ft. Mtftfh State THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 1, 1915. No. 38 LOCAL AND FEItSOXAL 1 Miss aiacys Bird loft Sunday morn ing for Sutherland. Mrs. William JefCors, of Omaha, vis ited roatlvcs In town this week. Mrs. Gus Norton left this morning for a visit with friends in Omaha. Mrs. Edwlna Schatz, of Omaha, vis ited her son Albert Scliatz the first of this weok. Robert Sullivan left Sunday for Sutherland whore ho will be employed for some time. A now line of leather hand bags, genuine leather, $1.00 to $10.00. CLINTON, Tho Jeweler. Earl White, of Hershey, returned home Sunday morning after spending a week In town with friends. The Lutheran aid society will meet with Mrs. Charllo Yost, 907 west Fourth street Thursday afternoon. Robert Weeks was taken ill with ap pendicitis at his liomo on east Fourth street Sunday and an operation may be necessary within a few days. Mrs. Millard Hosier left this morn ing for Council Bluffs to attend com mencement exorcises, a relative of Mr. Hosier being one of the graduates. Misses Monlcle and Whistler, two of tho local school teachers, eft tho lat ter part of last week to spend tlio summer at home, the former going to Denver and tho latter to Hastings. Mr and Mrs. Everett Boyd and chil dren have returned from a two weeks' visit In Kansas City with relatives. Mrs. John Weinberger hns gono to Lordsvllle, N. M., to visit her daughter Mrs. Walter Beam for several weeks. Tho Electric Supply Co. has moved its stock from the Building & Loan building basement to the Derryborry & Forbes store. Miss L. Davis, of the local high school faculty loft tho latter part of last weok for her homo In Newton, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs, William Sullivan of Salt Lake spoilt Sunday horo whllo en routo to Omaha to visit tho former's mother. Mrs Guy Swopo will entortaiu tlip Episcopal choir tomorrow evening complimentary to Miss Nellie Blrkln shaw. Delbert Teel and two sons, of Ha vanna, Neb., loft for homo this morn ing after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein. Miss Gladys Shelton, who has boon attending school liore for tho past year, returned Sunday to her homo near Taxton, where she will spe'nd the sum mer. Mrs. M. E. Watts, who had been spending the winter and spring In Los Angeles, arrived homo yesterday. Her coming was hastened somewhat by tlie accident which befell her grandson Lester Langford. Lost Whlto Poodio dog. Reward. Mrs. John Rnynor, Phono 6G1. Cane and Millet seeds, Barb Wlro and Nails at Hershey's. Phone 15. tf The Episcopal guild will moot wltli Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst In a business sosslon Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. C. Hencklo mid Mrs. J. Chrlstopherson uiid two children, of Holdredgc, returned homo this morn ing after being tho guests "of II. P. Henckle and family for a weok. The North Platto School of Music commencement exorcises wll bo re peated at the fLanglols Piano room Friday evening of this week. On ac count of tho liigh water Inst week those Jixercises wore held In tho studio of htho School of Music. Kntliorlne Boyle entertained a num ber of her little playmates yestorday afternoon at a birthday party. Alter spending a couple hours In pleasant games the guests wore served with a nlco lunch. The Chas. Bowen homo at 1003 west Sixth was quarantined for small pox Saturday and yesterday the residence of George Richards, 303 west Elev enth wns quarantined for tho same disease. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frcdrlckson and children left this morning for Excel sior Springs, Mo., where they will spend a month. Their young son is recovering from Illness and they hope a stay at the springs will build him up more quickly than to remain here. Appoints Cutlet Officers. While In enmp nt Gothenburg Com mandant Rodenbaugh made tho fol lowing appointment of company of fllers for tho high school cadets for the coming year: Major, Gcorgo Thompson; Captains, Will Calhoun and Claude Peters; Lieutenants, Sidney McFarlnnd and Jnck Husband. Ser geants and Corporals were also ap pointed but tho names were not learned. Ordination Sen Ices. Next Sunday at tho cloven o'clock service af the Episcopal church Mr. Honry Ives, who has been stationed at Ogalalla for a year or more, will bo or dained a clergyman. The ordination will bo by Bishop llecchor, who will bo assisted by a half dozen visiting cler gy. Mombors of tho choir of tlio Epis copal church at Ogalalla will bo pres ent and assist tho local choir, and tho musical part of tho service promises to be ono of unusual excellence. A num ber of Ogalalla people other than mem bers of tho choir will nttond tho service. 'cw Trainmaster. J. W. Adams, for many years chief cork In tho olllco of tho superintendent of the Nebraska division of tho Union Pacific In Omaha, has been appointed trainmaster at North Platto and will arrlvo bore today. Tralnmnster Wlrth, who has been Btatloned horo. coos. to Omaha with tho First district as his jurisdiction. While Mr Adnms has not had actual exporleiic In tho operating department. i ho has been with various suporlnteud- I f.tttc. n il.lrv . 1 . - -1 . 1 . a VlllO ilD MlVi IV IIIIUUKU it iUUK kUl III of yenrs and probaby no man In tho headquarters building In Omaha Is moro Intimately acquainted with tho general workings of tho Union Pacific than is tho now appointee. Mr. Adams wns in North Platto a few weeks ago and createt a very favorable Impres sion with tho business men and others who met him. At that tlmo ho freely expressed his vlows of North Platto and they were very complimentary. For Sale. A 4 year lease on the room now oc cupied by Scoonovcr Cothlng store. Also the furniture and fixtures. 38-2 J. F. CLABAUGH. ltratt s (lootlnian have a few choice im)rtiic loans, netting 7 and 8 per cent semi an n mil Interest. Nothing better nor safer for tho careful Invest or. See HH ATT & GOODMAN. UK WISH, Ilon't, grab tho temporary halts offered In cheap Hail or other Insurance, us a rule tho insured gets the worst of It. Place your risks with Hratt & Goodman, who have never failed ttt pay an honest loss promptly. Mrs. L. II. Baker, who has been rank ing her homo In tho cast for a number of years, arrived Sunday for a visit with friends. Mrs. Baker was ono of tho ploncor residents of North Plntto. Mrs. J. T. Murphy and two daughters leave tomorrow for a visit with frlcmlB in Kansas City, Itiilnfull Way A It end of Normal Western Nebraska, and especially tho North Platto section, has boon fa vored with an unusual rainfall slnco January first, in fact tho precipitation for tho first tlvo months of tho present year Is only 2.30 Inches less than tho yearly avorago for tho past forty years. Slnco January 1st, tho precipitation, as recorded by Obsorvcr Shilling of tho local weather bureau, has been 1 1G.G0 Inches, which Is 9.G8 Inches abovo tho, normal for that period. ' Slnco March 1st tho total has been 1 14.4S, and this Is 8.08 abovo tho normal 1 for the months of March, April and ' May. Tho precipitation In April wnB j 7.10 inches, and in May G.5G Inches. In only ono May in forty years has last ' month's precipitation boon exceeded, 1 and that ono excoptlon was May 1902, I when the total reached 7.9S. Tho normal yearly precipitation for I tho past forty years has boon 18.88 inches, only, as abovo stated, 2.36 Inch es moro than hns fallen In tho first flvo months of this year. l'OIt MINT Houses, two or four room steam heated modern Huts, close In, vacant rooms, storage space and safe depos it boxes.. Sco HHATT & GOODMAN. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Party cloudy tonight and Wednesday with probablo show ers Wednesday, wnrmor tonight. High est temperature yestorday 70, a year ago 85; lowest last night 49, a year ago C9. ON IN FULL BLAST $25, than Out of Business Sale! worth ol Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings for Men andvBoys to be sold in 14cTays'at less cost of the raw material. Men's Suits & Overcoats Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular" $12.50 values, Going Out of Business (JjfJ 7C Sale Price ,. .iPUil J Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular. $15.00 values, Going Out of Business (JJQ QQ Sale. Price J)0i3U Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $20.00 values, Going Out of Business (Mft jO Sale Price plUi4U Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $25.00 value, Going" Out of Business (MO 7C Sale Price uMuilu Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $30.00 values, Going Out of Business (M C QQ Sale Price M lOiSO Buy Your Next Winter's Overcoat and Save Money Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, regular $15.00 Values, Going Out of QC Business Sale Price ijjt'iUiJ Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, regular $25.00 values, Going Out of QK Business Sale Price ijJUiUd Men's Pants Men's Pants, regular $1.50 values, Go- 7Qn inK out or Business aie vnce. . . . i ou Men's Pants, regular $2.50 values, Going Out of Business Sale Price Men's Pants, regular $3.50 values, Going Out of Business Sale Price. Men's Pants, regular $5.00 values, fQ QQ Going Out of Business Sale Price. ip&iUU Men's Pants, regular $6.50 values, PQ Q Going Out of Busineses Sale Price iP0i4Q Boys' Suits & Knee Pants Going Out of Business Sale Price $ I lUJ Boys' Suits, regular $5.00 values, tjQ QQ Going Out of Business Sale Price iP&i3U Boys' Suits, regular $10 values, fl5 QQ Going Out of Business Sale Price yHiOU Boys' Knee Pants, regular 75c values 07 Goinir out of business sale nrice ...Jib Boys' Knee Pants, regular $1 values, Going out of business sale price. . . , Boy's Knee Pants, regular $1.50 val ue, going out of business sale price, $1.38 .$1.83 59c 79c Boys' Wash Suits and Rompers, Sizes 2 to 6 Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1 values, going -out of business sale price Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1.50 valu- ue, going out of business sale price Boys' Rompers, regular 35c value going out of business sale price Boys' Rompers, .regular 75c value going out of business sale price ... Boys' Waists, regular 35c value, going out of business sale price Boys' Waists, regular 50c value, Going out of business sale price . . , 59c 79c 19c 37c 17c 35c Hats and Caps 1 lot of Men's Felt Hats worth up toCQ $1.50, going out of business sale prick JUb Men's soft and stiff felt hats, regular $2.00 value, going out of business sale M 1Q price tfHilU Men's soft and stiff hats, regular $3.50 val ue, going out of business sale M QQ price P I iUU Men's John B. Stetson hats, regular $5.00 value, going out of business sale (JJH QQ price tP&iUU Men's Straw Hats, regular $1.50 val- 7Q ue, going out of business sale price. . I 3b Men's Straw Hats, regular $2 values(M 1Q going out of business sale price . 1 1 1 3 Men's Straw Hats, regular $3 valuestM 7Q going out of business sale price, .ip I if 3 Men's genuine Panamas, regular $5.00 val ues, going out of business sale dn ho price WiUO Men's silk Summer Hats, regular 75c 0 K iddb Head these prices on Neckwear, Hose, Hand kerchiefs, Suspenders and Collars Men's Hose, regular 10c values, going fl ing out of business sale price .... H-C Men's Hose, regular 25c values, going 4 i out of business sale price 1 I C Specials Men's Hose, regular 35c values, going 17 out cf business sale price lib Men's Neckwear, regular 25c and 35c 17 value goin gout of business sale price I ! b Men's Neckwaer, regular 50 and 75c 00 value going out of business sale priceuub Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, regular 10c 0 value, going out of business sale price ud Men's white Handkerchiefs, regular 10c Q- value, going out of business sale price ub Men's white Handkerchiefs regular 15c P- valuev, going out of business sale price ub Men's Suspenders, regular 25c value. Iflp going out of business sale price . . . I Ub Our entire stock of Silver Brand collars will be placed on sale at J)c each. Men's Shirts and Underwear Men's Dress Shirts, regular 75c val- QQ ues, going out of business sale price. ODb Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1 value. 70 going out of business sale price . ... I 0b Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, going out of business sale price Men's Work Shirts, regular 50 and 75c 07 p value going out of business sale price u i b Men's Union Suits, regular 75c value 07 n . .Jib 1 I 14 yAritVlS $1.19 going out of business sale price Men's Union Suits, regular $1 value CQn going out of business sale price . . . .Uub Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 35c 1Q value going out of business sale price I ub Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 75c QQ- value going out of business sale price wUb Men's Pajamas, regular $2.50 value, (M 1Q going out of business sale price . .iP I I u Specials ..37c Men's Overalls,! regular 50c value, going out of business sale price . . Men's Overall, celebrated Penn & Fitz 70 brand, going out of business sale price I ub 100 Ladies' Umbrellas, regular 75c val-OQp ues, going out of business sale price 3b Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 35c val- 1 Tr ue, going out of business sale price 1 1 b Specials Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 75c value- OEn going out of business sale price . . ..UUu J Small size straw suit cases, regular 35c values, going out.of business IQn sale price I ub Large size Straw Suit Cases, regular $1.50 value, going out of business sale 7Q price lub. Men's Canvas Gloves, extra good qual- .A 0 ity, going out of business sale price . . .Hb Men's gauntlet canvas gloves, regular 15c7n value, going out of business sale price. 1 U Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular 75c value, going out of business sale QQn price uOG Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular $1.00 value, going out of business sale CO, price 03 C Entire Stock of Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Hags ivill be sold at about 50 per cent off tho regular price. Men's, Boys' and Children's Shoes Men's Shoes, regular $3.00 values M QQ going out of business sale price. IiUU Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 values, QQ going out of business sale price. .$ZiZ3 Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 value Ji) QQ going out of business sale price. .ipZiuO Men's Shoes, regular $5.00 value OQ going out of business sale price. .ydtcM Boys' Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, regular $2.00 value, going out of business M QQ sale price )! iuJ Boys' Shoes, sizes 2y2 to G, regular $1.35 value, going out of business sale (jj-j fjQ Barefoot Sandals, sizes Si2 to 11, regular $1.35 value, going out of business CQ sale prjee 03b Barefoot Sandals, sizes ll. to 2, regular $1.G5 value, going out of business Qfl sale price UUb LOOK FOR THE BIG RED CANVAS FRONT Railroad fare refunded on purchases of $20 or over. Store for Rent, Fixtures for Sale, including Cases, Wall Cases, Shelving, Safe, Etc. SALE LASTS 14 DAYS ONLY. Show TO THE PUBLIC No misrepresentation or the slight est exaggeration has been permitted and in siihstantiation of this we give the following positive guarantee throughout this sale. "Goods ex changed or money refunded if pur chase is unsatisfactory." H. SC00N0VER & CO. Chicago Salvage Co., Mgrs, H coonover & Co., North Platte, CHICAGO SALVAGE CO., MANAGERS. Neb