The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 22, 1915, Image 1

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No. 44
William Slcbold Drops Dead
. ."William Slebold, a well known stock
man and farmer, living nlno miles
northwest of town, dropped dead about
seven o'clock last evening. Mr. Sic
bold and two of his sons had spent tho
May at the upper ranch somo ten mlloa
north of tho Siobolu nome, anu were
Notice to Water Consumers
M6ter readers will start reading
water meters on Wednesday, Juno 23,
1915, and property owners nro re
quested to uncover meter boxes, If
covered, and If winter packing has
not boon removed kindly removo same
so us not to delay meter readers. Now
preparing to return home when the : is thn tlmn when evcrvthlne In tho
father dropped to tho ground and ex- meter box should bo removed so as to
plred Instantly. Shocked to the great- givo time for the lnsldo to dry but.
est degree by tho sudden death of the j owing to tho high water this spring
father, the two young sons placed
the body In the wagon and drove home.
The deceased was about nfty-llvo
everything In tho way of sacks, car
pets or rags will bo found rotted and
mildewed and soggy and hay or leaves
years of age,, and came from Elmhvlll be also rotted. All theso should
Creek to Lincoln county In 1881 and I bo removed as the acids caused by the
worked for W. C. Ritnor for sevoral , decaying matter Is liable to attack the
years. Later ho purchased a tract of 1 registering mechanism of tho meter,
land and from, time to time nddod corroding samo so badly as to require
thereto until at tho time of his death new tops. Wo have had two cases of
ho possessed about 2,000 acres and this already whero manure was used
quite a herd of cattle. to pack tho meters. Tho manure be-
He leaves to mourn his death a wlfo came wet and tho ammonia generated
and nlno children, two of the latter corroded tho registers so badly we
being married. j had to replace them. Kindly attend
The time of the funeral has not been . to this matter and assist tho Water
definitely fixed, but it will probably Department.
Water Commissioner,
occur at the homo at 1:30 Thursday
Against loss by hall, fire, lightning
mid tornado. This season seems to
Jiavc Jumped :i cog. Protect yourself
with a Bratt & Goodman policy and bo
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meston and chil
dren of Scotts Bluff are visiting with
friends In town, having arrived last
Miss Bessie Graham has returned
from an extended visit In Omaha.
Mrs. J. B. Redfleld is enjoying a
visit from her sister, Miss Hattie Har
ris of Lincoln.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Showers Itouight and
Wednesday. Warmer tonight. High
est temperature yesterday 80, a year
Fashion Shop Moves Tomorrow.
M. Sundhelmor, of tho Fashion Shop,
who was driven out of the B. & L.
building basement by tho high water,
Mrs. George Brown Is the guest of
rolatlves In York, hnvlng gone thore '
Saturday. ' ,
Win, Heyse loft yesterday for Og-'
don, where he will visit friends for a
couple of weeks. j
A. R. Adams, of Sidney camo down a t
couple of days ago to take trcatmont
oi Dr. j, is. iieuuoiu.
Mrs. J. C. Chldester loft yostordny
for a visit with friends at Edgar, Neb.
Dr. W. J. Redfleld, now of Grand
Island, visited friends in town Sun
day. Rev. R. A. Plnkhnm arrived from
Boston yesterday and will spend this
week with Dean Bowkor whllo enrouto
to Sidney, whore he will toko the rec
torship of tho Episcopal church.
Mrs. Alfred Gllman will speak, at
tho chapel of the Episcopal church at
eight o'c'tick this evening on tho
msslonary work In China. All will be
The first game of balj between
teams of the recently organized
church league will bo played tills ov
oning. The contestants will bo the
Methodist and Lutheran teams.
Miss Maggie Kerr, of Akron, Iowa,
and has since had his stock at the ,.., U,i i,nn vlsitlnc hor brother
Langlols pluno store, expects to move Df T. J. Kerr and wife, left for her
Into a room in the Goozco building to- home yesterday. Tho Doctor's moth
morrow. . ! or, who arrived with his sister, will
This room, formerly occupied by the contlnuo her visit hero for some time.
Fat tneatre, nas Deen remoucicu anu
repainted and presents a very Inviting
nppglatrancsf. In the rear end Mr.
Sundheimer has provided a rest room
for ladles, which is equipped with
lavatory and toilet, and furnished with
easy chairs. Hero ladles from tho
country, tired after a warmand dusty
ride, can clean up and rest. Mr.
Sundheimer cordially Invites the
country ladies to avail themselves of
Earl Hamilton is recovering from
a rather severe case of blood poison
ing which confined him to tho house
for a week. The trouble started when
ho pricked with a pin a small fester
on his knee, and Inside of five hours
his leg was in suclt shape that he
could not walk.
Dr. Wurtolle, who was called to
Brady Sunday on professional lmsl
noss, anu made tno trip m Ms car,
reports tho roads badly washed la tho
neighborhood of Ft. McPhcrson. Ho
says thero are indications that the
have been nrenarinc for this event ."u""P".u " "ou waters camo uown me canyons
for months. Dickinc ud onlv Eood'.i. -in n., m. e - . '" wms l "'i11'
things for this sale. ' " ,"' .1" The local-rille club, which Is, or
44-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. ';VM thP Rravp Hire? hlN which wlu bo' a member of tho national as
wore harmless, whllo the Boaters took, K'T.l
c iri , !.,. eighty members. Guns have been or-
thn Braves. It wAs a .twirler'a battle. drea from' 1 10 government and a
cat luiuiiuiatu u yuaiuiuuy ou, u. year i , , r , . , , .
ago 90. Lowest last night 60, a year th0 vantages offered by tho rest
ago C2. i rooiu'
Bear in mind, our Semi-Annual' boosters Again Blank the Urnves.
ioom anu aaie uegins very soon. wo In tho lmn nmG at Qcalalla Sundav
JThe county commissioners, who are
sitting as a board of esuallzation, are
npl 'havlngmany complaints filed be
fore them oiivunequal assessments. It
will bo-necessary, however, to do somo
equalizing In some of the precincts on
horses and cattle, which is the case ev
ery year.
Announcements have been received
in this city of the marriage of Wll
. Ham Dunn, formerly of this city, and
Miss Callie OLeary, of Wellington,
Kansas, which will take place June
28th. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will visit
relatives here while on 'their way to
Denver to spend their honeymoon.
The sun shone brightly part of yes
terday and it looked as though we
with Luby showing up tho better of
the two. It was a game that was well
played througfiout and very interest
ing to , tho spectators.
Two successive shut-outs for the
Braves at tho hands of the Boosters
has caused heartaches in Ogalalla,
and tho slogan is " Get a team to Beat
tho Boosters if it costs Flvo Thousand
Plunks." And that's tho truo baseball
spirit. Go to it, Ogalalla, go to It.
Auto l'olo Players Arrive.
Tho aulo polo players, who are to
entertain the peoplo of North Platto
range south of town has been selected
Wo can therefore expect that North
Platte will have some crack shooters
In the near future
Joe Samuels and family, of River
ton, Iowa, enrouto home from South
ern California in an auto, stopped over
in town Sunday as tho guests of Mr,
and Mrs. E. S. Davis. Attached to the
rear of Mr. Samuels' car Is a two
wheel t(railor on which is carried
the motor is 30-35 h.p. cast enfoloc;
it-has tail floating rear axle,
the wheelbase is 110 inches:
t :
t-l' '
The price of the car
complete is $835
North Platte, Neb.
;endy-0gier Auto Co., Agents. '
Corner Fourth and Dewey.
Dodge Brothers
motor CAR.
luggage, and which at night can bo
converted Into sleeping apartments.
Enrouto each night had been spent In
might have hot weather, but today Is 'at the ball grounds this afternoon "u proviseu. ane-iier, anu very com-
-1 1, , V. n,1 lnmnrrn, aftornnnn nrriv1 frm foHably, tOO, lUXVC tllO lllglltS bOCn
..;,t nr...tut.. . i. n t li a wpst this iiinrnlnir. Tliov triivpl I l'"o-ii.
uuiuuiii iu tiii iiiiii til ill tvctfciiiui " ' ' - w i - - - i r., i r.
must soon come. In talking to a hill in a special car wh'ch also accom- Governor Slaton of Georgia yester
farmer yesterday he said his corn modatcs the euulpment. day commuted the deatli sentenco of
was not any taller than five weeks Auto Polo is said to bo tho most Leo M. Frank to life imprisonment.
niro exciting ot an sports, anu uiose wno i'miiv ua scuiuiut'ii iu uu huiiuu
" .. . ... . . i ., A , . , I .!.. i 1. . 1 1' -m Til.
wni Wnniiinirt wpnt tn t pwpiipn attenu win receive tne worm 01 tneir mi mu muiuui ui umiy ruu-
Will WOOUllUrst went to Lewellen .. . ,-,.,, i Anrll. mia Tin onnvlftlni.
waB based largely upon tho evidence
Tenth District Convention. 0f a drunken, worthless neirro. nnd
this morning to ad-just a fire loss, and
upon his return tonight will go to Nel
son and St. Paul on similar work.
Tim tpntli il.Htrlrt pnnvnnMnn nf thp
nv60, Christian churches will convene Tues-Jdico was against him. Tho case was
.?-,..a? ,dilerf,nL.8ta .e. a5en.8 day. Wednesday and Thursday of fought through the United States Su
uoiuiiB imu iu iiuip mum urn. m uu- tllig week nt tllC North PlattC CllHS-
justing Hood and hail losses in tho tian church
Kearney section and in the Republican Thore 'wlii be ten counties ropre-vaI,ey-
sonted in this convention and it Is ex
Card of Tlmnks pectcd that at least ono hundred out
nr ',..ii, t ,''., f of town delegates will bo here. Each
premo court and attraced more atten
tion tlfitn any case of recent years. Po
tltons for a stay of the death sen
tence was sent to Governor Slaton
from every stato in tho Union..
pressing VrWeit s to the.'-? PLXi
thoughtful of us during tho sickness "L, , " . i, ;
nnd death of our beloved husband and BU 11
father. Wo wish to especially thank
those of the Masonic order and of the 1 .ig.oo
uruer 01 huks ior tuo numerous
That If you arc without a hail policy
you may wish you had taken one be
fore night. Our hall companies are
paying out thousands of dollars for
til niicli fill rmirfpnlps wlitnli tliov fx
"tended to us.
We shall never forget tho kind
words and deeds which comforted ub
and which will ever leave a sweet
romembrance with us.
nnii s5'i'.r,n nmi no 'hall losses cast and west of us. Wo
Men's Suits suits that arc strictly i J"1"' wt' ")" susuuii a loss wiicii
hand-tallored, suits in all colors and 1,1 our power to innkc It good. Get
one oi mu i mm iv uooiiiiiaii nan poi
Icles today.
sizcs,r blue sorgo
choice at $I'J.IS.
incluueu your
The Royal Neighbors social club
will meet with Mrs. I. L. Stebbens
Tuesday afternoon. Juno 29th.
The leaders' In writing reliable Hail
nnd Fire Insurance; their motto,
. .prompt settlement.
Tourist Traffic Itesumed
Tourist auto traffic which had been
hold up for two or threo days on ac
count of bad roads which oxtonded
clear through from Omaha, was resum
ed Monday, a dozen or moro cars pass
ing through. Many cas woro laid up at
Omaha Friday inid Saturday and theso
will arrlvo horo today nnd tomorrow.
Grandma Schwaigor left tho latter
part of last week for LaGrando,
Oregon, to spend tho summer with
j Mrs. Wiley Gllmore, of Grand Is
land, who was tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Slnclolr last week, has re
turned home.
' Walter Clinton, of Denver, who had
been tho guest of his cousin, Jim
Clinton for a wcok, left Sunday even
ing for eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dorain who
woro married last week returned Sun
day evening from their honeymoon
trip to eastern Nebraska points.
Mrs. Anna Polack, of LaGiande,
Oregon, who visited her brothors Se
bastian and Joseph Schwnigolr for
sevoral weeks, returned homo Saturday.
North Platto won tho ball game Sun
day afternoon but Ogalalla claims tho
decision in the fistic combat in which
"Butch" Trout represented North
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Culton nud baby
hnvo returned to their homestead at
Melrose after a short visit with Mrs
Culton'e parent-' Mr. and Mrs. C,
II. Brodbeck.
A full line of Palm Bcacli and white a pti of ono to ten feet and in tho
skirts Just in. 10 'nus mere are numerous places
44-2 E. T. TRAMP &. SONS. I wiiuru uiu wiuui ia miuuu iuui ucup,
1 Omaha Bee.
James Mllota, Jr., of Omaha, spent' "
last week In' "town whllo enrouto to' pyjj KENT
Tryon, wncro no win spend tno
grcnter part of this aumer visiting
Judge J. W. Eller.
limperor Assumes Command
The announcement that Emperor
William has assumed supremo com
mand of tho operations in Galacia Is
interpreted as an indication of com
plcto German confidence in tho final
victory on tho assault of Lemberg.,
regarded so near nt hand that tho
generals who during tho last two
Friday night about thirty cars reach-! months hnvo battered th lr way across
ed Kearney nnd somo of them did not ; tho provlnco wish tho emperor tp
lcavo thero until this morning, But
Nebraska Is not alono In bad roads;
tho samo conditions existed last week
In Iowa and Illinois.
l'asturo l'or Rent.
Can pasturo COO head, will either
rent wholo pasturo or take caro of any
number. Mrs. J. R, Dlkemnn, Ilcrshey.
Rock Islnnd trains are today, 'tho
same as yesterday, being dotoured
over tho Union Pacific. Thirteen
thousand feet of track of that com
pany has been washed out at Scan
din, and moro or less at other points
iu southern nnd enstern Nebraska.
participate personally in the expect
ed triumph.
Somo of tho claims put forward by
tho Germans nnd Austrlnns as to re
ally decislvo results havo still to bo
substantiated, but thero is no ques
tion that they havo won now victories
both west and north of the Gallcinn
1011 SALE
Cheap property nud a good Invest
ment, two good houses nnd nice corner
lot, shade, west of Cottonwood street,
prlco Si.'iOO, small payment down, bal.
unco long f line. A snap, see it nnd you
Advices to tho Rock Island offices will bur It. HKATT & GOODMAN.
Indlcato that west of Falrbury andj
Into Kansas for 100 mlleq or mere the J
wholo country is under wntor from
tho rains of Inst week and that about
all of tho section of country from flvo
to ton miles wide, crops aro practical
ly all destroped. Over this stretch
more aro miles of country submerged
It is no longer necessary to pay inflated prices for high grade
modern footwear. Everything new and up to date.
Harry's Shoe Shop
The A. O. U. L.'s, a party of sixteen
local young peoplo, hold a very on-
Joyablo picnic at Lamplaugh's lake,
c .... .1 ... . nil .. .. .. i. .. .. 1
Mrs. F. A. Donaldson.
Mr. and Mrs. Miner Morrow, of
Council Bluffs, returned homo Sun
day "evening. They woro called horo
by the death .of tho latter's father,
the Into Tlios. Baldock.
Let us repair your watch; every
day wo havo new customers for re
pairing, our charges aro reason
able and good work guaranteed.
Tho new Pnt theatre will have a bal
cony that will seat a hundred or moro
thus providing a seating capacity for
tho theatre that is not likely to bo
overtaxed unless on special occasions.
For Rent Two six-room houses,
modern except heat. Inuuiro J. II.
Morscli. 44tf
Messrs. Edward Duda, James Nel
son, J. Steck and W. Lyons, of Omaha,
stopped in Nortli Platto enrouto to
San Frnncisco In Mr. Stock's machine.
They left Omaha last Wednesday nnd
aro travollng leisurely coastward and
pectlng to bo on tho tour about two
Wo nro putting forth ovory effort to
make our Loom End Salo this year bet
ter than ovor. Wo will announco tho
date later.
44-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Mrs. Fred Rasmussen nnd children,
of Hershey, camo down Sunday to
visit her slBter, Miss Mario Martini.
Perry Carson, W. J. Landgraf, El
mer Baker, Frank Dunn, Thomas
Healoy John Monroo Iworo among
tho baso ball fans who attended tho
gamo at Ogalalla Sunday.
Tho faithful democrats In Nebraska
who aro Blatcd for appointment to of
fice can now cheer up. Dick Motcalt
says that tho appointments will soon
bo made, now that Bryan 1b out of
'tho road, and that tho friends of
Hitchcock aro tho ones who will got
tho plums, and Dick usually knows
what ho is talking about.
Houses, Rooms and 7 room modern
flat closo in, Storage Space and Safe
Deposit Boxes.
Wants Bridges Built.
It looks as though farmers In tho
vicinity of Platto Valley would need
to take up a subscription nnd put in
a fow bridges. As this Is tho only
road runtilng nortli and south for two
miles either way It makes It very In
convenient when you want to go to
your neighbor's across tho creek to
to go flvo miles around to got there. Mr.
Commissioner como to Ufo; thore is
a horonftor. WM. LEYPOLDT.
Roy McGill, of Ellis, Kansas, arrived
last ovening to visit his wiro who hns
been tho guest of her mothor, Mrs.
Edward Earhart, for sevcror weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Waltomath will
entertain at a seven o'clock dinner
Thursday ovening for their guests;
Mr. and Mrs. Koestor, of Baltimore.
Mrs. Harry Murrln and daughter
Harriet returned Jnst ovening from
Cheyonno wliorb thoy vls'ted relatives
for a wcok. -
V. J. DIEN'EIl & CO.
Itenl Estate nud Insurance
Como and aeo ua for town lota n
dlfforont parts of the city. Good In
vestments on ensy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowoy StB.. upstairs.
Tho best bargains In real estate,
houses nnd lots, farms nnd unlmnrov
ed lands ever offered. Como nnd tell
Polo Players Use Fords Only
Some Reasons Why They Use Them
It's the Universal Car because it serves ev
erybodyis a universal ulilily. It's a uni
versal economy because it saves money for
everybody. It's a universal servant because
it serves everybody. It's a universal luxury
because it gives pleasure to everybody.
Simple in design, it is quickly un
derstood. Light in weight, it is
wonderfully flexible. Ii runs readi
ly over all sorts of roads, and all
sorts of hills. Strong in con
struction, it endures. Low in cost
of maintenance and operation.
Ford Touring Car $400; Ford Runabout $440;
Town Car $600; Coupolet $750; Sedan $075;
fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.
us what you want, wo may have it.