The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 11, 1915, Image 2

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Hero tho Qermnn advnnco Infantry
Poland, just In tlmo to catch sight of a
tho plnco.
Books Purporting to Be British
Secret Instructions Found t
by Germans.
Tourrial Cathedral and Other Edifices
Noted "Field of Vision and Fire"
From fop Given Routes Care
fully Indicated.
(Correspondent Chlcnso Dally News.)
Berlin, Germany. Fifty-six churches
In Bolglum wero ofllclally designated
as "military observation points" by tho
British war ofllco in printed Instruc
tions for offlcorB that have fallen Into
tho hands of tho German urmy.
Tho designations aro contained in
tho "Road, IUver nnd Billeting Roport
for Belgium," Issued In four papor
bound volumos of 100 to 200 pages
each. 1 havo seen tho volumoo at tho
general staff and havo mado my notes
direct from them. Thoy aro marked
"Secret and Confidential," with this
flpeclflo warning printed across tho
title pago:
"Confidential. This book Is tho prop
crty of H. B. M. govornmont and is
intended for tho porsonal Information
ot , who is personally rosponslblo
for its safo custody. Tho contents aro
to bo disclosed only to authorized per
sons." Roconnolasanceo Cover Four Years.
Tho imprint beam tho dato "1914"
nnd tho contents declaro thorn tho ro
sult of 1913. They contain Interesting
and exhaustive details of tho roads and
rivers of Bolglum, with full tables of
tho number of houses In each village
nnd tho number of troops that can bo
quartorod among tho Inhabitants, In
eluding information concerning shel
ter for horses and water supplies.
Tho tactical nnd strategical possibili
ties aro treated to tho last detail.
On each route tho "observation
points" aro particularly omphnslzcd,
and it 1b hero that tho Belgian
churchcB suddenly recelvo significant
military Importance. Moro than halt
tho observation points recorded aro
View From Tournal Cathedral.
For instanco, wo And special atten
tion to tho cathedral toworB of Tournal,
with tho remark that Ub four spires'
afford "oxtonslvo vlow of country In
nil directions." Those apiros aro 2C0
feet high and tho cathedral is ono
of tho finest in Bolglum. ,It 1b nlmost
1,000 years old, tho navo having boon
built in 1070.
ThlB cathedral Is noted as an obBor
vation point on aovoral routes,, but
appears first on tho routo from
Tournal to Roualx. On tho samo routo
Is found lUted tho fnmouB Httlo church
ot Sto. Trlesto, which crowns tho hill
Mont St Aubort, north of Tournal!
From tho emphasis laid on this lattor
church it sooms to bo a prlzo from a
military observer's point of vlow. At
its first mention, tho record saya:
"Mont St. Aubort church, threo
miles north of Tournal:
station In flno weather for communl-
cuuon wmi Tournal, Cellos, Avol
ghom, Audenardo, Roubalx, Llllo
Louzo and othor nlacoa."
It Is interesting to find French cltlos
in hub list.
Wide "Field of Vision and Fire .
In dotalllng tho routo from Pecq to
Avelghom tho roport saya ot this samo
"Mont St. Aubort. From tho black
nnd whlto colored church rstn t.i.
esto) nt ycstorn summit of rldgo (450
iuei uign; iioiu or vision and llro ex
tends In all directions for many miles.'
Tho details of this routn nlfln nit
as "observation nolntB" tlm nM.nlni
nt Tournni and tho church at Mont do
1'EnclUB aB "good signal stations an
right bank ot Scheldt, all giving ranges
ot several miles."
Tho churchoB aro listed undor tho
caption ot -ODsorvation points" In tho
detailed information for on oh -.
routo" contained In tho war ofllco
booklets. Hero nro somo of tho othor
excerpts i
Hnuto from Zcobruggo to Brussol
by way of Brugos and Ghent. Losso-
has arrived at a town near Mlawa,
body of Cossacks who wero quitting
weghem church with tower, flat top
with ten yards square splcndJd ob
servation station.
Belfry at Bruges Noted.
"Bruges' to Courtrai belfry at
"Ghent to Antwerp. All windmills
and churches. Lokeren church towor,
four miles panorama all round. St.
Nicholas church (In Grando placed
panorama all round. St. Martin (two
miles southeast of Nleuwokorken
Waes), towor, threo miles vlow In all
"Lokoren to Termondo. Church
towor In Zolo.
"Lokeren to Antwerp. Wnesmun
stor level crossing and church tower,
vlow all round.
"Ghent to Zolo. Ovormolro church,
view as far as Zolo.
"Massomen to Mallnes. Wettorcn
church stcoplo, cxtenslvo vlow to
northeast to west.
"Tournal-Courtral-Ghont (a) Tour
naibolfry. (b) Mont St. Aubort church;
vlow caBt to Mollen. Mourcourt nnd
Vclalnes. (c) Pecq church tower,
(d) Coyghom church tower, a four
mllo vlow north and south, (e) Bollo
ghem church tower, vlow six miles
to west, flvo milcB to east, (f) Cour
trai church tower, view four miles all
"St. Arraand tp Tournal. Mauldo
church, vlow to St. Armand and for
VA miles In nil other directions.
"View to All Surrounding Heights."
"Enghien to Alost. (a) Enghlcn
church towor, vlow to all surrounding
heights, (b) Dendawindern, view from
church towor for two miles (c) Ml
novo, vlow from church tower for
threo miles In all directions.
"Enghien to Illvioro. (a) Enghlon
church tower, vlow all round, (b)
Soignles church tower, vlow for four
miles all round.
"Ath to Godlnno. (a) Chiovres
church, (b) Church tower at Bauffo.
(c) Lens church tower, fdt Jnrtiinn
church towor.
"Banco to PhillnnGvMn. Piiiiinnn.
villo church,
"Marclnollo to Sllenrleux. fni Hntnn
church, (b) Nalonnos church, (c) Wal
court church.
"Chnulot to GIvot. Good view from
church towers.
"Phillppovlllo to Maceo. Chnnnlln
do 1'Ermitago.
"Wopion to St. Gorard. Tho church
towers of Bols do Vlllcrs. Lcsves and
St. Gorard.
Convent Clock Towor May Be Used.
"Valenciennes to Louzo. (a
church tower, vlow for two miles in
all directions, (b) Bon Secours; noth
ing can bo scon from tho ground at
tins place; but from tho top of tho
church tower It is said Hint n ennrt
vlow can bo obtained, (c) Tho square
ciock tower or a convent on tho right
side opposlto Vloux Louzo church fnnn
mllo south of Louzo) should make a
goou observation point; thoro aro
stairs up to it.
"MaubcUgO to Hal. Bnttlimlnn
church tower.
"Dlimnt to Eunen. fa Achnnn
church, (b) Maffo church.
Dlnant to I'essoux. Sovet church,
"niemont to Colics. Acheno church.
"Namur to St. Hubert. Chnnoi nn
crag at Rochofort.
"Andouno to Chamnlon. nimv
"Brussels to Louvaln.
church steeple.
"Brussels to Wavro. Notro Dame-au-Bols
Church. I
"Hal to Andreghom. (a) Hal church,
(b) Alsonborg church."
May Quarter Troops In Churches.
Concerning tho quartering of sol
illors in churches, both i 11 UplHtmi niul
Franco, tho reports Bay:
Cliurclies should bo avoldod, but If
spaco la restricted tho municipal au
thorities will probably not object to
churches bolng used."
That's Ohloan's Plaint In Breach of
Promise Suit Kept Company
Seventeen Years. '
Norwnlk, O. MIsb Lillian West has
brought Biilt for $10,000 fqr nllegcd
uruueu oi promise ngniiiBt Frank At
water. Both resldo In Belleville
MIbb West, who la forty, doclaroB
sho hac been kooplng comnanv with
Atwntor for sovontoon yeara, that sho
becamo engaged to him in 1900. nnd
that Atwntcr has constantly put off
MIbb West also says Bho haa auf
fored Ilnanclal loss, haa boon terribly
humiliated nnd thnt sho had llttlo or
cuanco or marrying at her ago.
Section Held by Germans Is of
Vast Importance.
Nearly One-Half of Industrial Franco
and the Homes of One-Tenth of
the Population Behind
German Lines.
Washington, D. C. Tho Importance
of the flvo per cent of French terri
tory held by tho Germans Is strikingly
sot forth In a statement given to tho
press by tho National Geographic so
ciety. It bIiowb that whllo It 1b com
paratively Binnll in area It Is very
largo Indeed In Industrial and agricul
tural Importance. It says:
"Holding only about 10,000 squaro
miles of French territory, or less than
ono-twentloth of continental Frnnco,
the Germans havo behind their ad
vanced lines nearly one-half of indus
trial Franco and tho homes of one-tenth
of her population. Pns-dc-OnlaiB, Nord,
Aisne, Ardennes.Mouso and Mottrtho-ct-
Mosello. of which tho Germans hold all
or tho larger and most Important
parts, aro tho banner departments of
France. Hero aro tho mines, the foun
dries and factories, and tho dairies
nnd farms, which aro tho pride, tho
wealth and tho strength of modern
Franco. In this narrow strip under
German occupation, there Is produced
70 per cent of nil coal mined In France,
90 per cent of all of tho native-mined
Iron, and nearly half of tho republic's
output of manufactured articles.
"Tho iron and steel Industry of the
great ropubllc lies almost entirely
back of tho German trenches. Franco
stood fourth among tho nations of
tho world as a producer ot iron and
steel, with an annual production of
3.G00.000 tons of pig Iron and ot 3,100,
000 tons of ateel. This industry was
centered and contained in northern
Franco, for hero wero tho raw mate
rials. Tho Flemish coal basin, extend
ing Into tho Nord and Pas-de-Calals
whom 100,000 miners wero employed,
produced GO per cent of tho coal mined
in France, and, practically, tho coun
try's entire supply of fossil conl. Tho
Iron mines of tho Mourthe-et-Mosello
furnished 84 per cent of tho total
French output of Iron, and this re
gion was reckoned as ono of tho prin
cipal iron-producing regions of tho
"With tho French and Belgian Iron
and coal fields in their possession, tho
Germans would havo almost a monop
oly of tho Iron and steel Industries of
Europe. Germany is now second only
to tho United States In tho production
of Iron and steel. Boforo war con
ditions sot in, tho United States pro
duced annually 24,500,000 tons of steel,
Germany 12,300,000, Great Britain 6,
040,000, Franco 3,102,000 and Belgium
1,500,000. Germany Is third among
tho great Industrial nations of tho
world in tho production of coal, and
with tho Fronch and Belgian mines
behind her lines might easily equal
tho output of Great Britain, second
upon tho list. Thus, unusual Interest
attaches to tho small strips of foreign
lands back of tho Gorman lines.
"Tho Nord department, all but a
fow squaro miles of whoso coast lands
is in tho possession of tho enemy. Is
in agricultural and industrial impor
tance tho llrst department of France.
In this department, and tho depart
ment of tho Pas-de-Calals, Meuso and
Mouthe-ot-Mosello are tho great metal-
working plants of the French, tho hugo ,
Pittsburgh and Cleveland mills, foun
dries and machine works of that coun
try. In theso departments, further, la
great part of the land's textile in
dustry, tho cotton, woolen and linen
weaving, tho working of loco and em
broidery, tho weaving of carpets, and
dyolng. Flour mills, brjck kilns, dis
tilleries, glass works, pottery works,
shoo and hat factorlos, tobacco fac
tories, and . largo plants for tho pro
duction of hardware, enameled Iron,
hollow ware and odgo tools nro strewn
through this thickly-populated section
In profusion. In tho sliojis situated
within theso departments most of tho
French cabinet work Is done, and,
hero, near by tho best Holds, much of
tho French Biigar is refined.
"Morcovor, bore, whoro Is the great
est Industrial development, Is, also,
tho most Intenslvo agriculture. Neigh
boring Belgians havo not brought their
fortnB up to a higher standard of pro
duction than has been reached by tho
Holds of theso northern French de
partments. Evcrywhoro throughout
tlila roglon, wher; there aro no mines
and factories, smiling gardens and fer
tile woll-cultlvnied farms tnko their
place. All ot tho cereals, sugar beets,
fruits, hops, tobacco, flax- and largo
droves of cattlo aro grown upon thorn.
Somo of tho best dairies of Franco aro
In this, torrltory.
"Tho strotch of a bnro 10,000 square
miles, with Its population of 4,000,000,
Us bounteous agriculture, Its rich coal
and Iron mines, and its tcoinlng man
ufacture, la ono of tho most Important
districts In all Europo. Somo Idea
of Its richness can bo had from tho
fact that whllo tho uvorngo per aero
valuo for all Franco 1b about $150, thnt
of theso northern departments la
Big Woman Filled Hack.
Alton, Mich. Mrs. Claudo Barker of
Oklahoma City, Okla., was tho only
occupant of a cnrrlago which con
voyod her at tho funeral ot her hus
band, which was hold at St. Patrick's
church recently. Sho welgliB 035
pounds, and In a show was called tho
largest woman In America. Sho took
up bo much spaco In tho carriage that
no ono else could gel In.
Ho wtio In not conscious of plcasuro
when ho ciitH Is not worthy to sit at
tablo wttli tho elect.
For tho tnnnscfl In nil lands the usual
diet Is still mainly of foods locally
nnd Incxponulvoly produced.
Tako a sllco of round steak, cover
with a layer of sliced potatoes, a layer
of onions and on
top two sliced
green poppers.
Season and add a
pint of boiling wa
ter, cover and bake
two hours.
Veal With
Onions. Brown a
.sllco of voal In butter until well
browned on both Bides. Fill tho frying
pan with sliced onions, add two bay
leaves, four popper corns and onough
boiling water to cover tho meat. Cook
until tho meat Is tender.
Noodles and Ham. Butter a quart
mold, sprinkle thickly with fine bread
crumbs and lino with cooked noodles
which sbould bo cold. Then put a
layor of chopped ham, highly seasoned,
d layer of noodles until tho dish Is
full. Covor with a plate and bake ono
hour. Turn out on a platter and servo
with spinach or sauerkraut.
Spiced Carrots. Cook until tender
young carrots, sprinkle with flour,
powderod cloves, butter, lemon juice,
reheat and servo with parsley as a
Apples and Onions (Flemish
Onions). Sllco thinly green apples
and onions, sprinkle with flour and
brown in butter, using equal quanti
ties of npplo and onion. Place in
layers in a baking dish with buttered
crumbs, season with lemon Julco and
finish the top with buttered crumbs.
When tho crumbs aro brown tho dish
Is ready to servo.
May Day Cake. Soften half a cup
ful of butter, add a cupful of sugar,
two-thirds of a cup of milk alternately
with two and a half cupfuls of flour
which has been sifted, with two tea
spoonfuls of baking power and a half
a teaspoonful of salt. Fold in tho
whlteB of threo eggs. Divide into
threo portions. Color ono portion
roBo, and flavor with rose extract,
color ono green and llavor with pis
tachio. Bako In layers, putting tho
layers together with boiled icing to
which is added chopped raisins nnd
nuts. Frost with whlto icing and dec
orato with pink and green candles.
A quick dessert and ono always
liked Is this cut fine two or threo
kinds of fruit, servo in sherbet cups
with a llttlo sugar sirup 'to sweeten.
Curry Is made up of various spices;
tho word Itself means "bazaar stuff."
In our markets may bo
bought various combi
nations called curry
powder which suit dif
ferent tastes. Those put
up by reliable Arms are
Cuirled Cauliflower.
Have ready a well
cooked, seasoned cauli
flower. Place it on a
dish and season with a dash of cay
enno pepper. Pour over tho cauliflow
er a sauco prepared as follows: Melt
a half cupful of butter, add two table
spoonfula of flour and two teaspoon
fuls of curry powder. Cook together
until well blended, stir in a cupful of
hot milk and a shaving of onion, add
ing salt to season. Mushrooms aro
delicious served with curry In tho
Mulligatawny. Fry a mlncod onion
till brown In half a cupful of butter,
with n chopped green pepper and a
few chllles and a clovo of garlic. Add
any bits of cold fowl cut in dlco and
half a cupful of cold minced lamb or
mutton. Allow tho mlxturo to brown,
add half a cupful ot boiled rice, one
tablespoonful of curry powder, a
chopped green apple, halt a cupful ot
finely sliced egg plant or squash or
othor vegetable, and equal amounts of
green peas or beans cooked. Cover
with a pint of chicken gravy and sea
son well. Servo hot.
Curried Eggs. Mlnco a green npplo
and fry with an onion In a llttlo but
ter until brown. Stir In threo tea
spoonfuls of curry powder, add half
a dozen pounded brazil nuts or al
monda. Mix a teaspoonful of flour
with a cupful of seasoned stock, ndd
to tho curry and simmer ton minutes.
Havo ready six hard cooked eggs cut
In halves; add thorn cnrofully to tho
sauce and lot stand to got well heated.
Sorvo with crisp crackers or toast
well buttorod.
Curry and rlco is such a standard
diBh that It hardly nceda to bo men
tioiiod. Cocoanut and curry with a
Feared for Grandma.
Billy is fond of attending tho pic
turo shows with his grandma and ho
considers ltlmBolt hor chlof protector.
Ono ovonlng a largo black bear was
performing all BortB oT antics In tho
plcturo, which Billy wao enjoying Im
mensely until suddenly tho benr turned
towards tho audience. Billy slipped
down from his scat, and, taking hold
of his grandma's )mnd, said: "Turn
an, danma, IoI'h do homo, I don't
Uko tho look of dat bear." -Ex-cbungo.
good dash of cayenne Is a favorite
combination. Rlco should bo cooked
bo tender that it may bo easily
crushed between tho lingers.
A most crisp and refreshing salad
is that of head lcttuco and cucumbers
with a garnish of
red pepper, cut in
strips. Rub tho
sulad bowl ' with
the cut side of u
clovo of garlic, ar
range tho criBp
leaves of lettuce,
well dried In It,
then sliced cucumbers, sprinkled with
a bit of chopped onion and pepper.
Cover with French dressing mado of
four tablcspoonfuls of ollvo oil, one ot
vinegar and salt, nnd pnprlka to taste.
Spanish Rice and Cheese. Cook a
half cupful of rlco In n quart of boil
ing water, drain and dash on cold wa
ter so that each grain stands out full
and whlto. Put Into a bowl a glass of
currant Jolly, pour over It a cupful of
boiling water and stir rapidly until
the Jelly is dissolved. Pour over tho
rice and cook twenty minutes. Then
take from the flro, add two cupfuls of
walnuts, chopped flno, one-half cupful
of grated cheese, one-half cupful of
cream, whipped. Arrange lettuce
leaves for individual salad dishes.
Put two heaping tablespoonfuls of the
rlco on each, and garnish with a table
spoonful of whipped cream.
Salmon Safad. Take a can of sal
mon, add equal measures of chopped
celery, a few olives finely minced, and
a sour pickle also chopped, a half
cupful of freshly grated cocoanut and
serve on lcttuco with a plain boiled
dressing which has been made rich
by the addition of whipped cream.
Quick Graham Bread. Beat togeth
er ono egg and two tablespoonfuls of
sugar, and a cupful of sweet milk in
which a teaspoonful of Boda is dis
solved. Melt a tablespoonful of butter
and add one-half cupful of sifted flour
and two teaspoonfulB of cream of tar
tar. Sift and add one and a half cup
fuls of graham flour.' Beat well and
bake fn a Blnglo loaf bread pan. This
is best eaten wnrm.
Water cress often, with no dressing
hut salt, makes a delicious and espo
cially wholesome spring salad.
If there wero no such thins as dis
play In tlio world wo might got on a
great deal better than wo do, and
might be Infinitely moro ngrceablo
company than wo are.
For the vegetarian hero are some
good dishes to add to the list:
tn Carrots With Peas.
EMH2k& Cut carrots in three
Inch slices and cook un-
lJr'WH HI tnnilof Gnnnn nut
tho center, leaving a
well-shaped receptacle
to hold tho seasoned
peas. Use these as n
garnish around any loal
or around pecan loaf.
Pecan Loaf. Take
half cupful of rlco, cover with cold
water, and let stand over night. Drain
and add slowly threo pints of boiling
water; cook until soft throughout,
Tako a cupful of tho drained rice,
add a cupful of pecan nuts, finely
chopped, one cupful of cracker
crumbs, ono cupful of milk and one
egg slightly beaten, one and a half
teaspoonfulB of salt and a fow dashes
of pepper, Turn into a Bmall but
tered bread pan, smooth and spread
with a tablespoonful of melted butter.
Bako In a moderate oven ono hour.
Remove to a hot platter and surround
with whlto sauco and carrot tlmbales.
For tho sauco use two tablespoonfuls
each of flour and butter nnd a cupful
of thin cream. When tlio butter is
melted and bubbling hot add tho flour,
and when well mixed add tho cream.
Cook until smooth. Season with salt
and popper.
Pea Roast. Tako three cupfuls ot
dry bread that has been rolled and
put through n sieve. Drain n can of
peas and rlnso well with cold water.
Put In a snuccpan nnd covor with cold
water; bring to tho boiling point and
boll threo minutes. Drain and forco
through a slovo (thero should bo a
half cupful of pulp). Mix tho crumbs
and pulp, add a fourth of a cupful of
chopped walnut meats, ono egg slightly
beaten, ono tablespoonful of sugar,
salt, pepper, a fourth of a cupful of
melted butter and three-fourths of a
cupful of milk. Whan well blended
turn into a paraffin lined bread pan,
cover with buttered papor and bake
forty minutes in a Blow oven. Sorvo
with tomato snuce If so desired.
Ferr Was Peeved.
According to nn eminent botanist,
plants aro so sensitive that they re
sent neglect nnd nro suscoptiblo to
kind treatment, showing their grntl
tudo in charming ways. Wo aro there
foro tho moro ready to boltovo a story
told us a day or two ago by a lover
of nature. Ho was watering a fern
on a cold morning. Ho forgot to tem
por tho water. Tho fern, incensed by
tho shock, leaped from tho pot and bit
him savagely lu tho leg. Philip Halo,
iu Boston Herald.
He Is Perfectly Satisfied, and
Tells of His Neighbors Who
Have Done Well.
Walter Harris, formerly lived near
Jullotta in Warren townBhip, Indiana.
Ho now lives at Hussar, Alberta, In.
writing to his home paper in Indiana,,
ho says that tho failure is tho man
who always blames tho country. Ho
falls to seo his own mistakes, has
missed his calling and is not fitted
for farming. Tho two seasons Just
past havo been entirely different. In
1913 plenty of rain enmo in Juno and!
a good crop followed, but tho fall was
dry and but llttlo snow in tho winter
followed by a very dry summer, and a
short crop. Only thoso that had1,
farmed their land properly wero able
to meet expenses.
For example, last year tho Crow
foot Farming Company, south ot
hero, threshed from 1,250 acres 38,
000 bushels of wheat. One-half section
mado 26 bushels, tho poorest of all.
This year on 1,350 acres thoy threshed;
nearly 26,000 bushels. Last year's
crop sold at 75 cents from their owa
elevator. What they havo sold of
thlB year's crop brought $1.00 at
threshing tlmo. Eight thousand bush
els unsold would bring now around;
$1.25. Tho manager and part owner
was raised in Ohio and farmed in
Washington several years. Ho and'
his wife spent last winter in Ohio.
She told mo a few days ago that tho
climato hero was much better than'
A man by tho name of George Clarlc
threshed 75 bushelB of oats, 45 bush
els of barley and 35 bushels of wheat
to tho acre. Ho had 15,000 bushels of
old oats as well as wheat and barloy
iu his gvmarles that havo almost
doubled in prico. Ho camo from?
Washington, whoro ho sold a large
body of land around $200 that ho
bought around $3.00 per acre. Ho thea
refers to a failure. A largo company
in tho eastern Btates, owning a largo
farm near Hussar pays its manager
$3,p00 a year. Tho farm has not
been, a success. Probably tho man
ager's fault Mr. Harris says' condi
tions are not as good as could bo
wished for, but on tho ending of tho
war good crops, with war prices, wilt
certainly change conditions, and it
seems to mo that the ono who owns
land that will raise 100 bushels or
oats, 75 bushels of barley or 40 bush
els of wheat is tho one who "laughs,
The above yields may seem exag
gerations to many, and are far above
the average, but you should remember'
that the man who falls is counted in
to make tho average, and there are
Instances on record hero that would
far, exceed the abovo figures.
Nor is grain tho only profltablo
thlng that can he raised here. There
are many flno horso ranches, some of
them stocked with cayuses and bred'
to thoroughbreds, and others import
ed from the old countries. They run
on the range nearly all the year. The
owners put up wild hay to feed them
if the snow should get too deep for
them to get tho dead grass. There
are several hundred in sight of hero
most of the time. Thero aro several)
cattlo ranches north of hero that have
from 500 to 7,000 head of cattle. One
man I know soTd $45,000 worth of fat
cattle this fall. Ho winters his cat
tlo on farms where thoy have lots or
Btraw and water, paying 75 cents a
month per head, or if there is enough.
Btraw to winter 400 or 500 head they
buy tho straw, and water and have a
man to look after tho cattle. Adver
tisement. Nature leaves a lot of work for the?
dressmaker to finish.
Drink Denlson's Coffee.
Always pure and delicious.
Somo pooplo borrow troublo for the
purposo of giving it to others.
Try Murine lire Ilemodr for Ilod, Weak, Watorr
Kycs nnd Granulated Hyellds; Mo Smarting
tint Kyo comfort. Wrlto for Hook of tho lije
f mall Freo. Murlno iSje Itemed? Co.. Chicago.
A tiresomo man's favorlto subjects-,
aro home, mothor, heaven, liberty, Jus
tice and patriotism.
What has become of tho old-fashioned
woman who used td carry eggst
Into town and swap them for snuff
nnd calico?
Kill the Files Now and Prevent
dltcaso. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do It
Kills thousands. Lasts all season. Alldealers
or six sent express paid for $1. II. SOMEItS,
150 Do Kalb Avo., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv.
Doctor's Advice.
Doctor You must go away for a
long rest
Overworked Merchant But, doctor,
I'm too busy to go away.
Doctor Well, then you must stop
True Christian Spirit.
Notwithstanding all that I havo Buf
fered, notwithstanding all tho pain and
weariness and anxiety and sorrow that
necessarily enter Into life, nnd tho In
ward errlngs that are moro thnn nil,
I would enter my record with dovout
thanksgiving to tho great Author of
my being, profound gratitude for alt
that bolonga to my llfo and being
or Joy and sorrow, health and sick
ness, success and disappointment, vir
tue and temptation, for llfo aud death
becauso I believe that all Is meant
for good. Orvlllo Dowey.