Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor aad Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mull In AiItiiiico.... 81.25 One Ycnr by Carrier In Advnnce. .$1J50 Entered at North IMatte, Nebraska, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 3915. The Cost of Our Four. The poor and unfortunato we always hnvo with us, and none should ilony thorn succor when such Is needed, but thero la so much talk hoard about high taxes tliat It Is well to consid er at times why taxes arc high and what contributes to tho oxponBos of the county. County Clerk Yost has tooted up tho total of all claims al lowed for tho Lincoln County poor and unfortunato for tho twolvc months ending January 1st, 10J5, and finds it to bo $8,173.19. This is one-fifth-of tlio monoy collected for tho general j fund tho fund from which all tho gen-1 oral expenses of tho county are paid. This does not, of courso, Include tho, money distributed by and through tho Associated Charltlos of North Platte, I nor tho wagon loads of clothing dla-, trlbutd through the same agoncy. Nolthor docs It Include tho donations made direct by Individuals to tho un fortunate. It will thus bo seen that tho support of the poor is no small Item to tax-payers of tho county as a body and also to them individually. However, no one should complain of this expense; It is our duty as men and women to help thoso not so for tunnto as ourselves, In fact it should bo a pleasure to do so. Huso Hull Dope During tho past week considerable work has boon dono on both tho In field and outfield and the grounds are now In very fair shape. Future work In contemplation jvlll place tho lot In bolter shapo than over before. Practlco was hold yesterday after noon and tho weeding process was be gun. The squad of clglitcon men has, or will bo, cut down to about cloven. It Is probable that as the sason ad vances' changes In tho players may bo made; this will bp true If It Is found tho team Is weak as compared with teams of surrounding towns. Efforts arc now being, madq to In duce 100 fans to go to Ogalalla for Sunday's game. If that number Is se cured a special train will be run, leaving horo about one o'clock In tho afternoon and returning about seven In tho evening. A special from Oga lalla to tho Omaha Wprfd-Horald says tho team organised by that town Is vory. strong. Thero seems to bo ,pon)c question, nftcr all, as to whgthcr Kearney will liave a team In tho state league It Is said that or tho 11,000 season tickets sold at $2.00 each, only about GOO have been paid for and collections on tho othors Is like pulling, teeth. At leust that Is tho story that reaches North Platte. To the I'uWIc. I deslro to announco to tho public that I have taken chargo of tho Paxton Hotel, at Paxton, liavo refurnished it throughout, and will furnish tho trav eling public with clean, comfortable rooms and meals that will prove sat isfactory. Automobllists and others passing through or vlBlting in Paxton are respectfully requested to glvo mo a trial. 31-2 EMMA OTTO. Closing Out Sale Sulkey Cultivators at $25 or $27. P & O Canton Sulkey Plows at' $35. P & O Canton Sulkey Lister at $40. 8 foot Wind Mills at $25- Monarch, Malleable Iron Range with Reservoirl$50 Monarch, malleable Iron Range with Water Front $50. Acorn Range with Reservior $40. Cream Separators $25 and upward. Hardware at and below Cost. Bain Wagons 2 1-2 Axle, 3 in tire $65. Bain Wagons 2 3-4 Axle, 3 in tire $70. Bain Wagons 3 Axle, 4in tire $75. Good Pine Lumber at $2.00 per 100 feet. HPDQHPV'Q JTl Ej J o O JD I D COMMISSIONERS' I'KOCEEDINGS May 3, 1915. Hoard of county commissioners eet pursuant to adjournment. Present Springer, White and county clerk. The county treasurer Is hereby au thorized to correct tax list of 1914 as to lots 13 and 14. block 13, Hrady, from an assessed valuation of $210 to $1G0 on account of error. The folllowlng claims were allowed on the gonoral fund: 'Goo. N. Qlbbs, expenses to Lincoln, $20.00. O. K. Klump, special commissioner road 382, $4.00. E. A. Wolhford, mdso county poor, $3.00. Amorlcan Contractor Publ. Co., ad vertising for bids, $24.00. Jos. P. Pillion, ropalrs nt Jail, $5.80. York &. Son, 'coal for county poor, $G.75. Neb. Telophone Co. service for May, $18.75. Neb. Telophone Co., loll charges, $21.07. P. M. Sorenson, repairs, $2.50. Mathew Ponder & Co., Rev. law book. $2.00. Jos. P. Pillion, ropalrs, $3.G0. Clms. W. Thomas, mdso county poor, $39.58. C. C. Drake, hauling ashes, $3.00. Anna Anderson, caro of county poor, $30.00. Hilda Andorson, clerk of county court, $50.00. llosslo Salisbury, work on assesor's schedules, $45.00. A. J. Salisbury salary for April, $145.00. Jos. Wilson, salary for April, $75.00. Roy Wilson, salary for April, $$75.00 C. W. Yost, salary for April, $137.50. C. "W. Yost, olllco expenses, $34.82. Jos. Wilson, trees, etc., $15.70. Esslo Wessburg, services, $18.00. Allcen Gantt, visiting schools, $25.30. Alleen Gantt, salary for April $133.33 Allecn Gnntt, ofllco expenses, $32.0G. Jas. Harnan, appraising road J80. $2.50. Adolf Lundln, appraising road 380, $2.50. J. M. Pulllam, appraising road 380, $2.50. Sundry persons, surveying road 20 It. L. Cochsan, survoylng, mileage and auto hire, $115.00. Dick Rannlt, chatnman, $10.30. Prod Gravs, chainman, $10.00. A. Abcrcrombio, flagman, $5.00. John Allen, flagman, $2.00. Joe Sodcrmnu, chainman, $14. C. P. McKnlght, chainman, $9. A. R. Skinner, chainman, $9. Win. Hrestcl, chainman, $1. Sundry persons, damages on road 375: Davo Love, disallowed for $15, al lowed for $25. , Mrs. A. Wilson, disallowed for $40, allowed for $40. ' W. II. Wlscmlller, disallowed for $10, allowed for $10. I'. E. Burnett, disallowed for $5, allowed for $10. V. W. Peterson, dlsnllowcd for $G5, allowed for $10. C. II. Crosby, disallowed for $15, ul lowed for $35. Geo. Shoup, disallowed for $25, al lowed for $150. W, S. Coker, allowed for $10. The claim of Keith & Lincoln coun ties irrigation district for $3000 dam ages asked on road 375 Is hereby dis allowed for tho full amount. Allowed on road district funds: John J. Walters, road work district 1, $38. "W. M. Dymond, road work district 4. $49. Nato Houso, road work district 3, $3.50. W. M. Dymond, road work, allowed on commlsloner district 3, $100. Allowed on bridge fund: E. C. Hostetter, brlgo work, $73.76. W. M. Dymond, bridge work, $21. Ware & Leister, hardware, $G.75. Sutherland Lumberi Co., lumber, $05.95. Wallace Lumbar Co., lumber $45.33. John It. RItnor, Inspector at Suther land bridge, $101. Andrew Falk, bridge work, $3. Whereupon tho board adjourns until tomorrow. C. W. YOST, County Clork. Splendid Interest In Meftlugs1 Tho (lownpourlmi of ahowor after showor did nob keep a splendid au dience away from tho big tabernacle Wednosday when Dr. Lowry preached u mastorful and loglcul sermon on "Assurance, or How Wo May Know Wo nro Saved." Tho song service was led by i Prof. Moody, and old songs were used which were llftd up by the people In the au- dlonco as well as those In tho cliorus The song book which Is being used is certainly ono or the boat on tho mar- kot. Many of tho ffood old songs and page after page of tho now ones are to ' be found In tho book. Mr. Moody Is one of these whole-souled, Jovial Chris-! tian men, and wltli the splendid ubll-j lty which ho hus in his line, ho Is help-1 lug everyone who sings in his big chorus. Every ono In North Platto who sings at all should avail them selves of tho opportunity of training aflordcd by these meetings. After a rousing song service, Dr. Lowry made tho announcements for tho rest of tho week, then asked the ushers to kindly take up tho pennies. The sermon of tho evening was of a doctrinal nature, and ono that would convlnco all that heard it that It Is right for us to know if wo aro saved. The text of the evening was found In 1st John 5:13 "These things have I wrlttten unto you that ye may know that yo have eternal life, even unto you that believe on tho name of the Son of God." By way of Introduction, Dr. Lowry showed how wrong and foolish It Is to believe that 'feellnw' Is the test or one's salvation. He . mentioned the fact that tho word "know" ap pears twenty-soven times Int he bible, while the word "feeling" Is only used twice and then not In connection with conversion. With scrlptunyl proof and un-questlonal logic the evangelist un wound the threads which tangled the mind of many people In relation to works and grace. Ho argued that men are not saved because they nr.o moral, but because Christ died for them and holler in Him Is that which saves. A man is' not saved simply becausehe Is a moral man, as tho book boldly asserts "By Grace yo are saved, through faith and that not or yoursel ves, It Is the gilt or God; not or works that no man should glory." (Eph 2:8-9) Many scriptures were brought to provo this argument. Dr Lowry said "I would a3 soon attempt to cross Lake Michigan In a peanut shell as to try to get to heaven on my good works alone." Assurance ot Salvation Is a,, worth much to eyjry christian because he can not be happy without U. Some chris tians have Just enouffh of religion to bo miserable. Thoy have not quite enough to make them quit tho things or the world such as the card-table, tho dance, the theatre, their nagging un-chrlstlan talking, and thoy have just a lltflo too much to let them feel comfortable while thoy carry on these things. Dr. Lowry told of a woman who attempted to excuse herself for A Sleeping 'D 1L A J -1 o Your inhealth, f o r t and pleasure. You know what a tonic fresh air is. Life can never get too much of it. With a sleep ing porch you MAKE SURE of eight hours of it every night, seven nights a week for yourself and your loved ones. That is why every year more people sleep out doors the year round, and their reward is all around good health "overflowing health." Any carpenter can add a sleeping porch to your house at little cost. It is really cheaper, much cheaper, than medicine and doctor bills. It is particularly delightful during summer. It is a fine place for the baby's nap. Talk it over with us now and have it ready when the warm weather comes. Let us give you suggestions. This puts you to noobligation. W. W. BIRGE COMPANY. hor unkind, keen-cutting, aggravating words saying that alio had a quick temper and that she was soon over It however. Ho Teplted, that a gatllng sun went off In a minute too, but it did much irrcparablo damage in that time. Christians are more active when they know they are saved, and their tstimony is much more powerful than it could othorwlso be. Wo may know that wo are paved, because we have the testimony of God's Word that we arc If we bollevo on the Son. Wo know by the very llfo i wo live and we have the testimony of tlio Spirit. One of the very noticeable things about each sermon Dr. Lowry has preached is the wonderful command of scripture which ho has. He quoted cor rectly over thirty-two passages this night alone, and bo told Just where they were found. Ho knows Ills Book and loves to tells othors of Its message for thorn. There will be sorvlccs every night this week, and thrije on Sunday. Dr. i.0Wry stated last night that larger numbers of christians had remained for Instructions In personal work In this meetings than In any he had held for a number of months. Uo not anvthinir keen vot. RWV from lnese services. Come and bring a friend with you. A warm wejeorao 1 awaits you. " ' ' . Thrity.llve Hundred Dollar Buys 640 acres good farm and graz ing land 12 miles rrom N,orth Platte, for $900.00 more you ran get a school section adjoining. Telephone lino and school house on the land. An ideal ranch proposition. Quarter section hay land close In $30 per acre. Another quarter samo lo cality $27.50 per acre. G40 acres Improved farm and grazing land to sell quick at $3500.00. If there are better bargains I have them. 31-2. O. H. THOELECKE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Julius Pizer spent Wednesday In Gothenburg on business. Charles Martini, Jr., of Omaha, spent a few days this week visiting his fath er, C. K.. Martini. Mrs. E. Craigle left this morning for Paxton to spend several days with relatives. James Grady and brother, of Grand Island, were among those who came up for the May Party. Mrs. Scott Reynolds will leave this week for Canada to spend soveral weeks with relatives. Mrs. Anna Pollock, of LaGrande, Ore., Is visiting at the home of her brother, Sebastian' Schwalger. Mrs. R. C. Williams, of Grand Is land, who visited friends in town this weok, went homo Wednesday after noon One of the most practical gifts you can mako a young man Is a nice belt with a silver or gold monogram buckle Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. Mr. and Mrs. Bjccher A. Parker, of Rawlins, aro vlstlng tho latter's moth er, Mrs. Theodore Lowe this week while enroute to eastern points. There will bo pies, cakes, cookies, etc., for sale at the exchange given by tho Tllllkum girls Saturday in the ! Derryberry & Forbes window Miss Edith Huugerford, of Grand Island, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Sin clair a couple of days the first of the week and attended the May Party. gKL J PifiB " jf wm IB WW IIP Li pcric OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank XOKTU rhA TTll, ZV75 BI? A Swl. Member Federal Recerve Bank System. CAJJ7VV AA7J SUKl'&US: One Hundred and Fii'ty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE Id HAVE HEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS HANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGlJ BALANCES. ITJTPDPCT DA m L ii ii ir Sold by Rush Mercantile Co , North Platte. Also by E. & W. Coker, Sutherland; Ganson & Ganson Hershey; Jens Sommers, Maxwell: Jno. Fredrickson, Brady scams in every axle, so small you can't see them but large enough to cause friction and wear. They are filled by the Mica in axle Made of finely powdered mica and hieh grade grease stock. Kills friction will not run or gum. Sold in 1 and 3 pound cans, galvanized iron pails, kegs, half-barrels and barrels; Eureka Harness Oil Feeds the leather. Makes harness look better and last long. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) -of- rM TIMD nnnnntmr. 3C fiction Urease OMAHA J ill JBtV OPPOSITE POST OFFICE