The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 02, 1915, Image 1

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    -w'i' ' Qtiw it
mm Mfftm
No. 47
Knch Take n Cnnir
In tho two Karnes of ball with El
wood Wednesday and yesterday there
was a brorak even, tho visitors wln
tho first game 1C to 10, tho Boosters tho
tAnnnil !) In I) In nl v trinlnu-li. ltn irntnn
not running full on account of rain. ! Mrs. Allen Waugh and baby, of AVal
In Wednesday's sramo tho Elwood laco, are visiting relatives In town.
TtooTkra'madM Menard Woods was called to
urfiirBra SSJnlnS Artley Jowa yostfcrdny by the death of a broth-
was iut In at the beginning of tho or
fourth, nnd checked the hip hoorah of Corblu Jones will go to Dickens to-
, tho visitors. 1 morrow to pitch In a gamo of ball
Yesterday LiUby, ror tho locals, was thoro.
In line form and only onco In tho six ... , . .
innings did tho visitors get a man on Joseph Hayes will leave tomorrow
third. Tho Boosters mado their two for Omaha whore ho will attend tho
scoroa In the first Inning. Bullard nutomoblle races.
mado a'safoty, was advanced to second PiUvini TTnstottor nml Tnlm Snvder
?C ASM 2!fcip50thn ,wffi? aA$8S& f xwell werobusTesssltors l.
and Bauer home. For tho noxt five In- i jrs. Muchllnski, of Omaha, came the
nlngs alr-tlght ball was played, with first of this week to visit her son Flor
nelthcr team having any noticeable ad-; in Muchllnski for a month,
vantage over the other- Th(J N T c,ub wcro 4nt0Ptaln,a at
. i . auction bridge Wednesday afternoon by
WIio'm AMio In Aorlh rinttef mIrh inirlpn-nnln rilntnn
J. W. Sumner, traveling for a well JUSB egaruo Clinton,
known cartoonist, Is In tho city sollo-' Mrs. Mooney and daughter Miss
ltlng orders for personal cartoons Grace, are expected home tomorrow
which will appear In The Tribune, from their trip to California.
Theso cartoons will glvo a picture of ,
the subscriber and humorously duplet . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelso arc enjoy
hls business or his hobby. In order Ing a visit from tho lattor's sister Mrs.
that everything may bo satisfactory, Wallace, who arrived from Scotts Bluff
the cartoon In Ink Is presented to tho a few days ago.
subscriber for his approval, and If sat- jIra Agno3 Hoyor returned Wcdnes
Isfactory a newspaper cut Is mado and d 1 Y6rt City where she at-
P.ubl,etL,n h. iHVt il,0i,c0liSS I tended the national convention of the
tlon for cost to bo mado nftor tho car- . of the Maccabees,
toon has been published. It is a straight L,nulcs OI U1 alaccauceB
forward, novel and legitimate method ; Hcotty Dye, lato with the Norfolk
of advertising and has not the slightest ball team, now disbanded, would like to
ttngo of gratt. . bo taken on the local team, but tho
management has written him that no
l.nnd HnrgnlnH. 1 opening now exists.
140 acres nlco vallev land close in for Tn.u.i t.- o,,n,i., ,i t
A 5JKllA1K in?l bay I
Intnl. farther out. at $30.00 ner acre.
KnrmerN io Hun Store.
Col. Dave Love informs us that a deal
was completed Tuesday whereby his
stock of groceries and shoes passes to
the control of tho local farmers co
operative association, which organiza
tion will proceed to engage in mer-
nli n ml I atn n- nftor Mia IKtH. Hln Rtftrp.
building on Front street has also been I
i"'"-?r.. r"ii ...,1
that Harve Cornell will have charge '
of the store. Sutherland Free Lance,
Judalnir from a signed artlclo In the
SSEW.'y ite. Tib.i,l,0uR!jT '
John illustrious Show. Manager of the .
Hershey ball team, whereat we aro very
nun j iiiiiucui a. nu . i ii u ii i iiil i i-.j .
sot, e Tof tho Hershev ball 1
poated what
said that North Platte
they did not care for future games with' Tho Indian Card club were the guests
North Platte on that account. As a re- of Mrs. J. H. Stone Wednesday after
suit of tho criticism of the North Platto noon. Prizes in tho card games were
team by The Triouno at tne opening!
of tho season, hotter ball has been
played, a fact that Colonel John has
prouaoiy noticeu, i-ernaim mho xrto
une's reference to tho Hershey team
will likewise result beneficially. Ball
teams some times drop Into a lethagla
condition and need waking up.
Mrs. Nesbtt, of Pawono City, state or
ganizer and field worker for the W. C.
T. U. will speak at tho Baptist church
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. It Will
be a most ' interesting nnd enjoyable
lecture. er,vng to stimulate-the mind
to higher and nobler Impulses. All
ladles aro requested to bo present.
Will ltobb, who lives south of L'ex-
Inirton. tirnnacted business In town
yesterday. He has 400 acres ot alfalfa
wt wnntlinr 1ih hoon unable to eet In
on nis ranqn. anu on account ui mc;
to the fields to cut the first crop, which'
Is now practically worthless.
A very heavy rain fell last night In
the section between Gothenburg and
Grnnd Island. Railroad men coining up
from the Island this morning say that
at Darr the water completely covers
the ground.
Will Boll, who was down from the
Birdwood yesterday, said ho lost a good
part of his crop by the hailstorm
Thursday evening of last week. Some
of tho hailstones were of such size as
to knock holes In tho shingle-roofed
buildings on his farm.
o I
Vp chlf
"Eke National Dri2i!
'buy a 'Bottle Coday
This is
Who's Who in North Platte? watch the
The ball game at the park Monday
will bo with the Ogalalla Sioux.
Ir Baughor, of Atlanta, Nob., were unit:
ed In marrlaca In Sutherland Wednes
day evening by Kov. Brink. They -will
make their homo at Atlanta.
Mrs. Goorgo B. Garrard and sou Dal
las will leave Tuesday for Iowa where
Thev will visit rolatlves and the form
ers' mother, Mrs. A. W.W Hughes, who
lias ueon visiting mere xor several
Weather forecast for .North Platto
nnl vlclnltv: l'.irtlv eloudv tonlcht and
Saturday with probable showers; not
much change In temperature. Highest
tomnerature vesterdav 80. a year ago
81; lowest last night 62, a year ago 54.
The strong Bridgeport ball team will I
W.SffS" V ffi?h10 W-rnnUrS !
,ms defeated every team in the north-
we8t "F1 f the-Btato. Maples, former-
Bl,l"s ,e"BUU l"u ,
won by Mrs. C. it. aiorey ana Mrs.
-vill Hawley. Assisting tho hostess
were Mrs, A. A. Schatz. Mrs. Earl Ham
Ilton ami Miss Alma Waltematli.
Tho Hendy-Oglor Co. received two
more carldads of Fords this week,
-which were Immediately placed In the
hands of buyers. The firm Is still con
siderably behind on' their orders, but
hope to catch up tills month.
Lightning Monday afternoon struck
the home of Editor Itasmussen of the
Hershey Times, demolishing tho kitch
en chimney, tearing up the. elcetrlc
wiring and ripping up the roof. No one
wns at home but the white "purp" and
his color was changed to a sooty hue,
The ladies of .tho Chritlan church will
Horve a commercial dlnnbr In the church
TjTfsement Monday, JUiy o, irom-ii.-au
to 1:30. Following is the menu: Roast
pork and horse radish, brown -potatoes
and gravy, lettuce, escallopod to
matoes, cabbage salad, bread and but
ter, sago pudding, coffee and Ice
cream, Price 30 cents.
ThA rainfall for June, as reported by
Observer Shilling of the local weather
bureau, was 3.3y inciios, wnicn is iour
teen one nunureatns or an men in ox
cess of the normal for the month. The
oxcess of precipitation slnco January
first over the normal for that period
Is 9.67 Inches. Tho temperature last
month was a fow degrees colder than
the normal for June
Buy It Today
You have heard of the National
Drink you have seen the Welch
advertising, you have been reminded
that grape juice has arrived
But, have you tried Welch's? Is
your family using it? Have you
made the acquaintance of this bev
erage of Nature that not only tastes
good but it is wholesome and re
Welch Week. See
window display and buy at least one
bottle of Welch's Today.
Lierk-Sandall Co.
Uncle Sams Favorite
The Boosters go to Ogalalla Sunday
for a gamo with the Sioux Braves. ,,
W. T. Wilcox and J. J. Halllgan want
to Central City this morning on legal
Tho contract for the now bank build
lug of tho Bank of Hershcy was lot this
wook to Arthur Holtgrcu for ?C,000. ?
The Blblo Study Class In District No.
1 will meet with Mrs. S. It. Derrybcrry,
3us soutn uocusi, Tuesaay auornoon.
Thos. Orton and family left by auto j
vf-W&rA W,U
Mrs. Frederick Hart and Miss Baker,
of Detroit, will pass through this even
ing enroute to Los Atigelos to Join
their sister, Mrs. Goo T. Field.
Mrs. F. W. Hlnckcr and Mrs. Ira L.
Bare will entertain about thirty ladles
at cards this afternoon at tho homo of
the former complimentary to Mrs. Mil
ton Doollttle.
Julius Hahler went to Kearney this
morning to bo present at the oiionlng
of bids for strcot paving. .Mr. Hahler
Va selling cement and Is therefore Inter
ested in street paving.
Christian Science services Sunday 11
n. m. Subject "God." Sunday schc
12 in Wednesday evenlnir meutlnir o
Subject "God." Sunday Bcliootfr.,,; 9
Wednesday evening meeting ov-ml,,
ery week at 8 o'clock. Building and
Loan uuuuing, room zo. a coruiai in
vitatlon is extended to all.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. L. Bailor returned
Wednesday from an eastern trip which
extended as far as Syracuse, N. Y. En
routo they stopped over In Chicago, De
troit, Toledo, Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
The trip proved a very enjoyable one.
Tho wheat harvest In Lincoln coun
ty will start about July 15th. In a
few sections wheat la reported to be
rusting to some extent, but generally
speaking the condition continues ex
ceptionally good.
Tho Fourth of July committee reports
that the celebration for Monday Is now
well In hand and tho program features
aro working out to perfection. With
fair weather a very largo crowd of
visitors Is expected.
The president of a co-operative hall
insurance company arrived last evon
lng and started out this morning to ad
Just losses In several parts of the
county. He first went to Blgncll, will
then co to Hershey and later to the
Birdwood. The lossos to bo paid by this
company will amount to several thouu
and dollars.
London Times Jein;imls the Truth
A demand that the nation bo "told
the truth about the war" Is voiced by
fho Times in an editorial. Tho paper.
declares there Is no Immediate pros
pect of being able to compel the Ger
mans to withdraw within their own
frontiers; that it will take months to
nrovide the British forces with the
big guns, high exploseive3 and ma-
chine guns which are necessary. j
'The country has got to set its teeth,' ,
says the Times, "disregard contusing
bulletins and face the probability of a
prolonged and unprogresslvo cam
paign in the west while Gen. Von
Mackensen'a successful march probab
ly had postponed a resumption of the,.
Russian offensive for several months
until they are provided with guns and
'"To put it briefly the allies on both
fronts are being held with no pros
pect of an early change. Moreover, tho
outlook In the Dardanelles, of which
the less said the better, long ago ceased
to otter prospects of a swift and easy
diversion in the middle east."
Wanted 700 boys and girls at high
school grounds by nine o'clock JulyJ
5th. Flags' will bb furnished to those
who wish to enter parade. Come bn
now boys and girls, and lets get out
by the hundreds.
Boosters to Uradj Tonight
The Fourth of July boosters will
make a trip to Brady this evening, tak
ing the band with them. All owners of
cars who will make the trip are re
quested to assemble at the court house
at six o'clock, as It is desired to have
tho expedition on the road at G:S0.
Supt. of Motive Power Fuller who
was married a few days ago, passed
west yesterday on a wedding trip.
Master Louis Pushman, of Llsco
came down this week to visit Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hi Smith for a couple of weeks.
x or anie
r-m B
2 Corrugated Iron Buildings which
V" ". u x .w
mmn, in jiriic- upposuo rusi ui
Successor to
Drs. Reddeld & Redfield x
Ofllce Phone C42 Res. Phono 076
John s. snais, m. i.,
l'hrslcluu ami Surgeon
Ofllce B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Ofllce McDonald State Bank Building,
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given lo Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Ofllce: Building and Loan Building
Phones tOfllcoIM
1 hones Reaidence U5
On account of tho Hoods In Kansas
mul Nebraska last month, the earn
ings of tho Uock Island road foil oft
over a half million dollars.
Conductor Low Hastings is among
tho latest victims of small-pox. Tho'
dlseaso devoloped Tuesday and the ros-,
Felice was quarantined Wednesday.
Two special trains to the coast via.
uenver passeu tiirougii iasi nig u, two
routed tho same way will go through
tonight und tomorrow two will ho
routed over tho main lino. SoVornl'
moro are scheduled for noxt wook. I
In a letter renewing his subscrlp-
tlon JSmll Voseipka, of Los Angeles
says: "I nm getting along line and
married life Is great. I would advise
Arthur Rush, "Pop" Sturges, Dick
llaker, Clyde Fristo, nnd boiiio moro
of tho boys of North Platto to become
lintintltnta ntwl Innrtl Hint llfrt la wnrtli
During a hailstorm nt Kearney Wed
nesday fifty globes on tho clectrolior
posts wero broken. Ono hnllstono pick
ed up measured sovontccn inches In
circumference and weighed two
pounds nnd seven ounces and had
crashed through the roof of n barn.
The loss to the crops in that vicinity
of Kearney and Gibbon, whoro tho
storm struck wns not very heavy.
Special Inspector Hoagland. In wag
ing a contest against diseaso-hreedlng
and Hy-propngating rubbish, Is no ro
spector of persons. Yesterday ho filed
complaints against John Hcrrod and
Chas. McDonald for not complying
with a notlco to clean up certain prem
ises. Everybody Bhould willingly ioln
In this clean-up campaign; sanitary
conditions at best aro none too good.
When tho well is dry then do wo
know tho worth of the water said Ben
jamin Franklin. When tho eyesight
begins to full, or dofects appear, then
wo know tho worth of our oyes. Did
you over stop to think that noxt to
tho heart tho oyo Is the hardest worked
of any orgau In tho body? From tho
time the eyes are opened In the morn
ing until they aro closed In sleep nt
night they aro constantly working In
your service?
Registered Optometrist.
Maior Whlto loft yesterday for
southern California via Denver and
Galveston. At Monravla, Cal., ho will
enter a sanitarium for treatment for
tubercular trouble. During tho past
year Major weakened his physical con
dition ' by over study and jater con
tracted a severe cold which settled on
his lungs. For a couplo of months
past tho lower part of his lungs have
been compressed, and other treatment
given, but It was thought best to have
him go to tho celebrated Monravla
tubercular sanitarium.
An accident occurred Tuesday
in tho Fourth ward which may result
in little Lola Kctchman losing tho
sight of her eye. In company with a
playmate, Albert Mckerson she was
playing In the yard. The Nlclcerson hoy
having found a cartridge of a 22 re
volver, placed it on a stone nnd struck
at it with a hammer. The sholl ex
ploded Btrlking the child In tho left
oyo and it was thought destroyed the
sight at once but the attending phys
ician holds out but littlo hope and
stated that it cannot be determined for
a few days Jus how serious it is. Both
children aro about four years of age.
E. M. Smith wishes to announce tho
Lincoln Hlghwaq garage opened and
doing business. We certainly will up
predate any favors shown us and so
licit your patronage. A competent
machinist will bo in charge of tho re
pair department. Cylinders cleaned
by tho Oxygen process In thirty mln
utes. Our name will bo Service. .'Auto
Hvnpv Hitnmnhlln anrvlin Mnfwllli
...U.J. J I UI.IIUIJIIU J . T.WV. )...
f--7i. n- nv.f -
- on the road, or put us out of business
- ,,,(, Iiro horo to stnv. So come In and
get acquainted. If wo pleaso you toll
others, if not tell us. Wo will bo John
! ny on tho spot to make good. Wo won't
kl tho best automobiles, wo will spll
mem. Yours ror a squaro uoai.
Future Bull Games
Central City, ono of tho strongest
teams in tho central part of tho state,
has boon booked for July 9th. 10th and
11th. This team Is composed largely
of paid players who were former mem
bers of tho state league teams, and will
thereforo put up very strong ball. Up
to last Wednesday tho team had won
fourteen games straight.
O. It. Robinson, clerk In the post
ofllco, left lost night for Iowa, whoro
lie will spend a two weeks' vacation
Do You Want $.'.00 In (ioldi
There's n chance for some one to
win a flvo dollar gold pleco next Mou
day. Tills coin will ho placed on top of
a greased polo and will await tho
climber who reaches tho top. This
contest has been added since tho orlgl
nal program was published.
Wo wish to express our thanks for
tho many kindnesses exended by
friends and neighbors during tho last
illness and at tho death of our be
loved husband and brother.
MR. and MRS. C. S. BETHEL.
Tho Llork-SamlaH grocery store will
bo closed all day Monday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Woods loft Wodnos
tlay for Iowa whoro alio was culled by
the death of her brother.
Mrs. Jnmos Stngorl, of Paxton, is
visiting with Mr. ami Mrs. Omar Huff
this week,
Mrs. B. P. Sailor loft yesterday nf-
tornoon for aothonburg to spend a
couplo ot ,lays uuslnc88
Miss Mabol Smith, of aothonburg,
will nrrlvo horo tomrrow evening to
vl8,t Mlss nianohe Thornburg.
Master Molvln Yates, of Storllng,
camo down tho first of this wook to
visit his father, Edward Yates.-
Rosa Hosford loft nt noon yesterday
for Omaha to attend tho automobllo
races and visit friends for a week or
Vol. 1.
North Platte, Neb.,
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables each
morning. Ilorrlcs aro Bcarco. Hotter
phono your order early.
Do you rcalizo tlmt wo handle only
tho famous Lcmoncira Lemon. They
aro tho best and will kcop.
Wo have coffees and teas fit for tho
When you can't think what to have
for dinner order some macaroni and
cheese. Wo also haye It. already
pared. 10c and 15c per can.
Bread mado from our "SUN BEAM" ,
FLOUR, won first prize at tho County
Fair and first prize at tho State Fair.
It must bo good Hbur. Bettor trj a
sack next tlmci. Tho Ideal Bakery
"The Store that is satisfied only when you are.1'
Phone 147 Tomorrow morning.
The Young Lady who wore the ill-lilting
.. shoes down Dewey Street Monday did
not buy them at this shop,
WHY PAY $4.00 OR $8.00?
Shoe Shop .
First Door South of Keith Theatre.
Money to Loan
Lowest Ratco and Best Terms.
Plenty of Money on hand to Close
Loans Promptly.
Buchanan & Patterson
Mrs. Mary Hanlbal roturned to Mo
Orew yesterday afternoon after visit
ing with Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Wil
son for a week. '
Mrs. Frank Darnell expects to
lenve shortly for Hnvolock and
Plattsmouth to visit rolatlves for n
couplo of wooks.
Charles Whalon will leavo -Sunday
for Omaha to ntend tho Fourth of
July colouration and transact busi
ness noxt week.
Tho Royal Neighbors social club wns
enjoyably entertained Tuesday after
noon by Mrs. I. L. Stcbhlns. Sho wns
assisted In entertaining by Mrs. A. C.
Moore, and Mrs. A. A. Elliott. A nlco
luncheon wns sorvod.
Is it your hend that aches? Sixty
per cent of all headaches are caused by
defective eyes. Littlo oyo dofects
grow to big ones if not proporly nnd
promptly attended to.
Registered Optomotrlst,
July 2, 1915.
No. 1
makes tho famous Ideal Broad from
Havo you tried Kcllogg's Krumbles.
They hit tho spot, for a chango in
breakfast food.
Our location makes It posstblo for us
to got moro fresh butter and eggs than
other merchants In town. When some
butter becomes tainted we ship It, nnd
still have enough of tho sweetest and
i,ost for retail trade.
prc-!utior FRESH, per pound 25c
Eggs FRESH, per dozen I7yc
Wo fill and deliver Dry Goods orders
"Watch this space of this papor each
Friday for little suggestions from tho
Tramp Grocery,
We sell this nifty
pattern for