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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1915)
. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oflicu over tho McDonald State Dank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Cane Seed for sale. II. N. Lamb. j Mrs. George Mudd, of Hershey, vis-' tied local friends this week. Cuiie Seed Vor Snle At HorBhey's, opposlto Post Olllco. Phono 15. j John McConnoll left Wednesday for Sterling to spend a few days. Tho Llerk-Sandall grocery store will be closed all day Monday. i Lemuel Toole wont to Stromberg yesterday to visit relatives for ten days. Mrs. Frank Flint has returned from! Omaha after spending a week with! friends there. j Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Wilson went to Sutherland yesterday mornlg to spend a couple of days. 30 years of knowing how lias taught us What we're doing now Robert Holcombe left yesterday for the new Holcombe ranch near Lara mie, Wyoming. Bruce Brown returned yesterday from Hastings' where he spent several days on business. For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North. Platte. 41tf Miss Cree Dlener left last evening for Lincoln to spend her two weeks' va cation with friends. A baby boy was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lowe, Jr. All con cerned are doing nicely. For Rent Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 2 for ?9 and 2 for $12, 320 east Fifth street. 45-3 Mrs. Harvey Beam, of Hershey, who visited Dr. Marie Ames, left for home Wednesday afternoon. Deaconess Edith Smith left Wednes day afternoon for western Nebraska towns for a few days. Miss Geor'gle Hoxie returned to Oga lalla Wednesday after a short visit with' girl friends here. Miss Katherine Boyle left yesterday morning for Kearney to spend a week with her grand parents. Mrs. Harry Porter and children have returned from a pleasant visit with relatives In Minden and Holdrege. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McFadden and baby, of Paxton, are visiting this week with 'Mr. and Mrs. John Herrod. Mrs. Glenn Lorimer entertained the Jolly Young Matrons club Wednesday afternon at a Fourth of July party. Miss Genevieve Jeffers and brother went to Kearney the first of this week to spend a fortnight with relatives. For Rent Two six room houses, modern except heat. Inquire of J. S. Morscli, 209 east Fourth street. 44tf. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cottrell left last evening for tho Black Hills, S. D where they will vlsl relatives for ten days. SEE DR. ELMS FOR GLASSES or any Special Work. Over McDonald Bank. Phone 30 for Appointment. Mrs. J. J. McGraw, Mrs. Nelson Hammer, Mrs. Will Huddartt, Mrs. Baldock and Mrs. Howard McMlchael went' to Sidney yesterday to 'visit friends for several days. The Liprk-Sandall grocery store will bo closed all day Monday. A. W. Plumer spent a few days this I week in Maxwell on business. Mrs. R.'R. Oman loft yesterday for a visit with friends at Danbury, Nob. Spring chickens for Sunday dinnor. Inquiro Mr. Geo. Tokulvo, Phono Black C05. 47-2 Denver lots for sale or would trado for cattle. Inquire of Mrs. C. F .Purdy, Phone 798F22. 42-7 Mrs. Clcvo Wlllorton and two sons left Thursday for a visit with friends in Kearney and Oxford. Tho residence of C. B. Masters, on west Twelfth street, was quarantined for small-pox yesterday forenoon. Miss Anna Gregg, of Omaha, travel ing chief operator of the Nobraska Tel ephone Co., is spending a few days In this city. Mrs. Henry Schott and daughters Marie and Irene returned at noon Wed nesday from n month's visit with friends In Portland, Ore. HEALTH INSPECTOR HOAGLAND ISSUES COO NOTICES. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Phy&icien. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rittor and sons, of Fairbury, who spent a week visiting the Flynn and O'Haro families, return ed home Wednesday morning. Fremont Watts left tho early part of the week for points In tho north west, where he goes for the purpose of looking over the country with a view of selecting a place to locate. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dunn, of Welling ton, Kansas, who were married June 2Sth, arrived here yesterday afternoon to visit the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Dunn, while enroutc to Denver. The following residences were quar antined Wednesday: Bob Owens, 505 west Eleventh; Tom McGraw, 515 east Third; Earl Wilson, C04 south Chest nut. Seventeen houses are now under quarantine. Miss Hazel Lewis and Zella Doram entertained the Pollyanna club in the basement of the Episcopal church Wednesdny afternoon with Interesting games. A nice lunch was served at five-thirty. Frr.nk Dunn was called to Wood River a few days ago by the Illness of his mother who was taken to the Grand Island hospital whore she sub mitted to an operation and Is getting along nicely. Jas. Elliott, clerk in the Rexall store, had his left hand badly cut tho early part of this week, when ho accidental ly cracked one pop bottle against an other, exploding one which threw glass into the hand, badly lacerating it. Mr. and Mrs.. Harry McEvoy and son left yesterday for Denver, Trinidad and other Colorado points. Mr. Mc Evoy has been sick for a couple of months and the trip is made with the hope that his condition will improve. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Fowles, who were married in Long Branch, Cal., last week,-' arrived in town yesterday on their wedding trip. They will remain here for a short time in order that Mr. Fowles may look after" his varied bust ness interests. The J. F. F. club was entertained Tuesday .afternoon by Mrs IS J.-Johnston. In 'the card games' Mrs. E. W, Mann was awarded first honors and Mrs. James Doram the consolation prize. Enjoyable refreshments were served after the card playing. An automobile party from Philadel phia composed of Robert Crane, Jr., Elizabeth Crane, Pauline Knabo and John Otis are spending a few dayB here while enroute to San Francisco. They intend to return by the way of tho Panama canal and New Orleans. Optometry will take you out of the misery and danger of overworked and improperly treated eyesight, into the rest and satisfaction of restored vision. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Miss Elsie M. Johnson left Tues day morning for Kearney where she will spend several days and attend the wedding of Miss Jessie O'Brien. After. leaving eKraney Miss Johnson goes to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, whero she will attend the Palmer Business College and specialize in penmanship and art. Special Health Inspector Hoagland, slnco his appointment, has visited every business and residence property in the city and inspected the sanitary condition of tho premises. Ho Inspected about 1300 premises, and In over GOO cases found it necessary to Issue orders to tho tenants or ownors to remove garbage or abate conditions that con stltluted a nuisance or a inennco to tho health of tho city. Ho carried cards with him, and when It was necessary to Issuo an order to clean up, ho filled out the card and presented It person ally at tho time to the occupant of tho premises. Mr. Hoagland is now making a can-' vas of tho city to seo If these orders have been carried into effect. If theyj hnve been disregarded, tho matter will I bo reported to tho city attorney who will Issuo a complaint, and tho party will be hauled up boforo tho police Judge and assessed a fine as provided' by the ordinances. I In making his rounds Mr. Hoagland has run the gnunlet of irate women , and savage dogs, but fortunately his; heart Is not soft and ho does not suf-' for from the scoldings; his skin Is tough and the dogs have not seriously i injured him. At one place on east Ninth ' street lie found one man who was har boring eighteen dogs sort of n dog farm as it wore. These dogs were not vicious, but the neighbors say that when they all get to howling at the same time, as they sometimes do, there Is no sleeping within four blocks of that particular house. Boosters Hiue Nice Trip Twenty-four autos loaded with boosters for the North Platte celebra tion, made a trip to Hershey and Suth erland Wednesday ovenlng. Tho band was taken along and when Hershey was reached a big crowd was in wait ing. Here the band rendered a num ber of selections, advertising matter was distributed, friends were met and a general invitation extended to visit North Platte next Monday. At Sutherland tho Chautauqua was being held and a good part of tho res idents were there. However, quite a number gathered on tho streets and llsened to tho band concert. At both places it was promised that they would send big delegations to the North Platte celebration. Cut Price Shop. 229 East Sixth Street Ths Fashion Sh op New Location, Formerly the Pat Theatre. LETS BE PATRIOTIC JULY 5th. Tho committee in charge of the cele bration July 5th makes this request to every citizen of North Platte, to have the Stars and Sripes wave from every housetop. Also we make a special request to all merchants to have Old Glory dis played in all business and store fronts. Committee in Charge. Asks $'2,(100 Damages. Suit against Lincoln county for $2,000 damages was filed in the dis trict court Tuesday with John M. O'Connor, a minor as plaintiff, and Mary Thompson his next friend. In the petition it is alleged hat tho county removed a bridge from one point to 'another and failed to fill tho ditch whero the bridge had stood; that ho drove Into the ditch. His team became unmanageable, and In his efforts to get them out of the ditch ho was knocked down, trampled and suffered a broken arm. Mail Orders Promptly Filled; All Goods Shipped Free of Charge; Money Back if Not Satisfactory; One Price to All. Don't fail to come lo our now local ion; whenever you are tired, come lo our resl room and make yourself al home. We have this specially provided for customers; even if you 11 1 1 "I clon I buy, you are welcome at all limes to visit us here.- --- ------ --.- Ipecial For This Week! HERE WE ARE FOR YOU $1.50 Tub Silk, Crepe, Lawn and Voile Waists PASTURE FOR REST Large pasture, (food grass, plenty of water. CnMlo and horses 2 cents per head per day. See WM. RAMSEY, Near Albert Coolidge farm, .' miles northwest of city. Conductor Pflnstercr Killed. Conductor Frank Pflasterer was in stantly killed at Overton Wednesday night when ho was struck by tho en gine of train No .12. He was running train No. 4 and had stopped at Over ton to allow No. 12 to pass. When the latter train came thundering along Pflasterer, not noticing Its approach, stepped from behind No. 4 In front of No. 12's engine and was hurled to his death. Pflasterer, whoso home is in Omaha, had been railroading for a long term of years, and was well known in North Platte railroad cir cles. His sudden ending came as a great shock to his friends. SI. 50 Auto Caps at 95c $10.00 White Lawn and Voile Dresses, beautifully embroid ered at $4.95 $12.00 grey Silk, Poplin and Jap Silk Dresses at $3.95 $2.00 While Linen Skirls at $1.00 $3.50 Crepe de Chine and Silk Waists, at our shop only, at. . $1.69 Sizes 36 to 14. iSee Our Window Display Don't forget, your choice ol p any Panama Hat; all arc handsomely trimmed, about 50 different styles, at only $3.00 7 so mifi mnn fWv white Lawn and Organdie J5j Dresses, your choice at Jp only $2.95 $6.50 All Wobl Serge Skirts in: Rlue, Black and rancy Grey, at $3.95 POTATO RACE. Wanted Twenty-five horses and riders to enter potato race July 5th. CLOSING OUT SALE First Class Sulky Cultivators at $27 Johnson & Thomas Self Dump Sulky Hay Hakes each $30 Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mowers 6 foot cut $50 2 II P Gasoline Engines ..-$50 Monarch Maleable Iron Ranges at $50 Badgers New Century, P, & O. Canton at $25 to $27 each Samson & Aermotor Wind Mills, each - - $25 to $27 Champion Foot Guide Hay Sweep; each - - - . $30 Two Horse Power Pumping Engines, each - - $50 to $60 Sharpless Tubular Cream Separator below cost. Hardware, Nail Bolts, Hinges, Rope at reduced prices. Binding Twine and Cane Seed. A few Bain Farm Wagons at Cost. AT HERSHEY'S Corner 5th and Locust Street opposite Postofficc, Phono 15. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. HAIL INSURANCE The best Investment you can make today is to let Hrntt & (ioodniau write you n policy against hail.. Time or cash. (Jet it today. IJRATT & GOODMAN, Quick Settlement and a Square Heal to all. Lutheran Announcements 9:45 a. in. Sunday school. 11 o'clock, morning worship: sor mon subject, "An Individual in the En Joymont of True Liberty." Special music. No evening services during tho mouths of July and August. Wednesday evening service at S o'clock; topic, "Tho Root of All Evil." Spicer's Parcel Delivery, Now at your service. Lot mo deliver your parcels, baggage or express. Mot to: Quick service, Prices right Phono Red 247, Huffman's Cigar Store. Itargaliis- In Homes. -Small payments down: balanco to suit purchasers. Seo W. E. Ellis, 520 east Eleventh street. 44-4 Mrs. Ralph Ford and baby havo re turned from a visit of several weeks with relatives in Austin, Texas. Col. Dave Love, of Sutherland, was in town Wednesday enroute from Ex colslqr Springs, Mo., whero ho spent three weeks. Mrs. Lee Sarto and baby of Savanah, 111., who spent two weeks with nor mother Mrs. Johanna McOraw, left lor home Wednesday. Ross Shnner, of Maxwell, visited his sister Miss Ruey Shaner thl wek and left Wednesday for Dodge City, Knns., I to visit friends for a week or longer. Edwjird' Stoffreggnn returned Wed nesday from Blue Hill and Omaha whero he spent three weeks. Ho has, resumed work In the Clinton Jowelry store. j Mrs. Thomas Green and daughter Katherino left, a'i noon Wednesday for Grand Island to attend tlu Fourth of July Celebration and visit Mrs. I Green's parents. j Mrs. Louis Dorr and children of, Shorldan, Wyo., who were called hero two weeks ago by tho llness of her mother Mrs. McGraw, will leave for homo tomorrow. The game of ball between the Epis copal and Uaptlst teams of the church leaguo, resulted In a score of eight to ono in favor of tho first named. Tho Baptist team did not show up as strong as was expected, but will probably add new naterial before the next game. G. W. Hughes, living south of Sutherland, was a Tribune caller Wed nesday. Ho said wheat in his section which had not been damaged by hail was In flno shape. He has a twenty aero field of volunteer wheat which ho thinks wll produce fifteen bushels to the acre. 3 dlC OPEN AN ACCOUNT,ITH The First National Bank -of- XORTII I'LATTIS, ATJ3JJ7?ASCA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAJ'JTAZ, AND SUllI'KUSx One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AMD SERVICE HAVE KEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE HALANCES. til F. ,7. DIENEIl & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Coruo and seo us for town lots in dlfforent parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. We have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewev Sts.. upstalrB. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte, Nebraska. Organized 1897. Have plenty of money on hands to close loans promptly. Will loan on North Platte City property for building purposes or to assist its members in buy ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly payments on $10uO.0O loan are on principal $5.00 and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other sums in proportion. Borrowers in this association con pay their loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over any competing association 11 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. IE . 11 inn flAK 6AS RANGES 1 1" IRfl1 'I II,- Iff Many Women Are Slaves. They are slaves to tho kitchen coal stove tied hand and foot by foolish custom to nn old tradition. But the duy of freedom has dawned. Tho modern gas stove is proving the great emancipator. It turns 'cooking into a pleasure It gives the housewife more time to herself. It cooks better, faster and cleaner than the coal stove. It iB cheaper in tho end. North Platte Light & Power Co., C. R, MOREY, Mgr.