The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1915, Image 3

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Ya Ja&'ft uts montr wfcen Tea bar clean or olf
'It' nor ecaoomlcal mere wboluonr (hei bat
Our Telephone Policy I
To give the best telephone service that American
brains can produce; to charge the lowest rates consis
tent with prompt and dependable service; to treat
everyone courteously, and to merit a reputation for
integrity, efficiency and decency.
To instill these principles in the minds of every
one of our employees, and to have our employees
proud of the Company, proud to serve it and its
patrons and jealous of their own and the Company's
good name.
, bushels of
. can make
Y , i
&I63p fflll il'n Oats, uaney anu riax. mixeu iarmuiB
W jj A5m J$i 'S fU"y aS prota',le an industry 38 Brain
pulsory in Canada but there is a great demand for farm labor to replace the many
young men who have volunteered for service. The climate is healthful and
agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and churches convenient
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Superintendent
Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
W. V. DenneU,220 17fh St., Room
' 4, Dee Building, Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent
Safety First
(t bf fjlriB with a O anil nmolla like "Camphor,"
WUiit is Uf 'ii!iiiliolntum, of couruc. In
there ft Jar of Cniiiilio!uttim In your home?
Or la It poBxlblcyou have nover used this won
derful remedy, which Is giving thousands relief
and comfort every year from liny l'cvor,
l'llrs and Hemorrhoid, sore SSj-e,
fjpralns, IlIieuiniitlMii, IMieuruoiiIu, In
sect IStlllUN, Nuurulgln, Villa, iliuppcd
IuiuIk, Murna and Scalds, and a host of
other conditional" You should acquaint your
self with its household usefulness by taking
advantage of this golden opportunity. Out cou
pon out before you forget, till in your name and
address aud mall to us with 15 cents in stamps,
receive a full site Jar of this wonderful oint
ment. There Is but one Culiipliolatum and
thousands of Imitations. Insist upon this
and uo other.
Campholatum Co., &aar.Vu,?KZ
AddreBu ,
! I
Wataoa 15. Coleman,
Patent Lawrtr.WaahlnzUm.
D O. Artvlraa jfl books Ires.
Bate re io liable. Hlxheat reference. lit aery lets.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 20-1915.
The cook is happy, the
other members of the family
arc happy appetites sharpen, tilings
brighten up generally. And Calumet
Baking Powder is responsible for it all.
For Calumet never fails. Its
wonderful leavening qualities insure
perfectly shortened, faultlessly raised
Cannot be compared with
other baking powders, which promise
without performing.
Even a beginner in cooking
gets delightful results with this never
failing Calumet Baking Powder. Your
grocer knows. Ask him.
World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, TCL
Peris Exposition, Franco, March, 1012.
an oiklar uow Jr. Dta't fe tallied. Bar Calamtf.
rtiolu. Cuaact U fir tupcrior to ku milk tod sods.
mm J
Canada is CallinVBu
Iter McliWIieat Lands
-She extends to Americans a hearty in
vitation to settle on her FREE Home
stead lands of 160 acres each or secure
some of the low priced lands in Mani
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
This year wheat is higher but Canadian land just
as cheap, so the opportunity is more attractive than
ever. Canada wants you to help to feed the world
by tilling some of her soil land similar to that
which durinor manv vears has averaeed 20 to 45
wheat to the acre. Think what you
with wheat around $1 a bushel, and
. . l Tir i . .:!.., nt
so easy iu bc- "uiiuciiui jriuiua uiou w
The Government this year is asking
crain. Military service is not com
Florida Lands
For Sale to Settlers
In tracts of ten acres and up
wards, in Volusia County,
adapted to cultivation of citrus
fruits, vegetables of all kinds
and general crops. Situation
healthful. Gend for circulars.
Write in English. Railroad runs
through tract. Will sell on month
ly payments. Agents wanted.
Florida Land & Settlement Co.
Care Alex. St. Clalr-Abrams, Attorney
615-19 Dyil-Upchurch Bide., Jacksonville, FU.
HI DAN Hi;KI reclraned rco from Johnson
gran: bur direct from grower. 10 Ibi. 3.t0;
SO. 16.00; to, S12.C0: 100, $20.00, prepaid by
expreu. It. K, MrMlon, Itotroe, Trim.
Ql nIN fiDlQQ rnr Northern grown brt I
aUIMPl UK433 onIltrarjagrrtulnBtlon,26i I
pound. AmerlcanGrlni&dCo.,BlluralolKitn. '
;if i;.t wi mnm vwmm i tr be
Mow Sleepy Senate Page Lost aY Important Bill
WASHINGTON. Senator Ollle James of Kentucky has hern tryliiK over
slnco tho adjournment of congress, on Mnrch 4, to find out wlmt hecatne
of n certain hill that was passed by both houses, and nover reuchod tho nrosl
lcnt for his signature, thhroby failing
mediately thereafter disappeared as mysteriously as some ships, men and
other things. Tho bill provided for a reorganlzatlpn of the forco in the
patent olllco.
Tho boy was told to tako the bill across the corridor to tho enrolling
clerk, who has his desk in tho olllce of the secretary of tho senate. The
boy stnrtcd with tho bill. It never reached tho desk of tho enrolling clerk.
I'or this fact tho youngster was Inter wholly unable to account, nor has the
text of th'o measure over been found. Nobody blames the boy becnuso he
was dead tired and probably not half nwake when ho started on his errand.
Dut tho fact that a sleepy.chlld was able to throw n monkey wrench Into the
machinery of congress, without tho least intention to do so, shows that tho
legislative engine of the greatest republic In the world is occasionally subject
to as many freak Ills as an automobile.
School That Gives Children Training for Life
WASHINGTON has a unique new echool, tho first one of Hb kind to form
W part of the public school system of the city. It Is a school whoro desks
have given place to household furniture, sewing machines, work benches, tool
aacs and tho shoemaker's bench and
last. From Its class To6mB issue con
stantly tho noise of hammer and saw,
tho hum of tho busy sewing machines,
tho rattlo of pans and dlslies and the
swish of broom and brush.
Through tho open door come the
rasp of file and plane, tho rhythmic
thump of tho shbemaker's pegging.
The energetic homy sounds of house
keeping float out to meet tho visitor,
while tho appetizing aroma of stewing
fruit and delicious baking custards
extends a fragrant welcome. Books, papers, mnps, chart and all of tho
stereotyped paraphernalia of the conventional schoolroom are missing.
Tho blackboards aro empty of history outlines, columns of spelling words,
tonguo-twlsting geographical names nnd braln-fagglng mathematical problems
of percentage nnd discount, portraying Instead working drawings for tho
young carpenter, day's menus and tho
of six, names of cuts of meat nnd various terms In tho lingo of cookery and
marketing. Across tho hall in tho
board pictures of fashion's extremes.
It Is not until tho stnrtled gaze adjusts Itself somewhat to tho novelty of
the scono and the different classes aro studied individually that tho real
spirit of this place makes itself felt, for It is a school to dignify labor and
to give to boys and girls some idea of
Though all signs of academic Instruction arc absent from tho Bhops and
housekeeping departmont, tho pupils are faithfully taught tho traditional
"It's" and all else prescribed In the usual curriculum for tho grades to which
they belong. Music, physical culture and drawing are curtailed, but not
entirely omitted.
In addition, tho plan Is to equip the
tho commercial world, and by making
eelved hero bo ablo readily to secure
and also bo spared many weary hours
elude to uso what they have learned
their Ufa work.
President May Sell
nECAUSE President Wilson wrote a
D to Baltimore newspaper boys, In
that "the right road is the straight
boys that if he ever got hard up he
money. Harrison is better known
many," while McQuInn is universally
barrassment to "Germany" when ho
much tho Baltimore "newsies" appreciated his letter and tho sentiments ho
had shown therein.
Tho president In his letter to the
"I am very glad to bear about the
ginning to tako caro of yourselves and
bo sorry for afterward, and I want to
. will and express the hope that the
you not only more successful men,
Girl Drives Congressional Library Jitney Bus
rHI3 first Jitney bus to bo operated
an, Miss Elizabeth Cushman, who
at tho congressional library to and
Miss Cushman snys she is not run
Is not run-
le. it is
ning a "regular" jitney line,
Just an accommodation line,
the rcquost of girl friends in
land Park, who aro associated with
ner at mo iiorary.
Miss Cushman says sbo was In
the hnblt of picking up hor friends In
tho morning to take them to the li
brary, and then would drive them
home with hor at night. Her friends
Insisted on paying for tho ride, and
the congressional library Jitney bus
lino was '.aunched. "The Jitney bus
it would pay to install a regular schedule between Cleveland Park and down
town, even though it Is a 'long haul.' "
It is about four miles from tho
Miss Cushman does not bellevca
town section would be a paying venture, owing to the distance but she is
surprised that jltnoy bus lines have not been inaugurated in cross-town
streets nnd from districts that aro uot
to become n law. Not only Scnatoi
Jameg but the clerks of both houset
and other olllclala are on tho hunt fot
tho missing bill, although Its discov
ery ia of no importance, because It
died at noon on March 1, when il
failed to carry tho signature of Wood
row Wilson. All that congress knows
concerning tho fate of tho bill Is that
it was turned over to n sleepy little
pago boy of tho senate at two o'clock
In the morning o! March 4 nml I in
cost per artlclo thereof for a family
sewing classroom may bo seen black
tho demands of life.
pupils so that they may stop out Into
use of tho Instruction they have re
employment In n familiar lino of work,
of apprenticeship, should they con
as the foundation upon which to build
Newspapers in Baltimore
mighty intereBtlnrr nnd helnful lettei
which he told them, besides other things,
road and is tho only road that will carry
any man where ho would caro to go,"
and "that It isn't worth whllo to go
nnywhoro If you cannot go with honor
and self-respect," he was heartily
thanked by a committee of tho boys,
conslhtlng of Samuel Frledel, seven
teen; Gcorgo Harrison, fifteen; WI1
Ham G. McQulnn, fifteen, and Jesse
Rosensteln, fourteen.
Harrison handed the president a
badge of tho child labor bureau of
Ilaltlmorc, entitling him to sell news
papers in Hint city. Ho assured tho
would uso tho permit to make soma
among the Haltimoro "newsies' as "Ger
called "Giggles." It was a great cm
undertook to tell tho president how
newsboys said:
way In which you youngsters aro bo
stop tho things that you nro suro to
send you this message of hearty good
things you are learning now will mako
but happier men."
In tho capital is driven by a young worn
utilizes her caro to tako fellow clerks
from their homos Jn Cleveland Park
fyf -y """"V-y,
JlJ, Jl clS'it'wS O
pays," Miss Cushman said. "I bclleva
Cleveland Park neighborhood to tho
line from Chevy Chuso to tho down
served by car lines
This Is tho story of John Gadokcn
of Wisncr, Neb., and how ho won back
health nnd hnpplncss. Mr. Gnuoketi
suffered for years from 111 health. Ills
troubln began with his stomach. His
food was not properly digested, nnd
ho grow worse undor tho worry of
what ho feared was hopelessly bad
Ono day ho heard nbout Mayr'a
Wonderful Remedy. Ho took ono doso
nnd was astonished by tho results. Ho
"My ailments seem to bo ontlroly
overcome, ns tho many symptoms
which wero constantly worrying mo
hnvo, llko n wonder, all passed awny,
and my health is Improving fast. I
am also gaining in weight fast
gained flvo pounds already.
"It has been two weeks slnco I not
through your treatment, nnd I can
sny that it has put my stomach and
bowolB In perfect shnpo."
Mayr s wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for stomach, liver and
Intestinal ailments. Ent as much and
whatever you llko. No moro distress
after eating, pressuro of gns In tho
stomach nnd around tho heart. Get ono
bottlo ot your druggist now and try It
on an absolute guaranteo If not satis
factory money will bo returned. Adv.
Tho world Iovcb to laugh at a lover.
DjWnk Denlson'o Coffee.
Always puro and delicious.
An honest man is Indeed a good
thing for his creditors.
Always nroud to show white clothe.
Red Cross Unll Blue does make them
white. All grocers. Adv.
Russtnn peasant women work In tho
flcldB with tho men.
With Cutlcura Soap Because So Sooth
ing When His Skin Is Hot.
Theso fragrant suporcrcamy emol
lients nro a comfort to children. Tho
Soap to clcanso nnd purify, tho Oint
ment to sootho nnd heal rashes, Roll
ings, clmdngs, otc. Nothing moro ef
fective. May bo used from tho hour
of birth, with absoluto confidence.
Samplo onch frco by mall with Rook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
A fnlnt heart seldom lands a fellow
In a broach ot promise suit.
Evcrv woman's nride. beautiful, clear
white clothes. Uso Red Cross Bali Blue.
All grocers. Adv.
Wall minor orlclnutcd In China in
tho fourth century.
Try Murlnn Hje ltoiuedy for Kcd, Weak, Waterr
ICjfS ami Uranulatod llfpllda: No MmarUnir
lust ltro comfort. Wrlto for (look ot tho lfre
br mall Free. Murine ijo homtxlr Co,. CHIcago.
ANfegetable Preparation for As
similatintf Hie Food and ne2ula
vjl heSlom5CnS ahd Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion,Cltcerful
ness and Rcst.ConJalns neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not TJarc otic
Ftdpt rOlH DrSAMVEifflWSR
PumpSn'n Sun
tMU Stilt
,1111 Stli
W,rmSU -
tY!nkrfrH f diver'
Antrftcl Remedy forConsllpa
lion . Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca,
ncss and LOSS OF bLEEP.
Facsimile Signature
The Centaur Company",
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
It will pay you to come to me for your Dental work. 26 long years
of experience In one spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns anc?
bridges. Plates that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully
treated. Fillings from $1 up. Railroad faro for 50 miles allowed.
Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woidman of Wsrld, Omaha
DAISY FLY KILLER f,;tf :Mft ft
riMf, cimd, or.
BmtnUI, conTtaUnt,
abtip. Laato all
aeasorw Uadeof
mttal, MD'tiplllor tip
ofiri will not oil or
Injur antbtng.
Uurntd offectlt.
iprett pld for tl.M.
IAI01D lOUZBI.lit D Ktb Art., Broeklja, M. T
Mrs. Asclin Was Restored to
Health by Lydia E: Pink
ham's Vegetable
Minneapolis, Minn. "After my little
ono was born I was sick with pains la
my sides which the
doctors said wore
caused by inflamma
tion. I sulTcred a
great donl ovory
month nnd grow very
thin. I was under tlia
doctor's caro for two
long yenrs without
any benefit. Finnlly
after repeated sug
gestions to try It wo
got Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegotablo Compound. After tak
ing tho third bottlo of tho Compound I
was nblo to do my housework nnd today
I nm strong and honlthy again. I wilt
answer letters if nnyono wishes to knov
nbout my case. ' 'Mrs. JOSEPH ASELIN,
COS Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.
Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Com
pound, mado from natlvo root3 and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful
drugs, nnd today holds tho record of
boing tho most successful remedy w
know for woman's ills. If you need such
a medicine why don't you try it?
If you lmvo tho slightest doubt
tlmt Ijydla E. JPlnhhani's Vegeta
ble Compound will help yoti.-wrlto
to Lydia E.PlnkhamMcdicinoCo.
(confidential) Ly nn.Mass., for ad
vice. Your lottor vrill bo-opened,
read and answered by a woman
nnd hold in strict confidence.
Yotir Liver
Is Clogged Up
That'. Why You'ro Tired-Out of Sort
Have No Appetite,
will put you right
In a lew days.
They do.
their cluty.
stination. 1
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Hcadaclio
Genuine must bear Signature
For Infanta and Chilthan,
Mothers Know Tfiaf
Genuine Casforia
Thirty Years
fimmr i m mmm m m
the or
"Wormy", tlmt'a what' the matter of 'em. Stomach and In
tratlnul worms. Nrarly im bad an distemper. Coat you too muck
to feed 'em. Look bad are bad, Don't phyulo Vtn to death.
Spohn'i Cure will remove the worms, Improre the appetite, and
tone 'em up all round, and don't "pujulc." Acti on eland and blood.
Full direction with each bottle, and Bold j all (IrucgUn.
CO.. Chemliti.
Gotbcn. Ind.. U, S. A.
is constantly growing in favor because it
Does Not Stick to the Iroa
and it will not injure the finest fabric. For
laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 ox.
package 10c. 1-3 more starch for same moaey.
DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebra&ks