J, 51 DIXON'S JITNEY WATCH CLUB. THE VltS! (.1 P. WATCH .N5PCCT0? Case . .f. U P WATCH INSPECTOR NAME YOUR NAME DATE...!.... JUNE 8th, 1915 Movement . . No , NEARLY 400 MEMBERS SECURED IN CAMPAIGN. 1st Week "c 2nd Week '. 10c 3rd Week 15c lilt Week 20c 5th Week 25c (Ith Week ; 30c 7th "Week 35c 8th AVcck ; 10c 0th Week '..... J5c 10th Week 50c 11th Week 55c 12th Week 0c 13th Week , 05c llth Week 70c 15th Week 75c 10th Week. SOc 17th Week 85c 18th Week . 00c 10(h Week ; 05c 20th Week , $1.00 21st Week $1.05 22nd Week ..' $1.10 23rd Week $1.15 21th Week $1.20 25th WqkfHI $1.25 COME IN AND LET US EXPLAIN. DIXON, The Jeweler. 1 DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tho McDonald StAto Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Tom-Watts,, of Grand Island, was In town on business yesterday. F. L. Mooncy returned yesterday from a brief visit in Omaha. Mrs. Mary Wright went to Grand Island yestorday to visit her son for a fow days. " Another 10c and lGc bargain sale of wall paper at C. M. Newton's for tho next two weeks. P. B. Bullard returned yesterday from Omaha, where ho attended a stato meeting of tho Masonic order. One dollar E. & W. Shirts at Sam uelson's tomorrow, only, for 80 conts. Equal discount on other furnishings. . Supt. Jeffers made a trip over the branch Wednesday, returning loro at night and leaving for Omaha yesier day morning. Jitney Watch Club 5c down and increase yotir payments 5c each week until the watch is i in 1 1 va t DIXON, The Jeweler,. Prof, Markley, of tho high school faculty, left Wednesday for Denver where ho will ongago hi buslncs's un til September 1st. ; All Spring Coats that sold sold up to $18 to ,$25, your choice at $9.08 at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Rov. O. B. Harman Is spending a fow days this week In AtchtBon, KanB., attending tho meeting of tho Board pt Trustees of Midland College. Al Tift, who had boon in town for a couple of weeks looking aftor his proporty Interests, returned yesterday to Minnesota whoro ho has a big grading contract. Passcngor business to tho- coast Is Increasing, sovoral of tho regular trains carrying extra equipment to accommodato tho Increased number of passengers carried. U P WATCH INSPECTOR For Farm Loans see or write Gene Croorffroom 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 41tf v Tho D. of H. social club will meet next Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. Jennlo Cross, who In entertaining the club will bo assisted by Mcsdames Guyman, Scott, Cornwell and Stegall. Remnant salo of wall paper at C. M. Newton's for two weeks; 10 and 15 cents per doublo roll. Miss Marguerlto Smith, of Mlamls burg, Ohio, arrived Tuesday for a visit with her aunt Mrs. Georgo Tekulvo. Miss Smith's health has not been very good and sho hopes that this cllmato may provo beneficial. Now -Is tho tlmo to outfit yourself for the summer. Harry Samuclson, "The Suit Man," Is offering twenty per cent discount on men's furnishings for tomorrow Saturday only. Mrs. L. II. Baker, who had been the guest of tho O'Haro family, left to day for Oshkosh to visit her grand son, Grovor Crane. Upon her return she will visit hero for a' week before going east. Fully pne hundred eastern tourists enrouto to f California have passed through town,, since Sunday. Yesterday a Packard, a Lancia and a Simplex, alh big heavy sixes, , started west after spending tho night n town. All Spring Coats that sold sold up to $18 to $25, your choice at $9.98 al WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. 10ur! Dgreo of Honor and A. O. U. W. will obsdrvo Memorial Day, Sun day Juno 13th, when all graves of departed members will bo decorated All members of these orders arbre- questcd to meet a ttho K. P. hall at 1:30. ..,,',... MrB. L. W. Walker and Mrs. Isaac DiUlon did, not go )io Minneapolis Tuesday as they expected, due to a tolegraim from Mr. Walked stating that ho had an offer on his business thero and might concludo to sell,, and for them to remain here until further advlco from him. The three-day campaign Inaugura ted to secure members to the Chamber of Commcrco, which began Tuesday morning and terminated last evening, resulted in an enrollment of 382, with prospects for enough more to swell the number to at least 400. In this campaign about forty men took part, and a thorough canvass of the busi ness district was made. However, the membership secured Is not limited to business and professional men;, many proporty owuors, including railroad men, enrolled their names, and the clerks In tho various business houses helped swell the number. Very few of tho business and professional and property owners who were approach ed declined to take out a membership, and a number of those who refused will, we believe, sooner or later, dis cover "the error of their way." Tho large membership Becured which Is three times greater than ever before can be taken as evidence that the people of North Platte are willing to help boost the town; that they want to make North Platte, already a good town, a better and bigger town. Backed by a membership of 100 all working for tho best Interests of tho town, the Chamber of Com morco Is certain to be a wonderful factdr In. tho upbuilding of North Platte. For a number of years a commercial organization has been maintained In North Platte, and while much good has been accomplished, it has been handicapped by the fact that of tho 1000 or more men in North Platte, the average membership of the organiza tion has been less than one hundred, and the other 900 Instead of helping and backing tho 100 who were work ing for the best interests of tho whole town, stood back with folded hands and asked "what Is tho Chamber of Commerce doing," and at the same tlmo many of them ridiculed the or4 ganlzatlon and even went so far as to thwart tho efforts of the organiza tions. Under these conditions the most effective work could not be done. But now with a membership of 40d, and each a willing worker, there Is scarcely any bound to tho scope of tho work that can bo accomplished. As one who has worked as best he could for the best Interests of North Matto for over thirty years, tho edi tor ot rne rriuune is wonuerruuy well plcasSd with the result of the membership campaign, and he is con fident that the work of the Chamber af Commerce during the next year will be such as to make everyone, Inter ested In tho welfare of the city "sit up and notice." THE LAST CALL! On the Balance of our Spring WOOL SUITS, COATS AND SILK DRESSES Beginning Saturday Morning and continuing the rest of this month, we will make a clean sweep of every Spring Suit, Coat or Silk Dress in the store at following prices: Your unrestricted choice of any Wool Tailored Suit in our entire stock, regardless of the former selling price, whether it was $20, $25, $30 or even $35, they will all go at the one price - Your choice of any Wool or Silk ('oat in the store, formerly sold up C i A AO to $30.00, at 3h4o40 S15.00 and 818.50 Coats at jg SlO.OO'and Si2.50' Coats' at Strayed of Stolen From tho Fristo ranch, Dickens, Neb,, on or about May 2Gth, flvo two year old stoors branded with lay- hook or J upsldo down on right shoul- dor. Anyone knowing tho whorea abouts of theso cattlo please notify mo and secure, liberal roward. W. L. FRISTO, Dickens, Neb. SATURDAY tPfjCIAL ONE DAY ONLY UP TO DATE FURNISHINGS FOR MEN :0 Per Cent Discount ' $1.00 E. & W. Shins $1.50 E. & W. Shirts -Earl &Wilson Collars . -Signal Overalls - - -Big Buck Work Shirls - .80 .10 .10 .80 ,40 Union Suits, Rain Coats, Panama Hats, Straw Hats, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Palm Beach Suits, Neckwear, and Everything for Men. Saturday only, 20 per cent discount. HARRY SAMUEtSON "THE SUIT MAN." Chief Baker mada the orunds of cigar stores, confectionary stores and other places where punch boards and dice boxes have been In use, and or dered that they must bo discontinued. The order on dice boxes became effective at once; the punch -boards will bo allowed ,to be maintained until they aro exhausted, thus allowing the owners to realize on the money they have thu3 invested. No new boards will be allowed. . The order of the chief Is a sequel to many complaints that have been registered against tho dice box and punch board form of gambling. It is a mild form, It Is true, but neverthe less it Is obnoxious to many of our citizens. In somo instances young boys were allowed tho use of the boxes and boards, and this hastened the edict of Chief Baker. .... , Notice The partnership formerly known as Landgraf & Crane, is hereby dissolved. Henry Landgraf will continue tho bus iness in his name. H. H. LANDGRAF, WILEY D. CRANE. June C, 1915. 40-2 Tho Death of Mabel Tester. An account of tho death jot Miss Mabel Pester, formerly of this city, is learned by a clipping from- a Vaca vllle, Cal., paper left at this ofllcc. In company with a man and two otheY girls, Miss Pester was enroute in an automobile to a fruit farm whore they wero engaged In picking fruit. In passing over tho crossing of an electric road tho automobile was struck by a car, and tho occupants thrown In front of tho electric car, Miss Pester, tho man, and one of the other two girls wero instantly killed, and tho third girl badly Injured. Tho approaching electric car could not bo Been on nccount of a grove of trees. Miss Poster's funeral was hold from tho Christian church, tho faculty and students of the high school attending she having been a student there aud had just quit temporarily to go to work. Swedish Lutheran Church. Swedish Lutheran services will be held In tho Advent church on Sunday Juno 13th at 4 o'clock. Rev. Kenneth Bescher from Hcr- shoy will conduct tho services. Tho ladles' aid society will meet at tho Uranttng farm on Juno 25th. i i Jitney Watch ?Vs Cluh j?.. Let us explain. u P WATCH INSPCCTCW DIXON, The Jeweler. Among tho tourist cars passing through to tho coast Wednesday were three from Rockford, 111., one from Indianapolis, and two from points In Iowa. Tho Indiana men said tho roads through Iowa wero simply awful; but In Nebraska wore fairly good. Choico of Ladles' Suits at ?4.9S and $12.48 at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Col. Davo Love, of Sutherland, was In town Tuesday enrouto to Excelsior Springs, Mo., where ho will spend three or four weeks. our Unrestricted choice of any Spring Silk Dress, Formerly sold up to $20.00, at . . . i $9.98 810.00 and $12.00 Silk Dresses $6.48 We still have a good selection for those that will come at once to this SALE, so don't delay. Maybe the Suit, Coat or Dress that you have admired, but hesitated on buy ing at the price is still in the lot. If it is, now is the time to buy it at the merciless low prices stated in this. ad. Our Motto is to Satify you or Refund Your Money. ies' Outfitting Store HOME OF THE FASHION GIRL. Mail Orders Filled Same Day Receiv ed and sent prepaid anywhere. TNCH HOARDS AND DICE IJOXKS MUST GO. U P WATCH INSPECTOR Join our Jitney Watch Club. An easy way to Get a GoodTI Watch. U P WATCh INSPECT- DIXON, The Jeweler. Mrs. John McGraw returned Thurs day from Lexington where she at tended tha McVicker-Crawford wed ding. t Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armstrong are making arrangements for a trip to Portland, Ore,, where they will visit Mr. Armstrong's mother and other relatives. They will aiso tako in the exposition at San Francisco. M. J. Forbes spent several days. In Lincoln this week attending tho con vention of the state undertakers and embalmers. II. II. LANDGRAF Painter, Papcrhnngcr and Decorator rtionc lUnck 570. i PI " " " " I VSSeck "Enclosed Please Find Check" McVIckcr-Cruwford Wedding. A pretty homo wedding was sol-i emnlzed at the W. C. McVicker homo n Lexington Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock when Miss Pearl McVicker, lato of this, city, was married to Wal ter Crawford of Casper, Wyoming. The bride cowned In a dress of whlto silk with silk laco trimmings j and carrying whlto roses was attend ed by her sister Miss Mabel McVicker, who wore a dress of pink silk and carried pink roso buds. Ed Crawford stood with the .groom. The house was decorated In pink and white, Kllarney roses, simllax and ferns being" used profusely. Miss McVicker has had chargo of tho McVicker Millinery Parlors In this city for tho past two years and won many friends by her pleasant, agroe ablo manners. After a two weeks' trip spent In tho mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford will make their homo In Casper, Wyoming, whoro tho groom Is engaged In business. Saturday Special ono day only twenty per cent discount on men's furnishings. HARRY SAMUELSON, "Tho Suit Man." Ogalnllu Will ho Hero Sunday. Tho Ogalalla team will be hero Sun day for a gamo with the Boosters, and It promises to bo a gamo worth coming miles to see. It is truo Ogal alla a month ago put ono over on tho locals, but conditions aro now differ ent; tho team lias been strengthened, a different line-up made, and alto- gthcr tho Ognlalla braves will faco nlno stalwarts that will not play ping pong. Everybody who likes baseball ought to bo out at tho lot noxt Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edward Peas, Hying on west B street. Is confined to tho houso by an abcess on ono of her knees. P. J. DIKNER & CO. Ileal Estnto and Insurance Come and see us for town lots In different parts of tho city. Good in vestments ou easy terms. Houses for salo and rent. Wo have also good bar sains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts upstairs. f, 31jrc farmersfthan? ever arc yfritlng rthbsc words bccansV mnjlhjff checks " ""makes quick work- of. payJng.lihs. We do the hook-keeping, remember, when you havo a Checking Account here. This makes It easy to keep mon ey records straight. Hotter start u Checking Account soon for It Is certainly convenient when farm work Is rushing to pay bills by writing "enclosed please find check." Platte Valley State Bank "IT RENDERS THE SERVICE" North Platte, Nebraska. if it mi mi mi i! il ii V- - ... Jmm PR0MPTLY JTJ HI WW Wh you are now ready toNE DELIVER build or order your next wtn- ter's supply of coal see us. We deliver when ever you say. customers are always pleased with our obliging service and low prices. Give us your trade. We carry every thing in lumber, coal, lime, cement, C tiling, etc. You may know about us, x? but may never have given us your trade.NH it ii oe to your aavamage to go so. Tin? unwip tvo norm i itmddd axjnyjvf n A A VS 11 1-1 VTA XJJMJ UWlWUUt JL illSil&J COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO.