The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 06, 1915, Image 3

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Types of Novel Shapes in Parasols
in iiim mil l mi m ii -i ., i n
Out of a turmoil of shapes and a riot
of color a few parasols liavo emerged
from among many novelties to become
favorites for this season. The "Chin
Chin" is one of them and the "Pagoda"
anothor, both patterned after models
which have been introduced to us by
fair Japan or old China. Hut none of
these novelties holds first place in
point of numbers. The majority of
women buy the usual shape with
which everyone is familiar and de
pend for novelty on tho colors or
the border used or new ways of ad
justing the covering to the frame.
A convenient parasol for those who
are to travel is made with a detach
able handle. By a clever little con
trivance tho lower part of tho handle
may be made to slip out of the upper
part. This allows the parasol to be
packed in any trunk.
Parasols in all white, in white and
black, and those showing rich Persian
designs in many colors applied to
white or ecru grounds are liked for
all-round wear. Emerald green, and
pongee in the natural color combined
with green, are always in fashion.
Handsome white lace coverings over
taffeta silk makes an elegant sun
ahado that one may wear with assur
ance on high occasions every season.
Black and white checks and black
and whl' stripes mounted with plain
black or "n whito or with emerald
green have been used to make many
smart patterns. Plain parasols lined
with silk in a bold checkerboard pat
tern In black and white, ihe checks
amost two Inches square, are attrac
tive but an extreme development of
the mode.
A pagoda parasol is shown in the
picture given here, made of black silk
with border in black-and-white stripes
and handle in all-black wood. The
ribs are deeply curved. It Is almost
tho opposite in shape to the whito
"Chin-Chin" parasol with straight
ribs covered with chiffon. Strips of
white embroidered chiffon cover each
line made by tho ribs, showing through
on the upper side. The strips end it)
points. They overlap at the top, mak
ing tho thin and fragile cover a trifle
more practical.
In selecting a parasol for real serv
ice in hot weather it is not to be for
gotten that black concentrates tho
heat and looks warm, too.
Of Flowered Tapestry.
Cushions having the appearance of
durability and clcganco are made of
flowered tapestry. The design should
be small and artistic, in good colors
that blend nicely with the background.
Good cloth, llowered in pastel prints,
is suitable for a handsome room, but
such pieces as olive, cardinal, blue and
green, with small flowers, are best for
general use. Sofa cushions made of
burlap and embroidered with raflla are
quaint, serviceable and inexpensive,
for there is quite a difference between
tho cost of raflla and embroidery silk.
Sport Hats of Silk or Cotton Fabrics
Three-Hour Trip to Town Cut Down to
Thirty Minutes by Advent of
Gasolino Motor Car.
(Uy L. J. OM-II3U.)
Tho prosperity of a stato depends
largely upon good roads. Thoy mean
cheaper transportation, better living
conditions, and happier homes. Quick
communication rank3 ns tho great fnc
tor in tho universal dissemination of
knowledge. Where good roads abound
sectionalism cannot exist.
Tho deslro for good roads loading to
a city that those with automobiles
could havo a greater pleasurablo tour
ing radius first brought tho matter
prominently to tho foro as a good
roads movement with automobile back
lug. Gradually tho farmer, antagonistic
at first, began to tako an Interest.
With good roads and an automobllo
ho could cut down tho thrco hour trip
to town to perhaps thirty minutes.
Good roads brought tho doctor
quickly at a time when minutes wero
precious. Good roads and an automo
bile took tho family to town in tho
evening, something unheard of before,
or to visit a friend or rclatlvo In a
distant part of tho county. Whon
farmers learned that other farmers
wero doing these things, that good
roads and automobiles made them pos
sible, then they, too, desired good
roads for their own county.
By means of tho telephone and
quick motor truck delivery tho farmer
Is now ablo to top tho market. Ho
can rush his produce to market at tho
right moment to command tho best
price. But he could not do it wero his
roads not well built and In good re
pair. Consequently tho farmer Is now
most actlvo In the agitation for good
roads and jealous of any legislative
power delegated to irresponsible au
While in timo every road should bo
a good road, yet all the work cannot
be done at once. Therefore tho au
thorlties who are building roads
should sco that each one is linked to
another to make continuous highways.
Tho advantage of this lies In tho fact
that the main arteries of travel will
then first receive the attention of the
good roads builders. It will also fa
cilitate touring, in itself a valuable
asset for any community.
It Is interesting to note that In 1913
Ohio had tho largest mileage of Im
proved roads of any stato In tho Union
with 28,312 miles. Indiana was sec
ond and New York third. Illinois was
seventh with 9,000 miles. While Now
York can claim tho greatest progress
in road building from 1909 to 1913,
having built nearly 10,000 miles in
that time, I feel that tho work Call
fornla is now doing probably puts that
stato In tho lead. I havo juBt returned
from California and am amazed at tho
Th6 Wretchedness
of Constipation
can quickly be ovcrcomo uy
Purely vcRctablo
act surely ana
gently on tho
liver. Luro
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Sport hats made of fabrics havo
boon developed this season to an im
portant place In tho well-defined class
to which thoy belong. The regulation
aport hat has becomo an lmportaut
part of our specialized millinery and
will grow more and not less popular,
as women are becoming more and not
loss Identified with outdoor life and
outdoor sports.
These plain, woll-mado, well-fitting
and snappy items in tho headwear of
tlie modern woman, aro made of straw
braids or body hats, but havo proved
so successful whon mado of fabrics
that tho fabric hat claims special at
tention. A group of three of them is
pictured here In which ono hat is
mado of taffeta silk, ono of checked
cotton goods, In a heavy weave, and
ono In mercerized poplin which fe
mado of cotton but has tho appear
ance of silk.
The first hat Is of bright green taf
feta. Tho brim Is stiffened by an In
terlining of crlnollno and mnny rows
of muchlno stitching. Tho top crown
Is a scant puff, and tho side crown Is
a wide band crlnollno covered with
tho silk. A wide bow of tho taffeta
posed at tho front provides tho trim
ming. Tho brim may ho turned up or
down, and tho hat ills the head llko
a cap. It Is lined with whito silk.
Tho socond hat may bo mado of
pougea in tho natural color, and grcon
taffota silk, Tho silk Is used for tho
brim facing and for piping tho seams.
But tho hat as shown In tho picture
Is a mercerized cotton fabric. It is
trimmod with a woven silk band In
yellow and green with little green
buttons at tho front.
Tho jockey cap Is tho least preten
tious of theso hats for wear when one
devotes tho time to outdoor life. Tho
loosely woven fabric Is not warm and
will stand any amount of wear and
tear. It Is simply a visor of buck
ram or canvas covered with tho fab
ric. The crown Is a puff mado of a
circular piece of tho goods, and is
plaited Into the visor. Across tho
back it is gathered over an elastic
cord. A narrow fold of tho goods is
sowed about tho cap and completes It.
Tho stnndard pattern companies fur
nish patterns for several kinds of fab
ric hats. Kew of them aro dlfllcult to
make and all aro within the provlnco
of tho clever homo milliner.
In Neutral Tones.
Tho forestry cloths and small era
venetto goods como In splendid neutral
tones that look well ovor any morning
dress. Tweed coats on mannish lines
nro for those who Uvo In tho suburbs
and need a smart outdoor sport coat
Timely Tip.
Surah or silk sergo, for many mak
ers call what Is practically tho old
tlmo surah by tho lattor name, Is mak
ing a strong bid for popularity and It
la mado up into attractive frocks and
three piece or two piece models.
Gravel Road Near Richmond, Ind.
wonderful way In which this stai.o Is
taking hold of good roads work.
Three years ago California appro
priated $18,000,000 for gopd roads,
The various counties each appropri
ated in addition from $250,000 to $3,
500,000 for tho Improvement of coun
ty roads which are feeders to the main
highways. Los Angelas county has
over 400 miles of Improved roads. By
September one will bo able to drive
from Los Angeles to San Francisco by
tho coast route and return by tho val;
ley route over continuous good roads
a boulevard 1,000 miles In length.
Tho samo agitation that brought
California Its appropriation for good
roads is now being waged clsowhoro
throughout tho West. In Homo places
actual work Is In progress. Tho state
of Utah has passed favorably upon an
Improved road that eventually will bo
part of ono all tho way from tho Yel
lowstone National park to tho Grand
canyon of tho Colorado river In Ari
zona. In the East New York Is working
out Its good roads plan and I am In
terested In tho efforts Illinois is mak
ing to Improve Its roads.
br Cutlir't OUikUo rilli. J-ow-I'rleeil.
fruh, ttlUkle: prtftrrori bj
Weitrm ttockmtn. twriuia thty
prolMt vihrt olhir vaotlntt fill.
Writ for booklet ml tntltnonlils.
10-dOM kt. Dltekln mil 11.00
EO-diM rkt. Dlaekttf mill 4.00
u, tnj irurctor, tut cuueri ixuit.
Tho miptrtorltr of Cutter Erodueti In ilm to or IS
jem of tiwUlUlm In vtetlnet and wumi (qly.
Inlllt an Cuttcr'i. If unobulntbt. ordr direct.
Tbi Cuttir Laboratory, Otrkiliy, Cal., cr Cbluio, IIL
!,, Heat, clean, or
namrnUI. conTnlnt,
cheap. Lasts all
ncaoon. Madeof
metal, can't irltl or tip
oten will not toll or
1 njure anything.
(Inaranteed effectlte.
eipreie paid for 11.00.
HAROLD aOUERI.ltO Da Xalb 1t.. Brookljn, M. T.
A toilet pre purntton of turrit.
Hell to eriwltcatn dandruff.
Id a ?
rurroiionnf woior nnu
Beauty toGrny or Failed Hair.
VWt Mini a i.iAJ nb uruailtian.
12 Inches and up in diameter at
small end, O feel and up In length.
Dei Moines Saw Mill Co., Inc., Dei Molnei, la.
Heroes havo to wado through a Job
lot of troublo to get a reputation.
Drink Denlson't Coffee.
Always pure and delicious.
If you want to Btudy human naturo
don't patronize a correspondence
school. Watch your neighbors.
Million of particular women nor uso
find recommend Itcd Cross Hall Blue. All
grocer. Adv.
More Important,
"Kino feathers do not mnko .lino
birds," said tho rendy-mnde philoso
pher. "No," replied Mr. Growcher; "their
responsibilities are greater. Thoy are
depended on to mako iluo human beings."
Can't Be Done.
"Mrs. Giddy has invited all tho mom
bcrs of tho sewing clrclo to a luncheon
and matinee party."
"Doesn't sho know they havo boon
gossiping about her something aw
ful?" "Of courso sho docs. That's tho
reason she's trying to square tho
Wrong Diagnosis.
Ono of tho promient clubs of this
city gavo a contract for tho decoration
of their building in honor of tho visit
of tho fleet, and tho decorator con
ceived tho Idea that tho word "welcome-"
spelled out In signal flags would
bo an appropriate and beautiful design
for tho front wall, over tho entrance.
Ho asked a naval oftlcor for directions,
and, following tho codo which said
officer wroto out for him, a very Inter
esting result was obtained. Judgo of
tho surpriso of the contractor whon an
army officer, happening by, asked: "Do
you know what you havo written?"
"Why, welcome," stammered tho
"Not by a long shotl" said tho army
officer. "You havo up there, 'To
h -with tho army.' "Life.
Making It Even.
"I hear tho high-school girls mado
their own graduation gowns this
"Yes, but thoy made up for It by
scribbling their commencement essays
out of tho encyclopedia."
Estimating the Probabilities.
"My daughter Is having her volco
trained," said Mr. Cumrox.
"Is she a soprano or a contralto?"
"I dunno. I supposo she'll decldo to
bo whichever costs tho most."
In the Trenches.
"No blankets, captain."
"Well, boys, we'll Just have to cover
ourselves with glory."
A Good
Tho soothing, healing medication in
rcslnol ointment and rcsluol soap pen
etrates tho tiny pores of tho skin,
clears them of impurities, and stops
Itching Instantly. Hcslnol positively
and speedily hcalB cczoma, hcat-raBh,
ringworm, and similar eruptions, and
clears away disfiguring pimples and
blackheads, whon other treatments
havo been almost useless.
Rcslnol Is not an experiment. It is
a doctor'B prescription which proved
so wonderfully successful for skin
troubles that it has been used by other
doctors all over tho country for twen
ty years. Every druggist sells rcslnol
ointment and rcslnol soap. Adv.
From a Sinner's Diary.
A sinner can't loso. Some of his
ships are always coming in.
I know a man who would spare no
pains or cxponso doctoring an enlarged
or otherwise out-of-tuno liver. Yet ho
treats aching, aspiring, longing, loving
hearts with scowls and sneers and
sharp discouragements.
I know a woman who Is for lotting
you havo what you want whon you
want it, who favors vacations boforo
you havo to go on tho stretcher.
Love something that makes you
want to Burround and bo surroundod
Thero's never a tlmo when 'tis safo
for a doctor to cat onions.
So tako your pick dlo off nno b
mournod, or llvo on and bo cursed.
Lynotto Fremlro In Judgo.
How Mrg. Hurley Was Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Eldon, Mo. "I was troubled with
displacement, inflammation and femalo
weakness. For two
years I could not
stand ton my foot
long at a timo and I
could not walk two
blocks without en
during cutting and
drawing pains down
my right sido which
increased every
month. I have been
at that time purple
in the face and would
walk tho floor. I could not lie down or
sit still sometimes for a day and anight
at a timo. I was nervous, and had very
little appetite, no ambition, melancholy,
and often felt as though I had not a
friend in tho world. After I had tried
moat every femalo remedy without suc
cess, my mother-in-law advised me to
tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I did so and gained in
strength every day. I have now no trou
ble in any way and highly praise your
medicine. It advertises itself." Mrs.
S. T. HUKLEY, Eldon, Missouri.
Remember, tho remedy which did
this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. For sale everywhere.
It has helped thousands of women
who havo boon troubled with displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backacho,
that bearing down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, after all other
means havo failed. Why don't you try
it? Lydia E. Pinkham Mcdicino Co,
Lynn, Mass.
Sad Part of tho Allegation.
"Every darn fool In this town thinks
ho could run a nowspapor bettor thnn
I can!" grumbled tho editor of tho
Torpldvlllo Tocsin and Guardian of tho
Hearthstone, tho prlco whereof was
a dollar a year and tho tlmo to sub
scribe now.
"Ey-ynh!" replied Mortimer Morose.
"And tho worst of It Is, n good many
of 'cm could!" Kansas City Star.
But a married man nlways gets ev
erything that Is coming to him nnd
then some.
And many a chap who talks llko a
wise man acta llko a fool.
His Excuse.
In his Savannah camp BUI Dono
vnn, baseball manager, had a dusky
hued waltor at tho hotel by tho namo
of Sutton. BUI had to reproach Sut
ton more than onco for a lack of agil
ity In arriving with tho food. Sutton
promised to improve. One morning
ho brought in a consignment of grld
dlccakcs that had gone cold.
"What do you mean," said Bill, "by
bringing mo in cold cakes?"
"Well, I toll you, boss," Bald Sutton,,
"I brung them cakes In so fast for you
that I guess they hit a draft."
Blissful Ideal.
"I hopo," said tho applicant for sum
mer board, "that you havo no mosqui
toes, and that there will bo chicken
and fresh vegetables always on the
table, and that tho nights are Invari
ably cool?"
"Groat Scott, Mister!" exclaimed
Farmer Corntossel, "nhat placo are
you lookln' fur? Heaven?"
Keen Wit.
Gotcha I ran Into a burglar last
Jako How'd ho got away from
Gotcha Ho went through mo.
A kiss may bo a reward ov punishment.
Nothing interests women moro than
a man who refuses to explain things,
Properly Selected
eans a running start toward the day's work.
There's concentrated
Work for Convicts,
If set to work on our public high
ways tho convlctB in our prlBons would
go out into tho world after their sen
tences are fulfilled better qualified to
tako their places as self-respecting
men and stronger mentnlly, morally
and physically. This aspect of tho
good roads' subject Is receiving con
stantly Increasing attention,
It contains the rich elements from
Wheat and Barley in form for easy
digestion; and so quickly absorbed
that it makes itself felt in body
and brain.
There's a Reason
A Physician on Food.
A physician of Portland, Oregon, has
vlows about food. Ho says:
"I havo always bellevod that tho duty
of tho physician does not ccaso with,
treating tho sick, but that wo owo It to
humanity to teach them how to protect
their health especially by hygienic and
dietetic laws.
"With Buch a feeling as to my duty I
tako great pleasure In Baying to tho
public that in my own experience and
alBo from personal observation I have
found no food to equal Grape-Nuts and
that I find there Is almost no limit to
tho great benefit this food will bring
when used in all caBes of Blckneas and
"It Is my experience that no physical
condition forbids tho uso of Grapo-Nuts.
To personB in health there la nothing
bo nourishing and acceptable to the
stomach especially at breakfast to
Btart tho machinery of tho human sys
tem on tho day'B work. In cases of
indigestion I know that a complete
breakfast can bo mado of Grape-Nuts
and cream and 1 think it is necessary
not to overload tho stomach at the
morning meal. I also know tho great
vnluo of Grape-Nuts when tho stomach
Is too weak to dlgeat other food.
"This 1b written aftor an experience
of moro than 20 years treating all man
nor of chronic and acute diseases, and
tho letter is written voluntarily on my
part without any request for It." Name
glvwi by Postum Co,, Battle Crook,
Look In pkgfl. for tho famous little
book, "Tho Road to Wcllvlllo."