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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1915)
to h Jjtorili htk cmiWiu Unburn , THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 18, 1915. No. 34 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. John Beall, of Ogalalla. was the guest of Miss Kathleen Flyim the early part of this week. Misses Mahcl Ogle nml Louise Gol sert, of Ogalalla wore among those who attended the ball game hero Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Ilcaloy and son Darrell left tho latter part of last week for Omaha whoro tho latter submitted to nn operation and Is doing nicely. Miss Esther Antonldes closed a suc cessful torm of school at Brady tho latter part of last week and has re turned home. All Ladles' Suits and Coats arc bo In tho gamo of ball yostorday bo twoon tho local high school' toam and the Cozad scliool toam, tho formor won by a score of ton to two. ing sold tit n discount of twenty per ! l,ays Mrs. C. F. Jennings, of St. Louis, will arrive horo Juno 10th for a visit with Mr. A. 1 Stroltz nfflf other frlonds. Mrs. Jonnlngs was formerly Miss Jon uio Adamson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart leave Wednosdny for a visit with relatives In Shenoctndy, N. Y. Enrouto thoy will stop at Cleveland and nttend the B. of L. E. convention. Dr. II. C. Brock and Dr. Harry Mltelioll wdnt to Omaha yestordny to attond the forty-eighth annual meet ing of the stntc dental association. They will remain In Omaha several cent. Tin: liiiAinnt. Lloyd Powers sold two Maxwell cars last Friday, ono to John Favlnger of "Wallaco, the other tb Carl Franzon, who lives southwest of Horshoy. Dr. and Mrs. Simms "have gone to Hastings whore tho former will de liver a lecture on surgery at tho state mcdlcnl convention which Is being held there this week At tho'women's meeting at tho Pres byterian church Sunday afternoon conducted by Mrs. Moody, forty women signified their intention of leading a more Christ-like life. Tho meeting Is pronounced to havo been In all re spects a most successful one. Havo you s.een our Black Taffeta and Chudda Silk Skirts; just arrived. Tho styles and prices are the best. E. T. TRAMP & SON. ' Knnnlnl fnr I1ila wnnlf nil mm SI 9K .$1.50 nnd $1.75 waists, your choice at 89c. E. T. TRAMP &. SON. Buchanan & Paltorson sold fifteen heiid of "baby heal?' yostorday to Brodbock & Son. The animals were a year old, weighed nearly 700 pounds each and brought about flfty-flvo doll ars each. Supt. Tout, Principal Miss Murray of the Second ward building and a detachment of grado pupils started out at five o'clock Saturday on a bird study expedition. They found many varieties of birds and altogether had an cnjoyablo outing. The Lutheran aid society which was to havo been entertained Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Wondeborn has been postponed on account of sickness. Tho working committee of tho society will meet in The Hlghllno Agricultural and Stock 11,0 parish houso Tl'ray afternoon. Association, composed of residents of( Major L. Walker, Judge Hoagland towns and tho section along the Bur-1 and Capt. John Evans left this morn lington in this and Frontier counties, ing for Minden to attend tho annual perfected its organization last week, i encampment of the Grand Army of the The directors will meet In a few days . Republic which holds Its session to and determine in which of Mie several I morrow nnd Thursday. While In that towns tho first fair wil be held. i section of tho state Capt. Evans will The play put on by the Tllllkum ' niake a brief visit with his brother, girls at the Keith Friday and Saturday , Mrs. John McGraw received a tele- evenings In connection with the mov-1 gram Sunday announcing tho death of ing pictures, attracted a largo audi- her aunt, Mrs. Cordelia Carmlchncl, enco each evening. Tho play, "Aunt j at Montpoller, Ind. Death was due to Maggie's Will," was well rendered and well received. Tho girls netted about fifty dollars, which will bo ap plied to the cost of tho piano which : here several times. they bought and placed In the base ment of the church. pneumonia and camo very suddenly. A number of our people Will remember Mrst Carmlchael, she having visited Fred W. Wolsgerbcr, an employe of the Union 'Facile, who has made North Remember, special prices are offered i Platte his home since birth, will be On all our waists;, it will pay you to; see tnem. t. tkami-' & buin. The Lierk-Sandall .Co., who have leased tho north room In the now Plzer building, have contracted for collators and shelving and as soon as these are finished the firm will open a branch grocery store therein. Mr. Plzer will occupy the south room with married at Beaver Olty Thursday of next week to Miss Carrio Scott, of that pace., They will takea wedding trip andljylll be' "at homqa In North Platte a'ft.ejJulilrst. &4mi. For over four hours this morning North Patte experienced'' the novelty ofia'May snow stonu- The storm started in shortly after six with a fall clothing and furnishings but will not of sleet and Lee; which later turned to open tho store until the early part of July. Tho buldlng has been com pleted and formally turned over to Its owner. F. C. Pielstlcker, president of tho Lincoln County Fair Association, and rJ. B. Sebastian, secretary of the same, were in the city last Sunday for tho purpose of looking over tho grounds ' of tho Dawon County Fair Associa tion's grounds. Our western neighbors intend fitting up fair grounds near North Platte and the gentlemen camo down here to examine both race track and buildings and get a line upon the costs of such Improvements. They were shown over the grounds by C. F. Spencer and E. C. Van Horn. Lexing ton Pioneer. FOIL RENT Rouses, Rooms, Slcani heated Flats, nice storo building on Dewey street. Wo havo what you want. BR ATT & GOODMAN. snow, but fortuneately tho temperature was above the freezing point and It Is not probable that fruit or vegetables will suffer any Injury. Miss Vandersllp, daughter of the president of the National City Bank of New York, the largest financial In stitution In the United States, will pass through in a special car attached to No. 10 this evening. Sho Is accom panied by a party of five. Siipt. Jef fcrs went west last night to meet the party. They will be extended an In vitation to take a twenty mlnuto auto rldo around the city upon their ar rival -here with F. L. Mooney as tho entertaining host. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ideal 7 room house, bath, shade, close in, can sell part down, balance monthly payments, or will tnko small er clear property as part pay. A rare chance il wanting a nice home RRATT & GOODMAN. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia. ORGANIZED 1847 Writes all the most approved forms of Life Insurance. Such as: Term. Ordinary Life. 10, 15, 19, 20. 25, 30, 35, Pay Life. 10, 15, 20,25, 30, 35,40, Year Endowment. Joint Life. Corporation Insurance. Partnership Insurance. Monthly Income Insurance. Yearly Income Insurance. Highest cash, loan. No restrictions from elate of issue, and paid up values. Longest extended insurance. Paid up policies ' partici pate. Annual dividends. Low net cost. j. H. HEGARTY 416 E 5th Street. DISTRICT MANAGER. North Platte, Nebraska. Grout Services Sunday Converts previously reported 15G Convorts Sunday . , SD Total 245 A largo crowd of nton gathorod at tho tabernacle Sunday aftornoon to hear Evangelist Lowry's lecturo on "Chickens Come Homo to Roost." Tho message was full of llfo and truth and all who heard It will bo better men' In taking his udvlco. A splendid crowd of women assem bled at tho Presbyterian "Church at tho sann hour when Mrs. Moody address ed thorn In a searching nnd spiritual message. Forty women responded to tho Invitation at the closo of tho ml-' dress. ; The tabernacle whs crowded Sunday, night and a great message on Etornnl , Punishment presented. 49 responded ; to the Invitation at this service bring-j ing tho total number of convorts to' 245 to date. " I Tliore will bo sorvlces each nftor-' noon nnd evonlng this week. J Tabernacle Announcements "j Tuesdny night's sormon, "Hard Nuts ' for Skeptics and Infidels. Thursday night Dr. Lowry will preach his great sormon on "Popular Ainusenientsl," dealing largely with tho cards, tho dunce, and tho theatre. Sunday will be a great day. Dr. Lowry will address women only at 2:30 In tho tabernacle. At tho same hour Mr. Shober will tell tho story of his llfo, "Seventeen Years a Tramp," will be his subject. These meetings aro all of great Im portance and Jt Is hoped announce ments will be read and remembered. Tournament Opens Today. When Col. John C Den arose at sev en this morning and found North Platto wrapped in tho grasp of a May bliz zard, ho said something stronger than "well I declare." Today Is the opening of the state gun club tournament In North Pntte, and as tho Colonel was one of the prime movers In bringing the shoot here and naturally' desires the visitors to have "one of tho times of their lives," ho personally felt per turbed at weather conditions. Howev er, the "gunmen" aro here over one hundred strong and as they are men who hunt chicken In torrid weather and geeso when tho temperature Is far below zero, they are not likely to bo much disturbed by a May snow storm and besides It may clear up before real activities begin on the club giounds. Events will be pulled off forenoons and afternoons,. and a small carload sof shells will be exploded and' cart loads of targets broken. Tho Trbuue extends a hearty welcome to tho visiting sportsmen and hopes that their stay in town will bo pleasant, notwithstanding the weather is so in auspicious this forenoon. North Platte is yours, gentlemen, whilo you aro hero. IN TWO Entertain for Mrs. Austin. A very pretty function was given last evening when Mrs. Will Baldock and Miss Maymo MeMichael at tho homo of the former entertained four teen young ladles at a Turkish towel shower complimentary to Mrs. Cash Austin, who became a brldo last week. Diversified features were used In en tertaining tho guests and tho evening passed very pleasantly. Tho rooms wore prettily decorated In pink and white, and very unique were tho deco rations on tho table which tho guests surrounded for the luncheon served. The place cards were In the form of tiny brides In full wedding gowns with flowing veils. From tho chandelier to tho table streamers of pink and white extended, connecting a- center piece with gates leading out to "lovers' lanes" composed of green foliage, that to the bride's seat being of rose leaves. The "shower" of Turkish towels was a copious one. Owing to the large suit business we have done Lhis season we only have 33 ladies' and Misses suiis, left, well assorted in sizes, of the highest grade make, silk suits included which we offer to close them out at half their value. Alter ations free. All ladies' misses and childrens coats, ladies' silk, wool and washable dresses at one-fifth off. Alterations free. x Don't delay come before assortment is broken in sizes. Special for Tuesday, May 18 and Wednesday May 19, double Green Trading Stamps will be given lo purchasers in .our ready to department on second floor. See our Window Display. The Leader JULIUS PIZER, Prop. Itralf, & Goodman arc paying Firo and liiylitiiliifr losses every few days mill lire ivrlllnir Hull Iiiwnrnnrn lu your crop protected I Don't place your risK in a iUimiai company wnero you collect your loss provided flic other ieiiow pays. ace Tho commltte which was appointed a couple of months ago to draft an ordinance covering a contract for street lighting will make a report at tho meeting of tho' city council this ev ening. If the contract Is approved by tho council it will bo submitted to the voters for adoption or rejection, this action being directed by law. . All $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 waists on sale at $1.89. E. T. TRAMP & SON. Tho liberty boll at Philadelphia will leavo July Gth on Its trip to tho San Francisco exposition. A Philadolnhla dispatch says tho bell will be exhibit ed at "Omaha, Lincoln and Donvor," which might bo taken to mean that this llngton from Lincoln to Denvor in hlstorlc relic may pass over tho Dur stead of over tho Union Pacific, in wnicii event North Platto people will not havo an opportunity to vlow It. For Quick Sale Modern home, oxcept heat, desirable location on west Second street. Mrs. Fred It. GInn 108 west Second street, Phono 127. .Touathiiii Welch Passes Away Jonathan Welch, who for. several months had been suffering from can cer of the stomach, died Friday morn ing at his homo on north Locust street. Tho deceased, who was sixty-eight years of ago, camo to Lincoln county more than a scoro years ago and lo cated in Medicine precinct, where he lived until a few months ago when ho camo to North Platto to recelvo treat ment for tho troublo for which there is apparently no cure. Tho remains were taken to Wellllect Saturday and tho funeral held Sun day. Tlioso who survive him Is ihls wlfo and , the following children: Mrs. Har ry Lamplugh nnd Mlnnlo Welch of tills city, John and Delbort Welch nnd Mrs. Goo. Cooper of Medicine precinct, Mrs. ('. W. Rutledgo of Iowa, Mrs. Clar enco Groves of Goring, Mrs. Bormood of Aurora nnd Mrs. Brnmstedt of York. There will bo a meeting of tho Tllll kum girls In tho church basement this evening. Tho Episcopal guild will hold a busi ness meeting in the church basement Thursday afternnoon. Tho Kcarnoy Hub says tho farmers o Buffalo county will begin cutting their llrst crop of alfalfa tho lattor part of this week. Weather for(cnnt. fnr NnrMi Plnttn and vicinity: cloudy with probably rain or snow lonigm anu Wednesday, con tinued cool. Highest temporaturo yos torday CI, a year ago fO; lowest last night 35, n year ago 53. Handcuffed to a motorcyclo and mak ing a trip from Now York City to San Francisco, Francis Do Lacso will ar rlvo In North Platto Thursday. Do Lacso was handcuffed to tho mnchlnc when ho left Now York and being sol dered will not leavo tho machine until ho reaches his destination. tJ(ioni:y to loan ox keal us uk att & goodman. Notice. Drlvors of automobiles, Ford carp and motorcycles would do well to look up tho speed limits. It is not 25 or 30 miles per hour as a good many seem to think, but G and 12 miles per hour. Thero aro some who hit a 40 mllo gait. You had better cut down to tho regu latlon Bpoed limit boys and not got ac quainted with tho police Judge. II. L. BAKER, Chief of Police. ('huiubcrliilifs Liniment, This preparation Is Intended esncc lally for lamo back, rheumatlBin, sprains and lllto ailments. It Is a favorite with people who aro well ac quainted with its splendid qualities, Mrs. Charles Tanner, Wabash, Ind., says of It, "I havo found Chamber lain's Liniment the best thing for lame back and sprains I havo ever used, It works llko a charm and ro llovcs pain and soreness,. It has been used by othors of my family as well as myseU for upwards of twenty years." 25 and 50 cent bottles,. For sale by all Claude Delaney Married Claude Dolaney, for many years a resident of this city, but for several years past termlnnl superintendent of tho North River branch with head quarters at Northport, was united In marrlago Saturdny evening to Miss Grace Dover, whoso homo Is In Cincin nati. Tho ceremony occurred at tho homo of Mrs. SUbort Muldoon, and was performed by Judge II. M. Grlmos. A few Intimate friends of the groom wero proscnt. While the bride claims Cincinnati as her homo, for some tlmo past she had been In the employ of tho Cltlzons' National Hank, of McCook. Sho is a very pleasant and capablo young wom an with a charming personality. Near ly everybody In this section knows Mr. Dolaney, and regard him as a mighty flno follow; In fact every acquaintance is a friond and thoy all wish him and his brldo a happy and prosperous mar ried life. Mr. and Mrs. Dolaney aro spending a fow days In town but will leavo Thursday for Northport which will bo their future homo, FOK SALE Ruled and loose hay, canvas stack and auto colors. .1. 15. NISLEY, 021 15. 7th Street. Notice. Tho pollco iutlgo Is JuBt crazy to got hold of some ono for riding on the Bldo walk. Tho streets wore never in bet tor shnpo than now for blcyclo riding. II. L. BAKER. Clifbf of Police. For a Torpid Liver,. "I havo used Chamberlain's Tablets off and on for tho past six years when over my llvor shows slgnB of bolng In a disordered condition. Thoy havo al ways acted quickly and given mo tho desired rollef," writes Mra, F. H. Tru bus, Springfield, N. Y. For sale by all For Sale. Two now houses on west Sixth. Will glvajcrms. a. A. Schntz. Alfalfa Seed $8.00 per bushel whilo It lasts. Sea sample at Derryborry & Forbes. Louis Macey, Week Old Chicks for sale at ten cents each. Inquire of Harry Lantz, 321 east Fourth. 3Q-4 EIGHT1 l'Mt CENT INTEREST Wo are Investing a good deal of mon ey these days Jn gilt edged mortgages on Improved farms and ranches so as to net tho lender eight per cent. If you havo idlo funds or money not bringing you that much como and see us about it. 25-8 1HJC1IANAN & PATTERSON. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte, Nebraska. Organized 18S7. Have plenty of money on hands to close loans promptly. Will loan on North Platte City property for building purposes or to assist its members in buy ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly payments on $1000.00 loan are on principal $5.00 and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other sums in proportion. Borrowers in this association can pay their loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over any competing association. dealers, dealers.