In cash. Maybe theso great corporations ain't sb graspln' ns somo people says."