The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 01, 1915, Image 7

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of Mrs. HAM
Declares Lydia E, Pinkliam'a
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
Shamrock. Mo. "I foni if
to tell Uie public tho condition of my
incniin uerore using
your medicine. Ihnd
lulling, inflamma
tion and congestion,
female weakness.
pains in both nlrfna
j backaches and bear
ing down pnins,' was
short of memorv.
nervous, impatient,
passed sleepless
nicrhts. and hml
i neitlier fitrpntriri nnr
energy. There vas always a fear and
dread in my mind, I had cold, nervous,
weak spells, hot flashes over my body.
I had a place in my right side that was
00 sore that I could hardly bear thtf
weight of my clothes. I tried medicines
end doctors, but they did me little good,
and I never expected to get out again.
1 got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer
tainly would have been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines had not saved
me. But now I can work all day, sleep
well at night, cat anything I want, have
no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I am almost
entirely free of the bad symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home."
Mrs. Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22,
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice write
JLydia E.Pinkliam Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn, Mass.
One Explanation.
"What's tho difference between a
politician and a statesman?"
"I figure It this way. A politician
has to wear a slouch hat and a string
tfo. lint a statesman la sufllclently
sure of his Job to feel that he can play
golf without offending the plain peo
ple." You would bo dismally lone&omo If
everyone In the world were as good
as you think you are.
A Typewriter
-iffSEKnew Th TVrvitit-lrr Una
u,wu "uv"""g
2al?ai cessitv in almost
slr every family. If the
daughter is a stenographer, she
can increase her earning power
by home practice. The father
and sons need a typewriter for
their correspondence. The
mother likes to keep recipes
and other data in neat, read
able form. You will be inter
ested in our booklet, "A Lesson
in Operating the L. C. Smith
&Bros.Typewriter." Write forit.
L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.
1819 FartKs;:; Street
Omaha Nebraska
Florida Lands
For Sale to Settlers
in tracts of ten acres and up
wards, in Volusia County,
adapted to cultivation of citrus
fruits, vegetables of all kinds
and general crops. Situation
healthful. Send for circulars.
Write in English. Railroad runs
through tract. Will sell on month
ly payments Agents wanted
Florida Land & Settlement Co.
Care Alex. St. Clair-Abrams, Attorney
615-19 Dyal-Upchurch Dldc., Jacksonville. Fla.
1 In B &3& D U est reference. Beat rtaulu
hi DAN (iltA, puru. well matured stud. Jit
per hundred lu Vfituatilu iubuucUvu book
let & rt f. Miiltiitl I'nullnu' Co., l.ulitmrU, Tea
Safety Fi'at
It begins with a O and Bmella like "Camphor."
What Is U? ;nuiiliulutiiiii, of courxe. Ia
'creu JoroiCnmpIiolulinil in your borne!
oris It poBNlMeyou have ueerseJ this won
dcrful remedy, which Is giving thousands rellel
and comfort every year fnnu SInjr I'ever,
Urn and Hemorrhoid, Sore IiyoHj
tjirulnn, ICIicimiatUiii, I'lii uruoiiln, In
sect Mlnu. Nturalul". Cut, i hupped
llaiKln, Hums and KtulU, and a host of
other coudltloust You should acquaint your
self tvlth Its household usefulness by taking
advantage of this golden opportunity. Out cou
pon out before you forget, nil in your name and
address Rod mall to us with 15 cents lu stamps,
receive a full alio Jar of this wonderful ointment-
There Is bu,f one Cuiiipholutuiu and
thousands of imitations. Insist upon thli
sud no other.
Campholatum Co., ? Ju as cryMc2
Ik ' 1
ftnme j
L 1
Everv H
.Music when sift voIcc-h llo
Vihrnti.M in the memory;
Odors, when sweet vloletn flckoii.
Live within the nene they qnlikon.
Sally Lunn is such n popular brand
In the South, nud It should bu bettor
known In tho North,
'lero aro soino rec
ipes: Sally Lunn. Take
four cupfuls of flour,
three efc'KS, ono tea
spoonful of butter, ono
cake of yeast and two
cupfuls of milk. Heat
the yolks of the eggs very light. Stir
In the butter, flour and milk in which
tho yeast Is dissolved. Mix well and
add tho beaten whites, Bet to rise and
when light bake in well-buttered muf
fin pans.
Another recipe is like tho above
with tho addition of half a cupful of
sugar and a half cupful of melted but
ter. These aro really most dainty
muffins. 311.x and let rise as usual,
and bako In the buttered muffin pans
when risen full.
English Bath Buns. Dissolve one
half a yeast cake In a cupful of luke
warm milk, udd two cupfuls of flour
or enough to make a sponge. Let
rise until light, then add two-thirds of
a cupful of melted butter and four
well-beaten eggs. Knead and let rise
for an hour. .Make into balls tho size
of an apple and press currants and
candied peel into each. Let riso in
a warm place, brush with melted but
ter, sprinkle with sugar and bake In
a hot oven.
Perfection Muffins, Mix together
three cupfuls of Hour, ono cupful of
corn meal, two teaspoonfuls of baking
powder, one tablespoonful of sugar
and one teaspoouful of salt. Add a
quarter of a cupful of softened lard
or butter, three well-beaten eggs and
two cupfuls of milk. Deat Into a
firm batter and when risen bake in
well-biittered muffin rings.
Rice Muffins. Tako X cupful of
boiled rice, two cupfuls of Hour, two
eggs, beaten well, three tablespoon
fuls of lard or butter, a teaspoonful of
salt and milk enough to make a thin
batter. Heat hard for three minutes,
and bake in hot muffin pans In a
quick oven. Served wi,h maple sirup,
these are hard to equal.
Carrots arc not half appreciated, for
they aro an excellent vegetable, and
2529' M one wl,Icu Ina' ue kept
IjpRgtfgtf for winter use and afford
IKjSrtiMH variety when thero aro
be had at reaBonablo
prices. The little-- new
carrots aro delicious
cooked until tender in
just enough water to
cook them without burn
ing. Using a largo
ninofnt of water takes out the fla
vor of the vegetable, and it is wasted.
Carrots cooked with now potatoes,
new peas and onions and when ten
der, add some chopped cooked bacon
and milk enough for a sauce, is a
most appetizing dish.
Austrian Carrots. Scrape 12 car
rots and cut in quarter-inch strips,
cook until tender, and add a table
spoonful of butter, three-fourths of
a cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of
salt and a half cupful of vinegar, cook
until the carrots aro clear and trans
lucent. Carrot Pie. Gather the following in
gredients: One cupful of cooked
sifted carrots, one and a half pints of
milk, two eggs, a cupful of sugar,
two tablespoonfuls of Hour, a half
teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of
cinnamon, a teaspoonful of ginger, a
dash of nutmeg, add cloves and a
half teaspoonful of vanilla extract.
Heat the eggs, to which add tho salt,
then add the sugar mixed with the
flour and other dry Ingredients, thor
oughly mix, and add the milk and va
nilla. Pour into a well made crust
and hake.
Carrot Pudding. This Is a famous
old pudding which will keep Indefi
nitely und Is very good with a rich
sauce. Scald a cupful of milk, and
pour It over three cupfuls of bread
crumbs. Mix a half cupful of light
brown sugar, a teaspoonful of salt,
ginger, cinnamon, and a fourth of a
teaspoonful of nutmeg together and
cream with half a cupful of butter.
Add a cupful of cooked sifted carrots,
three well-beaten eggs, beat well, then
add a cupful each of figs or dates,
chopped, and a cupful of raisins,
dredged with a half cupful of Hour.
Mix all together and steam threo
hours. Servo with a hard sauce or
with an egg sauce.
Remarkable Double Tree,
There is said to be In Kentucky a
tree bearing each yeur a crop of wal
nuts and n crop of mulberries; and
tho curious phenomenon is accounted
for by the supposition that a mulberry
seed fell where n walnut; lay In tho
ground, and tho young shoots came up
side by side and united their forces
Into one solid trunk. This supposi
tion seems feasible from the fact that
the bark of the tree Is on one side
that of walnut and on the other that
of the mulberry.
Love has u nttiRle power deficiencies
to veil
Rxnlt the boiler trults and all the
Kooil i event
t -Lucy Unrtlctt Ululr.'
This Is tho time of the year when
rhubarb Is so much enjoyed. A pie
mndo of the combination
Jd02fe ot raisins and rhubarb
flfMfcfr 18 " well liked.
93HB Raisin and Rhubarb
KmijjjM Pic Ono nud a half
igjHH cupfuls of rhubarb
K-Slb peeled und diced lino, a
f) halt "cupful of raisins,
H4 cupfuls of sugar,
two rolled crackers and
ono egg. Line a pie plate
with pastry, mix together tho rhu
barb, sugar, crackers, egg and raisins
und fill the crust. Cover with a lnt
tlced top. Hako about forty minutes
In a moderate oven.
Rhubarb and Pear Salad, Hake two
cupfuls of rhubarb with a half cupful
of sugar till tender but not broken,
then chill. Mix together four table
spoonfuls of olive oil, two of lemon
Juice, a teaspoonful of sugar, salt and
cayenne to taste. Arrange rhubarb and
six hnlves of canned penrs on a bed
of lettuce, injur over the dressing and
sprinkle with six tablespoonfuls ol
chopped candled ginger.
Ginger Creams. Mix a cupful ol
molasses, a cupful of sugar, a cupful
of sour cream, two egg yolks and a
half-cupful of melted lard. Mix four
cupfuls of pastry flour, two teaspoon
fuls of soda, a teaspoonful of clnna
mon, a teaspoonful and a hnlf of gin
ger, a teaspoonful of cloves, and n
half-teaspoonful of salt. Let stand
after mixing well to swell, then drop
by teaspoonfuls two Inches apart on a
buttered sheet. Hake In a moderate
oven. A raisin mny bo placed on top
of each before baking or a nut may
be used far the top. They may be
frosted with ah orange flavored frost
ing, using confectioners' sugar and or
ango Juice with rind for flavoring.
Frozen Prune Fluff. Soak two cup
fuls ot i'tIlSJ VJj-LlJi)1 ,n three
pintsTf water. Iif ThtT nioTnHTgmni
a cupful of sugar, the rind of half an
orange and cook until the prunes are
tender. Strain off the juice and re
move tho peel. Stone the prunes, rub
through a sievo into tho Juice and
chill, add a halt-cupful of finely
chopped walnuts and two egg whites
unbeaten, then freeze. Servo gar
nished with orange marmalade.
I linow n little Kiirden-close
Set thick with lily nnd red rose.
Where I would wmider If I might
From dewy dawn to dewy night.
And lmve one with mo wandering.
The rich French rolls aro very pop
ular for salad rolls. Tako eight cup'
fuls of flour, four eggs
four tablespoonfuls ol
sugar, two tablespoon
fuls of butter, one cake
of yeast and two cupful!
of milk. Dissolve the
yeast cake In n quartet
of a cupful of lukewarm
water, mix and glvo a
hard beating, let rise until light, cut
down threo times with a shnrp knife,
make Into rolls, let rise until, light
and bake In a moderate oven.
Kentucky Rolls. Take four cupfuls
of flour, ono tablespoonful of sugar,
one teaspoonful of salt, two eggs, hall
a cupful of lard, a half cake of com
pressed yeast. Mix tho lard, sugar and
flour, dissolve tho yeast In 'a little
lukewarm water, add enough warm
milk to make u batter, beat wll, tc
thoroughly mix the yeast and set In a
warm place to rise. When light, add
more flour to make a stiff dough and
let rise again. When light make Into
rolls nnd when risen t ho third time
bako In a hot oven.
A cupful of fleshly mashed potato
added to any roll mixture will make a
most delicious roll mixture, and ono
that will keep moist for some time. A
bowl of tho dough mny be set away In
tho Ico chest and baked a day or two
later, and they will be even better than
tho first baking.
Mush Muffins. Tako a cupful of
cornmeal mush, oatmeal, farina or
any other leftover cooked cereal, add
a tablespoonful of melted butter, ono
of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt or less,
one-fourth of a yenst cake dissolved
in a cupful of lukewarm milk, and two
cupfuls of sifted flour. Mix well and
put to riso over night. In the morn
ing heat well and fill tho mullln pans
half full. Let riso and when light
hake a half hour In a moderate oven.
Detachable Window Bars.
Steel window guards, designed to
furnish adequate protection against
robbers, huvo recently been Invented
which may bo attached to or detached
from a casing at will. They may bo
fitted to a window almost In a mo
ment's time without difficulty, or dan
ger of marring tho woodwork. The
bars aro bo arranged that they fit Into
grooves along tho sash. The grating
cannot bo removed when the window
Is open. Popular Mechanics Mnga
The Vision
of Christ
DJJe Tnditt, Eilniiion Dtrit8tnt
Mood? Bill loititutt ol Quugo
TKXT And It emtio to pass, when ho
had Hindu an end of speaking unto Haul,
thnt the Mul of Jeimtlinn wutt knit to
the soul of David, und Jonathan loved
him us his own soul. I Samuel 18:1.
For forty days tho nrmlen of tho
Philistines were arrayed on one sldo,
and the armies of
Israel on tho oth
er side of tho val
ley of Hlah. For
forty dajB tho.
champion of the
Philistines ad
vanced and chal
lenged tho hosts
of Israel, nud,
though thero was
tho promlso of
freedom for his
father's h o u b o,
and great riches
and tho daughtor
of tho king for a
wlfo for tho man
who would kill tho
giant, not ono in nil Israel was found,
intrepid enough to attempt It.
Until up from Hethlohem came Da
vid. To tho camp of his brethren ho
came, bearing his father's message of
love; and his brethren despised him.
Hut from their enmp ho heard tho
proud challengo of Goliath as ho came
forth from tho Philistine army, nnd he
saw the fear depleted on every fnco
as that challenge was echoed among
the soldiers of Saul. Ho was not
Tho story of the encounter Is so
familiar thut there is no neod of re
peating It. Having no weapon In his
hand, he drew tho giant's sword from
its shenth and cut off his head with
his own sword! And when, at tho oth
er sldo of tho valley, Israel saw their
triumphant savior with tho giant's
head In his hand, they shouted and
ran "to the spoils Alono In, the con
flict, but not alone Tn tile fruits: tho
people shnro these with him.
?ilili!C3' mankind was
confronted, with the awful problem of
sin and death. For forty ceiluffiei
tho challengo of tho great enemy, Sn
tan, In whoso hands was tho power of
death, remained unaccepted. Until,
from this same Hethlehem, Ood
brought forth David's son. To IiIb own
brethren, Israel, ho came, "and his
own received him not.'" And thus re
jected by his brethren ho went to tho
cross; down into tho valley of denth,
single-handed, ulone, needing no heVp
from man, and man having none to
give. "Whither I go,' ho said to the
disciples, as ho went to tho cross, "yo
cannot follow me now. ' Llko David
with the ginnt's sword, it was
"through death" that "ho made power
less him that had tho power of death."
Hut though alone in death, and In tho
awful conflict, not alone at tho other
side of it. Wo now behold him a tri
umphant Savior, "crowned with glory
and honor," hut wo share with him
all ho has earned by his death.
Now Jonathan, In common with the
hosts of Israel, had watched tho scene
enacted In tho vnlloy, had seen the
deliverer triumphant at tho other side
And, his soul knit to tho soul of David
In love, "ho stripped himself of tho
robe that was upon him, nnd gave It
to David, and his garments, oven to
his sword, nnd to his bow, and to his
girdle." No small thing was that: tho
son of tho king, a prlnco of the blood,
giving up all his robes of honor nnd
tho Insignia of his royalty, In order to
place them upon tho ono he loved!
And the spirit of God has written It
down that It may preach to us of an
other and of our devotion to him. That
which answers to It in tho life of the
Christian Is recorded In tho 1hlrd
chapter of Phlllpplans. Tho apostlo,
In tho opening verses of that chapter,
describes his robes of honor, tolls us
what ho hnd to boast nbout as a man
In the flesh, beforo his conversion
saying, "If any other man thlnketh
that lie hath whereof ho might trust
In the flesh, I more." And that was no
vain boast: Paul was writing, as al
ways, by the inspiration of God. And
more than nny man of his day could
he ho proud of what he was. Hut ono
day ho had a vision of tho trlumphan
Savior at the other side of death, n
vision that blinded him nnd made It
necessary for lit in to bo led by the
hand. Hear him, on the temple stairs,
recounting It, and saying, "When I
could not seo for tho glory of thnt
light.!" This is tho effect of that
blessed vision ever! Tho man who
has soon the fnco of tho exalted Christ
has boon blinded forever to all other
objects and to all the glory of tho
world, and has found that tho only
safe way for him Is to be led by tho
Now, can wo not understand that re
Iterated "consider him" of tho epistle
that tells ub of his triumph and ex
altation? Llko Jonathan In Ills self
ubaslng lovo for David, tho soul that
has seen tho blessed faco of tho ono
"made sin" for ub and now In heaven
without our sins, will lovo him su
premely and count it his highest joy
to have him magnified in his life "We
sec Jesus, crowned with glory and
honor," and because we do we can
say, "that Christ may be magnified In
my body whether It be by Hfo or by
Wife of Former County Attorney
Find Quick Relief at First Doao
Thousands Are Restored.
David Q. Hlncs, former county at
torney of Dundy County, Neb., and
now an attorney of prominence In Hen
kolman, Is ono of tho many who havo
discovered tho astonishing merits of
Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy.
Mrs. Htnes had long been n suf
ferer from stomach .troubles and re
lated ailments. She tried Mnyr's Won
derful Remedy. Then enmo tho fol
lowing letter from Mr. Htnes:
"I have received tho medicine you
shipped mo a few days ago, nnd my
wlfo has received so much benefit
from It thnt wo hnvo decided to or
der four moro treatments of Mnyr's
Wonderful Remedy.
"Tho result of tho trcntmcnt so far
is simply wonderful."
Mnyr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for stomach, liver nnd
Intestinal ailments. Ent ns much nnd
whntovor you like. No moro distress
nfter eating, prcssuro of gns in tho
stomach and around tho heart. Get one
bottlo of your druggist now and try It
on an absolute guarnntco If not satis
factory money will bo returned. Adv.
Satan and the Cerulean Deep.
"I'm In a quandary."
"What about?"
"I havo two Invitations to dinner,
and I can't dectdo "
"Which ono to accept?"
"No, which ono to refuse. Ono is
to a homo whero n young lady has
Just conio homo from n plnno con
servatory, and tho other Is whero a
fivo-yenr-old boy knows a lot of reci
tations." Farm Llfo.
Important to Moth ore
Exnmino carofully every bottlo ol
CASTORIA. asafoand sum rnniedv fnr
Infanta and children, and seo that it
Dears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Flctchor'a Castoria
Quite So.
"You want employment nnd yet you
can't do anything."
"Sir, I was reared to bq a lady."
"That profession Is slightly over
crowded Just now," responded the
business man grimly.
Onc-thlrtloth of the entire Jewish
raco Is embodied lu the population of
New York.
Qcrmany leads all tho other coun
tries In tho number of members of tho
International Council of Women.
The war's fearful devastation
crops has caused an unusual demand for erain
from the American Continent. Tho
world must bo fed and there is an
for Canadian wheat. Canada's invitation to every
industrious American is therefore especially attrac
tive. She wants farmers to make monoyand happy,
prosperous homes for themselves while helping her
to raise immense wheat crops.
You can get a Homestead
other lands can be bought at remarkably low prices. Think of the money you
can make with wheat at its preoent high prices, where for somo time it is lia
ble to continue. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20
bushels to tho acre many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Oats, Barley and Fiaz.
Mixctl farming is fully as profitable an industry as erain raisin p. The excel
lent grasses, full of nutrition, are the
purposes, uuuu scuuuis, mara-cis
in 1 1 1 1 . i v (.fivii.n in 1 1 1 1 LuuiiiuiDUl
. 1 1 1 1 f n
. ,
luuuauu uuwai uu uuuk
Write for literature and
W. V. Bennett. 220 17th St..
Our Telephone Policy
To give the best telephone service that American
brains can produce; to charge the lowest rates consis
tent with prompt and dependable service; to treat
everyone courteously, and to merit a reputation for
integrity, efficiency and decency.
To instill these principles in the minds of every
one of our employees, and to have our employees
proud of the Company, proud to serve it and its
patrons and jealous of their own and the Company's
good name. .
(ft! fiSf 70?)
It will pay you to come to me for your Dental work. 26 long years
of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and
bridges. Plates that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully
treated. Fillings from $1 up. Ralhoad fare for 50 miles allowed.
Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woodman of World, Omah.v
A The Genera! Says :
Ten ran buy th moat durable roofing In
0 tho world at a price that l reasonable t fou
Tour local hanlwarn or lnmbe r clfaW can
up ply jiai Willi Curt a I n-to oil Hon fins,
(luaranlt-rd fs 10 or 16 yenrs according to
tli tblckncu. Dont acoopt a. aubsUlnte.
k. Bin, Nw, clean, or
namental, convenient,
cheap. LOBto alt
noason. n4ol
mtal, can't tvlllor tip
ortri will not eoll ol
I njur anything.
Ouarantecd tffcctlT.
iprcta paid for 1.0
HAROLD lOUrm.UO Da Kalb At., Brooklyn, N T.
Nebraska Directory
nnd, supplies. LnTRiat
notiae in tue went, ah
BlUICUIUfS Kaatinnn Roods. Woiinyro-
I iniwillklU turn postage. on numiniip.
Eastman Kodak Co.
1813 Farnam Streaf
Omaha, Neb.
can bo cured, or money refunded. Tlie Serum
Treatment la tho only poaltlTO cure known.
Only ten days time required for a cure. Call
or write lor testimonials nnd full particulars.
Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Beo Bldg., Omaha, Ncbr.
Hotel Castle
632 So. 16 St., Omaha. Neb.
New, absolutely fireproof.
Rooms with private bath - - $1.50
Rooms with private toilet - 1 .00
Fred A. CasUe, Proprietor
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 22-1915
of European
people of tho
unusual demand
of 160 acres FREE and
only food required either for beef or dairy
convenient, climate excellent.
ta. .1 - fflt. I .
v ill i.nuniii. nnrn II Tin rnnopnn-
partlculau as to reduced railway rates to
Government Agent
Curca the alck and acta aa a preventive for others. Liquid given on thai
tongue. Safe for brood marea and all others. Uest kidney remedy; 50c and
1 a bottle; SS and 110 a doien. Sold by all druggists and horse Rood
houses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers.