The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 11, 1915, Image 5

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" Graduate Dentist .
6(fice over tho McDonald
' State Banks
Will lvo a riny.
Members of tbo TIlMkum Girls of the
Episcopal churcli, will glvo a play
ut tho Keith next Friday and Saturday
ovonlnBS In connection with tho regu
lur motion plcturs. Tho title of the
piny 1b "Aunt Maggie's "Will," a com
edy tlint Is said to, bo very
funny. Included In the cast are sev
eral who have taken part In homo
plays In tho past and have niado good.
(Jo To Elks4 CoinoiiHon.
in i,.fl- . p c- I'lelstlckor, E. 11. Evans, J.
M as Mftry Mahoney went to Pax- T. Keefe, Dr. Crook, Thos. Ilealey and
ton this morning to attend tho McFad- J. H. McDonald left last night for Fre
den funeral. mont to attend tho stato convention
Mrs. A.'M Guilllaume drove out to of l!lP B- p - K,lt8 wll,ch w111 bo 1,1
Garfield Sunday to look after matters ' se3S'n today and tomorrow,
portalnlng to her farm, ! riic Fremont Elks havo made lavish
n I ,. , 'arrangements for Hie entertnlnmont
George Wllkins, of Gothenburg, 1 0f tho visiting brothers and the North
spent Saturday in town visiting I piatto delegates anticipated a pleasant
friends and transacting business I gathering.
Mrs. 'Will Iteynolds, Mrs. Millard '
Hosier and Mrs .Moso McFarland left I .Memorial Day Sen Ices.
for Hastings last evening to attend 1 Arrangements for tlie observance of
tho grand, chapter of the Order of Memorial Day liave not yet been per
Eastern Star. fected ly tho G. A. R. Post, but the
Piatt White C c Hnnfor win n tentative program is for services at
ten, A Via T imerman Carl WcSifSd tl,e EPscPal cliurth Suntlay lnB
and OrpSSTreamoMthat (Amy 30lh) wh,ch W,H be ntten(letl in
who went U 5 Ogalla nday fo wit- hoy iT ,f, th? V IL
ness the ball coma. ouuuu' l" W,L W. C. T. U. Tho following forenoon,
ness tne uau gamo- , Monday( Way 31st( the Pogt nn(1 Corpg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Todd and fam- wn assemble nnd proceed to tho two
ily, who weco calletUWero last week' cemeteries and decorate the graves of
by the death of tho former's nlnter. Hm departed soldiers, and also hold tho
lato Mrs Barraclough, left for their customary ritualistic services over the
homo in Parsons. Kans., Sunday ev- Brave of the last departed veteran. So
emng. .
Misses Marie Massey and Katherlne
Donahue, of Omaha and who have been I 4 m..i. t
conducting a dancing school here. for At , o(nt
o nrnnir f.nt ,i f,iui., .i At the meeting of farmers, stock-
T?in Hnw win i rS.,rn !,, men- and business men hold In Wal
Sdv 9 Y' home,lace last Saturday, May 1, It was den
cided to organize a Hlghlino Agrlcul-
.Monoy-ito. Loan on JCcnl hsuite,
ilcox Department
Until Nay 16th we will offer oil of our Ladies' Suits and Coats at Reduced Prices. We have
divided these garments into lots and will offer them as follows:
i far as now contemplated, thoro will bo
no other formal observance of the day
tural association with the purposo in
view of holding a district agricultural
and educational fair at some point on
Sheriff Salisbury and W T Tllpv:anu euucauonai iair at some point 01
iobo nXiu n0i, ,u drege. Jt was decided that entries ii
iJWm y IIOUCl U1C11 Ul UUlO f LUG
former caught carloads of white fish
and pilw. In lake Michigan, tho latter
trainloads of catfish in the Mississippi
river. ,
Early ,crtbbage. and tomato plants
for saleat 407 EJasfDthSt.
32-2 MRS. G, SCHATZ.
Rev. Beachcr, a. Swedish minister at
Hershey, held servlcs in town Sunday,
delivering his sermon in tho Swedish
tongue'. Arrarigments havo been made
to have, tho reverend gntleman come
to North Platte once a month and hold
services in the mother tongue.
Middy Blouses from 50c up to $1.25
We also have the Palm Beach Middy,
havo you seen them?
E. T Tramp & Son.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Letts left last
night for Denver where they will com
drege. Jt was decided that entries in
the agricultural section should be con
fined to the Highline territory, but the
stock show will bo wide open. The
location will be decided on at an early
meeting of the stockholders. Wallace
Winner. -
Object to Pop-Corn Stand.
Wm. Whitlock had built a street
house in which he proposed to sell
pop corn and corn crisp, and attemp
ted Friday to place it on Sixth street
at the McDonald bank corner. The
bank people, however, filed a protest
against its location, and the house re
mains in the stret unlocated pending
some possible' Settlement. ' Tho ordi
nance provides that these houses can
be located on the streets only by per
mission of the owner of the adjacent
property. Tho house was moved this
bine business with pleasure for a few , ",0.rnJ.nE Ane ,crne LFiJ d.
davs. Durlnc his recent trin to Om- .1jo.' iuu" ame ul uu"
aha Dr. Jonas advised Mr. Letts; to '
wait a couple of weeks before-sub- ' 11()0 n m Ti ,..;,
mitttlnc to another oneratlnn , " 1,0 "'ln JjiHpilUlllu.
miuung 10 anoiner operation. , A orrlble jnci,w connected with
Louis Peterson has sold the turnlsh-, the iEjiropean wapaccurred Friday' af
ings of his rooming bouse in the Hah- . ternobn ylen the big Qunard , line
ler block to Mrs, Cranch, who will I passenger vessel Lusltahia was tor-
tako possession Juno 1st. Mr. and Mrs. . pedocd and . sunk by a German sub
Peterson have been conducting the marine off Klnsale, Ireland. There
house for .five years, have grown tired I were 1SS Americans on board, seven
of the 'business' and "will fake a" Test t'y-three of whom at last reports had
lor a time. , been saved
mtt-& Goodman sold a Section of' In cmeJg.n. Vl?iMVBIl8t0fr
land to Arthur Connor yesterday. ' 9.riJinJ dW' ssuedithe follpying : oT
, , . . , , , nciai communication in ueiense oi, us
Goo. E. French went to Lincoln yes- nctjon:
terday to attend the state convention;, ' iti, Ynettnnin wna nrffr-,iK- ..r.nmi
oenlBlitsof PythlBAtonetlme! guns ns were rccently most of
North Piatto had a Iv, P. lodge that ' tho English merchantmen. Moreover,
ranked second to none in the state so j nB ls vvell known here lt had larg0
iui us me uiuiui rar vui. oi u. oiuui i quantities of war material in its
pieces, anu lost us organizauon. ino, ..u-s ownerB therefore, knew to
local lodge in its prime was in qhargo whal (langer the passengers were ex
of such men as Judge Church, Judgei sedi Th alone bear all tho re.
iA'"' V' jvucuA, ueuiBu rieiiuu,, sponsibiHty for what has happened
vv, u. msse, ai u Harrington anu -Germany, on its part, left nothing
others who wjero equal in oratory, and ,imin,m n rpnontn.iiv nnri RtrnnHv
the dramatic work was put on with warn them Thc imperial embassador
a brilliancy seldom neard in a lodge . In wnshincton even went so far as
to make a public warning so as to
to make a public warning so as to draw
attention to tills danger. The English
press sneered then at this warning
and relied on the protection of the
British flet. to safeguard Atlantic
To Hit' Residents of Tfortli Platte
On show day, May 13th, you had bet
ter secure your., doors , and windows
well, as there is a tough element that
follows shows around and break in
your home, It is reported that a lot of
such fellows are following this show
of May 13th. However, we will do
our best to keep them moving.
Chief of Police.
Lot 1, Ladies' Suits $19.48
Consists of all our Suits that sold from $25 to $35
The finest and best made suits carried in the
Lot 2, Ladies' Suits $12.48
This lot is made up of Suits that were sold up to $201
; They are extra well tailored, made in the same
factories that make our higher priced garments.
Lot 3, Ladies Suits $7.48
This lot is made up of last spring's styles of suits that
sold as high as $35. The jackets are about the
same style as the newer garments, but the skirts
are narrower, but they are certainly bargains.
Lot 4, Ladies' Coats $14.48
This lot is made up of our finer grade Coats selling up
to $25. There is a good assortment of styles and
Lot 5, Ladies' Coats $9.48
This lot includes Coats that were sold at 915; all the
latest styles and first class tailoring.
Lot 6, Ladies' Coats $7. 48
This lot is made up mostly of $10 garments. There
is quite a line of different cloths and colors.
These garments we are offering you are not job lot goods or goods made any way to give the appear
ance for a price, but are made by two of the best factories in this country that are noted for their high grade
work. We are just beginning to have real spring weather and you will have a long season lo wear these
garments. Come early so as to get your choice.
Ship in Cattle.
Trent & Burke, who purchased ten
thousand acres of land nar Maxwell
of the Holcomb Cattle Co. and also
several thousand acres of tho Piatto
Valley Land & Cattle Co,, shlppd in
3Q2 head of four and five year .old
southern steers Sunday, These steers
are. .immense framed nnlmale and
will bo pastured during the summer
anil sold ns feeders this fall. Trent &
Uitrke are heavy cattle growers, hav
ing big ranches in Nevada and big feed
yards at Genoa, .Neb
To the-Public.
I desire to ani$tinc'e to the public
that I have taken charge of the Paxton
Hotel, at Paxton have refurnished lt
throughout, and Will furnish tho trav
eling public with' clean, comfortable
rooms and meals that will prove sat
isfactory. Autonjobllists and others
passing tlirough or visiting in Paxton
are respectfully r6quested to glvo mo
a trial.
31-2 $. EMMA OTTO.
"Aunt 3lHfc't'I' Will."
This is tho tltlo of a play to bo
given between tho pictures at tho
Keith Friday and Saturday evenings,
the 14th and 15th by tho Tilllkum
Tho pictures will commence at 7:45
and thc play at S:45 and then the pic
tures will bo run again.
The play which lasts about 45 min
utes tells of the consternation caused
by the sudden death of Aunt Maggie
and the confusion into which it throws
the plans of a young bride-to-bo nnd
her friends.
There ls not a dull moment from
start to finish. Tickets may bo ob
tained at tho Keith theatre or from
any member of the club. Adults 20c,
children 10 cents.
Tho gnat made his appearanco Sat
urday and for the next two or three
weeks much energy will ho devoted to
fighting them.. For tho slzo of lt tho
gnnt is tho most vicious Insect that
files, and during his short lifo is tho
causo of moro profane langungo than
nny other living thing.
Messrs, Hansen, Snyder, Dolnn,
Earns and Everly, of Maxwell, wero
Visitors in town yesterday.,
A. F. Bcol'er loft Sundny ovonlng for
Lincoln to spend a week or longer.
Mr nnd Mrs. William R. Mnlonoy
spent Sunday with friends In Suther
land. Mr. and' Mrs. Edward McGowan.
of Denver, who havo been tho guests
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Naporstick for
two wcoks will leavo for homo In a
fow days.
Alfalfa Seed
SS.00 per bushel while Jt lasts.
3nmplo at Derrybcrry & Forbes.
Louis Macey,
A Sleeping
Porch Adds ill
afrl ... ' Bi
liil!l!!lffll JM
'f o r t and
pleasure. You
know what a
tnnir fresh nir is. We
can ne'ver get too much of it. With a sleep
ing porch you MAKE SURE of eight hours
of it every night, seven nights a week for
yourself and your loved ones.
That is why every year more people sleep out
doors, the year round, and their reward is all
around good health "overflowing health."
Any carpenter can add a sleeping porch to your
house at little cost. It is really cheaper, much
cheaper, than medicine and doctor hills.
It is particularly delightful during summer. It
is. a fine place for the bahy's nap.
Talk it over with us now and have it ready
when the warm weather comes. Let us. give you
suggestions. This puts you to no obligation.
North Platte Defeats Ogalnlla.
In the opening game of tho season,
the North Platte ball team defeated
the Ogalalla team at the latter place
Sunday by a score of live to nothing.
Luby was In tho box for North Piatto
and pitched a great game, striking
out ten men, and allowing five hits.
Marlatt pitched for Ogalalla and was
touched 'Up for eight safeties.
Up to the seventh inning neither
team scored, but later in inning Gett
man told tho boys It was tlmo to do
something, and started out by making
the first score. This was followed by
two runs In tho eighth and two in the
ninth. None of tho Ogalalla players
reached third during the game
Fans who accompanied the local
teanf speak highly of the general work
for the opening game,, and predict
that with more practice the team
will be exceptionally strong.
Mrs. Johnson, who has been visiting
her sister Mrs. C. R. Morey for sev
eral weeks, will return tomorrow to
her homo In Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Herrod left Sun
day evening for Paxton to remain a
few days with Mr and Mrs. Mike Mc
Fad den.
Mr. and Mrs. Jako Gettman havo
rortted (thn Frrtsdidr house on east
Fourth stret and will move there next
P. H. Sullivan. T. M. Cohagon, John
Boyer. Fred Dick and Adrian Elliott
left Sunday for Lincoln where they
go as delegates to tho A. O. U. w. con
ventlon In session this week.
Will Adair, proprietor of the North
Piatto Laundry- who spent several
months in Kearney, came up Satur
day evening to spend a fow days on
business. ,
Ward Tplle, claiming Kearney ns
his home, was arrested Saturday on
tho chargo of drunkenesss and nbus
Ivcness nnd placed in jail. On prom-j
Ise that he would forsake the town, ho t
was released yesterday morjilng. j
Cliainherliiln's Liniment, I
This preparation Is intended espec
ially for lamo bnck, rheumatism,
sprains nnd like ailments. It is a
favorite with people who are well ac
quainted with its splendid qualities,
Mrs. Chnrles Tanner, Wabash, Intl.,
says of It, "I have found Chnmber
laini's Liniment tho best thing for
lame back and sprains I have over
used, It works like a charm and re
lieves pain and soreness,. It has'been
used by others of my family as well as
myself for upwards of twenty years."
25 and 50 cent bottles,. For sale by all
Special terms on lots In Taylor's
Addition and Grncelnml Addition to
close nut tho balance. Monthly pay.
mcnts of $.'.()() to $10.00, Build a
home now while lumber Is cheap.
Exclusive Agents.
V. J. IHEN'EIi & CO.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come nnd seo us for town lots In
different parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent We havo also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs
Mutual Building & Loan Association
ol North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1837.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property lor
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing homes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $1GoO.QO loan are on principal $5.00
. and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other .
sums in proportion. : .
N'otlcS Ih hereby irlven tlmt In nn
notion pending In tlio District Court
of Lincoln County, Nobraskn, In which
H. Ji. uvunH, AiitniniHU'utor or uu oh-
Lite of Patrick Kudilv. docenHCil. has
applied for IIcpiiho to Hell InmlH for
the payment of tho debts of said estate
ami which nalil Decline lms been duly
Krantod by said Court. That on AVed
ncBdny, Juno 1315 nt the hour of 2 V.
ai. sum numiniHtnuor win oiror tor
Hale at nubile huIo at the oaHt front
door of the Court Houho Id North
I'latto, Lincoln county, NebraHKa, to
the highest bidder or bidders for cnHh
the following described lauds Hltuate In
the city of North I'latto Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wlt: All of Block 1. con
hIhUiir of lotH 1 to 12 Inclusive in the
ituuuy Addition to said city of North
I'latto or bo much thereof nn shall be
liecoBHary to satisfy tho Indebtedness
axalnst the estate of said Patrick Hud
dy deceased, .Said sale to remain open
for one hour.
Administrator of the OHtato of Pat
rick Kuddy, deceased. m-11-4
State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, bh
Tn All noPNnnH IntnrnHtml ltl the ins
tate of Bridget A. Williamson, de
You are hereby notified that on tho
r.l. If..., Klir Ff'n I m (. in. Wllltll
uui tiny ui .tuij, .'u ..ii..r.ij .. .
jidmlnlHtrator of tho estate of Hrlde;et
. limn ,ltf..1 In Uf.l.l
J. v 1 1 1 Klllinuii, uuvuiinuii i.ii... ... uium
Court his final account as said admin
istrator nnd petition, tho objects and
prayer of which are that a decree of
distribution may be inado of tho resi
due of said cstute, now In Ills posses
sion to tho parties entitled by law to
recelvo tho same, nnd that said final
account nnd a petition for distribution
will bo heard upon the 1st duy of June,
1915, at tho hour of 10 o'clock at tho
County Court room In tho city of North
Piatto in said County, and you are
hereby cited to appear at tho time and
place designated nnd show cause, If
such exist why such nccount be not
It is, therefore, ordered that tho said
TalmaKo Vhlto, administrator Blvo
notice to nit persons Interested In said
estate by cnusInK a copy of thlH order
to be printed In tho North Platte
llshed in said county for three wcoks
iiriur lu wiu iiiuu nui iur nuuu ucui ins.
Dated this Bth day ot-May. 1015.
mll-3 County Judtio.
Front j
Closing Out
Sulkev Cultivators at $25 to $27. f V I
P & O Canton Sulkey Plows at $35.
P & O Canton Sulkey Lister at $35.
8 foot Wind Mills at $25'
Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water
or Reservoir $50.
Bon Ami Oil Stoves.
Acorn Range with Reservior $40.
Cream Separators $25 and upward.
Hardware at and below Cost.
Bain Wagons 2 1-2 Axle, 3 in tire $65.
Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 3 in tire $70.
Bain Wagons 3 Axle, 4in tire $75.
Good Pine Lumber at $2.00 per 100 feet.
Kentuckey Blue Grass Seed.
Chick Food, Oyster Shells, Calf Meal.