The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 25, 1915, Image 5

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Cost, Value, Profit, all Forgotten.
GUARANTEEWe guarantee the quality or' every article we sell to be ex-
actly as advertised or represented, and will repair, replace t
or refund the money on any purchase that does not prove satisfactory.
The great Slogan reaching around America
ITjpHE manufacturers started it, merchants took it up and now it's
lime for everybody to join in. "BUY IT NOW!" means work
for the laborer, trade for the merchant and orders for the manufac
turers; puts money into circulation and draws the face of Business
up into a smile of satisfaction.
At no time in the history of this country has there been equal cause for a cork
ing good business in every line. It's up to us, Merchants, Farmers and Workers in
every line to- stop marking time and break into a run toward big business, and I will
remark that I begin right here to do my part.
I'm buying goods just like I knew I'd sell them and I do I'm going to make you buy
you can't afford to keep your money in your pocket and pass up the bargains I've - got
ready for you. If you expect to buy a piece of Jewelry in the next five years it will pay you
to "Buy it Now" Pay you because you ought to buy now on general principles, and he
cause the prices I'm giving you on such attractive things as Diamond Jewelry, Bracelet
Watches, LaValliers, Birth Stone Rings, Party Boxes, etc., etc.
You must come and see to believe we won't attempt to tell you all but want to
- show youcome in and "BUY IT NOW."
I'll keep your dollars in circulation hecause whatever I want I'm going to "Buy it Now'
Graduate Dentist
Ofllccuover the McDonald
ftf State Bank. -
jSck Crowe lias accepted' a position
In one of the barber shops at Ogalalla.
Mrs. A. F. Beeler left the early part
of this week for a visit at Pacific coast
Albert Muldoon transacted-legal bus
iness in Hastings yesterday, returning
home Inst night.
For Rent Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, 2 for $9 and 2 for $12,
320 East B. Street. 45-3
Supt. Jeffers spent Wednesday in
town looking after railroad business
and went west on No. 5.
Mrs. Lela Hiles of Curtis and Master
Kenneth Tatro of Brady are guests at
the- home of Chief of Police Baker.
30years of knowing how
Has taught us
What we're doing now
Hugh Scoonover returned Wednes
day from Kimball, where he trans
acted business for a couple of days.
Rev. BartoD spent a couple of days
in Gothenburg this week attending
a district meeting of the Baptist
For Sale Good corner lot in Cody
addition. Will sell cheap. Phono
Black 259.
Mrs. W. H. LeDoyt returned Tues
day night from Schuyler, where sho
had gone to attend the funeral servico
of an aunt.
J. S. Davis nad J. J. Crawford, of the
Davis garage, went to Lincoln Wednes
day night to attend a nie"etihg of Biilck
sales agents, x f jf,f
A. L. Crelman of Cottonwood Idaho,
who is now visiting in Nova Scotia,
will arrive next month for a vist at the
George A. Austn home.
lVantccl y(Q boys and girls to be at
(.'Union's Jewelry Store, Hominy morn,
lug nt I) o'clock to get a souvenir. ....
F. H. Barber and family and Dr. Drost
and family are planning to leave to
morrow on a auto trip to the Pacific,
coast, each taking his car.
or any Special Work.
Over McDonald Bank.
Phono 3G for Appointment.
George Patterson and daughter, liv
ing north of the river, returned yes
terday from a visit with relatives in
Council Bluffs and Fonda, la.
Cane Seed for sale. R. N. Lamb.
The following residences were quar
antined for small-pox yesterday: Fred
Rector, 415 east Third; Mr. Simms, 315
south Chestnut; Isaac Solby, west A;
A. S. Allen, 721 west Second; George
McKay, 804 west Fifth.
We are putting forth every effort to
make our Loom End Sale this year bet
ter than ever. Wo will announce the
date later.
44-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Bank Service in a
Mail Sack
This is a community of educated
farmers having high priced farms,
bumpor crops and good live stock.
As bankers to this class of people,
we give the sort of servico that
reaches outside of North Platte itself
and right into the homes of our far
mer customers.
When the days get so busy that to
leave the farm is unadvisable, remem
ber that wo put bank service in a mail
sack, where it can bo sent to you and
return from, you at will. A connection
with this strong bank is a convenience
for farmers, for you.
Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Lost In 10 cent store, gold handled
parsol with monogram. Return to this
olllce and receive reward. 44-2
Harry Murray returned Tuesday
from Denver where ho spent sevral
Mrs. Edward Burke entertained the
Presbyterian aid society yesterday
. iDenver lots for sale or would trade
for cattle. Inquire of Mrs. C. F .Purdy,
Phono 793F22. 42-7
A. social dancei will bo held at the
Masonic hall this evening under the
management of Messrs. Paul Nolan
and' George Weir.
Mrs. Everettt .Bloyd and children
will leavo this week for points in
eastern Nebraska to spend two
For Farm Loans s?o or write Gene
Crook, room 3, W'altemath building,
North Platte. 4itf
Mr. and Mrs. jack Sinclair enter
tained a numbetyof friends Tuesday
evening. After the music and dancing
a nice lunch was served.
The O. R. C.and.B. of B.T.will hold
Joint memorial services at the Chris
tian church Sunday, Juno 27th, at 2:30
p. in., Rev. Knowles will deliver the
Lost Hand-embroidered baby robe
between Willow and NIneth streets.
Finder call Black 079 and receive re
ward. 44-2
Miss Maymo McMichael entertained a
few friends at a dinner party Tuesday
evnlng in honor of Mrs. Joe Simodvnes
of Sidney who has been her guest for
the past week.
Captain R. E. Haskell spent Wed
ncsday In town while enrouto to his
ranch In McPherson county. For sev
oral months past ho has been staying
wmi nis brother at Arnold.
Bear In mind, our -Semi-Annual
Loom End Sale begins very soon. We
havo been preparing for ( this event
iur mumns, picKing up oniy goou
tilings for tills sale.
44-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mrs. John McGraw entertained
number of friends at dinner Monday
evening In honor of Mrs. J. Slmodynes
oi biuney. covers were laid for twelve,
The latter part of tho evening was
spent In music and 500.
For Rent Six room house, electric
lights, city water. 520 cast Eleventh
street. Phone Red 540. 44-2
Henry Peterson, a former North
Plntto boy, passed through Wednesday
on a dctoureu Kansns Pacific train. He
Is now running between Kansas City
ana Denver as a dinning car conductor
anil lives in the lntter city.
Rov. Knowles has accented an Invl
tation to deliver tho Fourth of July
address at the Stapleton celebration
which will bo held Sunday and will bo
of a religious and patriotic nature.
Tho people of that section aro assured
a patriotic and interesting address.
Alfalfa growers havocortalnly been
hard hit by the almost dally rains of
tho past month, not only In Lincoln
county, but in all counties east of us.
Much of the alfalfa has been cut, but
Httlo as yet has been stacked, and
it will finally go Into tho stack in
rather bad shape fit for feeding but
not for shipping.
Tho Willow Island ball team will bo
hero for a game Sunday "afternoon.
This sarao team was hero ten days
ago but could not play on account of
wet grounds. Embracing as it does tho
beat playorB in Dawson county, tho
visiting team win no uouut put up a
stiff game. Tho umpire will yell "play
ball" at 3:30.
Committee Works Vigorously.
Twelve hours after tho executive
committee for tho celebration on July
5th had been appointed, the members
had met, outlined their plnns, and had
part of tho program arranged that
Is, as the boys say, going somo. Within
thnt twelve hours tho Gothenburg band
had ben engaged to nssfat the North
Platte military band In furnishing
music; the Gothenburg fire department
secured to tnko part in tho races, and
plans perfected for a monstrous pnrndo
which will include business llonts, two
bands, fire departments, hlch school
endets, tho rlllo club, drill teams, and
other organizations. Ono feature of this
pnrndo will bo a comic section, nrlzos
of $16, $10 nnd $5.00 being offered for
tne tnree best. The same prizes aro
offered for the best lloat or decorated
There will be motorcycle, nonv and
fot races, base ball gamos and other
foot races, basrf ball gamos and other
morning until night. In tho evening
thero will bo a bettor display of fire
works than usual.
E.strny Hull.
Taken up by Frank Strolberc west
of town on Sunday a bull 3 or 4 years
old. Owner please call, pay for dam
ages done,' for keep and advertising 1
and take anlmnl away. '
8 Cents
District Epworth League foment Ion.
bevmty-nve or eighty delegates rep
resenting tho Epworth loagues in the
Kearney district were present nt the
convention held In this city Tuesday
evening, Wednesday and yesterday
morning. The convention opened with
a reception nnd banquet Wednesday
evening in the basement of the Presby
terian church, which was tendered
dolegates by the local league. About
150 woro present and tho menu was
served by tho Methodist nld society.
Following the banquet a program of
readings and music was rendered.
Tho basement wns decorated with the
leaguo colors.
Wednesday morning a sunrlso
prayer meeting wns hold at six o'clock.
and at the morning and afternoon ses
sions a number of addresses wero
made by delegates present. In the
evening a lecture was delivered by
Rov. Lowe, of Omaha.
Lutheran Announcements.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. ni.
Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Tho
Lord's Supper will be celebrated. Con
gregational meeting at the close of this
Evenlne worshln at S o'clock. Knec-
lal communion service for those who
cannot attend In the morning. Ap
propriate music at both services.
Luther league Wednesday evening nt
8 o'clock. Topic "Tho Burning of John
Hus and Modern Liberty."
Rev. Alfred Oilman's address last
Sunday evening al the Lutheran
church to a crowded church was very
highly spoken of,. It wns wisely said
that his family and our city can bo
proud of him and the splendid work
ho Is evidently doing in China.
Rev. C. S. Powell, pastor of the
Lutheran church at Oshkosh, wns in
town this week and stopped over nt tho
Lutheran parsonage. He accompnnled
Mr. Dennis of Oshkosh who Is now at
the. Good Samaritan hospital.
For Sale.
Threo Registered Short Horn Bulls.
These bulls are Yearlings and good
ones. Frank Strolberg, C miles west of
North Platte. x 42-4
Saturday and
Wilcox Department Store.
Fire Truck Itrenkn Down.
A house in tho 900 block on wedt
Eighth street was burned to thoground
Tuesday night. The building was oc
cupied by a Mexican who docs not
seem to know how the fire originated.
Tho auto truck started for the fire
bufbofor running a block a break in
tho'crnnk shaft occurred and the truck
rendered helpless. This accident is
supposed to have been due to a Haw
in tho shaft. Our auto truck is a thing
of benuty but has a tendency to go
wrong at Intervals. At the previous
fire tho truck became mired; now a
break In the mnchlnery what next?
Get Glasses in Time
Any person who needs Glasses At
Ml, needs them Just ns quickly as they
can bo had.
Because each day that is allowed to
pass increases the trouble Just that
much more.
Wo havo n free servico of examina
tion hero that is for anybody nnd
Wo employ only tho most npproved
methods for testing the eye, and re
sults aro always what they should be,
Take advantage of our offer.
Registered Optometrist.
Auto Polo Itaccs Excitlinr.
The nuto polo races given at the ball
grounds Tuesday and Wednesday at
ternoon proved tho most exciting sport
North Plntto has oyer witnessed. Tho
players used Ford cars stripped to tho
hare chnssls, and tho drivers hnndled
tho cars with wonderful dexterity nnd
at top-most speed. The players Btood
on Improvised running boards, held
to tho car with tho left hand nnd
struck the ball with a mallet held In
tho right hand.
Largo crowds witnessed tho games
each afternoon.
The greatest grainjerop you ever raised
is assured barring 3H I Hj ,
There have been hail stormy all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
canbar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by rlAlL.
Delays are dangerous.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
Onc'Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
For Sale.
4-yenr old black Percheron Stallion,
weight nbout 1400. Inquire of Otto
Mesmer, Sec. 30-1G-30, 15 miles north
of North Platte. 42-4
Itallniad .Men and their Families
The order of Railroad Conductors
and Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men will hold joint memorial services
at tho Christian church Sunday, June
27th at 2:30 p. m., to which all rail
road men, their fnmllcs and friends
nro Invited. Rov. Knowles will deliver
tho address. Wo hope to seo every
railroad man In town present at this
Signed: W. II. LoDioyt and Dorr
Tnrklngton, committee.
dotoured over tho Unoln Pacific for
four days this ''week, but Wednesday
it was necessary to cend Kansas Pn
clflc trains enrouto to and from Den
ver through North Platte. It Is to tho
credit of tho union Paclllc to say
that when extra motive power to haul
ineso trams was needed, it was
promptly forthcoming at this terminal.
I. .1 IMNIi III I .
St I
Siillrv 2.
Bndyers. New Centurv. P. & O. Canton at $2F5 to S27 each
C ' J " f
Samson & Aermotor Wind Mills, each - - $25 to $27
Bain Wagons 2 1-2 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels',
24 inch box and spring scat -. ??.5
13uin Wagons, 2 3-4 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels",
26 inch hox and spring seat f70
Bain Wagon, 3 inch axle, 4 inch wide tire wheels 26
inch hox nnd spring seat $75
Boss Hay Stacker, hest on the market, each - - - $50
Boss Hay Sweeps 30
Champion Foot Guide Hay Sweeps, ench .... 30
Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mower, 6 ft cut, each 50
Thomas & Johnson 12 foot Sulkey Hay Rakes, each - 30
Johnston Mowers, 6 foot, each 50
Two Horse power Pumping Engines, each - - 50 to 60
Binding Twine at lowest prices.
Corner 5th and Locust Street oppositePostoffice, Phone 15.