The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 08, 1915, Image 7

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wishes to look her
best. You will
never know what YOUR BEST
until you try
the wonderful haaler and beatitlflr
Send two dimes and we will mali you
a Dcauutui opal jar ol ZONA a IO-cent
silk sponge for applying and a 25-cent
caKo ot zona Nail Lustre.
Wrlto at once.
Zona Company, X
A Typewriter
in Every Home
The typewriter has
come to be a ne
cessity In almost
every family. If the
daughter Is a stenographer, she
can increase her earning power
by home practice. The father
and sons need a typewriter for
their correspondence. The
mother likes to keep recipes
and other data In neat, read
able form. You will be inter
ested in ourbooklet,"A Lesson
in Operating the L. C. Smith
&Bros.Typewriter." Writeforit.
L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.
1819 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska
How It Happened.
"I can't do a fool thing with that
dern camel," growled Noah, aB ho
came Into the cabin for supper.
"What is the matter with him?"
asked Mrs. Noah.
"Why, ho didn't like the quarters I
gave him, and he got his back up
about It, and he can't get It down
again," rei "ed Noah.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Will Ban
Uh Them. Trial Free.
These fragrant supercreamy emol
lients do so much to cleanse, purify
and beautify tho skin, scalp, hair and
hands that you cannot afford to bo
without them. Besides they meet
every want In toilet preparations and
are most economical.
Samplo each free by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
The attention attracted by those
who seek attention usually Is uncom
plimentary. Before, starting on tho right track,
be sure you are headed tho right way.
Drink Denlson'a Coffee.
Always pure and delicious.
Poeta are born and so, for that mat
ter, are all of tho other unusual men.
Florida Lands
For Sale to Settlers
In tracts gf ten acres and up
wards, in Volusia County,
adapted to cultivation of citrus
fruits, vegetables of all kinds
and general crops. Situation
healthful. Send for circulars,
Vrite in English. Railroad runs
through tract. Will sell on month
ly payments. Agents wanted
Florida Land & Settlement Co.
Care Alex. St. Clair-Abrams, Attorney
615-19 Dyal-Upchurch Bide., Jacksonville, Fla.
Mil. Neat, clean, or
naniental, conTenlent,
cheap. Lasts all
soason. Madeof
inotal, can't plllor tip
OTert will not loll or
Injur anrtblnsr
I Uuaranteed effectlTe.
1 All dealers ortenl
eiproea paid for 11.00.
HAROLD ISOMERS, HO De Kalb At., Brooklyn, M. T
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
Booms from 11.00 up Hlngle, 75 cents up doubts.
For Young Women
and Girla
Hftyocond rear. Collriso preparatory. Ortlrtcato
right, to ritultli, VuK&or und Wlleslr, Advanced
Mtirncit for llluh Hi'hiKil eradnatPK. lloufehnMaru,
Uiulc. S1SS KlrllKBU JUIl.lhUN, frlael'tt, OXiUi, KB.
Good Scrum Will
Save Your Hogs
Dae 17. 6. Got. Licensed Bonitn. Phone, wire, wrlto
t O riU.itJ.Ouiuliu, Neb., l'liono South 280B
3rd Floor Paxlon Block
16th A FarnamSlt., Omaha
UmI qul.j.l PunUl OfHt.i
In Otouia. ltaaaonabla pricaa.
BleUI dlirouut to all pdpU
lltlaj tnuiit of Oatti,
When (ho housewlfo 1b busy with
tho houseclennlng or any henvy extra
work which occu
pies her nttontlon,
then is tho tlmo to
uso tho cheaper
meats in long
slow cooking
which will take
caro ot itself and
not need watching.
On wash day when tho top of tho
stove Is covered with tho boiler an
oven pot roast may bo most accept
able. Use a piece from tho hip, about
live pounds; tho bono may bo re
moved and tho meat cut In slices
Pound into the meat a cupful of flour,
a tablespoonful cS salt and a half tea
Bpoonful of pepper. Sear tho meat In
hot fat, add a pint of tomatoes and
water to barely cover; cook gently for
an hour. Then add a dpzen small
onions and cook two and a half hours
longer and servo surrounded with the
onions. Tho flour will thicken tho
gravy sufficiently. Tho bono that was
removed may bo broken up, covered
with cold water and tho broth kept
for various uses, either a soup or a
sauce, or a flavoring for a stow.
If one does not wish to use all the
moat of the chine or altch bone, a
portion of the meat left on tho bono
may bo cut In bits, a tablespoonful ot
minced onion added, a teaspoonful of
chopped parsley, some bits of fat ba
con or suet, a little lemon julco and
rind and salt and pepper, make into
balls and serve for a supper or a
luncheon dish with, potatoes.
If there Is not meat enough to make
Into balls, season as above and sprin
kle it over layers of cooked macaroni
and white sauce, then bako for a half
hour and serve hot.
A butcher remarked the other day,
"There Is no tough meat, It Is simply
the manner In which It is cooked
which makes meat tough." There is
certainly a good deal of truth in tho
statement, for very tough meat may
be made palatable by tho right treat
ment. Add a tablespoonful of vinegar
to the meat if a stow. Soak it in ollvo
oil and vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of
each, If it 1b a steak. It Is far better
to stew tough steak than to try to
broil it for tough meat should bo soft
ened by slow cooking. Slow cooking
means keeping tho temperature even
below the simmering point.
Orange juice Is a most wholesome
drink to give even very young ba
bies. Strain tho juice
and give a teaspoonful
not just after or before
tho milk feeding. Small
babies need cool water
to drink; their milk Is
a food, not a drink, and
a fretful baby is often
crying for a drink.
Oatmeal Water. Blond
one tablespoonful of oat
meal with a tablespoonful of cold wa
ter. Add a dash of salt and stir into
a quart of boiling -water. Boll three
hours, adding water as it boils away.
Strain through a fine siovo. A baby
six months old may bo fed oatmeal
or barley water or it may bo used in
preparing its food if fed from tho bot
tle. Barley water corrects looseness
of tho bowels and tho oatmeal the
tendency toward constipation.
Barley Water. Take two table
spoonfuls of barley, one quart of wa
ter, boll continuously for six hours,
adding enough water to keep a quart.
Strain through a njuslln. Soak tho
barley before putting it to cook.
Oatmeal Gruel. To three cupfuls of
boiling water add a half cupful of
oatmeal, and a half teaspoonful of
salt. Cook five hours in a double
boiler. Dilute with hot milk and
b train.
Arrowroot Gruel. This is a valuable
food In diarrhea. Mix two tablespoon
fuls of arrowroot, ono teaspoonful of
sugar, a pinch of salt with two table
spoonfuls of cold water. Add a cup
ful of boiling water, stirring con
stantly. Cook for 20 minutes, then
add two cupfuls of scalding milk, and
bring once more to tho boiling point.
Toaat Water. Tako sufficient toast
when broken in bits to measure two
cupfuls. Add to this ono pint of boil
ing water and let stand an hour.
Strain through a cheese cloth. Servo
hot or cold.
Plain Bread Pudding. Scald a cup
ful of milk. To a beaten egg, add ono
tablespoonful of sugar and a pinch of
salt. Pour on this the scalding milk.
Add ono cupful of bread cut In half-
inch cubes. Bake in a buttered bak
ing dish in a moderate oven until tho
custard is set. Servo with cream.
Owns Much French Territory.
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
is a considerable real cstato owner In
Franco, with which country ho Is at
war. He owns ono of tho grand old
buildings of Nancy, which ho has en
riched with gifts, and kept In good re
storation by his money. Ho also owhb
tho Church of tho Franciscans at
Nancy, wherein aro tho tombs ot tho
Dukes of I.orralno, from whom ho iB
descended. Ho gavo Nancy cathedral
the beautiful stained glass windows.
He gavo Nancy museum the llfo-slzo
When cooking tomatoes to servo as
a vegetable add a quarter of a bay leaf
and a slice of outou
wtlh two cloves.
W h o 1 o peppercorna
aro hotter for seasoning
soups and sauces; they
may then be strained
out or removed.
Chopped preserved
ginger added to a little
sugar sirup and a table
spoonful poured over a
dish of ice cream mukes an elegant
When milk or soup bolls over
sprinkle the Bpot with salt at onco,
it will prevent tho odor tilling the
When traveling with bottles of toi
let preparations, put a strip of adhe
sive plaster over the cork to insure
safe carrying.
Old, loose kid gloves worn when
ironing or sweeping will save the
hands wonderfully.
Bananas which uro not quite ripe
may bo made most palatable by buk
Ing them in their skins.
Lard is much bettor to greaso all
gom and cako pans than butter. The
casein In tho butter scorches easily.
A cloth dipped Into hot water and
then Into bran used to clean white
paint works like a charm.
Add a small quantity of carbolic
acid to paste, mucilage or Ink; this
prevents mold forming.
Vinegar added In small quantities to
a beof stew will soften tho fiber aud
make the meat tender.
A fow drops of vinegar on the hands
will keep them soft and free froir
Rico with soapsuds will clean hot
ties and small vases. Shake the rice
and suds often and the stains will dls
Sauce for Flth. Cook a smnll onion
In two tablespoonfuls of butter until
golden brown, add a grating of not
meg, a pinch of ground ginger and
cloves, salt and pepper and six toma
ties peeled and cut fine. Cook all to
gether until smooth.
A deed undone seems a little tiling,
But tho burden I might have shared
Has left a heurt with a bitter sting,
Of the thought that "nobody cared."
Kdlth V. Brudt.
Chicken is so well liked that it will
never go out of style for any kind
of a meal.
Belmont Chicken.
Melt a fourth of
a cupful of butter.
. cupful of Hour and
I JL5 stir until well
blended, then pout
on gradually a cup
ful of rich chicken stock. Bring to
tho boiling point and season with one
and a half teaspoonfuls of paprika and
a teaspoonful of salt; then add a cup
ful of heavy cream, ono and a third
cupfuls of chopped cooked chicken
and two-thirds of a cupful of par
boiled sweetbreads, cut In cubes. Lot
stand In tho top ot the double bollei
to season 20 minutes. Servo with let
tuco sandwiches. Spread fresh bread
with butter and place a crisp lettuce
leaf between two Blices, with a spoon
ful of mayonnaise on each.
Pound Cake. Cream a half cupful
of butter, add one and a half cupfuls
of pastry flour onco sifted. Beat the
yolks of five eggs until thick, and one
and ono-half cupfuls. of powdered
sugar, gradually, beating constantly.
Combine tho mixtures and add tho
whites of five eggs beaten stiff, and
one teaspoonful of vanilla. Sift ovei
on teaspoonful ot baking powder and
beat thoroughly. Turn Into a but
tered floured pan and bako in a mod
erate oven. Remove fjom tho pan and
cut in fancy shapes. Cover with boiled
frosting, garnish with Bhreddod cocoa
nut, fruit or rose leaves.
Strawberry Bombe. Carmelize ono
half a cupful of sugar, add one and
ono-half cupfub of blanched chopped
filberts, turn Into a buttered pan, cool,
then pound in a mortar and put
through a pureo strainer. Beat the
yolks of four eggs until thick, add
gradually throe-fourths cupful of hot
caramel sirup and copk in a double
boiler until thick. Beat until cold
Fold In one and a third cupfuls of heavy
cream beaten stiff. Thon add tho pro
pared nuts, a fow grains of salt and
a teaspoonful of'vanllln. Lino a melon
mold with strawberry Ice, turn In tho
mixture and pack in ico 'and Bait, let
stand threo hours. Uso ono part of
salt to two of Ice.
oil portraits of himself and his em
press, Elizabeth, which still hang In u
place of honor. And his donations of
valuable historical and art objects,
during a half century, have won him
tho title of "benefactor of the mu
"Ib that man a wlro puller?"
"Yes," said Senator Sorghum. "But
ho's showing so much caution latoly
that I fancy ho .nust have grabbed a
pleco of barbed wlro by mlstako,"
Hfet GmftntiriS FlaldPrachina
AVcjjclnblc P.vwmllonforAs
.fingthc Storiuchjmd Dowels of
Promotes DivJcslion,Cliccrfnh
ncss n'nil Rest.Conlalns neither
Opiuiu.Mi)rpliiiie luu'Mincml,
iIVotj NArec.o;rxc.
Ayi tfOUDeSMlU ffTCffCg
JKunjtAui Sttd.
Alx Smm
iothtllt SnltS
Anil 2nd
1 orm SrtKl
Clarified Suoaf
A perfect Remedy forn)n.sTTpfF'
Wonns.Tcvvrislmcs.s and
Lossof Sleep;
Fuc-Slmllc Slgnnlurc of
"Tjtii: Cbntauh CoMrvwf,
Exact Copy of Wrapper
The One Thing for Which Mankind
May Be Said to Have a Univer
sal Desire.
Wo cannot pick ami choose- tlio
happenings of life any moro than wo
can Belect the circumstances of our
birth and death; wo aro but creatures
ot a wonderful destiny directed by
tho Almighty. It Is said that many
tragedies of llfo might bo averted if
wo "took our medicine like inon" and
did not put our personal happiness
above everything else. It is as nat
ural and to bo expected to long for
happiness and cling to It as for tho
flowers to turn to tho sun. Happiness
is tho great lamp of llfo which lights
our way through all sorts of shad
ows shadows that blur the vision
and mako long nights of our days,
shadows that terrify by their gro
tesque shapes and threatening as
pects, and shadows that bury In their
depths much that wo hold most dear.
Wo are Jealous of our happiness and
guard It as tho most precious thing
In life and when wo watch It go down
the long aisles of memory further
and further away from our yearning
oyes wo begin to plead for It, and
strlvo for it,- anil fight for it. Wo
batter tho walks of tho past In our
vain efforts to call it back boforo It
Is too late, and spend long dayB and
waste precious strength In tho futllo
endeavor to clutch It back to our
hearts. And all tho whilo, perhaps
right at our hands within easy reach,
happiness in a new guiso stands ready.
Charleston News and Courier.
An entertaining woman is ono who
permits a man to talk about himself.
Most women would rather be grass
widows than spinsters.
Head Bookkeeper Must Be Reliable.
Tho chief bookkeeper In a largo
business Iioubo in ono of our groat
Western cities speaks of tho harm
coffee and tea did for him:
"My wifo and I drank our first cup
of Postum a Httlo over two years
ago, and wo havo used it evor since,
to tho entire exclusion of tea and
coffee. It happened in this way:
"I had an attack of pneumonia,
which left mo with dyspepsia, or neu
ralgia oi tlio stomach. My 'cup of
cheer had always been coffee or tea.
but 1 became convinced, after a tlmo,
that they aggravated my stomach
trouble. I happened to mention the
matter to my grocer one day and ho
suggested that I glvo Postum a trial.
"Noxt day It came, and wo liked It
so much that wo will never chango
back; for I am a well man today and
havo used no medicine.
"My work aB chief bookkeeper In
our Co's branch houee hero is of a
very confining nature. During my cof
fee drinking days I was subject to
nervousness and tho 'blues' in addi
tion to my sick spells. Thcso havo
left me slnco I began using Postum
nnd I can conscientiously recommend
It to thoso whoso work confines them
to long hours of severo mental exer
tion." Nnmo given by Postum Co., Uattlo
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wcllvlllo," in pkgs.
Postum comos in two forms:
Postum Cereal tho original form
must bo well boiled. lCc and -5c pack
ages. Instant Postum a solublo powder
dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa
ter, and, with cream and sugar, wakes
a delicious beverage Instantly. 30c
and COc tins.
Both klndB aro equally delicious nnd
cost about the Bamo per cup.
"There'n a Reason" for Postum.
sold by Grocers.
Cnstorln, is n. harmless snlistitnto for Castor Oil. Pato
goric. Drops nnd Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphlno nor other Unrcotlo
eubstanco. Its npro is its gnarautoo. It destroys Worms
nnd allays FcvorLslincss. For moro than thirty years it
lias been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, nil Teething- Troubles nnd
Diarrhoea. It rcpulatos tho Stomach nnd Bowels,
assimilates tho Food, giving healthy nnd natural sleep,
rf ho Children's Pauucca Tho mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 36 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boston's Advantage.
Mrs. Gotham But your stroets In
Boston aro so crooked.
Mrs. Hubb And yours in Now York
aro so straight.
"But aren't straight streets an ad
vantage?" "Why, no. Now In Boston ono can
walk and walk and get somo placo,
but in Now York you can walk and
walk and get nowhoro."
Letters from Settlers Indicating
Growing Prosperity.
Tho present year will add another
proof that farming in Western Canada,
when carried on with tho samo energy
and system dovoted to other lines of
Dusiness, will bring about results fully
as satisfactory.
Mixed farming as a tocsin has been
sounded for a number of years, and
today it is being adopted protty gen
erally throughout tho Provinces of
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Thoro aro thoso who havo mado no
greater success of It than they did
when they pursuod grain growing
alono, but where ono has failed to ac
complish what ho had hoped to do,
dozens havo scored success.
From Sedgowlck, Alborta, wo hear of
E. L. Deputy, for past twelvo years
manager for Fryo & Sons, packers,
Seattle, who during 1911 woro tho
largest buyers ot hogs on Alborta
markets. He is taking up active work
on his 3,200-acro farm near Sedge
wick. Although ho was ono ot tho
highest paid salaried officials on tho
Pacific Coast, his frequent visits and
personal knowledgo ot farming condi
tions In Western Canada convinced
him there aro greater opportunities in
farming Alborta land than In commer
cial life, with greater assuranco of
ultimate independence and prospects
of homo-making under tho moat de
sirable conditions.
Thomas McKay, a, farmer near Har
dlsty, Alborta, has this to aay about
the country:
"I came to Hardlsty from Osago
City, Kansas, nlno years ago and took
up a homcBtead here. This is a good
district for the farmer who wishes to
raise grain exclusively, and as a mixed
farming country It cannot bo beaten
anywhero In tho world to my knowl
edge. "I had ten cattle, wiiichranged out
side all last winter, and this spring
they woro fat enough for tho market,
this without bplng fed but ono night
during tho entire winter; thoy were
line fat cattle and looked beautiful. I
raised somo winter wheat hero which
weighed slxty-sovcn and a half pounds
to tho bushel, government weight, and
which I shipped to Calgary. Tho mil
ler who bought It said that It was tho
best wheat that has over gono into
Calgary. Wheat In this district yields
as high as forty bushels to tho aero,
oats averago sixty bushels. Alfalfa
does well hero,
"All In all 1 think tho farmers are
very well satlallod with tho country,
and tlio farmer who farms his land
intelligently Is suro to mako a suc
cess. Tho climate hero 1b tho bust I
havo ever lived In, tho summers are
delightful and tho wlnterB aro mild,
Thoro has nevor been a blizzard dur
ing the nlno years I havo lived horo
nor any cyclones or wind storms."
A settler in tho neighborhood of
Glelchen, Alborta, spent ?2.00Q In im
proving his quarter section, has 125
ucres ready for crop, keeps 70 head of
stock, nclloves In mixed farming,
keeps two hired men, one all year, tho
other in Bummer only. Ho mjlks 12
Cry For
Signature of
to 18 cows, and receives an average
monthly cream cheque ot $110. Last
Juno ho Bold X1.200 worth of hogs and
In November two moro carloads, be
sides supplying hlB own requirements,
and is not only making money but
building up a good homo amid dosir
ablo surroundings. This Is an example
of tho possibilities open to tho Indus
trlouB in tho Gloichon district
It is stated in tho last three months
$38,000,000 of American capital haa
boon invested in Canada, showing
that United States financial men ar
satisfied of tho solidity of Canadian in
stitutions. Wcstorn Canada has boea
a heavy borrower and Wcstorn Can
ada's great resource la agriculture U.
S. financiers must bo convinced that
agriculture In Wcstorn Canada Is sure
and profitable or thoy would not be
ready to Invest so. many millions 1
tho country. Advertisement.
Cultivating Reasons.
"That man certainly does cultivate
country acquaintances."
"Ho has good reasons. Ho Eolla
plows." s
Are Your Kidneys Weak?
Do you know thnt deaths from kidney
troubles nro 100,000 a year in the U. 8.
nlone? That deaths have increased 72
in 20 yenrs? If you aro run down, los
ing weight, nervous, "blue" and rheu
matic, if you have backache, dizzy epells
nnd urinary disorders, net quickly. Uso
Doan's Kidney Pills. No other medi
cino is so widely used, none so highly
A Nebraska Case
"SaLaS F. M. ailllland,
Lincoln Df., uiair.
Neb., saysi "I
was In a bad way
with dropslcul
swelllnKB In my
feet and limbs I
lincl spells of diz
ziness. My heart
palnltnted and
tho nnnoy Ing pain
In my back was
awful. Tho kid
n o y secretions
were scant and
tllBtresslnsr. Af
ter I had tried a lot of medicine with,
out benefit I took Doan's Kidney Pills
and they acted tike made, restoring
me to tho best of health."
Cat Doan'n at Any Stora, BOe a Bos
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed
For Douches
In tho local treatment of woman's IUsl
such as leucorrhoea and inflammation, liok
douches of Paxtlne aro very efficacious.
No woman who has over used medicated
douches will fall to appreciate tho clean anil
healthy condition Paxtlne produces and tb
prompt rollof from soreness and discomfort
which follows Its use.Thls is because Paxtlne
possesses superior cleansing, disinfect
lUK an uouung properties.
for ten years tlio Jjydta IS.
rinKiiain Medicine Jo. lias roc-
oininondod Pnxtine in their
private correspondence with wo-
men, wiucu proves us superi
ority. Women who havo been
rollevod say it is " worth its
weight in cold." At dmcclsts.
50c. largo box nr by mall. Sample f roo.
Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.
lor Cutttr Blieklii NIK. Lo
crlMd, (rail, rtllabUl urtfemd ts
WMlarn atoeluntii. btcauu tkrv
proUtt wlur alhir viMlart tali.
rll far hooklat and tratlmnnlkUj
lu.utia em. nitons run
Bluklta Pllli 4.M ,
Vt any Injector,
Tha upartoritY ot CutUr pnxlucU la dtia to out
ytr of iperUUzlnc lit veelnit anil rum ally.
out iwitra nau
nv.ii n but.vr 41 unooi&uftui, orair uuvcr. .
Tko CutUr Laboratory, BtrtUr, CJ., or Online, IK
A toilet preparation of merit
Jlelp to eriullcuta dandruff.
ForReitorine Color and
Ueauty to Cray or Faded Hair,
toe, and I LOO at Druirulita,
W, N. U., OMAHA, NO. 23-1915.