The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 25, 1915, Image 1

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Albort Kugor, of Lexington, spent
Sunday ut the Tigho home.
The quarantine for small-pox was
lifted Saturday from the7 homo of P.
II. Loncrgan.
Miss Anna Hayes returned Saturday
evening from Omaha where sho visited
last week.
Miss Freda Hammer returned Satur
day evening from a short visit with
Omaha friends.
Our For Sale List of real cstntc Is
bubbling over with bargains.
John O'Nell, of Gothenburg, spent
Sunday In town and was one of the
thirty-eight K. C. candidates.
Josh Barraclough left Sunday even
ing for Grand Junction, Colorado, af
ter an extended visit in town with rela
tives. For Salq Gasoline range almost as
good as. new, Mrs. It. D. Thompson,
C14 west Fifth. 32tf
Miss Mildred Pizer, of Grand Isl
and, is expected the latter part of this
week to visit her uncle Julius Plzer
and family.
Thomas Costello, of Grand Island,
speut Sunday in this city as the guest
of Jack Stack and attended the IC. of
C. banquet.
For Sale Improved corner lot. See
Mrs. G. G. McKay or phono black 524.
J. M. Glbbs returned to his home in
Kansas City this morning alter a
pleasant visit with his son Geo. N.
Glbbs and family.
Mrs. L. C. Newton and children of
Wellfleet, former residents of this city,
aro visiting with the former's mother,
Mrs. John N. Baker.
Read Hershey's advertisement o
a closing out sale In this !ssU3. Her
shey the hardware man. 12tf
he county commissioners went to
Dickens this morning to investigate a
road over which a lively fisticuff oc
curred. Lawrence Flkes and brother, who
were, tho guests of their uncle Mlko
Hayes and family, returned to' their
home In St. Louis Friday.
Mrs. Ralph Merrltt of Stapleton, Is
visiting relatives In this city. Miss
Hazel Merrltt will accompany her
Miss G. Anderson of Gothenburg, ar
rived hero Friday evening to visit with,
Mrs. Isndol Wllllapjs for a week or
Mrs. A. W. Hughes Is enjoying a
visit from heir brother William Burko
who resides In Birmingham, la., and
who arrived Saturday.
Bruco Brown, manager of tho tele
phone office, Is spending n few days In
Grand Island this week on business
pertaining to the office. '
Lawrence Herrod, formerly of this
city, but now residing in Columbus,
spent the fore part of the week visiting
his uncle John Herrod jind family.
For Sale All of Section 17, T. 1G,
R. 29, In Lincoln county, Ncbrnska. H.
H. Wlnsor, G N. 'Michigan Ave.,
Chicago. 35-2
Mrs. Edward Ahrens and children,
of Sidney, nre expected here Friday
to visit tho former's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Hammer for a week or so.
Mrs. Lawrence Wernert, of Kearney,
who has been visiting her brothers,
Edward and Henry Rebhausen, for
several days will return homo tomor
row evening.
Boys, better let us engrave half a
dozen Bob o' Links with your initials,
so when the Girls get after you you
will be ready for them, engraving free.
CLINTON. Jeweler & Optician.
Miss Vaunlta Hayes has resigned her
position In tho local telephone office
and will leave for Lincoln the latter
part of this week to make an extended
Miss Mabel McVlcker and mother of
Lexington came up Saturday to attend
the pre-nuptlal shower tendered Miss
Pearl McVlcker Saturday evening by
Mrs. Jack McGraw.
Charley Seyferth arrived yesterday
morning from Boone, Iowa, and will
spend this week visiting friends. He
is employed In the Northwestern shops
at Boone, and Is looking flue. '
. 2 or 1 room modern Flat, heat, bnth,
etc., close In.. Ilonscs; Rooms, Storgac
Space and Safo'Dcpo'slt'-Hoxcs.
- ' , U RA'JYP SQ 0 01)31 A Jf.
Judge Grimes Sustains Demurrer
Tho tax case of the Union Pacific
against the county was decided in tho
district court yesterday when Judgo
Grimes sustained the demurrer to tho
(Petition by tho Union Paclllc in an
appeal from tho ruling of tho county
On the contention that tho valuation
on property In. Lincoln county, other
than that owned by tho Union Pacific
was assessed too low, or too low as
compared with the valuation placed
on tho company proporty, the Union
Pacific sought to have tho valuation
raised by tho county commissioners,
which the board refused to do. An ap
peal was. then taken to the district
court and by the Judgo's decision tho
action of the commissioners is sus
tained. The company attempted to show that
tho valuation placed on land was much
below Its selling value, or tho valuo at
which it had been sold, and that as a
result the company was paying an un
just proportion of tho tax. In reply
the county, through Attorney Glbbs,
cited cases where, In the convoyancs of
land, the deed price was several times
the actual consideration paid, this in
flation of price being made for effect.
The decision in tho lower court Is
i quite a victory for the county and for"
County Attorney Glbbs, even though an
appeal may be taken to the supremo
Prices will be advanced on Lion
Tank Heaters June 1st.
We will hold the same old price
this week onl ?.
$14.00 For Heater
Connected to you tank.
NortJi Platte Light & Power Co.
C. R. MOREY, Mgr.
ftsir A
Keeps the Spindle and the Hub apart
THE mica fills the pores and irreg
ularities on the spindle, and com
bined with the highest grade grease
stock makes a smooth slippery surface.
Prevents friction and makes easy pulling.
The Mica Makes It Better
Look for the blue can with the
" Wheel" on the cover. Sold in 1 and
3 lb. tins, 10, IS, 25 lb. galvanized iron
Heavy Storms Strike State.
The thunder storm which occurred
here early yesterday morning assum
ed tho nature of a cyclone nt several
points In the state. At Lexington sov
eral small buildings were blown down,
and a car standing on tho Union Pa
cific track was blown over.
From Minltare, a small town west
of Bridgeport comes tho report of a
twister that did much damage.
Carl Brodbeck and others report
seeing a cloud of cyclonic formation
moving east south of the city at six
o'clock yesterday morning; but no
damage Is reported.
From Kearney and other towns
heavy rain and thrilling lightning Is
New Time Card Sunday. '
A new time card will go into effect
on the Union Pacific Sunday, but It Is
not definitely announced just what
changes will be made. Today's Omaha
Bee says a new Denver train will be
put on and that It will leave Omaha
at 7:20 in tho morning, reaching North
Platte about 2:30 In the afternoon.
This is In accordance with the word
given out by General Manager Ware
that train No. 11 would bo put back.
This train will make stops at Her-
shey, Sutherland and Paxton.
Slight changes will be mado in tho
running time of the LosAngeles Limit
ed and train No. 10.
A lleltulitful Function
Mrs. J. J. McGraw and Mrs. Roy Mel
mann entertained at a dinner party
Saturday evening complimentary to Mr.
and Mrs. Cash Austin, recently mar
ried, and Miss Pearl McVlcker, wlio bo
comes the bride of Walter Crawford,
of Casper, Wyoming, early next month.
The function was held at the McTSraw
homo which was prettily decorated
with garden flowers and streamers, the
lolor scheme being white and green.
Covers were laid for eighteen and tho
dinner served in seven courses. Place
cards were pink satin wedding bells.
At tho close of the delightful evening
candles were burned to determlno who
would be the next bride.
Wheat and Jlyo crops arc assured. If
not protected from Hall damage get
one of Bratt & Goodmnn's dollar for
dollar noii-coutcstlblo policies today.
No better nor cheaper policies written.
Time or cash payment. No scaling
down of honest losses. No wait for
the other stock holders to pay up.
Mnny years of faithful servlco to our
Insurance Patrons is the best guaran
tee of n square deal when insured by
The graduation exorcises of the
North Platte high school will be hold
In the Keith theatre on Wednesday
evening of this week. Good music has
been arranged for and some short ad
dresses will bo given. Admission is
by ticket which may be secured from
the superintendent of the city schools
or from the high school principal. All
seats will be reserved. Tho program
will begin nt 8:30 and scats cannot be
held after that time If there aro people
Mrs. Anna Polack came In from the
oast this morning and Is the guest of
her brother, Sobastlan Schwalgor.
lounty Surveyor Cochran went to
Sutherland this morning to survoy
i-uumy iinuia. no was uccompnnieu oy
Will Howlnud as chnluman.
R. D. Herrzog, formerly with the
Davis garage, now with the Nebraska
Bulck Co., in Lincoln, Is in town today
visiting friends and transacting busi
ness. There were eleven conversions at
tho tabernacle Saturday evening, tweti-ty-thre'o
Sundny afternoon and twenty
one Sunday evening. This brings tho
total up to 345.
Furnished rooms for men. Heat and
bath. Mrs. Boyd, 400 east Front. 3G-2
Tho Episcopal guild will hold a so
cial in the basement of the church
Thursday afternoon.
Tho entrance of Itnly Into tho world
war makos tho eleventh nation to bo
como invoved, with two or throe of
tho smaller countries likely yet to en
ter. Certainly war Is hell.
Weather forecast for North Patto
and vicinity: Probably showers tonight
and Wednesday, not much change In
temperature. Highest temporaturo
yesterday 74, a year ago 89; lowest last
night 67, a year ago 54.
Mrs. W. T. Mooro, who had been em
ployed as saleslady In tho McVlcker
millinery shop for several seasons, loft
a few days for Oshkosh to make her
home. Mr. Mooro loft a week ago to
accept a position in that city.
Note tho change this week from Fri
day to Wednesday for tho hospital tea,
at 221 south Locust, at the homo of
Mrs. J. McGraw, assisted by Miss
0'Harc. A musical program. Every
ano Invited from 3 to 6.
We have a lino assortment of wat
ches, a pretty wrist watch or a thin
model Elgin or Waltham would make
a dahdy graduation gift for tho boy
and girl.
CLINTON. Jeweler & Optician.
The city council of Kearney last ev
ening let tho contract for .paving In
two additional districts. This is pub
lished to remind North Platto people
that at ono time there was some talk
of paving the business streets of this
Volume No. 11 of the International
Encyclopedia has disappeared from tho
shelves of tho Public Library. Refer
ence books -are not to taken from the
Library and it is hoped that this vol
ume will bo returned to tho Library
nt oncerns It Is badly needed.
MARY C. JONES, Librarian.
P. J. Barron, O. R. Robinson. W. H.
Brodbeck and A. T. Yarter, of Brady
wore Initiated into tho B. P. O. Elks
at tho meeting held last evening, and
following tho ceremonial lunch was
searved In tho banquet hall. Tho del
egates to the stato convention at Fre
mont, made a report of the gathering.
The Senior Class, many of their
fciqnds and a sufficiently large num
ber of others to fill tho Christian
church heard tho baccalaureate ser
mon delivered by Rev. Knowles Sun
day forenoon. The pastor gave a very
instructive and eloquent sermon and
special musical numbers were ren
dered. Itratt & Goodman write tho best and
cheapest Insurance of all kinds. See
them first.
M. C. Westfall, who recently pur
chased eighty acres of land west of
tho Catholic cemetery south of tho
river, is making arrangements to build
a residence and move thereto. His
Idea is to grow alfalfa and hogs. Bert
Barbor owns forlty acres adjoining
and may decide to devote his time to
the sanio line.
30 years of knowing how
Has taught us
What we're doing now
No. 36
Official Score of the State Tournament,
Tho following is tho official score of the Stato Shooting Tournament
held In this city on Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday of last week as
furnished Tho Trlbuno through tho courtesy of John C. Don. Tho weath
er for the thrco.days was of tho wintry variety, snow on tho ground part
of tho time, damp and cloudy and with more or less wind each day. Under
those conditions few of tho men wcro nblo to maintain their usual records.
During tho tournament 40,000 or more shells wero used, and In tho
neighborhood of thirty thousand targets broken. On tho Bccond day of
the tournament some of tho men shot as high as 235 times.
Name Shot at Hrolto Total
1st day 2d day Jld day 1st day i!d day ,'ld day Broken
Don 200 200 200 109 175 171 515
Llndormau 200 200 200 170 178 185 533
Batchollor 200 200 -200 1G7 171 182 520
Holzworth 200 200 200 172 173 180 531
Maxwell 200 200 200 1S3 187 187 557
Bovco 200 200 200 172 1S1 189 542
Helzer 200 200 200 178 170 175 523
Bendel 200 200 200 178 180 188 546
Cartor 200 200 200 173 179 178 530
Vamor 200 200 200 183 184 184 551
Hardy 200 200 200 177 183 181 541
Nelson 200 200 200 173 170 ISO 523
Bowman 200 200 200 174 160 183 517
Larson 145 111 HI
Wertz 200 200 200 133 145 155 433
Gross 200 200 200 170 181 183 534
Dixon 200 200 200 . 162 176 184 522
Rebhausen 200 200 200 183 177 189 549
Hennlngson 200 100 149 74 223
Thorp, Deo 200 200 200 162 173 173 508
Mortimer 155 100 125 82 207
Qellaty 200 200 200 183 168 180 631
Clotz 200 100 1C3 83 235
Lockwood 200 100 100 144 70 80 300
Armogast 200 200 200 169 159 145 473
Thomas 100 36 36
Tookor 100 70 70
Stansbury 200 200 200 168 161 172 501
Roddteh 200 200 200 143 150 1.73 466
O'Brien , 200 200 200 182 189 195 566
Huntloy 200 200 200 180 183 184 ' 552
Manning 200 100 150 i 73 223
Wells 200 200 200 154 156 159 469
Vnn Cott 200 200 200 172 166 170 508
Spelts 200 93 93
Dwoark 200 200 167 170 337
Bahr 200 200 200 139 149 181 469
Lohr 200 200 200 166 165 166 497
Dubrava 200 200 200 136 149 166 451
Slattory 200 200 200 144 103 170 477
Seaney 200 200 200 179 179 163 541
Knox 200 200 200 131 150 130 411
Howard 145 106 106
Konnlcott 200 200 200 163 168 " 186 517
Gates 200 200 200 155 105 179 . 499
Rudat 200 200 200 171 173 187 631
Bray 200 200 200 ;173 181 189 543
Kavonaugh 200 200 200 ' 155 164 170 489
Gutzmer . ... .'200 200 200 170 , 179 106 505
Frltsch 200 200 200 151 143 150 444
Graves .200 200 i200 140 174 179 499
Trump 200. 100 " 166 89 255
Hufford 200 200 200 164 169 175 508
Doty 100 71 71
Wertz, J. R 200 200 200 165 160 159 490
Neumann 200 200 200 144 150 159 ' " 453
Howitt 200 '200 200 155. 156 158 469
Morehouse ,200 200 200 154 177 168 489
Waggoner 200 200 200 167 176 187. . 630
Thorp, Bruce .200 '200 ,20Q ...159 162.' 175 490
Gammon 200 1200" TfcdO'.vFSa56 173 183 510
Koyon 200 200 2.00 174 183, 181 538
Frow v100 100 eol71 ,; 144
Podgo 100 'TtSrsBal 75
Conn 115 86 . 86
Patterson 100 80 : 80
Magnuson 100 68 OS
McDorman 185 132, 132
Gray iS5 ' 129' 129
Miller 185 146 . 146
Wlnkowltch 100 100 200 70 57 78 205
Yoder 130 100 83 "61 144
Howe 200 200 138 " 163 301
Wolbach 55 200 200 46 165 166 v377
Slovers 55 200 200 40 161 163 370
Rummolhart 200 200 178 170 348
Haywood 160 102 102
Hlnkley 160 133 133
Daggett 160 123 123
Hosier 100 80 ' 80.
Hemlng 100 200 69 141 200
Bendel 100 100 83 79 , 162
McCown '. 200 180 180
Klngsloy 200 182 182
Starkoy 200 181 181
Tlloy 200 155 155
Wiley 100 r 7U 73
Dawson 100 , ' 64 (34
Drake 100 66 66
Schillings 100 70 70
Wells, O. C 100 74 74
Pafismore 155 , ,128 128
Mortimer 100 ' 92 02
The modern 7 room Charles
Tho domestic science department of
tho Twentieth Contury club held their
second annual picnic last evening at
tho I. L. Stebblns homo on west Fifth
street. Tho husbands of tho members
were the guests, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Barbor wero tho honor guests. A mis
cellaneous shower was tendered Mrs.
Barber and sho was tho reclplont of
many usoiui guts. At soven-imriy
an olaborato picnic lunch was served
which was thoroughly enjoyed, es
. I
property. Can lake small clear prop
crly In part pay, balance easy terms, or
Mill exchange lor larni.
neclally by the men of the party. Fol-.
Ell i lowing tho lunch a short musical pro-
. l 1 I I
The Indian Card Club wll meet with
Mrs. C. A. Weir tomorrow afternoon.
Nelson Ilnmmor wont to Sidney yes
terday to look after business and to
visit his daughter.
An Informal party will bo held In tho
Episcopal church basement Thursday
evening- to which al members of tho
parish, Including tho children, arc
Invited to nttond. Tho object of tho
party Is to get tho people of tho par
ish together for a pleasant evening.
For Sale.
A good gentle pony, for riding or
driving. Inqulro of Fltzpatrick, 509
west B street, phono black 602. 1
ii (. ,rlm,t 'lli(a minimi Titrtmn
Li uiu , na i.uii. ...........
' . it. .1..
i l oti en ma muuiiiigN iiu me dchbuu.
The domestic sclonco department Is ln
crpaslng rapidly and each member
t-hows a keen interest In "the work I
Let Us Argue With You
about tho advantages of Fire Insur
ance. It is something no householder
and no business man should bo with
out. It Is a protection against loss
that really costs little to have. Neither
you nor unyono else can foresee the
disaster of conflagration. It breaks out
always when, and whoro least ex
pected. Como In find get a protecting
Policy hero.
Alfalfa Seed
$8.00 per bushel while It lasts. See
sample at Derryborryi& 'Forbes'.
Louis Macoy.
For Sale
. .2 Corrugated Iron Buildings which
can bo moved without being taken
down, nt Hershey's Opposite Tost ON
( holco West Third Street Property
Fur Sale.
Tho Mrs. M. C. Wostfoil property,
(generally known as tho Hondy prop
erty,) being 709 west 3rd street, con
sisting of 9 rooms with bath and
lights; oho full 00 ft. lot; garago and
nlco lawn and trees. Price $4100.00
Phone for an appointment to see the
C. F. TEMPLE, Agent.
Phono Red 500.
Sick Headache.
Mrs. A. L. Lucklo, East Rochoster,
N. Y., was a victim of sick headache
and despondency, caused by a badly
weakened nnd debilitated condition of
her stomach, whon sho began taking
Chamborlaln's Tablets. Sho says, "I
found them nleasant to take, also mild
and effective,. In a fow weeks' tlmo I
was restored to my former good
For sale by all dealers,
Whooping Cough.
"About a year ago my three boys had
whooping cough and I found Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy tho only ono that
would rollovo their coughlug and
whooping spells, I continued this
treatment and was surprised to Unci
that It cured tho disease In a very
short time," writes Mrs,. Archlo Dalry
mplo, Croosvlllo, Ohio. For Salo by all
JOHN S. SOOIS, 91. 1)
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllco B, & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Glvcu to Gynecology
Obstotrlcs and Children's Diseases.
Ofllco McDonald Stato Bank Building
Corner Sixth and Dowoy Stroots.
Phones, Ofllco 183, Residence 283
Licensed Embnlnicrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 588.