The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1915, Image 10

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Hero Is a tragic and remarkable picture of tlio liorror and death of the battlefield r,s seen by women. The dead
and wounded aro lying whero thoy hnvo been felled by tho Russian bullets In the Carpathians. Austrian Hod Cross
nurses aro seen active at their work of mercy and relief.
German Administration in Bel
gium Model of Efficiency.
Public and Private Activities Are 01
rected by Soldiers Who, In Peace,
Aro Bankers, Lawyers
and Scientists.
(Correspondent Chicago Dally News.)
Brussels, Belgium. Germany's ad
ministration of the civil affalrB of Uol
glum presenta a now plcturo of tho
German roscrvo ofllccr. .
Tho resorvo corpB- of German ofll
core always has boon tho admiration
of tho military world. No other na
tion has been nblo to call out from
civil llfo an aggregation of men so ef
ficiently trained as ofllcera for tho vast
rosorves nooded for war. But tho
military training of theso mon Is only
ono sldo of tholr qualification. In prl
vato llfo thoy nro tho learned pro
fessional mon of tho nation. Thoy aro
tho lawyors, tho physicians, tho bank
ers, tho englncors, tho directors of
big entorprlsos, tho scientists who
havo given to Germany her peculiar
Industrial ofllcloncy.
Now thoy put on tholr uniforms and
tholr Bhouldor straps and march oft to
tho front Dut there aro many things
to bo dono In war besides leading
armlOB against tho oncmy. Not tho
least of theso Is such a problem as
that of Dolglum.
Horo Is a nation, of allon race and
tonguo, bitterly hostile, with Indus
tries paralyzed another Invading
powor must not only restoro peaco
and ordor, but call back to llfo tho
crlpplod Industrial organization. No
rnoroly military organization could do
And it Is horo that your resorvo of
llcor shines. Govornor Gcnoral von
Hissing had only to dorioto tho de
mands of tho work to bo dono and
ho had tho greatest oxports of Gor
mnny at his command.
Porsonnl Influence has disappeared
ontlroly. Personal gain is not oven
thought of. "Lot us do something of
which wo Bhall bo proud," said Gcn
oral von Blsslng. And ' his assistants
havo beon living up to that motto.
A cataloguo of tho -experts who
wear military uniforms while thoy
work out Bolginn civil probloms would
mako an Amorlcan governor Jealous.
Hero Is n director of tho rolchsbnnk
nt Berlin ono of tho greatest finan
ciers of aormany. Ho in a major of
tho reserves, but ho hangs his sword
on a coat rack each morning and goes
to work with a pen. Major von Lumm
Is now 'dotnllcd" as tho "gonoral com
mlsBlonor of banking" in Belgium. first task wbb to roorganlzo tho
whole financial rcglmo of tho king
dom, found a now national bank and
Invent a now curroncy. Moro trlflos!
Then thoro Is Captain von KobboI,
who is a membor of tho Prussian
house of roprcsontntlvos and a famous
authority on municipal govornmont
and social economics. Ho Is now the
adjutant of tho military govornor of
Llego, Lleutonant Colonol von Ken
nor. As Bueh ho has worked out tho
great industrial probloms or that big,
busy city and has started thlngB to
work again. Each day ho finds a now
way of oponlng up a factory.
Probably moro interesting is cap
tain Drapo, who was dlroctor of tho
gas works of Luonoburg when tho war
broko out. Ho was wounded nt
Lloge Yfhen Antwerp was taken ho
was hurried thoro bocauso tho water
works had beon dostroyod in tho bom
bardment In fivo days ho had dug
up nn auxiliary pump in eomo fnctory
and had tho system in oporatlon again
a vital matter in a city tho slzo of
Then ho wont to work on tho streot
cars of Antwerp. ln, threo dnys ho
bad them running. Tho snmo spoed
put tho gas works and tho electric
plant in oporatlon. In, 14 days ho had
10 lntorurban railroads that centor at
Antwerp at work.
A man who could wavo a magic
wand llko that deserved a bigger field
and ho was detailed to Brussels to
tako general supervision over munici
pal, gas, electrical and street railroad
plants In tho kingdom. Incidentally,
also, ho received tho Iron cross.
With Captain Drapo thero was
sent to Antwerp Buron von Plotten
berg, a first lieutenant of reserves.
In prlvato llfo ho la managing director
of tho North Gorman Lloyd a fine
training for a man whoso duty It Is to
rovlvo tho commercial llfo of tho great
seaport of Antwerp.
And so you can go down through
tho lists nnd find export nftor expert
whoso highly technical knowledge and
whoso ability play an Important part
In this groat undertaking, but always
underneath tho uniform of an ofilcor
of tho reserves.
Soldiers' Advent Into Foreign Lands
Productive of Journalistic
Berlin. Tho war Is responsible for
tho appearance, on every battlo front
and, ln almost every fortress, of a se
ries of newspapers which, for obvious
reasons, sot qulto a now stylo In Jour
nalism, ln parts or northern France,
whero Gorman troops nro trying to get
out Gorman papers with French typo
cnsoB, Issues aro already coming to bo
prized as curios ln which tho letter
"v" has to bo used for tho "w" and
tho "q" for tho "g," so comparatively
unusual ln French. Tho "h" Is fre
quently missing.
At points whore troops aro stationed
ror long porlods It Iibb beon possiblo to
mako rroquont uso of tho cartoon,
and war has drawn Into tho ranks so
many' nrtlBts, writers and skilled
tradesmen nnd printers tliat tho re
sultant output Is otton astonishingly
All over Europo, especially ln dis
tricts that havo been conquered, aro
being issued papors In tho native lan
guage, ror tho purpose or educating
tho civil population to tho conqueror's
viowpolnt nnd or combating tho claims
nnd BtatomontB or natlvo papors. Many
nro prlntod In two languages. Bus!
iibs houBes, banks and factories aro
publishing papers full or homo nows,
which thoy Bond to employees nt tho
Miss Gortrudo Burnett, nn undor
graduato or Wcllosloy college, la
achieving fame In tho Mnllbu hills,
near Santa Monica, Cal., ns the solo
"gontlowoman runchor" of that ruggod
region. MIbs Burnett says: "It la
Indeed n groat llfo. A woman Is Just
as fit ns u man to partlclpato in tho
'bnck-to-tho-land' movement."
Found Tallow-Dip Lamp.
Greenfield, Ind, A tnllow-dlp lamp
bclloved to bo moro than 100 years
old, whs found by Elbert Dlccsou of
Blue Illdgo township, in nn abandoned
imuuo on his farm.
Kaiser Depends on "Goulash
Cannons" for Meals.
Intimate Picture of the Soldicr-Empen
or In the Field No Special Prep
arations of Any Kind Are
Made for Him.
NewJ York. An Intimate plcturo or
tho kaiser ln tho Hold, tho soldier
emperor whoso sharing of the llfo of
tho common soldier has united tho
humblest and tho highest ln Germany
ln love, affection and veneration, Is
given In tho following dispatch to tho
Now York Stants-Zeltung.
Tho kaiser, to whom tho "goulash
cannons," the great traveling kettles
or hot food, owo tholr existence, Is
very favorably Inclined toward this
Important now contrivanco on tho
field. Many tales aro told ln ovldonco
of this, of which the following Is ono:
A country road In France soldlera
arrive, curefully carrying dishes. Tho
dust-covered Held grays who are en
Joying their repast suddenly become
attentive On tho road thero appear
four riders oHlcers. Ono separates
from tho group and gallops over to tho
"goulash cannon."
"Havo you a bit left for us?"
"At your service, captain."
Almost Immediately tho other threo
riders gallop up. Tho kaiser! In de
lighted surprise all shout "Hurrah!"
and tho highest commander thanks
them with n smile.
"How does It taste?" ho asks. "Do
not let mo disturb you; I only want
a blto to eat, too; I am hungry."
Then he rides over to tho "goulash'
cannon," whero tho captain already
has a dish filled for him.
Ho takes It good naturedly and cats
ln tho midst of his soldiers.
"Excellent, excellent," ho snys now
and then and asks ror a second por
tion. "I am taking uwny your share,
but I will prove my gratitude"
Tho soldiers aro enthusiastic and
proud that tho kaiser took his food llko
each or them from the same "goulash
cannon" nnd "dined" ln their midst.
A roal soldier kaiser! A rousing hur
rah accompanies him when ho takes
leavo or IiIb mon with a vigorous "Good
In tho evening several geeso and
chickens were sent as "Indemnification
Tor tho noon meal" and wero eaten
with great Joy for supper.
This llttlo Incident Is characteristic
of tho attitude and llfo or tho kaiser
at tho rront, ror ho lots no opportun
ity pass to tako IiIb food from tho
"goulash cannon" when ho is visltlug
his troops along tho battlo lino. For
tills reason no arrangements aro ever
mado for the kaiser's meals on theso
"Wo will meet a 'goulash cannon,' "
ho always Bays when nsked as to what
ho wishes to order for his dinner.
This Is also a proof of tho oxcollonco
of tho food which tho troops rccelvo
from tho fiold kitchens, for tho kaiser
never announces hla arrival before
hand. No special preparations nro
mado for him. .
"I will eat what my soldiers eat,"
ho has often declared.
Youno Codgers Attend Seventy-sixth
Wedding Anniversary of Fa
ther and Mother.
Freoport, 111. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
SlUor, both nlncty-olght years old, cel
ebrated their seventy-sixth wedding
anniversary hero. They aro believed
to hold tho American record tor length
or weddod life.
Thoy havo three children, tho oldest
son being soventy-flve, who wero pres
ent at tho celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Sllter have llvod very
tompcruto lives, and In tho last fifty
yenrs nothing except religious meet
ings hnvo kept them up later than
nluo o'clock.
He that lmth a trade lmtli an estate,
and lie tlint liatli a catling hath an of
leo of profit and honor. Henjamln
The purpose of a soup at the begin
ning of a meal Is mainly to prepare
tho stomach for the
heavier foods which
will follow by warming
it nnd stimulating tho
How of gastric juices.
When soup Is given as
a food, taking the place
of other dishes, it
should bo prepared with
that end In view. A
crenm soup Is ono of
these a meal with bread and butter.
A puree of beans or peas Is another
satisfying soup.
Asparagus Soup. Tako a bundle of
nsparagus, cut off the heads and put
them aside for n more delicate dish
or to bo used as a garnish ror tho
soup. Cover tho shoots, after cutting
in small pieces, with a quart or water;
boll up and drain off tho water, throw
ing this nway. Cover with boiling
salted water and cook until tho as
paragus Is tender. Rub through a col
ander, add this to tho liquor in which
it was cooked nnd with a pint of milk
put on to heat. Cook together two
tablespoonruls or flour nnd butter, add
to tho heated boup and cook fori five
minutes. Servo very hot with crou
tons. When you have boiled cabbage for
dinner, save the water ln which It
was cooked Tor
Celery Soup. Put two tablespoon
fuls of butter ln a saucepan, and when
bubbling hot add n slice of onion;
cook until brown, then add the cab
bage water (a pint) nnd four good
sized carrots, put through the meat
grinder (fine). Stow gently for an
hour in a tightly covered kettle, then.
ndd two tablespoonfuls of butter; put
tho puree through a sieve, reheat,
season with a dash of lemon Juice
and salU.nndtborve.plpinghot; hum
j'team of Celery Soup. This, per
ha is tho soup which is the best
ukad of all tho cream soups. Take
Jhiee bunches of celery, waeh and
cutfcnto small pieces and cook slowly
ror(ialf an hour; press through n col
Rn;r, UBing as much of tho celery as
e pushed through. Put this Into
bio boiler with a quart of milk,
together three tablespoonfuls
or butter and flour and add to
uree Cook until smooth; add
ning ot saic anu aasn or paprika,
Ifrn who look on nature and their
tfelftw men, nnd cry that all Is dark
aril gloomy, aro ln tho right; but ,tliQ
Bo!lber colors are reflections from
thlf r own Jaundiced eyes and hearts.
lpi'.lor Twlat.
meals for Sunday are best pro-
largely tho day before when
possible, bo that
tho day may bo a
day of rest. If a
roast is to be
served it may bo
cooked on Satur
day and reheated.
Tho salad may bo
prepared, all ox-
putting together. A dessert la
hotter to. servo If mado the day
, especially gelatin desserts.
I With Sour Cream. Tako n
lo'Inilr veal for ronstinir and lnril wtMi
afrlcl of fat salt pork, lay some in tho
Pan fore putting in tho meat. Brown
ii'aliot ovon or sonr over in a hot
panj n top of the stovo, d'rodgo with
flow md season and bnsto freely with
soTTr, bream tho first half hour, then
cook nlowly. Tho flour will thicken
thgftravy sufrctently and it may be
sorv'jj I oither poured around tho roast
oijjic a sauceboat.
grl rry and Grapefruit Salad. Cut
Uum illloJ rrult in halves. Tako out
thjPl lip with n opoon and dress with
Fign; ji dressing. Tho Julco of the
grapiSrult may bo used in the place
of jPi yich dressing. Servo on lottuco
leye : or return to tho Bkln from
whlcl tho pulp wna removed. Tako
halfi. cupful of canned cherries or
mar a chlno cherries and add to tho
Ita an Potatoes. Cut potatoes ln
cupe'f tand cook ln boiling, Baited wa
ter, jraln and arrango ln layers with
a riaii white sauce anil a gencrouB
spHnVjlng of cheese. Bako until tho
bujjjafid crumbs over tho top aro
Gnjie-Nuts Pudding. Ono cuprul
or )0-nut8, ono quart or milk, two
egffw icaten until light, hair a cuprul
or bus tr and hair a cuprul or raisins.
Bafipifiowly in a moderate oven, Servo
Elk In Farmers Barn.
Mmn lirirwl nut nt thn Pnnnlnnri
, r - - ' -v t. w...
ranch Ntwn mllna from ninimvlltn n
Deiljyfl suburb, wont out to get somo
recil r IiIb horao and round a big
bulljo! eating breakfast In a box stall.
Ilofsli inmed shut tho door and made
Mr Jit : u prisoner. Ab ho loft tho
bant 1 o snw another elk, also a bull,
streak jig away over n hilltop.
Tho cmlmnl tho farm hand saw and
thofoi o ho captured wero honest-to-goognj
ta ollt.! Thoy wero a pair that
escape I rront a ear at tho Denver
with sauce ns rollows: Two table
spoonruls of flour added to two of
bubbling hot butter, ndd the Juice of
ono lemon and enough water to mako
a thick sauce, sweeten to taatc. This
will servo eight guosts.
1 will make the day worth while, I
will piny the biuum today with, a warm
heart and a eool head. I will smllo
when I feel like frowning. I will lie
patient when I feel tempted to stold.
I will take personal command of my
The pea soup is not as often served
ns Its merits demand, as there is no
moro tasty, dainty
soup than this II
well prepared.
Cream of Pea
Soup. Drain and
rinse n can of pens,
ndd a teaspoonful
or sugnr, two slices
of onion and cold
water to cover (one pint), simmer 15
minutes, rub through a sieve, heat,
add two tablespoonfuls each of butter
and flour rubbed together, add two cup
Tuls or milk and a half cupful ot
cream, whipped, and seasoning to
taste. A yolk of egg beaten and added
to tho cream adds both to the tnsto
and nutrition ot the soup.
Parisian Potatoes. Wash, pare and
soak ln cold water a hair hour eights
potatoes, uoii in saiteu water lo min
utes. Drain and place ln a deep pan
basting threo times with a third ot ri
cupful of melted butter. Serve wit
broiled steak.
Soak bread crumbs ln tho milk ha
an hour, add soda, salt, and meltl
butter, flour and beaten eggs. Fry
a hot greased Kriddle. Servo lmue
dlatcly with hot maple sirup, or butrer
and sugar.
Braised Liver With String Beanl.
Wash calf's liver and lord with fat
bacon. Roll ln flour, season with pit,
pepper and celery salt. Ccok Uvar ln
iathotipanwlth'aHttlorhotifatrtried out;
01 oacun.- iurn uniu me suriacu is
well seared, then add five sllcts of
carrot, one-half an onion, two sprigs of
parsley, bit or bay leaf, ono clove
twelve pepper corns and two qupfuls
of brown stock or water. Cover" close-
and a half hours, basting five times
during, tho cooking. Remove tho liver,!
strain tho stock and reduce by slowl
cooking. Add two tablespoonfuls o
orango Julco, pour over liver. Serv
surrounded with seasoned, hot atrin;
Celery and Cheese Salad. Mix a hall
cupful of very finely chopped celorj
with ono of cream checs?, molstcl
with thick cream, season with salt nnj
paprika and form into balls. Arranrf
on lettuce leaves and garnish with rai
Ishes cut ln tulips.
Bread crumbs are Invaluable pi
many dishes, A crust of crumb 8hoiil
never do tnrown awa
When Btnle bread 1b tp
hard for other use, mt
In tho oven until diy
enough 'td roll or pouw,
then sift and keep Inn
glass Jar. Theso crurjus
may bo used for esfeil
loped dishes, crp.quotlis,
cutlets and in puddles,
It soaked long enougo.
Bread Crumb Pancakes. Mix o
gethor tvo well beaten eggs, one-talf
tablespoontul or melted butter, tdo-
quarter or a cuprul or flour, ope
ot sour milk, one cuprul or 1
crumbs, ono-Jinir teaspoonrul or
and tha same or coda.
Kings' Puddlnn. Take two cutfuls
or bread crumbs, soaked ln haltcup-
rul or water a hhlf hour, equeezd'dry
nnd add a hair cupful or suet, onfhalt
cuptul or molasses, one egg, one ctprul
or milk, ono teaspoonrul or cinns :non,
salt and half a teaspoonful or s la, a
cuprul of raisins and hair a teai ijoon
rul of cloves, ir after mixing It eems
too thin ndd a small amount of flour.
Steam threo hours and servo ylth a
hard sauce
When you havo a peach or tp left
rrom a can and a cuprul of tin Julco,
uso them for a pudding sauce Rub
tho peaches through a sieve, add to
tho Julco with a bit 6f lemon Juice and
a tablespoonful each or butter and
flour that have been cooked tbgether
Servo this sauce hot on steamed
spongo cake, cut ln squares. These
aro leftovers, but the tact need never
be mentioned and will nover occur to
tho onq who Is enjoying tho dish.
Btockynrds. Thero aro 60 moro or
thorn out there. They aro being trans
ferred from Yellowstone park to gov
ernment reservations nt E3tes park
and Aspon, Colo, Denver (Colo.) Dls
patch to Lo nugeles Times.
The Economical Swat.
Surgeon Qencral BIup cstlmatea that
tho coat of supporting tho fly popula
tion or the country la ?157,S00.Q00 a
year, so you seo that every tlmo you
swat, a fly you are roally elolns aomr
thlug to reduco tho cost or living,
Mrs. Anna A. Dahl of Lincoln Restored
When Husband Gives Htr
Wonderful Remedy.
DMth was closo upon Mrs. Anna
A. Dahl of 1430 P street, Lincoln, Neb.
She was tlrapcrntely 111 with scrloua
derangements of the dlgestlvo tract.
In fact, at times sho was so ill that
sho know nothing of what was going
on about the sick room.
She recovered most mnrvclously.
The treatment that she declared
saved htr was given when she was so
sick shf did not know until after sho
recovered how sho had been rostorcd.
Tho Stomach remedy, given to her
by hor thoughtful husband, was Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy. Mrs. Dahl, lu a
good 1tter, tells of her experience:
"I fid so grateful to you I can't
expres my feelings on paper. I will
mnkf a great effort to see you per
sonay soon. My treatment came
whlll I was too sick to realize any
thing but tho terriblo pain. My bus
ban! tells mo I passed at least a thou
sanl gall stones, of all shapes and
Ibis I know I havo only taken
tw bottles nnd I feel better than for
lliyr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
mlrent results for stomach, liver nnd
Irteitlnal aliments. Eat as much and
vArtevor you like. No more distress
a(ttr eating, pressure of gas in the
Ejbnach and around the heart. Get ono
tie or your druggist now and try It
fi in absoluto guarantee Knot satis
dory money will be returned. Adv.
IS f A I I 1 l It I .1
I rhe story is told ot a very crusty,
L'oity old gentleman who lost his pa
tieice with his doctor, because ho did
tic make enough russ over the pa'n
lie suffered.
'Doctor," ho cried out, twisting and
tvnlng because of tho agony, "you
dm't understand! You don't seem to
gasp the case! You talk as though
tjero wero nothing the matter with
ne, whereas, 1 assure you, I am en
(liring the torments ot the lost!"
"What, already?" replied the doctor.
M V-'I- I-TCIT Till-
hoes, or dissolved In the foot-bath. The Standard
jjllef to tired, achlne feet and prevents swollen.
iui icci. viio nay wues- i enjoyea every minute
Iff myt tttav at Ikn,Ia. ...
' - -i-w-.i.wtia, intuits i0 uen a
root-Ease In my shoes." Get It TODAY. Adv.
Of Course Not.
Bill Do you carry any life insur-
nT3i-gtlfcpn your life! Yonkers
"How lj.y.ep mother, Tommle?"
"She's Litter, but not so better
she was yesterday."
A klsB jscientiflcally speaking, is
but an exoWngo of microbes.
Now Dices Her Own Work
Lydra E'Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Herv
Ironton, Ohio." I am enjoying bet
ter healtir Wjj than I have for twelve
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound I
could not ait up. I
hod female troubles
and was very ner
vous. I used tho
remedies a year and
I can do my work
and for tho lest eight
months I havo
worked for other
women. im.Wl cannot nraiso Lvdln V..
Pmkham'sVtwrBtablo C!omrjound enotio-h
, . - c 1 O
for I knoW;uever would have been as
IT lm T 1 1 i A T f i J T
wen ii x naii hol iukuii it unu i recom
mend it to suffering women."
Daughter Helped Also.
"I gave itfjjp my daughter when she
was thktocnjfyears old. Sho was in
school and, w6 a nervous wreck, and
could not ak'p" nights. Now sho looks
so healthy 1hw even the doctor speaks
of it. You;c8liipublish this letter if yoa
like." Mrs, Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th
Street, Iroosen, Ohio.
Why wilf women continue to suffer
day in and ejejgut and drag out a sickly,
rmlf-hcartcd existence, missing three
fourths of thjjoy of living, when they
can find htjalthjln Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable 'Co ground ?
If yon iav the slightest doubt
tlmtXydia IKPinklmtn'.s Vcgeta
bloConipaujgftwill help you,wrlto
Youftjtter will be opened,
rentl nntlaSsAvoreel by a woman
and held Jtrict confldenco.
Don't - jfersecute
Your (Bowels
. Cut out catharti and purgatives. They are-
brutal. Iiarsli,unces8ary. iry
Purely vesetabV Act
Bently on theifr,
eliminate bile.
u i r...Jj
Dllloutncti, '
nchi aod laiiAiiY
! D million know.
f tJ.l'S..-. t Qinnnhirn
r ihopi
W. N.