HIS BEST CHUM By EUNICE BLAKE Johnny Iloxoy, ngcd fourteen, wont to bed ono night with a splitting head ache. The next morning he remained In slumber, and no effort to awaken him availed. He did not seem to bo In pain, sleeping tranquilly. lie re malned asleep week after week, month after month and year after year. lie needed very little food, and 'that was given him by various methods devised by tbu doctors. lie slept seven years In the satno room, In which no chango was mado during that time. When Johnny went to sleep a llttlo girl thirteen years old was his "best chum," as ho called her. They were In tlio same class In the saino school and used to study their lessons togeth er, for Lucy Treadwell lived directly across the street from Johnny, and they had not far to go to reach each otho. Lucy grew from childhood to womanhood, seeing almost dally a per-, son of the opposite sex who was In a perpetual slumber. Ono day Johnny showed signs of waking. For a week thcro was hope that ho would do so, but thoso about him had been so often disappointed that they had lost confidence In his recovery. But ho did awaken, and when he came to himself he was alone. Ho lay for some time, after becoming conscious, with closed eyes, thinking of his sufferings "tho night before," as ho supposed It was, and feeling much relieved to bo out of pain. Then ho attempted to turn on his other side. Ho was surprised to flud himself very weak. Lying In bed without using his muscles had taken his strength. While on his back he opened his eyes, still seeing nothing but the ceiling. Hearing a step in tho room, he turned so that he could see a young woman sitting beside a window reading. She was unknown to him. When Johnny as a boy had awakened In the morning and did not have to go to school lie usually lay In bed reading. "Is this Saturday V" he usketl. The girl started, and Johnny was as tonished at the sound of his voice. The girl I'osc-svxcltudly. tame to his bod side; then ran Immediately out of the room. Johnny in Ills amazement thrashed about and while dohui so put his hand to Ills lace. I) wns covered with hair. "What ' In tho world"- he began And. sitting hp in lied, lie sa w In a mir ror tlie relleetion of a man. He was dumt'oUnded. He moved, and the re tlection moved. After It had followed several of his movements he covered his face with the bedclothes" and gave way to a nervous chill. Hearing persons hurrying Into the room, he threw off the clothes. His mother, looking much older than "the night before." run into the room, fol lowed by the young woman, who had gone out of It. and. taking him In her arms, sobbed: "My dear boy! Heaven be thanked!" "What is it. motherV" cried the af frighted John. "Something strange has happened! How big I am! now rough my voice! I seem to have grown to be a man overnight!" "You have grown to be a man, dear, but not overnight. You went to bed one night when you were a boy and have slept continuously ever Blnce." There was silence for some tlinu while a realization of this singular an nouncement was working Its way into John's brain. Then ho asked a dozen questions so rapidly that his mother found difficulty In answering one be fore another camo forth. Finally he pointed to tho girl, who seemed as much affected by his recovery as his mother, and asked who sho was. "She is was your best chum. Lucy Treadwell. "Good gracious," exclaimed John wonderingly, "Is that Lucy?". "Yes, I'm Lucy. I've prayed for your waking ever since your long sleep bo gan." "She has been here nearly every day since your slumber began," said John's mother , "And happened to bo here when 1 woke," said Johin and ho put out both hands to her. "What a woman you've grown to be! How old are you I mean how old am I?" "You're twenty-one, and you know that I'm a year younger than you. That makes mo twenty. Can you see any trace of your 'best chum in mo?" "A trjicc only," replied John. "You were a pretty little girl then; yon are a beautiful woman now." Mrs. Iloxey said sho must go und call tho doctor at once. John must not get excited and take no action what ever till tho doctor had seen him and given directions concerning him. John obeyed tho tlrst Injunction, but' soon forgot all about tho last. His mother had no sooner loft the room than ho reached for Lucy's hand and drew her to a seat beside him. "So you have been hero constantly since I have been in slumbcrlnnd. Why did you come so regularly?" Lucy turned away her head. "You were my 'best chum,' and you have proved yourself worthy of the name. I don't seem to know whether I'm boy or man. I remember the kiss I gavo you yesterday I mean boforo 1 went to sleep. I wonder, should I kiss you now, would It taste the same?" "I don't know." was tho reply, the face still averted. John put his arms about her, drew her down to him and kissed her. ' "It's worth a thousand of tho oth ers." ho nald. A Dream Joke. Almost every ono has dreamed of writing a poem, delivering a Bpeech or making n witty remark that seemed at tho time wonderfully brilliant, but that, recalled on waking, proved to bo either commonplace or wholly mean ingless. That Is not always tho case, however, as this story, which the Nov. Washington Gladden Is fond of telling,' proves. "I dreamo'd," says Dr. Gladden, "that the old house that formerly stood near my church was still there and that old Mr. Deshlcr, who has been dead many years, still lived In It. I also know that his old dog, George, who never failed to bark at mo when I passed tho house, still lived. In my dream 1 was passing the house when the door open ed and the old gentleman camo out, followed by George, who. as usual, rushed barking up to me. " 'Now, now, George.' said the old ninn. 'you ought not to do that You know that's a friend of ours. That's Dr. Gladden.' " 'Oh. I have met George before,' I responded to the Introduction. 'In fact, George and I have for some tlmo hnd n bowwowlng acquaintance.' " Ex chango. Riding In a Jlnrlklsha. When the European or American tourist first lands in Japan ho at once demands a Jlnrlklsha, Having read of It and heard so much of It lie wants an Immediate experience of It as soon as he finds himself In the laud of Its birth. Almost any day ono may sco a procession of men and women, nshoro for a day or two from a steamer. In port, making their way up tho crowded thoroughfares of Tokyo, sitting rather awkwardly in their Jlnrlklshas, trera bllng unbalanced over the axle, not knowing whether tho thing Is going to tip backward or fall forward, so loose ly does tho puller seem to hold the shafts. The first time ono gets Into a Jlnrlklsha ho always feels like a baby, and this gawkish sensation coupled with that of tho uncertainty of one's position in balancing it, renders the ex perience not quite so pleasant as an ticipated. But the only way for com fort Is to sit back at one's case and leave the responsibility to the man who pulls it Japan Magazine. To the Manner Born. In "Hamlet," act 1. scene 4, occur these lines: Ay, marry, ls't. But to my mind, though I atn native hero And-to tho manner born, It Is a custom Moro honored In tho breach than tho ob servance. Some hnve maintained that in this ease "manner" should be spelled "man or," because the former was an old variant spelling of the latter. Tho phrase would then be applied to a per son nccustomed to the usages of a lo cality. But tho weight of opinion fa vors "manner" as used, for instance, by Swinburne in the sentence, "Ho has not the eyes nnd nerves of one to tho manner born." In this case the phrase refers to one hnvlng n lifelong ac quaintance with given conditions nnd customs, regardless of whether they are associated with a single locality. Philadelphia Press. Sourco of Robinson Crusoe. Tho Edinburgh Courant, long slnco dead, is worthy of remembrance, not only by Edinburgh nnd Scotland, but by tho literary world at large. Its cdl , tors Include Daniel Defoe, who seems to have been tho first occupant of Its editorial chair, to which ho appears to I have gone on his liberation from New j gate. "Old and Now Edinburgh" men , tlons "tho Edinburgh Courant of Oct 10, 1707 (then edited by Daniel Dofoe)," but Dr. Chalmers in his "Life of Do I foo" says it is not suspected that ho I continued long to edify tho Edinburgh ' citizens with his lucubrations. It was 1 doubtless during his Edinburgh sojourn that Defoe heard all about Alexander Selkirk, of Largo, the original of Robin son Crusoe. London Chronicle. Language of the Nose. "nero Is an article In tho paper that says a woraun's character can bo de termined by her nose." "Well, there may bo something in that but thero's n surer way. No ono can make a mistake concerning a wo man's character If ho will look at tho noses of other women who meet her. Tho extent to which thoy turn up at such times shows Just what she is or Isn't." Exchange. In the Same Boat. , Nowlywcd nusbnnd Tho tlmo has come, dearest, when I shall havo the painful task of acquainting your fa ther with tho fact that I am heavily In debt Wife Don't mind that I'm sure he'll give you the sympathy of n companion In adversity. London Tele graph. Insulted Indeed. "Why Is Mrs. Van Wombat so nngry with you?'' "It seems tho cook she lured away from mo Is not satisfactory." Kansas City Journal. Her Scheme. "Why docs your fiancee study tho bill of fnro so long?" "Sbe wants to flguro to mo nftcrward how much T will save if wo get mar ried." Mcggcndorfer Blacttcr. Discoveries. So many famous discoveries have turned out to bo rediscoveries that we become cautious about asserting that any event or achievement was tho first of Its klnd.-John Fisko. Accomp!ldji. "Is he well versed?" "Yes. He's a fool in many Innguage9 and on many subjects." Philadelphia Ledger. A Valued PocketPiece By JOHN Y. LARNED My father was killed fighting on tho northern side In tho battle of Gettys burg, on the 2d of July. I was old enough to remember the news of his death and tho military funeral that was given him when his body wns sent home. Thirty years after his death I was paid a silver dollar bear lug date of 1803. Since it mnrked the date of my father's death In battle, I prized It, and, Instend of parting with it, I cut on it my father's Initials. Ono day while traveling I fell In with n young man, with whom I chatted. On entering tho station nt Cleveland tho car door was thrown open and a trainman cnlled: "Clovelandl All out!" Tho young man. surprised that tho train would go no further, made In qulrlcs nnd discovered that ho must stop overnight lu Cleveland. He nt once begnn to exnmlno tho contents of his pockctbOok nnd found that he had barely enough to pay his bill nt o hotel. I asked him to permit me to lend lilm some funds, but ho refused, saying thnt ho had Just sufllcleut to got through. I insisted on his taking more. nnd ho said If I hnd any loose change In my pocket he would accept It ns a loan. The only coin I hnd was my pocitec piece. Alter a moments hesi tation I handed it to him. Ho tried to get my address in order to return tho loan, but we wore leaving tho train In a crowd, and 1 hurried away. Not long nftor this tho newspapers were filled with accounts of tho mur der of Richard Thornton, a wealthy man, in Buffalo. The caso was ono of those mysterious happenings thnt at tract widespread attention. A nephew of the deceased, Edgar Thornton, wns nccused of murdering his undo in or der to secure his estate. Tho murder ed man wns very old. a bachelor, and his houpohold affairs wero administer ed by a Mrs. Ferguson, n widow, who, tlio evidence seemed to Indicate, wns endeavoring to Induce him to mnke a will In her fnvor. Tho Mate attor ney, by patching together bits of evi dence, mnde a very good case, show ing that the nephew, in whose favor it will had nlroady been mnde. fearing that the' woman would succeed In se curing one giving her tho property, had murdered his uncle to prevent his doing so. Mrs. Ferguson swore that Edgar Thornton wns with his uncle on the night of tho murder, the two being to gether In tho uncle's bedroom. She claimed to have heard high words be tween them. Edgar hnd left the house at 11 o'clock. She did not see Rich ard Thornton till the next morning, when she found him dead, witli a pil low pulled over his face. A weak point In tho prosecution wns that some 9200 that the deceased had on hand in n desk wns missing. The state nttornoy declared that the ac cused had taken the money In order to mnke it appear that the murder had been committed for the purpose of rob bery. I read tho newspaper reports of the trial, missing only ono day's report. The next Issue of the paper mentioned thnt the accused had endeavored to prove nn alibi. The serrants In the house were all against Mrs. Ferguson, testifying that she kept Mr. Thornton In a sort, of Im prisonment, but they, wero persons of no education, and their evidence was easily pulled to pieces by the prosecu tor. Indeed, Mrs. Ferguson proved that they had been liberally tipped by Ed gar Thornton whenever he hnd called on his uncle. It did not take mo long to make up my mind thnt the" accused was guilty. Ho could not have been innocent unless Mrs. Ferguson had perjured herself in testifying that he wns with his uncle, and tho only person with him.ni tho night of tho murder. I rend the summing up of tho case by the prosecutor, and my nttontion wns attracted to these words: The prisoner has claimed that on the night the murder wns committed ho was trnvolhiK on u train between Cleveland and Buffalo. My meeting with tho man to whom I had loaned a sliver dollar flashed upon me. Could this Edgar Thornton be the person I hnd met? That per son was to remain over in Cleveland nt a hotel. The accused claimed to havo been on a train, A human life might depend on my action. I took n train for Buffalo and when I arrived went to tho courtroom where iho trial was balng held. In the prisoner I recognized my fellow trav eler. I called for his attorney, told my story mid wan put on the stand. 1 testified that on n certain date the evening of the murdor I had entered Clevclnnd with the nccused nnd had loaned him a silver dollar, whldi I described. The prisoner produced the Identical dollar I had given him with the Initials nnd date I had scratched on It. There ivas a sensation in tho court room A man who wns about to be convicted of murder wiis ncqultted nnd was heir to a fortune. When I asked how he happened to have been on n train Instead of In n hotel in Buffalo he said he had found passago on a combination milk and passenger train. Mrs. Ferguson had perjured herself to be revenged on tho man to whom she had lost her fortune. When Edgar Thornton "went to his home on his release ho found It filled with fi'twers from sympathetic friends. I have the pocket piece, moro valued thai. ever. Child Life In Africa. Child llfo In Africa has few pleasures hnd many sorrows and is lu n stnto of tonstaut rovorsal nnd change. From tho tlmo of a boy's birth until ho has gone through tho "dovll bush" ho is llttlo thougtfl of, but as soon as he has passed through Its torrlblo ordeals and practices ho Is regarded ns n man nnd nn asset In the nntlvo community With n girl It Is different It Is very hard to procure girls for tho mission stations because they arc considered specially valuable as workers and pos sible money brlngers until the jHjrlod arrives for them to enter and pass through tho "greo-greo" bush ordeal. Then they nro regarded ns women and eligible for marriage, and their Indus trial value decreases. Still, If they rear larro families, their market vnluo keeps up In a measure, for In certain sections of Africa tribal custom per mits u man to sell, 'loan or rent out hN wives or keep them lu household slavery or give them their freedom. I'rcoilom Is conferred by presenting the wife with the long tooth of a leopard, tvhlch Indicates that sho Is no longer slave, but a free woman, uot a di vorced wife. Christian nerald. A Bornard Shaw Criticism. Before fame camo to him Bernard Shaw wrote dramatic criticisms for tho London Saturday Review. The follow ing sitmplo Is characteristic of tho man: "I am In n somewhat foolish position concerning a play at tho Opera Co miquc, whither L was bidden this day week. For some reason I was not supplied with a program, so that I never learned the name of tho play. At tho end of the second act the play had advanced about as faris an ordi nary dramatist would havo brought It five minutes after tho first rising of tho curtain or, say, as far as Ibsen would have brought It ten years beforo that event Taking advantago of tho sec ond interval to stroll out Into tho Straud for n llttlo exercise, I unfortu nately forgot all about my business nnd nctuully renchod homo boforo It occurred to me that I had- not seen tho end of tho play. Under theso cir cumstances it would ill becomo me to dogmatize on tho merits of tho work or its performance. I can only offer tho management my npologlcs." Eastern Vormont's Marbles. Though tho western part of Vermont includes tho most extensive marble in dustry in this country, tho eastern part Is a virgin field, where, In tlio lnck of a general study of tho stratigraphy, the structure, the paleontology nnd the arenl geology, It is at present not only Impossible to dctcrmlno tho nrca and position of many of tho beds, but nlsrf even tho thickness of Borne of the mar ble formations, which are but partly exposed. Tho marbles of eastern Ver mont, many of which aro dolomitlc, vary widely In kind und character, and the outcrops, though few in number, are scattered from the Massachusetts lino to tho Cnnadlan boundary. Many of the marbles are suited only for In door ornamejitnl use. The greater part of the ledgei are to bo clnsscd as min eral reserves, which will be drawn on in tho future. Burial With Military Honors. After u battle tho dead nro burled "with military honors." Theso lu times of pence are both impressive and elab orate, but in tlmo of war they aro much curtailed. The principal fea tures aro tlio playlug by mufiled drums of the dead march, tho rcstiug on the arms reversed by the troops engaged and the final firing into the air over tho grave of thrco blank volleys. Tho number of volleys is always tho same, but tho number of men comprising tho firing party Increases with tho rank of tho deceased. A mufiled drum is a drum tho cords of which havo been loosened bo as to slacken tho parchment head- and cause It to glvo forth on be ing struck a dull, mufiled sound. Lon don Scraps. ' , Intellectual Life. People without lntcllectunl life are virtually under condemnation to hard labor. Unless their thoughts can give them wholesome occupation they must find it for their hands. Otherwise they cannot live well and must expect de terioration. But, unluckily for lazy people, tho achievement of a good grade of Intellectual llfo involves nbout as much work as anything else. Life without effort seems not to hnvo been intended. The original plan was to have it end by starvation nnd, though people nowadays get around that, they cannot altogether defeat tho original Intention. Life. A Slight Absentmindednoss. "now nro you getting on as the pre siding officer of your now club?" "Pretty well.'' replied tho emphatic woman. "No trouble with pnrllnmentnry points?" "Not much. The only difficulty 1 have Is to remember thnt you must hold on to the gavel and hammer with It Instead of throwing It" Washing ton Stnr. Mean Suggestion. "I made Miss Oldglrl mad tho othei day." "now so?" "She said she would give mo a few wrinkles, a ml I said I didn't enro tc take them, although I knew sho had plenty to spare." Baltimore American Jn Awful Shape, "Why don't you go to work?" "I'm so dead tired of doing nothltu thnt I'm too tired to dr. anything."- Cleveland Lender. No great deed Is dnno by falterert who nsk for certainty George Eliot PERFECT SPECIMENS OF EARTH'S MOST CURIOUS AND INTER ESTING CREATURES GATHERED TOGETHER INTO ONE IMIVSENTSE MENAGERIE COWBOYS, COWGIRLS, INDIANS, MEXICANS, SCOUTS and TRAPPERS PRESENTING FEATS AND SCENES OF THE REAL WILD WEST MILE LONG GOLD GLITTERING FREE STREET PARADE ON MORNINQ OF DAY OP EXHIBITION. NORTH Afternoon Thur: PROTECT ( TOUR MOTOR. H H TT)Y using oil that stands up under both ex- H JT trcnies of temperature. Oil that leaves H practically no carbon. Oil thnt absolutely Oi H reduces friction. Then you will be in the ranks ffl H of the care free motorists who use H the standard tested motor oil. H STANDARD OIL COMPANY i . i PLATTE and night sday, May 13. t