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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1915)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IKA L. BAKE, Editor nnd l'libllshcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Ycnr by JInll In Adrnncc. . . .$1.23 One Ycnr by Cnrrlcr In Adrnncc..$1.5U Entorod at NortJi I'latto, Nebraska, Postofilec as Second Class Matter. l-MUDAY. JULY 2. 1015. CITY AXI COUKTV Ninvs Julius 1'lzor spent a few days this week In Grand Island on business. Mrs. 'Andrew Anderson left a few days ago for Omaba to spend a weok or more with relatives. William Sale, of Paxton, who visited his sister Mrs. Harry Lantz this week, loft for homo Wednesday. Miss Florence Caso of Chicago who spont two weeks hero while- onrouto to Choyonno loft a few days ago. Miss Comfort Conway has returned from Noloigh whore she was called last week by the death of her mother. A. W. Duborry and wife left for Des Moinos Wednesday after a few days' visit af. the Duborry homo in the west ond. Misses Irono and Marie Stuart loft Wednesday ovonlng for Donvor to spond a weok or longor visiting friends. Mrs. Charlos Darron, of Oshkosh, ro turncd homo Wednesday after visiting for a week with hor mothor, Mrs. Con Walker. Airs. J. A. nichoson will return this week from California where sho had been visiting for the past sovornl months. Mrs. Sam Ilichnrds of Omahu, who Is spending this week in town visiting friends and transacting imsincss will lcavo tomorrow. Raymond Parson, of Kearney, spent a few days hero this weok visiting Weaver Ilolllday whllo enrouto liome from the west by nuto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson, who were guests at the Lamb residence whllo onrouto cast, loft for their homo In Now York Wednesday. Robort and William Finney of Evnn ston rotnrned Wednesday from a short visit In Omaha nnd will finish their visit hero with relatives-. Mrs. Fred Thompson and son Walter went to Lincoln Wednesdny, taking with them the Hnldeman children, who nro In tho Tnbltha home. Supt. Jeft'ers, or the Nobruska di vision, has entered an Omaha hospital to tako treatment for stomach trouble. Ho will be In tho hospital several weeks. . Misses Nora Jeffors and Minnie Lowo will leavo next month for No Wood, Wyo to spend their month's vacation with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. AY. Hoggvfornior ly of this city. Miss Celesta Knton will leave next weok for Alliance where sho will make her homo in tho future. Miss Mildred Fitzpatrlek will succeed hor us sales lady In tho ton cont store. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holts, of .Marietta, O., who are visiting their uunt Mrs. John LoMastor for two weeks whllo enrouto homo from Cali fornia, will lcavo In a few dayB. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury entertained the members of the Et-n-VIrp club Tues day afternoon at a kenslngton. Tho guests were served with a nicely pre pared luncheon. Tho next mi'etlng will bo held in two weeks at tho home of Mrs. Nols Rasmusson. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Smith will lcavo in tho near futuro for Grand Island whoro thoy will mnk" thol- future homo. For a number of years Mr. Smith has beon employed as wire chief at tho telephone oillce and manager of mo uiectncal supply Co , an.l hns boon transrerreil to Grand Island. Mra. Robert Dickey was nootcH to the M. M. M. club Tuesday afternoon. Eight tables wero used In playing 600. During tho afternoon tho gusats wore cntortalnl with readings by Miss Irma Huffman nnd piano BOloctlons by Mrs. Gcorgo Coatcs. Decorations, re freshments nnd favors wero sugges tivo of Fourth of July. Tho two course lunch was greatly enjoyed. A Tribute to Colonel IV. F. Cody. (By John E. Evans.) Sunday evening an informal recep tion was tendered Col. W. F. Cody at tho Elks homo by tho B. P. 0. E., of which ho Is a member. Many charactor sketches of tho pioneer days wero told and Incidents of tho early settlement of plains nnd mountain -related. Stories of the days of tho pony express, of freighting, nnd emigrant travol through a hostile Indian country, brought to our minds in a vivid way, the hardships and daring deeds of the pioneer. Western Nebraska owes Col. Cody much. Every homo on our vast plains is n i ado secure and peaceful by the sa gacity, tho courage and the endurance of tho olllcors nnd mon who guarded tho frontier and the foremost of these Is Col. Cody. When Iip led the cav alry command on that famous seventy-mile ride, without rest or food, and when challenged, met In deadly combat the famous chief Yellow Hand, he did not do It for contest, for gold or for glory, but to prcvont a Junction of tho Cheyenne braves with tho hordes of Indians under command of Sitting Bull, which meant a long, bloody and dostructlvc war which would have loft desolate honiqs In nil the country west of tho Missouri rlvor. Col. Cody was tho trusted friend, counselor and guldo of General Shori dnn, Miles, Crook, Carr nnd ninny others. He had the confidence, good will and esteem of men high In na tional and state govornmont, and why? Because of his honesty, Ills energy nnd his ability to do great things. His spacious home and large estate at NorthPlatte were for years the grav itating center for men who have, built up tho west. In his varied career, ho has hob-nobbed with tho royalty of tho foremost nations of the world, has con tested tho field with lords and drunk tea with the ladles truly a man of varied attainments nnd wonderful re sou rco. . In one of his many expeditions, ho led a delegation of scientists into the Big Horn Basin, and while the pro fessors prosecuted search for tho bones of tho mastodon, mineral deposits or the bugs of the mountains, Col. Cody saw the possibilities of the great Big Horn Basin, with Its soil 21 feet deop; rich nnd productive; he saw tho moun tain strenms with which to irrigate, and with foreslghted vision ho saw the great basin filled with settlers, pros perous and hnppy. Col. Cody never halts at obstacles. Picking the location, he built a $150,000 hotel at Cody; ho induced tho railroad to build across tho mountains and thru the basin; by showing tho government tho scenic route, It built tho finest wngon road In tho world, 135 miles long, to tho east ern cntraneo of tho Yellowstone Na tional Park. He built the first canal to Irrigate the soli In tho Big Horn Basin, and no doubt, largely Influenced by the construction of this canal, the government has built a $3,000,000 dam ncross the Soshon river, Creating a greater power thnn the Nlnrgara and bringing the water into tho rich pro ductive soil, that he will yet sec blos som like tho rose. From eastern Kansas, through Ne braska, Colorado and now In the heart of Wyoming, Col. Cody has blazed a trail, hns bullded monuments that will stand as tcstlmonals of his sagacity, his onorgy, his liberality and his hon esty, " Tho members of tho Elks and the many friends of his early lire in North Plntto are always glad to welcome Col. Cody to this city, which for so many years was his home. ritOORAM Ray Lnngford spent Wednesday In Ringgold on business. Father Malono of Ogalalln, is visit ing Rev. Fr. McDaid this wok. Mrs. C. R. Moroy will leave shortly for California to spend several weeks with hor aunt. ' Clyde Cummlngs und futher of Suth erland, spent the first of tho week vis iting local friends. Mr .and Mrs, WHbor Wlnquest, of urntiy, woro among tho out-of-town visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dolson have re turned from a pleasant visit nt tho expositions In California. Miss Margaret Post who has boon seriously 111 for a Week is reported to no very muon improved. Mrs. D. AY. Besack rottirnwl AVmlnna day evening from a two weeks' visit in central uity wltli friends. Gordon Lovo left nt noon AVmlnon day for Omaha whero ho will spend a weeu visiting l-Jdward Malonoy. VZT'" """" ' I r il Mi ii in i mi mill ill ji i. ii i S V H.,lLrl X (JLmMLLl XWihV- Nfejkran a I HI W 'si x ii hi U Nil 1111 I d 1 .111 N Indcpcndcnccc Dnr Cclcbralfon, North Pintle, Nebraska, July fitli, 11M'. Music for tho day will bo furnished by tho North Platto and Gothenburg bands nnd cvory offort will bo made to mako you welcome, furnish enter tainment and amusement. , Make your preparations to como In the morning nnd to stay until after tho flro works. Tho official program and prizes are as follows: Sunrise Salute of 48 guns ' at 5 o'clock. Beginning at 0 a. in. will bo a grand parade led by tho mayor nnd city council. Parade features nro: Gothenburg Band. Business Floats, throe prlzos, $25, $15 and $10. Lodgo nnd Society iloatos, prizes, $25, $15 and $10. Decorated Automombllos nnd Mo torcycles, prizes, $25, $15, and $10. North Platto Military Band. North Platto Fire Department, prize $30. Seven Hundred Children Unitc'd States Flags. Drill Team nnd High School Cadots. Comic Features, prlzos $15, $10 and $5. Base Ball Team. 11 rt. m. Competitive Drill, prizes 1st $15; 2nd $10. 11:30 a. m. Reading of Declaration of Independence nnd spenklng at Court House grounds. 12:00 Dlnnor. boys under 15, prizes 1st $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1. Prizes on all foot races. 1st $2, 2nd $1. 3:30 p. m. Baseball at athletic park, Ogalalla vs. North Platto. G:00 p. m. Supper. 7:00 Amusements, shows, dances,1 band concerts, etc. 9:00 Grand Display of Flro AVorks. Tho Chamber of Commorco have spared neither money or offort In making this a good colobratlon and a good time assured to all who come and participate. i-roo lcmonnuo at noon. Bring your, lunch to tho court house grounds. i Colobratlon Coniltteee. i m u Vs Notice to Cut Weeds. Tho ordinance provides that weeds on vacnnt lots must be cut between Juno 1st and Juno 20th and again be tweon August 1st and August 20th. Those who have not made the first cut ting aro notified that unless the work Is do'io at once, It will bo dono by tho city and tho oxponso assessed against tho property. AY. B. SALISBURY, A oat Runt T V Pnrv nt Hmnlm nr wun ' riVOd Wednesday and made a trip over the branch. Miss Hannah A'oung left recently for Tocuniseh to spond a fortnight with her sister. Master Johhnlo Lantz returned AVed nesday from an extended visit with relatives in Paxton. Mrs, Harry Tagader returned Tues day from nn extended visit with friends 1:30 p. m. Motor Cycle Races, $20, in Twin Falls, Idaho. $15 and $10. j Mrs. P. H. Lonercan and tho Misses .2:30 p. m. Fat Man's Races, Boys'. O'Hnro nntartnlnnil a number nf frionils Races, Girls' Races, Sack Races, Pea-1 Tuosday evonlng at tho homo of the nut Races, AVnlklng and Some Sur- former, complimentary to Mrs. Harry prises. , mttor. of Falrburv. formerly Miss 3:00 p. m. Boys' bicycle races for j,peari piynn of this city. Farmer Attention The greatest grain crop you ever raised is assured barring ZE3Z H Xj , There have been hail storms all around us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you can bar the consequences by letting us write you a policy against loss by HAIL. Delays are dangerous. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON mix) HUPOllT OF THIS CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At North I'latto, In tho State of Nebraska at tho close 1013, RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts (notes held in bank) Overdrafts, unsecured , U. H. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par vnlue) . U. H. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value.. Honda other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings Securities other than U. S. bonO-j (not ncludlng stocks) owned unpledged t Total bonds, securities, cti..." Subscription to stock of Federal Keaerve bank .$9,000.00 Less amount unpaid $4,500.00 Hanking house, $18,400.00; furniture and Uxturos $3500.00 Duo from Federal Reserve bank t Duo from approved resorvo agents In New York Chicago nnd St. Louts Duo from approved reserve agents In other reserve cities Due from banks and bankers (other than Included In S or 9) i Chocks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Fractional currency, nlckles and cents Notes of other national banks -. Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin nnd certificates Legnl-tonder notes Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (not more than D per cent on circulation) ' of business June 23, $442,298. G" 327.51 100,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 25,894.51 5.S19.47 CS.102.2C 51.S94.51 4,500.00 21,900.00 7,998.92 73,921.73 1.01S.42 5.C52.22 315.29 1,9S...00 21,355.75 2,040.00 5,000.00 Total , ; $741,23S.02 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .Surplus fund , Undivided profits '.,.5 Less current expenses and taxes paid , Circulating notes Duo to approved reserve agents In other reserve cities.. Due to banks nnd bankcr(other than included In 5 or C Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check $2! ccrtiucnteH oi uoposu nuo in less tnan so days . . . Cashier's checks outstanding United States deposits Postal savings deposits Tlmo deposits: Certificates of deposit duo on or after 30 days . ; 121,269,56 15,490.73 5,528.46 299,348.92 22,044.80 5,529.09 1,000.00 13,843.00 $100,000.00 50,000.00 9,962.27 100,000.00 13.53 18,226.85 I ou have Deen plan ning, perhaps, to repair vour barn,build a garage, put on a new roof or erect a new wing to your house. You want to do it well, but cheaply. lhats where we come in. If vouVe going to do the work tr yourself or have it done bv the dav s work, set our figures on lumber an w O supplies. We know what we are talking about. We invite you to put us to the test. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. PHONE 7 341.765.S1 121,209.56 Total $741,238.02 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss: I, F. L. Mooney, Cashier of tho.nbovo named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief- F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. Correct Attest: K. F. SEEBEROErt JOHN' J. HALLIGAN KAY C. LANQFOUD Directors. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 30th dny of Juno, 1915. W. II. MoDONALD, Notary Tubllc. THAVU'S and GRAND OPERA SINGERS Come From San Francisco As Opening Band at WORLD'S F AI To North Platte So we may hear them in Two Full Concerts at our CHAUTAUQUA JHECK wr The Two Cent Stamp and the Telephone Prop ns n note on niiy mutter tlmt (leninnds flic privner of the malls. Tel ephone us ou nit ninttcrs tlmt require cjiilck action. Scores of our farmer customers testify to the real help we have given them without their Ink ing time from farm work. Which means they mnkc use of the "Two Cent .Stump nml the Telephone." These tie up with our service nml make a hank connection HOE both valu able nnd convenient. , Platte Valley State Bank, "THE BANK-BY-MAIL-BANK1' North Platte, Nebraska. NURSE BROWiN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 100S West Fourth St. 3I11S. 3L HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses in Attendance .TOILN' S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Order nf llearlii,' on Original I'robate of Wll. HI Welcomed i i w I Good Cigar And a good cigar means one made at the Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation as a maker o'fgood cigars in North Platte extends back thirty years. If we did not make good cigars we would have been forced to closo the factory years ago. If you have not been smoking Schmalzried's Cigars it is not too late to begin. J. F. Schmalzried. State of Nebraska, Lincoln Countv, ss. In tho County Court, June 16, 1915. In the Matter of the Estate of Agnetha Hansen, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition or Rasmus Hansen, praying that the Instrument, filed on the lGth day of June 1915, and purporting to be ,tlte last Will and Testament of the said de ceased, may be proved, approved, pro bated, allowed and recorded as the last Will and Testament of said Agnetha Hansen, deceased, and that the execution of said Instrument may be committed and the administration of said Estate may be granted to Anna M. Hansen as Executrix. Ordered, That July 16, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons in terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County and show causo why the prayer of petitioner should be granted. That a copy of this order be pub lished in the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, J22-3 County Judge. XOTICU To every person In actual possession or occupancy of the land hereinafter described and to Edgar A. Stobblns, In whose name said lands appear of record In tho county clerk's oillce of Lincoln County, Nebraska: You and each of you will take notice that on November 7th. 1910, L. E. Roach purchased at public sale, certifi cate No. 4C37. at the County Treasur er's oillce of said County, the following , described lands situate In Lincoln Coun-, ty, Nebraska, to-wlt: East Half of the i West Half (E,i of W'4) of Section Twenty (20). Township Nine (9), North! of Range Thirty-one (31), West of the I 6th P. JI. for the delinquent taxes for the year 1009 assessed In the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on Way 13, i 1911 said L. E. Roach paid tho subse-1 quont taxes assessed against said lands, for the year 1910, assessed In the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; that on May 15. t 1912, said L. E. Roach paid the subse- 1 qent taxes assessed against said lands for the year 1911, assessed In the name of Edgar A. Stebblns; and that on Aug gust 0, 1913 said L. E, Roach paid the suMsequei taxes against saiu lanus lor tho year 1912. assessed In the name of E. A. Stebblns; that on August 7, 1914 said L. E. Roach paid the subsequent taxes assessed against said lands for the year 1913. assessed In the name of E. A. Stebblns; that on May 1, 1915 Ray C. Langford. assignee, paid tho subse- ?uent taxes usscsscd against said lands or the year 1911, assessed In tho name of E. A. Stebblns. That tho undersigned Ray C. Lang ford Is the owner of said certlllcate by assignment and that after the expira tion of three months from the date of service of this notlcu. If said lands aro not redeemed from said tax sale, said undersigned Ray C. Langford will ap ply to the County Trenmir. r of Lin coln County. Nebraska for d. d to said lands. Dated June 21, 1915. RAY C. LANQFOUD. I3y E. II. EVANS, J20-3v His Attorney. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or AdinliilNtrntrl v. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of tho Estate of Wil liam SlqbohL Deceased. On reading and tiling the potltlon of Julia ill. Slebold praying that Adminis tration of said estate may bo granted to hur as administratrix. Ordered. That Julv 22. A. D. 1915. at 2 o'clock P. M. Is assigned for hearing said petition when all parsons Inter ested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County ,and show cause why tho prayor of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platte Tribune a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said County for 3 successive weoks prior to said day of hearing. Dated Juno 26th 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH. J29-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of salox issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Tillie S. Blankenburg is plain tiff, and Mary Becker, et. al. are de fendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 10th day of July, 10-15, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court house in North Platte, Nebraska sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following de scribed property, to-wlt: South half (S) of Northwest quarter (NW y), Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter (SV of NEi) and Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter (NWyt of SWU) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Sixteen (1). Range Thirty-three (33), west of the sixth principal meridian, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, June 5th, 1915. JS-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Sherixg. PJtOHATE NOTICE In tho Matter of the Estate of Henry Doebke, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, June 18, 1915. Notice Is hereby given, that the cred itors of said deceased will meet the ex ecutrix of said Estate, before the Coun ty Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 20th day of July, 1915, and on the 20th day of January, 1916, at 9 o'clock n. m. each day for the pur pose or presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allow ance. Six months are allowed for July 20, 1915, nnd one year for tho Ex July 20, 1915, and oile year fo rthe Ex ecutrix to settlo said estate from tho 18th day of June, 1915. Tills notice will bo published in the North Platto Tribune, n semi-weekly newspapor printed in said county, for four weeks successively, proceeding July 20th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, 122-4w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of nn order of sale issued from tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in paid Court wherein Salmon C. Stewart Is plain tiff and George Edolman and Lydla Edelman are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 17th day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. in., at tho oast front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebras ka, sell at Public Auction to tho high est bidder for cash, to satisfy said de cree, interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: Northwest Quarter (NW1,!) of Sec tion Eloven (11) and tho Southwest Quarter of tho Southwest Quarter (SWVi of SW4) of Sectlou Two (2) all In Township Nino (9) Range Twenty-eight (2S) Lincoln County, Nebraska. . Dated North Platto, Neb., Juno 12, 1915. H5-5 A. J. .SAUSBURyVShcritt.