The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 14, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
IltA L. BAKE, Editor mid IMibllslier.
One Year by Jlnll In Advance. . . .$1.25
One Ycnr by Carrier In Advance. $1.60
Entorcd at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofflco aa Second Class Matter.
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1915.
Elstnvhoro.wlll bo found olllclal no
tices Issued by City Clerk Temple rel
ative to tho assoflsinents against city
lots for tho construction of sldownlka
and for cutting weeds . Ownors of
property, Including vacant lots, should
not forget tho fact that when they arc
directed to lay a walk and neglect to
do so, tho city builds tho walk and as
sesses tho cost against the property
and tills assessment becomes a part of
tho taxes, and is therforo a Hon. Tho
samo is true when thero is a non
compliance of an order to cut weeds.
In nddltion to tho cost of constructing
tho walk or cutting the weeds, the cost
of advertising, which amountB to about
forty cents per lot for wood cutting and
a dollar or more for each sidewalk
laid, is included in the cost and must be
paid by tho property owner. It will
thus bo seen that tho wise man and tho
saving man will obey tho mandates
of the council and not permit tho city
to build walks and cut weeds for him.
C. J. Johnson, of Elm Creek, was in
stantly killed Tuesday evening by
train No 10. According to an eyo wit
ness to tho accident Johnson was
standing on tho south sldo of tho
double tracks and watching a west
bound freight train passing through.
Ho failed to notice tho fast coming
passsonger train and stepped directly
In front of it. Tho body waB hurled
against tho depot building and then
rolled for sovoral rods- Death was in
stantaneous, his skull having, been
crushed and his brains dasheil out.
In tho selection of offlcors tho state
convention of Elks bold at Fremont
this week two North Platto men wore
recognized- Ray C. Langford was
olected first vice-president and J. I).
McDonald a member of the executive
board. Prod L. Harrison of Grand
Island was olected president. Tho del
egates and visiting Elks were royalty
entertained by tho Fremont lodge.
Entertaining features were a llsh bako.
cock fight, battlo royal and other'
sports at tho country club, and a ban
quet on tho closing night.
Tho bright electric HghtB In the
streets nightly attract thousands of
Juno bugs who circloaround tho lights,
ovidently burn their wings and then
drop to tho ground. Fully a peck of
theso Insects were swopt from tho
pavement In front of tho Keith theatre
yestorday, whoro they 'liail, fallbu tho
night before. Tho Jtih'obug Is tho
propagator of tho wnlto1 grub .which
in years past proved destructive, jja
Tho first triennial convention of tho
Brotherhood of Locomotlvo Engineers
opened In Clovoland Wednesday with
8G0 delegates present. W. L. Rlchanjs
of this city roprcaontlng tho loc&l' di
vision, is present. TJh la'aies auxil
iary is holding a conventqii" af tho
samo time, Mrs. Richards represent
ing tho local division as a delogatc,
and Mrs. M II. Douglas reprosecuting
tho Cheyenne division.
Tho J. F. F. club will be ontortalncd
by Mrs. R- 0. Eyerly Tuesday after
noon, May 18th, at 603 west Tonth
street. .
0N .''TV
An Eye Catcher
Tonight and every other night you can
call attention from far and near to your
business with an electric sign. Up and
down the street as far as you can see,
v it will flash your rressage.
The 5 and 10 watt EDISON MAZDA Sign Lamps
give from 40 to 65 per cent more light than the old
style carbon lamps and cost only one-half as much
to operate.
Our sign expert will ;gladly tell you more about
this new economy, and explain how you can get the
best results from electric signr for your business.
, . Ed.24
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Tho first open gospel Invitation was
extended to men and women of North
Platto in the Lowry-Moody union re
vival Tuesday night, and tho front
bench was filled with penitent souls
who came to mako their past right
with God and to claim salvation in
Jesus Christ.
Splendid congregational and chorus
singing prepared the minds nnd hearts
of the people for the searching mcs
sago which Dr. Lowry gave Tuesday
night. Prof. Moody Used as his solo
"Jesus is stnnding in Pilate's Hall." It
was sung with telling effect.
Dr. Lowry read his scripture lesson
from tho 27th chapter of Matt, using
tho 22nd verso for his text. "What then
shall I do with Jesus which is cnlled
In logical appeal and deep-searching
picture after picture, the evangelist
preached ono of tho greatest sermons
over heard In Ndrth Platto. Using tho
question of Pllato as a basis of his
tlicmo ho spoko of tlto manner In
which men today attempt to ovado
Jesus. Tho question was developed
under tho following headings:
The words of the text contain an
Important question. In part tho evan
gelist said, 'Therfo arc many Impor
tant questions in tho world, but none
so important, as this ono asked by
Pilate. Thero liavo been great ques
tions of tariff, of navy, of treasury, of
finance, of protection, but theso are
nothing in comparison with tho Gov
ernor's question All great questions
of our times social, political, and
theological lead to tills question and
they all find their solution in tho ans
wer to tho Inquiry "What then shall I
do with Jesus?" This is tho pre-eminent
question because it Involves tho
pardon of sins and tho preparation for
eternal life."
"This question Is a direct and per
sonal ono with you. It was a porsonal
question with tho Jews. It was por
sonal to Pilate. It is no dry and with
ered question that concerns someono
far away, or somo ono In past history,
but it Is a present and personal appeal
to you and to me. It is personal to
saint and sinner to rich and poor to
learned and Ignorant An Christian
and heathen."
"Somo of you fellows think you need
pay no attention to it at aU. You say
you aro not against Christ if you never
havo declared yourself for Him, but
you are mistaken for tho Book, tho
last court of appeals, plainly says
that the man who is not for Christ is
against him. That tho ono who does
not gather with Him, scattereth
abroad. You aro either for or against
Christ. What would you think of a
young man proposing marriage to a
young lady, who would bo uncertain
in his mind as to her meaning should
she say, 'I cannot accept you, but I
want you to know I will not reject
you.' Ho would know what was meant
and so would you- If you cannot
accept Jesus then you do reject Him."
Tho question is a disturbing ques
tion. It gaVQ sp much traublp, to tho
High priests that they assomblod In
their highest tribunals to, discuss it.
It troubled the Roman Governor. He
trte'd1 hard to dodg'b Uta IssUo, and to
qyado answering tho 'question. ThaiC
upon iearnlng that Jesus was a Gall
rcaWsent him t,p Iljorrod, But Horrod
could hot deqtlG,'Jha Hsturblng ques
tion, 86, hb sent tho Christ "back to
Pilate. The; question has disturbed
millions of men, and overy conceiv
able excuse has been presented to
evade answering It. Tho more guilty
a man's conscience, tho more troublo
Bomo Is the quostlon. You must give
this question consideration, and you
will decide even tonight for or against
The question is a present question
It Is imperative and demands an an-
swer. Thero Is no neutral grqund.
There Is no place to go wrlefo'you
can escapo tho question Pllato asked
the Jows. In our scripture, Pllato
Judged Jesus who stood at his Judg
ment bar; later on Pllato stood at tho
bar of King Jesus. This question will
haunt you day and night. It will fol
low you In work, In pleasure, In
sleepless nights, In tho hours of lash
ing conscience. You may try to oc
cupy Pllato's ground, but remember
once nnd for nil, theie Is no neutral
ground. Tho soul must feed upon
Christ, or It will meet with eternal
death. The taxes must be paid or tho
property sold to pay them- This
quostlon Is present with you tonight
ana it always will be. Today with
Christ Eternity with Christ. Today
without Christ Eternity without
"Upon a proper answering of this
question depends your peace of con
science, your true Joy In life your
freedom from sin and eventually your
hope of eternal life. You must let
Jesus Into your heart or you aro
shutting him out. You aro a creature
of will power, and you can be saved.
God has dono His part. Christ has died
for you and' tho Holy Spirit convicts
you of your sins. You must do your
part. It Is up to you to yield to tho
King of Kings,"
With splendid logic and lrrcslstable
appeal Dr. Lowry closed his sermon.
Tho hearts of all rejoiced when sov
oral gave themselves to Jesus.
Revival Notes.
Thero have been 28 converts In two
nights of invitation at tho big taber
nacle. Others will follow.
Visitors from, neighboring towns
have been In attendance at tho meet
ings this week.
Thero will be a special children's
meeting at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.
It Is hoped that the tabernacle will bo
sought by overy boy and girl In and
around North Platte. Also parents
are welcome.
Meetings for men only and women
only will bo held next Sunday after
noon. Men will meet at the tabernacle
where Dr. Lowry will speak on
"Chickens Come Homo to Roost."
Women will meet at the Presbyterian
church where Mrs. Moody will address
tho audience.
Those who have heard Dr. Lowry
preach, aro glad to speak of him as
the most spiritual and powerful speak
er they have been privileged to listen
to. His mind Is a storehouse of scrip
ture, and verso after verse is quoted
each night. If you have not heard
him, a warm welcome awaits you at
tho tabernacle.
Real Estate and IiiNtiruncc
Come and see us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good 'jar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor.- Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs
Whooping Cough.
"About a year ago my three boys had
whooping cough and I found Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy the only onethat
wpuld relieve their coughing ,and
whooping spells, I continued .,'thls
ireatment and was surprised to' jj'nd
that It cured i.hv disease, In a very
short time," writes Mrs,. Archie Dajr'y
mplo, Croosvlllc, Ohio. For Sale by all
1008 West Fourth St.
Graduate Nurses In Attendance
Physician and Surgeon.
Office phone 211. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
is no longer an experiment, Its prac
tlcablllty has beon proven and Is com
ing Into uso moro and moro every day.
Our cigars have never beon an ex
periment; they havo always been
good, they have borno tho mark of
standard for over twcuty-flvo years
In North Platte. Wo make a number
of brands ranging In prlco from 3
for 10 cents to 3 for 25 cents. Try
J. F. Schmalzried.
Grant Morgan
Weight 1,920 pounds, ago live years,
will stand on the farm of Frank Strol
berg, six miles west of town, on Sun
days an Mondays nt 10 n. m., balance
of the week at North Sldo Barn In
North Platte. Fee to Insure $15.00
Julius Mogensen, 0 wnpr
Licensed Emlmlmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phono Black 538.
Hospital Phone Dlack G33.
House Phono Dlack G33.
Graduate Vctcrliinrlnn
Bight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwest of the
Court Housf .
oiili Platte, Neb.
Notice 1h hereby given that In nn
notion pending In the District Court
or Lincoln county, Nebraska, in which
E. II. Evans. Administrator of tho eB-
tate of Patrick Ruddy, decenscd, hns
applied for licence to sell WuhIh for
the nnvmont or tho debts of snld cstntn
nnd which said license Iiuh been duly
granted by said Court. Tlint on Wed
nesday, Juno 2, 10 1 C nt the hour of 2 P.
M. snld administrator will offer for
sale nt public Rule nt tho enst front
door of the Court House In North
Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
me mgncst Dinner or burners ror cash
tho following described lands situate In
tho city of North Platte Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wlt: All of Block 1, con
sisting of lots 1 to 12 Inclusive In the
Ituddy Addition to said city of North
Platto or so much thereof as shall be
necessary to satisfy the Indebtedness
against tne estate or said Patrick uud
dy deceased. Said sale to remain open
for ono hour.
Administrator of the estate of l'nt
rlck Huddy, deceased. m-ll-i
State of Nebraskn, Lincoln County, ss
To All persons Interested In the Es
tate of Rrldget A. Williamson, de
censed: You nre hereby notified that on tho
Sth day of May, 1915 Tnlmago White,
ndmlnlstrator of the estate of Rrldget
A. Williamson, decensed filed In said
Court his final account as said admin
istrator and petition, tho objects and
lirnyor of which are that a decree of
distribution may be mndo of tho resi
due of said estate, now In his posses
sion to tho parties entitled by law to
receive the same, and that said flnat
account and a petition for distribution
will be heard upon the 1st clay of June,
1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock at tho
County Court room In tho city of North
Platte In said County, and you are
hereby cited to appear nt tho time and
plnce designated nnd show cause, If
such exist why such account be not
It Is, therefore, ordered that the snid
Talmago' White, administrator give
notice to all persons interested In said
estato by causing n copy of this ordor
to be printed in tho North Platto
Tribuno a newspaper printed nnd pub
lished In said county for three weeks
prior to tho date set for such hearing.
Dated this 5th day of May, 1015.
ml 1-3 County' JUdge.
Order of Hearing on I'etlltion for Ap
pointment or Adiiiliilntrntor or Ad
nilHtrntrlx. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Ann
Jane liarrnclough, Deceased.
On reading nnd filing the petition of
Joshua Uarraclough nnd Edwnrd Bar
raclough praying that Administration
of said Estate may bo granted to Fred
erick Barraclough as Administrator.
Ordered, That June 1st A. D. 191C, at
9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear
ing said petition when all persons In
terested In said matter may appear' at
a County Court to be held In and f0r
sam uounty, ana snow cause why the
prayer oi petitioners snouiu not oe
granted; and that notice of the penden
cy of said petition ,and tho hearing
thereof be given to all persons Inter
ested In said matter by publishing a
onnv of this nrlir In TIia Worth Tlnt
Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper
printcu in saia,L,'0unty, ror tnree suc
cessive weeks prlor to said day of
Dated May loth, 1915.
mll-3 County Judge
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the Ma
yor and City Council will hold a spe
cial meeting at (ho hour of 8:00 o'clock
P. M., (Central Time) June 8th, 1915.
in the council chamber -for tho- pur
pose of making -ftssssments and levy
ing taxes for the construction of side
walks built by the City along tho
following described property:
Lot 4, Block 175, original town of
North Platto, walk 4 ft. wide,
13G ft, long, 544 sq. ft. at 10c
3 yards of sand for filling at 75c 2.25
Lot 5, Block 175, original town of
North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide,
149 ft. long, 596 sq. ft. at 10c. 59.G0
7 yards of sand for filling at 75c 5.25
Block 192 of the original town of
North Platte. walk 4 ft. wide,
37 ft. long, 148 sq. ft. at 10c. 14.80
Lot 10, Block 4, Taylor's Addition
to the City of North Platte, walk
4 ft. wide, 129V6 ft. long, 518
sq. ft. at 10c 51.80
Lot 10, Block 3, Taylor's Addition
to the City of North Platte, walk
4 ft. wide, 143 ft. long, 572 sq.
ft. at 10c 57.20
Lot S, Block 5, Pennlston's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platte,
walk 4 ft. wide, 5 ft. long, 20
sq. ft. at 10c 2.00
Lot 8, Block C7, original towr. of
North Platte, walk 4 ft. wide,
7 ft. long, 28 sq. ft. at 10c 2.80
Lot 0, Block 8, Taylor's Addition
'to tho City of North Platte,
walk 4 ft. wide, 07 ft. long, 2G8
sq. ft. nt 10c 2G.80
Lot 1, Block 2, Taylor's Addition
to the City of North Platte, walk
4 feet wide, 139 feet long,55G
squnro foot at 10c 55. GO
Lot 10, block 1, Taylor's Addlton
to the City of North Platte, walk
4 feet wide, 9 feet long, 3S
squaro feet at 10c 3.80
Lot C, Block 10, Pennlston's Addi
tion to the City of North Platte,
walk 4 feet wide, 0V feet lornr.
38 squnro feet at 10c 3.S0
Lot 4, Block 11, Pennlston's Addi
tion to tho City of North Platte,
walk 4 feet wide, 11 feet long,
41 squaro feet at 10c 4.40
Lot 1, Block 35 of the Original
town of North Platto, walk 4
feet wldo, 9Vj feet long, 38 sq.
feet at 10c 3.80
Lot 8, Block 35 of tho original
town of North Platto, walk 4
foot wldo, 9 feet long, 38 squaro
feet at 10c 3.8O
AH of tho nbovo described property
being lae-Lincoln County, Nobrnaka.
In addition to tho nbovo amounts.
Interost and advertising fees will bo
All persons Interested will file their
objections, if any thoy havo, to tho
assessing of taxes against tho above
described property for tho above' des
cribed purpose on or beforo tho 8th
day of Juno, A, D. 1915 as. above stated.
C. F. TEMPLE City Clerk;.
To Whom It May Concern; , ,
Notice Is hereby given that the Mnyor and City Council will hold a special
moating at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., (Central Time) June 8th, 1915, In
the Council Chamber for the purpose of making assessments alul levying tax
eafor tho cutting 0f weeds by tho City of North I'latt on the following des
cribed property: i
Block 'JO, Lot S 4 $1.06
Block 53, Lots 4 nnd 6 Ji.00 per lot
Block 38, hot I.. , $1.00
J!!0CH !. LotH 7 nml 8 fl.00 per lot
) O0,K J 22' J'ots J nml 2 i1-0" Per lot
"Jock 108, Lnts 1, 2, 3, 7 and S $1.00 per lot
B ock 113, Lot 2 ; .$1.00
Block 75, Lot 1 i AVhll.OO
Block 95, Lot 2 $j,oo
Block 11, Lot 6 $1 00
Block it, Lot r, !!!!!!!.!.!! !. !!!!!!!!!!!!ii!oo
Block IB, Lots 4 and C $1.00 nor lot
Block 10, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 . . ! " . . . . . . ,. . . . .. . . . . , ,. ifLOO per lot
!ocb I' VH I' 2' ?'.land 5 $1.00 per lot
Block 3, Lots 7 nnd 10 . ji 00 !er lot
Block B. Lots 1, 2. C. 7, S, 9 nnd 10. . Jiloo er lot
It n V",1,,' 7' 0 nnrt 10 n-00 er lot
HloCK 7, Lot 10 , $100
Block 9, 'Lots 1 and 2 ..'.' .'.'ll.OO per lot
Block 10, Lots 4, 5, fi and 7 $1 no tier lot
Block 11, Lots 1, 2 nnd 3 $100 er ot
Block 12, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 6, 7, 8, 9 ! !!!!!!!! i."! I!! IIloO per lot
Block 6, Lots 4 nnd 5 . ti nn imp lnt
Block 10, Lots 7, 8, 9 nnd 10 ' SI 00 er lot
"lock 11; i&V !?:::::::::::::::::: :H &
Block 21, Lots 10 nnd 11 - Si 00 nor lot
Block 33, Lots C and C I100 er ot
Block 34, Lots 7 nnd 8 I.'IIloO e? ot
, , , r L r MILLER'S ADDITION. ? 1 CF 101
Block 4, Lot G i nn
, "'ock 0, Lots C nnd 6 ."$1.00 per lot
Block 7, Lots 4 nnd G sli00 1)er lot
Block 18, Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 $1 60 ner lot
. . vA1 of'.tlle above described property bqing In North Plntte, Lincoln Coun-
In nddltion to the nbove amounts, Interest nnd ndvertlslng fees will be
chnrged. 0
All persons Interested will file their objections, If any thoy have, to the
nssesslng of taxes against the above doscrlbcd property for tho nbovo des
cribed purpose on or beforo tho Sth day of June, A. D., 1915, as nbovo stated
C. P. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
To Mary E. Law, non-resident defend
ant: You nro hereby notified that William
I. Law did on the 25th day of Jnnuary,
1016, file a petition in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, tho
object and prayer of which aro to bo
divorced from you upon the grounds of
desortlon and for such other and
further relief as Justice and
equity may require; and that the
Judgo of said Court did on
April 2Cth, 1915, mako nn order direct
ing that service bo had upon you by
publication as in othor cases provided.
You will make answer to said peti
tion on or beforo tho 7th day of June,
191G, or your default will bo taken and
Judgment had against you as In said po
tlton prayed.
WILLIAM I. LAW, Plaintiff.
, By E. H. EVANS,
a27-4w His Attorney.
Ilepnrtiuent of the Interior
U. S. Land Offlco at North Platte, Nob.
, March 27, 1915.
. Notice, Is hercby-glven-that John M.
Crandell, of North Platte, Neb., who.
on January 10 1912, made Homostoad
entry No. 053G5, for the E and NW
Section 14, Township 12, N., Range 31,
W. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no
tice of Intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Regis-,
ter and Receiver, at Northe Platte,
Neb., on tho 21st day of May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: W...C
Masters, Hugh Songer, Carl Brooder,
John W. Fowler,, all of North Platte,
' . J. E. EV,AttS,
Pl30-6w , ii . , 1 . , Iteglster.
Slierlfl'n Siile; .
By v!rtje of an order of sale Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, NoWraBka, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Carl Chrlstensen Is plaintiff,
and Charles Shill, MaryiE. Shlll and
Edd, Shlll are mo
directed, I will on the 22nd day, qf. May,
1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Vast
front door of tho Court House In North
Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska sell
at Publlo Auction to the highest' bid
der for cash, to satisfy said decree, In
terest and costs, the following des
cribed property, to-wlt:
Southeast quarter (SEU) of Sec
tion eighteen (18), Towshlp nlno (9),
Range thirty (30) West 6th P. M., Lin
coln rjounty, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., April 1C,
, . Sheriff.
Application tor Liquor License.
Matter of Application of A. T.Yar
ter, foe Liquor License.
No(4co la hereby given that A. T. Yar
tor, did upon the 29th day of April,
1916, file his application tc the Village
Board of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, for license to sell
malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed and
fermented intoxicating liquors, at re
tall, during the municipal year, com
mencing to-wlt: May 1st, 1915, and
ending April 30th, 1916, on lots 13, 14
and 15, In block 6 In the Village of
Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
If there bo no objection, remon
strance or protest nied within two
weeks from April 29th, A. D. 1915, said
license will be granted.
A. T. YARTER, Applicant.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Physician and Surgeon.
Speclab Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
Offlco McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Office 183, Residence 283
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Suigery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
p. Q ( Office 130
Phones ( Residence 115
Physician nnd Surgeon
Offlce B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Offlco, 83: Residence 38.
Successor to
Drs. Redfleld & Redfield
Offlco Phone G12 Res. Phono 676
Order of Ilenrluir 011 Original Prolinte
of Will
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of J. Dela-
van Jackson, Deceased.
On reading nnd filing the petition
or Anna E. Jackson, praying that the
Instrument, ,flled..on .tho 17th day of
AprHwA?10' ,n2.d Purporting to be the
Inst Will nnd Testament of tho said de
ceased, may be proved, approved, pro
bated, allowed and recorded as the last
Will and Testament of the said J. Dela
van Jackson, deceased, and that the
execution of said instrument may he
committed and the administration of
said estate may bo granted to Anna E.
Jackson and Charles D. Jackson as ad
ministrators with Will annexed.
Ordered, That May 8, 1915, at 9
o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing
said petition, when all persons inter
ested In said matter may appear at a
County Court to be held In and for said
County, and show causo why the pray
er of petitioner should not bo granted.
a20-3w County Judge.
. - t
Inthe County Court of Lincoln County,
In tho Matter of the Estate of Jacob C.
Fedorhoof, Deceased.
To Clara J. Bobbins, Agnes Amada
Huffman and Martin Fedorhoof, heirs at
law of Jacob C. Fedorhoof, deceased,
and nil persons Interested in said estate-;
You nnd each of you are hereby notl
flelLpiat Sophia Fedorhoof has nied her
petition In this Court, tho object and
prayer of which are for a decree speci
fying who are the heirs of said Jacob
C. Fedorhoof, deceased, and their' Inter
est or shares in and to Lot 2 In Block
A of North Platte Townlot Company's
Addition to North Platte, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, and tho right of succes
sion thereto. All persons Interested In
such matter are heroin cited to appear
before this Court at the Court House In
the City of North Platte, Nebraska, at
2 o clock P. M. on tho 20th day of
May, 1915, and show cause If any Why
the prayer of said petitioner shall1 not
be granted.
.. Witness my hand and the seal or said
Court.thls 21th day of April, 1916.
a2T-3w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County,
In the Matter ,ot the Estate of James
M. Rannle, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
James A. Rannle and George M. Ran
nle. praying that administration of
said estate may be granted to 'Anna
Rannle ns administratrix.
ORDERED. That May 25th, A. T. 1915
nt 9 o'clock A.--iL Is assigned for heart
Ins said petition', when all persons In
terested In said mattek 'may appear at
a county court to be held in and for
said county, and show cause why the
prayer of petitioners should not be
granted and that notice of the pendency
of said petttton-and tho hearing thereof
.be given to .alt persons interested In
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the North Platte Semi
Weekly Tribune, a semi-weekly news
paper published in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
of hearing.
Dated April 30, 1915.
GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge.
Notice of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that whereas
default has occurred in tho conditions
of a certain chattle mortgage executed
by M. J. OConnell and Floy E. O'Con
nell, mortgagors, to William Lyman,
mortgagee, bearing date on the 26th
day of February, 1914, by reason of the
failure of said mortgagors to pay the
debt secured therby and whereas there
Is now due and unpaid on said Indebt
edness to the undersigned the sum of
Four Hundred Thirty and 56-100
Now therefore, the property des
cribed In said mortgage, to-wlt, Two
brass bed, complete, one birds eye
maple drosser, one birds eyo maple
chlffoner, two 8x10 rugs, one oak
dresser, one oak table, ono oak rocker,
one oak leather rocker, six dining
room chairs, two 9x12 rugs, one daven
port, one electric lamp, ono dining
room table, one sewing machine, one
Jewel gasoline stove, one kitchen cab
inet, ono buffet, six kitchen chairs,
two rugs 2Vfcx5, one roll top desk,
one flat top desk, two desk chairs,
four largo ofllce chairs, ono Insurance
ense, one paper file, ono stand table,
ono letter press and book, one large
electric fan; or so much thereof as may
be necessary, will be sold pursuant to
me iiywor 01 me saio in aaiu mortgage
contained, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash on tho 22nd
day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at the storage room of T. M. Cohagen
In the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county. Nebraska, to satisfy tho debt
secured by said mortgage nnd costs
nnd expenses of these foreclosure pro
ceedings. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 29th day of April, 1915.
WILLIAM LYMAN, Mortgagee, .
By Muldoon & Glbbs, His Attorneys.
Depnrtment of the Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Neb,
, . u , Anr11 23 1915
Notice is hereby given that Minnie
Eliza McQuire, now Seese, of North
Platte, Nebraska, who on February 8,
1912, made HomeBtead Entry No. 06371.
for E of SEU Section 2, Township 11
N., Range 30 W.. 6th Principal Merid
ian, has filed notice of Intention to
make final three year proof, , to estab
lish claim to tho land above described
b,ef0AeT,t"?. KeK'stor and Receiver at
of June 19 ft Nobraskn' on the 2l8t day
Claimant namos as witnesses: Scott
Shaner, of Maxwell. Nebr.. JeBse irigh
borger. or North Platte, fobr., Andrew
Howard, of Wellfle'et. Nebr., Mary Rich!
ards, of North Ylatte,' Ntbr. w m
nn7 civ J E- EVANS,
n27-w Register.