The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 22, 1915, Image 7

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Midsummer Coat of Heavy Cotton Cloth
Children Cry for Fletcher's
i in urn r mi mi m m mi ii iwi i i im ii i-hjiibi
Tho weavers of cotton cloths have
become- expert In making fabrics much
like the heavier weaves of wool In ap
pearance, as well as some novelties,
that appear only In cotton. These
heavy weaves, Including cotton cordu
roy and corded materials, are also
shown In basket weaves. They aro
all used for the popular sport skirts
and summer coats that aro featured
bo strongly for street and outing wear.
All of a sudden cretonnes have sprung
Into use In the making of apparel. Gay
ly flowered and quaintly figured cre
tonnes are used to make bright morn
ing dresses and are called "garden"
dresses. Floppy-brimmed hats or
beach bonnets (which are sunbonnets
parading under a new name) are worn
with thorn and made of the same
Ono of tho beat Inodels for a coat
of cotton corduroy, corded cloth, or
fancy weaves In cotton, is shown In
tho picture given here. Like a few of
tho heavy linen weaves, It Is unmus
eable. For decoration it depends
upon machine stitching and buttons
mado by covering button moldB with
the fabric. It is cut along the same
linos as popular sport coats of wool,
with high, convertible collar, big pock
Ostriqh Boa In Enthusiastic Revival
The ostrich boa has met with an
unanticipated but enthusiastic rovlval
of popularity, and seems destined to
outdistance other kinds of fluffy and
airy neckwear. The unusually cool
weather of spring has mado some sort
f protection almost a necessity, and
there Is no denying the becomlngncss
of soft feathers about the throat..
White fox, red fox and light gray or
(an fur neckpieces one sees with the
most summery of white turbans and
flower-trimmed hats. This vogue is
probably a reflection from the west
ern coast, for visitors to tho Panama
exposition have found the weather
cool and everyone Indulging In the
San Francisco privilege of wearing
fura with summer gowns.
The feather bou of today Is short
as to length, long as to fiber, and liked
best in white, natural color or two
toned combinations. Occasionally a
boa more than long enough to lie
loosely about tho throat la seen, but
not often. They all fasten with bows
of soft mcssaltno ribbon, apparently,
or tho exception Is so rare as to
provo the rule.
Very smart sets consisting of boa
nnd ostrich-trimmed liatn are shown,
and there aro great numbers of cock
rdor, fenn, nnd other fanciful orna made of ostrich to be used on
i !".: r hats.
ets, and wide belt across the buck.
Among other new wraps of cotton
for midsummer smocks mado in white
or blue or brown arc commanding
much attention. They are straight
hanging garments with tho fullness
taken up by old-fashioned "smocking'
nt tho neck find nt the ends of tho
sleeves. Cretonnes in small figures aro
used for the collar and cuffs and are
chosen in strong color contrasts. Tho
white smocks aro prettiest, but those
in light brown are equally smart. They
are the something new in outer gar
ments that women are all ready to
Poke Bonnets.
Adorable poke bonnets In tho same
pretty coloring show to advantage
aton blonde curls, for, unlike our
American kiddies, the bobbed hair ef
feet is not being worn on tho other
side of tho water. Tho little girls all
have their hair long" and fiowlng over
their shoulders and of course it curls
whether naturolle or a la klde or
poker. The British boy, no matter
how tiny, spurns the bobbed effect
also, and rears a close-cropped llttlo
bullet head proudly to the infantile
fashionable world.
Three boas are nhown here, one In
white, one in the natural tan and
white color of tho feathers, and the
third In black tipped with white. In
the last the white lluo is tied or pasted
on to tho colored Hue, and there Is
an endless variety In combinations to
choose from in boas mado In this wny.
But tho boa may bo had now In nny
color, even tho most unusual new tints
and shades.
It Is to be remembered that a bit oi
rich and fluffy neckwear presupposes
a hat to correspond. In the group
pictures here a white fabric hat la
shown trimmed with a pattern applied
in small black beads about tho brim
edge. It Iiub a collar of white ribbon
with small squares of embroidery in
black, ami a white rose is mounted
near the edge of tho front brlrn. The
second bead-trimmed hat shows a re
versal of color; white beads are ap
plied to a black hemp shape with fao
ing of white crape.
Pearl Ornaments.
h Pearl ornaments may bo elegant!)
poiiHueu uy nrsi running mo ouvo ou
to romovo the dirty appearance, thou
applying any red nail polish. This
latter gives a burnished appearance,
and with a llttlo fast rubbing the
pearl takes on a brilliant glow.
Agricultural "Movies" Planned for the Farmers
WASHINGTON. Tho readiness of the
most modern methods in spreading
largo corps of workers Is constantly
motion plcturo exports, many of whom have had oxtcnslvo experience Ir
commercial fields, it has already turned out In n llttlo more thnn u yeni
approximately CO.000 feet of excellent ncgatlvo and has printed from thli
about half as many feet of positive film suitable for public projection.
Deforo this phase of Uncle's Sam's
legislation will bo required. If legislation can bo secured authorizing the
expenditure of receipts from (Urn sales and leases to pay tho expenses ol
production, It Is believed that the motion plcturo enterprise can bo put on
practically a self-supporting basis, at
greatest educational value aro given
Whllo officials In chnrgo of tho motion plcturo activities of tho agrlcul
tural department hnvo this wldo use of their developing plant In tho backt
of their minds, they are going about the business of filming Interesting and
Instructive activities of the department and adding to their stock of positive
films. Subjects already on their shelves represent such varied activities at
testing cows in Vermont, rnlalng plgB
vegetables, building roads and fighting
National Museum Gets Jawbone of Prehistoric Cat
f AMES V. GIDLEY, assistant curator of paleontology in tho National
J museum, is back from an excavating
tho railroad cut near Cumberland, Md.,
find a piece of tho broken Jawbone of
a prehistoric cat, whose species is
now extinct, and whoso ago Is about
1G0.000 years.
This deposit was opened about
three years ago by workmen digging
in a cut of tho Western Maryland
railroad. It is about 125 feet from the
surface, which is a rldgo composed
at tho bottom of limestone probably
15,000,000 years old. From the top of
tho ground there was a kind of tun
nel, ending at the cave, which 1b now
on a level with the roadbed. Workmen In ballasting tho ties UBcd man)
valuable prehistoric bones, never dreaming that they wero shoveling fossllf
which oxlsted here before1 the advent
Mr. GIdloy, in this last trip, found this Jawbono of an ancient cat, which
is a rare bit of good luck. According to tho scientific men, the cavern Reel!
In which this antique cat'B bones were" imbedded was only about 1,000,00C
years old, though the rock Itself was
Time has gradually filled up this
GIdloy carefully excavated tho dirt and
science can reconstruct n cat which
Jaguar Is at present. When this kitty wandered about thero woro no bach
fences to lure him to nocturnal serenades, nor had ancient man yet appeared
on this continent to interrupt his Jawllngs with a prehistoric bootjack or booi
Ills only companions w'ere tho saber.toothod tigers, tho Immenno masto
dons grnzing about In the plains, the
prototype of tho present horse and an
was not lonely, there being a largo
tho mountain lion, though much similar
ing about two feet high, ferocious nnd
bit as formidable a foe as any tiger todny pacing his cago in tho zoo
Washington Discovers a Large New Department
rey ASIIINGTON has just waked up to discover that It has a large new do
W partment of the government which it has llttlo suspected of being in
existence, but whlclrjms In its own Judgment attained proportions Justlfylni
it in renting and moving into the
known that tho government wns mov
ing back into an old haunt, but there was curiosity to see what branch of the
government was substantial enough to claim such largo bprcc Gold lettering
over tho doorway gave token that tho "Office of Public Roads nnd Rural Engi
neering, United Stateo Department of Agriculture," wob tho now tenant, and
Washington rubbed its eyes and said: "Didn't know thero was such a big
thing ns that in the capital."
The roads bureau In its expanding splendor expresses a growing idea
about which the people of tho United StatcB seem destined to hear much in
tho future. The government hnB in fact launched out on a great good roadf
program, which seemingly will make rivers and harbors Improvements, which
have already cost hundreds of millions of dollars, look tame. It has not
gonernlly bcon known that tho good
proportions an tho new tenant of tho
Smithsonian's Nature Wonder Room for Children
IN the Smithsonian Institution there is a room especially arranged for the
children. It Is not fitted up with rwIiis, slides nnd seesaws, but with
somo of the wonders of nature; curious animals, birds, fishes, insects, plants
and rocks, all grouped so as to appeal
to the youthful mind. This exhibit,
whllo planned especially for tho child,
Is entertaining to tho adult ns well.
The room wns designed and pro
pared under the personal direction of
tho late secretary, Dr. Samuel Plor
pont Langley, whose interests wero
so human nnd broad that ho took
tlmo from Ills other studies to direct
tho arrangement of this room for his
"llttlo clients," as ho called them. Ho
even wont so far ns to appoint him-
tolf honorary curator, and choso to accept this appointment With great seri
ousness, devoting nearly two years to tho work.
In tho center Is nn aquarium of
Tho wall cases, which aro all low, so
contain, tho different groups, Tho first, tho "Largest and Smallest Dirds of
Proy," Includes several birds ranging in bIzo from tho condor of tho Andes
to tho tiny pygmy hawk. Next aro tho caglo und elf owls, followed by "Somo
Curious lllrds," all of which live up to their general label; they comprise tho
toucan, with his absurdly overgrown
upsldo down, a queer paradise bird
appear like many small flags on thin rods, somo bat-parakeets which sleep
upsldo down, suspended by ono foot, and an umbrella bird with a chrypautbo-
mumliko croi if feathers for a topknot
government to mako use. of tlu
tho useful information which itt
accumulating, and In missionary effort
for the adoption of its discoveries bj
the "ultlnmto citizen," la striking!
shown by experiments in tho produo
(Ion of motion pictures being carried
on by the department of ngrlculturo
Although not yot In a position tc
furnish films to outside organization!
or commercial theaters, or oven tc
supply any considerable part of th
demand mado by its own field agents
the department Is carrying on promts
lug work in both experimentation
and production. Through its force ol
"movie" nctlvitlcs is reached new
the samo time that pictures of th
wldo distribution.
In tho South, grafting trees, cannlnp
forest fires.
expedition In tho ancient deposits it
bringing with him ns an interesting
of man
fifteen times more ancient.
cavern and tho tunnel with soli, but Mr
obtained this specimen, from whicr,
was in ito palmy days as large as
mammoths, the great sloths, tapirs, the
extinct bison species But this cat
family connection. It closely resembled
in somo respects to tho tiger. Stand
with powerful sharp tooth, it was overj
largo eight-story Wlllard building, on
Fourteenth street. This building was
tho long-time homo of tho department
of commerco and later of the d opart
ment of labor, which found tho struc
ture too largo for Its noeda. It has
borne the sign "For rent as a whole.'
But suddenly tho Blgn camo down nnd
van after van arrived with furniture
of that substantial kind which onl
the government buys, and so It was
roads Idea had attained such substantial
Wlllard building indicaos.
brightly colored fishes and tiny turtles.
as to be within range of a child's vision,
bill, another bird whoso bill eeoms to bo
with two very long head plumes, which
Tho Kind You novo Always Bought, and- which has beca
in uso for over 80 years, has homo tho signature of
svnd has hcon mado under his pcr
7s j-??-? sonal supervision slnco its infancy.
"SjaryX -c&icUte Allow no ono to decoivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-frood " nro hut
Experiments that trlflu with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Exporlonco against "Experiment.
Cnstoria is d harmless imhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. If)
contains nolthcr Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo
jsuhstanco. Its ago is its guarantee It dostroys Worms
nnd allays Fovorlshncss. For raoro thnn thirty years lb
has hcon iu constant uso for tho relief of Constipation.
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Teething1 Troubles nnd
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
nsslmllates tho Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
pBcara the
In Use For Over 3 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
American Soldier Properly Resented
Filipino's Insult to a Spanish
Tho Btory is told by nn English na
val oiMcer who witnessed tho occur
rence in Manlln: "As I was crossing
ono of tho numerous bridges across
tiio Pasig river, I saw a native Fill
Pino spit in the faco of a Spanish
ofllcor, and then run tor protection to
tho American sentinel, who was pac
ing tho bridge. It wan sotno time be
fore tho Filipino could make hlinsolf
understood, but when tho sentry com
prehoudod Ills notion wns vory prompt
. indeed. Ho handed his gun to tho
Spanish officer, caught tho natlvo by
tho napo of tho neck nnd tho scat of
his trousers, and pitched him off tho
bridge Into tho 1'aBlg river. Then ho
calmly took his gun from tho ofllcor,
nnd began pnclng his boat, as If noth
ing had happenod." Unidentified.
Lawyer Have you formed any opin
Jury Talesman No, sir; I was on
tho case nt the previous trial.
Rather Risky.
"What's tho proper way to indorse
a check?"
With tho name of a man who has a
good bank account."
But It Was a Hard Pull.
It Is hard to bollovo that coffeo will
put a porson in such a condition as it
did an Ohio woman. Sho tolls her
own story: '
"I did not bolievo coffeo caused my
trouble, and frequently said I liked it
so well I would not, and could not,
quit drinking it, but I was a miserable
sufforer from heart troublo and nerv
ous prostration for four years.
"I was scarcely ablo to bo around,
had no energy and did not caro for
anything. Was emaciated and had
constant pain around my heart until I
thought I could not endure it.
"Frequently I had nervous chills
and tho IcaBt excitement would drive
Bleep away, and any llttlo iioIbo would
upset mo torrlbly. I was gradually
getting worso until finally 1 asked my
self what's tho uso of being sick all
tho timo and buying mcdlcino so that
I could indulge myself in coffee?
"So I got somo Postum to help mo
quit. I mado it strictly according to
directions and I want to toll you that
chango was tho greatest step in my
llfo. It was easy to quit coffeo bo
causo I now llko Postum bettor than
tho coffeo.
"Ono by ono tho old troubles left
until now I am in Bplondld health,
nerves steady, heart all right and tho
puln all gono. Never have any moro
nervous chills, don't tako any medi
cine, can do all my houso work nnd
havo dono a great deal besides."
Namo given by Postum Co,, hattlo
Creek, Mich. Read "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo," in pkgs.
Postum comes In two forms;
Postum Cereal tho original form
must bo well boiled. 15o and 25o pack
ages. Instant Postum a Bolublo powder
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa
tor and, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious bevorago Instantly. SOc
and GOo tins.
Doth kinds aro equally delicious and
cost about tho samo per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum,
sold by Grocers.
Signature of
STRICTLY No. I 8ic Pir Lb.
Ask fos Dmllvaved Prloam
Wrlto fat Catalog
According to history, Jonah wnB the
first man who wanted tho earth.
Always uie Red Cross Dall Illue. Delights
the laundress. At all good, grocers. Adv.
Worry ltnockB moro men out than
Drink Denlson's Coffee.
Always pure and delicious.
Hero la another lnviolnblo ru.o: Tho
comforts of tho humblest home nro
superior to thoso of camp life.
vour own imuooiST win, tki.i. too
Try Murine Hjo llomrdjr fur Iloa, Weak, Water
Kjei ana Granulated ..yelldai No Hruortlnc
Juit Kje comfort. Write fur llouk or the Kjt
bj mall Free, WuriDe Uje Itemed? Co., Chlcuru.
A New Suit Wanted.
Monk Whntcher cryln about?
Zebra I3oo-hoo! Everybody hollers
"Jail bird" at mol
Eczetnn, ringworm and other ltch
Ing, burning skin eruptions aro bo
easily mado worso by improper treat
ment that ono has to bo very careful.
Thero 1b ono method, however, that
you need not hosltato to use, even on
a baby's tender skin that is the
re&lnol treatment. Rcslnol is tho pro
scription of a Daltlmoro doctor, put
up In tho fornTof reslnol ointment
and rcslnol soap. This proved so re
markably successful that thousands ot
other physlclana havo been prescribe
Ing it constantly for 20 years.
Reslnol stops itching instantly, and
almost always heals tho eruption
quickly and nt llttlo cost. Reslnol olrit
mont and rcslnol soap can bo bought
at any druggiBt'B and aro not at all
expensive. Great for sunburn. Adr,
Thoughtful Old Soul.
"My 'dear, l'vo an idea," said old
Mrs. Goodart to her caller. "You
know wo frequently read of tho nol
dlors making sorties. Now why not
mako up a lot of thoso Bortlcs and
send them to tho poor fellows at the
front?" Boston Evening Transcript.
Constipation i
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fall. Purely vegcta-
ble net surely
but gently on
tne liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
A FV wss5 SURELY rREVEKTEff tn Cuttir DlttU riltt. Lftw'
AMltXVMX lirfcad. tmh. reliable! prrtcrrwt t
WMtorn ttocamtn. tcau tai
V M flt pital whir atktr vawlui fall.
pj 4 at - nnia iar woiih ana iMiiawniiifc
IM Rtl BtMtUta rim 4. DO
llu an ,nlu,n ... .. a. ...... . .
The lut-srlorllT Of Cutter product la dut ta or 10
i inr irueciar. I
ftf n ot prUUitnx In vanliut an Mruiai aaly.
Tbi Cutter Latxratiry, Birktlty, Cat., or Calnto, (It.
X tollat preparation of turrit.
Jlalpa to eradlcaU dandruff.
f-n r fl rtrirtm l?nlrtfl .nil
Beauty toGrar or Faded Hair.
wo. ana iLWBBtro cviaia.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25-1915.
saaY 1LY.ER
5r VS Nfaiti