The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 15, 1915, Image 1

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V iu m mwk ,,
No. 12
n r r t ti - i 1 1 " ii ' , , " -Hi ... . ,
Members of the Yeomen will In
dulgc In a dancing party at the Yeo
men hall this evening.
Mrs. W. C. Elder, who has been vis
iting relatives in California for several
months, is expected home next week.
Mrs. Frank Wlnklemau, of Fremont,
who visited her daughtor Mrs. Jack
Carroll for ten days returned home
Sunday nftornodn.
Miss Gladys Hanson, of Council
uiurrs, who visited her grand mother,
Mrs. Emma Pulver for two weeks, re
turned homo yesterday morning.
The M. M. M. club and their hus
bands will hold a farewell party for
Mr. .and Mrs. J. II. Posoy at the home
of Mr and Mrs. F. J. McGovern Friday
W. V. Hoagland will Improve his
west end residence by the addition of
new porches, repainting and other
work that will materially enhance
Its appearance.
Thirty men are employed on the
Lincoln mgnwny seeming mllo which
is being constructed at Kearney. The
top covering of this mile of roadway
will be concrete.
The Kensington club of the ladles'
auxiliary to the B. of It. T. will be
entertained tomorrow afternoon by
Mrs. Guy Cover, assisted by Mesdames
Garrison, Cool and Gutherlcss.
The Willow Island ball team was
defeated by the. Herslicy team at the
latter place Sunday by a score of
three to nothing. Bechan twirled for
Hershey and Cook for Willow Island.
The fire department was called to
the Nebraska House on Front street
earlv Sundav mnrnlnir In oYMneiilali n
fire in a small rear building. The 'ori
gin of the fire is not positively known.
Ruth Donesori was hostess yester
day afternoon at a birthday party. A
score of her little friends were enter
tained at various games and served
with a dainty lunch, and Miss Ruth
received a number of pretty gifts.
1 lot Indies' Waists worth $1.00 nt.
Cflc. HUB.
The managers of tho different church
ball teams met Inst evening nnd ar
ranged for tho following schedule of
games. These league games will be
played on tho grounds to be later des-
lciinted Illlll ft 'la nrnaimiml II.
shlorablo Interest will bo shown by
noi oniy tne members of the teams and
their sunnorters but iiv Mi
nt large.
Juno 22 Methodist vs. Lntlinr..
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lampe, of North
port, were visitors in this city tho
latter part of last week.
Carl Simon hns lot the contract for
tho orection of a seven-room bunga
low in the Trustee's addition.
Old furnlturo made now with a coat
or Shorwln-Willlnms Brighten-Up-Stain.
Tho ltexall Drug store.
Mrs. Frank Hoxto nnd Mrs. Jamos
or At . .V ana. rriuiu noxio ami pus. jnmos
Juno 25 Christians vs. Presbyter-! Ware spent yesterday in Oshkosh as
Juno 29 Episcopals vs. Baptists.
July 2 Methodist vs. Episcopal.
July G Christian vs. Lutlicran.
July 9 Baptist vs. Presbytorinn.
July 13 Episcopal vs. Christian.
July 15-Mothodlst vs. Baptist.
July 20 Lutheran vs. Presbyterian.
July 23 Christian vs. Baptist.
July 27 Methodist vs. Presbyterian.
July 30 Episcopal vs. Lutheran.
August 3 Methodist vs. Christian.
August Episcopal vs. Presbyter-Ian.
Aucust 10 Bantlat vs. T.ntli
It will be tho rule of this baso ball
league that any person wishing to be
come a member of nny team in this
league, that it will bo necessary to
attend some department of the church
organization of tho church lie intends
to piny with as per schedule.
Expenses of each gamo to be paid
teams playing in such games.
Encampment Holds Special Session.
Colfax Encampment, I. O. O. F., held
a special mooting Saturday evening
and conferred the final degreo on
twenty candidates. At this meeting
there were present four grand of
ficers, J. C. Harnlsh, of O'Nell, grand
master; I. P. Gage, of Fremont, grand
secretary: J. T. Davis, crnnil Tinfrl.
arch, and L. E. Coy, of Paxton, grand
nuiuui wuiuuil. - - -- " - "
These late accessions to the local I tler' a11 for 50c nt c- M Newton's. 41-2
encampment places it third in mem-! ,, , , ., , ,
beshlD amomr the enn.imnnnfs nr tuJ. Th0 clmirs and other movable furnl-
kstate, exceeded only bv Omaha inil luiQ-wero removcd yesterday from tho
Fromnnt V y and I tabernacle building. The lumber in
I the guests of the Aufiongnrton family.
Mrs. E. F. Seeborgor, Mrs. Geo. B.
Dent and Mrs. Andrew Lltldoil spent
Saturday in Knnrnnv no tlm miooio r
irs. women.
Henderson Fashion Form Corsets In
front nnd back lace In all tho summer
Mrs. Gus Anderson wont to Denver
yesterday to meet her sicter nnd visit
nur tor a uay wnue tne latter wns nn
routo east.
Oliorwin-Wllllams Pntllt. onvora
more surface to the gallon than any
paint on tho market. For sale at the
uexau Drug store.
Denver lots for sale or would trade
for cattle. Inquire of Mrs. C. F .Purdy,
rnone iuvirzz. 42-7
L. G. Dowell, general manager of
me Louisiana & Southern railroad
is expected here this week to visit his
orotner a. is. Dowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Richie Ugai and infant
wero tmntlseu Sunday at tlio innnt
church. This is nrobablv tho first
ume in Kortn Piatto that this rite has
neon administered to Japanese
A few bunches of bed room wall pa
per, 4 rolls wall, 2 ceiling, aud 1 bor
Beginning Wednesday, June ICtli
Big reduction sale to last 3 days on-
Over 1,000 visitors attended tho sale
oi town lots at atapieton baturday
.and, many of the lots were disposed of
a good prices. Tho visitors were glv
eif 'a chicken dinner at the hotel and
shown other coutesles.
twelve persons aro reported dead
in the storm which swept over western
-Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota and
Iowa Saturday night. Seven are said
to have lost their lives near Ferry
vllle. Wis., ,and five near Lansing,
The ladies of Wellfleet havo fbrmed
an organization which they call the
Outlook Club, the object of which is
social work and work for the benefit
of the community. Miss Mattie Rals
ton is president, and Mrs.O. A. Fair
child secretary.
On June 28th we will have an op
portunity of shaking hands with our
former townsman Colonel Cody, who
Is with the Sells-Floto show. The Col
onel Is at tho head of the wild west
feature of tho show, and while it is
not the monstrous production that
markeil the f!n1nnnl'n nwn Wild Vfst
still It Is said to be a very worthy at-1
1 25 Trimmed Hats at $1.00
zt Trimmed Hojd nt $2.25
25 Trimmed Hats at . ... $3.75
Visit us and be convinced of their
At The Lealer.
- ..j
Federal Court in Session.
JudKO T. C. Muncer. of
accompanied by District Attorney
HovvqII and District Clerk Hoyt of
Omaha, arrived In .town Sunday, .and
yesterday Judge Munger opened "tho
Juno term of federal court. Yesterday
was taken up In hedring the cages of
McAllister against C. F. Scharmann
anu wire, nnd envolving the title to
1120 acresof land which McAllister
had purchased at a tax sale and the
case of tho W. W. Blrge Co. against
tho General Construction Co., which
erected tho federal building for money
buo on material.
Eyo Tiredness
Eye nalns freouent henilnriioq
Burning, smarting eyes
Inability to read lon!r nt nln-lit
Closing eyes frequently to rest them
' All tliAon n tn 111 Pn 1 1 1 1 n .. O
I iiuuuiea. )J. n, atone, in which tho former
Mis Marlon Dentler, who played the, 11 Is Just such symptoms as these seeks to eject tho latter from tho
leauing roie m reg u my fieart last uvcij uuy.
season, spent Sunday hero visiting her T1'oy offer no dlfliculty to our meth
aunt, Mrs. Frank Lowell, while en-i ds at all.
route homo from New York to Den- masses lino proper glasses) re
ver, where she will spend several Hevo theso troubles every time, and
i,, i. cn. in...,ir rn- DO IT AT flNnR
cu ,.nnnmin,i i... t.An t ., . I flop llq t nd !l v n
She was accompanied by her sister,
nirs. narry f orti, 01 ew xotk uity,
who was formerly Miss Helen Dentler
of this city. Upon their return they
Intend to spend a week here renew
ing acquaintances.
For Sale.
Two cars of good range horses.
Some good marcs and saddle horses.
Also a good jack. These horses will
be sold for less than you can pro
duce them here. C. A. MOORE,
215 west 12th St., North Platte, Neb.
Phono Red 438. 42-2
Good .nutoinobiio to exchange for
laud orfsmul residence, will pay dif
ference lit cash.
See us today about your eyes.
Registered Optometrist
Mrs. C. F. .TennlnirH nf fit T.mila la
visiting Mrs. A. F. Streitz while en-
route uome irom a visit in California.
Tho 15 cent social and sale of fancy
work which was to have been held at
tho J. S. Hoagland homo Thursday af
ternoon hns been postponed one week.
I wish to thank my friends for their
kindness In helping mo to win first
placo In the Panama Exposition con
test given by tho Llork & Sandajl Co.
Houses, nice vacant Rooms, Storage
Space and Safe Deposit Boxes by
the bulldlnc has been solil tn Pnn
tractor Picard.
Mrs. G. Lavelle, Mrs. Jack BeaL
Mrs. William Hnrrliipfnii nm! Mlaa
Elenore McCarthy of Ogalalla wero
among tnose who came down for the
nase oau game last Sunday
"Old Glory" floated from n niimlmr
of ling polts yesterday In honor c
tne tastn anniversary of Its birth. At
me court nouso uustodlan Wilson had
tho corridors profusly decorated
with streamers
Contractor Gass who lias the con
tract for making tho fills to the now
uriuge succeeded in getting his pump
inn outfit In shann Sntnrilnv nml ho
gan throwing up sand yesterday on
uje east siuo or the river.
Do your eyes bother you? See Clin
ton, the Optician. They test eyes free
ot cnarge.
Mrs. Milton DnnllttW nf T.nni
Beach, Calif., Is visiting friend's in
town, having arived tho latter' part
of last week. This is her first visit
here since leaving for California eight
years ago.
Use Sherwin-Williams Pntnfa rnn
all kinds of good painting. For sale
at tne uexau Drug store.
The case of W. C. Reynolds nirninni
uuildlnt: now underirnl nir ronntra
camet up for hearing in the county
court Saturday. Mr. Stone, however,
took a thirty day continuance, giving
Women's Patent Leather turn sole
Pumps, wortli $3.00 at $1.89. HUB
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Koester and
daughter, of Baltimore, are guests of
Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Waltemath, hav
ing accompanied tho latter home from
.he Pacific const. The visitors mado
the trip from Baltimore to San Diego
by boat, pacing through tho Panama
canal. It requires seventeen days to
mnko the trip.
Tho road south nf Mm rl Vfr linitrnnn
- -..W MVbllVjli
iNonn 1'iatto and Gothenburg is in
fine condition, and Is lining
mented by tourists who pass through.
vvsi. oi mo city mo roads aro rough,
but with a reasonnhln norlmi nf .lv..
.i , : ----- " ..j
wtaiiuur ann nrniniHori wnrv n
. ...v. ...
ouuu imuiii tneir customary smooth
Absolute Sincerity
Sincerity in the Fabric
The people who weave the fab
rics that are in our clothes are
absolutey sincere in their de
sire to produce on the best all-
wool fabrics possible and they fes
Sincerity in tho Flaking
The tailors who make our
clothes are absolutely sincere In
their work. Only the . best style
and finish for every garment
they make will satisfy them.
They want to make clothes to
be proud of and they do.
Wo are sincere in our desire to
give you the best value for ev
ery dollar you spend hero, for
clothes that it is possible to
So through this sincerity of
purpose which watches overy
step in our clothes from the fab
ric to the time when you get the
suit you are insured the mos(
and best value for your money
at this store every time and ail
the time. These prices repre
sent maximum values we
Guarantee it.
2 piece fall silk lined scre and fancy suits, excciUnml
Many men now call this store
we are proud of this because it
shows that our determi nation
to have just the hat that fits
your every desire here when
you want it, is appreciated by
our customers. We are glad to
guarantee our hats.
Are you troubled in getting
Hnv' Pnl! u SMrts that suit you are the
Hoys Fahn Beachsleeves the right length do the
Knickerbockers $1" pat,terns an,d colors please you
muroocKers qi do youp ghirtg staml thQ aun
Boys' Kokhi Pants te?t? ,
But whether you are bothered
50c with these troubles or not, you
. should see the splendid new
Th Sf xatu !!l!rts we are showing this sea-
--'wuac vviiui c SOU.
Straws 91.50 to $s.00 Men Like to Trade Manhathu.s $1.60 tip.
ranamas $8.50 to $0.00 ,WIl V, nn ....
109 WEST 6th STREET.
Before we move to our new location we will rclose out
35 White Lawn and Organdie Voile Dresses sold all over at $10 ourfl fit
All $1.50, $2 Lawn Voile Jap Waists
$6 Ladies' Rain Coats special
; ; y ,: blyd
$4 Palm Beach Skirts
$2.50 White Pique Skirts j
Our Store will be open evenings until 8 p. m. until we have moved to our
new Store.
Will Quado. of Stanleton. camo nvnr
Sundny to attend tho ball game.
Wo rcculato your watch, no nlmrcoH.
Clinton, tho Jeweler.
Crowe's orcheatrn will clvn n Hit-
noy danco at tho K. P. hall thin evening.
Como In to tho Iloxall il
and liavo a BrJghton-Up talk with us.
3Mr. nml Mrs. Chimin Dni nnnv. nf
Northport, woro tho guests of friends
in town auntiay.
Dean Howkor loft. Si lnilnv nvnnlnir
for Ogalalla and other towns In the
west part or tlio state.
B. W. Evans and damrhlor.
bcocn KuestB at tho ,t. m. Mvmia h
it'it yesterday for McCook.
Work on tho plcklo factory at
Ilrldgoport was begun last week. Tho
huIUlliig will bo 84x130 feet.
Vor Ilont Four room hotiso niodorn
except heat, $17 per month. Inqulro of
George Tekulvo, Yellow Front. 42-2
Miss Edith Patterson, teaching in
tho public schools at Ilenson, arrived
homo Sunday to spend tho vacation.
Mrs. C. T. Wholun and son returned
the lattor part of last wook from a
throo weoks' visit In tlio cast part' of
tho state. '
E, T. Kolllinr. nnw lnnnlnd lii Dm.
aha, has boon In town for n couplo
of dnys transacting buulness and visit
ing frlonds.
A boy babv was born Wndnnmlnv In
Mr .and Mrs. "Dick" Hnnk. wim iiv
on tho UakB farm stock farm south
east of town. f
Mrs. K. D. Small, of Tlnrvnv Til
will arrive this wook for n vlt wit-h
her parent's. Mr- and Mrs. virtr
In tho list of mnrrlncrn ll
sued at Omaha appears tho names of
ij. uari uoss or Omaha and Qornldlno
Graham of North Platto.
Usn Slinrwin.Wllllnniu T)nii,in.. it..
Paints and Vrfrnlslies. It Is surprising
how it will brighten up dingy sur
roundings. For sain nt Mi
Drug store.
ThO COUntV COmmlRRlnnnrn will nnn.
vono today as a board of equalization
and Will remntll In nnaalnn no mmli an
long as thoro aro complaints filed or
oquaiizatiou pr aBsessmentB to bo
Tho advertising car of tho Sclls
Floto show, which exhibits lioro Juno
28th, was In town yesterday distribu
ting colored sheets and posters.
Mrs. James Ware and daughtor
Margaret left this morning for their
homo In Iilalr, after visiting at tho
IIoxlo homo for a fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waltemath and
son Harry returned Sunday from their
tlireo weeks visit to San Diego, Los
Angeles nnd San Francisco. '
Miss Edith Gnntt, who Is employed
as tutor In a private family at Wig
gins, Miss., arrived homo Sunday to
spend the summer vacation.
Two dancing parties woro given
Friday evening, ono at ho Elks homo
by mombors of that ordor, tho other
at the Masonic hall by the younger
Wo havo plenty of money on handi
in ciunu lurm loans promptly. 42-4
Miss Helen Wholploy returned yes
terday from Curtis, whero she was em
ployed last week as primary Instruct
or In the Frontier county teachers'
Tlio Maxwell Tolonost sava: Mnnv
havo practically lost tholr llrst cut-
uiig oi annua, it is nown and much
of it cannot bo cut, and thon, the
lower loaves and stalks aro RorlmiRlv
Under the Juno nportlonmont of
stnto school money Lincoln county
will recolve ?G,55G.G8. Tho warrants
will bo mailed to tho county treasurer
this wook, who will apportion tlio
nmount to each school district.
Visit tho McVickor Millinery big
sale, Wednesday, Juno lGth.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Scharmann, of
Chicago, arrived yesterday morning
and will spend this week with rela
tives and frlonds. They aro accom
panied by Mr. Androws of Stoolo City,
Nob., fnthor of Mrs. Scharmann.
Any houso painted with Shermtui
Wllllams paints looks llko now. For
sale only at tho Roxall Drug store.
In n card to Tho Tribuno, J. I.
Smith says: Mysolf nnd family ar
rived Bafoly In Ncgaunee. Tho grand
daughter is a dandy. Wo aro get
ting ready for a threo-day trout fish
ing trip on tho east Escanaba rlvor,
whoro thoy catch them twenty
flvo Inches Jong. Wo antlclpato a
big time and will think ot you dry
landors when wo eat tho trout fried
In butter. 1
Mrs. Albert Durbln and Mrs. Jamos
Dornm woro hostesses at a function
given at tho homo of tho former Fri
day aftonioon which assumed tho form
of a miscellaneous shower for Miss
Hazel Smith. Thirty live guests were
present, and, tho ontortnlnlng feat
ure was dressing a doll brido, In this
contest, tho Judges awarded tho bluo
ribbon to Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mrs. W. J.
Tlloy nnd Mrs. H. P. Hlncklo. Miss
Smith recoived many articles of a
useful nnd ornamental nature A tw
courso lunch wus served.
Week Old Chicks
For sale at ton cents each. Inqulro of
Harry Lantz, 321 eaBt Fourth. 42-2
2 or 1 room modern flat, heat, light,
Imlli, He, close In.
"A Tragedy
of the Platte
Story of murder
of Vernon Con
nett. Get it at
the Huffman Smoke