The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 08, 1915, Image 4

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jt .:,.,-r- r-gmwm,- ., i
CLINTON, The Jeweler
Jlnys Store nl Keystone
II. Scoonover and George Wolnberg
went to Keystone yesterday for the
purpose of Invoicing the Callonder
stock of genoral merchandise prepara
tory to purchasing It. When they tako
over the store It Is probable that Mr.
Weinberg will tako the active mannge-
! ment.
Will Obscne Fins '
The 13. P. 0. Elks will observe next
Sunday as ling day In accordance with1!
the proclamation Issued by Governor
Morehcad. A committee has been ap-
I pointed to prepare a program of ad
dresses and music and Is now nt work
solcctlng the numbers. The exercises
; will be hold at the Elks' home Sunday
afternoon. The hour and the program
will bp published In Friday's Tribune.
Mrs. Ann Redmond Is very ill at her
home on cast Fourth street.
Claronco Day has returned from
tho state university to spend the sum
mer. Miss Noll Burko, of Maxwell, spent
a. few days last week with friends In
this city.
Dr. Wurtello has rented tho Clinton
bungalow which Is now In course of
Mrs. Bert Napersteck was called to
Salt Lake City last week by the Ill
ness of her sister.
County Surveyor Cochran transact
ed, bualnesB In Hcrshcy tho latter
part of last week.
Miss Vanlta and HayeB returned
Tuesday ovenlng from a visit with
friends In Lincoln.
Grctcheu Conhelzer and Fern Wilson
of Gothenburg, visited In town tho lat
ter part of last week.
Frank Dunn and Charles TIgho spent
Sunday In Grand Island nt the K. of C.
meeting and banquet.
Stnmpher Schmalzrlcd returned
homo tho latter part of last week from
tho stato university.
II. V. Hllllker, general Inspector for
Mrs. Jtoy McQlll and baby, of Ellis,
Kansas, camo last week to visit the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Earhart, for a couple of weoks.
Tho Athena Is the new pattern in sil
ver table ware, sco It In our window;
win maKo a very pretty as well as
useful wedding gift.
CLINTON, Tho Jeweler.
Mrs. A. E. Tlmmorman was hostess
to the Et-A-Vlrp club last week. After
spending a couple of hours In kenslng-
ton work tho guests were served wIUi
a nlco lunch.
The Horshoy Times says Manager
Bryan has received Instructions from
tho Grand Island sugar factory to
make contracts tot 500 adidltlonal
acres of beets.
Xcilllle Catches 1 Fish.
Davo Day received a postal card
from Keith Nevlllo yesterday on which
was a picture of Neville and aiy Im
mense tarpon. On the card was writ
ten "I don't bother with any smaller
than this. Weight 152 pounds, length
six feet, seven, and one-half Inches."
This Is the largest tarpon Mr. Ne
ville has ever caught nt Passa Grille,
Fla., whero he has spent several winters.
Miss 'Mlnnlo Amen, who has been
employed in the Gettman cigar fac
tory for several months, expects to
return to her home In Hastings In the holes."
near future.
.Miuiy Cars Stuck in Mud.
Speaking of tho condition of tho
road between town and the south river
bridge a south side farmer yesterday
said: "Tho county commissioners em
ployed two men with teams Saturday
to haul sand on part of tho road; but
they didn't have much time to haul
sand-they were too busy hauling ont
autos which stuck In the mud. One
of tho men received ten and the other
twenty dollars from the owners of the
cars that plunged Into the bottomless
Pitcher Sheffleld, of the Ogalalla
ball team, spent the latter part of last
week In town. Ho stated that on ac
count of the frequent rams they have
been unable to play for threo weeks;
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Buckley leave
tomorrow for a visit with relatives at
Stromsburg, Nebraska. From there
they will go to Ericsson, where Mr.
The partnership formerly known as
Landgraf & Crane Is hereby dissolved.
Henry Landgraf will continue tho bus
iness In his name.
Juno 5, 1915. 40-2
tho Union Pacllic, spent Saturday in Buckley will supervise-the construe
town on official business. 0 . j tlon of a Power dam.
iWd Tlnrnlmv'H niivrntiomf.nt S i iMIss Grace Burko left vestenlm
n closing out salo In this !bbu- Her-, nftonnpon,for Donvor where siiO Avlll
Bhcy tho hardwaro man. I2tf vimi mjr mini ior iwo monius.
Mr. Pnnllnn An,1,rnln nf Pnvfnn.l M,S8 MnUd Warrington Will leave
la visiting with Mrs: Omar Huft and ! week for Oakland. Cal., whore she
win spunu uio summer.
Mrs. Rose Garrison thin week.
Mrs, James Kennedy, who visited
relatives In Willow Island for acouplo
of weeks, returned homo Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Georgo ChrlBt, left aWw dnys
ngorfoi; her ranch forty miles from tho
city, whero she will spend tho sum
mer. Tho homo of James Adams was
quarantined last week for small pox.
.One of the little daughters has the dls-
I Miss Fern Garrison who has been
employed as milliner In Canon City
for aovdral months Is visiting relatives
In town.
J. E. Weeks returned to tho soldiers'
home In Grand Island Saturday after
having visited friends In town for a
few days.""
Tho date of tho Sells-Floto show In
North Platte will be Juno 28th, this
Information having been obtnlncd by
C. F. Temple, who telegraphed Colonel
Cody. Tho Colonol Is with the Sells-
Floto show this season.
Misses Mario LoDloyt, Nelllo Die-
trick, Evelyn Doran, Paul Nolan, Fran
ces Sandall and II. J. Murray were
among those who attended tho danco
at Hcrshey Friday ovenlng. Chaper-
oncs wcro Mesdames LoDloyt and Pol
lack. s
V w j ....
mi Trout, aged sixty-nine, for a
numbor of years living In tho Dickens
vicinity, died Thursday presumably
irom piomaino poisoning. Ho ate a
hearty dinner, In which canned meat
Word was. received Saturday by J. I.
Smith that a baby girl was born to Mr,
and Mrs. Harry Smith at Ncgaunec,
t3 Michigan.
Mrs. C. E. Mecombor returned tho
jn lattor part of lost week from Ravenna,
to where sho visited with her' son Claudo
pj Mecombor.
s Ralph W. Allison and Miss Gladys
. Hall wero visitors In Bertram! Sun-
)H day, going thoro Saturady and return
th 'nB yesterday.
" Henry Nelson returned to St. Paul
r Neb., tho lotted part of last week, af
n tor visiting two weoks with his sister,
pj( Mrs. Vigo ChrlBtcnson.
'"' A, F. Booler has sold his business
jj" building In Horshoy to Dnnl. Roagan,
urt of Storllng, Col. Mr. Boolor retains
ril his stock of groceries.
Mrs. Asa Snyder plesantly enter
tained a numbor of friends Thursday
. afternoon at a pronuptlal shower In
honor of MIsb Blrklnshaw.
Ill (3
Rui Arthur Tramp and Chas. Hupfer,
Pi students at MJdland collego, Atchison,
""'Kansas, arrived homo yesterday to
spend the summor vacation.
Mrs. Thomas Brown, formerly of
this city, now a resident of Rawlins
cntSnmo down ,nst weok to spend a fow
jocjUays witn oiu menus In town.
nj Mr. and MrB. J. I. Smith and family
Jv,wlll leave UiIb week for Negauneo,
Michigan, to Bpend several weeks
jj'Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith.
" v Mrs. John Murray and daughter. Miss
n6t,aura, left Sunday for a visit in Lln
"rof:oln and Omaha. They will bo nb-
Hls3ent a month or six weeks.
Is;,,' For Kent.
Five room cottage, city water, elcc
rlo lights and sewer. $15 per month,
Inquire of T. SImants, 303 south Chest
put street. 38-2
Knglucnicn For Dry Cnuso
Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers at Its national convention In
Cleveland, O., adopted a resolution In
dorslng state and national prohibition,
according to reports received by mem
bers of the organization in this city,
Tho indorsement was unanimous from
the 819 delegates who represent 74,-
000 engineers. Tho Canadian contln
gent adopted a separate resolution in
dorslng prohibition In the dominion.
The action of the engineers was sug
gestcd by Warren Stone, president of
the organization. Copies of the resolu
tion will bo sent to political organiza
tions and members of state leglsla
hires and congress.
'THE '
Jitney Watch Club
5c down and increase
yoar payments 5c each
week until the watch is
DIXON, The Jeweler.
loy Ilncoiintors Bad Roads
Henry B. Joy, president of the Pack
formed a part, and died a fow hours ttnl Motor Co" nnd n,so President of
lutor. - tho Lincoln Highway association, wno
Is driving a twin-six Packard oar
Mrs. J. C. Fcderhoof left yesterday from Detroit to San Francisco, arrived
for Rochester, Minn., whore sho will in town Saturday nfiemoon and aUer
tako treotmont of tho Mayo brothers, remaining hero an hour left for the
stopping 11 fow days onrouto In Omaha, west. Ho reached Omaha Tuesday
From Rochester Mrs. Fcderhoof ex- nnd hml tmon
pects to go to tho San Francisco ex- North Platte. On account of tho rains
Tho M. M. M. Club and their hus
bands wero tho . guestB of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Maloney nnd Attorney and
Mrs. Leslie Raskins at tho Maloney
homo Thursday ovenlng. After an eight
o'clock dinner, tho guests woro en
tertained at Five Hundred until a lato
Rov, and Mrs. Alfred A. Oilman and
threo children nrrlved Sunday noon
from China, and will visit Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. 'Qllmnu. Rev. Oilman has been
engaged In tho missionary sorvlco of
tho Episcopal church at Hankow, and
other points In China for about ten
Tho Yeomen will hold lnltlntory cer
emonies 'ntnholr new meeting place,
tho roads tho entire distance was In
frightful condition and even with the
twelve cylinder car he encountered
stretches of road that tested tho power
to Its utmost. Not Infrequently tho
wheels sank Into tho mud up to tho
hubs. In leaving North Platte for the
west Mr. Joy choso to take tho road
south of tho river, expcctolg to cross
over tho South Platto at Ogalalla
This Is tho seventh tlmo Mr. Joy has
mado tho trip over tho Lincoln High
way to the coast.
The Socialist Study Club will meet
with Mrs. D. M. Hogsett Wednesday
For Ront Small apartment furnish
ed. Close In, bath, gas, lights. Phone
Black 575.
We arc special ngcntB for the cele
brated Llbby Cut Glass, nothing bet
ter. CLINTON, The Jeweler.
The Elks will give a dancing party
at tho homo Thursday evening. All
Elks and their lady friends are Invited.
Ned Stuart, who had been railroad
ing on the Pacific coast for a year or
more, arrived homo on a visit last ev
ening. The Royal Neighbors will hold their
regular meeting tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Refreshments will bo
The bible clnss of the Presbyterian
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
Fred Porrltt tomorrow afternoon at
threo o'clock.
The club Nevlta will meet with Mrs.
W. P. Snyder at the state farm tomor
row afternoon. Conveyances will bo
at the E. J. Burke residence at about
Mrs. L. W. Walker and daughter
Margaret and Mrs. Isaac Dillon leave
this evening for Minneapolis, where
Mr. Walker Is now engaged In business.
The re-palntlng and penciling of the
Waltemath block was completed yes
terday. This work has Increased by
ono hundred per cent the appearance
of the building.
H. N. Smith considers himself a
lucky man; at no time during tho re
cent floods has thero been water In
his basement. This seems to be the
ono exception In town.
Rich and sparkling Cut Glass makes
lovely Wedding Gift. A pretty vase,
sugar and cream, bowl, bread tray and
many other useful articles.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Weather forecast ror North Platte
and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonlgb'c
and Wednesday; warmer tonight.
Highest temperature yesterday 70, a
year ago 88; lowest last night 50, a
year ago 54.
Upon complaint of Mrs. Stelnhausen,
John Saltow was arrested on the
.charge of dumping garbage within the
city limits. Tho case will bo heard
before Judge Miltonberger at eleven
o'olock today.
Tho Rev. J. M. Bates, of Red Cloud,
who was In tho city to attend the or
dination service at the Episcopal
church, was rector hero many years
ago, and Is renewing relationships
mado during his rectoratc.
Miss Caddie Winifred Jennings, of
Gothenburg, known to many North
Platto people, was max-rled last Wed
nesday to Roger Williams, of Boston
The groom Is a member of the faculty
of the Massachusetts Institute of
Mrs. Clyde Cook and Mrs. Herbert
Duke entertained tho memters of the
Ladle3 of tho B. of L. F. & E. Friday
afternoon at tho home of tho former,
Prizes wero won by Mesdames Gal-
vln, C. C. Williams and Wlckwlre.
Enjoyable refreshments were served
Farmers of Lincoln county should
now begin to maKo preparation ior
their exhibits at tho county fair. Tho
season so far has been very pronls
Ing, and with a little extra caro In tho
way of cultivation exhibits can be se
sured that will be highly creditable
to tho county.
W. II. C. Woodhurst returned Sun
day from Columbus where ho attended
tho convention of local Insuranco
agcntB of tho state. About 150 were
present, in addition to stato and spec
lal agents. Ono of the features of tho
meeting was an Illustrated lecture by
a Chicago man depicting lire scenes
which Mr. Woodhurst says was In
tensely Interesting.
Chas. Rlnckor left yesterday for
Koystono whore ho will for a tlmo
clerk In tho Rlncker drug store.
Dr. W. F. Crook's Residence on West
TlUrd St. For Sale.
As tho Doctor has sold out his bust
ncsa horo and oxnocts to tro to flmnlm
the Lloyd opora house, this ovenlng at his beautiful residence is on tho mar
eight o'clock. Tho drill team that was
sent to DosMolnes will' glvo an exhibi
tion drill, and other entertaining feat
ures will bo provided. All members
aro urged to attend.
P. II, McEvoy and daughter returned
Sunday from 'Trinidad, Col., whoro
they wero called last week by tho death
of Mrs. Colby, a sister of Mr. McEvoy.
Ho says Trinidad with a population of
12,000 has forty-ono saloons, but has
many flno business blocks and residences.
John N. Baker camo down from his
Arthur county homestead Saturday
and returned yesterday. Ho says tho
hall storm In tho LcMoyno section!
Saturday afternoon was a destructive
one, stones as largo as hen's eggs fall
ing. Practically every window glass
In tho town of LeMoyne was broken.
Kot ror saie. 1111s is an eignt room
strictly modem homo In every respect
Hot water neat, Oak finish through
out; gas connected with two largo
gas stoves onu not water heater. Full
basement. Largo garago with cement
drive. Corner lot with wnlks and curb
Ing on both sides, with nlco trees and
lawn. Inqulro for prices and tonus
C. F. TEMPLE. Excluslvo Agent.
Hereford Bulls
I have Several head of
Registered Bulls for
W. V. Turpie
Frank J. Doran was notified Satur
day of his appointment as district
grand knight of the Knights of Colum
bus. His jurisdiction will bo ,the Sev
enth district, composed of twenty-one
counties. For four years Mr. Doran
has been grnnd knight of the local
council nnd has otherwise taken an
active Interest In the organlatlon.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Elder the lattter part of last week.
Will Otten, who haa.a largo nplary,
at the W. E. Parkd farm Jh IHnmah.
precinct, Bnys that the cold wet weath
er has proven very disastrous to bees
and that a large percentage of them
have died from starvation. Tho lack
of sunshlno has retarded tho bloom
of plants, and so much wet weather
prevented the bees leaving tho hives
nnd obtaining such food as It might
bo possible for them to secure.
Don't Blow
Your Horn
until you nrc safe. Don't think your
self safe until you have your projicty
Insured uguinst lire. It comes when
least expected, nnd very often the ca
lamlty happens to the uninsured. Cnre
lessncss Is the reason for tho FIro In
surance Policy being neglected. Some
times It Is allowed to lapse, nnd that Is
the time the policy holduV Is often
caught napping. Insure with 1110 NOW
and you will feci on the safe side.
For Sale.
To bo moved at once. A threo room
houso and several sheds, mlscellane
ous umber and building material. Lo
cated on block with Gas Plant.
North Patto Light & Powor Co.,
39tf C. R. Moroy, Mgr,
you THijifeaLhv.
X 1
want anything
this season for your
farm in our line
lumber, tiling, lime,
cement, Qtc. you cant
do better than call on us.
Uur experience is at ydur
service to help you.
and everything of
Our honest treatment of customers ha
been long established. You are not
taking any chances by buying from us
rnces tow
best grade.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North PlatteNebraska.
Organized 18S7.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
axle Urease
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of un order of sulo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Tilllo S. Ulankenburg Is plain
tiff, and Mary Recker et al aro de
fondants, nnd to me directed, I will on
tho 10th day ot July, 1915, at 2 o'clock
p. m., nt tho east front door of the
Court Houso In North Platto, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
Interest and costs, tho following des
lntrest and costs, tho following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
South half (SVi) of Northwest
(NWV4), Southwest suarter of North
east quarter (SWV4 of NE4) and
Northwest quarter of Southwest quar
ter (NW14 of SWV4) of Section Twen
ty (24), Township Sixteen (16) Range
Thirty-three (33) West of tho 6th P.
M., Lincoln County Nebrnska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Juno C,
STOPS the creak and lightens the load.
The finely powdered, mixed
with a high-grade grease forms a perfectly
lubricated surface for the wheel.
Look for the blue can with the "Wheel"
on the cover. Sold in 1 and 3 lb. cans, 10,
15, 25 lb. galvanized iron pails. Kegs,
barrels and half-barrels.
The best all around farm lubricant.
Takes up the rattle and play of worn bearincs.