The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1915, Image 7

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n. i j r-j w n ,t ri 4 m u tm v m w m tar ia r i iv t
KJT U AW Y t.t Vr- TO U Hf V .I IsF T tt '
jl i wii ratty
Starting Wednesday, May 5th and continuing until May16thwe will offer all of our Ladies'
Suits and Coat 5 at Reduced Prices. We have divided these garments into lots and will of-
ier them as follows::
hot 1, Ladies' Suits $19.43
Consists of all our Suits that sold from $25 to $35. The fin
est and best made suits carried in this city.
Lot 2, Ladies' Suits $12.48
This, lot is made up of Suits that were sold up to $20. They are
- extra well tailored,, made in the same lactones that make
our higher priced garments.
newer garments, but the skirts are narrower, but they are
certainly bargains.
Lot 4, Ladies' Coats $14,48
This lot is made up of all our finer gradeQ Coats selling up to
$25. There is a good assortment of styles and colors.
Lot 5, Ladies9 Coats $9.48
This lot includes Coats thai were sold at $15; all the latest
styles and first class tailoring. ,
Lot 69 Ladies' Coats $7.48
This lot is made up mostly of $10 garments. There is quite a
line of different cloths and colors.
Lot 3, Ladies' Suits $7.48
This lot is made up of last spring's styles of suits that sold as
' high a? $35. The jackets are about the same style as the
These garments we are offering you are not job lot goods or goods made anyway to give the appearance for a price but are made by
two of the best factories in this country that are noted for their high grade work. We are just beginning to have real spring weather
apd.;y:pu will have a long season to wear these garments. Come early so as to get your choice.
i "' Wilcox Department Store
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
Henry Westenfeld has resigned his
position in the Green pool hall.
Norman Connelly has gone to Hot
Springs, where he will spend a couple
of weeks.
Fred Elliott returned the Ilrst of
this week from a short visit with his
son in Omaha.
Miss Pearl McVicker, of the McVlc
kcr millinery, is spending this week in
Chicago on business.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Watson who
visited Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Bunnell this
week, have returned home.
Airs Pari Simon exnects to leave
shortly for Hastings to spend a couple
of weeks with relatives.
Mrs. Frank Kelso, of Grand Island,
spent the fore part of the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bunnell.
Mr. and Mrs. James Smallwood will
leave soon for Paxton to spend a
couple of months on their ranch.
Miss Floronco Donegan left the ilrst
of this week for Lincoln to visit her
brother Cyril who Is attending school
Miss Anna Whalen, of Wood Ulver,
who visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McGovern this week, lias
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen and
children of Hershey, spent the first of
the week with the Martini family and
attended, the May ball.
Dixon, the Jeweler, has found it
necessary, owing to his increased opti
cal business to enlarge and otherwise
Improve his' optical rooms They now
present a very attractive appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dolson, Jr., of
Omaha, came up the first of the week
to attend the May party and visit the
former's father, W. S. Dolson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fikcs, who had
been visiting friends In town for a
few days, resumed their trip to tlio Pa
ciflc coast Wednesday morning.
Plans and Suggestions
for your home.Are
You Interested?
William Moore, who had been em
ployed nu salesman in tho dry goods
department of the Wilcox store for a
couple of years, resigned his position
a few days ago.
Horace Barraclqugh, formerly of
this city, came' thj's week from his
home In Los Angeles to atttendthofun
eral of his mother the late Mrs.
Frederick Barraclough.
Fine cabbage and tomato plants for
sale. Henry Yost. 410 west Eighth
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Letts left Tues
day for Omaha where Mr. Letts will
probnbly enter a hospital.
Th liome of B. R. Fletcher, in the
south parf of town, has been quaran
tined on account of small pox.
Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., and children of
Omaha are expected in the near future
to visit relatives for several weeks.
Miss Marie Stack will go to Lexing
ton Saturday to spend a short time
with her cousin, Mrs. Wilfred Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Elias, of Ventura,
Calif., are expected here soon to make
their home. They are making the trip
In their car.
John Bailey, formerly of this city,
came from Kearney Monday to attend
tho May ball and spend a few days
with friends.
Ms. Fred Elliott entertained a few
friends at luncheon Sunday in honor
of Miss Nellie Birkinshaw who will be
a June bride.
Misses Marie and Adaline Winn, of
Kearney, visited friends in town the
early part of the week and attended
the May party.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Well, who had
been visiting in town for several days
returned Tuesday to their homestead
in Arthur county.
A pretty diamond neck chain makes
a lovely gift for a young lady. We
hnve them at reasonable prices, from
$5.00 to $75.00. CLINTON,
Jeweler and Optician,.
J. M. Harker, father of Mrs. Charles
Stewart, left Wednesday morning for a
two months' trip to the coast. Be
sides taking in the exposition he will
visit Portland Seattle, Los Angeles,
Snn Diego and El Paso,
Our big cut price sale on our trim
med hats occurs Friday and Satur
day, May 7 and 8. Some wonderful
values will be placed on sale one
third off original price. Make your
choice early while the selection is
good. McVicker's Millinery, at The
John Bratt, of this city, has been ap
pointed a member of the committee of
100 citizens of the state whcMvill ar
range for a celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary of Nebraska as a state,
which occurs March 1st, 1917. Ar
rangements for a proper observance
of the event was launched In Lincoln
this week.
The funeral of Edward Gamble took
placo from tho home of Mr, and Mrs.
H. Parker In Plant preclnt Saturday,
May 1st. Tho funeral services wero
conducted by Rov. J. C. Christie, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church of
North Platte, assisted by tho Rev. O.
O. Wood, of North Platte. Mr. Gamblo
was born In Ireland In 1822, was activo
up until tho time of his death. Ho
leaves threo sons and two daughters,
Mrs. Henry Parker of Plant precinct,
Mrs. M. A. Sharp of Toronto, Ont., Jo
seph Gamble, Plant precinct, Stow
art Gamblo and John Gamblo of Mlnne
apolls. Interment at the Merrlan cera
Revival at Dickens
A great revival is In progress " at
Dickens whicli is sweeping many peo
ple into the Kingdom of God. Rev.
Earle D. Sims, a returned missionary
from' China, and who is now evan
gelist of the Nebyuska Baptist state
convention,! came to- Dickens about
three weeks agp and commenced the
maetingsj An old Baptist church
building from the country near Dick
ens had Just been moved into town and
located on a lot given them by tho
II. & H. Lumber) Co., and thero has
now been many renairs mndo, to the
building, brick foundation, new roof,
coucrete baptistry and other repairs
at a cost of over $300 and last Sunday
Mr Sims dedicated tho property with
out debt. Over twenty-five people have
been converted in the meetings. Two
weeks ago Mr. Sims organized the
First Baptist' Church of Dickens with
ilftecn members and since then seven
teen others have united with the
church mostly by baptism. A largo
crowd is baptized every Sunday night.
The house Is full at every service. A
fine Suiytuy school lias been started
with Willis Preston, superintendent;
Mrs, Lattlmore, Mr Frlsto and Miss
Conover as teachers and Myrtle Turn
er, secretary. Next Sunday tho Baraca
and Phlathea class will bo organized,
electing ofllcers. Last Sunday evening
a Baptist Young People's Union was
organized with twenty young peoplo
electing as ameers: President, Charles
Jackson; vice-president, Lennle Ben
nett, secretary, Fred Jackson; treas
urer, Edna Bennett; organist, Velma
DeMilt; lookout comniltttee.MaeEgglc
ston, Myrtle Turner and Wm. Boyce;
devotional committee, Lena Conover,
Arch Jackson, Charles Turner; social
committee, Velma DeMilt, Violet Ben
nett and Mrs. Lennio Bennett.'
A pulpit committe has been appoint
ed by tho church consisting of W. A.
Lattimore, Charles Jackson, George
Turner and Willis Preston, who are
iiqw soliciting money for a preacher's
salary and tlio church expects next
Monday night to call a pastor for all
his time to make Dickens his home
and have regular services every Sun
day In tho town. Mr Sims will con
tinue his meetings all this week with
services every night, baptising next
Sunday night again, and a closing
servico Monday night, then the next
evening Mr. SiniB will commence meet
ings at Wellfleet. XX
Lutheran Announcements.
Regular services of worship
Sunday morning at 10:30 and evening
at 8; sermon subjects, "The Lord's
Letter to tho Lukewarm Church" and
"Tho Risen Lord's Appcaranco to the
Apostlo James." Special music at both
Sunday school hour at 12 o'clock m.
Luther league at 7:15.
Brotherhood meeting Monday even
ing at Dr. o. H. Uressler's.
Ascension Day services on Thursday
evonlng at 8 o'clock. No services on
Wednesday evening.
Mission Band tomorrow p. m. at 2
Wilcox Lets Contract for New Rouse.
W. 'T. Wilcox has let tho contract to
A. Picard for tho erection of a new
two-story residence of tho biuiKnlow
type on his lot in tho 700 block on W.
Fifth street. Tho present house on
this lot will be moved to tho Inside lot
and tho new house built on that Bite.
It is understood tho contract price is
upwards of $0,000.
Will Go Rush Fishing
A party of ilshermen composed of
Cdl. John C Den. O. E. Elder, Ed Rob
hausn, Dick Baker, Tom Green and
Arthur Plumor leave early Sunday
morning for Endor's lake whoro thoy
will spend several days fishing for
bass. The trip will bo mado cross
country In automobiles, and with fair
roads the party will arrlvo at their
destination in line for evening fishing
Sunday. If they do not have good suc
cess at Ender's they will push on
further nortli to a chain of lakes In
which five and six pound bass aro fre
quently caught. You can easily Imag
in Dick Baker attempting to land a
six pound bass.
directed by Rig Audience.
An audience ,that almost filled tho
seating capacity of tho Keith greeted
the Midland College Concert company
Tuesday evening. Tho company is
composed of ten musicians, a reader
and a solo vocalist, and the program
rendered was of sucli variety as to
prove enjoyable. All the nlno numbers
on tho program wore encored. Miss
Vora Best, the vocalist, has a very
pleasing voice, and tho reader, Miss
Millan, is one of the best that North
Platte has over heard.
Arthur Tramp, of this city, who is
a member of tho company, was given
an ovation when ho appeared In an
euphonium solo, and responded to an
encore. Mr. Tramp has a natural tal
ent for music, Is cultivating It and the
progresss ho is making was evidenced
Tuesday evening in Ills splendid work.
County and Neighborhood News.
James Cooley, who for fifteen or
more years lived In Myrtle proclnct,
died recently at Shoshone, Idaho, to
which place he removed several years
A county declamatory contest will
he held in the court house at Gandy
May 28th. The contestants will bo
divided into two classes, high school
students and grade pupils.
Tlio editor of tho Tryon Graphic
broke his glasses last week and not
being able to borrow any could not set
thq type needed for his paper.
At the annnual school meeting to bo
held in Juno, tho peoplo of Wallace
will discuss the proposition of Issuing
bonds for a now school house.
Ten or twelve Wallace residents
wore in town Wdnesday attending as
witnesses the Dancer-Bartmess contest
case in tho U. S. land olllce. This con
test Involves a homestead of 100 acres
near Wallace, Dancer alleging that
Bartmess had failed to establish resi
dence upon tho land or to placo Im
provements thereon.
Read Horshoy's advertisement c
a closing out sale in this Issu). Her
sliey tho hardware man. 12tf
Fine Plants.
Tomatoes, Cabbago, Sweet Potatoes
50 cents per 100 postpaid. C. R. Shall
Lexington, Neb, 29-8
City Council Proceedings.
Tho cnu'uSI'imtic body mot in uus
sioii Tuihy even'n; and th; (in..
subject considered was street drain
age, a system of which It is evident wo
need. City Engineer MeNamtira was
instructed to "get busy" and evolve
some plan whereby less water will rim
through our streets or stand In low
places and become stagnant.
Tho recent explosion of n water tank
called tho councllmen's attention to
tho fact that tho then existing ordi
nance relating to plumbora and plumb
ing was uot Just what It should bo, and
a now ordinance was Introduced. Tills
now measure provides for a plumbing
inspector whose duty It will bo to In
spect all plumbing and it must bear
his "O. K." A fee of $15 Is required
for every plumber's llconso Issued, and
any one uttomptlng to do plumbing
without a ilenso will bo given over to
tho keoplig of Sheriff Salisbury or
something worse If such Is possible.
Tho ordinance will bo published in
pamphlet form so that ho who runs
may read.
There petitions were presented, ono
for a sidewalk on tho north sido of
Ninth street, nnothor that certain
streets In tlio south part of tho town
be opened, and still another that J.
F, Ilinman bo given the right to put
in street scale; in front of his proporty
oir Locust street. Tho ilrst was re
ferred to tlio proper committee, tho
second to Engineer McNaniara and.
across ino oiner was written "nix."
The pollco forco complained that
they had no way of answering the
"distress slKnar," otherwise known
as tho police alarm. They stated that
thoy needed a tolephono booth so that
they could easily, and quickly learn
what husband wa3 culling Ills wifo,
what wifo was using a rolling pin on
her husband, or in what particular
houso some thief was carrying off all
tho movable proporty. under the sys
tem now In uso, two much time elapses
between tho alarm and tho ascertain
ment of Uici trouble. The. matter
was referred" to tho police cominitlue.
Ono of tho oouncllmcn wnntcd to of
fer a reward to Any one locating tho
comnilttoo appointed to draft an or
dinance or contract for street
lighting. This commltteo was ap
pointed several months ngo, but have
not yet mado their report. It Is learn
ed outside of official circles that tho
committee has hold a number of
mootlngs. have hold several confer
ences with President Todd, of tho elec
tric company, aro now about ready to
report and will probably do so at the
next meeting of tho council.
F. W. Hanson presented his petition,
application and bond for a plumbcr'H
license ana it was granted.
Claims on lite amounting to about
$4,000 wero allowed, and tho following
day a good part of tho sum was placed
In local circulation.
And then tho councllmen whistled
"Homo, Sweet Home," In unison.
Special terms on lots In Taylor's
Addition and (iraceland Addition to
close out tho balance. Monthly pay
meiits of 1F5.00 to BIO."", Build a
homo now while lumber Is cheap.
Hargalus In Homes,
Seven Room Frame Houso with two
full slxty-slx foot lots. Walks In
front and around house. Good chick
en houses and yards. Lots nil fenced
and filled. Windmill on vacant lot
with piping for watering wholo lot.
Nlco lawn around house, and every
thing In excollont shape. This 1b tho
Frank Bretzer property on west 11th
St. Prlco $2700.00 on easy terms.
Flvo Room Houso with two full 60
ft. lots on N. Locust St. Barn for 4
head of horses. Nice lawn and largo
trees. Electric lights. Everything In
good condition. Price $2800,00.
Seven Room, Two Story, frame
houso on W. B. street. Lot and one-half
of ground with house. Modem In
every respect except heat, Largo barn
witli cemont iloor,. Walks nil In, and
ovorything In good condition,. In ono
of tho nicest locations in tho south
west part of tho city. Prlco $4000,00,
Eight Room Houso with two full GO
ft. lotB on west 7th St., being tho
old Ryan proporty. Only four blocks
out. If sold within tho next thirty
days, $2500.00.
Now Bungalow, 5 rooms on east 3rd
St. Nlco basement and cellar. Nlco
trees and lawn and ovorything in ex
cellent condition. Ono of tho .nicest
small homes In the city. $3000.00. Oood
Flvo Room Houso on west 9th St,
Only six bloiks out and modern ojecopt
heat, Corner lot with nlco trees and
lawn. Certainly a bargain at $2200,00.
V. F, TEMPLE, Agejit,
Room 1, I. O. O, F, Dldg.
J'liono Red 500,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Beclor. who had
resided In Horshey for a number of
years, havo moved to tills city.
Exclusive Agents.
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician. '
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Hank Building.
Successor to
Drs. Redfiold & Redfiold
Oillco Phono 642 Res. Phono 670
Hospital Phono Black 633.
Houso Phono Black 633.
Graduate Vctorlunriim
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St.,
one-half block southwost of tho
Court House,
Noith l'luttc, Neb.
Licensed Embulmors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black 588.