The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 04, 1915, Image 1
mn-Wulk f&tibtmt THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 4, 1915. No. 39 iOCAL AND PEItSOXAL Tho.Rowqpa Clrclo wilt meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. E. M. Smith. The Zenda dancing club held one of their enjoyable dancing parties at the Masonic hall Wednesday evening. Crowe's orchestra furnished tho music. Pat Hagcrty was struck In the forc- land, Is in town today Investigating! head during a ball game tho first of the motive power conditions. V0? by a, foul bal1 whlcl1 broke h,s , I glasses and caused n painful Injury to Mrs. Frater leaves next week for a x3 rignt ey0i proiracu visu wun menus in the eastern part of tho state. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland returned yes- Charley Shin, tho Jap who lives on the J. C. Wilson farm In Hinman pre cinct, bought two Hereford bull calves T16"0,10.81.11' of John McConnel at Somerset this IV11UCU u luccimg UJ. UID UUUeKUU UU gree. Miss Myrtle Beclcr, a student at the week, paying $400 for tho two. It was reported last evening that state unlvorslty, arrived home this : four lnches of ra,u fel1 ln tho Sut" morning to spend tho summer vaca-1 erl,and sectlon yesterday afternoon. tjon ;This was followed by another rain later iL ,.. t In the evening. imss uea iiaruin jeit lor nor nomo in Utica, Neb., this mosning. Sho tls next week, where she will servo as an instructor in tho Frantier county teachers' institute For Sale Cheap, used light 4-cylln-1 der auto truck. Fully equipped. This car Is offered for sale by manufactur er. F. "W. CloWn, care Tribune office. Mrs. Milton Doollttle, of Long Beach, Cal., who has been visiting friends, in Illinois for several weeks, will arrive in North Platte next Thursday. taught school in Big Springs tho past year, and stopped over hero for a few days to visit Mrs. E. A. Garlichs. For Sale. To bo moved at once. A three room houso and several sheds, miscellane ous umber and building material. Lo cated on block with Gas Plant. North Patto Light & Power Co., " 39tf C. It. Moroy, Mgr. Miss Jane dishing is spending this week with relatives ln Denver. Miss Mario LoDioyt entertained n number of young ladies at a six o'clock dinner last evening ln honor of Misses Evelyn Doran and Nellie Dlctrlck. of Sidney, who nrc visiting friends in town. As soon as the roads get In better shapo Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson will leave on an auto trip to points In eastern Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. They will bo absent about six weeks. In tho concert at the Keith this ev ening the talent will bo Miss Reb liausen, pianist, Miss Williams, vocal soloist and Miss Shnrplcss, reador. In addition Miss Trovlllo will sing two numbers and Paul Harrington two. Herman LeDioyt and It. E. Biggs left yesterday for Kansas City to nt-' tend a meeting of tho B. of It. T. Rob Gantt is homo from tho state university to spend tho summer vaca tion. Light showers Wednesdoy afternoon nnd a rather heavy rain yesterday af ternoon and another one last night tends to delay still longe tho harvest of the first cutting of alfalfa, and tho planting of corn in tho valley. Miss Mario Von Gootz, principal of tho schools nt West Paint, has return ed home for the summer vacation. Lost Yesterday ln the vicinity of the 000 block on east Fifth, a baby push cart. Finder pleaso return to 90S east Fifth street or notify. On account of washouts on tho Lincoln-Denver line, the Bmllngton Is detourlng trains from Omaha to Den ver over tho Union Pnclllc today. Mrs. M. H. Douglas arrived homo this morning from Cleveland, Ohio, whero sho had been nttcndlng tho con vention of tho ladles' auxiliary to thd Brotherhood of Loconiotlvo Engineers. Mrs. Douglas was absent a month. tWeather forecast for North Platto ami vicinity: Unsettled tonight and Saturday; showers Saturday; not much chango In temperature. Highest tcmporaturo yesterday GS, a year ago 91; lowest last night C3, a year ago .MIRACULOUS KSCAl'K r03T DKATII BY LIGHTNING FOR BEST i! or 1 Lnrgo Modern rooms, heat, bntli, electric light, gas, sultnblo for offices or light housekeeping, In the new Itrntt Building. See .. IlKATX & GOODMAN. Bert Brunk, of Myrtlo precinct, (md tho most miraculous escape from death by lightning Wednesday evening that could possibly havo occurred. Ho had been plnnttng corn and a sovero storm coming up ho hitched a team to the buggy and tied n horso on either sldo of tho driving team. Ho had not driven far when n bolt of lightning deseonded, struck and killed tho four horses, splintered overy spoko on tho four wheels of tho buggy, and splinter ed part of tho back of tho sent on which Brunk was sitting. As tho horses dropped dead In their traces, tho sud den stop of tho buggy tTirow Brunk over tho dash board down on tho horses, and ho sustnlnod a bruised leg by tho fall but othorwlso ho was un hurt. Tho supposition Is that tho bolt which struck tho horses also run around tho tires of tho wheols, thus splintering tho spokes, and tho cur rent was conducted from tho tiros to tho Iron 'rods on ho seat back, yet failed to reach Brunk. E. R. Goodman, who went out yes terday to pay tho lnsuranco loss on tho horses, viewed tho animals and tho vehicle, and was nstoundeu,at tho narrow escape Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Dolson nro visit ing In Omaha this week. Miss Margaret Keofo, of Slous City, Is visiting hor brother, J. T. Kocfe. t Mrs. Zentmoyor, of Schuyler, is vis iting hor son George Zcntmoyer and family. Mrs. H. A. Lawhead pea'sanly en tertained tho Entro Nous club Wed nesday afternoon. Cyril Donegan returned Wednesday from Lincoln whero ho Is attending tho stnto university. Lightning' Kills Horses This Is to stato that I had four of my work horsos killed by ltgtilnlng last ovenlug whllo driving lu from tho Hold whore I was plantintr corn nnd that I havo had my loss adjusted and claim of $000 paid to mo within 20 hours from tho timo tho horses woro Idled. To receive settlement so quickly and havo tho money lu my pocket Is cortainly appreciated' and to Brntt & Goodman who Insured mo and paid tho loss I extend my thanks. Juno 3rd, 1915. BERT BRUNK. IN FULL BLAST Out of Business Sale! $25,000 worth of Clothing,, JShoesHats and Furnishings for Men and Boys to be, sold in 14'dSys at less than actual cost dlthe4mateidl. . 1NOW ON 1 ' Going 9 Men's Suits & Overcoats MSn's and Young Men's Suits, regular $12.50 values, Going Out of Business CD 7K Sale Price $UiJ U Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $15.00 values, Going Out of Business CQ QQ -Sale Price . $0iu0 Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $20.00 values, Going Out of Business MQ Sale Price j) IUi4G Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $25.00 value, Going Out of Business MQ 7R Sale Price p I Oil J Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $30.00 values, Going Out of Business 01 C QO Sale Price 0 lOiJU V'ftuy Your Next Winter's Overcoat and Save Money Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, $15.00 Values, Going Out of Business Sale Price Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, $25.00 values, Going Out of Business Sale Price . . regular $4.95 regular .$6.95 Men's Pants Men's Pants, regular $1.50 values, Go- 70 ing Out of Business Sale Price . . . . I 0 b Men's Pants, regular $2.50 values, Going Out of Business Sale Price Men's Pants, regular $3.50 Virtues, Going Out of Business Sale Price. Men's Pants, regular $5.00 values, Going Out of Business Sale Price. Men's Pants, regular $6.50 values, Going Out of Busineses Sale Price m $1.39 $1.83 $2.98 $3.48 Boys' Suits & Knee Pants 33 Boys' Suits, regular $3.00 values, (M PQ Going Out of Business Sale Price $ i .UJ Boys' Suits, regular $5.00 values, fho QQ Going Out of Business Sale Price tP&.uQ Boys' Suits, regular $10 values, Cl QQ Going Out of Business Sale Price iJrT. 30 Boys' Knee Pants, regular 75c values 07 n Going out of business sale price . . . .0 I U Boys' Knee Pants, regular $1 values, CQp Going out of business sale price. . . .uUU Boy's Knee Pants, regular $1.50 val- 7n ue, going out of business sale. price. I Ju Boys' Wash Suits and Rompers, Sizes 2 to 6 Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1 values, going' out of business sale price Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1.50 valu ue, going out pf business sale -price Boys' Rompers, regular, 35c value going out of business sale price Boys' Rompers, regular 75c value going out of business sale price. . Boys' Wais.ts, regular 35c value, going out of business sale price Boys' Waists, regular 50c value, Going out of business sale price 59c 79c 19c 37c 17c 35c $1.19 11 VJ Y V .$2.98 Hats and Caps 1 lot of Men's Felt Hats worth up toCQ $1.50, going out of business sale price JUL Men's soft and stiff felt hats, regular $2.00 value, going out of business sale price Men's soft and stiff hats, regular $3.50 val ue, going out of business sale M QO price xjH tuO Men's John B. Stetson hats, regular $5.00 value, going out of business sale price Men's Straw Hats, regular $1.50 val- 7Qft ue-, going out of business sale price. .1 Ju Men's "Straw Hats, regular $2 values(M 1Q going out of business sale price . I . I u Men's Straw Hats, regular $3 values(M 7Q going out of business sale price. .$1 if Men's genuine Panamas, regular $5.00 val ues, going out of business sale (JJO QQ price i?ivJ0 Men's silk Summer Hats, regular 75c Q E -value, going out of business sale priceOuG Children's Rah-Rah hats, regular 75? 07 n value, ging out of business sale priced I G Garden Straw hats, regular 15c values, 7n going out of business sale price . . . I C Men's and Boys Caps, regular 50c val-. 1 Qn ue, going out of business sale price lUG Rend these prices on Neckwear, Hose, lluml kcrchiufs, Suspenders nnd Collars Men's Hose, regular 10c values, going fl ing out of business sale price .... t-G Men's Hose, regular 25c values, going 1 i n out of business sale price 1 1 G Specials Men's Hose, regular 35c values, going 17 out of business sale price '. . k. . 1 1 u Men's Neckwear, regular 25c and 35c 17p value goin gout of business sale price lib Men's Neckwaer, regular 50 and 75e HQ value going out of business sale priceOwG Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, regular 10c On value, going out of business sale price 0G Men's white Handkerchiefs, regular 10c 0n value, going out of business sale price ub Men's white Handkerchiefs regular 15c Pp valued going out of business sale price Uu Men's Suspenders, regular 25c value. 1Qn going out of business sale price . . . I UU Our entire slock of Silver Urn ml collars will be placed on sale nt l)c ench. 1 a i i i Men's Shirts and Underwear Men's Dress Shirts, regular 75c val- QQ ues, going out of business sale price. uOG Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1 value, "in going out of business sale price ....tub Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, going out of business sale M 1Q price $ 1 . 1 3 Men's Work Shirts, regular 50 and 75c 07 n valuegoing out of business sale price u i U Men's Union Suits, regular 75c vahifc Q7p going out of business sale price ... .Of b Men's Union Suits, regular $1 value PQ going out of business sale price . . . .Uub Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 35c 1 Q i value going out of business sale price I OC Men's Shirts and .Drawers, regular 75c. QQn value going out of business sale price 0 UG Men's Pajamas, regular $2.50 value, 01 1Q going out of business sale price . 1 . 1 J Specials .37c Men's Overalls, regular 50c value, going out of business sale price . , Men's Overall, celebrated Penn & Fitz 70 n brand, going out of business sale price! "0b 100 Ladies' Umbrellas, regular 75c val-nnp ues, going out of business sale price Cult Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 35c val- 17p ue, going out of business sale price 1 1 b .Specials Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 75c value 1Cn going out of business sale price . . . .UOG Small siz.Q$iraw suit cases, regular 35c values, going; put of business ' 1Q. . sale price 3G Largo size Straw Suit Cases, regular $1.50 value, going out of business sale 7Q price 3G Men's Canvas Gloves, extra good qual- M n ity, going out of business sale price . . .4-G Men's gauntlet canvas gloves, regular 15c7n value, going out of business sale price. TC Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular 75c value, going out of business sale nh price . .00G Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular $1.00 value, going out of business sale Pfi price DSC Entire Stock of Trunks, Suit Cnses nnd Hand lings, will bo sold nt about 50 per cent off tho rcgulnr price. Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoes Men's Shoes, regular $3.00 values (M QQ going out of business sale price. I lOO Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 values, tff) QQ going out of business sale price. .i)Z.&d Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 value On QQ going out of business sale price. .4)i.u0 Men's Shoes, regular $5.00 value flJO OQ going out of business sale price. Boys' Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, regular $2.00 value, going out of business . , ..(M QQ sale price I.UU Boys Shoes, sizes 2y2 to 0, regular $1.35 value, going out -of business sale fj(J Barefoot Sandals, sizes' 8 vi to "ll, regular $1.35 value, going out of business tin sale price QgG Barefoot Sandals, sizes 11 to 2, regular $1.05 value, going out of business nn sale price 03 G LOOK FOR THE BIG RED CANVAS FRONT Railroad fare refunded on purchases of $20 or over. Store for Rent, Fixtures for Sale, including Show Cases, Wall Cases, Shelving, Safe, Etc. SALE LASTS 14 DAYS ONLY. - H.S Go., North Platte, Neb. coonoyer CHICAGO SALVAGE CO., MANAGERS. TO THE PUBLIC t No misrepresentation or the slight- j(3 est exaggeration has been permitted Cfe anu in substantiation ot tins we cive Mr- .1 r n ... 0 f uie lonowing positive guarantee throughout this sale. "Goods ex changed or money refunded if pur chase is unsatisfactory." H. SCO0N0VER & CO. Chicago Salvage Co., Mgrs. norms