Jjtorth Ml : THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 10, L915. No. 43- EX II JIM M M V W VllAJt 1111 M A IIMM III It is Because I Sel 4.00 and $5.00 Shoes for I Have Your Size $5 $2.95 I Fit All Feet. p 2.45 LADIES In this shop you will find all of the season's newest novelties: Peg gy Pumps, Coloruals, The Annette, Lace Oxfords with colored quarters, Baby Dolls, Strap effects in Vici, Dull Kid, Bronze and Patent Kid. Over twenty styles in White and Black and White. All sizes and widths. My Price "- $2.45 and Why pay $4.00 and $5.00 $2.95 MEN $2.48 1st Door 1 -South Keith Theatre. Harry's Do not be deceived. I sell genuine "Goodyear" welts in Gun Met tal, Box Calf, Velour Calf, Tan Calf, Patent and Vici Kid. I have them in all the new patterns and lasts, English, Hi-Toes, Straight Lasts, Etc., rubber'and leather soles. Remember, they are all standard makes and every pair guaranteed, and the price is not $4.00 and $5.00, but $2.45 and $;2..95 North Rlatte, Nebraska. BIG OltOWJI at Tin: RALLY OF THE BOOSTERS The boosters' rally at the tabernacle building last evening was attended by Ave or six hundred, quite a num ber of whom were ladles and while a number of business men who should have been there were not nevertheless the meetilng was a representative gath ering of those who favor boosting North" Platte. The cornet band kind ly donated its services, and rendered several selections on the streets and several in the building. As a program opener the Yeoman drill team in their natty uniforms gave the manual of I arms, the stage being too small to per f mlt of drill movements. J i The speaker for the occasion was John L. Kennedy, of Omaha, former congressman from the Omaha district, an old-time resident of that city, and ono who has given freely of his time and monoy for the advancement of . the Nebraska metropolis. Secretary Temple, of the Chamber or Commerce, had written the Omalia Commercial Club, asking if they could send us a sneaker for this occasion, anu Air Kennedy was sent, his expenses being borne by the Omaha organization. Mr. Kennedy was introduced by President Secberger, of the Chamber or com merce, and gave the most practical talk along the line of civic Improve ment and town boosting that the epo ple of North Platte havo over heard. During the day Mr. Kennedy had been driven over the city and through tho country surrounding the town and-lur-ing this drlvo he, with keen discern ment, noticed some of our lame points as well as good features. He was therefore In position to talk upon local conditions, and among tho phases con sidered was the exclusion of dump ing grounds along tho highways and the beautifying of the city, tho need of naved streets, tho necessity or nev ter drainage, the need of a hotel, which ho understood was soon to bo erected, the nroner advertiseng of the city in order to bring additional people here, and to attract the establishing or m dustrles suitablo to the country. To secure these ends there must be an or ganization such as the Chamber of Commerce, and that organization must bo backed by the people, not only by their moral sunnort but financially as well. North Platte had a splendid fu ture, but the town would always bo just as thecltlzens made it. All tho people should .have fc.Mli in tho town, it should not be "my" town, but "our" town. As a matter of Interest to the wholo state. Mr. Kennedy favored the develop mont of tlietwater power of the Platte and Loup rivers, and tho making of the Missouri river a navigable stream. . Mr. Kennedy's talk was a practical one, and unquestionably he scattered seeds that will germinate and grow. creating a greater "booster" spirit. Tho president then introduced Miss Annie Kramph, who spoke on local conditions In her customary expressive way; the need of a publicity fund, and also touched on tho subject which ap peals to her so strongly and should to all of us a greater recognition of our boys and girls, who will bo the men and women of tomorrow. Secretary Temple followed with a UiJk on the! membership campaign and the publicity fund, and following his remarks donations to the publicity fund were solicited. The amount sub scribed at the meeting was $1,390. University Officials Hero Tomonnv. Chancellor Avery, head of tho state university, llvo of tho eight regents of the same institution, Dean Burnett of tho agricultural college and Prof. Smith will visit the state sub-station this afternoon. They will arrive on No. 11 and probably go to Scotts Bluff tonight. Swedish Lutheran Festival The Swedish Lutherans of North Platte will hold a midsummer festival Juno 25 th at the farm of Gustaf Brant ing, southeast of town. The party will depart from Olson's hotel In the fore noon at 11 o'clock. Dinner and ice cream wll bo served at the festival. A speech wll bo delivered by Rev. Bescher, pastor of the Lutheran church at Hershoy. All Scandinavians who tfant to have a pleasant midsummer day with us, are most cordially Invited. Arrangements wll bo made by Mr. Branting for passage for those who havo nb team or automobile. COMMITTEE,. Tabernacle for County Fair The officers of tho county agricul tural society have mado arrangements whereby tho tabernacle building will bo torn down, the material moved to tho Dillon place on on north Locust street, and tho building re-erected as a hall for the exhibits. This Is the best solution of a prob lem that has confronted the society thatbf securing a place for holding friends In Kearnoy, having the fair and we consider the action a city yesterday, most excellent one. FOR SALE Oil TRADE Tlio model Thus. Ell properly. 121 west Second Street, can trade for farm or will accent smaller property us part pay. The chance of your life to secure n beautiful home. See BKATT & GOODMAN. At tho meeting of tho local chairmen of tho B. of L. E. proto-dvo board of the Union Pacific system, A. V. Ka nold, of Laramie, was re-elected gener al chairman, C. P. Tracy, of this city re-elected secretary and W. L. Rich ards re-elected local chairman. These elections aro for a period of three years. James Petersen, of Chappell, was a business visitor In town Tuesday, Whilo hero ho met L. P. Jensen of tho Harcourt & Jensen store and dis covered an old schoolboy chum with whom he went to school thirty-four years ago In Denmark and had not met since. Tho Tllllkum Girls wero entertain ed Wednesday evening at tho homo of Misses Irene and Mario Stuart. About twenty-five members of tho club wore present and a very enjoyable evening was spent In various contests, music and a nice lunch was served. Mr .and Mrs. Edgar Donehowcr, of Columbus, Ohio, are guests at the home of tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Donehowcr. ATTENTION. Hay and Alfnlfa men. I nave only a few stuck covers left. Hurrr If you want them. J. E. NJ8LEY, 021 Enst SeTentli' Street. LOCAL VINTI) PERSONAL Mrs. Theresa Haldermnn and chil dren returned Wednesday evening from Lincoln. Jack Sinclair will Icavo today for Denver to spend n few days with friends. A little daughter arrived at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nlsloy ono day last week. Queen Quality Shoes and Oxfords at Wilcox Department Store. Henry Murray expects to leave In a fow days for Denvor to visit with friends. Mrs. Chns. Burroughs Is visiting left for that Ladles Mr. Colllu, expert hair manufacturer, is located at 20S west Third street. Switches etc. made from combings and cut hair1. Highest prices paid for cut hair. My work is extra fine nnd guaranteed. Dyeing, otc, a sepeclal ty. Call and see my work and toll your friends. Two ladles wanted to solicit on salary or commission. Ladles to learn hair work also wanted. Woolenhaupt residence, lirst door west of Christian church. ' GOOD CHEAP PASTURE 100 acres best hill pasture, plenty of water, no lues, tattle and horses 'c per head per day. ..WM. RA3ISEY, West ot t oolitic inriti. J. II. Posey was checked out last ev ening as manager of tho Pacific hotel and Is succeeded by a Mr. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Posey and daughter leave soon for Omaha, where Mr. Posey will re-enter tho dining car service as conductor. The departure of Mr. and Mrs. Posey is regretted by every ac quaintance in town. Miss Mario McCabo returned Wed nesday from her school at Notro Dame, Ind. Mis McCabo won the cup as champloirtennls player at tho school, an honor that was also awarded her last year. To win tho cup twlco in succession is unusual, and is evidence of Miss McCabo's skill as a player. Tho Lexington Mill nnd Elevator Co., which had been operating tho lo cal flour mill for a number ot months, shut down this weok,. and tho forco went to Lexington to begin operations In tho now mill, Tho Chamber of Com' merco Is in correspondenco with par ties with a view of securing somo firm or company to opcrato the local mill. Tho J. Y. M. club met Wednesday aftornoon at tho homo or Mrs. T, Christensen, 214 south Ash street. A very pleasant afternoon was spont and at the close enjoyable reireau monts wero served. Miss Cr.al Smith left Wednesday at ternoon for Iowa whoro she will make her future homo. Mr. and Mrs. Georgu Vroumn and daughter Blanche returned last even ing1 from Omaha. Miss Hannah Young will leavo this week for Schuyler to visit her sister a couple of weeks. Mrs. Loan, of Gothenburg, who vis ited J.ier daughter, Mrs. Alox Brooks, roturned homo yesterday. Mrs. Marian Miller and daughter, Alpha, left Wednesday evening for Hershey, whero thoy will make their homo. Mrs. M. E. Boardmnn and children left last evening for California whoro she Intends to make her homo Messrs. Clyde Cuinmlngs and Tracy Mancer, of Cozad, spent tho first of this week with friends In town. Arthur McNarnmra roturned lust evening from Omaha whero ho had been spending a couplo of weeks. Stamped linens and Art Good, a largo lino to select from at Wilcox De partment Store. Mrs. Wiley Gllmoro, of Grand Island, enmo up last evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair for somo time. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of GUtnor, arrived hero last evening to visit tholr daughtor, Mrs. Edward Luby, for a fow dttyn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Baus, of In dianapolis, who visited Mr. and Mrs. GIddeon WInkleman Inst week, have gone Home. Short Stop Chllcgore, lato of Qrand Island, spent yestorday here whilo en route to Ogalalla to tako a position on that team. C. P. Tracy has bcon in Omalia this week attending a conforonco of tho B. of L. E. protective board and tho Union Pacific officials. Mrs. Geo. Cooper, who was In from Buchanan precinct yestorday, said that section ot tho county was lloaoded from a rain which foil Wcdnesdny night. Educator Shoes for Children at Wil cox Department Storo. Donald Mathers, of Glltner, visited this week with Edward Luby. Mr, and Mrs. Minor Morrow, of Council Bluffs, wero called horo this week by tho death of tho lattcr's fatti er, (ho lato Thomas Baldock. Mr and Mrs. C. P. Schnrmann, who havo been hero for soveral days trans acting business and visiting friends, will return to Chicago today. Mrs. Samuelsou and daughter, Mrs. Eugono Plcard, expect to loavo about July 10 th for California to attend tho exposition and visit relatives. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Crook loturncd Wednesday from Omaha, whoro thoy went to look up a residence They will soon go to Omaha to make their homo. Friends in town have received an noucements of tho wedding of Lester Schuff of Grand Island, formerly of this city, who was married recently to Miss Alma Etllng of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paulson will leavo Monday for Urldgoporteio make tholr homo, tho former having nccopted a postlon with tho telephone company at that place. As a result of the recent revival ser vices, seventy persons woro taken into tho membzcrshlp of tho Methodist church Wednesday evening. Tho ac cessions to tho other churches havo not been reported, Souvenir Spoons VERMONT State Spoon Saturday KAUFMANN & WERNERT CO. 8c, 10c, 25c STORE.