The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 11, 1915, Image 1

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No. 41
Mrs. Marlon Miller Is "Visiting with
friends at Horshoy.
R. L. Graves spent a day or two In
town this week while enrouto cast.
The ball team goes to Sutherland
today for a game this afternoon.
.. .1 rt - . .
mi. mm mrs. u. j. jt'orKins were
visitors' In Grand Islnad yesterday.
Miss Janet 'McDonald, a student nt
Vassar college, will arrive homo to
Ralph Adams lefflast night for" a
month's visit at his home In Fergus
Falls, Minn.
Mr .and Mrs. Grant Applegatc, of
Cheyenne, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Paulson.
Choico of Ladies' Suits at $4.98 and
$12.48 at
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Letts left Wed
nesday for a visit with friends in Den
ver and Laramie. v
Charley Hupfor and Arthur Tramp
aro home from their school at At
chison, Kansas.
Read Hershoy's advertisement of
a closing out sale in this Jssuo. Her-
sney tne nardwaro man. I2tf
Mrs. James Beeder and two sons,
who spent two months in St. X,ouls
with relatives, returned home tho first
of the week.
Misses Elizabeth and Dorothy Hin
man were in Omaha Wednesday at
tending the wedding of their friend
Miss Prlntz, the former being the
bride's maid.
A few bundhes of bed "room wall pa
per, 4 rolls wall, 2 celling, and 1 bor
der, all for 60c at C. M. Newton's. 41-2
-Dr. and Mrs. W. F, Crook went to
Omaha on tho noon train yesterday.
As they will soon take up a residence
Inthat city, their object in going yes
terday was to look up?a house,
Dave Day returned yesterday from
- i -
dfvV n'.' s. -. .. "
Date of Elks' Picnic Chnnecd.
The date for tho Elks' picnic has
again been changed, this time to June
27th. It was found that Mr. Liston
woiuu- oe away on June 20th, and
as a nlcnln at T.lnfnn'a
uenver, where he visited friends for tifi
, I cj f-wwwMw. iiumjw uuiuii UU U W1U-
mi,. . I. uuuaib us io nic the date has been changed to June
umujuijy ueuy uie report mac no nau 27th
become a benedict; ho is still heart
- Tho supreme court this week affirm
ed thoflndlng' of tho district court
In the case of Mrs.. Emma Wagner
against tho city of North Platte. This
was a suit for damage for porsonal
Injury. In December, 1912, Mrs
wagner slipped and fell on tho icy
pavement at the Dickey corner and
sustained serious injury. Through her
attorney. W E. Shumnn, she presonted
a claim of $1,500 to tho city council
which that body decllncdfonllow. Suit
was brought in tho district court and
Mrs. Wagner obtained a Judgment for
?300. The city appealed to the su
premo coiirt and tho caso came
oeioro mat court this week for ar
gument, Attorney Shuman appearing
for Mrs. Wagner and J. T. Keefo rep
resenting tho city. The court nfllrmed
tho finding of the lower court at the
conclusion of tbo arguments'.-
Entertain for Mm. linker.
Mrs. O'Harc and daughters Misses
Anna and Josie onlertnined yesterday
afternoon at tlio J. B. Murphy home
complimentary to Mrs. L. H. Baker,
who' has been their guest for a week
or so. Tho guests of the afternoon
were those who were the more inti
mate friends of Mrs. Baker when she
was a resident of this city, and nearly
an of the score present were elderly
ladies. This reunion of old friends
was a most dellglitful one and the af
ternoon was happily spent. A two
course luncheon was served.
Mrs. Baker was ono of the pioneers
of North Platte, having located here
with her husband In 18G8, and resided
here continuously for nearly forty
years. For six or eight years past she
has made her homo In Omaha tho
greater part of the time.
whole and fancy free. '
Sheriff Salisbury will go to Alliance
next week to attend the conventional,
the state sheriffs association. '"Tlio
convention of stock growers will bo
held at the same time and the sheriff
expects to have quite a time.
Mr. and Jlrs. Wnr. Brown, of Ham
burg, la., aro guests of County Judge
French." Mr. Brown is a brother-in-law
of Judge French. The trip from
Hamburg was made by auto, and very
bad roads were encountered.
Among tho passengers on train No.
1 Wednesday was Fred A. Cook, the
Arctic explorer, who was enrouto to
the Himalayan mountains to do some
"hill climbing.." Ho presented Con
ductor Dunbar with an autograph
copy of liis book on the artlc region.
In the Chamber of Commerce mem
bership campaign one of the most suc
cessful workers was Miss Annie
Kramph, who was a member of ono of
the committees. We mention this in
part as evidence that the spirit of pro
gress is by means confined to men,
and that thoro aro other ladles Jn
North Platte who aro at all times will
ing to "bbost" for the good of the
town. These ladies will, during tho
next1 year, bo asked by the board of
directors to help In a number of ways.
The spirit' of .municipal progresss
must permeate every home, and in this
get-to-gether movement the boys and
girls can play their part.
S .
For Rent.
Five-room cottage, city water, elec
tric lights and sewer. $15 per month.
Inquire of T. Slmants, 303 south Chest
nut street. 382
' ' ' A'mi'uhl tyudcif y "Recital ' 'V
mo annual recital of students of
the North Platte School of Music will
be held this evening at tho studio on
west Front street. About a score of
students will take part In tho pro
gram, all grades to be represented.
rranK iugent, of Maxwell, Is in
town today transacting business. Mr,
and Mrs. Nugent returned last week
from a three months' visit in Cali-
tornia, spending a good part of the
time as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Appleford. Enrouto homo they
visited In New Orleans and Indlanap
mi. if . . . .
mo luomcn neiu initiatory cere
monies at the Lloyd opera house Tues
day evening, and following this order
of business a drill was given by the
team which represented tlie lodge at
Des Moines. Tho members expressed
themselves as well pleased with the
appearance of their new hall.
Fire at two o'clock this morning
burned to the ground a.small house at
tho west end of Eighth street owned
by Sodacott and occupied by a Jap.
In making a run to tho fire the auto
fire truck became mired in tho mud
east of tho round house and failed to
reach tho building.
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Showers and probably
thunder storms tonight and Saturday;
warmer tonight. Highest temperature
yesterday 78, a year ago 98; lowest
temporaturo last night 56, a year ago
GO. .
Brooks Meadows, who was married
in Omaha last week, arrived this
morning with his bride.
CLINTON, The Jeweler
mmwfMH 1 1 in'ir inn
c p IP ri a i
r Day Sale
and Monday, June 12 -14.
For this Two Days Only wo will plnco on SALE tho fol-r
lowing Merchandise, which yon will Jlnd to ho tho most
attractive, New and Clean and positively Worth up to $2.00
and some up to $.()(), at only
Head Just a few of the good things which you will see hero on the Dollar Dargain Counters Saturday nnd Monday.
$1.50 and up to $2.00 Wash Dresses at
$1.39 and $2.00 Kimonas at
$1.50 and up to $2.50 Cotton and Silk Waists
$1.59 and up to $2.00 Cotton and Silk Petticoats at
$2.00 Children's Coats at
$1.39 and up to $2.00 Children's Dresses at
$1.25 and $1.50 Middy's at
$1.50 and $2.00 Combination Suits at
$1.39 and up to $2.39 Princess Slips at
$1.50 and $2.00 Hand Bags and Vanity Cases at
$1.25 and $1.50 Auto Caps' and Veils at
$1.50 Parasols at
$1.50 and some up to $200 Corsets at
$1.50 and $2.00 Wash Skirts at
1 0,10 ,ot Mf 'Waists, odds and ends and slightly mussed, roe
1 JjiJwJ ?,ir 1,25 valucs J'f)m" choice while they last, 2 Waists for!
..... ...$1.00-i
$1.00 :
Don't let anything keep you away. De on hand early Saturday morning and get, the pick of the genuine Imnrnli.s
awaiting you.. FOlt TWO DAYS ONLY! Follow tlfe Crowd. feomimo mryalm
See our
Friday p.
m. and
see how
far your
$1 will go
at this
.7k SALE.
Ladies' Outfittino; Store, North Platte. Nebraska.
i ,
Mr. nml Mrs. .T. fi. Den and dauchter
lefLyesterday for avislt in Arapahoe.
A Rebekah keuslngton will be held
at the Odd Fellows' hall thls afternoon.
The residence of Owen Jones, 220
south Locust, was quarantined for
small-pox yesterday.
An employ of the Burlington work
train fell from a car Wednesday even
ing near Curtis and was Instantly kill
Georgo Frold went to Omaha last
night to attend the annual convention
of tho Nebraska commercial travelers.
Mrs. W. M. Cunningham and daugh
ter Ruth will arrive today from Ced
ar Rapids Iowa, for a visit with
Tho Episcopal guild will servo a
15 cent lunch and hold a sale of fancy
work at tho J. S. Hoagland homo
Thursday afternoon, Juno 17th.
Mike Hayes goes to Omaha next
week to attend a conference of the
Union Pacific officials and tho pro
tective boards of tho engineers and
R. E. Drlggs and E O. Garrison re
turned yesterday from Kansas City
whoro they attended a convention of
tho 13. of R. T.
Tho North Platto Military band will
furnish tho music for tlio Ilerahoy
celebration and W. V. Hoagland will
deliver tho address.
It begins to look as though Hick's
prediction that wo will have but nine
teen clear days this summer will como
true, Certainly western Nebraska has
never before had so many consecutive
days of rain and clouds,
Tho Elks will give a dancing party
at their hall this evening to which
Elks and lady friends aro invited.
Christian Science service Sunday at
11 a. m. Subject "God tlio Prcsorver
of Man." Sunday school at 12 m.
Room 25, Building and Loan build
ing. George GUI and V. K. Jackson, of
Omaha, who aro on a hiko to tho Pa
cific coast, reached this city yester
day, somewhat foot-wen,ry bul en
thusiastic. II. D Tallman, of Dickons precinct,
was in town yesterday making final
proof on his homestead. C. A. Liston
and Aleck Baldwin accompnnled him
as witnesses.
The Ogalalla ball team defeated
Grant Tuesday by a scoro of two to
nothing, nnd Wednesday shut out
Lowellen. The Ogalalla braves will bo
hero for a game Sunday.
Mrs. James Ware and daughter
Margaret, of lair, aro guests of Mrs.
Frank Hoxlo while enrouto homo
from a threo months' visit with friends
in California.
M. S. Rcbhauscn und II. L. Hos
ford returned last night from Lo
Moyno whero they spent yesterday
Ashing for bass. They were not very
successful, catching only a few small
Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilson was mar
ried at Kearney last week to Miss Jun
iata Gtlraoro, of Cleveland, Ohio, Tho
deputy sheriff is a very modest man,
and 'kept this news item out of reach
of tho reporters.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plerson went to
Omaha Friday night, whero Mrs.
Plerson entered a hospital and un
derwent an operation on Monday. Ro
ports Indicate thab sho Is making
satisfactory progress toward recov
ery. Sutherland Free Lance.
City Attomoy Keefo returned this
morning from n business trip to Lin
coln, Omaha nnd Sioux City.
At a recent meeting of tho direc
tors of tho Platto Valley Irrigation
District a levy of thirty-two mills was
authorized on all tho land In tho dis
trict. This will raiso tho sum of $10,
000 which will bo oxpendedin a now
earth dam at tho hcjj ottldllb and
making othor Improvement's.
Manager Uryan Informs us that tho
first planting of beets has stood tho
heavy rains very well and very Ilttlo
replanting will bo necessary. Pros
pects are looking up slnco tho weather
has cleared and somo aro commencing
to thin their beets. If conditions con-
John E. EvnnB is enjoying a visit
from his brother E. W. Evans and
nlcco Miss Evans, of Spring Green,
Wis,, who arrived yestorday after
noon. Victor Hnlligan, of this city, grad
uates this week from tho state univer
sity with the degree of B. A.
From Juno 12th to Juno 2Cth wo will
give bargains in wall papor, Como
first to get tho best. C. M. Nowton. 41-2
With the GiiHton Music Co.
Tunes, Regulates, Repairs and
TtHm tlilu IMmwtu
ltnuo to lmprovo tho crops will yet be Telephone !8 or Call Cllntoii Jewelry
heavy. Hershey Times. I Siorc.
North Platte Boosters
Sunday, June 13th.
Game Called at 3:30 sharp