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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1915)
DR. JO. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Oifice over the McDonald State Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS C. L. Patterson came up from Omaba yesterday morning and spent the day in town. TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WILCOX STORE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Pearl Ueam of Hershcy, came down the latter part of last week to visit local friends. ' Mrs. Frank Dentlcr, of Denver, came down Sunday to visit friends and spend Decoration Day. Mrs. VN. McCabo will go to Omaha this week to visit relatives and friends for a week or longer. M. N. Holcotnbc, formery of Max well, but now living in Laramie, spent yesterday In town visiting friends. A. M Lock sold his billiard hall on north Locust street last week to Bob Welsh, who took possession Thursday. C. A. Llston, bank president, cattle man, and all around good fellow, came over from Dickens yesterday to visit friends for a few hours. Mrs. James Rannle and daughter Bessie left Sunday evening for Omaha to spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Charles Terrell, of Omaha, who spent several weeks with her mother Mrs. James Rannle, returned home yesterday. Cano Seed for sale. R. N. Lamb. Mrs. J. B. Mooney, of Denver, came Sunday to spend a few days In town while enroute to Grand Islnnd to visit her daughter Miss Maude Slvers, of Maxwell, who had been teaching In Hershey the past year, spent the week end In town with relatives. Have had a big sale of our Silver Buckle Monogram Belts, Just got in a new lot. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Jacob Pizer and daughter Miss Mil dred, of Grand Island, came here the latter part of last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Julius Plzer. Attorney W E Shuman has returned wont to Paxton Saturday to attend Idaho and a pleasant stay with his parents in San Diego, Calif. Miss Flo Stamp has resigned her po sition with the Electrical Supply Co. Miss Gladys Hall spent Decoration Day in Holdredge with friends. Mrs. Fred Rector was called . to Lonox, Neb., Saturday morning by the serious illness of her sister and will remain there for some time. Attorney and Mrs. J. S Hoagland went to Paxthon Saturday to attend tho session of the Grand Lodge of I. 0. O. F. of the. state of Nebraska Leo Hart of Brady, spent the latter ' part of the week in town with friends. Mrs. Hoyt Hart and daughter, of Paxton, are guests of the Salisbury family this week. Genuine leather hand bags,, new shapes, 1.00 to $10.00. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Mrs. Edward Ogier has returned from Hastings where she was called bv the serious illness of her father. Mrs. Fred Rasmussen and children, of Hershey spent last week in the city with the Martini family. Ifl uparc nf Irnnwino linw v g fi Has taught us (fog What we're doing new Leland S. Forrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. -R. F. Forrest, .at one. time resi dents of this city, is a member of the graduating clas3 of tho University of Arkansas. Mr. Forrest when located hero practiced law, and Mr3. Forrest will be remembered' as Miss Anna Stolley. A new time card went into effect on the Union Pacific Sunday under which trains No. 11 and 14. that were tak en off several months ago are re placed. No. 11 arrives at 2:10 from the east and No 14 comes In from tho west at 5:50. No. 1 makes stop3 at Hershcy and Sutherland; Pat Crowe returned yesterday from Lexington where he visited friends ov er Sundny. Yesterday marked the twentieth an niversary of the Wilcox store, and wlille Mr. Wilcox made no demonstra tion of the, event, he could not help but Indulge in a mental review of business conditions of today as compared with i , . , 'may 3i8i, ib'Jb. wnen tiie wucox store Engineers Paulson and Trexlgr are;0lVcnea to tll0 publlc lt wn8 iocntcti in taking vacations for slight Infractions m, rnnIn Ilow neeunlnil liv ninek. Tim of company rules. aoci, wi,iiQ varied, wns not lnrno. nnd Cody Boal left Frldav for Denver was largely of tho five and ten cent where ho will spend the summer, and class A storo of this nature was some perhans permanently locate. what new to North Platte and It recelv- ; . , r v ed a large patronage. It was not long Mrs. F. G. Hoxle left yesterday for a i,(v.- m- wnnv nnnni,..i,i . visit with Ogalalla friends and at tho mrg0 tlie stock nml lmmlle more lm. IlOXio ranch north Of that town. rinrtnnt llnna. nml tn iln Mils It wnn iif.n- W. E. Monroe has leased tho small cssary to seek larger quarters. The building In the rear of the Goozco stock was therefore removed to tho block .and will occupy lt as a paint double room now occupied by Tho shop. Leader. In that location tho storo re- , , , A , . . mnineu ior severni years, wnen ar- BrOOkS MCttdOWS, WhO travels OUt Of ranmnnti worn mnmln wltlt Inmna this city, left Saturday for Missouri, nelton to orect a aouble room bulid. where he will visit friends for a cou- lng on tno cornor ot Flfth and Dewey, pic Of weeks. now occupied bv tho Crvstnl tlioiitrn T. J. Baldock. who wns nnerntnil lin- and the Dickey confectionery. Upon on at the Good Samaritan hospital sev- taking up this location tho stock was ernl weeks ago, was removed to his Rreuuy enargeu in me ury gootis line homo Saturday. nntl a grocery department added. But l ns nnio wonr liv miumnca mnrnnanrl A miscellaneous shower will bo ten- dored Miss Nellie Birklnshaw at the nnd when tho erection of tho Masonic home of Mrs. T. C. Patterson Thurs- temple was first proposed, Mr. Wil day evening of this week. . cox was not slow to secure a lease, of Fred Oinn. whn linil linon In nnrfh- the ground floor, and since tho COI11- western Wyoming for several weeks Pletlpn of that building It has been looking after oil lands In which ho is "je home of tho Wilcox Department Interested, returned home Sunday. 2,1' - , . I i legiirueu as one oi mu Ed Dieter, Injured In tho explosion inos. tlmrmiirhiv pniiinnnii mor,.i..iniiin at tho Doolittle bakery several weeks establishments in western Nebraska, ago, was oo iransierreo 10 ins not only in the furnishings but in the home the latter part of last week. character of tho stock carried. Not W. H. C. Woodhurst went to Scotts only does it enjoy a large local trade, Bluff yesterday to adjust property "Ul,us . , UCilvy nIul 11118 losses resulting from the recent tor- fcat"re of tho business is increasing nado which swept over a strip of coun- oach 'ear- Peralatent advertising by try near that town. circulars and other means, hns ac- Iiiuuhhcu uiu iiuupiu ui aurruuiuimg towns with tho fact that here in North town visiting relatives and friends, Platte goods of standard quality can having arrived Saturday night. He is be purchased as cheanlv as In Oninhn district foreman on one of the railroads and elsewhere, henco tho growth of tho running into Salt Lake. mail order department of the Wilcox Al Tift arrived Saturday from Mln- Department Store. no.nln Innl ..ft l.,iDlniD nffnlfa W1UIIJ III lUllll 1'IUUU UUS1- Mr. Tift has a big grading contract in "esf ousf 3 lllV0 occurred during tho Minnesota that will keen his outfit Pnst twonty years, the city has grown P.nninv,.,i lnio in ti.n fnii 11 population, solidity and commercial , ., ... ... mnnr nnnii ..n,1 M, ,, ..1. . . , !. II...V.V,, twill till UU1.UUI 111USU changes those of the Wilcox Store havo the wedding of Miss Nellie Birkin- been of the greater and better nature, shaw of this city and Graham Duder, and It Is safe to say that this storo of Streetor, 111., which will occur at will ever keep step with the progress the Episcopal church at ten o clock of tho city and development of tho .how. country which surrounds it. The growth of tlto Wilcox Store demon strates the managerial ability of the man at the head J. Q. Wilcox, who has ever been one of our most nro- June 8th. Have j'ou seen our new Auto Clocks, $2.50. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Fire Saturdny morning, resulting from a defective flue, burned part of grossivo citizens. the roof on the Knapp house on west Eighth street, occupied by E. E. Vans coy. The fire was extinguished by the use of the chemical apparatus. Mrs. Fred Warren and children and nvf ! J..!.. 1 1 . . 1 1 .1 1U1B3 V1IK1IUU UU11U1U UHIVIAI liuill ,.,, ,f .,, rr,. r,. ... , Florida Saturday.. Mrs. Warren and " " . x P,llil(?ro" Yi" PiLJ110,1.1?!",0, Tho room in the uiu iiumu ui iiui iJtiiuiiia, .ui. tiiiu iiii o Frank Bullard. Clntnifcs In lSuslnt'ss Locations. P. II. Lonergan has leased the Hah ler building on Dewey street nnd after spending a thousand dollars In re modeling the interior and tho entrance ROBERTS EXECUTION STAYED I BY PETITION FILED. Roy Roberts, convicted of the mur-' der of Vernon Connett in tho Lincoln county district court, and sentenced to bo electrocuted J"uhc 4th, has been given a further lease of. life by an appeal to thr supremo court which automatlcalb'stays the execution. J. T. Keefe, attorney for Roberts, returned from Lincoln Saturday and while In tho capltol city filed a peti tion for a new trial. Thl3 petition will bo argued when reached by tho su preme court, but as thnt tribunal Is about six mouths behind In Its work, lt is probable that period will expire before tho case Is reached. .The petlotion for a new trlol sets out soventy-one errors connected with the trlnl of tho case In tho lower court, among them thnt incidents connected with tho trial of tho cano had a ten dency to prejudico tho jurors, among them that while the trial was being held In tho Keith theatro on adjourn ment tho bailiff announced thnt tho next show would be held tomorrow, with a mntlnce In the afternoon. Attention is also called to the fact that E. G. Maggl, a member of tho par don board, acted not only ns a witness In tho case, but also assisted In the prosecution, and that his duties a sa member of the pardon board would not permit him to act In tho capacity of a prosecution, nnd that his duties as a electrocution Is contrary to tho pro visions of tho state constitution and of the constitution of the United States. 1L 11 3 CUE OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -of- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AA'D SURl'LUSi One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. K STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE H HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 3111 11 DC Goozee building which has been occupied by The Pat nas neen leased to Mr. Kiinrtlmlninr. The Saturday Affernoon Bridge Club of the Fashion Shop, who will move gave a dinner party Saturday evening his stock thereto as soon ns tho room at tho home of Mrs. C. M. Reynolds, is remodeled, which will be about two coihplimentary to Mrs L. W. Walker, weeks. The Pat vacated tho premises The dinner was prepared and served yesterday, and until the Hauler build- in courses by Mrs. James Hart. lng is completed Mr. Lonergan will bo out ot business. The stock or tho l,'o,.l,In Cl.n H4,i" 1 ... car shops at Omaha, arrived Saturday K ami in It "new location win morning and visited his brother ,?',a" ,i P?S lolltl'1 wU1 Andy Liddell-and family until last ""7,7n " i, VK; , ni .i,f if- ii,iin,n0iJnin n, n,. though since opening the SALE OF DURHAM CATTLE C. A. Feathers will offer for sale at the Brick Barn In North Platte, at ono o'clock, on Saturday. Juno 5th, thirty head of thoroughbred Polled Durham cattle, consisting of eight two year old bulls, seven yearling bulls, three cows and twelve one and two year old heif ers. These animals are double stand ard bred. Terms -Six months time at ten per cent interest; two per cont discount for cash. . .Confesses Burglary, Turned Loose. Will Long, a young man about twenty-two years of age, was arrested Fri day and confessed ho hr.d robbed the Green pool hall tho night before of sixty dollnrs. Upon Long's father making restitution of the money, Mr. Green declined to make complaint, and Long was given twenty-four hours to leave town. Quito naturally the oillcers feel somewhat peeved over Green's ac tion in refusing to file complnlnt nirninst Long. They argue, and right ly too. that if men who place them selves in the criminal class aro al lowed to go unpunished, there la. lit tle use of the oillcers hunting them down. To escape punishment is an in contlvo to perforin other unlawful acts. During Fridny Long, who was never known to possess money, spent coin so freely thnt suspicion was attached to him, and this with tho further fact that he was a habitue of tho pool hall, resulted in his arrest. He signed a written confession which Sheriff Sal isbury will keep as a menento of the burglary. night. Mr. Lidell has been in the cm ploy of tho Union Pacific since 1881. arriving from Scotland that year. Mrs. L. W. Walker and daughter leave today for the Hunter ranch near Sutherlanod where they will visit for a few days before leaving for their fu turo home in Minneapolis. They ex store Mr. Sundheimer, has had a larger vouime oi business ,t,nan lie expected See Flood Water Disappearing. The flood water has nearly disap peared and the streets are regaining the normal condition. Many ponds of pect to leave for the latter place June ttVwe 1"U1" stench will arise from this stagnant S. D. Barkalow, one of tho pioneer residents of Omaha, and brother-liv law of Arthur McNamara, died in Oma ha Friday night after a prolonged Ill ness.. Mr. McNamara had been In Om- water. Just nt present the wnter in basements is tho most vexatious nrob lem, ami win continue to bo for sev eral days. In tho Building & Loan building basement tho water rose to aha for several days preceding the over four feet, causing three tenants final summons. . The funeral will bo to remove their stock and fixtures held today. I" tlio basements of private dwellings Mr. and. Mrs. Perry Buchanan left a"li" J"r?nK A..w?.t"r Sunday evening for California, stop- 'alaM ' 'i ping enroute at Ogden to visit reia- ,, , .' :r .. r. ' tives of Mrs. Buchanan. Tonight Mr, and Mrs. Frank Buchanan and Perry Sitton leave for the coast, meeting the other Buchanans at Ogden. The party will visit Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco and return via Port land weeks. nut street. Alfalfa Seed $8.00 per bushel whilo lt lasts. samplo at Derryborry & Forbes'. Louis Mncey. Many Attend Graduation Tho eighth grade graduation exor cises of tho city and county schools at tho Keith theatro Saturday after noon attracted tho attondnnco of a sufllcient number to All the seating capacity. The greater number of those, present were eighth grade pupils of tho rural schools, ninny of whom were accompanied by- their parents. ,, Quite a lengthy program was given, the participants in which were pupils of both the city nnd country schools, nnioncr thn niURicnl numbers beinir two choruses by North'Plntto eighth grade pupils. Supt. Williams, of Curtis, was expected to mako tho address of the af ternoon but failed to arrive Esewbere is published a list of those who received diplomas. Miss Nora Anderson has gone to Kansas City to spend several weeks visiting relatives.' CLOSING OUT SALE Sulkey Cultivators. Badgers, New Century, l & 0. Canton atJS25 to $27 each Samson & Acnno'torWintl Mills, each - - $$25 to $27 Bain Wagons 2 1-2 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels, 21- inch hox and spring seat - - - $65 Bain Wagons, 2 3-4 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels, 26 inch hox and spring scat $70 Bain Wagoii, 3 inch axle, 4 inch wide lire wheels 26 inch hox and spring seat - - - $75 Boss May Stacker, hest on the niarkot, each - $S0 Boss Hay Sweeps 30 Champion Foot Guide Hay Sweeps, each - - - 30 Thomas Crown CliaiigeuhlotSpecdJAlower, 6 ft cut, each 50 Thomas & Johnson 12 foot Sulkey Hay Kakes,each - 30 Johnston Mowers, 6 foot, each 50 Two Horse power Bumping Engines, each - - 50 to 60 Binding Twine at lowest prices. AT HERSHEVS Corner 5th and LocustjStreel 'opposite Bostollice, Phone 15. NORTH BLATTF, NEBRASKA. 4' or syphoned out. but up to vesterdnv ino miiow was almost as great as tho outflow. ' RESULTS TELL For Itcnl. Five room cottage, city water, elec tric llcllts and sower. Sir, imp inrinth They will be nbsent about six inquire of T. Simnnts, H0.1 south Client- :!S-2 The high school cadets who went to Gothenburg Thursday for .their an nual encampment, returned last eyon lng. They had an enjoyable outing not withstanding tho first day In was a wet, dtsagreeablo ono. Premium List For County Fair. The premium list for tho countv fair will be completed by Secretary Sp- camp bastian todav and will ln tnrnnii nvi-r Sunday to tho printer this week. Tho list this TF there is one place J where a "stitch in time saves nine," it's the roof. and you may have trouble from garret to cellar annoy ance, expense, spoiled walls, ruined furniture, etc. You remember Mark Twaiuls story about the man vho said he didn't need his root fixed in nice weather, and ho could not get it fixed when it rained? Have yours fixed before the next storm. We have all kinds of roof ing for all kinds of needs, at prices that mean a saving to you. W. W. Birge Co. was visitors day and quite a num- year will be larger tlmn iii nmvi. her of North Patto people wont down ions being made for a greater number by train to visit the boys. Saturday 0f entrios and covering a wider range evening the cadets gave a dance in 0f displays. Tho numbor of books uouienourg, wnicn was mrguiy a.- printed will be double that of last tended. year, and will therefore bo given wider I.,,i,r. nnliu nun nf till, pnii II t r v's 1 ('IS ITl DlltlOn .rrnntPBt nrninrs. will deliver a lecturo TI'o nmusument attractions for the at the Keith theatre tomorrow oven inc. Mr. Dobs delivers this lecturo under tho auspices of tho local so eiallst party, and a largo attendance of citizens generally Is asked. The ad mission will be twenty-live cents. Co. Commissioner Horminghauseii had heaps of fun yesterday morning lestlval fcaturo of tho fair have not yet been selected, but an efrort will be made to have them surpass those of last fall. There can lie no doubt about the Re sults In North Pintle. Results tell tho tale. All doubt is removed. Tho testimony of a North Platte cltlzon Can easily bo investigated. What better proof can bo had. Gcorgo W. Weinberger, 109 West 9th street. North Platte, Nob., says "Some years ago I became afflict d I with kidney troublo and suffered from agonizing pains through my back. I I gradually grew worse, became stifl. and on account of losing my rest at night, was all run down. My kldnryn. did not do tholr worlc properly i Learning of Doan's Kldnoy Pills, I, procured thorn from McDoncll & Graves' Drug Storo, (now Schlllrr & Co's.) After I had taken six boxes I was cured." Prlco nOc at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. Wein berger had. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Prop.. Uuffalo. N. Y. Dr. V. F. Crook's Residence on West " Third St. For Sale. As tho Doctor has sold out his busl- 'fish ng" in hestrec t i rent o the , ,)Cautlful ro8ldonco ,3bon the mar. North Side barn. During Say a kot fjp good sized carp mm .u. i u 8trlctlv modern hnnin In nvnrv manor!. water heat, Oak finish thro'ugh- u.u UUJ "V. ,.iT , ai , ,o n i ti gas connected with two largo hausen got out his fish polo nnd at- argo garage with cement luuHuii kui um, ... " bub stoves and hot wnter heater, tnchinc tho earn to tho end or the . . r ..... the street. When ho saw people com- . , . inc his way. ho would proceed to haul in the carp, repeating this a number of times "Go get your pole and line," Mr. HermlnKhauscn would ndvlso them, "the street Is full of fish. ing on both sides, with nice trees and lawn. Inquire for prices and terms C. F. TEMPLE. Excluslvo Agent. Card of Thanks. To the many friends of Frank Mc Faddon from North Plntto, Ogalalla, Hershey. Sutherland. Koystono and For nu Impaired Appetite. 'Vn imnmvn din annfitito and strcnir iimn tho dleostion try a few doses of Paxton, who by their presence at his Chamberlain's Tablets. Mr. J II. Seltz, funeral, attested their sorrow at our of Detroit. Mich., says: "They restored bereavement, wo extond our heartfelt my appetite when Impaired, relieved thanks. mo of a bloated feeling and caused a Mrs. Margaret McFadden, nleasant nnd satisfactory movement of Michael J. McFadden, tho bowels." For sale by all dealers. Mrs. J. D. Stafford. I.etfiil Notice. Louis Joseph Einstein and Herman Einstein, defendants. Will take notice that on tho 2'Jth ot day of May. 1915. Wesley T. Wilcox and John J. Ilalllgnn, plaintiffs herein filed their petition In tho District court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which aro for a partition of tho north half of tho northeast quarter and tho north half of tho northwest quarter of section twenty-six, town ship sixteen, north of rango twenty-, nlno west of tho Oth P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, equally between tho plaintiffs and tho defendants, and If said land cannot bo equitably divided, that tho same bo sold and out of tho proceeds tho plaintiffs bo paid for cer tain taxes which they havo paid on said land. You aro required to answer said pe tition on or before tho 12th day of July 1915. Dated 29th day of May, 1915. WESLEY T. WILCOX, JOHN J. HALLIGAN, Jl-4 Plaintiffs. Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady