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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1915)
n What is Life Without a Wife It is a hard proposition unless you wear the Hatch One Button Union Suit A . Collar Button will do. HATCH. The last thing in Men and Boys Underwear 50c to $5.00. AT THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Charles Cahoun lias returned from a visit with relatives InJLiCXing ton. Buy liim a sterling silver licit buckle with his monogram. Clinton, the Jew eler. rtov. S. F. Carroll, of "Wisner, Neb., former priest of St. Patrick's church, Is visiting in town this wook, Rev. Tiios. Sullivan, of Elm Crcok, who visited Rov. McDald this week re turned to litfl parish Wednesday. Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain, formerly of this city, arrived a few days ago from Lincoln, to visit Miss Mary Smith. Mrs. J. B Robinson, of Rawlins, is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. W. FitzpatricK. Mrs. Vigo Christenson and Bon Ray mond returned Wednesday from St. Pau, Nob., where they visited for sov- cral week. Henry Nelson of St. Paul, Neb., ar rived Tuesday evening and will visit for several wcckB with her sister Mrs. Ylgo Clirlstcnscn Mr. and Mrs. W. J THIRTY-FITE GRADUATES ARB PRESENTED WITH DIPLOMAS. DRAINAGE Clyde Frlsto returned to work yes terday after a ten-day vacation Bpent on his father's ranch at Dickens. Wo have a splendid assortment of trimmed hats ranging In price from $4.00 to $C.C0 on sale Saturday, May 29th for $2.48. Miss Whittaker. Tho county commissioners spent Tuesday in tho Dickens section looking after road matters, and upon their re turn adjourned until today, when they will transact business largely of a -routlno nature. Tho h6Us6 on west Second street owned by Julius Plzer and now oc cupied by Robort Weir, will bo moved to tho alloy corner and a now two- story houso erected by Mr. Pizer on tbo Second street frontage. Tho new houso lias already been leased. Ed Ilostctter, living on tho bottom south of Maxwell, Stated yesterday that on account of tho continued wet weather but llttlo corn had been planted In his immediate section. lie said tho Btorm last week killed all the peach crop, about thrco-fourths of cherries, but did not seem to mater ially effect the apples. A very heavy rain storm visited In tho presence of an audience that filled tho seating capacity of the Keith. Wednesday evening, twenty-two young ladles and thirteen young men, constituting tho class or iaiB were given diplomas. It was the largest class that has over graduated from the North Platte high school, and not only tho largest, but one that has novor, as certified by Sunt. Tout, been sur passed for the general excellence of its work. Gowned In white nnd ouch holding t sheath boquet of pink roses, the young ladles certainly appeared to advantage on tho stage, and the well- groomed young men added to tho offectlvanoss of the scone. The program opened with an onrnost Invocation by Dean Bowkor, the audi ence standing while the Dean Invoked the blessings and guidance of tho heavenly father upon the class, which wan followed .by a well rendered piano solo by Miss McKay. Harry Huffman, pres ueni oi uie ciass aim secon u uigii- g g BeVcrnl of the prop est in Hiuoy siamnng. spoKe uuoniiy t owners In tho Valley between the Si",1 VH1 ,Te !1 m 8V )JfCt 0f, two rivers, thought It advisable to or Ideals," followed with a history o Illzo a llralnagc ,ngtrict. under a law the class by Robort Louden. Earl t then assed by tUe ieslslnturo of Stamp favored the audience with a Vebrn8Ua wftli tho idea in view of cornei soio. an i .miss aiuufcu i uzpai- C0Ilstructng a drainage ditch, for the' rick read the clas prophecy. The val- two.fold purposes of carrying off the; edictory was ; delivered by Major White, , aors t Hmcg of hcavy raln3i r , t i i J'1""-':'- l and of draining the lands that liatl be Llfc," In which ho brought ot many water-loggcd from tlie irrigation good points particularly applicable to f , her lamla A pctltlon wa3 B,gned tho class, but profitable to the aud - uy a majority of the land owners infer ence as well. The oration was well t a guch proJect aml then fllcd and effectively delivered. A vocal , t, d,8trlct ourt but throu h the so o by Miss Cre Deincr was well re- opp08tion of some Influential persons, ceived by the audience, as was a so the scJcral namea wero wlthdrawn so as alumni address to the class de ivercd to vent tho organization of such a by Mrs. J. L. Roddy. Sunt. Tout made alaTlct Several tlmes slnco then dlf. a brief address in which he coniplt- fcrcnt havo dIsci:8sed the ad- " r 3 i " . "V" 1 vlsnblllty of again having petitions w'1, ,lu , ,, Dl"lu"WD,"i; circulated for the purposo of organlz n a Nebraska university by reason of ,ng glJch a (1rinago district and con OIVUU HlJjllVOt ill lllO DIUUiUPi This scholarship is offered yearly by tho state universities to students of ac credited schools standing highest in credits. Dr. N. McCabe delivered an On account of the bad weather ot the past week making it hard for our customers to get around town we will continue our Clearance Sale until June 6th. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, struct a drainage ditch, but nothing was done. Under tho law then passed by the legislature many drainage dis- tricts have been formed In the state or Nebraska, and several ditches con- ?-dI" l V1?183' preson cd V10 structed and are now In successful op plomas. and tho program closed with a song by eight young ladles of the class. Tho personnel and organization of the 1915 class was as follows Havry Huffman.. president: Esther Schwalgor, "vice president; Jess Vor non, secretary; Lola Walker, treasur or; Llnnlo Armstrong, Cody Boal, Lll Ho Carlson, Viola Carlson, Ida Carroll, Ralph Clabaugh, Merrill Cross, Elva Day, Esther Elder, Nina Elder, Mildred tho north nnrt of tho countv Tuesday Landgrnf enter- Wiit. 'rim storm withered northwest talned at dinner Tuesday oveningln hf, Gaudy and split', at .that place, one honor of Georgo Sherwood of St. Lou is. 1 going cast, by south,. the vovtuB wuiu mm mi ttvuivu. i jug inoro uirecuy souinensi. i rom T?nv mwl Atru PHnf Thnmnnnn nf UlO PatterSOIl plaCO north Water Stood Tn.llnnunnlis will leavo soon on a mis- t foot deep In the road Wednesday slon to India. Mrs. Thomnson was for-' morning. A heavy wind accompanied morly Dr. Bortha Mangon of this city. 1,10 rnln- Jesse Hlgliuerger, living on jacK Morrow flats, came to town" Saturday and forcibly took homo with him his five year old daughter who since tho death of her mother .had boon kept by he grand parents, Mr, and Mrsi Har ley Edmlston., The grand parents ob jeeted to thfs movo of Hlghbergor's anu invoicing ino am oi mo law, sc cured the custody of the child Wcdnes day, Sheriff Salisbury going out after hor. It Is related that two young ladles of Hershoy who camo down to attend commencement exercises returned homo on the branch train yesterday morning, but upon arrival at Hershoy found the town so deeply inundated that they remained at tho depot until tho arrival of train No. 10 when they returned to this city. They remarked to tho station agent that they had not learned to swim. Contractor McMIchaol started work Tuesday on tho largo residence which Dr. Slmms will erect on a slto cast of tho J. G. Bcelcr residence in the south part of town. s WSi.jyA.P. Blalock and daughter Mrs, Graco Menan left Wednesday for Pprtlnnd, Oregon. Mrs. Monnri goes to olh her husband who lias bden lo cated thcro for somo time. L. Llpshltz and two children leavo tomorrow for Omaha, wlioro Mr. L. will spend a fow days transacting business and visiting friends. Tho children will spend the summer In Omaha. , F. C. Letts rctunicd Wednesday from Omaha whoro ho wont to consult Dr. Jonas, who after making an ex amination satd ho would bo In shape to return to. work in two or three weeks. Miss Virginia Bullard. who has been visiting her sister,, Mrs. Fred Warren In Tampa, Florida, for several months, Is expected homo next week, Mr. and Mrs. Warren and children, will probably come north to spend tho liutnmcr. Tho valley west of town Is pretty woll under water, andyin some sections resembles a largo lake. Tho surplus wafor extends as far west as Paxton, and at solno points botweon herlp and thero tho water is reported coloring tho U. P. tracks, a Dr. W. F. Crook's Residence on West Third St, For Sale. As tho Doctor has sold out his bust ncss here and expects to go to Omaha his beautiful resldonco Is on tho mar kct for salo. This Is an eight room strictly modern homo in every respect Hot water heat, Oak finish through out; gas connected with two largo gas stoves and hot wator heater. Full basement. Largo garago with cement drivo. Corner lot with walks and curb Ing on both sides, with nlco trees and lawn. Imlulro for prices and terms. C. F. TEMPLE. Excluslvo Agent. oration. That such an enterprise is, necessary In tho Valley between thci two rivers can scarcely bo uoubteu in view of the conditions that liavo pre-j vailed for tho past two months, and; In order to obtain the views of thei land owners in tho Valley, persons at Hershoy, Nebraska, asked me to write , this article, and with that idea in view j this Is "written. liTcso persons would 1 be pleased If the land owners would through means of the newspapers In Fitzpatrlck, Austin Gregg, Eva Grles, ,,, vniinv nvnrosa tlmfr vIrws unnn Catherine Herrod, Walter IIoxlo, Geor- tho subjectl as they would not care to gio noxiu, uuioriuu joiuihuu, rruuees g0 to the expense of a preliminary sur Johnston, Clarence Jones, Minnie Ltn- vn.. n(1 drcuiatlnc netitions. and tho coin, Robert Louden, Calvin Miller, m!nc thereof in tho district court, un-! Harry Pizer, Marie Rudat, Mario iCS3lt would meet with the approval1 Schatz, Ireno Schott, Olga Sandnll, nf .ho ind oVners. 1 Gladys Shelton, Leo TIglie, Wessberg and Major White. Essie Respectfully submitted. J. G. BEELER. The Junior-Senior Rniiiiiict The customary banquet tendered the Senior class by tho Junior class and which Is the concluding social func- For Rent. Five room, modern houso including heat, 709 west Fifth street. One of the tv illicit to iiiu uiivi uuiiik nuumi iuiiu" . . if i.. .i nti... tlon of the school yeart was held atK?t0"j OlWii iuuui iiuuou I uw uiuuii uwvwi the Vienna Cafo Wednesday evening following the conclusion of tho com niencoment exercises Tho dining hall was covered over head 'with latticed canopy of streanir ers of tho high school and the Senior class and the Junior class colors, the walls, wero likewise latticed, and the effect was heightened by pennants lav Ishly used. Table decorations were cut flower center pieces and laid fern leaves, and at each plate was a carna tion faver. Covers were laid for eighty-two, which included tho two Pino street. Two barns, good chicken houso and outbuildings. Seven room house 515 west Eleventh street. Two good lots, nice chicken houses and yards. Windmill in yard for water and pump in house. House In excellent condition. Will rent to right party quito reasonable. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent, Room 1, I. O. O. F. Bldg. Phono Red 500. 34-2 LOCAL AND 1'EIiSONAL classes, tho members of tho high school faculty and the w'ves of those Mrs. Mary Gutherless returned members who aro married. Tho menu, Wednesday from a two weeks' visit in served In eight courses, waB nlcelyi Omaha prepared and wen served by uatercr The residence of C. II. Crosby on liuprcr. west Sixth street was quarantined yes insioau or auer-ainner lanes, ino terdav for small nox closing featuro of tho evening assumed tho form of a mock trial In which Har ry Huffman wns .tried on the charge of graduating from the high school. Prof, Markley appeared as attorney for tho prosecution nnd Miss Ountt represent ed tho defendant, with Supt. Tout as Mrs. T. M. Hainllne, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wood W. White for a fow days, returned to her home in Grand Island -yesterday. The W. T. Wilcox house on west Fifth street has been moved to the tho presiding Judge. Tho trial brought inside lot, and work on the new resl- forth many bright and witty remarks and the trial as a wholo proved laugh- ablo and thereforo enjoyable. Mrs. Mary Neary has recovered from an illness of several weoks. 552 i :h in 'IMP"--: A i EJvT . I v i' " . , i i in JverXM If are go ing to or repair drain see i i about the. pipes, We carry just what you want,. for our sup ply of tilings is the larg est around here. We buy them by the carloads, and the prices are lowiest. Spring's here; i do it now. Write, phone or call We welcome small as well as- orders. That's the reason we are ac rising to interest the average man in us. HOW SEE aw jj . TwwnwwwnI1 . JlflLupill'l l 1 . .i,i .'li ; 1 II II I THE HOME OF GOOD LUMBER. PHONE 7. COATES LUMBER AND COAL CO. there is one place where a "stitch in time saves nine, its the roof. Neglect it and you may have trouble from garret to cellar annoy ance, expense, spoiled walls, ruined furniture, etc. You remember Mark Twainis story about the man who said he didn't need his roof fixed in nics weather, and he could not get it fixed when it rained? Have your3 fixed before the next storm. We have all kinds of roof ing for all kinds of needs, at prices that mean a saving to you. W. W. Birgo Co. , dence will begin at an early day. For Sale Pure Blood Holsteln Bull with papers, 2 years old. $85 or will exchange for two heifers worth the money. J. Seelcy, Wellilcet, Neb. 37-4 Tho wrecking outfit was sent to Brady Wednesday night to look after a derailed tank car. Traffic on tho main lino was blocked for an hour or so. Thero will bo a special meeting of Signet Chapter No. 55 O. E. S., Mon day ovenlng, May 31st at 8 o'clock. By ordor of Mrs. W. M Cummlngs, W. M., Mrs. Anna Hosier, secretary. Tho city banks, tho county and fed eral olllces and tho Union Pacific shops will bo closed Monday, which will bo observed as Memorial Day. Tho car rier window at tho postoluce will bo open from 9 to 10 o'clock but no dollv erles will bo mado. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hainline, of Grand Island, wero In town Wednes day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wood White and attended tho commencement exorcises, at which their nephw. Ma jor Whlto wns one of tho graduates. They returned homo yesterday. Repairing watches horo receives the careful attention it deserves. No mat-, tor how dellcato or expenslvo a move ment you may havo, you can leavo It to bo repaired or cleaned with full as surance that tho work win uo none in tho most skillful manner possible. CLINTON, Jowoler and. Optician. At tho county treasurer's olllco it was said that tho 1914 real estate taxes wero being paid freely, though not cVulte so readily as last year. Up to yesterday forty-eight thousand dollars ot tho 1U14 tax nau ueen coiiccteu, which Is about $1,000 less than for tho corresponding porlod last year. Tho Indian card club spent a pleas ant afternoon Wednesday as tho guests of Mrs. Chas Wolr. Mrs. Thos. Healoy won the fork prlzo and Mrs. B. F. See- berger tho socond prlzo. Mrs. Horton Munger was elected president ot the club to ill! tho vacancy caused by the removal of Miss Hannah Kcllher, Alfalfa Seed $8.00 per bushel while it lasts. Sbo sample at Derryberry & Forbes'. Service Without Cost Tho Platte Valley State Bank places at your command a thorougly modern and efficient banking service., yours for the using, no cost whatever. This service backed by resources of over $240,000.00 represents financial experience, good, conservative judg ment and the desire of our entire or ganization to extend helpful advice and counsel whenever it will bo of value to the people of this community. Platte Valley State. Bank, "Absolute Protection for Depositors Under Nebraska State Guaranty Law" Forth Platte, Nebraska. GET YOUR UON NOW Prices wilt bei advanced on Lion Tank Heaters Jisne 1st. We will hold the same old price this week onlf. $14.00 For Heater Connected to you tank: North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Mgr. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte, Nebraska. Organized 1887. Have plenty of money on hands to close loans promptly. Will loan on North Platte City property for building purposes or to assist its members in buy ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00 and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other sums in proportion. Borrowers in this association can pay their loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over any competing association. m XT Tim l2l mm Let Us Argue WithYou about the advantages of Firo Insur ance. It is something no householder and no business man should bo with out. It is a protection against loss that really costs llttlo to havo. Neither you nor anyone elso can foreseo tho dlsnster of conflagration. It breaks out always when, and where least ex pected. Como in and get a protecting Policy here. CP. TEWHPI-E, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS IMS 2, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Louis Maccy.