The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 18, 1915, Image 4

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Jim Hart and others wll go to Sed
wick Saturday night for a day's fishing.
Miss Gladys Stegall left yesterday
for a ten day visit with friends In
Miss Elva Day was taken violently
111 Wednesday with an attack of appen
dicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Illlmer Thompson and
baby of Lodge Pole aro visiting rela
tives In this city
Mrs. Florence Haloy left at noon
Wednesday for Lexington to visit
friends for somo time.
For Farm Loans see or write Geno
Crook, room 3, Waltemath building,
North l'latto. 41tf
On account of washouts, sovoral
Burlington trains were dotoured over
the Union Pacific yesterday.
Supt. Joffers camo In on No. C Wed-
nesday and remained until No. 3 that
night, going west to Cheyenne.
Mrs. J. Swart, of Arapahoe, who had
been a guest at tho J. C. Don resi
dence, went to Goring yesterday.
A valuable hunting dog bolonglng
to Will Otton was run down by an au
tomobile Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. George Smith will leave this
week for Grand Island to visit her
daughter for a fortnight.
Lom Ualloy wont to Sedwlck, Colo.,
yesterday to angle for In tho Ir
rigation reservoir near that place.
Mrs. Homer Handloy, formerly of
this city, arrived Wednesday to visit
her mother Mrs. Ida Tarklngton.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muchllnskl
onertalned a few friends at their homo
on west 4th Btrcet Tuesday evening.
For Rent Four room houso modern
except heat, $17 per month. Inquire of
George Tekulve, Yellow Front. 42-2
Mrs. J. J. Horrlgan who has been
visiting relalves In Itcdlngton, Neb.,
for ton days will return liomc this
Miss Ruth Loan, of Golhonburg, who
visited her sister Mrs. Alex Brooks
for a month, returned homo Wednesday
Mrs. J. S. Twlnem and Mrs. M. K.
Scott went to Fullcrton Wednesday
to attend tho state convention of the
P. E. 0.
Miss Samuolson, of tho Good Samari
tan hospital, left a fow days ago for
Friend to visit relatives for a couple
of weoks.
Misses Gra(co and Francis O'Nell en
tertained thirty friends at a danco at
their homo west of town tho latter part
o" last week.
Donver lots for sale or. wuiild trado
for cattle. Inquire of Mrfl..OfF .Purdy,
tie. Inquire
Edward Ahrons of Sidney Is ex
expected hero today to visit hla family
who aro guests at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Ncls Hammer.
Mrs. L. D .Newton an! baby cf Wo',1-
flect, returned homo rifter spending
several weeks with her mother, Mrs.
John N. liaker.
Mrs. Robert Armstrong and children
nnd Mrs. Mary Wright loft yesterday
for a vis t with relatives and friends'
In Portland, Ore.
Christian Sclonco sorvlco Sunday at
11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every week ut 8 o'clock. Building and
Loan Dldg. room 25.
Miss Celesta Keaton who has been
employed ut tho 10 cent storo for sev
eral months expects to leave shortly
for her home In Alliance.
The; county commissioners wero In
Fox Crriek proclnct Wednesday ex
amining roads and bridges that had
been damaged by rains and high water.
Wo. have plonty of money on hand
to closo farm loans promptly. 42-4
Aftor making several changes In tho
date, the proposed Elks' picnic at Lis
ton's lnko has been Indefinitely post
poned. The last date announced wns
Juno 27th, but this conflicted with tho
ball game to bo played with Bridgeport
on the local grounds.
Attentive Officers
Reliable Directors
Whon you becomo a customer of tho
Platto Valley State Bank, tho officers
aro prepared to glvo you constant con
sistent personal attention. You nro
suro of their loyalty to your Interests
and their experienced advice whon
you need advice.
Bettor than that "you caii 'depend
upon the charnctor of tho Board of Di
rectors back of the olllcors nnd back
of tho bank. Tholr resourcefulness
nnd sound judgment has been tested
many times, and as many times has
proven Tollable.
Wo bollovo this Is tho kind of mon
you want behind YOUR bank, and wo
Invito YOUR business on tho basis
that hero aro business mon, trained
and experienced, to handle it.
Platte Valley State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Miss Lydla Eves left at noon yester
day for Grand Island to visit her sis
ter, Mrs. Horn.
Mrs. Harry Murrln and daughter
wont to Cheyenne yesterday morning
to visit friends.
For Rent Two front looms for light
housekeeping. Iusulrc at 208 west
Third streot. . 43-2
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayden and
daughter, of Wallace, wero visitors
In town yesterday.
Read Ilershey'a advontlsomout
a closing out sale In this 'ssiu. Ilcr
shcy tho hardware man, IZU
Tho hall storm wlilch struck, tho
Kenosaw section Monday evening is
said to have destroyed $100,000 worth
of crops.
Mrs. M Suudhelmcr left at noon yes
terday for Omaha and Chicago where
sho will purchase goods for tho Fash
Ion Shop.
Freight traffic on tho Union Pacific
comes In spurts; business will bo
brisk for a few days, then there will be
a lull for several days.
Up to last evening local official could
not confirm tho report that nn adltton
nl train to run as second No. 19 would
be put on next Sunday.
Fremont Watts loaves shortly on a
trip to the northwest, visiting towns
In Washington and Oregon, with the
view of looking up a location.
Cano Seed for sale. R. N. Lamb.
Mrs. Wilson Tout and children are
visiting friends in Colorado Springs,
having left Wednesday. They will be
absent until nbout tho first of August.
Dr. Wttlllngsford, of Ogalalla,
brought down a patient Tuscday nipiit
who was operated upon by Dr. Wurtolo
at tho Good Samaritan hospital Wed
nesday. Commissioners Springer says k will
cost Lincoln county at least one thous
and dollars to replaco the small brid
ges that wefo washed out by tho re
cent high water.
Joo PIzer's baseball team "The
Devils" defeated tho McEvoy team
Tuesday evening by a scoro of 10 to
4. Batteries wero Jones and Love, Mc
Dermott and Harman.
Mrs. C. F. Jennings of St. Louis,
formerly Miss Jennie Adamson of this
city, who had been tho guest of Mrs.
A. F. Streltz for several days returned
homo yesterday morning.
Mrs. Ulonn Mann entertained tho J.
F. F Club at cards Tuesday afternoon.
Prizes wero awarded Mrs. Nick
Kursh and Mrs. E. W. Mann. A two
courso luncheon was served
Through travel on tho Union Pacific
Is very heavy, an ocnsslonal special
train being necessary. Trains No. 3
and 19 nro carrying extra equipment
nearly every, day,. 'Yesterday morning
No. 19 carried fourteen cars.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Graham Duder, who
wero married hero last week, have re
turned hero from tlfclr "wedding trip
In Colorado and will visit friends for a
fow days before going to their future
homo In Illinois.
Cy Russell, F. W .Dick and Choster
Mecoinber were cranted .firemen's cer
llficat'cs by tho city council Tuesday
ovonlng. Each had served five years
l.i Mm .1 ii f . ... i '
Doll Huntington came down Wednes
day from his Keith county ranch, with
tho look of a sun-burned farmer. Crop
conditions In tho sand bills aro fairly
good, but corn shows tho need of hot
Vlcilulllgan lias returned fiom Lin
coin nnd will upend the summor in
town. Ho will ro-cntor tho stnto unt
vorslty this fall and tako tho law
courso, and at tho same tlmo coach the
football squad of Cotner University,
which is located In tho suburbs of Lin
Four-tonths of un Inch of rain foil
early yestorday morning and there
wero light showers at Intervals during
tho day. With tho amount of molscture
In tho ground, wo can well afford to
oxclmngo this cool, cloudy weather for
a week of sunshine with tho tempera
turo ranging between ninety and ono
hudred. Tho corn Is awfully backward
Mr. Weatherman.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hupfcr nnd
daughter and Mr. and Mrtf. Harry
Fleishman and daughter leave Sunday
on an nulo trip to Deliver and other
Colorado points. They will be gone
about a week.
Tho Catholic Girls' club will bo en
tertained Monday evening nt tho home
of Miss Mario LeDloyt. Assisting on
tho entertaining committee will be
Misses Mario Martini, Carrie Frye,
Ethel and Florence Donegan.
Mr .and Mrs. F. C. Letts passed
through to Omaha Sunday night. They
had been in Denver, when Mr. Letts
ngaln becamo very sick and he was
taken to Omaha on tho first train for
a possible operation by Dr. Jonas.
ThoHuto polo players, who come to
North Platte next week, have been nt
Alliance this week and a telegram
from there reports the gnmes to be
tho most entertnlnlng attraction ever
ptnged In western Nebraska.
The room In the Goozeo building to
bo occupied by the Fnsh'on Shop Is
now In the hands of the painters and
they will probably complete their work
this week. In Its new location the
Fashion Shop will carry a much larger
lino of goods.
30 years of knowing how
Has taught us
What we're doing now
Norman J. Wilson nnd Mrs. Bessie
Hansen, both residents of this city,
were married In Kearney Wednesday,
Judge Everltt perfomlng the creemony.
The contracting pnrtlcs arc well
known in North Platte, Mr. Wilson
being employed as a machinist at the
round house.
Harry J. Crook and Miss Gladys
Sholton wero united In marrlnge Tues
day. The bride was a member of the
1915 graduating class, and while at
tending school lived at tho C. W.
Edwards home. Her parents live In
Paxton. Tho groom Is employed nt
tho Rebhausen barber shop .
Sheriff Salisbury and Mrs. Salisbury
returned yestorday from Alliance
where Mr. Salisbury attended tho state
convention of sheriffs. The convention
of cattle growers wns also in session
at tho same time, and In entertaining
tno visitors the Alliance commercial
club put on a number of features.
ski: int. elms for glasses
or any Special Work.
Over McDonald Bnnk.
Phono 3(5 for Appointment. -
The city council Tuesday evening
accepted tho offer of Mrs. R. D. Thomp
son that for $300 sho would consent
to tho opening of Willow and B
streets through tho land slic oWns In
tho south part of tho city, Horetofore
these two streets have been closed on
acount of tho city and Mrs. Thompson
fnlling to reach an agreement.
M. II. MccDrmott, of Somerset, was
In town Wednesday, using crutches to
got around. Four months ago while
riding on top a load of hay, tho wagon
skidded on a hillside and upset, throw-
Ing Mr. McDermott to the ground,
breaking his right leg and otherwise
Injuring him. He says It wil bo several
months more before he regains his
normal condition.
Tho Et-A-Virp club spent a plensunt
afternoon with Mrs. Edward Ogier
Tuesday . Thrco very unique and en
tertainlng contests wero provided for
i he amusement of tho ladles and w-rc
won by Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Ahrcns
ni.d Mir. Georgo Vovipka. Re "i call
inov.rf wero served. 'J In nex: meet
ing will be hold at tho home of Mrs,
A. J. Salisbury Tuesday June 29th
Tho Mothers' Club met at tho homo
of Mrs. Robert Armstrong Monday
afternoon with a good attendance.
Tho following program was rendered:
Piano solo, Miss Florence McKay: vo
cal solo, Miss Harriett Dixon; paper,
"Pastimes for Children during Vaca
tion," miss lucvey: discussion; vocal
solo, Mrs .Cramer. Light refreshments
wero served and tho club adjourned
to met In two weeks with Mrs. Cramer,
Piano Salo
Now on nt the Gaston Music Co. at
Clinton's Jowelry storo. On account of
the rainy weather wo are overstocked
with pianos, and more ar.o coining. Wo
must sell a few pianos at once to muke
room for the new stock. Prices will be
cut to tho bottom. Terms to suit.
Ono second-hand piano goes nt $05.
Ono new piano for $175, Come nnd see
us If you want n piano.
SlierilYs .Meet Here In l!ll(i.
At tho Btnte convention of sheriffs
held at Alllanco this week, North
Platto was choson as tho placo for
holding tho 191G convention. Sheriff
Salisbury oxtonded tho Invitation and
tlio convention was not slow to accept.
This convention Is usually nttonded
by sovonty-flvo or olghty sheriffs, some
of whom nro accompanied by their
Tho convention wns hold in North
Platto sevoral years ago, and those
attending expressed themselves as
highly pleased with tho manner In
which they wore entertained. Remem
bering this courtesy, tho sheriffs were
willing to como to see us again.
First Baud Concert.
Sunday, Juno 20th, at 4 p. m., the
North Platto Military band will play
the following concort:
March "Tho Show Boy" Huff.
Overture "Znmpa" Herold.
Dance Classique 'Tho Three Nympths'
"Invitation a la Valso" Weber.
Intermezzo "LeSecret" Gautlcr.
Overture "Tho Betrothal" Bagley.
March "The Bolle of York" B. F.
Though the appropriation for sum
mer concerts has not been made as yet,
the band has decided to give this con
cert as an introduction. While the
members individually will receive no
remuneration, a collection will be tak
en to apply on the uniform and music
fund, and it Is hoped that the many of
our citizens who enjoyed tho concerts
Inst season will show their npprect
atlon of this organizations work In a
substantial manner. Thcbnnd nnd its
members never loao an opportunity to
boost this city, and In return it should
bo boosted as one of our most popu
lar Institutions.
June 28th Will lie Big Day.
Monday, June 28th, will be a big day
In North Platte, for on that date the
Sells-Floto show will be here. In ad
dition to the regular circus acts, you
know', there is to bo Buffalo Bill
himself, Buffalo BUI and his real wild
west features, with Hugh Clnrk and
his Wyoming cowboys and cowgirls,
with his ropers and riders and Indians
and soldiers nnd even the Old Dead
wood stagecoach. Then, too, there are
to bo tho fairy-like equestriennes
headed by RoSa Rosalind, the "Maid of
Mystery," there wll be the contortion
ists and the acrobats and aerialists;
there will come tho cracking of the
whip ns Capt. Dutch Recardo, who
trains ilions by "making them feel at
home, puts tho wild animals through
their stunts. There will come the
squealing 0f the elephants as they obey
the commands of Zora, the "bravest
woman In the world." And of course
Of course thero will bo those forty
clowns. Was there ever a circus which
was really and truly a circus which
didn't have its complement of clowns,
to throw water on each other and do
all tho other specified things which are
laid down In the rule book of a clown's
lifetime of fun?
But these are only a few things that
aro to come with the circus. Even the
press agent admits that. And the press
agent also announces that If you don't
believe him, that the best way to bo
convinced is to seo the parade which
is to come at 10:30 o'clock the morning
of tho show's arrival here. A sample of
everything In the circus is to be shown
there, and just wait to make the thing
a real s'Uccess it is to be lead by Col.
William -Frederick Cody (Buffalo
Bill himsejlf.
For Sale.
Two cars of- good range horses.
Some good mares and saddle horses.
Also a good Jack. These borse3 will
bo sold for less than you can pro
duce them here. C. A. MOORE,
215 west 12th St., North Platte, Neb,
Phone Red 43S. 42-2
Miss Virginia Bullard entertained
the mombers of the N. A. T. club Wed
nesday afternoodn at auction bridge
This club conslrts of eight young
ladies who will hold bridge parties
every two weeks. -
Mrs. W. A. Buchflnck entertained
tho Entre Noub club Wednesday af
ternoon at cards. Prizes were won
by Mrs. Carl Bonner, and Mrs. H. A
Lawhead. A two course lunch was
Mrs. Mabel Harris, tho woman who
was taken In charge at Blrdwood be
cause she Insisted on standing on the
railroad track and by refusing to
move stopped passenger trains, was
furnished transportation to Ogalalla
yesterday by the county officials. Shin
ping undesirables from one county to
'another Is the plan usually followed
in Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Dowell and osn,
of Mansfield, La., aro guests at the
homo of A. E. Dowell. Mr. Dowell Is
superintendent on tho M. R. and T.
railroad, and during his fourteen years
resldenco In tho south has seen a won
derful change in business conditions
by the Infusion of northern capital and
energy, especially in tho development
of the nntural resources of the south
ern titntrta TVfn Tlnwnll nnil fnmllxr will
J remain In town until the early part
or next week when they go to Denver
for a visit.
Considerable money, real and stage,
has boon wagered among ".Movlo"
folks as to tho outcome of the Cruse
nnd Bracy transcontinental trip. Cruze
and Bracy of "Million Dollar Mystery"
fame, left Now York May 15 by automo
bile and the odds have fluctuated be
twoon 2 nnd 5 to 1 ns to whether their
tour will end nt tho Exposition or In
somo farmer's back lot. Cruzo is to
drlvo tho ontlre distance and although
Bracy Is notoriously timid In any car
of later vintage than 187G, he is going
nlong to see that Jim either delivers
tho goods or turns over to him the
filthy lucre. They will be at tho Keith
thoatre Juno 2C.
For Snlc.
4-yenr old black Perchcrou Stallion,
t weight about 1400. Inqulro of Otto
Mesmcr, Sec. 30-10-30, 15 miles north
of North Platte. v 42-4
Let the Little
Giant Clean
Your Carpets
Contractor Gass will finlBh tho fill
on tho east sido of the new bridge this
week. The short fill is on tho east
side, that on tho west side la about
four times as long.
The greatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring ZE3I! X L .
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar the consequences by Jetting us
write you-a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 18S7.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages, The monthly
payments on 10oO.0O loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
ROOMS iMp 2,
WfinD Low Round-trip Fares JJSI
mu, Now in Effoct fflgm
Pf- During the summer months every form ot gWM
outdoor amusement may he enjoyed auto- Wh4
mohiling over perfect stato roads, horse- m&vt
back riding ovor mountain trails, trout flsh- iffif
rW ing, Rolling, tenriTs, polo and mountain JwMm:WM.
climbing. Tho climate is cool and the air jJpMR'lKKSrt
InVgorattng. $S
. Y,u. niay "ulko tho tr'P quickly and com- '9M M$i
fortahly via rMl
Cool, Comfortable Northern Routo to
Both Expositions
Tho only rnilroad double tracked and pro
tected by Automatic Electric Block Safety
Signals all tho way to Colorado.
Visit California and the Expositions if pos
siblebut bo sure to see Colorado.
Send for beautifully illustrated
booklet, containing valuable Infor
mation relative to sightseeing In
Colorado and tho most Inexpensive
way of spending a vacation there.
Booklet free upon application to
Local Union Pacific apent wilt
quote yon reduced round-trip fare
from your station to Colorado or to
For Kent.
Five room' cottage, city vater, eleci
trie lights and sewer. $15 per month. "
Inquire of T. Slraants, 303 south Chest
nut street. 43-2
Don't Blow
until you are safe. Don't think your
self safe until yon have your property
Insured against fire. It comes when
least expected, nnd very often the ca
lamity happens to tho uninsured. Care
lessness Is tho reason for tlio Tiro In
surance Policy being neglected. Some
times it is allowed to lapse, nnd tltat Is
the time the policy holder Is often
caught nnpplng. Insure with mo NOW
and you Mill feel on tho safe side.
Phone Rod 102