The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1915, Image 6

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"Mfist npnnlo. nrv will Info tn
spend 1 10 S an effort
0 Win a Da prize. the above at the
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Seebcrger made a
trip over tho branch Wednesday as tho
guests of Supt. and Mrs. Jeffcrs.
James A. Rannle, of Portland, who
waa called hero by tho death of his
father, left for his home Wednesday
oven In g.
' Palestine Commandery No. ' 13,
Knights Templar, will have an Instal
lation of iOfflccro next Thursday even
ing, to be' followed by a banquet and a
card party. The ladles of the Sir
Knights will attend.
Miss Jennie Cushing arrlvpd In tho
city yesterday from Sidney for a visit
with her slBtcr, Mrs. Dorr Tarklngton,
She has been teaching school near
Sidney and closed her term Friday
evening. Sho will visit here for sev
eral weeks.
Thirteen carloads of Russian beet
tendors camo in from tho east Tucs
day night and the following morning
were sent ovor the branch to Scotts
Bluff whero they will be employed dur-
InK tho season. Tho party had seven
cars of baggage.
Tho north part of tho county will lose
ono of Us oldest In length of renldcnce
and best known cltiaus next Tues
day when W. S. Ross leaves for Mer
rick county to reside. Ho has traded
his ranch and cattle for a farm near
Silver Creek.
Recently. Tho Tribune Btated that a
caso of Jelly had boon donated to tho
Good Samaritan hospital by Mrs. Leo
Park of Chicago wlioreas It should
have rend Mrs. W. L. Park. This lolly
was made by Mrs. Park at tho Park
Btinunflr homo In Michigan, and was
very much appreciated by tho hospital
At a sneclal mcctliiK of the board of
directors of the building and loan as-
Honlntlnti Wednesday afternoon. Wl R.
Malonoy waH elected a member of the
Tjoaril" to 1111 tlio vacancy caused by
th death of James Rannio. At this!
meeting; loans amounting to $G,500
worn nnhrovort. and a commlttco an -
pointed to draft resolutions of con-
dolencb on tho death of Mr. Rannio.
AYork well done Let us ropalr your Tho men members of th Midland
watch. Tho work will bo dono by com- College Concert Co. woro plcasantlycn
petont workmen and absolutely guar-1 tcrtalncd Wednesday evening at tlio
anteed. Wo tako prido In tho quality Lutheran parish house by tho men's
and accuracy of our work. Perfect run-, brotherhood of tho Lutheran church,
nlng order is truo economy In a time Informal talks woro mado by the
piece. Accumulating' dirt and rancid oil i guests as well aB tho hosts, and at
is ruinous. It will cost you nothing tho close of tho recoptlon light re
to let us oxamlno your watch. Damaged freshmonts were served.
or broken Jowolry mado llko now.'
Send In your repairs and wo will quote . EIGHT PKR CENT INTEREST
you prices on samo, Wo mako a Bpec-1 Wo are Investing 'i fe'l deal of inon.
laity of fitting glasses. ! cy these days In gilt edged mortgages
CLINTON, Jowolor and Optician. ' on Improved farms and ranches ko ns
to net tlio lender eight per cent. If
COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. ' you Iiavo Idlo funds or money not
Hall Insurance. . . I bringing you that much come and see
Wrlfn vnur nron now iteforo it is too
lato. C. F. TEMPLE.
f raYDY V
1 l'"'"H "" " m m 9
m Take No Trips to Top
That ii cheeking account can sine you.
Payments by check may bo ihn'do
through the mull, and the matter of u
receipt Is settled automatically, ,'"
For a returned check, endorsed by
the other party and cancelled by this
bank, Is a legal receipt.
With tlio start of spring not
start a check account ami sine trips
to pay bills!
Platte Valley State Bank,
"Absolute Protection for Depositors
Under Nebraska State Guaranty Law"
Nortb Vlotte Nebraska.
Styleplus Suit
For $17.00,
and Save $4 to $8.
at from $20 to 527.50 and
save $5.00
Buy a Lamm or Royal Hand
Tailored Made Suit
Get the best possible made lor
less money than elsewhere.
or a
Dean and Mrs. J. J. Bowkor are In
Grand Island this week attending the
convocation of the Episcopal church.
Supt. Jeffcrs made a trip over tho
branch Wednesday, returning that
night and spending yesterday in town.
Bert Young and Jay Lawyer were
up from Somerset precinct and both
were Jubilant ovor crop prospects.
Pastures arc coming along In line
shapo and small grain Is In fine con
dition. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wills and
family expect to leave next week for
Osceola, Iowa, whero they will mako
their home. Mr. Mills has been cm
ployed with tho Electric Light Co., for
several months.
Mrs. Arthur Flnk entertained the
members of tho Et-a-Vlrp club Tues
day afternoon at tho homo of her
mother, Mrs, Anna Guilllaumo. Re
freshments woro served at the close
oi an cnjoyaoic anornoon
A line of trimmed hats, values from
$4 to $G, will bo placed on sale at
$2.75 Friday and Saturday, May 7 and
8. New shapes, with llowcrs and vol
vet trimmings. Exceptional bargains.
McVickor's Millinery at Tho Leader
The Lutheran Girls' Club under
whoso auspices the Midland College
Concert Co. anneared hero, netted
about eighty, dollars on tho evening's
entertainment. They feel vory grate
ful to tho citizens for so liberally pat
ronizing tho concert.
"I have boon In Lincoln county for
thirty years," said John Crawley, of
Wellllcet, yesterday, "and I have never
seen tho nrospects for crops so prom
islng. Tho acreago of wheat In our
section of tho county is very largo, and
tho condition could not bo better."
Children's Dresses mado of good
standard cloths COc to $1.00 at Wll
cox Donartmont Store
Christian Science scrvico Sunday U
, a. m., subject "Adam and Fallen Man.'
Wednesday evening scrvico ovory
I wcek at 8:00. To theso services a cor
' dial Invitation is extended to all. Sun
day school 12 m. Building and Loan
; building, room 25.
ig JOI
it It.
US llllUllt
Preparing (o Handle MilllonH
With expectations that fully G.000,
000 people from the eastern states
will visit the Panama-Pacific exposi
tion at San Francisco this summer)
the transcontinental railroads arc pro
paring to handle the nnttdpatcd rush
of tourists to Sail Krancieeo. While
shortly prior to and Immediately after
i the opening of the exposition on Feb-.
! ruary 20 there was a fairly steady j
I stream of exposition travel from tho
eastern states, the situation at n,ros-j
out is somewhat quiet. '
According to unolllclal figures thoj
attendance for the first month of tho
exposition reached the total of slight-
i ly over 2,000,000 people, and since
March 20 the number of people pass-
lug within the gates of the exposition i
has ranKed from .15,000 to 05,000 a day.!
It Is on these figures which are regard
ed as merely forerunners of ;thd
throngs to be cured, for during tho
summer months, that tho exposition
olllclals predict that when the fair la
closed on December 1 next, that ovor
22,000,000 people will havc witnessed
tlio newest gathering of the arts of
the world.
Lecture by Engcno Debs.
Tho local socialist party has secured
Eugene V. Debs for n Icture which will
be given June 2d at 8 p. m. at tho
Keith theatre. Mr. Debs ncedB no In
troduction to the public, as ho has for
years been the most prominent llgure
in tho political and labor Held. He Is
tho Idol of tho working men, and is
conceded by his enemies to bo one of
tho best Informed men of the day. No
one should miss this opportunity of
hearing Mr. Debs, as this is his only
appearance in Nebraska this year. As
lecturer ho has no equal on the
platform and he has a message for ev
eryone to hear. The price of admis
sion will be 25 cents, which entitles
tho purchaser to one year's subscrip
tion to tho Rip-Saw Magazine. Don t
forget the date, Juno 2d at 8 p. m. at
the Keith theatre.
See the new "Bob
o - Link" Bracelets.
They are the newest.
u p watch We have them.
J. G. Bocler went to Oshkosh on le
gal business this morning
P. L. Harper, of Wallace, spent sev
eral days in town this week attend.--
ing to business matters.
License to wed was sranted Wednes
day to Leroy Bayne and Miss Pearl
Stevens, both of this city.
The Rug Sale closes Saturday
Wilcox Department Store.
The Knights of Coluhbus class Ini
tlattou announced for May lCth. has
been changed to Sunday, May 23d
Mrs. J. E. Pcterman returned to her,
homo In Rawlins, Wyoming, Wednes
day morning after having visited, for.
a month with her father In this city
L. E. Roach, the former North Platto
attorney now living at Tulsa, Okla.
arrrlved yesterday and will remain a
few days looking after his property
For Salo House
Red 538.
Mrs. Edward Grady and children
formrly of this city, returned to their
homo In Grand Island tlio fore part' of
this week, after visiting Mrs. Johan
na McGraw.
Houses, l-'lnts, Rooms and Stores for
rent by
Tho North Platte Produce Co. Is im
proving its place of business on
east Front street by tho addition of a
largo store room and porch on tho
south sldo of tho building.
Wo mako a specialty of repairing
glasses and replacing broken lenses
Clinton, Jowolor and Optician
Mr. and Mrs. Lawronce Wemert, of
Kearney, aro expected this week to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rebhausen
Mr. Wernort Is ono of tho proprietors
of the local ton cent store.
Tho Women's Socialist Study Club
hold an Interesting meeting Wednes
.day evening at the homo of Mrs
Frank Martin wlion they gavo a spo
clal Dens program and "Red Day
celobratlon. Tho houso was profuse
ly decorated with special red lings
and a program of music, readings and
addresses was given. Among those
taking part in the program were Mrs
Cramer, Miss Ilogsett, Mrs. Axtell, A
E. Bell and Mrs. Duke. At tho close
refreshments woro served.
Wo havo a lino lino of new novelties
sultablo for graduating, wedding and
birthday gifts. Pleased to show you
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician
At a meeting of tho county commls
slonors Wednesday, County Treasurer
Durblu was directed and commanded
to distribute to tho various funds and
to tlio school districts entitled thereto
tho taxes paid under protest by the
Union Pnclllc. This protested tax
amounted to $22,000 and has been
hold by tho county treasurer pending
tho outcome of a suit In court. Tho
suit has not yet been settled, and in
caso the decision Is unfavorablo to the
county, tho money must bo returned to
tho company. In tho meantime, how
ovor, tho county by distributing tho
monoy to tho various funds gets tho
uso of it.
For Quick Sale
Modem homo, oxcept heat, desirable
I location on west Second street. Mrs
i Fred R. Glnn 408 west Second strcot
- Phono 127.
F. J. DIENEll & CO.
Real Estate nnd Insuranco
Coma and boo us for town lota In
different parts of tho city. Good in
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs.
The Coat and
On every garment for ladies, misses and and children. Altera
tions Free.
This sale opened Saturday and many took advautage of
this 5,0 per cent discount. You can serve your best interests by
doing likewise. Many new suits and coats are being' received
Just received, 100 ladies' Dress Skirts in the latest styles
for spring and summ,er wear.
Do your trading here and get your books filled with Green
Trading Stamps. Premiums are being given away every day to
those who have filled their books
Life on an Indian Reservation
Roy D. Spurrier, for many years a
resident of Nichols precinct, and lately
appointed to tho position of master
farmer at tho Pino Ridg Indian Agen
cy, writes The Tribune ns follows:
"I havo tho position of farmer at
the Ogalalla boarding school, Which is
me largest school in the reservation
service. It is located a half mile from
Pino .Ridge and has tlireo hundred
pupils, equally divided as to boys and
girls. The Government clothes.
boards and schools them free. There
aro twelve largo buildings used as
dormitories, schools and Industrial
Wo havo un electric light and water
plant, 'shoe, harness, carpenter, naint
anu uiucKsmitli snops and farming and
dairying whero the boys aro taught
theso trades and domestic science nnd
music departments for tho girls. This
s mo oniy reservation tnat nas a
printing plant, the foreman of which
is a full blooded Indian. Ho is also the
bandmaster and has a band of thirty
five members.
Last year a hospital with aceommo
dations for fifty patients was erected,
with a physician, two trained nurses
and soveral assistants in charge.
There Is an employe at the head
of overy departmnt who trys to teach
theso girls and boys something useful,
but It is quite a task as they aro the
laziest people on earth.
I have complete charge of the farm-
inK and stock department; have about
ICO to 200 acres of alfalfa, farm 200
to 250 acres in grain, corn and pota
toes. Thero aro 3000 acres In the place
but wo pasture a large part of It. Have
1C0 Ilerford cattlo and between 40 and
60 Holstein cows for milk; havo some
milk cows that they paid $300 for In
New York Stnte. but they kqep a
dairyman and gardener that tends to
the milking and gardening.
Each department haB a detail of
boys to work half tho day and they go
to school tho other half. I havo twenty
on my details mostly boys from 16 to
20 years of ago.
This farm is under irrigation, gets
Its water out of White Clay, but the
superintendent says he has never used
tho water because the farmer before
was from Maryland and didn't know
h6w to run It.
Wo work eight hours a day with
Saturday afternoon off, also Sundays
off. Wo put in our sparo lime trying
to catch trout. Threo other employes
and myself went out Saturday after
noon, tho threo caught forty but I
never got a bite; don't understand the
business. The agency Is located at
Pino Ridge. Tlio government hns about
76 to 100 employes thero and about
thirty here. Thero aro threo churches,
threo stores, a hotel, garage and livery
barn at Pino Rldgo besides a postofllce
and a Y. M. C. A.
We havo a ball team hero (all
Indians) that cleans nearly everything
they play with. They are going to
tour tho northern part of Nebraska
this month. They defeated a visiting
tenm with five or six snlnrled men last
Friday 6 to 0 not so bnd for Indians
is it?
Tho government furnishes every
thing hero for employes except groc
or'Ies and clothing. Havo nice cottages
to live in, all modom, nnd all furnished
so you see it isn't so bad as it mlsht
be. I llko tho work lino and I think
I shall havo my family come up when
school closes.
Vacant Lots for Homes.
Now Is tho time to buy that lot to
build a homo on some day, oven If you
do not wnnt to build now. Lots are
Bteadily increasing in value, so tho
tlmo to buy la now. Phono mo for an
appointment to show you what I have,
O, F. TtiMrliti. I
Miss Anna Kramph went to Grand
Island yesterday to attend the Eplsco-
1 pal convocation.
vv e
for the mason
or for the house
holder who wants
to do his own repair
ing or improving. 'Best
grades of cement, lime,
bricks, plaster, white
cement blocks, etc. Low esti
mates, brombt service. Also
everything in lumber and all sizes ol
coal. We are asking
cause we know we can
faction in homest service, price and quality.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Organized 1887.
Have plenty of money on hands to close loans
Will loan on North Platte City property for
building purposes or to assist its members in buy
ing Tiomes or paying off mortgages. The monthly
payments on $10l)0.00 loan are on principal $5.00
and interest $6.00 or $11.00 in all and on other
sums in proportion.
Suit SaleT
We are just starting
our 2nd season with
the "Ideal Lawn Mow
er Grinder." After us
ing this machine one
season we find itgives
entire satisfaction.
We can make your
old mower cut like
R. W, Woman,
109 East Fifth.
U Block East of P. O.
for your trade be
give entire satis
ri f i iwnTAS ran.
Njayra atom ete
x i ' v aim v
x ti ii nimfxf-i i liiii I
X ,1U 'L B
xi tiuni 1 4 1 1 ! , rt in r
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"HUM - .
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