Semi-Weekly Tribune UtA L. HAKE, Editor nnd 1'nbllslicr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year by Mull In Adrnnco....$1.25 One Year by Cnrrlcr In Adrnnco. .$1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, .JUNE 22, 11115. Eiilcrlnin Regents nt Luncheon. The members of tho board of re gents of the state university who aro out on a tour of inspection of the stnto agricultural station, spoilt part of Saturday In town. They wore milk ing the trip In nutos, but on account of the bad roads the cari were aban doned at Kearney and they enmo to this city by rail. Saturday forenoon was spent at the North Plntte sub Btutlon and at ono o'clock tho regents wcro given u luncheon at itlic Pacific hotel by members of tho Chamber of Commerce. Platos wcro laid for twenty-eight. Tho guests prosont wore re cents W. O. Whltmoro of Valloy, V. Q. Lyford of Falls City, F. L. Holler of Omaha, nnd J. E. Mllor and P. L. Hall of Lincoln, and A. E. Burnett, (loan of tho agricultural college at Lincoln. Following tho luncheon a numbor of addresses wore mude, W. V. Hoagland, as toastmastor calling on Messrs. Temple, Mnyor Evans, Seoborgcr and Snyder and all the guostB. Tho re marks wcro In lino with tho stato university, tho agricultural college and tho several sub-stations . Chancellor Avery, who In a mcmbor of tho party, was dolaycd ut Kearney and on acount of belated trains did not arlvo In tlmo for the luncheon. Tho party loft for Scotts Bluff Sat urday nftornoon nnd returned to this city yestordny and woro taken over to Curtis In tho W. V. Hoagland and Frank Harbor cars. The party will re turn hero some tlmo today and go east tonight. , At tho luncheon tho regents and Dean Burnett spoko very highly of tho work being performed by Supt. Snydor. The Colonel's Rnttlcsnnkc. In tho llttlo privnto tent on tho cir cus grounds in which Col. William Frederick Cody spends his tlmo whon not appearing in tho perfomnnces of tho Sclls-Floto Circus nnd Buffalo Bill's Original Wild West, which Is coming hero Monday, June 28th, many a good story i3 told and most of tho timo they arc told by Col. Cody hlm Bclf, And Col. Cody, wliti. be Is tell ing stories tolls reul one... "Take gratltudo for Instance," the famous scout said recently, "thore's nothing llko It. Everything In tho world feels gratitude. Just for in stance there wns my pot snake Reginald. Even ho felt gratitude." "Your what?" Tho colonel's eyes twinkled. "My pet rattlesnake, Reginald. I never saw such a grateful thing ns that snnkc. I saved his life once and ho never forgot It. 1 was hunting ono morning when 1 found lilm half crushed under a rock. I picked him out, took him home, dressed his wounds nnd fed him somo mush and, sir, that snako never forgot It. Uso to bo wnlting for mo nt the door ovory evening when I came home. I could Just sooo In that rattlesnake's eyos that ho was racking his brain to pay tuo back nnd show Ills gratitude. At last the opportunity came. I had charge of a bunch of gold ono night, nnd when I was sleeping a Mexican broko In the house to steal It. But Reginald was on guard. I woko up to hear tho Mexican yelling his hend off, and ran out Into tho kitchen to find that Reginald had liogtlcd him by wrapping himself around tho Mexi cans nnklos. And that wasn't tho end of It. For fear that I wouldn't wnko up, Reginald had stuck his tall out of the window and was roltllng for tho police. Now If that wasn't grndltudo Id llko to know what Is!" LOCAL AND PERSONAL Henry Hall dt Gothenburg1. Friday evening a hail storm which extended from Vroman, in the east part of this county, to Lexington, nnd covering a Btrlp from ono to three miles in width, proved very destruc tive. At Gothenburg tho hail was of sulllclent slzo to break In skylights made of puarter inch plate glass, bat- tor shingles off roofs, mow branches and leaves from the trees nnd break hundreds of window lights. The . stones were driven through window i screens ns easily ns though mude of i paper. Crops in the path of the storm were entirely destroyed, nnd the loss will run Into thousands of dollars. Woman Cures Horse Colic. Tho men wore away & ususal .The mrse was bad. A lono woman could not "drench" in tho old way. She culled up a neighbor and hor mon woro away- but: "We have Farrls Colic Remedy Hint you drop on tho horse's tongue and the horse was woll when tho men came home. Moral: Get 'arris Colic Remedy so the women can cure horse colic. We sell It at 50c a bottlo on tho Money Back Plan. Sojd by A. F. Fink. $!J00 u Minnie for "Hiding Horse. Choycnuc, Wyo., Juno 20. Ono thousand llvo hundred dollars for not moro than flvo minutes' work will bo tho compensation of tho cowboy win ning ttho world's championship rough riding Contest at Choyonno's Frontlor Bays, July 21, 22, 23 and 24. His compensation will bo at tho rate of ?5 n second, $300 a minute. Tho cow boy winning tho world's champion ship stcor roping contest will bo paid bettor than ?200 a minute. Tho rough riding purse Is $1,500. with a $500 saddlo added for tho win ner, Tho winner will receive $1,000 cash. During the ontlro contest ho will not bo In tho saddlo to exceed llvo minutes, so the cash and saddle represent payment ut the rnto of $300 ". minute. Tho ntcor roping purso Is $1,000 of which $000 will bo paid tho winner. He will not bo roping and tying for moro than thrco minutes, If Mint long, so his compensation will bo at least $4 a uceond, $210 a minute. Want Power nt the Station. While tho regents of tho state uni versity woro In town Saturday they had a conference with Manager Moroy of the cleetrlc compnny, relative to furnishing tho experimental sub-station with light nnd power. Tho elec tric comnpuy, It is understood, ugrded to build n transmission lino to tho south limits of tho city, tho stato to build from that point to tho farm. Tho building of the lino nnd the uso of the current deponds somowhat on tho rate the company will make. In cauo tho. proposition is accepted tho state would use consldorablo cur rent, not only in lighting tho sovornl houses and barns, but tor power in oporntlng tho Irrigation pump, tho feed grinders and other machines. If this lino is built, why not mnko u boulevard of tho road loading to tho sub-statlou nnd have it lighted with electric lumps? Heavy losoos havo boon sustained by tho producers of binding twlno and harvesting machinery through tho re cent hail storms. Ono largo shipment, of 40,000 pounds of twlno, was dispos ed of at Wood River. Tho hull wiped out tho crop there and as a result this twlno was reshlppcd to Lexington and Gothenburg. Tho hall of Friday night will agnln prevent uso of this twlno in tho latter district. Harvesting ma chinery orders huvo boon cnncoled In ull tho stricken districts. Kearney Hub. edy "A Trag of the Platte Valley." BY COL. F. Sloiy of murder of Vernon Con nett. Get it at the Huffman Smoke House. Miss Edna Elliott spent Sundny In Ognlalla. Lee und Cnl Simon were visitors In Dickens Sunday. Miss Irono O'Donnoll snout Sundny with friends In Lexington. Miss Ruoy Shanner spent Sunday with her parents In Maxwell. Frank DIstel visited friends In Gothenburg tho latter part of last weok. Miss Gortude Baker left Sunday for Gothenburg to spend n few days, with irionus. W. Bacon, of Wolllleet. tranncted business In town tho lnttor pnrt of inst weoic. Do pou know thut wo mako a spc cialty of repairing R. R. Watches? Try us next time. CLINTON, THE JEWELER. Virgil Baldock, of Omaha, who was summoned hero by his father's death, ictt tor Homo Sunday. Miss Mao Winters' came uir'from Hastings,. Sunday evening to spend a wqeic or, marc witn roiuwves. W. E. Shaffer, of Hastings, arrived n fow days ago to accept n position in mo uottmancignr rnctory. F. W. Hermlnghnusen and D. 1! White transacted business In Goth- cnburg tho latter part of last weok. SEE DR. EUIS FOR GLASSES or nny Special Work. Over McDonald Bank. Phono 30 for Appointment. Mrs. Joseph Slbcrdlncss, of Sidney formorly Miss Grnco King, Is spending mis weoic wmi Miss Mnymo McMIch uol. Edward Stoftregou,, of tho Clinton Jowolry storo, has gone to Blue Hill Neb., to spend a month with his par ent. R. C. Glllum, of Wnrrensbiin:. Mo. arrived boor a fow days ago to" tako chargo of tho Postal telegraph of- tico. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox will leave shortly for Evans, Col., to visit rola' tivos and later will visit In Estcs park. For Sale 2 Corrugated Iron Buildings which can bo mined without being taken uowii, nt Jiersnej'H unpoHlto Post Of. nee. J. J. Horrlgnn and Oliver Carroll spent Sunday In Sutherland nnd later itrovo to Ogalalln to attend tho ball game. Mrs. Kllduro, postmistress of Pax ton, returned homo yesterday a-ftor noon after n short visit with local frionuji. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham nnd dnugh tor Ruth aro guests ut tho Major Walkor homo, having arrived Friday ovoning. Mrs. Warren Kelly Is enjoying u vis It from hor brother. M. J. Frnnzon who camo down from Cheyonno a fow tiuys ago. NO REASON l'OR IT. Cano Seed for sale. R. N. Lamb. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. miS. M. II ALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses In Attendance JOHN S. 'nVINEM,v Physician and Surgeon. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Building and Loan Buildine phno I Office 130 Phones Residence 115 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 J. II. ItEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN ic SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redficld & Redfleld Office Phono 642 Res. Phono G7G DERItYIJEltltY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. II. II. LAND GRAF Fainter, Funerhnngcr and Decorntor Phono Black 670. , . WYLIE WALKER, ' With tho Gaston Music Co. Tunes, Regulates, Ropairs nnd Rebuilds Pianos. Telephone 338 or Call Clinton Jewelry Store. When Citizens of North Platte Show the Way. Thoro can bo no reason why nnv roador oft his city who suffers tho tor tures of nn aching back, tho nnnov nnco of urlnnry disorders, tho nulns and dang ra of kldnoy ills will fail to heed tho words of n nolghbor who has found rollof. Rond what a North Platto citizen Bays: Mrs,. A,. G,. Wesshurg, 708 west Fourth street, North Platto, says: "I had a dragging pain In my back and troublo with my kldnoys. A doctor diagnosed my caso as a Hontlng kld noy. Many n day I was utiablo to stand on account of tho pain through my kidneys nnd tho kidney secretions woro uunatnural. An oporatton was advised, but luckily I learned ot Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a supply from McDonnoll & Graves Drug Storo, (now Schiller & Co.'s Drug Storo) and began using them. A fow days romovedt ho pains and re stored my kldnoys to their proper working order,. Another of my family has 8inco boon troubled by kidney complaint and has had a world ot good from tlilu remedy. Prlco 60c, at all dcalors,. Don't simply ask for a .kldnoy rcniody got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho uanio that Airs,, wessuerg und. Fostor-Mllhurn j Co., Props., Buffalo, N,. Y. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In Iho County Court. Juno 1C. 1915. In the Matter of the Estate of Agnetha nunson, Deceased. On rending nnd filing the petition or Rasmus Hnnson. nrayinc that tho Instrument, filed on tho 16th day of June iiut, aim purporting to bo tho last Will and Testament ot tho said de ceased, may ho proved, approved, pro bated, allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Tcstamont of said Agnethn Honsen, deceased, and that mo execution of said Instrument mnv bo committed and tho administration of said Estate may be granted to Anna M, Hansen as Executrix. Ordered, That July 16, 1015, at 2 o'clock p. in. Is assigned for hearing sniu petition, when nil porsons In forested in said matter may appoar at a County Court to bo held in nnd for said County and show cause why tho prnyor or petuionor siioukl he granted Thnt a copy of this order be null. llshed in the- North Platto Tribune, a soml-weokly nowspnper published in snld county, for throe successive woolen prior to said hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, J22-3 County Judge "It was mighty good of you to telephone; it saved mc a trip." Letting the Telephone Make the Journey When you think you ought to make a trip, why not talk instead? Nearly everyone lives right next door to your Bell Telephone. America is interwoven with 21,000,000 miles of tele phone wire, reaching here, there and nearly everywhere. That is G5 per cent of all the telephone wire in the world. All great achievements in the art of telephony have been the product of American brains, American initiative and American scientific and technical skill. PRORATE NOTICE In tho Matter of the. Estate of Henry uoouKO, uecenscu. In tho County Court ot Lincoln Conn ty, Nebraska, Juno 18, 1915. Notlco Is hereby given, that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet the ox ectitrix of said Estnte, beforo tho Coun ty Judge of Lincoln County. Nebrnska at tho County Court Room, in said county, on tlio 20th day of July, 1915 and on tho 20th day of January. 191(5 at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for tho pur pose ot presenting tholr claims for examination, adjustment and allow. nnco. Six months aro allowed for Jiuy 20, 1915, aud ono year fortho Ex July 20, 1915, and ono year fo rtho Ex ecutrlx to settle said estate from tho istli uay of Juno. 1915. Tills notlco will bo mibllshed in the North Platto Trlbuno, a somt-woekly newspaper printed In said county, for four weeks successively, proceeding July 20th, 1915. OEO. E. FRENCH, 122-lw County Judge. Bell Service Makes Everyone Your Neighbor NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY " -. '.'.V 7 , - iV. Welcome a i.V,- Good Cigar And a good cigar means ono made at tho Schmalzried, factory. Our rep utation as a makor b fgood cigars in North Platto extends back thirty years. If; we did not mako good cigars we would have been forced to close tbo factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzrled's Cigars it is not too late to begin. . J. F. Schmalzried. JOHN S. SEOIS, 31. D Physician and Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, Office, 83; Residence 38. Office phone 241. Res.jihone 217 L. C. D R O S T , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bunk Building. orata n Bought und highest markut prices paid PHONES Residence Red G30 Office -139 ! Probnto Notice In the Matter of the Estate of -Cornelius Sullivan, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, May 25, 1915. Notice Is hereby given, That the cred itors of said deceased will meet Mio Administrator of said Estate, beforo tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, in said County, on tho 2nd day of July, 1915, and on the 3rd day of January, 1916; at 9 o'clock a. m. ;each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and al lowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for tho Administrator to set tle said Estate, from tho 2nd day of July, 1915. This notlco will be pub lished In tho North Platte Tribune, a legal seml-wcekly newspaper print ed and. published In North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, for four con secutive weoks preceedlng July 2nd, 1915. OEO. E. FRENCH, jl-4w County Judge. NOTIflB FOR l'WIIMCATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oillco at North Plntto, Neb. . April 23, 1916. Notlco Is hereby given that Minnie Eliza McQulro, now Seose, or North Plntto, Nebrnska, who on February 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 05371, for EV4 of SEU Section 2, Township 11 N., KnnBO 30 W., 6th Principal Merid ian, hns tiled notice of Intention to make final threo year proof, , to estab lish claim to the land above described bofore the Register nnd Receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 21st day of June, 1915. Claimant namoH ns witnesses: gcott Shaner, of Maxwell, Nobr., Jesso Iilgh berger, of North Platto, Nebr., Andrew Howard, of "Wolluoet, Nobr., Mary Rlch nrds, of North Platte, Nobr. . J. E. EVANS. n27-6w Register. Legal Notice. Louis Josoph Einstein and Ilormati Elnstoln, dofondnnts. Will tako notice that on tho 29th of day of May. 1915. Wesloy T. Wilcox and John J. Halligan, plaintiffs horein filed their potltlon in tho District court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which aro for a partition of tho north half of tho northeast quarter and tho north half of tho northwest quarter of sectton twenty-six, town ship sixteen, north ot rango twenty nino wost of tho Cth P. M. in Lincoln county, Nobraska, equally botween tho plaintiffs and tho dofondnnts, and If said land cannot bo equitably divided, that tho Homo bo sold and out of tho proceeds tho plalutlffs bo paid for cor tain taxos which thoy havo paid on said land. You aro required to answer said pe tition on or bofore tho 12th day of July 1915. Dated 29th day of May, 1915. WESLEY T. WILCOX, JOHN J. HALLIOAN, Jl-4 "Plaintiffs. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court whoroln Tllllo S. Blnnkenburg Is plain tiff, and Mary Becker, et. al. are de fendants, and to me directed, I wijl on the- 10th day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court house In North Platto, Nebraska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following de scribed proporty, to-wit: South half (Ss) ot Northwest quarter (NW Ji), Southwest. quarter of Northoast quarter (SW of NE4) and Northwest quartor of Southwest quarter (NWVi of SW,4) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Sixteen (1G), Rango Thirty-three (33), west or the sixth principal meridian, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated at North Platte, Nobraska, Juno 5th, 1915. J8-5 A. J. SALISBURY, Shorlxg, SHERIFFS SALE. By virtuo of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rondered In said Court wherein Salmon C. Stewart Is plain tiff and Oeorgo Edelman and Lydia Edolman are defendants, nnd to me directed, I will on tho 17th day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of tho Court Houso in North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebras ka, soil at Public Auction to tho high ost bidder for cash, to satisfy said de- creo, Interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: Northwest Quartor (NW1!) of Sec Mon Eleven (11) and tho Southwest Quartor of tho Southwest Quartor (SW of SWVi) of Section Two (2) all In Township Nino (9) Rango Twenty-eight (28) Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., June 12, 1915. 1-1B-G A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Hospital Phone Black 633. Houso Phono Black 633. IV. T. I'ltlTCIIAKD, Gradunte Votcrinnrlun Eight, years a, Oovornment Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Hotisfc. .Voith Platte, Neb. Legal Notlco To Charles E. Cotton, Ora D. Cotton and Richard E. Cotton, Defendants: You and each of you will tako no tice that on the 14th day of May, 1915, Henry Clark, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, impleaded with others, tho objedt and prayer of which aro to ex clude the said defendants and each of them from all Interest- in and to one certain promissory note for Four Thousand and no hundredths ($4000.00) Dollars payable to the order of Charles E. Cotton, and payable Sep tember l, 1915, dated May 8th, 1915, and signed by P. E. Cundorson and Ous Oundorson, and for a decree to have the said defendants hold said note in trust, for the plaintiff and for an order, that tho said defendants and each of them be required to dellved said note Into Court for the purpose of having the same delivered to the plain tiff herein. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of July, 1915. Dated this 1st day of June, 1915. HENRY CLARK, Plaintiff. By WILCOX & HALLIOAN, Jl-4w His Attorneys. Probulo Notice In tho Matter of the Estate of James M. Rannie, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, May 25, 1915. Notlco is hereby given, That tho creditors of tho deceased will meet tho Administratrix of said Estate, beforo tho County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, In said County, on tho 2nd day of July, 1915, and on the 3rd day. of January, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance.- Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for tho Administratrix to settlo said estate, from tho 2nd day of July. 1915. This notico will bo pub lished in th6 North Platto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly newspaper printed and published in North Platto, Lin coln County, Nebraska, for four con-- sccutivo wooks, preceedlng July 2nd, 1915. 1l-4w OEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. Probate Notlco. In tho Matter of the .Estato of Ann Jano Barraolougli, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Juno 1, 1915. Notlco is hereby given, that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate, beforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, In said County, on tho 9th day of July, 1915, and on tho Qth day of January, 910, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allow ance Six months aro allowed for creditors to prcsont their claims from July 9th, 1915, and ono year for the administrator to settle t;Ud estate, from tho 1st day of Juno, 1915. This notlco will bo published in tho Seml Weokly Tribune, a newspaper printed In said county, for four weeks suc cessively, on and after Juno 8th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, J8'4w Count y Judgo. i