The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 28, 1915, Image 1

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    mi-Wuhfa tjSmt
No. 37
Olaudo Dolanoy was down from
Northport yesterday.
Mrs. C. T. "Wlielau and son loft Tues
day for a visit with friends In the east
part of the state.
Judgo Grimes and Reporter Barron
went to Kimball yesterday where a
term of district court was held.
Mrs. John Murray goes to Lincoln
noxt week to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Itoso Dartlott for several weeks.
The Wilcox Department Store will
bo closed all day Monday, that being
the logal holiday for Decoration Day
this year.
Mrs. Clyde McMlchacl was operated
upon at tho Nurse Brown Memorial
hospital yesterday forenoon, and today
her condition Is said to be satisfac
tory. The North Platte Produce Co. gave a
Sutherland farmer sixteen dollars for
sixteen chickens tho other day, and In
addition paid the express charges from
Sutherland to North Platte. Chicken
prices seem to rule high.
Bob O'Llnks engraved free, Clinton,
tho Joweler.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m., subject "Mesmerism and Hyp
notism Denounced."Sunday schoal 12
m. Wednesday evening meetings ev
ery week at 8:00. Building and Loan
building, room 25. A cordial Invita
tion Is extended to all.
A. E. Tlmmerman Is having plans
drawn for a residence which lie will
build this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl WIckstrom, of
Hershey, left this week onp a fivo
weeks' trip to Pacific coast points.
Robert Carr, of Hershey, died Mon
day night at the station Micro while
waiting for train No. 4 on which lie
was to havo been brought to this city
to enter n hospital. Death was duo to
hemorrhago of tho lungs.
Frank Barber is fixing up his six
cylinder car preparatory to leaving on
his trip to tho coast. In order to
provldo more space for carrying need-,
ful articles, ho has fitted a long box!
on tho running board. !
Weather forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Cloudy onlght, Saturday
fair with rising temperature. High
est temperature yesterday 47, a year
ago 78; lowest last night 40, n year
ago 52. j
Tho Going Out of Business Salo at:
tho Scoonover storo opened nt nine I
o'clock this morning and quite a;
crowd assembled to enter when tho
doors opened. Prior to tho opening
a slx-pleco band rendered a number!
of selections. I
In the county court yesterday a 1
hearing in the Caroline Bowcn estate
was hud in order to settle heirship!
and remove possible clouds from real
estate title. In the estate of Louis'
Bchelberry . also' heard yesterday.1
Chas. Echelberry, solo heir, was ap-
pointed administrator.
Mr. and Mrs. B H. French left last
night for Omaha. Mr. French had
been employed here for a yoar ns
constructing engineer at the new light
and power plant.
The total rainfall since Wednesday
evening is 2.69 inchos. Wednesday ov
cnlng and night the fnll was 1.49 inch
es, and yesterday and last night 1.20
Parts of City Inundated.
A considerable portion of North
Platto is submerged this morning by
the water llowlng Into town from tho
west. At tho corner of locust and
Fifth there Is a solid body of water
from tho walls of the Building & Loan
building to tho steps of the federal
building entrance on the east and from
the north Bteps to the Hershoy build
ing, water covering the sidewalk on
Mr. and Mrs. Melyln Brown wcro both sides to the depth of two or three
called to Placorvlllc, Cal., Wednesday . Indies. At tho corner of Fifth and
by a telegram announcing that Mrs. ' Dowey water covers the crosswalk,
Brown's sister, Mabel Pester, had ' and from Dowey to Vino on Fifth the
been killed In an automobile accident, wator covers tho greater part of the
Miss Pester attended the local high walks. Front wost from Vino Is a
school last year. continuous lake, and on many of tho
Twenty couples Graved tho wind, i norm nnu south streets tho wnter ex
ratn and submersed sidewalks last ! t?tls from curb to curb. At dozens of
The subject this evening at the tab
emnclo will bo "Stump Digger."
Sunday afternoon nt 2:30 Row
Lowry will address men only at tho
tauernacie on "The Devils Boomer
nngs." At tho Presbyterian church
at 2:30 Sunday Mrs. Moody will speak
at a meeting tor womon only. Monday
evening Mr. Lowry will speak on "Tho
Gospol Side of Pdputar Amusonisnt.s"
night and attended tho card party giv
en nt tho Elks' homo. Fivo hundred
was played from nlno until eleven,
when a nice lunch proparcd by Mrs.
Hart was served at tables in tho din
ing liall. Following lunch, dancing
was Indulged In for an hour.
Rev. H. G. Knowlcs returned last
night from Gothenburg whore lie de
livered tho addross at the commence
ment exercises last evening. There
wore twenty-seven graduates and a
largo crowd attended. Tuesday after
noon Mr. Knowles spoke at school ex
ercises at Sidney, delivered an address
at Potter Tuesday evening; nnd Wed
nesday evening delivered tho address
at the commencement exercises at
Kimball. Monday he goes to Gibbon to
deliver tho Memorial Day address
street corners tho wnter Is llowlng
over tho approaches to tho cross walks
and pedestrians In the west end arc
forced to make detours from street to
street In order to avoid wading. In
the Bouthwost part of town everything
lg submerged, and the snmo Is truo of
parts of the cast and southeast parts of
the city. On tho north side conditions
are not so bad as on tho south side.
Practically every basement In town has
from four Inches to two feet of wator.
This flood Is likely to contlnuo for;
a day or two, as tho section botweon
hero and Hershey is practically sub
merged, and tho greater part of tho
water must find an outlet through tho
streetsyof North Platto.
Get lief a Bob O'Llnk for her brace
let. Clinton, tho Jewelor.
School of Music ('onuuenccinent
Kxcrclsos This Kronluir.
Tho North Platto School of Music
will present Us first graduate pupil
Miss Lula Wyman In n piano recital to
bo given this ovonlng at the Lnnglols
piano room nt 109 West Sixth street
at S o'clock. Admission Is free and tho
public Is Invited.
To Builders of Drain Ditches.
Plenso call on, or correspond with,
J. W. Abbott, Hershey, Neb., rolatlvo
to the construction of a drnlnngo ditch
In the Platto Valley from O'Fallon enBt.
j Robbed of Sixty Dollars
j A thief unlocked the hall door of tho
I Greon pool room last night nnd cutting
1 out n panel of a door leading to a
'closet under the stairway crawled
throuch nnd ononlnir n. tin hnr tnnt n
! sack containing sixty dollars. Tho thief
was souio one tnorougniy conyorsnnt
with tho surroundings and knew
whoro tho mpnoy was kept. Tho bur
glary was at once reported to Sheriff
Salisbury and ho Is working on sovcr
al clows.
Tho city authorities will nt onco
tako steps toward the construction of
a drnlnngo ditch In tho west part of
tho city that will carry off tho water
to tho river Instead of allowing It to
flow through town. Tho irrigation
ditches are running full, but at tho
head of tho ditches no water Is flow
ing into them. At Bomo places W03t
tho farmers nro draining their land
Into tho ditches by cutting tho em
bankments. On tho Cody ranch tho
old North Platte ditch Is overflowing
its banks.
For Kent.
Five room cottngo. city wnter, elec
tric lights and sower. $15 per month.
Innulro of T. Simnnts. 303 south Chest
nut stroot. 37-1
For Sale
..2 Corrugated Iron Ilulldlngs which
can bo moved without Itolnir taken
down, nt Hershey's Opposite Post Of.
Wlinrmliiir f!mtirli.
"About a year ago my throo boys had
whooping cough and 1 found Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy tho only ono that
would rollovo tholr coughing and
whooping spells, I continued this
treatment and was surprised to find
that It cured tho dlscaso in a very
short time," writes Mrs,. Archlo Dalry
mple, Croosvllle, Ohio. For Salo by all
of Business Sale!
$2S,000 worth, of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings for Men and Boys to be sold in 14 days at less
than actual cosi of the ramaterial.
Men's Suits & Overcoats
Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $12.50
values, Going Out of Business JJP 7E
Sale Price ,.iPUiliJ
Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $15.00
values, Going Out of Business j0 QO
.-rJ ouie riito T"-' " -"
mail H U11U luung uieu Olllia, icfiuiai liau.uu
values, Going Out of Business M tl A Q
Sale Price P lUrtU
Men's and Young Men's Suits, regular $25.00
value, Going Out of Business MQ 7C
Sale Price IUiIU
iSn values, Going Out of Business M P QO
JX Sale Price M lUiUU
ISj Buy Your Next Winter's Overcoat nnd Save
crSrw Money
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, regular
red $15.00 Values, Going Out ofv M QC
rgo Business Sale Price tPHiUU
ci Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, regular
$25.00 values, Going Out of OC QFJ
IS Business Sale Price ipUiUU
Men's Pants
Men's Pants, regular $1.50 values, Go- 7Q
ing Out of Business Sale Price. . . . ! Ub
Men's Pants, regular $2.50 values, M 9Q
Going Out of Business Sale Price J) I iUU
Men's Pants, regular $3.50 values, M QQ
Going Out of Business Sale Price. iP I iDU
Men's Pants, regular $5.00 values, CO 00
Going Out of Business Sale Pripe.i JO
Men's Pants, regular $6.50 values, QQ AO
Going Out of Busineses Sale Price pOitfU
g3 Boys' Suits & Knee Pants
33 Boys' Suits, regular $3.00 values, (M PQ
tS Going Out of Business Sale Price q I iU J
Boys' Suits, regular $5.00 values, fPH QO
Going Out of Business Sale Price $C.itil)
Boys' Suits, regular $10 values, ft A QO
Going Out of Business Sale Price ijrri 30
Boys' Knee Pants, regular 75c values 07 n
Going out of business sale price ... .0 1 u
Boys' Knee Pants, regular $1 values, CQ
Going out of business sale price uUU
Boy's Knee Pants, regular $1.50 val- 7Q
ue, going out of business sale price. I Ub
Boys' Wash Suits
and Rompers, Sizes 2 to 6
Boys' Wash Suits, regular $1 values,
going out of business sale price . . .
Boys' Wash,, Suits, regular $1.50 valu-
ue, going out of business sale price
Boys' Rompers, regular 35c value
going out of business sale price . . .
Boys' Rompers, regular 75c value
going out of business sale price. . . .
Boys' Waists, regular 35c value,
going out of business sale price . . .
Boys' Waists, regular 50c value,
Going, out of business sale price . .
Hats and Caps
1 lot of Men's Felt Hats worth up toEflp
$1.50, going out of business sale priceuUb
Men's soft and stiff felt hats, regular $2.00
value, going out of business sale M Ifi
price pii!9
Men's soft and stiff hats, regular $3.50 val
ue, going out of business sale M QO
price P I luO
Men's John B. Stetson hats, regular $5.00
value, going out of business sale
Men's Straw Hats, regular $1.50 val- 7Q
ue, going out of business sale price. . J Ub
Men's Straw Hats, regular $2 values
going out of business sale price
Men's Straw Hats, regular $3 values(M 7Q
going out of business sale price. ,p I if J
Men's genuine Panamas, regular $5.00 val-
ues, going out of business sale QO
price $LiV0
Men's silk Summer Hats, regular 75c QR ' i
value, going out of business sale priceuUb
Children's Rah-Rah hats, regular .75o Q7n
value, ging out of business sale priced lb,
Garden Straw hats, regular 15c values, 70
Men's Hose, regular 35c values, going 17-.
out of business sale price lib
Men's Neckwear, regular 25c and 35c 17n
value goin gout of business sale price 1 1 b
Men's Neckwaer, regular 50 and 75c 00 n
value going out of business sale priceuUb
Red and Blue Handkerchiefs, regular 10c On
value, going out of business sale price 0 b
Men's white Handkerchiefs, regular 10c On
value, going out of business sale price wb
Men's white Handkerchiefs regular 15c P-
valine, going out of business sale price 0b
Men's, Suspenders, regular 25c value. Ifln
going out of business sale price . . . I Ub
Our entire stock of Silver Brand collars will
bo placed on sale at J)c each.
Men's Shirts and Underwear
Men's Dress Shirts, regular. 75c val- OQn
ues, going out of business sale price. dub
Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1 value. 7Qn
going out of business sale price . ... I 0 b
Men's Dress Shirts, regular $1.50 and $2.00
values, going out of business sale 01 1Q
price $ 1 1 1 tj
Men's Work Shirts, regular 50 and 75c Q7ri
value going out. of business sale price 0 1 b
Men's Union Suits, regular 75c value Q7
going out of business sale price ... .0 1 b
Men's Union Suits, regular $1 value PQ
going out of business sale price Oub
Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 35c 1Q
value going out of business sale price I Ub
Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 75c QQ
value going out of business salo price 03b
Men's Pajamas, regular $2.50 value, 01 1Q
going out of business sale price . .$1 I D
going out of business sale price
en's ana Boys Caps, regular 50c val-.
ue, going out of business sale price
Read these prices on Neckwear, Hose, Hand
kerchiefs, Suspenders and Collars
Men's Hose, regular 10c values, going fl
ing out of business sale price .... 'fb
Men's Hose, regular 25c values, going 1 1
out of business sale price I lb
Men's Overalls, regular 50c value, 07 n
going out of business salo price ... .01 b
Men's Overall, celebrated Penn & Fitz 7 On
brand, going out of business sale price 0 b
100 Ladies' Umbrellas, regular 75c val-QQ-ues,
going out of business sale price &Ub
Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 35c val
ue, going out of business sale price
Ladies' Silk Hose, regular 75c value nirrt
going out of business salo price . 4 . . 00b
'Small slza straw suit cases, regular 35c
. values, going, out of business 1 Qn
' sale price ju
Large size Straw Suft Cases, regular $1.50
value, going out of business salo jg n
Men's Canvas Gloves, extra good qual- A n
ity, going out of business sale price . . .4b
Men's gauntlet canvas gloves, regular 15c7
value, going out of business salo price. I b
Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular 75c
value, going out of business sale 1Q
price 00b
Men's Leather Work Gloves, regular $1.00
value, going out of business sale PQ
price OaC
Entire Stock of Trunks, Suit Cnses nnd Hand
Bags will be sold at about 50 per cent off
the regular price.
Men's, Boys' and
Children's Shoes
Men's' Shoes, regular $3.00 values M QQ
going out of business sale price. I itlO
Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 values, flQ QQ
going out of business sale price. .tP&i&t)
Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 value 00 QQ
going out of business sale price. .iJU
Men's Shoes, regular $5.00 value j9 nn
going out of business salo price. .tpUi&ij
Unvo' Qll nnc clvna 11 f O Oo Aft
value, going out of business (i1 on M-J
salo price p I i0u
Boys' Shoes, sizes 2 to G, regular $1.35
value, going out of business salo jj-j
Barefoot Sandals, sizes 8 to 11, regular
$1.35 value, going out of business PQn
salo price Oub
Barefoot Sandals, sizes llfe to 2, regular
value, going out of business nn T
sale price Oub
Railroad fare refunded on purchases of $20 or over. Store for Rent, Fixtures for Sale, including Show
Cases, Wall Cases, Shelving, Safe, Etc. SALE LASTS 14 DAYS ONLY.
H. Scoonover a Co.,. North Platte, Neb.
No misrepresentation or the slight
est exaggeration has been permitted
and in substantiation of this we give
the following positive guarantee
throughout this sale. . "Goods ex
changed or money refunded if pur
chase is unsatisfactory."
Chicago Salvage Co., Mgrs.
c-n er r? r? r? r? .r? T7 t r? r7 r r? : r- : r rai
; "2 ?r r? r7 r-