The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1915, Image 4

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Come to our
Shirt Sale
and Listen to our Shirt "Tail"'
Shirlingly t'is but a body with a
'"Tale" so full. Sleovos and the
go with em'. All kinds and
colors" exactly right in ever way.
Built for Boy. The Kaynoe
Blouse Waists. j
"A Hat Head"
Anil are for every head. Why
"One reason we respect
khc Bull is that he 1ay More. whcn yu ct onc
finishes What he starfX for less at my House.
Major Don Passes Away.
.Major Lorenzo II. Dow, for a num-Ij-r
of years superintendent of the Ft.
McPhc-rson National cemetery, passed
away at the government hospital In
Washington, D. C, last Sunday and
on Tuesday was laid to rest In tho'
beautiful Arlington etmetery near that
city where sleep lhonands of tho na
tion's defender!).
For a number of months preceding
his passing away ho was entirely ol- j
llvlous to surroundings, and to him
and his aged wife the silent messenger
came as a relief, at there was no com
fort In life for him and for nearly,
a year she who so dearly loved him;
conld not be with him. When thei
malor wan transferred from the sol-
. dlers' homo at Milwaukee to the Wash
ington insane hospital Mrs. DovS. re
mained at Dearer Dam, Wis., and Is
still making her home there alolie. i
Major Dow enlisted In the full of
1862 in Co. D, 10th Wis. Vol. Inf., ser
ved three yearB and re-enltsled In the
Veteran Reserve Corps and was mus
tred out at the close of the war. He
was superintendent of four different
national cenioterlos at Ft. McPhor
son, Camp Cutler, Fayettevllle, Ark.,
and Culpepper, Va. It was ut tho lat
ter place that his health failed him
and he was taken to tho soldier's
home at Milwaukee tlutt he might be
near his wife. His mind failing, he
was taken with othors to tho govern
ment insane asylum at Washington,
D. C, last June and whoro tlio spirit
took Its flight last Sunday.
Graduate Dentist
Oflice over the McDonald
State Bunk.
K. C. Class Initiation.
St. Patrick's Council No. 1211,
Knights of Columbus, will hold a class
Initiation Sunday afternoon, which will
bo followed by a banquet In the even
ing at tho Lloyd opora house. Sunday
morning members and candidates will
attend mass. Thdro aro forty-seven
members In tho class.
At tho banquet Caterer Hupfer will
servo tho menu and J. T. Kcefo will
preside as toastmaster.
Mrs. L. E. Hastings Is spending to
day with friends In Kearney.
J. II. Durbln returned this week from
a trip to Pacific coast points.
J. J. Halllgan spont a couple of days
In Lincoln this week transacting legal
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Mrs. W. II. McDonald, 407 west
Fith street.
Alex Urown, tho south side farmer,
left this morning on a business trip to
Grand Island.
Ernest Calling, of Gothenburg, vis
ited friends and transacted business
In town yesterday.
Tho Royal Neighbor Social Club
has postponed meeting until tho last
Tuesday in June.
Roland Frame, of Nichols precinct,
has nine hundred young pigs. Strikes
us that's qulto a bunch.
Mrs. Stove Baldwin rotunrncd Wed
nesday from a two weeks' visit with
friends In Council Dluffs.
The postal sub-station in the Fourth
ward will soon bo removed from the
drug store to tho Louden grocery store.
Mr. Louden has been commissioned as
a postal ofllclal.
Ralph Aldcn, who Is inking tho den
tal course In tho stato university, ar
rived homo Wednesday to spend tho
summer vacation.
Dick Baker, who of Into has been
making Staplcton his headquarters,
camo aver yesterday and will go to
Omuha tonight.
Miss Mario llowen has returned
from Rochostor, Minn., whoro about a
month ago she submitted to an opera
tion by the famous Mayo brothers.
Special cur 01 passed through to
Cheyonno yesterday occupied by tho
body of tho lato Ex-Gov. Harbor of
Wyoming. Tho remains wcro accom
panied by members of tho family.
Croons nro (Jood.
Aro you going to tako tho chanco of
hail? You cannot afford to. Tho risk
Is too great. Seo or phono for an ap
pointment. C. F. TEMPLE,
34-2 Tho Rollablo Insurance Man.
Will Entertain at Cards.
Tho entertainment committee of the
Elks announce that tho next social
function at tho homo will be a card
party on Thursday ovening of next
week, to which all members and their
ladles aro Invited. An admission of
fifty cents per couplo will be
charged, this charge to cover tho
cost of a luncheon that will be
served In tho banquet hall. The
comnilttco hopes that there will bo a
largo attendance nt this party and will
Bparo no efforts to tho end that each
member and lady attending may have
an enjoyable ovening.
A .Memorial.
In memory of Major L. II. Dow, by
his comrades of S. A. Douglas Post G9.
Tho members of our Post aro sad
beyond expression at tho loss of our
Comrade. His presenco was an ln-
plratton to action, to duty, to loyalty.
Ills splendid army record, his long and
brlllant career as a public official, his
dovotlon to his family, comrade and
friends, mark tho true soldier.
We, his comrades, aro proud of his
record, while wo mourn with his loved
ones, his passing away.
"Earth s bosom holds him in sacred
Nor tlmo nor storm shall his glory
Our sypathy goes out to his beloved
wife. To her we send a comrade's
"May tho blessings of earth bo her
dally crown,
And her head nightly rest on a pil
low of down."
Resolved, that tho foregoing bo
spread on tho records of our Post and
a copy sent tho bereaved wife.
Post Adjutant.
North Platte, Neb., May 20, 1915.
Hies of Typhoid Fever.
M. E. Uoardman, after three weeks
illness with typhoid fever, passed away
at half past seven o'clock yesterday
morning at tho Nurse Drown Memorial
hospital, to which Institution he was
removed shortly after tho disease de
veloped. Tho funoral will bo held from
the Chrltlan .church tomorrow after
noon at 2:30 o'clock and Interment will
bo made In tho North Platte cemetery.
The deceased camo hero four years
ago as a federal stock Inspector. This
position ho resigned a year or su ago,
but hod lately been re-appolnted.
Ills mother, apprised of his critical
condition, arrived from the east some
(lays ago.
Calls Attention to Roads.
A resident vitally Interested in tho
welfare of North Plattte yesterday
said: "I would like to call tho atten
tion of tho business men of our city to
tho condition of tho roads In tho valley
leading to tho routes to Gandy, tho
Garfield tablo and to Tryon. There
is much travel over these roads, as a
largo percentage of tho merchants'
country, trado comes from tho north
country. Tho ,road to Gandy cast of
the creek ana a short distance norm
is almost Impassable, and tho road
near tho Macombor bridge on tho
Tryon routo needs fixing badly. It Is
estimated that $150 expended on thoso
two routes would make tho roads fair
ly good."
Kino Plants.
Tomatoes. Cabbngo, Sweet Potatoes
CO .cents por 100 postpaid. C. R. Shall,
Lexington, Neb, 29-8
There will bo a great reduction on
all trimmed hats during tho salo at tho
Wilcox store. May 22 to 30th.
The unileraicned will offer at miblie sale at his iili:c. on
the Wellflect ruail onc mile cast and eleven miles south of
North Platte, on
beginning at 10 o'clock a. in. the following personal prop
erty to-wit:
Four Head oi Horses
One bay mare three years old weight 1150, one grey horse
three years old weight 1150, one roan horse six years old
weight 850, one mare colt one year old.
Ten cows, seven of which are milkers, six now fresh and one
to be fresh soon, six yearling heifers; one yearling hull and
eight calves.
McCormick mower, McCormick hay rake, lister, walking
stirring plow, riding cultivator, two wagons, buggy, hay rack,
two sets harness, grindstone, cream separator, four dozen
chickens, a lot of household goods and other articles too
numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE 7 months time, ten per cent, interest,
three per cent discount lor cash. All sums under $10 cash.
COL. DAVE LOVE, Auctioneer
Liberty Hell Over Highway.
Potltlons were circulated yesterday
asking Mayor Blankcnburg, of Phila
delphia, to permit the Liberty Bell to
bo transported to San Francisco in a
motor car over the Lincoln Highway
instead of by rail. These petitions
will be sent In from every town along
tho highway. It Is argued that If sent
over tho highway millions of people
will seo this historic bell, whllo if
sent by rail a comparatively small
number will havo an opportunity - to
view It. School children In every
town and vlllago along the route
would see It, and undoubtedly It would
tend to arouse patriotism among
them. Tho petitions sent in from here
contained tho names of four or five
hundred pupils of the schools.
Ilrldije Hids to be Opened Tuesday.
Tho bids for tho construction of the
now bridge across the river cast of
town will be opened this afternoon.
Former Stato Engineer Price arrived
yesterday and will submit a bid for
a concrete bridge. W. L. Cary repre
senting the Omaha Structural Steel
Co. of Omaha, also came In yesterday.
Othors who will, submit bids arrived
last night, and it is probable that there
will be many bids for both steel and
concrete structures. Stato Engineer.
Johnson will also bo hero today to
assist In a tabulation of the bids and
tho awarding of tho contract.
At tho meeting of tho board of direc
tors of tho Chamber of Comniorco
Wednesday ovening C. F. Teniplo was
appointed tomporary secretary and
chairman of tho membership commit
tee. An effort will be made this year
to Increnso tho membership to 250 or
300. Alllanco with but a little moro
than half tho number of votors that
North Platto has, enrolled over 300
In Its commercial club and pays tho
secretary of tho organization $1,S00 a
year. Last year Alliance raised ?G,000
for its publicity fund.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Springer, Whit-? and
county clork.
Settlement Is hereby mndo with J.
W. Kilmer, overseer district 80 for the
year 1914, nud find due him the sum
of $92 40 which In hereby allowed as
follows: $65.00 on commissioner dla
trirt 2 and $27.40 on road district 86.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
Later Walker, transportation coun
ty poor, $50.00.
Harry Carother, mdse county poor,
Good Samaritan , hospital, hospital
, ". $20.00. 1
Hammond Stephens Co. supplies,
Hammond Printing Co. supplies,
Rush Mercantile Co. mdse county
poor, $84,015.
L. J Hansen, coal county poor, $3.81.
Electrical Supply Co. lamps, $7.60.
E J. James, printing, $15.05
P. W. Olson, road work district 10,
J. F. Snyder, road work district 32,
Smith Bros, hauling gravol, Well
lleet bridge fund, $82.00.
Louis Bochnn, road work, district 9,
two claims, $105.70. '
W. Cockle, road work district 19,
L. M. Mogonsen, road work district
19, $12.00.
A consent road petition signed by S.
J. Koch and othors comes before the
board for action, said road to run as
follows: Commencing at tho S. E. cor
ner of Sec. 1, T. 13, R. 32, running
thence north one mile, thence east two
miles and connecting with road No.
202 Is hereby granted as a section lino
road with damages as agreed between
the commissioners and tho several
land owners and county surveyor is
hereby directed to survey the same.
A petition signed by residents of
Nichols Precinct asking permission to
play base ball on Sundays Is hereby
Whereupon the board adjourns to
May 17, 1915.
C. W YOST, County Clerk.
May 17, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Hermlnghausen and county
clerk. There being no quorum the
board stands adjourned until tomor
row. May 18, 1915.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Hermlnghausen, Springer
White and county clerk.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
John Gaedke, care of county poor,
John Gildea, mdse county poor,
F. D. Westenfeld, mdse county poor,
. E H Springer, services, $54.90.
F. W. Hermolnghnusen. services
D. B White, services, $42.40.
F W. Herminghauson, transporta
tion' county poor, $2.7G.
A. B Hoagland, auto hire, $73.00
Mrs. W. R. Morgan, house rent
county poor, $9.00.
W. D. Waldo, grading roads, $321.00
on commissioner dist. 2 and $179.00 on
district 1.
O. A. Robinson, road work on com
missioner district 1, $5G.OO.
C. A. Robinson road work, on com
missioner district 2, $34.00.
Nato Bratten, part payment 1914
settlement, on commissioner district
2, $200.00.
Nato Bratten, part payment 1914
sotttlcmont on road district 34, $100.00.
Walter Wilson, road work district
49, $55.30.
r W. W. Blrge, car of lumber on
bridge fund, $GCC,07.
Ray Springer, bridge work, $4.00.
Paul Lucas, brldgo work, $4.00.
L. C. Cecil, brldgo work, ?4.00.
Adjourned until May 20, 1915.
C. W YOST, County Clerk.
The First -National Bank
Membar Fftdtrbl Reserve Bank System.
One Hundred and Fity Thousand Dollars.
losing Out Sale
Sulkey Cultivators at $25 to $27.
P & O Canton Sulkey Plows at $35.
P & O Canton Sulkey Lister at $35.
8 foot Wind Mills at $25-
Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water Front
or Reservoir $50.
Bon Ami Oil Stoves.
Acorn Range with Reservior $40.
Cream Separators $25 and upward.'.
Hardware at and below Cost.
Bain Wagons 2 1-2 Axle, 3 in tire $65.
Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 3 in tire $70.
Bain Wagons 3 Axle, 4in tire $75.
Good Pine Lumber at $2.00 per 100 feet.
Kentuckey Blue Grass eed. .
Chick Food, Oyster Shells, Calf Meal.
Aiitomonibilo Insurance.
Fire, Explosion, Transportation,
Theft, Colllson, Liability. All writ
ten in tho most liberal policies at the
lowest posslblo rates consistent with
good underwriting. C. F. TEMPLE,
34-2 Tho Rollablo Insurance Man.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to thank tho friends and
neighbors and especially Dr. Slms for
tho ninny acts of kindness to us during
tho illness and death or our husband
and fathor.
Mrs. Jonathan Welch tjnd family.
1 . X
are soucii-
C. S. Bethel,
ed. We will
cheerfully fui
nish you with esti
mates if you will
write us. We de
liver anywhere in this
territory. We carry the
best at cheapest brices in lum-
bricks, etc. V e sell to individuals Ns
as well as to the trade. We make it
our special business to take good care NW
rf th"C rl-r rarkfr ineit- ie in nownn
I JES E Hi!. H E llf i 1
ML . JvV f OS IU jr. A. hm
'wr'rwtesajigsaisasr-fl i wwi a wjawa
Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte.
Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson
Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady