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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1915)
Semi-Weekly Tribune UIX L. UAltK, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Onb Year by Mail In Advnnco. .. .$1.25 Olio Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1.60 Entered at 'North Platte, Nebraska, Pofttolllce aa Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1915. Hare Wo u Jlall Team A report having boon circulated that North Platto possosBed a ball team, six or eight hundred people wont down to the ball lot Sunday afternoon and af ter two hours' afllictlon patiently borne, oach of the six or eight hun dred wore ready to tar and feather and rldo on a rail the fellow or fellows who circulated the report. Candor compels us to admit that Judging by Sunday's game, North Platte doe not ponspiii a lxi II team. It hag aomo fel lows who essayed to play, but what they really accomplished was an, exhi bition that would bo highly uncompli mentary" to a team composed of ojghth grado school boys. It was a comedy of errors, of bonohead plays, a Ustloss, Innctlvo waiting for the ball to come to them, nnd" when It did come, thoy politely declined to stop It, or If It camo squarely Into their hands thoy took apparent pleasuro In dropping It. They woro about as actlvo In mooting the plays as you would expoct of Schmnlzrled's femalo Indian. Tho Ogalalla players the opposing toam- batted Pitcher Luby all over tho lot; they outplayed tho, local team at every point; outclassed them In team work and It was probably only through tholr charitableness that they didn't romp around the diamond twen ty times Instond of nine or ten times. Some aro sulllclently charitable enough to say that Sunday was an "off day" for tho team "off" Is certainly riglit wo regret that wo cannot take tho samo view. Constant practice might mako some ' difference with some fit tho players tho others are hopeless. Tho prlmo reason North Platto does not havo a ball team Is because of tho ponurlousncss of Its peoplo tholr sporting blood Is of that rich nature found in a turnip An attempt has been mado to sell 1,000 season tickets at tho smal sum of $2 each. Have tho 1,000 been sold? Well ono of tho bnst hustlors In town has dovotcd day after day to tlu work and has dis posed of 350. More money for base ball can bo raised in Maywood a vll lago of 200 or In Ogalalla a town of 800 in two hours than can bo ex tracted from the, peoplo of North Platto In thirty days, and yet wo got chesty and say wo aro a llvo town and lovo clean sport. Wo aro about as sporty as an old maid who has yet to navo nor nrst beau. It takes money to run a ball team, a team Hint is creditable to North Platto, and all will admit that a weak team Is u greater afllictlon than a run of small pox. It Is evident that tho effort to provide funds by soiling season tickets is falling flat, and that If wo aro to havo a creditablo team other means to provido funds must be employed. ,To this end Tho Trlbuno wants to bo one of 100 to give ?25 each 16 thoro aro not 100 who will do this, mako tho number fifty and play ball as long as tho funds last even if it is only a few weoks. There nro times when a "knock" is n "boost" 4hoso lines are written as a boost for bettor ball. The Little (Jrecn Tout. Apropos of tho day set apart for commemorating tho dead soldiers 'of tho Union army of the great civil war, the :10th of this month, Is tho following by Walt Mason, being ono of tho fin est gems ho ever penned: "The little grpen tents whoro tho soldiers sleep, and tho sunbeams play und tho women weep aro covered with flowers today; and between tho tents walk tho weary few who woro young and stalwart in sixty-two, when they went, to war away. Tho llttlu green tents aro built of sod, and they are not long nnd thoy are not broad, hut tho soldiers havo lots of room; and tho sod Is part of tho land thoy saved when tho Hag of tho enemy darkly waved, tho symbol of dole and doom. Tho llttlo green lent 1b a tiling di vine; tho llttlo green tent is tho coun try's Hhrlno whoro patriots kneel and pray; and tho bravo men left, so old. so few, wero young and stalwart in sixty-two, when thoy wont to war away." fount) nnd Neighborhood Niims llov. L. J. Powell, a former pastor oi me Lutheran oiiureh at Sutherland. was married at West Point, Nob., laBt i nursuay to Miss Eat hor Sc ho bo. Robert 13. Dean, at one time a resi dent of North Platto, died at Staple ton reoontly at tho ago of sovonty-llvo years. HJ was tho ston-fathor of Ed Sullsbury of Stapleton. The Loup Valloy Land Co., tho orig inal owners of tho town site of Stnplo ton, has convoyed practically all tho unsold lots to tho Omaha Sato Deposit Co. The graduating exorcises of tho Mnx u i ll 'high school were held last even ing. State Supt. Thomas dollvoring tho address. Tho gruduatos woro Lola Huntington, Kugonot Haines and lllancho Juggwr. Lightning one day last week killed threo horses which Cliff Tool, of Mc riiorson county, was using whllo. list ing corn. Tool was stunned but not Injured. A Jtnre Opportunity Tho Mutual llullding & Loan Assoc latlon have taken over iho two story, nlno room frumo dwelling and comor lot at 321 South Dowoy St. and havo nowly decorated and painted tho, house inside and out and havo added now bath, toilet, lavatory, kitchen slpk, city wntor and sowor connection and electric lights, making It as good as Niow and aro now offorlng it at a vory low prlco and easy terms. For prico and terms bog 8. Qoozeo, Secretary, or T. C. Patterson, President. P. II. Sullivan, T M. Cohagon, Jno. Boycr, Fred Dlclc and Adrian Elliott, who attended tho mtii bi-ountai scs slon of tho grand lodgo of tho A. O, U. W. at Lincoln last week, camo homo Thursday, fr J 1 1 Watch What Goes Into Your TVnk Crown CASOLIWE Powerful. Quick starting. Uniform. Polarine ends carbon troubles. Standard Oil Company A Letter from J. (.'. Gambol. J. u Oambel, tor twenty-live yuira a resident of tho north part ot the couuty, but who moved to Filer, lduho, writes The Tribune in part as lollows: "Wo are located in the Twin Falls truct nine miles northwest of tho city of Twin Falls, five miles northeast of Filer, and a half mile south of tho Snako river, which Is a very powerful stream and the sourco of our Irriga tion system. Tho groat Shoshone falls aro llvo miles from tho city of Twin Falls and aro a lino sight. Thoy plungo 200 feet over great rocks and form a rainbow In tho spray and trilst at tho bottom. It Is connected with tho city of Twin Falls with a street cur line. Many tourists go out there sight-sebing. Twin Falls has a population of 8,000 nnd tho most of its streets aro paved and It is only ten years old. Isn't that pretty good? Thoro are many places of Interest In this valloy and ond can spend a very pleasant trip In traveling through It, Land ranges In price from $125 to $150 per aero aim more near town, i us, Q , t of h stalf(arll soil Is very productive and -will raise ,, 4 .. , ail kinds of grain, potatoes and fruits 0,1 company at ChuppeM reports that of all kinds, Col-U Is not raised to llist wepk he delivered on an average any oxtont, but it can bo grown. Al- C00 gallons of gasoline to the gas falfu and clover ure the leading hay tractor plowing outfits In his terrl crops. Alfnlfa grows waist high and ' tory. At present the station hero is 1 ..H..W. ...til .1.. 1 ono ucro oi goou uuaua win prouueo , six tons of hay; it is cut three times Dairying and tho sheep Industry aro very profitable here. Ono very fine feature of this country is its fruits, Straw berries aro unusually lino here. I would rather eat strawberries In this valloy than light tho buffalo gnats In tho North Platto valley. Oats range from SO to 100 bushels per acre, wheat from 50 to 80 bushels per acre. And thoro hnvo been some pieces that made from 100 to 115 bushels por acre. Tho nvorugo yield of potatoes Is 300 sacks to the acre, n sack hodlng about two bushels. I saw one potato that weighed seven pounds, of course thnt Is nn excep tion, but thoy raise vory lino potatoes. Thoro is very good fishing horo In the streams If you take tho time,, to fish. Thoro have been somo fish caught in tho Snake river tho(t weighed 200 pounds. I surely liko this valley and when J settled hore I loft the fear of' hot winds and, nail storms, cyclones and bllzznrds behind mo. We havo a vory flno Irrigation system hero with ponty of wntor, but the Inst day or two wo havo been getting molsturo from tho clouds. In concluding my letter I would say, any time any of my old neighbors wish to como out and look at the country, I hey will ho welcome and we will show thorn as good a time ns we pnsilbly cnn. Personal and (euornl Notes A John Hopkins doctor says thoro Is no such thing as rheumatism. An other venorablo weather sign Bent to tho Junk pile. U. L. Boddon of Seymour, Ind.. Is dead from blood poisoning contracted rrom UBlng a drinking cup Infected by another man. Tho difference between roportorlnl fancy and tho roallty Is shown in tho case or John Uunny, tho movlo como- dlan. Pross ngonta Insisted ho got a salary aa largo as tho prosldant of tho United States. His ostato amounted to ?8,000 A woman at Ashtabula, O., having Umbered at a bargain rush, on ro turning home thraBhcd a thlof she found In tho parlor, rang for a hurry wagon, nnd sat on tho victim until tho wagon nrrlved. Ilargaln rushes aro entitled to a high plnco In tho athletic scoro board. United States Judco Landls nut nn other unlquo Industry out of business last weok. Tho business consisted ot extracting tho whisky that soaks Into whisky barrel staves. Tho extractors did' not pay a rovonuo tax as whisky makors. When tho court soaked them for tho tax tho business collapsed Mort Smith, of Bridgeport, spent tho lnttor part of last weok horo on bust ness, D. E. Morrill loft Saturday oveulug for Omaha to transact business for sevornl days. D Omaha Iloost Lincoln Highway. Delegations from every town be tween and including Cheyenne, Wyo., and Big Springs, Neb., met at Sidney Saturday night and organized the Western Nebraska and Wyoming Lin coln Highway association, tho Immed iate purpose of which Is to opposo the methods of Denver nnd Intermediate points to divert travel from tho real Lincoln highway In Nebraska and Wy oming to Colorado. Tho best way to tho coast or to Den ver Is on tho regular Lincoln "highway through western Nebraska and Chey enne, the boosters declare. The route along the South Platte val oy to Denver, they say, is almost Im passable during storm periods, and be ing in tho river bottom Is affected by seepage nnd cannot bo maintained In good travelablo condition, whereas tho regular Lincoln highway, along the main lino of the Union Pacific railroad to Cheyenne, Is one of the finest stretches of natural roadway In tho entlro country. Tho association Just perfected will systematically maintain it in excellent condition. (i,,,lvfirin olI ..,, ... nttn nnt- fits and there will possibly bo two more within a short time. Oil and gas Is also delivered to Lodge Pole, In addition to filling local demands. Chappel Register. F. J. DIENEK & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Como and see lib for town lots in dtfforent parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewev Sts.. upstairs Otlice phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bnnk Building. AERIAL NAVIGATION Is no longor nu experiment, Its prac ticability has been proven and Is com ing Into uso moro and more ovory day. Our cigars havo novor been an ex periment; they havo always been good, thoy havo homo tho mark of standard for ovor wonty-ilvo years in .-sortn piattc. wo nmlto a number ot brandB ranging In prico from 3 for 10 cents to 3 for 25 cents. Try them. J. F, Schmalzried. THE STALLION Grant Morgan Weight. 1,920 pounds, ago llvo years will stand on tho farm of Frank Strol. berg, six miles west of town, on Sun- days nn SIondnyB nt 10 a. m., balnncc of the week nt North Side Uarn In North Plntte. Fee to Insuro $1C00 Julius Mogensen, Owner I DEItllYIJEKRY & rOKBES, Licensed Embnlmors Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phono Dlack 58S. Hospital Phono Dlnck C33, House Phone Black G33. , w. t. pitrrciiAiti), , Graduate Vci urinaria n Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 2 18 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of tho Court Housf.. Oiih Plntte, Neb. xotii'h to sHiiii iii:ai hstatij Notice Is hereby given thnt In nn action pending In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In which M. II. Evans, Administrator of the es tate of I'ntrlck Ruddy, deceased, bus applied for license to sell lands for the payment of the debts of snld ostato and which Bnld license bus boon duly grunted by said Court. Tlmt on Wed nesday, June 2, 11)15 nt the hour of 2 P. M. said administrator will offer for sale nt public sale ut tho enst front door of tho Court IIouso Irr North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to the highest bidder or bidders for ensh the following described lands sltuato In the city of North Platto Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wlt; All of lllock 1, con sisting or lots 1 to 12 Inclusive in tho Huddy Addition to said city of North Platte or so much thereof as shall bo necessary to satisfy tho Indebtedness against the estate of said Patrick Rud dy deceased. Said sale to remain open for one hour, 13. II. EVANS", Administrator of the estate of Pat rick Huddy, deceased. m-11-4 i.r.NAi. notion State of Nebraska, Llncqln County, ss To All persons Interested In the Es tate of Hridget A. Williamson, de ceased: You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of May. 'IMS Talmnge White, administrator of tho estate of Hridget A Williamson, deceased filed In said Court IiIb tlnal account as said admin istrator and petition, tho objects and prayer of which nro that n decree of distribution mny bo made of the resl-' duo of said estate, now In his posses sion to, tho parties entitled by law to receive tho same, nnd that said final account nnd a petition for distribution will be heard upon the 1st day of June, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock at tho County Court room In tho city of North Platte in said County, nnd you nro horoby cited to appear nt the time anil place designnted nnd show cause. If such exist why such nccount bo not allowed. It Is, therefore, ordered that the said Talmngo White, administrator give notice to nil persons Interested In said yHtate by causing a copy of tills order to be printed In the North Platte Tribune n newspaper printed and pub lished In said county for threo weeks prior to the dnto set for such bearing. Dated this 5th day of Mny, 1915. GEORGE 13. FRENCH, mll-3 County Judge. Order of Hearing on 1'etlHlon for Ap pointment ot AilnilnlNtriitor or Atl mlHtrntrlv. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, bs. In the County Court. In tho Alattor of tho Estate of Ann Jano Harraclougb. Deceased. On rending nnd filing the petition of josnua narraciougn anu isuwnru iinr raclougb praying thnt Administration or saltt instate may oe granted to Fred erlck Barrnclough as Administrator. uraereu, Tiiat June 1st A. u. iuid, at o ciock a. ai. is assiirneu ror near lng said netltion when all ncrsons in torosted in said matter may appenf at n County Court to bo held in and tnr said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not bo granted: nnd that notice of tho nenden cy of said petition nnd tho hearing tnereor uo given to nil persons inter estcd In said matter by publishing n copy of this order In The NortlfPlatte Tribune, a seml-woekly newspaper printed in sam i;nunty. ror tnree sue cesslvo week, prior to said day of hearing. Dated Mny lot i, 1915. GEO. B. FRENCH. mll-3 County Judge. iN'OTICK To Whom It May' Concern: Notice Is hereby glvon that the Ma yor and City Council will hold a spe cial meeting at the hour of 8:00 o clock M., (Central Time) June 8th, 1915. In the council chamber for the pur pose of making assssments and levy lng taxes for the construction of side walks built by the City along the following described property: Lot 4, Block 175, original town of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 130 ft. long, 544 sq. ft. at 10c $54.40 3 yards ot sand for filling at 75c 2.25 Lot 5, Block 175, original town of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 149 ft. long, 596 sq. ft. at 10c. 59.G0 7 yards of sand for filling at 75c 5.25 Block 192 of the original town of North Platto. walk 4 ft. wide, 37 ft. long, 148vsq. ft. at 10c. 14.80 Lot 10, Block 4, Taylor's Addition to tho City of North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide, 129 ft. long, 518 sq. ft. at 10c 51.80 Lot 10, Block 3, Taylor's Addition to tho City of North Platto, walk 4 ft. wide, 143 ft. long, 572 sq. ft. nt 10c 57.20 Lot S, Block 5, Pennlston's Addi tion to the City of North Platto, walk 4 ft. wide, 5 ft. long, 20 sq. ft. at 10c 2.00 Lot 8, Block G7, original town of North Plntte, walk 4 ft. wide, 7 ft. long, 28 sq. ft. at 10c... 2.80 Lot G, Block S, Taylor's Addltio.n to tho City of North Plntte, walk 4 ft. wide, G7 ft. long, 2GS sq. ft. nt 10c 2G.S0 Lot 1, Block 2, Taylor's Addition to tho City or North Platto, walk 4 foot wldo, 139 feet long,55G square feet at 10c 55. GO Lot 10, block 1, Taylor's Additon to tho City of North Platto, walk 4 feet wide, 9M: feet long, 38 square feet nt 10c 3.80 Lot 5, Block 10, Pennlston's Addi tion to tho City of North Platto, walk 4 foot wldo, 9k foot long. 3S square foot tit 10c 3.S0 Lot 4, Block 11, Ponniston's Addi tion to tho City of North Platte, walk 4 feet wldo, 11 feet long, ' 4 1 square feet at 10c 4.40 Lot 1, Block 35 ot tho Original town of North Platte, walk 4 feet wide, 9V. feet long, 38 so. feet at 10c 3.80 Lot 8, Block 35 of tho original town ot North Platto, walk 4 foot wide. 9$ foot long, 3S squnro feet atTOd ;' 3.80 All of tho above described property boing in Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. In addition to tho abovo amounts. Intorest and advertising fe'cs will ho charged. All persons Interested will file tholr objections, If any thoy havo, to tho assessing ot taxes against tho ahovo described property for tho abovo des- crlbckl purpose on or beforo tho 8th day of June, A. D. 1915 as abovo stated C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. NOTICi:. To Whom It Mny Concern: Notico Is hereby given that tho Mayor nnd City Council will hold a snociat mooting nt tho hour of 8:00 o'clook P. M., (Control Tlmn) Juno 8th 1915 in the Council Chamber for the purpose of making assessments and levying tax erlbed property" weeds y tho clt' of Nort" I'lattq on tho following ties- ORIGINAL TOWN. Hlook 20, Lot 8 $i nn Illook 53, Lots 1 nnd 0 ji'no nor lot Hlook 38, Lot 4 !! ... . ............ .. ll.oo Hlook SJ, Lots 7 nnd 8 si'oo tier lot Hlook Tb4, Lots 1 and 2 . . i oo or lot SiSSS VII' S .2:.3:.:.t!,.,:l.f.::::: W !" lot 151SSS St LSt S::::::::v.:::::::::::::::!:;::;;:;ii;;ii":ili8j ' PENNISTON'S ADDITION. Hlook 11, Lot C Vino mock i i, Lot c I $100 Hlook 15, Lots 4 nnd 5 ' ' .$1.00 nor lot Hlock 1C, Lots 3, 4, 5, 0,. 7 nnd k. ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , JlOO per lot TAYLOR'S ADDITION. Hlock 1, Lots 1, 2, 1, 4 and 5 -. , nor lot Uloqk 3, Lots 7 nnd 10 i-..!"! $100 nor lot Hlook 6, Lots 1, 2, 0, 7, S, 9 and 10.,,,. .. ii.oo her lot Hjook b. Lots l 7, 9-nnd io ::::::..:::.::: : :i 80 per ISt ' Block 7, Lot 10 ,v , $100 . Hlook 9, Lots 1 and 2 v ' ' .'$i.'oo ner lot Hlook 10, Lots 4, 5. 6 and 7 . 1 no ner lot Hlook 11, Lots 1, 2 nnd 3 Ii 00 nor lot Hlock 12, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 0, 7, 8, 9 , . . !? o NORTH PLATTE TOWN LOT COMPANY'S ADDITION Hlock 6, Lots 4 nnd G , '. ' si 00 nnr lot Hlock 10, Lots 7. 8, 9 and 10 i XX Ir o "lock It loVi" !?::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: V lot Hlook 31, L ts 7 and 8 Ji &0 Ir lot , MILLER'S ADDITION. - 10 101 Hlock 4, Lot 5 $i on Hlock 6, Lots 5 and C .'.'ll.OO .per lot HINMAN'S 2ND ADDITION. , , Hlock 7, Lots 1 nnd C .... $i,0o por lot BELLEVUE ADDITION. Hloak 18, Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 $1,00 nor lot . .AU of,tno abov.o described property being In North Platte, Lincoln Coun t3', Jeurnskn. In addition to the above amounts, Interest nnd advertising fees will be charged. All persons interested will file tholr objections, If any thoy have, to the nsHcssIng Qf taxes ngnlnst tho above described property for tho above ,des cnhed purpose on or before tho 8th day of June, A. D., 1915. as above stated. C. P. TEMPLE, City Clerk. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth St. MKS. 31. HALL, Superintendent. Graduate Nurses in Attendance JOHN S. TWINE3r, Physiqian and Surgeon. DR. J. S. TWINEM, j Physician and Surgeon. 1 Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases, j Office McDonald State Bank Building ' Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 13, Residence 283- ' Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention 'given to Surgery and Qbstetrics. .i .( Office; Building and Loan Building Phn i Office 130 ( Phones Re!5idence 115 JOHN'S. SIMMS, M. 1 ..( . . - ff ' riiyslcliiu nnd Surgeon vr: K I' - Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. J. . ItUDFIELI), PHYSICIAN & SUItGEON Successor to IIYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL prs.'Redileld Redfleld Offlce Phone 642 Res. Phone 676 numu Bought und highest market prices paid , PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. LISGAIi NOTICE To Mary E. Law, non-resident defend ant: You nro hereby notified that William I.. Law did on tho 25th day of January. 191C. ulo a petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the onject anu prayer or wnicn are to De divorced from you upon the grounds of desertion and for such other nnd further relief ns justice and equity mny require: and that the Judgo of said Court did on April 2Gth, 191G, make an order direct ing inui service uo nnu upun juu uy publication as In other cases provided. You will make answer to said peti tion on or before tho 7th day of June, 1915. or your default will be taken and Judgment hnd ngnlnst you as In said po nton prayen. By E. H. EVANS. n27-4w His Attorney. NOTICE FOH l'L'llI.IOATIOX DoiMirtiiii'iit of the Interior U. S. Land Omco at North Platte, Nob. March 27, 1915. Notion Ih hnroliv irlvon that John M. Crandell, of North Platte, Nob., who. on January 10, 1912, made Homestead nntrv No. 05355. for the E and NW Vi Section 11, Township 12, N. Rnnga 31, w. Ctn Principal aioriuian, i...-' uieu no tice of Intention to make trial three yonr proof, to estnbllsh cla'i to the land abovo described, before tho Regls tr nml nneelvor. nt Northn Platte. Neb., on tho 21st day of May, 1915. Claimant names as wunossca: w . Masters, Hugh Songer, Carl Breeder, John W. Fowler, all of North Platte, Neb. J. E. EVANS, Register. m30-Cw Hi SlierlfT'M Sule. Uy virtue of an ordor of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendorod in , said Court whorln Carl Chrlstensen Is plaintiff, nnd Charles ShtM, Mnry E. Shlll and Kdd Shlll nro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 22nd day of May, 1915, nt 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the Court IIouso In North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell at Publlo Auction to tho highest bid der for cash, to satisfy said decree, In terest and costs, tho following des cribed property, to-wlt: Southeast quarter (SEVi) of Sec tion oightoon (18), Towshlp nine (9), Range thirty (30) West 0th P. M., Lin coln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., April 16, 1915. A J SALISBURY. a20-5w sheriff. Order of Ilciirlng on Original Prulinte of Will State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of J. Dola- van Jackson, Deceased. On reading nnd niing the petition of Anna E. Jackson, praying that the Instrument, nied on the 17th day of April, 1915, and purporting to bo the Inst Will and Testament of the said do ceased, may be proved, approved, pro bated, allowed nnd recorded as the last Will nnd Testament of the said J. Dela vnn Jackson, deceased, and that the execution of said Instrument may be committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to Anna E. Jnckson nnd Chnrles D. Jackson ns ad ministrators with Will annexed. Ordered, That May 8, 1915. at 9 o'clock a. m., Is asstgnod for hearing said petition, when all persons Inter ested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be hold in and for said County, nnd show causo why the pray er of petitioner should not be granted. GEO. E. FRENCH, a20-3w County Judge. CITATION Inthe County Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnskn. In tho Matter of the Estate of Jacob C. Pedorhoof, Deceased. To Clara J. Robblns, Agnes Amada Huffman and Martin Federhoof, heirs at law of Jacob C. Federhoof, deceased, and all persons Interested In said es tate: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that Sophia Federhoof has tiled her petition In this Court, the object and prayer of which are for a decree speci fying who nro the heirs of said Jacob C' Federhoof, deceased, nnd their Inter est or shares In and to Lot 2 In Block A of North Platte Townlot Company's Addition to North Platte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, and the right of succes sion thereto. All persons Interested In such matter aro herein cited to appear before this Court at the Court House In the City of North Platte, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock P. M. on tho 20th day of May, 1915, and show causo If any why the prayer of said petitioner shall not be granted. Witness my hand and the seal of snld Court this 24th day of April. 1916. (SEAL) GEO. E. FRENCH, a27-3w County Judge. onnijii oi' JiK.vuixf.. Tho Stnte of Nebraska, Lincoln County, IN THE COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of James M. Rannle, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of James A. Rannle aid George M. Ran nle, praying that administration of said estate mny bo grnntcd to Anna Rnnnlo ns ndministratri. ORDERED, Thnt Mny 25th, A. D. 1915 at 9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for henr ing said petition, when all persons In terested In said matter may appear at n county court to be held in nnd for said county, nnd show cause why the prnyer of petitioners should not be grnnted and that notico of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to nil persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the North Platte Seml Weokly Trlbuno, a semi-weekly news paper published In said county for three successive weeks prior to said of hearing, Dnted April 30. 1915. .GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. Notice of Sale. Notice Is hereby given thnt whereas default has occurred in the conditions of a cortnin chattlo mortgage executed by M. J. OConnoll nnd Floy E. O'Con nell, inortgngors, to William Lyman, mortgagee, bearing dato on the 25th dny of Februnry, 1914, by reason of the failure of said mortgagors to pay the debt secured thcrby and whereas there is now due and unpaid on said Indebt edness to the undersigned the sum of Four Hundred Thirty nnd GG-100 ($430.56.) Now therefore, tho" property des cribed In said mortgage, to-wlt, Two brass bed, complete, ono birds eye maple dressor, ono birds eye maple chlffoner, two 8x10 rugs, one oak dresser, ono oak table, ono oak rocker, ono oak leather rocker, six dining room chairs, two 9x12 rugs, ono daven port, one electric lamp, one dining room table, one sewing .machine, one Jewel gasoline stove, ono kitchen cab inet, ono buffet, six kitchen chairs, two rugs 24x5, ono roll top desk, ono flat top desk, two desk chairs, four largo olllce chairs, ono insurance case, one papor file, ono stand table, one letter press nnd book, ono largo electric fan; or so much thereof ns may bo necessary, will bo sold pursuant to the power of tho sale in said morttrace contained, at public auction to the 1 i.i.-i...... i . I . i .1 r i . . i . . rfn.i day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M. at tho storage room of T, M. Cohagen In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, to satisfy tho debt secured by said mortgntre and costs and expenses of these foreclosure pro ceedings, Dated nt North Plntto, Nebraska, this 29th day of April, 1915. WILLIAM LYMAN, Mortgagee, Uy Muldoon & Glbbs, His Attorneys. XOTIfH FOH l'UIlMG.VTION Ocpnrtnu'itt of the Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto, Nob. April 23, 1915. Notico Is hereby given that Minnie Eliza McQulre. now Secso, of North Platto, Nebraska, who on February 8, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 05371, for E',6 of SEU Section 2, Township 11 N.. Range 30 W., 6th Principal Morid lan, has filed notice of Intention to make tlnal three year proof, , to estab lish claim to tho land above described before tho Register and Receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 21st day of June, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: gcott Shanor, ot Maxwell, Nobr., Jonae High bergor, of North Platte, Nebr., Andrew Howard, of Wollfleet, Nebr., Mary Rich ards, of North Platte, Nebr, J. E. EVANS, a27-Cw Register.