The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 11, 1915, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Will Morris spent the latter part
of last week In Sidney closing up a
salo of property which he owned lii
that town
IRA L. HAKE, Editor iind I'allishcr.
One Year by Mull In Advance...
One Year by Currier In Advance.. $1.50
Entercfi at North I'latte. Nobraska,
I'ostofflco as Second Class Matter.
Earl Carlton will leave shortly for
Salt Lake City to spend a month with
Miss Isabella Stafford, of Paxton,
spent a fow days lost week with Mrs.
John' B. Murphy.
.Harry Crook, of the Robhauscu bar
ker shop, will leave soon for Omaha to
Bpfnd sovoral wooks.
HI Smith wont to Julesburg Satur
day to got hlo car which was left there
during a rccont storm.
' Miss Jano Cushlng, of Sidney, Is
visiting at tho homo of hor sister,
Mrs. Dorr Tnrklngton.
William Moore returned homo Sun
day morning from Omaha where lie
spent a week on business.
L. L. Walker of the Gaston Music Co.,
returned Saturday from a business
trip In western Nebraska.
Miss Lou Carson returned to Hast
ings Friday after a month's visit with
hor slBtcr, Mrs. Henry Simon,.
Mr. and Mrs.. I. A. Gllbort are en
joying a visit from tho lattcr's moth
er, Mrs. Rosencrans, of Cozad.
Kindling for Halo at Ilersliey'B.
Edward G reiser returned Friday
from St. Paul, Nebraska, whore he
spent a week visiting his parents,
Mrs. F. W. Rlnckcr went to Hast
ings ysstcrday as a delcgato to tho
granu cnaptcr oi mo eastern star.
Mrs. II. N. Smith left tho latter part
, or last wookiior Llsco to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Anton Pushman for a week or so.
William Stack, Jr purchased tho
former Dwyor homo on east Third
Btreet last Friday and has taken pos
Mrs. John Den and daughter, Miss
Marjorlo, left this week for Arapahoo
wnero tncy will visit relatives for sov
oral days.
Wyllo Walker, of Kansas City, son of
L. L. Walker of tho Gaston Music Co.,
Is oxpectcd hero next week to make
his home.
Clarence McKay, who. had boon em
ployed in Toronto, Canada, form year
past .returned homo tho latter part of
insi week.
F. J. Doran wont to Omaha Salur
day and from thero to O'Neill to
attend tho stato convention of the
Knights of Columbus.
Mr, and Mrs. Vigo Chrlstcnsen and
buby loft Saturday for St Paul, Neb.,
whore thoy woro called by the death
or tno former s grandfather.
For Rent 7 room house: bath, cood
garden, out buildings, 208 west Second
St. isnquiro of G. S. Huffman. 32-2
L. L. Walker and son. Edward Stof
friggen and Ralph Adams havo rented
tho largo Ilnhlor house on east Front
street for a bungalow this summer.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Mlko McFadden and
baby of Paxton, who were guests of
Mr. and Mrs John Horrod last week,
woro called homo Saturday by tho
death of Mr. McFadden's father.
Tlic Catholic Girls' club will bo
entertained Wednesday evening by tho
Misses Kathleen Flynn, Alice Sullivan,
Ethel McWIlllams, Alice Fltzpatrick
nnu Mrs. William Hawloy at the Mc
Williams homo.
Perry Sltton. of Omaha, who visited
hero last weok, loft Sunday for Choy-
enno anu amney wnere ho will trans
nci imsmcss. Mr. Sltton expects to
leave Juno 1st for California to ancm!
thb grcator part of this summor with
nis daughter, Mrs. Clark Buchanan.
For Sale Gano and Millet Seed
Plione C. P. Howard, 790F031. 29-0
Tho two national banks at Gothcn.
burgliavo ro-organlzed as stato banks
and simultaneously with tholr chang
ing, a third bank has been organized
by S. L. Burson, who was formorly
connected with ono of tho othor
Wm, Hays, who recently moved to
town from tho Blrdwood whoro ho was
engaged In rauchlng. has begun tho
uruuuon oi a uungalow in tho south
part of town, tho cost of which will
bo around $4,000. Tho high water has
Intorferrcd somewhat In excavating tho
Read Ilorahoy's advertisement r
a, closing out salo In this Issuj. Her
snoy mo naruwnro man. latf
A hobo was arrested at Sholton ono
day laBt week at tho request of u Un
ion Paclllc dotoctlvu. Tho charge
against tho "ho" was that ho would
stand in the mlddlo of tho railroad
track in front of tho rnst trains and
causa tho engineers to slow up the
train until within a fw feet of tho man
-when ho would Jump clear of tho
track. It appeared to bo a mania with
him to stop tho fast trains,.
It Is estimated that at least thrco
fowi of tho boos kopt in this vicin
ity wero lost during tho winter. No
ono seems to know Just what is tho
cause, as in most cases thoro was still
plonty of honoy in tho hives. Bees
whlcvh wero protectod from tho cold
seemed to faro about us badly as those
which woro protectod from tho cold
or not tho sliortago of boes will effect
this Benson's fruit crop to any great
extent remains to bo seen. Sulhor-
lnnd Frco Press.
For u Torpid Liver-
"I lmvo used Chamberlain's Tahlots
off and on for tho past six" yoars when
over my liver shows signs of being in
a disordered condition, Thoy havo al
ways acted quickly and given mo thu
dOBlred rellei," writes Mrs, tr. u. Tra
bus, Sprlnglleld, N. Y, For salo try all
"Crow" Holllday, who had been at
Kearnoy, arrived in town Saturday
and will play second base this season
with tho North Platto team.
Elmer Scyburg, of Potter, was
town Friday taking tho examination:
. tftilAii DnntHn atrt rtt firntllfltl Tin'
will bo given a section near Potter,
nrmllmpk Knn hrivn mirchiiHcri nn
llvorles may bo made more expedi
tiously. Will Brodbcck runs the car.
For Sale Improved corner lot. Hoo .
Mrs. G. a. McKay or phone black ,
624. 20-8
Tho plumbing ordinance recently
passed by tho city council Is being
printed in pamphlet form and will bo
ready for distribution tomorrow, tho
ordlnnnco is a lengthy ono, requiring
twolvo pages of a six by nine inch
Workmen havo been engaged for a
weok' past repairing the building oc
cupied by tho Minor HInman garago
which burnd thrco weeks ago. Tho
roof on tho east section of tho rear
building has been replaced. Tho west
wall on tho west section of tho build
ing will be torn down and rebuilt.
May 4, 1915.
Board met same as yesterday, pres-
pnt Springer and White and county
Claims wero allowed as follows:
Chas. Cockle, road work, $75.74,
Geo. Meyer, road work, district 23,
Joseph Shaw, roud work district G3,
O. O. Fowlef, road work district 05,
J. M .Fowler, road work district 55,
Louto Brooder, road work district 34,
A. E. Bratten, road work district 34,
Nathan Bratten, road work district
34, $0.05.
Sundry persons road work district
34, $4.80..
Earl Coleman, road work district 17,
Charley Kem, road work district 17,
C. J. Ross, road work district 31,
1 1 jjOTmrrrFWJ
155 IliBKils
Edls, road work district 11,
Moyer, road work district 23,
C. E. Davidson, road work, district 8,
ir r ; . i ; t
J. L. Livingston, road work district 8
$5. ' '
W. E. Mason, road work district 8,
Louts Reflor, road work district 10,
$iH ' ' ' " '
W. H. Drayton, road work district 10,
$1.50. '""" '"! N
Edward Downs, road work district
10. $1.50. 1 '
R. G. Patterson, road work district
12, $1.00.
Sundry persons, road work district
23, $14.76.
Sundry persons appraising road No,
382, $8.
E. II. Springer, services and mileage,
D. B. White, services and mileage,
A. N. Durbln, county treasuror: You
are lierohy authorized to correct tax
list 1914 assessmont on lot 8, block
43, North Platto from $490 to $360, on
nccount of ncccsslvo valuation; also
as to lot 5, block 43, North Platto from
$490 to $360 on same account.
Klopp-Bartlott Co., supplies, $679.81.
A. P. Kelly, printing, $163.08.
Sundry persons, survoying, $32.
R. L. Cochran, survoying, $36.25.
A. N. Durbln, county treasurer: You
aro horeby authorized k correct 1914
tax list as to lots 1 to 5 and 7 to 12,
block 13, Schlllor's addition to Wal
lace from nn assessed valuation of
$55 to $10 on account of error. Also
1914 tax list as to lot 0, block 12,
Brady from $90 to $20 on account of
A. N. Durbln, county treasurer: Y'ou
aro hereby authorized to distribute
tho Union Pacific tax money paid under
protest In your ofllco j amounting to
Adjourned until May 10, 1915.
C. W. YOST County Clerk
Ills Testimony Will Interest L'orcry
North Platto Reader
Tho valuo of locnl ovldonco Is hulls
putablo. It is tho kind of ovldonco wo
accopt us truo becauso wo know wo
can provo It for oursolves. Thoro has
boon plenty or such evldenco In tho
North Platto papora lately, and this
Btraigntiorward testimony has cstab
llshoa a'connuencQ in tho minds of
North Platto people that will not bo
easily snnKcn.
CharlOB F. Buroughs, 222 S. Pino
St., North Platte, says: "Sovoral years
ago i nau occasion to uso Doan's Kid
noy Pills, procured from McDonnell &
qraves' Drug Store, (now Schlllor
Co.'a Drug Storo) and found thorn to
bo a good kldnoy remedy. I Buffer
ed from burning pains in tho small of
my back and my kldnoys woro vory
woak. Doan's Kldnoy Pills soon cured
mo completely, l havo not bo both
ored by kldnoy trouble since. I take
plenauro In endorsing this remedy for
tho bonoflt of othor kldnoy sufferers
Price 50c at nil dealers. Don't slm
ply ask for a kldnoy romedy got
Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho sumo that
Mr. Burroughs had. Foster-MUburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
5T Y A
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of J. Dela
van Jackson. Deceased.
On roadlntr and mine the Dctltloni,nnD,i frm vnl .,nnn
f Anna E. Jackson, praylnc- that the Lioao.-Hnr. n,i ,nr c.o. nni
i'lfrn""' nnnfidnn?nhHr,7t,h fc,yti? I '""her relief as justice and
April, lulu, ana purporting to be thel- ..i,,, ,,, -,.i. i,j
last VI11 and Testament of the said de-1 "i?y require: and that the
ceased, may be proved,, approved, pro-1 J.ud?,e f ,,srald , Court did on
bated, allowed and recorded as tho lastl April 26th, 191G, malep an order direct
Will and Testament of the said J. Dela- n?, that Bervlce be had upon you by
van Jaokson, deceased, and that the publication as In other cases provided,
execution , of said Instrument may be You will make answer to said petl-
committed and tno administration or " uuiuro mo iuiuy ui jum,
said estate may be cranted to Anna E. 195, or your default will be taken and
Jackson and Charles D. Jackson as ad- Judgment hnd against you as In said pe-
minlstrators with Will annexed. mun wraye". .
Ordered, That May 8, 1015, at 9 WILLIAM I. LAW, Plaintiff,
o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing , By E. H. EVANS,
said petition, when all persons Inter- a3,-4w Hls Attorney.
ested In said matter may appear at a J " '
Qounty Court to bo held In and for said j?lr4TI??, ,
Thursday, May 13.
hllR TFMFNT rMPlftS Tlt&lil
x m f nrr- m i
X ' t li ff s 1 11
xi. i nit i tin
N J 11 i I I
M Hit . ,
"X f .'!
X ' n'llK
X. 1
tor the mason
or for the house
holder who wants
to do his own repair
ing or improving. 'Best
grades of cement, vlime,
bricks, plaster, white sand,
cement blocks, etc. Low estt-
matesy torombt service. Also
everything in lumber and all sizes of
coal. We are asking for yojjk trade be-
cause we know we can give entire satis
faction in honest service, price and quality.
f (Nebraska)
M Omaha
Order of Hcnrlns on OrlRlnal Probate
of AVIll .
To Mary E. Law, non-resident defend
ant: You are hereby notified that William
I. Law did on the 25th day of January,
1915. file a petition In tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which aro to be
County, and show cause why the pray
er .oi petitioner snouiu not do Kranica.
a20-3W County Judg'e.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob C.
Federhoof, Deceased.
To Clara J. Kobblns, Agnes Amada.
Huffman and Martin Federhoof, heirs at
law of Jacob C. Federhoof, deceased,
and all persons interested In said estate:
iou and each of you are hereby notl-
Deiuirtnicnt of the Interior
V. S. Land Ofllce at North Platte. Neb
" March 27. 1915. flail Hint Snnhln KVrinrhnnf lm fllnri hor
Notice Is hereby trlven that John M. nntm nn In this PniirL thn nhlnnf n n rl
Crandell. of North Platte, Nob., who, prayer of which are for a decree sped
on January 10, 1912, made Homestead fylng who are tho heirs of said Jacob
entry No. 05355, for the EH and NW c. Federhoof, deceased, and their Inter
Section 14, Township 12, N., Range 31, 0st or shares In and to Lot 2 In Block
W. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no- a of North Platte Townlot Company's
iiv;u ui niiciiuuii iu iuun. Him., huoo Auauion io iNorin f iaiie, uincoin cjoun
year proof,, ta establish &p.m. to the ty, Nebraska, and the right of succes-
land abOVe described. befOre the RCCla- Klnn tliorotn All noronti a IntamatoI In
tor and Receiver, at Northe Platte, such matter are herein cited to appear
Neb., on thelsWarof May, , before this Court at tho Court House In
Clalmanrnameiras wltnessesrnvrt?. the Citv of North Platte. Nebraska, at
Masters. Hugh songer, uari liroeder, o'clock P. M. on the 20th day of
John W. Fowler, all of North Platte, May, 1915, nnd show cause if any why
tho nrayer of said netitioner shall not
be granted.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
Court this 24th day of April, 1915.
n27-3w County Judge.
Sherlil'H Stile.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County,
In the Matter of tho Estate of James. .
M. Itapnie, Deceased. I By virtue of an order of sale Issued
on reading and tiling tne petition oiirrom tho District Court of Lincoln
James A. Rannlo and George M. Ran- County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
nie, praying inai auminisirauon ox ioreciosuro rendered in Said Court
said estate may be granted to Anna
Itannie as administratrix.
ORDERED, That May 25th, A. D. 1915
at 9 o'clock A. M. Is assigned for hear
ing said petition, wnen au persons in
terested in said matter may annear at
a county court tovbo held In and for
said county, and show cause why tho
prayer of petitioners should not bo
granted, and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to an persons interested in
sAid matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the North Platte Semi-
Weekly Tribune, a semi-weekly news
paper puDiisneu in saia county ior
three successive weeks prior to said
of hearing.
Dated April 30, iui&.
GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of Application of A. T.Yar-
ter. for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby given that A. T. Tar
ter, did upon the 29th day of April,
1915, fllo his application to tho Village
Board of Trustees of Brady, Lincoln
county, Nobraska, for license to sell
malt, spirituous, vinous, mixed and
fermented Intoxicating liquors, at re
tall, during the municipal year, com
mencing to-wlt: May 1st, 1915, and
ending April 30th, l'Jie, on iota 13, it
and 15, In block 6 In the Village of
Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska.
If there be no objection, remon
strance or protest nied within two
weeks from April 29th, A. D. 1915, said
license will be granted.
A. T. YAUTIUU. Applicant.
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Gynecology
Obstetrics and Children's Diseases.
OtTlco McDonald State Bank Building.
Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets.
Phones, Ofllce 183. B.esldonce 283
wherein Carl Christensen "Is plaintiff,
and Charles Shlll, Mary E. Shlll and
Edd Shlll are defendants, and to me
directed, I will on tho 22nd day of May,
1915, at 2 o'clock p. m at the east
front door of the Court House In North
Platte. Lincoln County, Nobraska, sell
at Public Auction to tho highest bid
der for cash, to satisfy said decree, In
terest and costs, the following des
cribed property, to-wlt-:
Southeast quarter (SEU) of Sec
tion eighteen (18), Towshlp nine (9),
Range thirty (30) West 6th P. M., Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Plntte, Neb.7 April 16,
a20-5w sheriff.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Ofllce: Building and Loan Building.
Pnnn- i OfTlCO 130
Phonea r Residence 115
John s. SBiais, ar.
rhyslcian nnd Surgeon
Ofllce B. & L. Building, Second Floor.
Phone, Ofllce, 83; Residence 38.
Successor to
Drs. UedQeld & Redfleld
Office Phone 642 Res. Phone G7G
Notice of Snle.
Notice Is hereby given that whereas
default hap occurred In the conditions
of a certain chattle mortgage "executed
by M. J. OConnell and Floy E. O'Con
nell, mortgagors, to William Lyman,
mortgagee, bearing date on the 25th
day of February, 1914, by reason of the
failure of said mortgagors to pay the
debt secured therby and whereas there
Is now due and unpaid on said Indebt
edness to the undersigned tho sum of
Four Hundred Thirty and 56-100
Now therefore, tho property des
cribed In said mortgage, to-wlt, Two
brass bed, complete, one birds eye
maple dresser, ono birds eye maplo
chlffoner, two 8x10 rugs, one jak
dresser, ono oak table, one oak rocker,
ono oak leather rocker, six dining
room chairs, two 9x12 rugs, one daven
port, one electric lamp, one dining
room table, one sewing machine, one
Jewel gasoline stove, one kitchen cab
inet, ono buffet, six kitchen chairs,
two rugs 2x5, one roll top desk,
one llat top desk, two desk chairs
four large office chairs, one Insurance
case, ono paper file, ono stand table,
one lettor pross and book, ono large
electric fan; or so much thereof as may
be necessary, will be sold pursuant to
the power of tho salo In said mortgage
contained, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash on tho 22nd
day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at the storage room of T. M. Cohagen
In the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to satlBfy the debt
secured by .said mortgtftre and costs
and expenses of theso foreclosure pro
ceedings. Dated at North Platte, Nobraska,
this 29th day of April, 191G.
Uy Muldoon & Glbbs, Hla Attorneys,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Oillce at North Platte, Neb.
, , . April 23. 1915.
Notice Is hereby given lhat Minnie
Eliza McQuIro, now Seeae. of North
Platte, Nebraska, who on February 8,
1912, mado Homestead Entry No. 05371.
for EH of SEH Section 2, Township 11
N.. Range 30 W., 6th Principal Merid
ian, has tiled notice of Intention to
make final three year proof, , to estab
lish claim to the land above described
b.eforelhe RoBlfcter, and Receiver at
North Platte, Nebraska, on the 21st day
of Juno, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: Scott
Shaner, of Maxwell, Nebr., Jcsso Illgh
berger, of Nptth-.EIaUe,..obr., Andrew
Howard of Wellfleet, Nebr., Mary Rich
ards, of North Platte, Nebr.
,T .. J. E. EVANS,
a2T6w Register.