The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher.
One Ycnr by Mnll In Advance... $1.25
Oho Ycnr by Carrier In Advance. $IM
Enterod at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postolficc ns Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1013.
The directors of tho Chamber of
Commerce held a apodal mooting
Tuesday ovonlng to discuss several
matters that donmnded Immediate at
tention. Tho first considered was tho
application to tho ctly council for a
llcenso by a company that proposes to
come horo with a street fair next woelt,
opening Monday and closing Saturday
night. Not only were tho directors op
posed to having tho carnival como
hero, but a do2en cltlzons who wero
present at the' meeting wero almost
unanimous In their opposition. Tholr
opposition was takon on tho ground that
n Btrect fair Is a breeder of looso raor
als; and that It takes money out of
town, and that tho class of amusement
provided Is neither olovntlng or ovon
a medium class that as u rule the
"shoowe" are of tho "snldo" variety
nnd not worth ovon tho amall adnils
slon asked. Whllo there Is probably
nothing In the ordlnanre to provont
tho company from show ng on some
vacant ground, 11 was the sense of tho
meeting that tho streets should not
bo given over for such purpose ajid
that tho council should, If possible,
levy a Hcoti30 tax ho high ns to pro
hlblt tho company from coming.
Another matter discussed was tho
Fourth of July Celobratlon. Whllo tho
time to make the preparations la short,
It was decided to proceed with tho eel
ebratlon on Monday, July Cth, and to
assist tho commlttco an appropriation
of $700 was mode. This amount will
bo augmented by funds from other
sources. An executive committee com
posed of Harry Porter, W. J. Tlley, W,
R. Malonoy, W. J. Landgraf, C. M.
Newton and 0. E. Elder was selected
to hnve charge of the colobrat'on.
Th baso ball situation was discussed
at some length and It was genorally
conceded that tho team should bo sup
ported. An appropriation of fllvo hun
dred dollars was made,., with tho pro
viso that moro should be donated
Bhould tho condition of tho publicity
mud permit.
Tho condition of tho Lincoln High
way was discussed, as was also tho
roads leading Into tho city. Tho Im
portance of tho Lincoln Highway to
North Platte was cited by Secretary
Tomplo, who stated that on Monday
ho had counted thirty tourist cars In
town. Every loiirlst spends money In
town for lodging, meals and garage
supplies, and In many Instances pat
ronlzo tho general linos of business.
On another occasion thoro wen so
many tourists In town '.wit tho holds
and rooming houses wore overtaxed
and several wero unable to get rooms.
On account of the roadn, some of tho
tourists have been cutting out North
PhUto and going west over the road
south of tho rlvor und crossing at
Tho Sclls-Flolo show, which exhibits
In North Platto Monday afternoon and
evening, will arrive Sunday from
Cheyenne, and will entrain during tho
forenoon and tho tents will bo erected.
This feature of the show will no doubt
be witnessed by a large crowd, as the
work Is of an Interesting nature and
gives cvldenco of the thorough organi
zation of a big show.
There should bo a warm wolcome
( this show, not only benuse of Its
real merit, but because connected with
it is our former townsmen, Col. W. F.
Cody, who has charge of the Wild West
features of tho show.
Th Sells-Floto show Is not only one
of entertainment, but of Instruction as
well. There are the trained animals
In which tho Hon, tho tigor and the
leopard Join in wonderfully taught
acts; tho big olephants which respond
to the trainers command as readily
as docs the affectionate dog; the grace
ful dancing horsos which keep perfect
step to tho music of the band; the
riders of all nations, Including the In
dian, the Arab, the cowboy, tho cow
girl and tho U. S. cavalry man; tho
wonderful clovornoss of tho acrlnllsts;
and for tho humorous part an aggrega;
tion of clowns ropresontlng all tho
comic characters of the day.
Tho performances will bo given nt
2 and 8 p. in., nnd tho ndmlssslon
prices are fifty conts for adults and
twonty-fivo conts for children.
It. II. FowIch Hurried.
One of the surprises to North Platto
people this week was tho announce
ment of the marriage of R. II. Fowlca,
which .occurred at Long Beach, Calif.,
yesterday. It was generally con
sldercd that Mr. Fowlos was Invulncr
ablo to the assaults of Cupid's darts,
at least he was In this section of tho
country, but It seems that tho Callfor
nla climate softned his "hardness of
heart" and a dart struck a vital spot.
Tho lady who became Mrs. Fowlos was
Miss Madollno Gray Anderson, and
tho ceremony occurred nt the residence
of tho brldo's grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Fowles will bo "at hohio" at
Long Beach after September 1st.
Tho Tribune cxtonds congratulations
to Mr. Fowles, best wishes to his brldo
nnd to both may tho sun of happiness
ami contentment never set.
A Visit From Col. Burke.
Col. John M. Burke, for years press
agent for tho Cody Wild West show
and now holding a similar position
with tho Sells-Floto show, spent Tues
day rorenon In town nnd made a nlcas
ant visit nt Tho Tribune olllce. Thouch
descending the western slope of life,
mo major is tho same suavo, jovial,
polished man of twenty-five years ago;
the morry twinkle Is still In lis eyo, and
though his long tresses are slivered
and getting sparso his indomitable en
ergy socnisundimlnlshd. Tho hinjor was
tnroe days behind his schedule, and
could; not, us 'he ddsired,' spend tho
full day In town meeting all his old
friends; somo of whom ho know In the
days when, tho red man and the buffalo
woro habitues of the section surround
ing North Platte.
North Finite (lirltf Guy nt Horsliey
Tho Tribune regrets to say that
citizens df HerBhcy have filed nt this
olllce complaints regarding the con
duct or rour North Platto girls who at
tonded a dance at that placo last Frl
day night, and following tho dnnco
i. , l....iii.... 4 ...,.... uuuhhiu hi) guy us io ui3iuru iuo ocaco
Tho Edition' of the Northwestern ! ?' ttBLT". SJ'""1!;L?uch ndct
Academy, of Lake Gonevn, Wis., rot- ," V nrtini i . V , T
eronco to which has boon made In c n m Sl,h h hn
theso columns, arlvcd In town Wcdnos- "t T'l " rH LP m V
day, after a strenuous .trip from Oma- te!nf W,th
i,n ,.vnr, wm.,ift(.u rtn,ia BUC information as the Incident war-
rallltary outfit 's composcdgt twonty-'
six cadets from tho ecadomy traveling
tn Mntl Ifrnnnlnnn In anvnn milna In
3IINH Hall to go to rhlllnnlncs.
Miss Gladys Hall of thlB city expects
chargo of Col. Davidson, commandant i1 X ZV (3
of tho school. Mr. men. iiin M,nni to. loavo. Ju,y .4th for San Fiancinco,
nhvaWliTl nn.l At-nmnnn,, w",w. m' wul "lt3ul 11 OCUB1II, WHO IS
tho United States military attache at "T """a it mi, ii,V ' t
Mm anhoM hnn nt M, .nrn la nn,1 9" AUgllat Ctll they Will Ball for
the school. Ouo of tho cars Is fitted
MlS. 1)l.t1L.l..n.. ...1. ..I TT , . ...
un ns nn ambulance vnrv rnnmlntnlv ' " 1 u'"W"ra wjiuiu ouao nan win
Zthfnn, 1 Tnyn,C0"?, ,1 copt u position ao tcachor in tho
equipped, nnd also a steel armored
oar, in. which tho occupants nro snugly
caged, tho only opening bolng a small
pubic schools. Sho will be stationed
on an Island about ton miles from the
look-out anorturo for the driver. Tht' " 1 i a con
nrtfinrnil nn rwnlirlin nvnr n nnft nniinilo I """" U1 United HtatOS gOVOrn-
nrihorcd ca rwolghn over 0,000 pounds,
ana tho Hospital car Is of tho samo
Avolght. During tho trip ho strictest
military dlsclpllno Is observed. Tho
cars are owned and oqulpp d by tho
school, and tho oxpoiiRca nro paid' by
mo institution, Artor reaching nnd
spending some time at San Francisco, j
tho return tr'p will ho made by train.
Colonl Davidson said tho armored
car wns of tho typo used by tho army
and that tho stool covering would with
stand a steel bullet unless Hired nt Iobb
than one hundred ynids; at n loss (Its
tanco tho bullet would ploreo tho cov
ering, but Its force would bo spent.
Train Limit Rill Defeated.
Railway Ago Gnzotte: Tho moas
uro which has been pending In tho
Illinois legislature to limit tho longth
of froght trains finally has boon
killed. It originally prohibited tho
rallwnya from running trains of moro
than fifty cars. Tho roads conducted a
vigorous campaign against this pro
vision, Doth at Springfield and lu
tho nowapupors of tho state. Whon tho
labor lobby saw the llfty-car bill
could not bo pnssed It substituted a
measure limiting tho longth of trains
to sovonty-flvo cars. This at ono tlmo
received sovonty-olght votos In tho
houso. and It looked aa If It might bo
passed; but whon It camo up for third
reading It was dofoated, 01 to 7, Tho
labor lobby has Introduced trnln-llmlt
bills In nlnotcen states this year; and
up to dato It has boon dofented In
ovory stato. Tho hardest fight for log
Islatlon of this kind was mndo In Il
linois, and tho comploto defeat
of It thcro Is a stroug Indication that
It will never bo poslblo to got It
puBsscd In another stato.
ment, and Miss Hall for tho first year
win rccoivo a salary or ninety dol
lars per month.
Mis Borthn Votaw, of Curtis, spoilt
mis week in town visiting local
Mrs. E. N. Johnson loft a fow days
ago for Omaha whoro i he will spend n
week or longer.
MIbb Gortrudo Baker who has been
visiting In Gothenburg for a week Is
expjected homo today.
Miss Josephine Sadlo loft Tuosday
for Oahkosh whoro eho will visit
friends and attend tho wedding of hor
brother Will Sadlo.
Wanted 300 buys and girls to be at
Clinton's Jewelry Store, Monday morn
ing nt 9 o'clock to get a souvenir. ....
John Landers, who lived on a home
stead west of town thirty or more
years ago, and moevd to the Powder
river country In Wyoming, was In town
yestordny visiting friends.
A full line of Palm Beach and white
skirts Just in.
41-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Fred Bremer, of the north side, re
turned yestordny from Omaha where
lie accompanied his wife, who has en
terod the Clarkson hospital for treat
ment for serious physical allmonts.
Not only wero Rock Island trains
Fred Ericsson, who was up from
Cottonwood Wednesday, reported a
heavy rain In that section Wednesday
morning. At the sume time here in
town here wns a light fall of both
ram and nan, me miter uoing no
damage to vegetation.
Rend Hershoy's njvcrtlsomen'
a closing out s.tle In this Issuj. llcr
shey the hardwaro man. iM
Thousands of toads, recently hat
ched, wero vlslblo on the streots early
yesterday morning. The peculiar fea
ture of their appearance was that they
wore only to bo seen on tho streets
running cast and west and all wero
hopping westward. For an hour or two
east Fifth street was fairly allvo with
Wanted 301) boys and girls to be nt
Clinton's Jewelry Store, Monday morn
ing ut !) o'clock to get a souvenir. . . . .
JUNE 28tl
In tho initial game of ball In the
church league Tuesday ovonlng, the
Methodist team defeated the Lutheran
team by a score of four to two In
six Innings. Tho Methodist battery was
Cross and Cochran; Lutheran, Ford,
Weinberg and Sandall. This evening
tho Presbyterian and Christian teams
will play.
For Snlo
..2 Corrugated Iron Buildings vdiieli
can be moved without being taken
down, at Hershoy's Opposite Post Of
fice. ,
Painter, PnperhangCT ami
Phone Black 370.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Chlldran's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald State Bank Building
Corner Sixth and Dewey Stroets
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Order of Hearing on Original Probate
of Will.
Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln Countyj ss.
in tno County Court, June 10, 1015
In tho Mnttcr of the Estate of Agnetha
Hansen, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
or RaBmu3 Hansen, praying that the
Instrument, filed on tho IGth day of
June 1U15, and purporting to bo the
last Will and Testament of the said de
ceased, may" bo proved, approved, pro
bated, allowed and recorded as the
last Will and Testament of said
Agnetha Hansen, deceased, 'and that
tho execution of said Instrument may
bo committed and tho administration
of said. Estate may be granted to Anna
M. Hansen ns Executrix.
Ordered, That July 1G. 1916. at 2
'clock p. m. Is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons In
terested in said matter may appear at
county Court to be held in and for
said County and show cause why tho
prayer of petitioner should bo granted.
That a copy of this order be pub
lished in tho North Platto Tribune, a
semi-weekly newspapor published in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said hearing.
J22-3 County Judge.
Jack Sinclair returned Tuesdnv
from a short visit In Denver.
Goorgo Barr of Omaha, who visited
local frlonds Inst week has returned
Mrs. James and daunhtor of Suther
land, spent the first of this week visit
ing in town.
Miss Gladys Johnson loft tho first
of this wook for Omaha to spend a
lorungui wun relatives.
Tho Yeomon will glvo ono of their
bi-monthly dances at tho Lloyd onora
nouso Tuesday evening.
Msa Wayne Sullivan of Brady, snent
mat weoic with Mlsa Mildred FItzpat
ricic aim returned nomo Sunday.
Mr. und Mrs. Henry Rlttor nnd four
children of Falrbury, formerly of this
city nrb expected horo this wok to
visit tho Flynn family.
MrB. E. N. Johnston will ontortnln
tho members of tho J. F. F. club Tuos
day afternoon at hor homo at 522 west
Mr. and Mrs. Will Flnnoy nnd chll
dron of Evnnston, Wyo., arrived hero
a tow days ago to visit with tho Hat
noltl family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meston nnd clill
dren, of ScottB Bluffs who woro vlsl
tors In town Inst week loft Wednos
day for Hastings nnd Omaha to vlst
Mrs. L. L. Walker and family of
Kansas City, ar'ved horo yesterday to
miiKo inoir nomo. mr. waikor is mana
gor of the Gaston Muslo Co. and has
boon here for several months.
Real Estate and Insurance
Como and Bee ua for town lots in
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains m farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewoy Stsu upst&lrs.
Probate Notice
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Cor
nelius Sullivan, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, May 25, 1915.
Notlco Is hereby given, That tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet tho
Administrator of said Estate, before
tho County Judge of Lincoln County,
Nebrnsl-a, at tho County Court Room,
in said County, on tho 2nd day of July,
1915, and on tho 3rd day of January,
mil, at a o'clock n. m. each day. for
tho purposo of presenting their claims
for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Six months aro allowed for
creditors to present their claims, and
ono year for tho Administrator to sot-
tlo said Estato, from the 2nd day of
July, 1U15. This nqtlce will bo pub
lished in the North Platto Tribune,
a legal semi-weekly nowspapor print
ed and published In North Platte. Lin-
coin county, Nebraska, for four con
secutive weeks proceeding July 2nd,
GEO. E. FREf!H. .
Jl-tw County Judge
Legal Notice.
Louis Josonh Eliflatein and Horman
Einstein, dofondants.
Will tnko notlco that on tho 29th of
day of May. 1915. Wesley T. Wilcox
and John J. Halllgan. nlalntlffs herein
nieu tuoir petition In tho District court
of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against
said defendants, tho object and prayor
of which aro for a partition of tho
north half of the northeast ouartor
and tho north half of tho northwest
quartor of section twenty-six, town
ship slxteon, north of range twenty
nlno west of tho Cth P. M. in Lincoln
county, Nobraska, equally between the
plalntlffa and tho dofondants, and If
said land cannot bo equitably dlvldod,
that tho Bamo bo sold and out of tho
proceeds tho plaintiffs bo nald for cer
tain taxes which they havo paid on
said land.
You aro required to answer sold pe-r
uuou on or ooiore tno ism day of
juiy XV ib.
Dated 29tu day of May, 1915.
Jl-4 Plaintiffs.
600 People
All Hi
3 R.R
Lions Tigers
Trained but
Two Giant
at one price
of Adhission
The undersigned will sell at public sale at the Johnson Dairy
Ranch, 6 miles North of Ringgold, Neb., on
Wednesday, June 30, 1915
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property;
30 Jersey Milch Cows, 2 to 8 years old; 10 Jersey Heifers, 1
and 2. years old; 17 calves; many of the abeve are grand
daughters of Dorothy's Exile 63929, St. Lambert Eclipse
64929, Golden Ferns Grandson 7338, and Badger of Brook
side 98819. 3 bulls, 1, 2, and 7 years old, the latter being
ofBrookside, 98819.
1 Grade Percheron Stallion 10 years old, wt. 1,600 pounds,
bright bay in color; 11 horses and colts from 1 to 5 years old.
IMPLEMENTS-A Creamery Outfit, gas engines, feed
grinder, corn sheller, feed chopper, churns, butter washer,
separator. Some household goods and other articles too
numerous to mention.
TERMS-Sums of $10 and under cash: over $10 six months
time with approved security at 10 per cent interest 2 percent
discount lor cash.
Ray crLagford Clerk L E JohllSOll
Noith Pintle, Neb.
Legal Notice
To Charles E. Cotton, Ora D. Cotton
and nichard E. Cotton, Defendants:
You and each of you will take no
tlco that on tho 14th day of May, 1915,
Henry Clark, plaintiff herein, filed bis
petition In tho District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, against said
defendants, Impleaded with others, the
object and prayor of which ard to ex
clude tho said defendants and each of
them from all Interest In and to one
I certain promissory note for Four
Thousand anu no Hundredths
($4000.00) Dollars payable to tho order
of Charles E. Cotton, and payablo Sep
tember 1, 1916, dated May 8th, 1915,
and signed by P.- E. Gundorson and
Gus Gundorson, and for a decree to
havo the said defendants hold said note
in trust, for the plaintiff and for an
order, that tho said defendants and
each of them be re'qulred to dellved
said note Into Court for tho purposo of
having the samo delivered to tho plain
tiff herein.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
12th day of July, 1915.
Dated this 1st day of June, 1915.
Jl-4w His Attorneys.
Probnlo Notice
In tho Matter of tho Estato of James
M. Rannle, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska. May 25, 1915.
Notlco Is hereby given, That tho
creditors of tho deceased will meet the
Administratrix of said Estate, before
tho County Judge of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 2nd day of July,
1916, and on tho 3rd day of January,
1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for
the purposo of presenting their claims
for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Six months aro allowed for
creditors to present their claims, and
ono year for the Administratrix to
settle said estate, from the 2nd day of
July. 1915. This notlco will be pub
lished In tho North Platte Tribune, a
legal semi-weekly newspaper printed
and published in North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, for four con
secutiv6 weeks, preceedlng July 2nd,
l'l-4w County Judge.
Probato Notice.
In tho Matter of tlio Estate of Ann
Jane Barraclough, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, June 1, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given, that the cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estate, before
the County Judge of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said-County, on the 9tb day of July,
1915, and on tho 9th day of January,
91G, at 9 o'clock A'. M. each day, for the
purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months aro allowed for
creditors to present their claims from
July 9th, 1915, and ono year for the
administrator to Bettle said estate,
from the 1st day of June, 1915. This
notice will bo published in the Semi
Weekly Tribune, a newspaper printed
In said county, for four weeks suc
cessively, on and nfter June 8th, 1915.
J8-4w Count y Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Tillie S. Blankenburg is plain
tiff, and Mary Becker, et. al. are de
fendants, and to mo directed, I will on
tho 10th day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock
p. m at tno east front door of the
court house in North Platte, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest ana costs, the follovvlnir de
scribed property, to-wlt:
South half (SV.) of Northwest
quarter (NW M), Southwest quarter
of Northeast quarter (SW of NE&)
and Northwest quarter of Southwest
quarter NWU of SWVi) of Section
Twenty-four (24), Township Sixteen
(1C), Range Thirty-three (33), west of
tho sixth principal meridian, Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte. Nebraska.
Juno 5th, 1915.
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good cigar means ono mado
at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep
utation as a mauer o rgood cigars in
North Platto extends back thirty years.
If wo did not mako good cigars wo
would havo been forced to close tho
factory years ago. If you havo not
beoH smoking Schmalzrled's Cigars It
Is not too lato to begin.
J. F, Schmalzried.
Iirthe Matter of tho Estato of Henry
uoeoKe, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, June 18, 1915.
Notice is hereby given, that the cred
itors of saidlleceased will meet the ex
ecutrix of said Estate, before the Coun
ty Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
at the County Court Room, In said
County, on tho 20th day of July, 1915,
and on tho 20th day of January, 1916,
at a o ciock a. m. eacn day tor the pur
pose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months aro allowed for
July 20, 1915, and one year for tho Ex
July 20, 1915, and one year fo rthe Ex
ecutrlx to settle said estate from the
18th day of June, 1915.
This notice will bo published in tho
North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly
nowspapor printed in said county, for
four weeks successively, proceeding
July 20th, 1915.
122-4w County Judge.
By virtue of an order of salo Issued
from tho district court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered in said Court
wherein Salmon C. Stewart Is plain
tiff and Georgo Edolman and Lydla
Edolman are defendants, and to me
directed, I will on tho 17th day of
July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho
east front door of tho Court House In
North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebras
ka, sell at Public Auction to tho high
est bidder for cash, to satisfy said de
cree, interest and costs, the following
described property, to-wlt:
Northwest Quarter (NWVi) of Sec
tion Eleyen (11) and tho Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
(SWW of SWi4) of Seotloa Two (2)
all In Township Nino (9) Range
Twenty-eight (28) Lincoln County.
Dated North Platte, Neb., June 12,
1-15-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.