The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 29, 1915, Image 1

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No! 46
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trotter, ot Brady,
were visiting local friends yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Mooro and children are
visiting friends In Oberlin, Kan3as.
Tho M. M. M. club will bo tho guests
of Mrs. Robert Dickey this afternoon.
Miss Essie Wosburg loft this morn
ing for Omaha, whero she will visit for
several weeks.
Charles Christ will leave this week
for Mayflower to spend tho summer on
his homestead.
Th Lutheran ladies will hold an ex
change at tho Derryberry & Forbes
store next Saturday.
Tho Yeomen will hold ono of their
bt-monthly dances at the .Lloyd opera
house this evening.
Mrs. Alex Brooks returned Sunday
evening from a brief visit in Gothen
burg with relatives.
Mrs. Con Walker la enjoying a visit
from her daughter who resides on a
homestead near Oshkosh.
Mrs. Ed Robinson and Miss Ida May
Salisbury left last night for an extend
ed visit with friends in Britt, Iowa.
Mrs. W. T. Green was takon ill with
small-pox last week.
' Mr. and Mrs. BertLight and Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Cain, of Wallace, wero
among those who attended tho circus
hero yesterday.
Misses Mabel and Madeliue Rasmus
sen of Willow Island, came up Sunday
to visit their aunt, Mrs. James Kenne
dy, for a couple of days.
Tho parade next Monday will one of
tho fentures of tho celebration. Tweu
ty business firms have promised to put
In floats, and there will be a number
of decorated autos.
Sold several flue watches Monday at
our Special Discount Sale. You can
buy a good watch pretty cheap at our
sale which will only last until after the
CL1NTOX, the Jeweler.
Dan Haskell ono of tho old time cow
men of western Nebraska, and still
part owner in the Stewart outfit in Lo
gan and McPherson counties, is in
town today visiting friends. Mr. Has
kell has been In the cattle business
since 1872.
A large number of railroad men and
members of their families attended tho
memorial services at the Christian
phiireh Sunilnv afternoon. Tho ad-
The Christian church has granted areas by Mr. Knowles on the theme of
its pastor a vacation, and he will leave brotherhood of man has been highly
about July 15th for a visit at tho Pa- complimented by attendants.
ciflc coast.
The Christian Aid Society will meet
in tho church basement Thursday af
served. All members aro urged to be
present as business of Importance will
bo transacted.
A banner bearing the Inscription
"Celebrate. With Us July tho 6th," has
been flung across Dewey at Sixth.
Those who wish to cnioy a good cele
bration will do well to accept this In
vitation. Tho hospital corps of 110 men which
is encamped In the south part of town,
will entrain Thursday morning. Tho
march from Cheyenne to North Platte
gave the command all the exercise
they need for the present.,
After a protracted Illness due to a
complication of diseases, leakage of
the heart included, Joseph Haysllp
died at his home at the west end of
Second street Sunday. Ho had resided
in town for a number of years, fol
lowing the vocation of carpenter. He
te survived by his wife. Funeral ser
vices will be held at the Methodist
church this afternoon at 2:30, con
ducted by Rev. Cram.
An Insurance Policy written by limit
& Goodman ugniust loss by Hail, Tire,
Lightning, Tornado, Cyclone and Wind
storm, Is the very best investment you
can make today. Get one today. Quick
settlements and a square deal is the
reason of llratt & Goodman's success.
Nature's Way
Your Way
1 hi
Who Started
Brighten Up Ide
Nature started it originally, and starts it anew every
Spring'. Every opening bud, every flower that gives its gay
color to a dull old earth, is a part of Nature's brightening up.
Isn't it time you were at it too, with your spring
house-cleaning and house-painting?
We are ready to help you with our full line of
Paints & Varnishes
We have a particular Paint or Varnish for every pur
pose to paint your house, to brighten your floors, to reno
vate your furniture, to give you washable walls of delicate
Tell us what you want to brighten up and we'll give
the right Sherwin-Williams Paint or Varnish, specially made
for that particular purpose.
The Huhling Will Contain Sixly .Mod
ern Uooins ('. 0. lYehijrnnd Takes
a Ten Year Lease.
Plans for North Platte's now hos
telry, tho Hotel McCabe, which Dr.
N. McCabe will erect on his lots on
Dewey street, have been accepted, the
specifications will bo completed in a
week or ten days, and bld3 for the con
struction of tho building will then bo
asked. It Is hoped to have tho now
hotel ready for occupancy by the first
of February.
Tho building will be 44x132 feet,
three stories, nnd will contain sixty
rooms, In addition to a store room on
tho south side and the lobby on the
north fron)L tVntrancy. Tho dining
room, of sufficient size to accommo
date 200, wll bo In tho rear of tho lob
by. The kitchen, which will be sani
tary in every particular, will have
tiled floor nnd walls. Each of tho six
ty bed chambers will bo provided with
hot and cold water and closets, and
a number of the room3 will have baths
attached, the bath rooms in all num
bering twenty-six. Tho lighting fix
tures throughout will be of a now de
sign found only In buildings that have
been erected during tho past year. A
passenger elevator wll lbe ono of tho
conveniences, and fire escapes have
been provided for at both the front and
rear of the building.
C. O. Welngand has leased tho hotel
for a period of ten years, and In tho
lease Is the proviso that should they
be needed at any time, thirty addition
al rooms will be provided. Tho fur
nishings in every department of tho
new hotel will be thoroughly modern;
In fact It Is the intention to havo tho
Hotel McCabe classed among the best
in tho state. Knowing Mr. Welngand
as we do, wo all feel assurred that as
lessee of the hotel there wil bo
nothing lacking in tho furnishings or
in its conduct.
In providing this new hotel for
North Patte, Dr. McCabe is to be com
mended for his progresslveness. We
long have needed this addition, and wo
feel sure that the citizens will give
both Dr. McCabe a3 owner, and Mr.
f Welngand as lessee all the encourage
ment possible.
In Western Nebraska will be held in
North Platte July 5th
Something doing from S a. m. until Midnight.
Two Bands, Parades, All kinds of
Races, Drills and Fireworks.
The Parade will be a featured the day. Don't
il to see it.
Flot-Tnn A beautiful
wall paint.
SWP A weather re-sisting Scar-Not A heat-proof
lurniture and wood-work
An outside
weather proof varnish.
Porch and Deck Paint- Qld Dutch Enamelit
Stands weather as well as stayg whUe flnd h s,ayg Qn
vear Brighten Up Finishes
Mar-not A durable, floor a group of household won-
der workers.
Brighten Up Campaign Headquarters
Rexall Drug Store
Two Promising' Hall (James
Jupiter Pluvlus permitting, two ot
the best ball games of tho season will
be played on Wednesday nnd Thursday
afternoons of this week. Tho opposing
team will bo Elwood, tho acknowledged
leaders of southwestern Nebraska. Tho
Elwood team was tho top-notchors In a
trl-county league, but on account of El
wood's strength, tho other tennis drop
ped out.' Tho visiting tenm will bo tho
strongest North Platte has met this
season, henco tho games promlso to
please tho occupants of tho bleachers
and tho grand stand.
! Henry Date ono or the stockholders
. in tho Cook Publishing Co., died on
train No. 20 at Julesburg yesterday
morning of apoplexy. In company with
his wlfo and son hb was returning from
their winter homo In California to Chi
cago. Tho remains wero taken off hero
' and convoyed to tho Howo & Mnloney
1 undertaking rooms whero they wero
prepared for burial and shipped Inst
i evening to Chlcngo. Tho deceased was
fifty-seven years of age.
DooslcrV Excursion.
A booster trip under the auspices
of the Fourth of July committee will
be made to Hcrshey and Sutherland
tomorrow evening. Tho object of tho
trip is to advertise the celebration on
July 5th. The band will be taken
along, and every owner of an automo
bile who desires to assist In this boost
ing trip is requested to bo at the court
house at six o'clock sharp tomorrow
Miss Anna YVetzell, of Sutherland,
s spending this week With Miss Merle
Tho Entre-Nous club will be enter
tained by. Mrs. I. L. Stebbins tomor
row afternoon, Instead of by Mrs.
Miller as formerly anounced.
Rains continue to fall and tho
weather remains cool. Thursday we
had .21 of rain. Saturday .39 and Sun
clay .15, three-quarters of an Inch for;
the three days.
There will be a reception given at
the home of Mrs. C. P. Iddlngs, Thurs
day evening, July 1st, for tho new
members and all members of tho Pres
byterian church and congregation. A
cordial Invitation Is extended to all.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight
and Wednesday; not much change In
temperatures Highest temporaturer
yesterday 76, a year ago 89 j lowest
last night 5G, a year ago 55.
John McConnel, who was up from
Somerset yesterday, said the grasshop
pers had destroyed the second crop on
about ten acres of his alfalfa fiold. One
would think that with all tho rain we
havo had the grasshopper crop would
have been drowned out.
Hail near us. Albert Morris ami
other crops destroyed south of Hcr
shey. Some of these carry u llratt &
Goodman policy and uro safe and will
receive prompt sctllciiieut, dollar for
dollar. What about those who carry
Mutual policies that will receive their
pay In scaling down their losses and
the balance when (he oilier fellow pays
his assessment. Always get an old
line Hull Insurance Policy written by
reliable Agents like llratt & Goodman,
tho leaders in writing Hail. Tiro and
Lightning Insurmcc. It without one
of their policies, get one before you
sleep nnd bo safe.
One year ago yesterday the Austrian
archduko Francis Ferdinand and his
wlfo wore shot and killed In tho llt
tlo Bosnia town of Serajovo by Garvia
Prinzip. It was tho act of Prinzlp, a
poor student, which ultimately resulted
In eleven nations going to war. These
nations arc, on ono hand, Great Brit
on, France, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Bel
gium, iiaiy anu luonienegro, ami, on
tho other, Germany, Austria and Tur
key. Tho war to date, according to
conservative estimates compiled from
tho best available reports, has caused
a loss to the various bolligerents of
more than six million men, dead,
wounded nnd prisoners, and more than
flvo hundred ships. Of these nbout 120
were war-vessels.
I We Iiuto u few extra choice 7 and 8
1 per cent real estate Mortgags In sums
of s?:i00 and upwurds. Interest pay
able seinl.aunually; tlicso mortgages
nolr taxable. Thoy aro Just what the
, careful Investor wants.
HHATT & 3 001 WAX.
Tho electric light plant at Maxwoll
will bo placed In service in a few days,
and then tho average Maxwelllto will
bo happy.
Tho ten cent social which was to
havo boon hold Juno 30th at tho homo
of Mrs. Mang, has been postponed un
til July 7th.
Word wns received in this city Sat
urday of tho death of Mrs. Conway, of
Noleigh, Nob., mother ot Miss Com
fort Conway of tho Tramp store, who
was called homo Friday evening, but
who arrived several hours after her
mother's death.
For Snlo
. .2 Corrugated 'Iron Uulldings which
can bo moved without being taken
dowu, at Horshoy's Opposite Tost Office.
Hargains In Homes.
Small payments down; balance to
suit purchasers. See W. E. EIIIb, 520
east Eleventh street. 44-4
Keith Theatre
The first of ihc
"Who Pays"
Something different in
lay, June 30th and
Thursday, July
ame Called 3:30
Admission, Adults 25c.
Childern under 12, ISc.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages, The monthly
payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
First Class Sulky Cultivators ut - - ... $27
Johnson & Thomas Self Dump Sulky Hay Rakes each $30
Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mowers 6 foot cut $50
2 II P Gasoline Engines - ' - - - - - . . . $50
Monarch Maleahle Iron Ranges at $50
Radgers New Century, P, & 0. Canton at $25 to $27 each
-t.. '
Samson & Aermotor Wind Mills, each - $25 to $27
Champion Foot Cuide Hay Sweep; each .... 530
Two Horse Power Pumping Engines, each - - $50 to $60
Sharpless Tubular Cream Separator below cost.
Hardware, Nail Bolts, Hinges, Rope' at reduced prices.
Rinding Twine and Cane Seed.
A few Rain Farm Wagons at Cost.
Corner 5th and Locust Street opposite Postoflice, Phone 15.