The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 22, 1915, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coatca and Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Dickey spent Sunday
In Ogalalla.
Edwin Hobart returned io his home
In Gerlng yesterday after a visit with
Donald McFarland.
Homer Mussclman was among tho
base ball fans who attended tho game
nt Ogalalla Sunday.
Mrs. E. A. Garllchs left Saturday af
ternoon for Norfolk to Bpend a week
or moro with friends.
J. F. Clabaugh went to Central City
yesterday morning to transact busi
ness for a day or two.
For Rent Two front looms for light
housekeeping. Insulro at 208 west
Third street. 43-2
Master Fenwlck Rldgley, of Chcy
ennd, Is visiting his grandparent?,
Mivund Mrs. Alex Fenwlck,
Verna Harman was brought up from
Brady last week to liave a fractured
arm ro-broken and re-set.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duder left
Saturday afternoon for their future
homo in Ottawa, Illinois.
Mrs. Levi Duko left Saturday morn
ing for a three weeks' visit with her
daughter In Dcs Moines, la.
Denver lots for salo or would trade
for cattle. Inquire of Mrs. C. F .Purdy,
Phono 793F22. 42-7
Mrs. Sanderson, of Lincoln, a niece
of Judgo Hoagland, has been a guest
of tho latter for several days.
Lost In 10 cent store, gold handled
parsol with monogram. Return to this
offlco and receive reward. 44-2
Miss Ruth Patterson, of Omaha, ar
rlved Sunday for a visit at tho homo
of her father, T. C. Patterson.
Read Horshoy's advertisement o'
n closing out sMo in this issvu. Hcr-
Bbey tho hardwaro man, I2tf
Edward and John Hodden havo been
very ill for sevoral days from tho ef
fects of poisoning caused by eating
canned fruit.
N. C. Anderson nnd daughter, of
Spannuth precinct, woro visitors in
town" the latter part of last week
visiting friends nnd transacting busl-Incss,
I'MItoI' ti l
for Men and Boys
This is the handiest gar
ment made for Autoists
and any kind of work. Ov
eralls and Jacket combined
in one garment. Prices
$1.2S to $2.00.
Sold only at
Wilcox Department Store
Mrs. W. C. Elder who had been In
southern California for two or three
months, returned homo yesterday,
James Decker Intends to leave about
July 17th for Ohio and Pennsylvania
to spend two weeks with relatives.
Frank Carman, of Shenandoah, Ia
arrived here a few days ago to visit
his brother, Ralph Garman, and wife.
Lost Hand-embroidered baby robe
between Willow and Nlneth streets.
Finder call Mack C79 and receive re
ward. 44-2
Mrs. Arthur Allen and children will
return today from Fnrnam whero they
havo been tho guests of relatives for a
For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North Platte. 41tf
Mrs. K. 1). Small and three children
nrrlvcd Sunday from Harvey, 111., and
are guests at the Victor VonGoetz res
idence. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Park will spend
next Saturday in town with friends
while enroiito on a vacation trip to
Uso Slicrwlh-WllllamB Paints for
all kinds of good painting. For sale
at tho Rcxall Drug store.
Miss Bertha Thoclecko returned
yesterday, to Melrose after n brief vis
It with her brother 0. H .Thoclecko
and wife. '
Andy McGovorn, who has been
farming In Brady for several months,
visited his sister, Mrs. H. A. Donclson,
last week.
Wo aro still engraving Bob '0
Links. Havo you Btftrted one yet?
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Murphy spent
Sunday In Kearney visiting their
daughter, who Is attending the, state
normal SCHOOL , ,31 ..
Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Graves, ot Den
ver, came down tho latter part of last
week to visit friends while enrouto
to Grand Island.
Uso "Mar-not," Sherman-Williams
durablo floor varnish. Get it at tho
Rcxall drug Btoro.
The special meetings at tho Chris
tian church closed Sunday with a
total of ono hundred and eloven ac
cessions to tho church.
Mr .and Mrs. Thompson, of Glltnor,
who visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed
ward Luby, for sevoral days, left for
homo Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Brooks Meadows, who
woro married recently, began house
keeping Saturday In tho 800 block on
eaHt Firth stscet.
. Ladles' Iiouso plJjmerH per pair,
Miss Myrtle Rlohards resigned her
posjtlon as.Postal telegraph operator
Thurytfvyfand left yesterrtnyJfor a vis
it at Lnmoni, Iowa. fc
Mrs. J. C. Den nnd daughter Mar
jory leavo today for a visit at the San
Francisco and San Diego expositions
and other California points,
Hovo you seen that now etched
glass In our window? Very pretty
and not expensive.
Miss Ilnzel Minshall, who has
been teaching In tho Lincoln schools,
returned homo a few dnys ago to
spend her summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner, who
wont to Lincoln recently to attend
tho graduation of tholr son Doll, re
turned homo Saturday ovenlng.
John Holcomb arrived yesterday
from Laramie, whero .ho had been
spending some time on tho Holcomb
ranch located south of that city.
Lewis Harris, of tho clothing de
partment of Tho Leader, left u few
days ngo for Connecticut, whero ho
was cnllcd by tho death of his father,
Mr .and Mrs. Georgo Kanouff and
mm Hnzol Nichols, of Grand Island
former North Plntto people, passed
tnrougn Sunday enrouto to tho Pa
clflc coast.
3Ien'H Oxfords worth 8.5(, $1.00 nnd
oMU per pair, now
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Posey loft Sun
dny for their future homo In Omaha
Mr. Posoy will bo in tho dlnlnc car
servlco on the Union Pnclllc through
JNortn. l'intto.
l&r Dream
S j r-c .
Mr. Husband,
Look at This!
This picture is meant to mako
you think. It's meant to givo your
gray matter a, hard jolt.
"?ou know you aro not playing
fair with your wife if you let her go
a day longer without a gas rango.
You have no right to let her car
ry up coal during tho day or fuss
and fret over a hot stove.
Do tho square thing, Act now.
Get factB from us.
Mr. and Mrs. Joder left Friday ev
ening for a visit vyih friends In Al
llnace. Mrs. W. W. YaHes returned yester
day from n two weeks' visit with rel
atives at Sutherland.
The Methodist aid society will meet
with Mrs. Shilling, 214 west Fifth
street Thursday afternoon.
Wanted A competont g'rl for gen
eral housework. Apply to Mrs. C. P.
Tolefson, Sutherland, Neb. 44-2
Permission to wed was granted Sat-
day to Walter Carr and Miss Alice
Cowman, both of this city.
Come In to tho Rcxall drug store
and liavo a Brighten-Up talk with us.
For Rent Six room house, electric
lights, city water. S20 east Eleventh
street. Phono Red 540. 44-2
Roports from tho north part of the
county tell of a heavy rain Friday
night that badly washed listed corn.
Tho Episcopal guild will serve a
fifteen-cent lunch and have a sale'
of fancy wo?k In tho church basement
Thursday afternoon. I
Old furniture made new with a coat
of Sherwln-WilllaniB Brlghten-Up-
Staln. Tho Rcxall Drug store.
Pat Loncrgan hopes to have his pic- i
ture show open In its new location1
Monday of next week, nt least 1io is
working with that end In view.
Loyd Powers reports recent sales of
Maxwell cars to E. E. Slebold of j
Arnold, J. I. Shaw of Hcrshey and a
Mr. Swyn living south of Sutherland.'
All this week, Wall Paper Bargains,!
at C .M. Newton's, 7 cents 8 cents and!
10 cent, ninny or thee papers arei
about one-lialf the regular price; this
week only.
Shcrwln-WilllnniH Paint covers
moro surfneo to the gallon than any!
paint on the market. For sale at the
Jtexnll Drug store.
Tho tabernacle building was torn
down Saturday and removed to the
Dlllton tract of land on north Locust
where tho building will be re-erected
and used as an exhibition hall for the
county fair.
Uso Sherwin-Williams Brighten-Up
Paints and Varnishes. It Is surprising
how It will brighten up dingy sur
roundings. For sale at tho Rexall
Drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Illlllker and son
Charley, of Denver, passed through
Sunday. Charley, who Is a student
at Dartmouth college, was enrouto
homo nnd his parents bad gone, to
Omaha to meet him.
VstV 30ycars of knowing how
TfVyilaLl Has taught us
SK! Whal we're doing now
Andy Yost, who started tho erec
tion of a house in itho 1000 block on
west Fourth street last year and sus
pended operations after tho founda
tion was built, resumed work this
week, with D. M. Hogsett as the
A card from Henry Rebhausun dated
Pnssn Grille, Fla., Juno 14th, bears a
picture of a tarpon weighing 122
pounds and 'measuring six feet in
length which he had caught. This was
the tenth tarpon ho had caught sinco
going to Florida.
Curtains nt c, !)8c and $1.18 per
Con A. Sherman, a former North
Platte boy, Is now located at Waco,
Toxas, ns manager of tho Hcrrick
wholesale hardwaro company. Ho Is,
also n member of tho executive coiri
mlttce of tho Texas HnrdwaroJobbers
Association, and Is nlso a director of
the Waco Chamber of Commerce. Mn
5herman (then Scharmann) left North
Platte a quarter of a century ago.
Railroad Notes
Richards Elected YIccClinIrinun
At tho tri-cnninl meeting of ithe
general committee of adjustment of
tho B. of L. E. of tho Union Pacific
system, hold at Omaha last week, W.
L. Richards, of this city, was elected
vice-chairman. This makes Mr. Rich
ards second in authority on B. of L.
E. matters on the entire Union Pa
cific system, which, considering he is
among tho younger engineers, Is con
ferring considerable honor upon him.
Train Service Interrupted.
A very heavy rain fell Friday night
along the Union Pacific from Gothen
burg to Kearney and at Elm Creek
quite a stretch of track was washed
out. West bound trains were held
thero for four hours and then passing
over only got as far as Darr when
another washout was encountered,
causing another delay of four hours.
Train No. 13, due hero at 7 a. m., did
not arrivo until 4 in the afternoon.
Sunday another washout occurred at
Elm Creek, delaying trains about three
Fred . Bremer went to Sioux City I Mr .and Mrs, Frank plckorson, ot
Friday to accompany, Mre. Bremer Hcrshey, were visitors in town yes
home. I torday. ,
F. E. Bullard returned Sunday from
a brief visit in Omaha.
Robert Gnntt has accepted a posi
tion in tho Union Pacific car depart
ment. Ralph Clabaugh began work ns a
messenger for the Western Union Sat
urday. ""Roscoe ZImmer returned to his
home In Sidney Sunday after a
brief visit in town.
On account of washouts In tho east'
part of the state, three Rock Island
passenger trains were detoured over
tho Union Pacific yesterday.
C. L. Patterson spent the latter part
of last week In town while enroute to
Omaha from a trip over the Kansas
division of the Union Pacific.
John Redmond, at one time a North
Plattel Vball player, passed through
yesterday as conductor on one of the
detoured Rock Island passenger
The second sction of train No. 19,
tho now train put on over the Union
Pacific by several Iowa roads, car
ried but fifteen passengers yester
day In tho seven-car train.
Dr. P. L. Hall, of Lincoln, who is
one of tho stato regents and was hero
Saturday, at ono time Avas in tho train
service for tho Union Pacific between
North Platto and Sidney. Dr. Hall is
now a wealthy banker of Lincoln and
one of tho city's most inlluential busi
ness men.
A new const train over the Union
Pacific was placed In service Sunduy
Going west It will run as second sec
tlon of train No. 19, and will arrive at
this terminal about nine o.clock in the
morning. Going east it will run as
second section of train No. G and will
carry largely extra equipment and
express stuff in carload Jots. It has
resulted in adding four engine crews
and two train crews out of North
For Sale.
Twonty-llvo good red pigs, weaned.
Prlco ?3.00 each. C. L. COOLIDGE.-2
For Snlc.
4-year old black Porchoron Stallion,
wolght about 1400. Inquire of Otto
Mosmor, Sec. 30-1C-30, 15 miles north
of North Platto. 42-4
Bullet Stopping Tricks.
Five feet of clay, three feet of loos;i
earth, or two and n half feet of snud
will stop n modern rllle bullet at the
closest range; but. curiously enough, a
tho layman may think, ramming earth
hard reduces Its resisting power, and
high velocity bullets have less pene
tration In sund nt short than at me
dium range. Eighteen Inches of sand
between boards Is bullet proof, yilsu
nine Inches of well built brick work
Soft wood, llko fir, across the grain la
bullet proof nt point blank range if
forty-eight inches thick, or ntfiOO yards
if half as thick. Similarly, twenty
seven Inches of bard wood, like oak,
is point blank proof, or fifteen inches
nt COO yards. Half an Inch of wrought
iron or mild steel, a quarter of nn Inch
of hard steel, or n fifth of nu Inch of
special steel Is bullet proof. So aro
six Inches of shingle, fifteen Inches of
coal, or, ns somo people may be sur
prised to know, eight feet of snow.
London Express.
cwajCTMMiMiiwnfTiiiMiiii mi nin.iii .nn
Don't Blow
until you arc safe. Don't think your
self safe until you have your property
Insured against (ire. It conies when
least expected, and very often the ca
lamity happens to tho uninsured. Care
lessness Is tho reason for tho FIro In.
surnnco Policy being neglected. Some
times it Is allowed to lapse, and that is
tho time tho policy holder Is often
caught napping. Insure with mo NOW
una you will led on tho snio side.
North Platte light & Power Co.,
Let the Little
Giant Clean
Your Carpets
Other People Bu Our Groceries
and are Satisfied! Why Not You?
One Trial
Is All
We Ask!
At this season it is hard to
order. . We remedy this con
dition by an aggregation of
salespeople who know what
to sell. Our Treatment of
customers is most courteous.
E. T. Tramp & Sons
Mutual Building &Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized "1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property . for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.0Oor $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
UPPOSE your fireless cooker
were just part of your cook
stove. How much more
you would use it! How many
steps you'd be saved!
The oven of the NEW PER
becomes a fireless cooker merely by
pulling a damper.
at the t6uch of a match, and is
regulated by perely raising or
lowering the wick. Sold in 1, 2,
3, and 4 burner sizes.
Phone Red 102
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.