The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1915, Image 10

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
MA L. BAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
Ono Year by Mull In Advnncc....$1.25
One Ycnr by Carrier In Advance.. $1.0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postoflleo ns Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, Jl'NE I.'tli, 1I5.
.Must Keep Out of Conlllct.
New York. "Thore is no victory
near for oithor sldo In tho European
war. It will be two or three yearn
before the conlllct ends and millions
more men wll be slain before peace
The directors of tho local base ball
association met last evening to size
up the financial situation, and tho fol
lowing report was prosonted by tho
secretary and treasurer:
Receipts From sale of season tick
ets $025.00; net receipts from Ogalal
Ia, Kearney and Horshey games $84.70;
total receipts $709.70.
Disbursements Work on diamond
$05.35; uniforms, bats and halls $80.51,
expensos North l'latte to Ogalalhi
$31.08, Willow Island to North l'latte
$24.25, Kearney Normal at North Platte
$10.35, salaries, room rent and board
$285.25, total $197.30. Balance In the
treasury $212.31.
Fromtho nbovo It will bo seen that
unless funds are secured in the im-
mnltnfn fiilnrc. tint N'nrfh Plnttn hull
I team must go "glimmering." Tho
vuiu a n. i.,i f tr,,,.rviin,inii oaianco now in mo treasury win iasi
publisher of the Peoria Evening Jour- 8hlorl tl,ne' nml l,1,e .mnniigonioul
ml and onco npolntod as United States "W" ,nocy Is forthcoming he
ambassador to Russia, who reached ' l"f ,wl1 bo disbanded, ns no bills
New York today on the St. Louis of. wi" be contrnct(1 that cnnnot bo
tho American line, In from Liverpool. ,
Plndoll spent some time along the
second line of trenches extending for
tlilrty miles In the vicinity of Nancy
where ho saw, ns ho put. It, "every
thing but the actual murdorlng bf tho
men." No returned a Ann believer In
tho necessity of this country keeping
out of tho conlllct.
"I am not n peace propangandlst,"
ho Bald, "but if all the Americans
could boo what I have seen thos would
novor go to extrome nionsurofl orcept
as n last resort. The situation in
Europo doflos description. New words
nnd phrases will bo needed to tell the
horror of it.
"However, a premature ending of
tho war would bo a misfortune. It is
Tho fact that over 300 season tickets
have been sold naturally reduces the
gate receipts to a more song, ns the
holdors of tho season tickets nrc the
follows wlio attend the games.
Tho cry is moro funds; will wo heed
the cry7
Fine corner lot- shade. twov good
bouses always rented, price $iV0IM)0.
Siunll payment down, balance to still.
A rare chance to make u good Invest
incut. Owner must sell. See
Boosfers Shut Out Oguliillu.
Tho BostcrH "enmo back" In fine
beat for futttro peace to lot thorn fin- form Sunday afternoon and dofentcd
Ish, but I do not want to sec America the Ogalalhi Braves by a score of
drawn In. I soven to nothing. While tho game
"Franco is u strange, now Biibdued was In no ways spectacular, It was
nation, but she Is preparing to fight to one of steady and consistent nlayinjr
tho end. Nevertheless, ono already nnd with tho exception o: the first
Hears murmurs or 'atter uie war, men inning, when tho Braves went into the
what?' Tlioro is n growing inclination air and allowed tho Boosters to thrice
to aRK. 'What Is tho Justlllcatlon for reach tho homo pinto, It was an ex
all this slaughter?' Ihlbltlon of real ball. Luby, In tho box
I talked to a man near Caroncy, n for the Boosters, had the Braves at
member of tho regiment which started
out of 4000 men. He was one of 200
that wore left. Ho described a certain
battle an a mingling of terrific noises,
a slinking and trembling of tho earth,
blinding chocking smoke, hiding all
sight of both frlond and foe tho
Bcreams of tho wounded and dying
and then tho confusion of the retreat.
Neither ho nor bis comrndon had any
Idea of what they wore aeompllshing."
Let Well Enough Alone.
Tho Gordon Journal makes a plea at
some length foe tho elevntion of Con
gressman Klnknld to the United Status
sonnto. Tho Journal decluros that
Judge KInkaid Is the logical man to
put forward; that ho has itconipllshcd
moro for tho state than all congress
men and sonntors; that his long ser
vice especially qualifies him for sena
torial duties; that his wido knowledge:
of men and nffalrs In Nebraska give
assurance of strong party suport;
and that bis work In Nobruska of mon
and affairs in Nebraska glvo ussurnnco
of strong party support; and that his
work In tho Big Sixth has so cn
dcurcd him to his constituency that
his morcy and only twice did they
succeed In getting a man on third
Luby wns given gilt-edged support In
every department.
With the present line-up, Nortli
Platte lias a team that is not likely
to suiter many defeats from western
Nebraska teams; In fact It Is a team
that deserves strong financial support
from the people of the town.
In tho Panama exposition contest,
Miss Gladys Stogall won at the Llerk
Sandall store and M13S Maude. Owens
nt tho Stone Drug Co., each receiving
a trip to tho Panama exposition, In
eluding Pullman fare nnd side trips.
MIbh Owens also won tho second piizo
at Llork-Sandall's, a diamond ring,
and Miss Elllo Durbln won tho diamond
ring at the Stone utorc. There were
other lesser prizes won by different
Federal Judge T. C. Mungor return
ed to Lincoln Inst night. Ho lias a
daughter In a hospital sufforing from
Injuries received In an accident and
her condition Is a sourco of consid
erable worry to him, henco bis de
slro to get back homo nt tho carll-
lir la tin rn nt nnrrvtru n Itnnvv vntn
1IU A U Ulti J J ft- Vsltl I J IV 1 1 V- L J I UIW 1 Ml - 1
regardless of polities, All of this Is uni i' ul'
true. But a transfer to tho senato Have you seen our fibre silk hose at
would not be aproniotl6n or add any 25c per pair?
honors to Judge Klnkald's career. Ho e. T. TRAMP & SONS.
belongs to tho Big Sixth, whoso repre
sentative ho can bo as long as bo do-
Which opened aL The Leader last Saturday isriow in full blast. In spite of the
disagreeable weather SaLurday hundreds of eager buyers attended the sale and
Look advantage of the greal bargains which The Leader is now offering. Just
think in our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department we sell garments at a price
which does not pay for even one-half of the sewing. Dress Goods, Wash Goods
and Silks are marked down to less than wholesale prices. The stock must be
reduced to the lowest possible minimum by July 6th.
The offer which we made last Saturday, namely, that the first five customers who
would buy $5..00 worth and upwards would be given the free choice of
any house dress in our stock, was taken advantage of in less than one hour's
time. This oiler is made for Wednesday, June 16th: The first ten customers
buying $5.00 worth and upwards will receive a house dress free.
Yours for Great Values,
Julius Pizer5 Proprietor,
The store that gives the Green Trading Stamps. ; ,
FM SsasBi wm
A sponge live3 and dies on tho same
Rock, but a Gamo Fish seeks new
waters. Tho answer to this is the pro
vnrh. t'A TJnlllntr Stnne Gathers no
A Baker, of Cheyenne, chief of tho Mnn "
sires, nnd ho can keep tho district in "ol(1 "vision of tho gonoral land of- Jlimea Cruzo liml sidnoy Brncy, for
tho ropubllcnn column whoro a nowl"co' '? town takl"K t8"- mer stars in "Tlio Million Dollar
candidate might fall. Counting gnin , niony bcroro a special mastor In chan- MyHtory," who nro making a trans-
n ii il 1 rxau i i ItriHi Tml tvt IT! til n til n n tl
CCl-y in CaSCS WllCro CancellnttOll OH rm,H..n tnl trln l.v nntnmnhlle. urn
tho sixth district. 'should the buckcs- bo'uostond patonts is sought by tho Buroly "Gamo Fish"; and it is a for-
tlon oJ'tho Gordon Journal mater- K'mnimem. a largo numoor Kono C0I
conclusion that they will gather
i t , i a 1 i
nr.couiiL iinii u coucciioii ul uxiiieiu-1
BrjT.!t J58 iotc Uiuiigi'il. Homo gvown strawberries aro now tlves, commonly termed "Cussing," Miss Lela Scott 'returned Saturday
Former Secretary of Stnto Bryan, bolng plilx d and tho crop is nnou.iced reaching Into sixteen syllables. i from Lexington where she wont tho
who r-mtgned his portfolio rathor than as boliiK oxcentlonally fine as to size Their route to tho Pacific coast isjllrst of last week to attend tho Mc-
Mrs. Glen Mann wl entertain tlio
G. F. F. club this afternoon.
W. J. Dumas, of Keystone, Is spend
ing a few days in town thlB week.
Edward Bonher of Gothenburg,
spent Sunday in town visiting friends.
Tho Zenda dancing club will give
one of tholr bl-iuop'thly dances at tho
Masonic hall Thursday of this week.
W. J. Tlloy leaves today on a trip
to western Nebraska points. He re
cently sold his Ford car and now trav-
by rail.
and;, .
sign tht -second note to Germany, is
sued another stntemont into Saturday,
declaring that tho note was fully re-
idtiml fl 1 nti t tt r tlio iyna (ill n I mm r ? a
roslgnutlon. The rovlBlon, Mr. Bryan s)n un vronmn
averred, sottcned tho note, but was not
shtllelent to 'justify him in withdraw
ing hts roQlgnnttoi'.
liuorgo vromnn worn. 10 umana aun- tM0V wiii cover js estimated at about muul
day morning to spend a week with his 50oo mlloa. About two thousand Nevada whoro ho spent about three
nn. Plnv Vrnninn .. .... T ...... , I weeks hiivlncr rnnc linrsos. TTf
away from tho ordinary course of au- j Vicker-Crawford wedding.
tomobllo travel anil the total distance . . , ..,.. , ,
Tho ' Nevf tSr club was entS5tatiied
very pleasantly at the experimental
farm by Mrs. W. P. Snyder tho lat
ter part of last week. Tho members
met at tho home of Mrs. Elmer Burke
arid were .conveyed to the farm in
automobiles. A unique and interest
ing contest was heUl and won by Mrs.
Androw Yost, who received a large
bouquet of tlowers. The ladles were
also taken on a tohr of Inspection over
the farm by Mr. Snyder, after which
a two course luncheon was served.
Quality shows In Tqpsy Hose.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vlclntiy: Fair and warmer tonight,
partly cloudy Wednesday with cooler
In afternoon or evening. Highest tem
perature yesterday 79, a year ago 82;
lowest last night 50, a year ago 59.
Lucky Bill's dog and pony show will
exhibit In Wnlace next Saturday.
Painter, Papcrhnnger and
Decorator - :
Phono Black 570.
With tlio Gnston Music Co.
Tunes, Regulates, Repairs and
Rebuilds Pianos.
Telephone 338 or Call Clinton Jewelry
miles of this Is across desert and
through mountainous country and
while wo disliko to apear pessimistic
or kill-ioys, It appears to the innocent
(Jood hill pasture, nlei.'ty water.
tt In true". riiIiI Mr. Hrvnn. "tlmt only three IlllU'S from tlllH city.. No hiv-stnniler. tlint the stunts thev nor-
I saw tho final draft of tho noto Just Hies.. Horses and cattle 2c per per formed In "Tho Mystery" nnd escaped
before my resignation took effect, but bend per day. See Win. Ramsey, just Wuu thofr lives will be as a child's
It contained an itnportunt change I west of ( oolldge Farm. piny when compared with this under-
had no knowledge oi this change at taking
the time my resignation wns tendored amuw ot mruwooil irrigation District. Thoy loft Now York on May 15th,
nnd accepted. and report having no serious accl
Notlco la lioreby given that tho as- dents as yet but many amusing exper-
"Follow-tip Meetings. aesBor In nnd for Birdwood Irrigation iencca. As they nro cnrrylng a moving
"Follow-up" meetings will bo held Bdstrlct, Lincoln County, Nebraska, has picture camera, thoy havo boon fort-
eucii evening thla week at tho Chris- completed the assessment book and hns unnto In taking a numbor of these
finti iiniiiiRt MnMimiiat imii Prosbv- delivered the onmo to tho secretary, which thoy havo Interpolated Into
torlnn churchoB. As tho namo hull- lI1d the Board of Directors Is horoby tholr act In which thoy will appear
eates, thooo meotlngs f How up tho called to meet nt tho olllco of tho'sccro- In person at tho Keith theatre, Juno
tabernacle services, and those con- ry at tho resldenco of Mrs. W. B. 2Gth, 1913.
verted at tho rovlval meotlngs nro sup- McNeol pn southeast-quarter of section Thla is nn oxcollent opportunity of
posed to attond ono of the four ;,,- township 15 north, rango 32 west meeting them personally and saying
rOiiirnhna thin week mill nllvtlinnmnlveR of tlio litli P. M., I uosilny, July Cth at good-byo or uu rovolr. donondlnc on
with tho denomination of his or hor - of sn,a date, to sit as a board the kindness of tho Gods who nro sup-
cholco. Those "Jlollow-up" meotlngs 01 equalization ami to near ouiections posed to guard picture people.
will also glvo evidence of Intorost m." l nssosamoius ami win remain in
tim wnifurn of Hioho who hnvo miulo session us long ns nocossnry not to ox-
n profession, and will help thorn along lod ten days; during which tlmo all
in wlmtever wnv noslblo. oDjecuoiiH to tno valuntton and as-
Bessment will be lienrd and dotormln
Uao "Mar-not," Sherwin-Williams ' ed.
durable lloor varnish. Oct It nt the Dated this first day of Juno, 1915,
Roxnll drug store., : MARY C. McNEEL, Seo'y,
weeks buying range horses. Ho
brought back two carloads which ho Is
now offering for sale.
At the .Sells-F'.oto show, which,
comes here Juno 28th, Captain Recar
ao will demonstrate his method of
training Hons, Kid McCoy, tho famous
prize fighter will show the art of self
defense, and Rosa Rosalind, tho maid
of mystery, will appear. These aro
only three of the many attractive feat
ures of tho show In addition to tho
aerlalists, the equilibrists, tho clowns,
tho porformoing animals and Buffa
lo Bill's Wild West.
Real Estate nnd Insurance
Come and see us for town lots In
dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowov Sts.. upstuira,
When Citizens of North Platte Show
the lVny.
Thore can bo no reason why any
reauor on ma city who suncrs tho tor.
hires of an aching back, the annoy
nnco of urinary disorders, tlfo pains
and 'dang rs of kldnoy Ills will fall to
heed tho words of a nolnhbor who has
found relief. Read what a North Platto
citizen says:
Mrs,. A,. G Wessburg, 70S wost
nirtn Htrcct, North Platte, says
I. .1.1 r, .1 I . nn.. In 1. - ..1 . .1
self tuifo until you liavo your proiierty troublo with my kidneys. A doctor
liisurcu ngninst lire. It comes when diagnosed my caso as a Uoatlng kid
least expected, nnd very often the cn. ,l0V- Many n day I was unablo to
lanilly hapiiens
1.. II...
ii-aauuns ja uiu ll'Iiauil lor 110 irO 111. I wnrn nimnlnuml A, ,.o..ot..
m m I " v -( ituutHlllltllli an UUVI llllUII
surnnco l-oiicy ucing neglected. Somo- advlacd, but luckily I learned ot
times it Is allowed to Inpso, nnd tlmt Is Donn'8 Kidnoy Pills and procured a
the time tlio policy lioldor Is often "u,, 1MBUB,",". Vriivoa
Fiunrlit limtnlnir. Iiisupa win. , vnw " ru ?loro' Know bcniuor ec uo.'s
nnd voiiwlllfeolim tin, nfAMn " JJr"K o.l0rJ "Ba aK tnem
A fow dnys romovedt ho pains and re
stored my kidneys to tholr proper
working order,. Anothor of my family
has alnco been troubled by kldnoy
complaint and has had a world of good
irom mis rcmcuy.
t'rico doc, at all dealers.. Don't
simply ask for n kldnoy remedy got
Doan'8 Kldnoy PIUb tho same that
Mrs,, wessborg had. Foetor-Mllburn
Welcome a
Good Cigar
And a good clgnr means ono mado
at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep
utation as a maker o fgood cigars In
North Platto extend? back thirty years.
If wo did not mako good cigars wo
would havo been forced to closo tho
factory years ago. If you havo not
boen smoking Schmalzrled's, Cigars It
is not too Into to begin,
Farmers, Attention
The greatest grain crop you ever raised
is assured barring IE3Z A IE ZLi .
There have been hail storms all around
us. You cannot bar the HAIL, but you
can bar the consequences by letting us
write you a policy against loss by HAIL.
Delays are dangerous.
Let the Little
Giant Clean
Your Carpets
Phone Red 1G2
J. F. Schmalzried.
Co., Props., Buffalo, N Y.