The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
MA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher.
Ouo Year hy .Mull In Advance. .. .$1.2.1
One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1X0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllco as Second Class Matter.
tuksoav, .ium: 1, 10IS.
(icrniuuy'H Answer.
Whllo the full text of the German re
py to the demands made by the Amorl
can note, dealing with the Lusltanln
case, Is yet to bo given out, the fore
cast conveys tho Impression that the
kalser'B government Is not willing to
concedo all tho points rulscd by Mr.
"Wilson ns essentially necessary to the
maintenance of friendly relations.
No nnswor 1b given to tho specific
demand for assurance that safety of
travel at soa would be secured, at least
to tho extent that passengers and
crows of ships to bo torpedoed would
havo tlmo to leavo In boats, If not tak
en off by tho attacking vessels. Nor Is
any reply mndo to tho other specific
demand that the rights of neutral
slilps to traffic between neutral ports
bo nioro scrupulously regarded. Doth
theso points nro omitted. Instead tho
good faith of tho United States Is In
directly called In question, by he In
sinuation that tho Lusltnnla was arm
ed, and that it was used to transport
soldiers, and that tho Americans on
board woro present moroly ns a screen
for the Illegal operations of Great
Britain. If tho Lusltanla were armed
It would havo been the duty of tho
United Stntes to detain It In harbor,
and It would havo been equally a vi
olation of neutrality to havo permitted
tho embarkation of soldiers on a pas
senger boat.
Other questions raised by Germany,
such as that which refers to tho dip
lomatic dealings between tho United
States and Great Britain, Indicate tho
Intention at Berlin to prolong the cor
respondence If possible. Tho diplo
mats of Wllholmstrasse aro adopts In
tlielr art, and It Is only giving respect
ful recognition to tholr Intelligence
and ability to say they must havo
known tho note 3cnt through Ambassa
dor Gorard would not be satisfactory
to America.
If theso conclusions aro correct, they
mean that Mr, Wilson will have to
meot Gormnny on Its own ground. Tho
resources of diplomacy have not as
yet been exhausted, and further corres
pondence may servo to relievo a situ
ation that Just now seems serious.
Sale Hill of 181(1.
Tho Kearney Times prints tho foll
owing copy of u sale bill printed for
a Missouri resident sixty-nine years
ago. Tho man's namo s substituted by
Public Sale.
State of Missouri, County of Plko; t6
whom It may concern; Tho under
signed will sell on Tuesday, September
29, A. D., 1840, at public out-cry for
cash, on promises where Coon Creek
crosses tho old Miss road, tho follow
ing chattols, to-wlt: C yoko oxen with
clialns. 2 wagons with beds, 3 nigger
wenches, 4 buck niggers, 3 nigger1
boys, 3 prnlrlo plows, 25 steel traps.
1 barrel pickled cabbage, 1 hogshead
of tobacco, 1 lot of niggers hoes. 1
spinning wheel, 1 loom. 13 fox hounds,
lot of coon, mink and skunk skins nnd
a lot of other articles. Am gwlno to
Freo head cheese, apples and hard
What Is tho meaning of that mighty
balanco of trndo "In our favor" which
Socrotary Redllold ilgurcs out for tho
ilscnl yenr to end a month hence? It
will bo a billion dollars, ho says a
billion dollars' worth moro goods thnn
wo havo consumed. How much that
means in tho way of prosperity for our
solves dopends on circumstances. Tho
farm tennnt who gives two-fifths of his
crop In ront necessarily "exports" al
most twleo as much as ho "Imports,"
,but ho Is not tho richer for that. Like
wise, If our billion dollar balance Is
taken In Interest and ront payments
to forolgn creditors, wo nro not neces
sarily prosperous. Whon wo suy that
soling more than wo buy creates a
"favorablo" bnlniu 'O nf Irniln urn mmtn
only that this leaves us a credit bal
ance auroati wmcli makes favorable ex
chnngo rates for us. Tho United States
has ncarlv nlwnvu li
balanco of trade because It Is In debt
10 loroigners and pnyB Its Interest nnd
principal In goods. This onornfoua bal
anco "In our fnvor" Mils vour Minima
that, as a result of the war, wo aro
paying on moro of the principal than
usual. Tho war has made It pos
Blblo to buy buck our forolgn owned
securities at favorablo tonus. Wo
havo boon gottlng out or debt. Lin
coln Journal.
It Inii'I Your Town, It's You
If you want to live In tho kind of a
LIko tho kind of a town you llko,
You needn't slip your clothes In a grip
And start on a long, long hiko,
ou'll only find what you loft hohlnd,
For thoro's nothing that's really now,
It's a knock at yoursolf whon you
knock your town.
It isn't tho town It's you.
Heal towns aro not nindo by mon
Lost soniohody olso gots ahead.
Whon ovory ono works and nobody
You can rulso a town from the dead.
And If, whllo you ninko your porsonnl
Your neighbors can niako ono too,
Your town will bo what you want to
It Isn't tho town It's you.
Cincinnati Rotary Club.
Indigestion and (1onntlntIon.
"About tlvo years ago I began tnklng
Chamberlain's tablots after Bufforlng
from Indigestion nnd constipation for
years without finding anything to ro
Ilovo mo. Chamborlatn's tablots helped
mo at onco and by using thorn for
sevoral weeks I wus cured of tho com-
plaint," writes Mrs. Mary E. McMul-
lon. piiuips, n. y For ualo by all
A charter has been granted by the
state banking board for a new bank at
Lewcllen. Tho new bank will be
known ns tho Farmers' Bank of Lew
cllen nnd Is capitalized ut $10,000. E.
C. Wolf of Big Springs Is president
of the new bank nnd G. L. Stout
cashier. Each of these men are
stockholders In tho Farmers Statc
Bank at Big Springs. Other stock
holders of tho now bank will bo made
up of business men of Lewcllen.
Lightning struck tho largo barn of
Adam Zimmerman who lives six miles
uorthnnst of Big Springs Monday at
three In the morning nnd burned it to
tho ground together with about six
hundred bushels of grain, llfty tons of
hay, saddles, robes nnd seven bond of
horses including n stallion. Mr. Zim
merman succeeded In getting out 13
head of horses after tho barn wns on
lire. All the above was Insured but
the loss will bo heavy. Mr Zlmmer
inan expects to build, at once.
Last week George Scliarmann pur
chased tho south half of tho south
east quarter of 1C-14-31 from the North
Plntto Land & Water Co. This makes
Gcorgo and his two boys a half sec
tion In a body of this priceless irri
gated valloy land. Ilershey Times.
Supt. Whitehead of tho Gothenburg
schools hns been elected to the super
intendnncy of tho Red Cloud school.
Ho has been for about eleven years
tho head of the schools at Gothenburg
and considers tho occupation of teach
ing tho highest calling there is. He
lias arrived nt n point however when
the chnnco to make moro money In
other lines of endeavor wns weighed
In the balances. His decision to follow
tho occupation ho considers most use
ful ruthor thnn most lucrative Is com
Art Todenhoft, tho energetic hoc and
cattle buyer, was somo buoy man Wed
nesday morning when he shipped four
cars of.' cattle and four of hogs to the
Onuha market. There was something
over $10,000 worth in the shipment.
This Is probably, a record shipment
ior a local buyer. Most of this stock
was purchased of J. P. Broslus and
ho accompanied Art on the trip to
market. Staplcton Enterprise.
Water Is high In tho river, and fish
are seen In almost every ravlno lead
ing rrom tho river. Carp weighing
over two pounds havo been caught
inside tho limits of Muxwoll.-Tclo-
Ford Farm Tractor. .
And now tho Ford is after tho farm
horse's Job. Tho latest from tho Ford
factory In Detroit. Is thnt there will be
placed on the market next fall for
farm usuge a motor tractor.
During tho last three or four months
sovore tosts were made In a secluded
spot with tho first tractor and these
trials gave tho utmost satisfaction to
the olllclnls. Tho tests wore made un
der all kinds of soil and weather con
ditions, in hard ground and steep mud.
Just as with tho Ford passenger cars,
mo principal aim or the company was
to bring out h trnctor, the price of
which would he within the reach of
almost any man of nlodernt3 means.
All 't'lio details are not yet available.
but tile' tractor will have much of tho
fumlllar Ford car appearunce. It will
have the sumo motor, front nxlo and
radiator, but a much stronger and
shorter frame. Above tho motor, sup
ported by strong nrms will be carried
twd largo water tanks. ,
Tho rear wheels will be 12 Inches
wide nnd with flanges and spikes pndd
ed. Tho weight now Is 1G00 pounds.
but It Is expected that this will bo re
duced to 1500 pounds. The tractor
will be able to do easily the work of
six horses, and It Is expected that It
will revolutionize farming methods,
just ns tno passenger car has so chan
ged traveling on the road.
Licensed Hmlmlincrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 1534.
Night Phono Black 588.
Probate Notice
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Cor
nelius Sullivan, Deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobrnska, May 25, 1915.
Notlco Is horoby given, Thnt tho cred
itors of said deceased will meet the
Administrator of said Estate, heforo
tho County Judge of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, at tho County Court Room,
in said County, on the 2nd day of July,
1915, and on the 3rd day of January,
1U1G, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for
tho purpose of presenting their claims
for examination, adiustment and al
lowance. Six months nro allowed for
creditors to present tholr claims, and
ono- year for tho Administrator to set
tlo said Estato, from tho 2nd day of
July, 1915. This notlco will bo pub
lished in tho North Plntto Tribune,
a legal soml-weokly nowspnpor print
ed and published In North Plntto, Lin
coln County, Nobrnska, for four con
Booutlvo wooks proceeding July 2nd,
Jl-4w County Judge
IiOgnl Notlco
To Charles E. Cotton, Ora D. Cotton
and Richard E. Cotton, Dofondnnts:
You and each of you will take no
tlco that on tho 14th day of May, 1915,
Honry Clark, plaintiff horeln, filed Ills
potltlon In tho District Court of Lin
coln uouniy, Nobrnska, ngnlnst said
dofondnnts. lmnlendnd with ntlinrs. flin
object and prayer of which are to ux-
uiuuo ino sain (loromiants and ouch of
mom irom nil interest In and to ono
certain promissory noto for Four
Thousnnd and no hundredths
(J4000.00) Dollars payablo to tho order
of Charles E. Cotton, nnd payablo Sop
tciubor 1, 1915, tinted Mny 8th, 1915,
and signed by P. E. Gundorson and
Gua Gunderson, and for a decrco to
havo tho said defendants hold said noto
In trust, for tho plaintiff and for an
ordor, that tho said defendants nnd
each or thorn bo required to dellvcd
Bald noto Into Court for tho purposo of
having tho same dcllvored to tho plain
tiff herein.
You nnd nneh nf vnn nrn rnnnirn.i tn
answer said petition on or before the
ism (iny or juiy, hub.
Dated this 1st day of Juno, 1915.
Jl-4w His Attorneys
makes cooking easier and
quicker. The NEW PER
FECTION lights instantly
and regulates by raising or
lowering the wick. No
valves to clog. No feed
tubes to warp.
The new firclcss cookinc oven
c'ivcs you all the economy of a
iirclcss cooker with none of the
bother and extra steps. Just pull
a damper, and the oven becomes
a firclcss cooker. Use it as an
ordinary oven when you wish ; or
open the door and use the two oven
burners just like the grate hAirners.
F. J. MOEE & CO.
Jteal Estate and Insurance
Come and sco us for town lots In !
dlfforent parts of tho city. Good In-,
vestments on easy terms. Houses for ;
sale and rent, we have also good 'jar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs.
JOHN S. SIMMS, 31. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
OHlce B. & L. Duilding, Second Flooj-.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. i
Hospital Phono Black C33.
House Phono Black 633.
Grndimh' Voturinnrlnii I
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St,
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Noith Plntto, Neb.
1Q0S West Fourth St.
Graduato Nurses in Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
is no longer an experiment, its prac
ticability has been proven and la com
ing Into uso moro and more every day.
Our cigars havo never been an ex
periment; they havo always been
good, thoy havo homo tho mark of
standard for over twenty-five years
In North Plntto. Wo mako a number
of brands ranging In price from 3
for 10 conts to 3 for 25 cents. Try
J. F. Schmalzricd.
Probate Notice
In tho Matter of tho Estate of James
M. Ranule, Decenscd.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, May 25, 1915.
Notlco Is hereby glvon, That tho
creditors of tho deceased will meet the
Administratrix of snld Estato, before
i" in TrinnmnK. i,
tho County Judgo of Lincoln County,'
Nobraska, at tho County Court Room,
In said County, on tho 2nd day of July,
1915, nnd on tho 3rd day of January,
1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, foj
tho purposo of presenting their claims
for examination, adjustment nnd al
lowance Six months nro allowed for
creditors to preBont tholr claims, and
ono year for tho Administratrix to
sottlo said estate, from tho 2nd day of
July. 1915. This notice wljl bo pub
lished in tho North Platte Tribune a
legal soml-weokly newspaper printed
nnd published In North Platto, Lin
coln Comity, Nobraska, for four con
secutlvo .weeks, preceedlug July 2nd,
1915. v y
' tiEO. E. FRENCH,,;
County Judge.
Oil in a
Bin i
mm m
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L . C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
Phones ! 0nke 130
i nonts Ru3I(ence 115
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Office McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Olllce 183, Residence 283
Successor to
Drs. Refold & Redfleld
Office Phono G4Zr Res. Phono 67C
To Whom It Maj' Concern:
Notlco is hereby given that tho Ma
yor and Citv C'otihr.Il will lmlil rt s no-
el al meeting at tho hour of 8:00 o'clock
P, M., (Central Time) Juno 8th, 1915.
in mo council jmamoer ror tho pur
pose of making nssssments and levy
ing taxes for the construction of side
walks built by,tha City along tho
following described property:
Lot 4, Block 175, original town of
North Platto, walk 4 ft. wide,
130 ft. long, 544 sq. ft. at 10c
3 yards of sand for filling at 75c 2.25
Lot 5, Block 175, original town of
North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide,
149 ft. long, 590 sq. ft. at 10c. 59.00
7 yards of sand for filling at 75c 5.25
Block 192 of tho original town of
North Platto. walk 4 ft. wide,
37 ft. long, 148 sq. ft. nt 10c.. 14.80
Lot 10, Block 4, Taylor's Addition
to tho City of North Platte, walk
4 ft. wtdo, 129 ft. long, 518
sq. ft. at 10c 51.80
Lot 10, Block 3, Taylor's Addition
to tho City of North Platte, walk
4 ft. wide, 143 ft. long, 572 sq.
ft. at 10c 57.20
Lot 8, Block 5, Pcnniston's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platto,
walk 4 ft. wide, 5 ft. long, 20
sq. ft. nf 10c 2.00
Lot 8, Block G7, original town of
- North Platto, walk 4 ft. wido,
7 ft. long, 2S sq. ft. at 10c.... 2.80
Lot C. Block 8, Taylor's Addition
to tho City of North Platto,
walk 4 ft. wide, G7 ft. long, 2G8
sq. ft. at 10c 20.80
Lot 1, Block 2, Taylor's Addition
to tho City of North Platto, walk
4 feet wide, 139 feet long.550
square feet at 10c 55. GO
Lot 10, block 1, Taylor's Addlton
to tho City of North Platto, walk
4 feet wide, 9 feet long, 38
squaro foot at 10c!
Lot 5, Block 10, Pcnniston's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platto, '
walk 4 feet wide, 9VS feot long,
38 squaro feot at 10c 3.S0
Lot 4, Block 11, Pcnniston's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platto,
walk 4 foot wide, 11 feet long,
44 squaro feot at 10c 4 an
mm m
KtbmrM.iMirt Gil
ma r
Lot 1, Block 35 of tho Original
town of North Platte, walk 4
feot wide, 9 feet long, 3S sq.
feot nt 10c 3,so
Lot 8, Block 35 of tho original
town of North Plntto, walk 4
feet, wide, 9 feet long, 3S squaro
feot at 10c 3,80
All of tho above described property
being In Lincoln County, Nobraska.
In addition to tho abovo amounts,
Interest nnd advertising fees will bo
All porsons Interested will file their
objections, If any thoy havo;- to hb
nssesslng of taxes against tliQ abovo
described property for tho abovo1 des
cribe!', purposo on or boforVttio. 8th
day of Jutio, A. D. 1915 as' abovo stated.
C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby friven that tho Mayor nnd City Council will hold a special
meetlliff at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., (Central Time) Juno Sth, 1915, in
the Council Chamber for tho purposo of making assessments and levying tax
es for the cutting 0f weeds by the City of North Platte on the following des
crlbed property: ftSWm., . ....... 0
Block 20, Lot 8 $1 00
Bldok C3, Lots 4 and 6 $1.00 per lot
Block 38, Lot 4 , tl 00
Block 84, Lots 7 and 8 SI. 00 ner lot
Block 104, Lots 1 and 2 $100 per lot
B ock 108. Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 ..IIloo per lot
Block 7t, Lot 1 '. .'. J..&..L .' $1.00
Block 95, Lot 2 ifiioo
Block 11, Lot C $1.00
Block 14, Lot 5 $i oo
Block 15, Lots 4 and 5 $1.00 ner lot
Block 10, Lots 3, 4, D, 6, 7 and 8 $1.00 per lot
Block 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 si.oo Der lot
Block 3, Lots 7 and 10 .-.. ill 00 her lot
Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 $1.00 per lot
B 0ck 6, Lots 1. 7, 9 and 10 i.oo per lot
Bl0ck 7, Lot 10 . $1.00
Block 9, Lots 1 and 2 si.oo ner lot
Block 10, Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 $100 ner lot
Block 11, Lots 1, 2 and 3 ii oo ner lot
Block 12, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, G, 6, 7, 8, 9 Ifiloo per lot
Block 6, Lots 4 and 5 $1.00 nr lot
Block 10, Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 $100 Ser lot
Block 23, Lots 9 and 10 $100 htl lot
Block 20, Lot 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 00
Block 24, Lots 10 and 11 - $1.00 ner lot
Block 33, L0ts 5 and C $1 00 ner lot
Block 31. Lots 7 and 8 ... flOO Per lot
Block 4, Lot C $1 00
Block 6. .Lots 5 and G jx.OO per lot
Block 7, Lots 4 and 5 $1,00 per lot
Block 18, Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 $1.00 per lot
. xAn of,tlle above described property being in North Platte, Lincoln Coun
ty, rsebraska.
charged'1111110" 4 the above amounts Interest and advertising fees will be
All persons Interested will nie their objections, If any they have, to the
assessing of tnxes against the above described property for the above des
cribed purpose on or before the Sth day of June, A. D., 1915, as above stated.
C. P. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
His inn
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 030 Ofllce 459
Notlco is hereby given that in an
notion pending in tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which
E. II. Evans, Administrator of tho es
tate of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, has
applied for license to sell lands for
tho payment of the debts of said estate
and which said license has been duly
granted by said Court. That on Wed
nesday, Juno 2, 1915 at tho hour of 2 P.
M. said administrator will offer for
sale at public sale nt the east front
door of tho Court House in North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
the highest blddor or bidders for cash
tho following describod lands situate in
tho city of North Platto Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wlt: All of Block 1, con
stating of lots 1 to 12 inclusive in the
Ruddy Addition to said city of North
Platte or so much thereof as shall bo
necessary to satisfy tho Indebtedness
against the estate of said Patrick Rud
dy docoased. Said sale to remain open
for ono hour.
. , , E. H. EVANS,
Administrator of tho estate of Pat
rick Buddy, deceased. m-11-4
Order of Hearing on Original Trobato
of Will.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court, May 24, 1915.
Iu tho Matter of tho Estate af Honry
Doobko. Deceased.
On rending and filing tho petition of
Honry P. Doobko, Jr., praying that tho
Instrument, filed on tho 24th day of
May, 1915, and purporting to bo tho
last Will and Testament of snld do
ceased, may bo proved, approved, pro
bated, nllowed and recorded ns tho
last Will and Testament of tho said
Honry Doebke, deceased, and that tho
execution of snld Instrument may bo
committed nnd the administration of
snld Estato may bo granted to Hannah
Doobko as Executrix.
Ordered, That Juno 18, 1915, at 9
o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons inter
ested in said matter may appear at a
County Court to bo hold In and for said
County, nnd show causo why tho pray
or of potltlonor should not bo'granted.
A copy of this order to bo published
In tho Nqrth Platto Tribune, a legal
semi-weekly newspaper of said cojinty.
for thrco weeks prior' to snld dato' of
hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH,
m25-3w County Judge.
i,i:gai, koticij
State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss
To .All persons interested In the Es
tate of' Bridget A, Williamson, de
ceased: i. ", v
You are hereby notltted that on tKb
nth day of May. 1915 Talmage White,
administrator of the estate of Bridget '
A. Williamson, deceased filed In said
Court his final account as said admin
istrator and petition, the objects and
prayer of which are that a decree of
distribution may be made of the resi
uuo of said estate, now In his posses
sion to tho parties entitled by law to
receive the same, and that said final
account and a petition for distribution
will be heard upon the 1st day of June,
1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock at tho
County Court room In the city of North
Platte In said County, and you are
hereby cited to appear at the time and
place designated nrtd show cause, If
such exist why such account be not
It Is, therefore, ordered that the said
Talmage White, administrator give
notice to all porsons Interested in said
estate by causing a copy of this order
to be printed in the North Platte
Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished In said county for three weeks
prior to tho dato set for such hearing.
Dated this 5th day of May, 1915.
mll-3 County Judge.
Order of Hearing on l'etlltlon fur Ap
pointment of Admlulxtrntor or Ad
mlHtratrLv. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of Ann
Jane Barraclough, Deceased.
On rending nnd filing the petition of
Joshua Barraclough and Edward Bar
raclough praying that Administration
of said Estate may be granted to Fred
erick Barraclough as Administrator.
Ordered, That Juno 1st A. D. 1915, at
9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear
ing said petition when all persons in
terested In said matter may appear at
a County Court to bo hold In and for
said County, nnd show causo why tho
prayer of petitioners should not be
granted: and that notlco of the ponden
cy of snld petition nnd the hearing
thereof bo given to all persons Inter
ested In said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in The North Platte
Tribune, a seml-wookly newspaper
printed in said County, for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated May 10th, 1915.
mll-3 County Judge.
Il'epnrtinnit of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Neb.
April 23, 1915.
Notlco Is hereby given that Minnie
Eliza McQuIrc, now Soese, of North
Platto, Nobraska, who on February 8,
1912, mado Homestead Entry No. 05371,
for EV4 of SEU Section 2, Township 11
N Range 30 W., 6th Principal Merid
ian, hns filed notice of Intention to
make final three year proof, , to estab
lish claim, to tho land above described
bofore the .Register and Receiver at
North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 21st day
of June, 1916.
.Claimant names as witnesses: Rcott
Signer, of Maxwell, Nobr., Jesse lllgh
berger. of North Platte, Nebr., Andrew
116ward, of Wellfleet, Nebr., Mary Rich
ards, of North Plntte, Nebr.
, . J. E. EVANS.
a2.76w . RegUtar.