The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 06, 1915, Image 1

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No. 18
pattc ,cttu-lileciiij
Mis Harriet Murln rctuructl Sunday
from a visit with her aunt In Chey
enne. The Lutheran Girls club will meet
with Miss Mary Dlstcl, on south Dewey
street, Friday evening.
Mrs. Taylor, whoso home is In Co
lumbus, has been a guest atl tlie James
Flynn home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peterson, ot
Big Springs, aro visiting this week at
the homo Carl Stcnvall.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamcis Sallsky. ot
Cheyenne, arived Sunday for a week's
visit at the Arthur Peters home.
The Catholic Girls' club will be en
tortalncd Thursday evening nt the
home of Miss Vaunlta Hayes.
The Methodist aid society will met
Thursday afternoon at tho Antonldcs
home, 1007 west Sixth street.
Mrs. Gus Hollen, or Omaha, came a
few days ago to visit with Mrs. John
Day and Mrs. Joseph Murphy.
Chas. Boguo who had been in Omaha
and other points for ten days, returned
homo Saturday for a s.hort visit.
Mis Mildred Pizer, ol Grand Island,
arrived Sunday to spend several weeks
with her cousin Miss Maymc Plzer.
Sherwood AVoodhurst has gone to
Sutherland where he will acept a po
sition in the Tolefsen lumber yard.
Miss Agnes McKeo, of "Willow Isl
and, arrived Sunday evening to be the
guest of Miss Erne Christ for a week
or more.
Mrs. Wood White went to Omaha
Sunday morning, being called there
by the lllnes of 'her sister who will bo
operated upon this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Locke and son
loft Sunday for California to spend
several weeks visiting friends and at
tending the exposition.
Earl Davis, of Portland, formerly
of this city, Is hero to visit his family,
who have been guests at the Guther
less home for several weeks.
Mrs. Mary Mooney and daughter
Miss Grace returned -Saturday from
their visit in California. Miss Mooney
returns perfectly satisfied to continue
to make Nebraska her home.
Mesdames George Voseipka, Frank
McGoirern,Will Dunn and Misses Dunn,
and Sullivan were among those who
attended the celebrntion at Hershey
Grandma McWilliams, who had been
at the home of her grand-daughter
Mrs. Geo. Voseipka for sixteen weeks
following- injuries -received in. a fall,
was able to return to tlie Homo or her
daughter-in-law Friday.
Lost oh streets Saturday between
Hershey store and the ten cent store
a pocket book with ad of Platte Valley
bank on cover, containing $37.20 in
bills and coin. Reward of ?5.00 for
return of book and money to.thls oflice.
Stolen Sunday night froih the hitch
rack at the Derryberry & Forbes store
on Fith street, a bay mare weighing
about 900, one slioe -on right front
foot, and open buggy without top, and
wheels all same size. Reward will
be paid for return of animal and bug
y to Martin Wyman, North PJatte.
The pupils of the Hall precinct
Sunday school held an enjoyable picnic
at tho Hall school house Saturday. An
Interesting program under the man
agement of Mrs. D. W. Mecomber and
Mrs. Lewis Macey was given. A basket
lunch added to the enjoyment of the
fifty people who wore present.
Houses, modern Hats, closo in. nice
unfurnished rooms, storage space and
safe deposit boxes.
I Everybody
1 Loves A Bai
Reme hei Ttiaviu
Ms fsE us Band and
Grand Jpera Singers
I the 5th
Chas Osgood and son arrived homo
from Denver this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatch returned
this morning from a short visit in
Club Nevlta will meet with Mrs.
Jodor, on east Third street tomorrow
Mrs. Albert Muldoon left this morn
ing for Rockwell, Iowa, to visit her
mother, who Is eighty years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. John States loft Sun
day afternoon for a week's visit with
Walter States and family In Donvcr.
Miss Loretta Murphy, a student at
the Kearney normal, arrived Friday
to spend the Fourth with her parents.
Miss Annie Kramph returned yester
day afternoon from Hastings, whore
she visited Rev. and Mrs. Young Sun
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gill, of Myrtle,
were visitors In town yesterday and
made The Tribune a business and so
cial cull.
Saturday, the 10th, is the last day of
our Big Discount Sale; have you
grasped the opportunity? Clinton,
the Jeweler.
Fred Payne Is exhibiting today some
tine alfalfa that was grown on his
son's ranch in the hills sixteen miles,
northwest of town.
E. T. Tramp and son Herbert re
turned this morning from Omaha,
where they bad gone Sunday night to
attend the auto races.
Ralph Adams, elevator enductor at
Uiol federal building, roturned this
morning from a months visit at his
homo in Fergus Falls. Minn.
T. F. Watts came up from Grand Is
land yesterday to visit relatives and
look after matters pertaining to his po
sition with the "Union Pacific.
Our Big Discount Sale closes Sat
urday night; better drop In -and get a
bargain on that watch or diamond you
have been thinking about. Clinton,
the Jeweler.
Lost On July 5th, between North
Plntto and Experimental Station, a
gold watch with "N" fob attached.
Finder please return to tills office and
receive reward. .
Henry Rebhausen, who had been
spending several weeks at Passa
Grille, Florida, fishing for tarpon, re
turned home this morning. He stop
ped over in Omaha yesterday to wit
ness the auto races.
A young lad by the name of McDor
mott was badly burned on tho, face
yesterday. Ho had a bunch of: fire
works stowed in his waist front,
when he accidentally lighted them
I wjieijjlring a craQke&JThe explosives
uauiy uusierea niscnesi, necic ami iace
and caused him excruciating pain.
Keith Neville, who liad been spend
ing the winter in Florida, returned this
morning. Mrs. Neville and children
have been visiting relatives in Charles
Town, Va., since June 1st and wilj ar
rive home in a few days. Mr. Neville
stopped over in Omaha yesterday to
attend the auto races and wrestling
Albert L. Stevens, an armless man,
accompanied by his wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Rowers, arrived in town
yesterday in a Ford car enroute to
Frisco. They left their home in
Schenectady, June Sth, and when
reaching here they liad traveled 2,275
miles. Enroute they stopped ovor
eight days In different cities. Mr. Stev
ens has his right arm off at tho shoul
der and the left below the elbow, but
has a wooden extension to the left
1 arm by means of which he easily con
trols tho steering wheel and does all
the driving.
day of the
Thanks from Col. Cody !
Kansas City, July 4th.
My Dear Bare; I
Wo have Just arrived here, and myJ
first duty on this national day will be
through you to thank my old frlonds of
North Platto for the kind hearted re
ception given mo by the men and wom
en whom I have always loved and re
spected. The treatment accorded mo
on my recent visit to my old home
town will be a red-letter day In my
The article in Tho Tribune rolatlvo
to myself and the show Is being pub
lished in all the metropolitan pnpors,
for I want tho world to know that old
friends aro tho best.
My thanks and greetings to my old
loyal friends of North Platte.
Yours gratefully,
Kills Wife and Child.
Olo Mohlfiohl, farmer, aged 35 years,
shot his wife and boy each two times
through the body with a shotgun and
shot himself through tho body with the
shotgun nt his homo eight miles west
of Ravenna. The crime, which prob
ably was committed Saturday nfghl,
was discovered by the neighbors Sun
day night. One shot was fired through
the door of tho house.
No cause is known for the act. Mohl
feld left a letter that was scrawled so
no one could road It. He was In good
standing in the community and no one
had n&tlced anything wrong1. Ap
penrances indicated that ho was In
sane. The boy was 5 years old. There
arc no other children.
Largo Hill pasture, good grass, plcn.
y waiter, only three miles from city,
('utile and horses lie per head per dny.
Xcnr Albert Coolldge.
Hcchcnlmchcr Wins Auto Race
In the 300-mlle auto race In Omaha
yesterday, Eddie Rlchebecher won in
3:17:27, making an average of 01.07
miles an hour. Twelve cars entered
but only six finished the race. Tom
Orr, one of tho drivers thrilled tho
crpwd by breaking the world's record
for speed, driving five miles In three
minutes. Thirty thousand people wit
nessed tho races. Richenbacher is an
Omaha man.
Steelier Wins Over (hitler.
Steelier, the Dodge county, Nebras
ka boy, won the honors in the wrest
ling match at Omaha last night by
winning over Cutler; the Chicago
wrestler, in two straight falls, secur
ing the first in sixteen minutes nnd tlie
second in ten minutes.
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Apply at 514 west Sixth
street. . ,
Frank Dunn returned tlie latter
part of last week from Grand Island
where he was called by his niohcr's
illness last week. The latter Is greatly
For Sale 21 head ' of mares and
colts, one large registered French
draft stallion, all for $1750, on 5 years
time at (J per cent interest, real estate
security. J. bbiiiLiki ,
48-2 Wellflcet, Neb
About twentv cars Joined in the
booster trip to Maxwell and Brady
Fridav eveniiiK, tho band giving con
certs In both towns. Though rather
late In reaching the towns there was
a good turn out at both places and
the object of the trip seemed well nc
comnllslied. The road from Norli
Platte to Maxwell was lino but from
Maxwell to Brady it was somewhat
rouch. Some of the cars, did not ar
rlvp bomn until two o'clock In tho
Nortl Platte's celebration yesterday J
was one of tho best and one of the:
most largely attended by visitors of'
any given In recent years, So far as
celebration bogan Saturday evening,
continued all day Sunday and Sunday
night nnd when yesterday morning ar
rived dealers found themselves short
of fire-crackers, torpedoes nnd other
noisy explosives.
Tho trains from tho east brought, in
the Gothenburg band and a big con
tingent) of people from that town,
Brady and Maxwell. The trains from
the west brought In the Ogalnlla ball
team, a hundred or more rooters and
several hundred people from Paxton,
Sutherland and Horsliey. Automo
biles from the country were parked nt
all available places. As to weather
conditions, the morning could not have
been ushered In more pleasantly.
Tho first event of the forenoon was
tho parade, and a most creditable one
it was. with its iloats. two bands, dec
orated automobiles, tho Yeoman drill
team in natty white uniforms, tho fire
department, the U. S. W. V., nnd tho
boys and girls carrying Hags, the
wholo making a procession several
blocks long.
Harcourt & Jensen had a very at
tractive and appropriate float, four
sheep In a pen, with a banner inform
ing the public that tho firm sold only
all-wool clothing.
Tlie float of Derryberry fc Forbes
was in the shape, of a battleship with
four terrorizing looking guns pro
truding from the turret.
Simon Rros. float contained a com
plete hot air heating plant, all classes
of sheet Iron work, and tlie at
tendnns wore lints made of tin.
Tho Rlnckor Book and Drug Co. had
gaily decorated vehicle displaying
all classes of sporting goods, with a
trapeze bar on which Julius Hoga per
Molllo Pitcher at Bunker Hill was
tho theme of the float of Harry E.
Brown Camp, U. S. W. Veterans. The
old Black Tom cannon was mounted on
tho float, with Mrs. Leonard Robinson
as Mollie Pitcher, Chas. Lick as gun
ner and Leonard Robinson as n dead
Tho Knights of Columbus was rep
resented by a reproduction of the
Santa Maria, the vessel in which Co
lumbus sailed when he discovered
America. Tho representation well de
picted this historical ship.
Standard Oil wagon displaying oils
and lubricants.
Monroe, the sign painter, wagon dls
playing fancy signs.
Spicer s delivery auto, nicely decor
ated, filled with trunks and grips.
Rush Mercantile Co, handsomely
decorated car with full stock of gro
ceries displayed.
Howe & Maloney handsomely dec
orated wagon displaying completely
equipped neu rom.
Palace cafe car tastefully trimmed in
Japanese lanterns, Mrs. Ugni in Jap
A scoro of members of the D. ofH. in
Mother Ilubbards and with sun bon
nets faced backwards with masks.
uicKey inunury car dally decorated
with national colors.
North Plato Light and Power Co
decorated delivery car.
Hansen, tho plumbor, bath fixtures
on nicely decorated wagon.
A dozen suffragette boosters in car,
with appropriate banners.
Maxwell car decorated pulling two
Marsliall Oil Crt. wagons.
The Yeomen had four decorated an
tos, oiio of which was one of the most
handsomely decorated ever seen in
North Platto with a goddess of liberty
surounded by butterfly girls.
The prizes for the best business
floats were awarded to Simon Bros,
first, Derryberry & Fore3 second, nnd
Howe & Maloney third. The Yeoman
lodge was given first, Royal Nolcbors
second, tho Knights of Columbus fourth
the and U. S. W. V. third for best doc
orated float. In thi comic class the
dairy cow received first. Uncle Sam
second and tho motorcyc : A,
In tlie competitive drlh ,
ladles and mens drill tennis ot uic
Yeoman lodge, the men wore awarded
fir-it and tho ladles second prize.
In tho motorcycle race W. W. Burke
took first money, Rob McWilliams sec
ond and Harvey Sorenson third.
During the early part of tho after
noon there were n number of foot
races, a horso race, a potato raco on
horse back and other minor events.
At 3,30 the crowd assembled nt the
ball park to witness the game be
tween Ogalalla and North Platte. To
this game over thirteen hundred paid
admission, in addition to those who
held season tickets and those who
made a sneak Into the grounds, so that
tho attendance was nt least flfteon hun
dred. Ogalalla won out by a scoro of
soveu to two, winning tho game on
rank and costly errors made by tho
N'orth Platto players. Marlatt pltchod
orthe visitors and Luby for the locals,
aoro hits being mado off tho lattor
!ian was mado off tlie former, and
.larlatt struck out the greater number
' nen. After supper a band concert
& Mven at the court houso park, and
U. s ' r.s followed by a nice display of
' HWU' '.'.f.
Ph mmltteo in charge certainly
or vidod in entertaining day for tho
fi tors, iny of whom expressed
tb -iiiselvo ' having had an ciiloy
tifc'i time. Chough tho crowd was
i'lij largo, t was scarcely any
dls dorly ccu. ; either during tho
dav 3r last nl. .
"i "o or three iiv accidents occur
red )i none thar w serious.
Si.-net Chapter O. R. '11 hold Us
regu'ai meoting Thiir:- ovenlng,
July Sib. Thero wil be i . 'r'ou and
bus:' 1st of importance to i -.a' boforo
Horso and Hugy Stolen.
A horso and buggy, owned by Martin
Wyman, was stolon Sunday night from
the hitching rack on tho south side of
tho Derryberry & Forbes store. The
horse had been tied to tho rack but a
xhort time, nnd when Mr. Wyman wont
to get it found that it had disappear
ed. Search was at once instituted by
Mr. Wyman nnd tho oillcors, but up to
this morning no clow to tho nronorty
had been obtained.
We place on Salo Snturdnv our en
tire stock of Trimmed Panama Huts,
sold up to (MM), your clioleo Satur
day, 2.(10.
Notice to Wnter Consumers
Bills for water for the past quarter
are now ready at the water office. Bills
are mailed to all buslnes men nnd
those in th4 habit wt mailing us
checks. A discount of one cent por
thousand gallons Is given on all bills
paid on or beforo C p. m. of July 10th,
artor which date no discount is giv
en. Consumers sending checks should
mall them so ns to rcncli tho wator
office by tho 10th or no discount enn
be given. HERSHEY S. WELCH,
Wator Commissioner.
You linvc soino crops left yctrPros.
peels good for corn. -Aro you insured
niralnst loss by Hail If not, gel one
of our policies today. Time or ensh
Dr. Adams, who recently purchased
tho dental practlco of Dr. Crook, left
Friday for Iowa, whero ho will bo mar
ried tomorrow. He will return with
his brldo next Friday.
Money toJLoan
Lowest Rates and Best Terms.
enty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1837.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on 310oO,Ol) loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
i Crewn I
mi n ra i ij? m
ml vjw m
ml ... Jl
-KwV v'"'" JjBr
At The Keith Theatre Thursdiiy
"A little maiden,
Climbed nn old man's knee.
Bogged for a story,
Do uncle please."
And the story Hint Herbert Kelcoy
tolls this little girl, ns tho story un
folds would wring tho heart of a stone.
Ho tolls her how he lost his beautiful
sweetheart, Louise, played by Mr
Kelccy's co-star, EHlo Shannon. Un
hidden tenrs will spring to tho oyes
only to be brushed away with a smile
as the artists sway the audlenco with
tholr nntural gift of acting. There aro
ninny sensational death defying
scones embodied in tho production. The
nudlcnco is taken to many strange
lands, includlng'tho Arabian desert, a
Turkish hnrom, In gay Paris with its
glittering cabarets, then among the
SnmollaiiB wlio aro a wlcrd, strange
people, n scene aboard an ocean go
ing yacht, tho Acquatanla with four
thousand passengers on board, a scene
nt tho race track with over ten thous
and peoplo In attendance, a heart
breaking raco bowcen flno thorough
breds Is shown In which two Jockeys
aro thrown nnd tho horses run away
endangering tho lives of tho other
jockeys, making In all tho most start
ling, heart gripping and scnsatlonnl
photo play ovor produced. Admission
10 and 15 cents.
Thero will bo a social mooting of the
Episcopal gu'ld In tho basement of tho
church Thursday aftomoon.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet at tho church Thursday aftor
noon. Tho Socialist Study Club will meet
with Mrs. A. E. Bell, ,1120 Chestnut
street, tomorrow nfternoon.
the n.ceting at this time.