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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1915)
Uh Serai-Weekly Tribune IRA L. HAKE, Editor und I'nltlls licr. BL'l .it UIPTION HATES: Olio Ycur wj .iltiil in Advance.... l-iW One Year by Carrier In Ailvnnce. .$1.50 Ml Entered at North IMatto, Nebraska, PostoHlco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, iMAY 28, 11)15. 3IEM0KIAL DAY, .MAY 81 ST, 1015. Memorial Day exercises this year at North Platto'wlll be held during the morning hoiiro of May 31st, at the cemetery; early in tlus morning the graves of soldiers in tho South sldo cemetory will bo defeated by a de tail from tho G. A. H. and S. A. W. V'.' organlzntionB. ' Promptly at 9:30 A. M. a column will form on Dowoy street, with head oppo site tho Odd Fellows Hall, formation to bo in tho following order: First Bugler and Flag, Second Span ish American War Veterans; third, Firo Department; fourth. Womans Re lief Corps; followed by u. a. h. in carriages; fifth, such Civic Societies as dcslro to participate; sixth, school chldren, who will bo followed by citi zens in autos and carriages. Commencing at the east end of the ccmotory, tho graves will bo decorated with flowers, after which, at the G. A. H. burial plot of tho unknown dead, tho sovcral societies and citizens gen erally will rally around tho ling, whero npproprinto memorial services will bo conducted by tho O. A. R., W. R. C, S. A. W. V. nnd other orders: Patriotic songs will bo sung; Lincoln's Gettys burg Speech will bo read, 'rtrnT'tt short address will be delivered by Comrade J. S. Hoagland. As a patriotic and grateful people, lot us ono and all Join in paying tri butes to our nation's defenders, and elvo thanks to Almighty God for peace. posporlty, unity and freedom, we, as a nntion aro permitted to enjoy, All patriotic and fraternal orders aro especially invited to Join In this observanco of Memorial Day. , COMMITTER. Eighth Grade Graduation. Tho cigth grado graduation oxer cises of tho Llncon schools will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at half past two at tho Keith theatre. Two hundred and eighty-seven pu pils of tho schools of tho county havo successfully passed this examination, oighty-six of whom aro enrolled in tho North Platto schools. Many of tho graduates from tho out sido schools aro oxpected to bo present at tho exercises, as also many parents of tho pupils. Tho program of exercises will bo as follows: Chorus ' North Platto Eighth Grado Invocation Dean J. J. Bowkor Recitation Eva Roborls District No., 3G Vocal Duet Pantomino Fred Roynolds, Burdico Harr,Dlst.ll8 Girls of Hershoy Eighth Grado Girls' Chorus, Jefferson School. Recitation, Francis Eames, Maxwell. Piano Duet, Dulclo Swancitft, Nina Marcott, Brady. Recitation, Ruth Grooloy, District 63. Address. Supt. C. V. Williams, Curtis. Chorus,' North Platto Eighth Grade. Presentation of Diplomas. Benediction, Rov. B. A. Cram. Italy Invntles Austrliu Offensive operations resulting In tho occupation of Austrian torrltory all along tho frontier from Lomibardy to tho Adriatic aro claimed In an ofhclal statement issued by tho war ofllce. Italian troops havo seized various towns In tho Trentlno and forced their way through mountain defiles. On tho tower Isonzo attacks woro continued to gain tho lino of tho river. Tho Austrlans aro reported to havo ro tired, destroying bridges behind them. Italian aviators bombarded Monfal cono, near tho Gulf of Trieste. KTflKN'h V. DEHS. Mr. l)i bi v ill positively lecture here Juno 2nd, 8 p. m. at tho Keith theatre. He Is no ordinary man. In ten thous and he would bo conspicuous. The Rov. Frnnk DcWItt Tnlmago paid him tho following tribute "Among all tho speakers I havo ever heard there has not been one who came nearer mv Idea of Abraham Lincoln than Eugene Debs." James Whltcomb Rlloy, tho -world- famed "Hooslcr Poet" said: "God was feeling mighty good when ho created 'Gono Dobs and he didn't havo ahythlng clso to do.' Eugcn Field, the poet said: "If Debs woro a priest the world would listen to his eloquence and that gentle, musical voico and sad, sweot smile would soften the hardest heart. To hear this wonderful man talk, means tho rarest treat to all. Don't forget tho date, Wednesday, June 2nd, 8 p. m. nt tho Keith theatre. Union Pacific New Trains. Tho Union Pacific will put six add! tlonnl passenger trains into service, operating to and from Colorado and California, starting Sunday. Tho equipment to bo used In the operation of theso trains has meant the ex pendlturo of $2,000,000 for new equip ment. Tills equipment consists of forty high speed, superheated engines of the Mikado and Pacific type, twen-ty-ono dining coaches, th'rty chair cars, ten coaches, eight observation cars, two parlor cars, twenty-six bag gage cars and ten postal cars. Of tho six new trains, two will uo operated between Chicago and Don ver by way of tho Northwestern. Two of tho other new trains will operate between Denver and tho coast, run ning In connection with tho Burling ton's trains from Chicago and St Louis, carryig tho equipment through from Denver. Tho other two trains will bo operated between Kansas City nnd Denver, west of Denver, carrying equipment taken over from tho Bur llngton. Lester Lnngford's JiCg Twice' Broken. Lester Lnngford, youngest son of Mr. arid Mrs. Ray C. Langford, suffered a compound fracturo of his right leg on PURITAN r ULi UrC NOTICE. To Whom It May Concorn: Kotlco Is hereby Riven that the Mayor and City Council will hold a apodal meeting at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., (Central Time) June 8th, 1915, In tha Council Chamber for tho purpose of making assessments and. levying tax es for the cutting of weeds by the City of North Plattd on the following des cribed proporty: J ORIGINAL TOWN. mock 20, Lot 8 , $1.00 Hlock 53, Lots 4 and 6 SI. 00 per-lot Block 38, Lot 4 tl.00 IJlock 84, Lots 7 and 8 $1.00 por lot Block 104, Lots 1 and 2 11.00 por lot Block 108, Lots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 $1.00 per lot Block 113, Lot 2 $1.00 Block 75, Lot 1 t $1,00 Block 95, Lot 2..... , $1.00 PENNISTON'S ADDITION. Block 11, Lot 6 Bloqk 14, Lot 5 Block 15, Lots 4 and G Block 16, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 nnd 8 TAYLOR'S ADDITION. Block 1, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and C .$1.00 Block 3, Lots 7 nnd 10 t v. $1.00 Block 5, Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 ,...$1.00 Block 6, Lots 1, 7, 9 and 10 $1.00 BInck 7, Lot 10 $1.00 Block 9, Lots 1 and 2 $100 Block 10, Lots 4, C, G and 7 $i oo Block 11, Lots 1, 2 and 3 si nn Block 12, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 0, 7, 8, 9 !! I! . I . ! .$L00 NORTH PLATTE TOWN LOT COMPANY'S ADDITION Block 6, Lots 4 and 5 si oo Block 10, Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 1 $100 Block 23, Lots 9 and 10 ! ! $1 00 uiocic zv, uo': i $100 ,...$1.00 ....$1.00 ....$1.00 . . ..$1.00 ....$1.00 ...$1.00 ,..$1.00 ..$1.00 ..$1.00 per por lot lot per per lot lot per lot por lot per lot per lot per lot per lot por lot por lot per lot per lot per lot per lot Block 24, Lots 10 and 11 - Block 33, L0ts 5 nnd 6 , Block 34, Lots 7 and 8 , MILLER'S ADDITION. Block 4, Lot C mocKb, Lots o ana 6 , ner lot HINMAN'S 2ND ADDITION. " Block 7, Lots 4 and 5 , $1,00 per lot BELLEVUE ADDITION. Block 18, Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 $1,00 nor lot All of the above described nronertv Imlnc In North Pintto t -... ty, Nebraska. ' "u" In ndditlon to tho above amounts, Interest and advertising fees will bo ohnrged. All persons interested will nie their objections, If any they have, to tho assessing of taxes against tho above described property lor the above des cribed purposo on or before tho 8th day of June, A. D., 1915, as abovo stated u. -riuaifLia, Uity Clerk. J. B. ItEDriELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redlleld Ofllce Phone G42 Res. Phono 076 NOTICK TO SEIL ItKAL 13STATB Notice Is hereby given that in an action pending In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in which E. H. Evans, Administrator of tho es tate of Patrick Ruddy, deceased, has applied for license to sell lands for tho payment of the debts of said estate and which said licenso has been duly granted by said Court. That on Wed nesday, Juno 2, 191C at tho hour of 2 P. M. said administrator will offer for sale at public sale at the east front door of the Court House in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to the highest bidder or bidders for cash the following described lands situate in the city of North Platte Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: All of Block 1, con sisting of lots 1 to 12 inclusive in the Ruddy Addition to said city of North Platte or so much thereof as shall bo necessary to satisfy the indebtedness against the estate of said Patrick Rud dy deceased. Said sale to remain open for one hour. . , , , E. H. EVANS, Administrator of the estate of Pat rick Ruddy, deceased. m-11-4 Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Pktie. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Hershoy; Jens Sommers, Maxwell; Jno. Fredrick.on. Br,dy jLSSJfSCTgSiaiag AERIAL NAVIGATION Cyclone nt Oshkosh. A special to the Bee from Oshkosh,! tho school grounds shortly before noon on the north river branch, dated Tues- 1 UvJall Uj J1VJ VVilo ulllrfU Lull til I uu; ni.vjiD v nuuu auviv m tv w vu v w home, a nhyslclan summoned who re- miles north of Oshkosh last night, kill- duced tho fractures and tho young boy, lug ono man. J. F. Blair, a carpenter though suffering much pain, is re- who lived alone, rne storm apeareu ported getting along satisfactorily. flrst some miles northwest of town and Lester and other hoy.s woro playing destroyed several miles oi icnces vo'lley1 ball. At the same tlmo several and barnu on tho farm of H. Kaschke, other 'boys, wero riding bicycles near William Elwood, Martin Madden alid by. The bail went out or nounus anu uui oiner uamuge. u nmea u cow iur In attempting to got it Lcstor was Mauuen and took a norn on eacn oi knocked down by one of tho bicycle two others. Everything on the Blair ridorsi while another rlddr closely place was completely uesiroyeu. following ran over his leg, causing two Blair's dog woke up neighbors a tnjle frncturcs botwoen the ankle and knee, away, who went over and found the buildings gono nnd no trace of Blair. More of tho neighbors wero called and aner a Bearcu iur some iimo uicy fomul the body lvlnc In a naaturo over half a mile ea3t. Every bono In his body was broken and tho body was horribly mangled. Hogs and pigs were Notice for Bids. Motlce Is hereby given- that tho city council will receive bids for tho con struction of cement walks, approaches and sidewalks to bo laid by tho City for tho flscnl year of 1915 Bids mu3t bo based upon tho spec!- found with sollnters driven throuch Mentions of tho city engineer, which their bodies, and feathers were taken Tornado In (Jreeley County. Shortly after 8 Tuesday evening a tornado dropped down in the north east corner of Greeloy county, Nobrns ka. Mrs Thomas Kolloy was killed, and her husband. C. W. Hnggarty. Mrs C. W. Hnggarty, and two ehlldron of tho Hnggarty fninlly woro seriously Iniurod, Mr. Kouy porhnps fatally. According to roports a heavy rain had boon falling over most of Grooloy county during tho afternoon. Just bo- foro 8 o'clock In tho ovenlng tho rain clouds to tho southwest appeared to grow heavlor and Immediately took on a greenish hue. aro on lllo in tno omco or tno cuy clork. All bids must bo In by 5:00 o'clock P. M. (Central Time) Juno 1st, 1915 Tho council resorves the right to re ject any and all bids. 37-2 C. F. TEMPLE, City Clork. Steamer Xcbrusluin Torpedoed. The American steamer Nebraskan, Captain Green, from Liverpool May 24 for Delaware Breakwater, was tor pedood Tuesday by a submartno or hit hy n mine nt a point forty miles southwest of Fastnot. off tho southwest coast of Ireland. The sea was calm nt tho tlmo and tho crow nt once took to tho boats nnd stood by tho steamer. It was soon ascertained that tho Nobraskan was not seriously damaged oft chickens. The house was turned over within thirty feet and the chimrifey uriven into mo grounu. uiair was, u widower about G5 years old and lived alone. Ho has an adopted daughter, Mrs. Maxwell living in Antelope. The storm came without warning at 10 o'clock and left in an Instant. It 3eeths to have disappeared three miles north east of Oshko3h. Several farmers say hall or ice measuring eight by ten Inches In size fell scatterlngly. A hbt wind followed tho storm. It Is 1m possible to estimate the damage at present. HAIL INSURANCE "Wheat nnd Rye crops are assured. If not protected from Hail dniumrc get one of lhatt & Goodiunn's dollar for dollar mm-cuntcstiblo policies lodav. It had been struck forward nnd lta No belter nor cheaper policies written, foreholds were full of water. Time or enli pnynient. No sealing Tho crow returned on hoard npd got down of honest losses. No wait for tho vonsal nndor way. No lives woro the other stock holders to pay up. lost among tho crew:. Tho Nebraskan Jlany years of faithful service to our Otlks; phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROST, Ostnopnlhic Physician. North Platte, - '- Nebraska. McDonald, Rank Building. .10HN SSfe, M. I)., WA l'hybh'Iiiirnnd .Surgeon ,. . Ofllce B. & L. DlfjlUlng, Second Floor ing' Into use more and more every day, i Our cigars' have never-fceen an ex periment J they have always been good, they have borne the mark of standard for over twenty-flve years In North Platte. We make a number of brands ranging In price from 3 j for 10 'cants to 3 for 2 cents tliera. Order of Henrhin on lVtlllion for Ap pointment of AdmluUtrntor or Aii-inintrntrl.-v. i State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the Matter of tho Estate of Ann Jane Barraclough, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Joshua Barraclough and Edward Bar- tnat Administration e crranted to Fred- Barracloueh tts Administrator. Ordered, That June 1st A. D. 191C, at 9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear ing said petition when all persons in terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not be granted; and that notice of the penden cy of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons inter ested In said matter by publishing a rrw 1 copy or this order in The North Platte A "j I Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper I printed In said County, for three suc ( cessive weeks, prior to said day of FRENCH. County Judge. J. F. Schmalzried. bated" May ioth, 191G. I GEO. E. F Phone. Ofllce. Residence TTTTTZ DEltRYBEimY & FORBES, LIconscdKmbalmors Undertakers and 'Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Bljick CSS. Geo. 8. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Ofllce: BuildinR and Lonn Building p, , Ofllce 130 Phone3 Residence 115 nill-3 Hospital Phono Black C33. House Phono Black C33. W. T. ntlTCHARI), Graduate Votorinariau Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Hoiisfi. North Platte, Neb. did not carry any passengers. Mrs. James Kennedy will leavo Bhortly for Willow Island to visit rola. lives for somo tlmo P IMMMW M 3C DC 3 CUE OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -of- XOltVU 1'TsATTB, JVJSiJKASiTA. Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPIIVII, AKD SUliPItUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE IIAYK BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GltOWTH OP TIIIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. . LZUZZH INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. r z: 3C ii ir Insurance Patrons Is the best guaruu too of ti simiiro deal when Insured by 80-2 BIUTT & GOODMAN. ifelef Ci:y from llershey. Only on a few occasions- In tho past thirty-four years has this writer scon so much water standing In North Platto as ho sees today. Tho ground being so full of wnter prior to yester day's rain, very little of the lattor has boon absorbed by mothor earth. Early yesterday rorcnoon Tho Tribune re ceived a cry for relief from Jim Ab bott, of llershey. "Wo must create a drainago district to carry off this sur plus wator tlso wo perish" yelled Jim through tho tolophouo. ".Wo want North Platte 'io Join with us In creating this drainago district; It will help North Platto as woll as Hershoy and tho section between the two towns." 1 Edward W Gorkln ami Mary E. Greonwood, both of Welllleet, were united In mnrrrlago Wednesday by County Judgo French. Tho groom is tho son of Cans. Gorkln and tno brldo tho daughter of John Greenwood, tho coromouy thus uniting two of tho old est and best known families In tho south part of tho county. F. J. DIENER & CO. Real Estnto and Ins'urnnco Couio and see us for town lots In uiuuruui puna ui mu uiv. uuuu iu vostments on easy terms, Houses for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowey Sts.. upstairs. Hogs an NOTIfJK FOR PUBLICATION Dcpnrtitient of the Interior. U. S. Land Offlce at North Platte, Neb. April 23, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Minnie Eliza McQulre, now Seese, of North Platte, Nebraska, who on February 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 05371, for E of SE Section 2, Township 11 N Ransre 30 W., 6th Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, , to ostab Hah claim to the land above described before the Register and Receiver at North Platte, Nebrasica, on tne zisi aay of June, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Rcott Shaner, of Maxwell, Ncbr., Jesse Hlgh berger, of North Platte, Nebr., Andrew Howard, of Wellfleet, Nebr., Mary Rich ards, of North Platte; Nebr. a27-6w 1 Register. I.KRAli NOTICK State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss To All persons interested In the Es tate of Bridget A. Williamson, de- You 'are hereby notified that on the Gth day of May, 1915 Talmage White, administrator of the estate of Bridget A. Williamson, deceased nied in said Court his final account as said admin istrator and petition, tne oDjecia uuu prayer of which are that a decree or distribution may be made of tho resi due of said estate, now in his posses sion to the parties entitled by law to recolve the same, and that said final account and a petition for distribution will be heard upon the 1st day of June, 1915, at tho nour oi iu o ciock ui County Court room In tho city of North Platte In said County, and you are nltorl in nnticnr nt tho tlmo and place uosignaieu mm miuw tuuw, n. such exist why such account bo not allowed. , . , it lo (tiorAfnrp. ordered that the said Talmage White, administrator give nntion rn nil iiersons imeruMieu in buiu estate by causing a copy of this order to lie nrinteu in tne riurui riuiw Tribune a nov llat.n.l in nnlfl nnlintv prior to the date set for such hearing, Dated this 5th day of May. 1915. f i l:i IC(.I. I'J. l'ltllilMJXl. mll-3 County Judge. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children s DIseaseti. -WT1.. fT-......l.l Olnln Tlxllrlln.. iTrlllllllA tl tl ( W H 1 ) .'111 ( T Dlillted and PUl) n rf it. l T r. . . iiaiiuu ill oil... " Phones, Office 183, Residence 28H Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Oilleo 459 C. H. WALTERS. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. BL HALL, Superintendent. Grndunto Nursos In Attendance J01LN S. TWINEBT, Physician and Surgeon. Order of Hearing on Original Probnto of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court, May L'4, mio. In tho Matter of tho Estate- at Henry Doeblco. Deceased. nn rnnillni? nnd flllnc tllO petition Of Henry F. Doebko, Jr., praying that tho Instrument, filed on tho 24th day of May, 1015, and purporting to ho tho last Will and Testament ui sum u ceased, may be proved, approved, pro bated, allowed anu recorueu as um last Will and Testament of tho said Henry Doebke, deceased, and that tho execution of said instrument may uo committed and tho administration of said Estate may bo granted to Hannah Doebke as Executrix. nriinrml. That Juno 18. iait, at a o'clock a. m., is assigned for Hearing nfii netltion. when all persons inter csted In said niattor may appear at a County Court to bo hold In and for said County, nnd snow cause way mu or of petltlonor should not bo granted. A copy of tuts order to bp published n -tho Norm 1'iatio rriuuuo, cbu.i BPmi.wnnkiv nowsnaner of said county. for three weeks prior to' s"ald dato"8t hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, m25-3w County Judge. NOTICE To Whom It May Conpern: Notice is hereby given that the Ma yor and City Council will hold a spe cial meeting at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., (Central Time) June 8th, 1915. in the council chamber' for the pur poso of making assssments arid levy ing taxes for the construction of side walks built by the City along the following described property: Lot 4, Block 175, original town of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 130 ft. long, 544 sq. ft. at 10c . $54.40 3 yards of sand for 'filling at 75c 2.25 Lot 5, Block 175, original town of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 149 ft. long, 590 sq. ft. at 10c. . 59.G0 7 yards of sand for filling at 75c 5.25 Block 192 of the original town of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 37 ft. long, 148 sq. ft. at 10c. 14.80 Lot 10, Block 4, Taylor's Addition to the City of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 129& ft. long, 518 sq. ft. at 10c 51.80 Lot 10, Block 3, Taylor's Addition to the City of North Platte, walk '4 ft. wide, 143 ft. long, 572 sq. ft. at 10c 57.20 Lot 8, Block 5, Pennlston's Addi tion to the City of North Platto, walk 4 ft. wide, 5 ft. long, 20 sq. ft. at 10c 2.00 Lot 8, Block 07, original town of North 'Platto, walk 4 ft. wide, 7 ft. long, 28 sq. ft. at ipe 2.80 Lot G, Block 8, Taylor's Addition to tho City of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, G7 ft. long, 268 sq, ft. at 10c 2G.80 Lot 1, Block 2, Taylor's Addition to tho City of North Platte, walk 4 feet wide, 139 feet long,55G square feet at 10c - 55.60 Lot 10, block 1, Taylor's Additon to the City of North Platto, walk 4 feet wide, 9 feet long, 38 square feet at 10c 3.S0 Lot 5, Block 10, Pennlston's Addi tion to the City of North Platto, walk 4 feet wide, 9$ feet long, 38 squaro feet at 10c 3.80 Lot 4, Block 11, Pennlston's Addi tion to tho City of North Platte, walk 4 feet wide, 11 feet long, 44 square feet at 10c 4.40 Lot 1, Block 35 of tho Original town of North Platte, walk 4 feet wide, 9& feet long, 38 sq. feet at 10c 3.S0 Lot 8, Block 35 of tho original town of North Platte, walk 4 feet wide, 9& feet long, 38 square feet at 10c 3.S0 All of tho abovo described property being in Lincoln County, Nebraska. In addition to tho abovo amounts, Interest and advertising fees will bo charged. All persons Interested will file their objections, if any they havo! to tho assessing of taxes against tho abovo described proportyfor the, abqve, 4?sr, crlbed purposoon or b'oforo tno 8th' day of Juno, A. D. 1915 as abovo stated. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk,