The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1915, Image 4

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    If everybody
wore glasses
Who Should i
You Would bcc a great many more'
of them than you do.
As a rule every person who has rca li
ed 40 years of age ought to have the
assistance of Glasses when reading or
sewing or doing similar duties.
Consider that tho oyes aro subjected ,
to almost constant strain. . j
Think how the dollcato muscles aro,
compolled to turn tho oyos almost In
cessantly all day long.
Think of this going on for forty
: V.
muscles tire?
; Mr. Debs will positively lecture here
i Juno 2nd, S p. m. at the Keith theatre,
j He Is no ordinary mon. In ten thous
and he would be conspicuous. Tho
Itov. Frank DeWltt Talmage paid- him
Is It any wonder that these tho following tribute "Among all the
spoaners i nave ever nearu mere nas
not been one who came nearer my
Idea of Abraham Lincoln than Eugene
I James Whitcomb Riley, the world
famed "Hoosler Poet" said: "God was
, feeling mighty good when ho created
uene ueus anu uc uiun t nave anything
else to do." '
Eugen Field, the poet Bald: "If
Debs were a priest tho world would
listen to his eloquence and that gentle,
musical voice and sad, sweet smile
would soften tho hardest heart,"
To hear this wonderful man talk,
means tho rarest treat to all. Don't
forget tho date, Wednesday, Juno 2nd,
8 p. m. at tho Keith theatre.
We can give you tho needed help In
scientifically adjusted Glasses.
Registered Optometrist.
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Mrs. Till Casey returned Saturday
morning irom a visit witn uenver
Frank Herrod, of Ogalalla, visited
llasc Iinll Dope.
Pitcher Grimn was released yester
day and left for tho east, Tho manage
ment believes that Luby and Jones will
nil the bill on tho pitching staff.
At Ogalalla Sunday . tho Hershey
Giants were defeated by a score of five
to two by tho Ogalalla team. Bechon
was in tho box for Hershey.
Tho Hershey Giants will play tho
Boosters on tho homo grounds to
morrow afternon, Saturday tho Boo
sters go to Hershey for a game, and
num. visiicu i nnvf e...,,ir, f,.. n. .i
ins motnor Mrs. uegina Herrou bun- tcnm win bo hero for
a game.
day and yesterday. George Bauer and Eddie Bright liave
Martin and Pat-Scott, of Brule, wero "con added to tho Boosters' line-up.
among tho out-of-town peoplo who Bright will play in the field and Bauer
spent Sunday in tho city.
' Simon Brogan and brother of Pax
ton, returned homo yesterday after a
short visit with town friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, of Sid
ney, spent a few dayB last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Herman LoDloyt.
Gcorgo Weir who recently returned
from tho state university, has accepted
a position with tho Union Pacific.
at. third.
For Itcnt.
Five room, modern houso including
heat, 709 west Fifth street. One ot the
nicest locations In tho city.
Seven room house in 700 block south
Pino street. Two barns, good chicken
houso and outbuildings
Seven room houso G15 west Eleventh
street. Two good lots, nlco chicken
houses and yards. Windmill in yard
for water and pump in house. House
Miss Mary Winn and brother John,
of Kearney, arrived hero last week to In excellent condition. Will rent
visit relatives foa fow days. right party quito reasonable.
Wm. Dunn, of Wood River, was tho
guest of his brother Frank Dunn Sun
day and attcded tho K. C. banquet.
Mrs. Roso Garrison returned Sun
day afternoon from Paxton where she
visited friends for a couplo of weeks.
C. F. TEMPLE, Agent,
Room 1, I. O. O. F. Bhlg.
Phono Red 500, 34-2
Tho writer of this article having
hnd the honor of being appointed sec
retary of tho above organization tem
porarily, and further bolng appointed
chairman of a membership committee,
and having heard tho remark among
sonio of tho business men that the
association was not doing anything.
toward tho upbuilding of North Platte'
nnd vicinity, I have gone over tho
work for tho past year. This Is what
I find:
Assisted In the promotion of play
Contributed J25.00 to Yeomen to as
sist In advertising North Platte on a
trip to Des Moines, Iowa.
Committee appointed to pusn Dili m
Congress appropriating $100,000.00 for
tho purpose of putting down test ar
toslan wells in tho Bomi-nHd western
Assisted to the extent of $1.00 per
man per concert in giving open air
band concerts. Also committteo ap
pointed to assist them in raising the
balance of the funds.
Entertained Boosters from McCook,
numbering about 100.
Had a very active committee in
pushing court houso bond proposition
and spent $200.00 In cash in support
of tho proposition.
Display of crops placed in tne win
dow of Den's saloon.
About $1000 spent and an active
committee appointed for the Fall Festival.
Bought uniforms for the baso ball
Assisted city council In investigating
scare with reference to typhoid fever.
Assisted in promoting associated
charities; donated $15.00 per month
during winter months and furnished
secretary free of charge.
Assisted In tho promotion ot tne
Good Samaritan hospital, and con
tributed $200.00 to same.
Active in promotion of Lincoln High
way bridge: in tho original campaign
of stirlng up interest; in getting tho
matter before tho county commission
ers nnd city council and in carrying
tho bond election. Since tho bonds
havo been voted, there has been a
standing committee which lias assisted
tho county commissioners wherever
they could, making one trip to Lincoln,
and helping right up to the time tne
bid was let.
School conditions of the city taken
up and dlscused, the organization hav
ing a banquet for said purpose.
Five dollars per month appropriated
to assist in establishing a mail route
between hero nnd Stapleton.
Assisted In advertising the Junior
Entered contract with Lincoln High
way Association to have film made of
North Platte and shown In tho east.
Cost $75.00.
Active with" tho local members of
tho Spanish American War Veterans In
securing the 191G convention.
Ono hundred dollars appropriated to
uun (Jluu to entertain visiting mem
bers. j
Outside of th6 above specific things
done by tho association for tho up
building of North Platte, the secretary
has answored from flvo to ton com
munications per day with reference
to the city nnd business interests
therein. For instance, I havo Just re
ceived a Tetter from tho Gcorgo F.
Cram Publishing Co., asking (or five
or sjx half-tones of scones of our city,
anu othor Information, to print In
"Nebraska Review" tfiat they are get
ting out and which will bo distributed
in all parts of the country. This kind
of work 1b important to tho city.
Follow business mon and residents
of North Platte, If the above work is
for the upbuilding of tho city and com
munity, and I am going to leave It to
you to fudge, you will acknowledge
that wo need Btich an organization
as tho Chamber of Commerce. If we
need such an organization, it has to
be supported. Not alono by the busi
ness men, but by everyone that owns
property hero or expects to stay here
and make their homo here. Everyone
living in a town should boost for a
bigger and better town. Do your
neighbors do It?
Alllnnce has a voting population of
a llttlo over 700. Wo have 1200. Al
liance has a membership of 329 mem
bers In their chnmber of commerce,
nearly .half of their voting population.
Alliance raised over $G,000.00 in their
Publicity Fund last year. Through the
efforts of -their organization, they
brought sixteen conventions to that
llttlo city away out there in tho west
ern part Qf the state. Whenever you
meet a man from Alliance, you can
always tell It, becausq the second
word he speaks Is about Alliance. Tho
Alliance Commercial Club organized
the Box Butte County Farm Manage
ment Association, which includes over
200 farmers and they have hired a
farm demonstrator this year.
North Platte can do Just as much
as any town In the state, or any other
state. Let's get together men and
I sent out the cards calling the men
together to organize this association,
some years ago. I am going to see
it made a permanent success. I am
going to keep tho temporary secre
taryship without renumeratlon until it
Is a success. I am going to make the
man who Is holding back letting the
other man do the work and putting
up tho money, get in and boost. If I
can afford to give the time and at
tention to this work to boost for North
Platte, you certainly can help me.
I am going to put on a membership
campaign, tho exact dates will be
given out later, and I expect every
busines man, professional man, prop
erty owner and resident of this city
to become a member of this assocla
Hon. Then I want every member to
boost. Boost for a bigger, better North
Platte. Let's try it for one. year fellow
C. F. TEMPLE. Secretary.
I'lzcr Buys Wilcox Lot.
Yesterday forenoon Julius Plzcr
purchased of W. T. Wilcox tho twenty
two foot lot adjoining on the south the
new Plzcr building on Locust street.
Ho will In tho near future Improve tho
lot with a new building conforming
with the building ho has Just com
pleted. Ho has already secured a
lease for both floors of tho new build
ing, and therefore there is no reason
why tho building should not be erected
at once.
Mr. Pizor Is showing his faith In
North Platte, and ns he is one of
our shrewdest and most progressive
business men, his example in erecting
new buildings should beget confidence
in all our residents.
Given a Surprise1.
Classmates of Miss Altha Millor,
who leaves tho first of June to make
Mrs, Emma Wilson left Snturday for,ner Ijomo n't Hershey, tendered her a
Chicago to mnko horo homo with hor Rcnulno surprise at her homo on east
1 ... . . 1- . n.i' Pinfdl otrnnf On 1 1. nimiilnn ...l.nn
nrouiur, who spent last wuck in imfl, ;""'" wMimuuj uiuuni, wuuu
' Kawrenco Wernott, of Kenrney, ono
of the" stock holders In tho 10 cent
store, visited Wnltor O'Connor this
Voru. Arbogast, of Grand Island, a
former North Platte resident, spent the
early part of tho week with local
Mr, sand Mrs. Glenn Lorlmer have
purchased tho Boyd proporty on east
Third street and took possession last
week. ,
Edward Mulcahy, formerly of this
city, camo down from Cheycnno tho
first part of the week to renow- ac
quaintances. Jack Cartor, of tho Marshall Oil Co..
who has headquarters Inthis . city,
spent part of Inst week visiting his
family in Denver.
Wo havo tho prottlest lino of neat
llttlo enamelled broaches and, beauty
plnsi something ontlroly now.
CLINTON. Joweler & Optician.
Father Sullivan, of Elm Creek,
Fnthor Minnsterman of Kearney and
Father Malono of Ogalalla woro guests
of Fathor McDald Sunday.
she enmo home from an informal din
nor at the homo of Chas. E Walters
and opened the door to find tho rooms
suddenly Hooded with light nnd tho
faces of n host of friends beforo her.
Tho party, Indulged In games both In
and out door during tho evening, after
which a dainty luncheon was served.
Mlsa Miller was presonted with a beau
tiful toilet set of white ivory. About
fifty-four guestB wero present.
T. L. Groun returned Sunday evening
from a' business visit to Scotta Bluff
nnd tho Goshen. "JIolo country in Wy
oming, making tho trip in liia Reo car.
Mr. Green says tho Goshen Holo is a
wonderful country and when tho lnnd
Is covorcd by tho now fedoral Irriga
tion project it will becomo woro won
W. J. Tlley loft yesterday for Fre
mont to attend a largo Yeomen class
mutation.. From thoro ho co'os to
Sioux City and thenco to Albion, whoro
a now lodge win Do organized tho lnt
tor part of tho week.
For Rent
Flvo room cottage, city water, elec
tric lights and sewor. $15 por month.
inquire or t. Bimants, 303 south Chest
nut street. 35-2
MailViNll ... '
x w a in : wmtrs n i fx- zr:
it fifriiuiiii n unii m. iff i m u -r i
XJ I I ll IJ V Mil J I I Jv Hid ill Jl
X I 1.11 III iTTHai !VKK AMJrT- I I
V ' fV BtWSt!?ttn 3itfjnLB5-- II I
X I i
XT 1
are solicit
ed. We will
cheerfully fur-
rush you with esti
mates if you will
write us. We de
liver anywhere in this
tetritory. We carry the
best at cheapest prices in lum
ber, shingles, tiling, cement, lime,
bricks, etc. We sell to individuals
li i i trr i
.as -well as to the trade. We make it
our special business to take good care
of those who can't visit us in person.
The class Initiation and banquet ,he.ld
Sunday by .St. Patrick's Council.
Knights of Columbus, attracted many
Visitors to town. These representa
tives came from Omaha, Grand Island
and practically from all towns beween
tho latter place and North Platte, and
from Paxton, Ogalalla, Sidney and
Choyenno. Tho day's program opened
with an attendance at mass In the
forenoon, and In tho afternon initia
tion ceremonies occurred at tho Odd
Follows' hnll in tho presenco of a large
attendance of members. Tho class
numbered thirty-eight, making tho to
total membership, in good standing, of
258 in the local council. In tho Initia
tory work tho local ofTlccrs wero as
sisted by state and council officers
who wero guests of tho organization.
Tho bailquot was held at tho Lloyd
opera houso at eight o'cl6ck In the
ovcnlng, Caterer Ilupfer serving the
menu that was much enjoyed. Covers
wero laid for 225, many of whom were
out-of-town guests, J. T. Kecfo oc
cupied tho toastmnstor's chair, and ac
quitted himself In a very credltablo
way. Tho toasts proposed, though In
formal, woro responded to by well
known men prominent In tho organ
ization with established reputations
for oratory. The speakers Included W.
P. Miles and J. L. Mcintosh of Sidney,
Btnto Deputy T. P. Redmond, Br.
McDcrmott nnd grand knight of tho
Omaha council J. J. Illnchoy. nnd Mr.
Laughlln district deputy, tho four lat
ter Omaha residents, and Rev. Fr. Mc-
Oald. Stamp's orchostra furnished
music during tho ovenlng. .
Theso yoarly Initiations hold bv tho
local council not only llncrenscs tho
membership of tho organization, but
strengthens tho frntornal bond of
member to member, begets greater
enthusiasm for'tho work and. thus In
creases the good tho organization
does for tho church and lor humanity
r Honglnml Appointed Inspector.
s In accordance with the sense of the
council expressed at the meeting last
weok, A. B. Hoagland has been ap
pointed special health inspector by
Mayor Evans and will inspect the san
itary condition of every dwelling and
business house id town, as well as
general sanitary conditions of streets,
vacant lots and surrounding territory.
This appointment follows tho dec
laration of City Physician Lucas that
unless n general clean-up is made
Ihlich sickness Is bound to result fol
lowing the excessive rains and result
ing fermentation of refuse matter.
; Inspector Hoagland has been given
full authority to deal with unsanitary
fcondltlons In the manner he sees fit.
Real Estate nnd Insurance
Como and seo us for town lots in
difforent parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dowey Sta.. upstairs.'
For n Torpid Liver,.
"I havo used Chamberlain's Tablets
off and on for tho past six years when
ever my liver shows signs of bolng In
a disordered condition, They have al
ways acted quickly and given mo tho
desired relief," writes Mrs, F. H. Tru
bus, Springfield, N. Y. For sale by all
Mrs. John Dick eriterfnmcif a num
ber of llttlo folks Saturday afternoon
In honor of tho sixth blrtli anniversary
of her daughter Mary. Games woro
played, a nlco lunch served and Mary
received many remembrances.
Order of Hearing on Original Frobnto
of Will.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court, May 24, 1915.
In the Matter of the Estnto af Henry
Doebko, Deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of
Henry F. Doebko, Jr., praying thnt tho
Instrument, filed on tho 24th day of
May, 1015, and purporting to -bo tho
last Will and Testament of said de
ceased, may bo proved, approved, pro
bated, allowed and recorded as tho
last Will and Testament of tho said
Henry Doebko, deceased, and that tho
execution of said Instrument may bo
committed and the administration of
said Estate may be granted to Hannah
Doebke as Executrix.
Ordered, That Juno 18, 1915, at 9
o'clock a. m Is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons inter
ested in said matter may nppear at a
County Court to bo held In and for said
County, and show causo why the pray
er of petitioner should not bo granted.
A copy of this order to bo published
In the North Platte Tribune, a legal
semi-weekly newspaper of said county,
for three weeks prior to said date, of
hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH,
m25-3w County Judge.
Scoonover Sells Out.
- H. Scoonover has sold his Interest
In tho Scoonover clothing store to his
Chicago partner and has retired from
the business. The purchaser will at
once close out tho stock and close tho
store. Mr. Scoonover will, however.
remain with tho store until tho stock
is sold, which will bo about a month
or six weeks.
Air. Scoouoper says It is not his In
tention to leave North Platte. He has
ranch Interests which he will look
after nnd probably Increase his hold
ings in this line.
Kchlintiseii Win ('Iinnmloiislilit.
IlenrjN-Kcbhausen won tho stnte
championship at tho stnto shooting
tournament held In this city last. week.
This championship shoot was tho last
event ot tno tournament nuny niter
noon. With 100 tnrgots to the man, Mr.
Robhausen broke ninety-five, ns did
also Sam Huntley of Omaha. In tho
shoot off at twenty targets to decide
the tie. Robhausen won, breaking
eighteen to his competitor's seventeen.
To win the state championship with
about seventy of tho best bhooters in
flio state in the game, is no small
Many Attend Memorial Service.
Tho Memorial sorvlco hold at tho
Episcopal church Sunday ovenlng was
attended by an nudlenco that taxed tho
seating capacity. All tho old veterans
who aro nblo to get out at night wero
there, nnd ns thoy loft tho hall and
marched to tho church with "old
glory" at tho bond, they woro met at
the postolllcd corner by twonty-flvo
members ot tho United Spanish Wnr
veterans. There woro also present
twonty-flvo of tho Woman's Relief
"Tho services wero Imnresslvo nnd
Interesting throughout nnd highly sat
isfactory," remarked a Grand Army
man. "Tho sermon by Dean Bowkor
was appropriate and vory earnest, nnd
tho music by tho choir oxcollont."
Tills memorial sorvlco is hold on tho
Sunday preceding Memorlnl or Decor
atlon Day. This day fnlllng on Sun
day this year, next Monday will bo ob
sorved, nnd as far as possible all busi
ness will be suspended on that day.
Aeroplane Race Across Continent,
Announcement Is mndo from New-
York that sonio time during July there
will be a flight of airships over North
Platto. This flight, which will be
mado to dotermlno the aeronautic
needs of tho country, will leave Now
York City July 4th nnd tho finish
must bo mndo at San Francisco be
foro October ljth. By extending tho
tlmo to that date, the bird men will
havo opportunities to stop over for a
few days In difforent cities and towns
and give exhibitions at so much per
exhibit. Tho course of tho lllght will
bo along tho Lincoln Highway for the
entlro distance.
This Bcctlon was visited by another
rain Sunday night, tho precipitation
as announced by tho locnl weather
bureau being seven-tenths of nn inch.
Tho farmors aro Just now complaining
of too much moisture.
Chnmbcrliiln'N Liniment,
This preparation Is Intended espec
lally for lomo back, rheumatism,
sprains and llKo ailments. It is a
favorlto with peoplo who aro well ac
quainted with its splendid qualities,
Mrs. Charles Tanner, Wabash, Ind.,
says of it, "I havo found Chamber
lain's Liniment tho best thing for
lnmo back and sprains I havo over
used, It works like a charm and re
lloves pain and soreness,. It has been
used by others of my family as well as
myself for upwards of twenty years."
25 and 50 cent bottles,, For salo by all
Sulkey Cultivators.
Badgers New Century, P. & O. Canton at $25 to $27 each
Samson & Aermotor Wind Mills, each - - $25 to $27
Bain Wagons 2 1-2 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels,
24 inch box and spring seat $65
Bain Wagons, 2 3-4 inch axle, 3 inch wide tire wheels,
26 inch box and spring seat - - - - - - - - $70
Bain Wagon, 3 inch axle, 4 inch wide tire wheels 26
inch box and spring seat $75
Boss Hay Stacker, best on tile market, each - - - $50
Boss Hay Sweeps - - - - , '- - - 30
v. (
Champion Foot Guide Hay Sweeps, each - - - - 30
Thomas Crown Changeable Speed Mower, 6 ft cut, each 50
Thomas & Johnson 12 foot Sulkey Hay Rakes, each - . 30
K i
rjohnston Mowers, 6 foot, each - 50
Two Horsepower Pumping Engines, each - - 50 to 60
Binding Twine at lowest prices
Corner 5th and Locust Street opposite Postoffice, Phone 15.
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte.
Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson
Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady