The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 14, 1915, Image 1

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    Ik f orth $ntk mi-Wntte Mbum
NORTH PLATTE, NEB.,. MAY 1-1, 1915.
No. 33
Tho city has sold to tho village of
Hcrshey a hose cart and 400 feet of
Hershcy has organized a fire de
partment of thirty-five members with
John Lanlg as chief.
All Ladles Suits mid Coats arc be
ing sold at a discount of twenty per
The commencement exorcises of tho
Hershey high school will bo held May
21st, and at tho O'Fallon scliool similar
exercises will bo held on tho evening
of tho 20th.
Rev. Knowles will go to Sutherland
Sunday evening to deliver tho bacca
laureaio sermon to, tho graduating
class of tho high school. Thero are
ten graduates.
All tho lato books, Rlnckcr Book &
Drug Co. 33-2
A colored porter on ono of the night
trains was arrested by Officer Weld
man last night on the chargo of steal
ing a silk dress .from a passenger. Ho
was placed in jail and will be held
awaiting the formal filing of a com
Those wlio attended the state con
vention of Elks In Fremont this week
were P. J. Norton, J. B. McDonald, B.
H. Evans, C. P. Clinton, Ray Lang
' ford, C. T. Whelan, Fred Waltemath
and Chas. Liork., They report a splen
did time.
Fire eatly Wednesday morning des
troyed practically the entire stock of
goods in tho Myers department store
at Sutherland. The value of tho stock
was ?10j000 on which $7,000 insurance
was carried. The building, a two story
brick, was damaged to the extent of
$1,000. '
i For Sale
Two now houses on west Sixth. Will
give terms. A. A. Schatz.
A Suit, Like a Man,
Has to Be Lived
With to Be Really
You cannot possibly
appreciate the ex
cellence of a Col
legian Suit with
out living with it. The
service which presents it
self only with constant
association cannot be sat
isfactorily explained.
If you are anxious to be well
served, make it your particular
business to visit us, and while
you are here, buy
Collegian Clothes
You may take our vord for it
that they will give you more real
style distinction and pleasing
service than any garments you
have ever purchased for the
same price possibly more. Our
Spring Checks, Plaids, Over
Plaids and Chalk Stripes deserve
your inspection
$15. to $30.
Cash Austin n llcncdict
When Cash Austin left town last
Saturday night for tho expressed pur
pose of visiting relatives in Denver,
thoro were doubting Thomases, and
tliercforo when lie returned last even
Ing from Sheridan, Wyoming, with a
bride in tho person of Miss Zcta Rey
nolds, tho arrival caused no surprise
among his closer friends. Tho cere
mony occurred at tho home of the
brldo's sister In Sheridan Wednesday,
where Miss Reynolds had been visiting
for several weeks.
This consummation of a courtship
extending over a year was not unex
pected; it was generally expected to
occur this spring or sumraerV but
neither of tho contracting parties
would consent to divulge the date.
Tho bride camo here from Lincoln
two years ago to accept a. position as
stenographer In tho Wilcox & Halllgan
ofllco, a position slid" held until two or
three months ago when she resigned
to prepare for tho momentous event
which occurred Wednesday. She Is
a bright, attractive girl who has made
many friends during her residence In
Mr. Austin has lived in town, or
nearly, since a lad, and for a long
term of years has been In the employ
of the Dixon, store as an expert watch
repairer. Ho Is a genial fellow, a
good mixer, popular with everybody
and he and the lady of fils choice havo
tho best wishes of all. The Tribune
extends its persona congratulations
to Mr. Austin and best wishes to the
Knights Templnr Hold Hanquet
Palestine Commandery No. 13,
Knight Templar held Installation ser
vices last evening, and later held a
banquet. Tho officers installed were:
Eminent Commander, Robert Arm
strong; generalissimo, Claude Faulk
ner; captain general, Dr. 0. II. Cress-
ler: senior warden, Harry Dixon;
Junior warden, Clias. Reynods; treas
urer, Chas McDonald; recorder, Chas.
Henilyj 1
Following the installation the ban
quet was held, the menu, which was
very nice, being served by the Episco
pal guild. Covers wero-lald for thir
ty Knights and their ladies, and the
tallies were prdfuscly decorateij with
cut' Mowers. An orche'stra rendered
selections during the banquet; , . The
latter part of the eventng was devoted
to card playing.
Stale Shoot Next Week
The annual convention and trap
shoot of the Nebraska Sportsmen's As
sociation will be held in this city next
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tho
tournament will be held at tho gun
club grounds west of town, which have
been put in ship shape for the shoot
ers. It is expected that no less thau one
hundred out-of-town men will bo pres
ent, and it Is possible -the number may
reach 200. Among those attending
will be a dozen professionals who will
come from all sections of the coun
try. The local committee has prepared a
fine three-day program of events, and
havo also arranged several stunts for
the entertainment of the visitors.
All Ladles' Suits and Coats arc be
ing sold at a discount of twenty per
Squeezed by an Auto
Chas. Ranck, who conducts un auto
repair shop in tho rear of the Goozeo
building on cast Sixth, is hobbling
around on crutches as tho result of
an accident which befell him tho early
part of tho week. He cranked a lively
little Ford car when In gear and it
sprang forward and jambed him be
tween tho radiator and a wagon be
hind which It was standing. Ranck's
loft leg between tho anklo and knee
was cut and bruised so severely that
ho will need to uso crutches for some
Eye Warnings
Como In aches, pains and burning
Most everybody feels these symp
toms sooner or later but fow people
heed them SOON ENOUGH.
If you havo cauBO to rub your eyes
when reading at night, or when sew
ing, It Is ample time to get the help of
Tho right glasses will glvo you im
mediate relief.
We aro able to fit you perfectly,
in the quickest posslblo time.
Registered Optometrist.
Two full blood Herford Bulls two or
three years old. Phono or wrlto
C. J. Bryant, Sutherland Neb
Genuine Reception Voile of stunning checkerboard design in Black, Blue FREE"
and Green; fancy striped Organdies and flowered designs; also extra a pair of genuine
fine white embroidered Lawn Dresses, selling everywhere from $10 Hose wUh each
to$18. sizes 34 to 44, our Cut Price $S.93f?n7yTr
$4 to $7.50 Ladies' Trimmed Hats, also Pan
s i amas at - ; $ 1 .95 and $3.50
$1.50 to $2 Ladies' Silk Shirt Waist?, white
and colored - - - - - . Q5C
$3.50 French Sateen Kimonas, Japanese
style $1.50
We are Sole Agents
Mrs. Charles McGulre Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Roy Lubbers, at Shel
ton, Iowa, formerly of this city,
Horace Barraclough, of Los Angeles,
California, who was called here by tho
death of Ids mother recently, will leave
Monday for home.
Swift's Premium Hams 18c per
pound at Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Lovana Adamson, who had
been tho guest of Miss Elva Day for
several weeks, left for her home In
Douglas, Ariz., Tuesday evening.
Tomorrow is the last day of tho
Suit Sale at Wilcox Department Store.
Summer weight Munslng Underwear
at Wilcox Department Store.
Mesdames W. C Reynolds, F. W.
Rinckor, Moso McFarland and Millard
Hosier returned this morning from
Hastings where they attended the
state convention of the Order of East
ern Star. Tho ladles are loud in
praise of tho hospitality shown by the
Hastings pcoplo
Mrs. Julia Welch, of Lincoln, presi
dent of tho Rebekah state assembly,
arrived In town last evening and
spent the night In town as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland. She
loft for Scott Bluffs this morning, but
will return Saturday night and spend
Sunday In town.
Oillcer Weldman, of the U. P. force,
arrested two men last night who aro
wanted In Sidney for burglarizing a
saloon. They wero picked up In tho
yards and placed in Jail awaiting the
arrival of tho Cheyenne county sher
iff who will como down for them to
Notwithstanding thero wero many
strangers In town yesterday, there was
llttlo disorder and only two drunks
wero picked up by tho ofucers. One
of these was wandering around tho
railroad yards and wae taken In to
avoid meeting Injury from passing
The Fashion Shop
for the Eiffel Hose,
Division Supt. Jeffers is in town to
day looking after company business.
The Et-a-Vlrp club will bo entertain
ed by Mrs. Quinn Tuesday afternoon.
C A. Garman and llttlo daughter
will leave tomorrow morning for
Hastings called there by tho serious
illness of his father, William Garman.
The commercial dinners served by
the ladles of tho Christian church have
been discontinued during tho taber
nacle meetings, but will bo resumed
when tho meetings closo.
Complete line of golf supplies, Rlnck-
er Book & Drug Co. 3f-2
Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho B. of
R. T. met at tho homo of Mrs. Chas.
Boguo Tuesday afternoon. At this
meeting a kenslngton club was ar
ganlzed which will hold meetings on
tho third Tuesday of every month.
Grovor Matney, 1 manager of tho
Kearney state leaguo nail team, was
arrested yesterday and taken to Colo
rado to faco tho chargo of wife de
sertion and non-support. Matney
claims that ho is divorced and that
his arrest followed his Inability to
pay alimony.
Pete Gundorson, who was down from
tho Gunderson ranclj southwest of Her-
Hhey, yesterday, said tho 200 acres of
fall wheat and rye on tho ranch is in
as fine condition as any ono could
wish. "Tho prospects for a big yield
of grain could not bo better," said
Mr. Gunderson.
Graduation Books, Rinckor Book &
Drug Co. 33-2
The Club Nevlta met Wednesday af
ternoon with Mrs. Fred Payno. Tho
contest, which was tho chief fcaturo
of amusement, was won by Mrs, An
drew Yost, and tho consolation prlzo
awarded to Mrs. Emily, Coatea. NIco
refreshments wero sorved. Tho next
meeting will bo held In two weoks at
tho homo of Mrs. W. P. Snyder, at tho
experimental station.
.50, Middy Blouses,
collars - -
.- .'!.(
$4.p0 LhsVCiped'e.miine W&sts, all col
ors, don't forget to looJrem.QVer - $1.95
$2.50 White Voile waists, beautifully made
up uj cAUciiuie au-overemoroiuery Spl.oO
come and see them
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Probably showers to
night and Saturday, cooler Saturday.
Highest temperature yesterday 91, a
year ago 62; lowest last night G2, a
year ago 40.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $!OuO,00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Borrowers in this association can pay their
loans off with a saving of 25 to 30 per cent over
any competing association.
ROOMS 12532. LO.O.F. nim nrar.
Building &
P. 0.
all styles and fancy
' -
- - 25c and 50c
Tho Waltemath building on the cor
nor of Sixth and Dowoy will bo re
painted and otherwiso Improved.
Workmen aro now removing tho scaled
paint preparatory to applying tho fresh
when you huvo a good Firo Insurance
Policy in ono luuid. Shako off tho lcth
nrgy you arc- In. Be a business man
and look after your own Intrests Tho
wlso would never think of allowing
their pcrsonnl property to bo uninsured
If you Juno been so foolish hitherto,
wake up now mid get Interested for
your own Interests. I can Insure your
house and contents for a small preml
Yo" will hardly feel tho paying
or it yet It affords you a pormnnont
protection ngnlnst fire