THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. BIG Mil. PROJECT WAGON LOADS OF TYPHUS VICTIMS IN SERBIA Wider-Brimmed Sailors for Summer LAND OWNERS UNDER PATH FINDER UNIT TAKE ACTION. PUT ITER ON 107,000 ACRES Additional Irrigated Section Will Mean Railroad Extensions and Other Improvements. The sailor hat made its entrance Into the assemblages of early spring millinery with a straight and narrow brim and many novel oddities of trim ming. So much enthusiasm was de veloped for this trim little favorite In headwear that many variations In Its shape wero launched, and the public soon showed a preference for the wider brimmed kinds. It would be hard to predict just where the limit will bo set in width of brim, for al ready big "cartwheel" sailors of black taffeta have captivated the fancy of women whose approval spells success for any style that they adopt. But sailors of a conservative width of brim are, of all hats, the most sat isfactory for summer wear. They fit the head and shade the eyes. Little variations in the size and shape and height of crowns adapt this even brimmed hat to different faces. Oddi ties and novelties of trimming make a new and attractive chapter In the story of the Bailor. Three examples of the most suc cessful types are shown here. They are representative and destined to Corset Covers, Pretty Two pretty and inexpensive under bodices, or corset covers, are pictured hero that wero selected from a great number mado of similar materials, as the best of their kind. One of them, shown at the left of tho picture, is of batiste, val lace and fine embroidery, and the other is of crepe do chine and shadow lace. Both utilize narrow lin gerie ribbon in their make-up. They are unusually Interesting Just now because the underbodlce Is al most as conspicuous as tho blouse of sheerest cottons or of net, chiffon or lace that is worn over it. The filmiest of materials aro the ones most favored for fancy blouses, and they are mostly BemltranBparent, at their heaviest. They merely veil the underbodlce, which becomes, therefore, an Impor tant Item of dress. Tho bodice of batiste is made with short, full sleeves. This Is an innova tion that Is to bo recommended, be causo these sleeves protect tho fragile materials, of which blouses aro made. They aro a help to the woman with too Blender arms who aspires to wearing tho thin blouse, and they improve tho "set" of the blouse and Jacket on a thin figure. This is cut very simply on tho regulation corset-cover lines. A band of very narrow beading, with an edging of narrow val lace, finishes the top, and a baby ribbon run through the beading adjusts the bodlco to the figure. -A val insertion is lot In the bodlco about the top and in a lattice pattern on tho body and sleeves. The sleeves aro finished at tho ower edge, with this Insertion and u laoe edge to match. The batiste is gathered in at tho shoul der and also to tho band of insertion which confines it at tho bottom of the sleeve. A small pattern In embroidery adorns the front of the bodlco at each side of tho fastening, and a strip of lace conceals small flat pearl buttons and buttonholes, Like nearly all tho new models, this bodlco hardly reaches to the waist lino, and is finished there with beading and lace and adjusted with baby ribbon. The bodice of crepe de chlno Is uleovclesB and commends itself to tho last out the season with an ever in creasing following of admirers. For the summer outing and for the tour ist they provide the best of all round hats. The hat of mllan at the left of the group, has a crown that rises toward the left Bide nnd is rather small. It is trimmed with a scarf of silk and a feather rosette having a long, slender quill thrust through it. At the right the shape has a round crown trimmed with a plain band having a fancy edge. A very long curled quill Is thrust through both band and crown and sweeps across the front. The third sailor 1b mado of hemp and has a large! square crown. The brim of hemp Is rather narrow, but a second brim of crepe underlies it and doubles its width. A plain band, cord ed at each edge, lies lint against the crown. A wide quill follows tho curve ot the brim, on which it Is posed flat. Two flat bows of ribbon, one near tho front and one over the quill, carry out tho severely tailored effect that Is In keoplng with the shape. and Easy to Make plump woman, for it takes up no room. It Is merely a band of shadow laco to which a tucked strip of the silk is sewed. Two shorter strips of lace form broad shoulder straps, and baby ribbon run through tho edges of the lace, ty ing at the front and on the shoulder, contrives to nmnago the fit and fasten ing. An elastic band is run through tho lower edge in a narrow hem and confines tho waist, fastening with button and buttonhole. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Blouse Importance. Smart blouses play a much more (m portant part In the wardrobe than many women realize. A high price is often willingly paid for a tailored suit or dress, which io worn with an evi dently machine mude, inexpensive blouse. Such a blouse Is entirely out of keoplng with a good costume. Pro portionately, blouses do seem expen sive, but when It is considered that they aro what first meets tho eyo when tho coat is removed, it Is real ized that they should be excellent of their kind. Tho woman who can direct a seam stress or who sows herself, can mako charming tailored as well as chiffon blouses for less than half what they cost In tho shops. Voguo. Clever Economies. Prominent among the many econo mies practiced at tho moment aro clover little waistcoat effects. Many a last year's coat and bodlco are being brought up to date by a series of cap lly adjusted waistcoats, which usually conclude In some sort of a distinctive collar. Given the simplest, plainest coat or corsage In fact, tho plainer tho hotter a chic noto Is at once In troduced through one or tho other of' these attractive little adjuncts. A cross-over waistcoat of striped roman silk was Introduced In a last year'o navy ratine coat, tho roll-over collar at tho back fringed with monkey fur, additions that served to Invest a some what de mode suit with a quite par ticular cachet. Gerlng. A mass meting of land owners under tho Fort Laramlo unit of tho Pathfinder canal project held hero recently, uttendud by near ly 500, Is regarded as bringing tho commonceont or this $5,000,000 enter prise within sight. Numerous addi tional land owners have pledged their lands and tho total area now signed In Nebrasnk foots up over 22, 000 acres out of a necessary 2G.000 acres. Tho Wyoming area Is already secured. This canal will add 107,000 acres to tho Irrigated section of tho North Platte valley, all of which is on tho south sldo of tho river, and means railroad extensions, moro sugar factories and homes for treblo the present population. Judge Will It. King, chief counsel, nnd It, H. Hoi gate, assistant counsel of tho recla mation sorvlco, and other notables took part In the program, which Is regarded as having been entirely suc cessful In tho point of Influencing tho signatures yet necessary to securo starting of the work by the govern ment this summer. An appropriation of $150,000 Is available for expendi ture prior to July 1 and another ap propriation of 1300,000 is avallablo for fiscal year then beginning. Great, enthusiasm prevails over tho roseate prospect for tho Immediate future. Packers rilt by New Law. South Omaha, A new law passed by the last legislature, effective July 8, making It unlawful for any person to "sell the flesh of a diseased ani mal," is liable to jolt the South Omaha packers considerably. Tho bill was Intended to prevent tho sale of diseased meat In small towns where there Is no federal Inspection, and carries a heavy penalty of $100 to $1,000 line or six months to five years in tho penitentiary. Tho pack ers In many caseB use meat from tu berculosls cattle, when the dlseaso Is localized. Tho slaughtering is done under government Inspection and all meat unfit for consumption, rejected, j Think Bradya Were Brothers. Hastings. Taking photographs ot tho names of Brady found In tho re gistry of tho Victoria hotel as part of tho evidence In the John O'Connor will case, and sending tho photo graph to the attorney general of tho state, Is tho first formal action toward showing the possibility of John Brady or John O'Connor of Hastings being a brother of James Brady, tho Omaha man, who died last week under con' ditions similar to the death of the Hastings man. Tho hotel register was submitted Into tho evidence to show that O'Connor registered at the hotel at the same time that John Cullvan did. Disc Runs Over Boy. Hastings., Tho 14-year-old son of Mr. anu Mrs. Jacob uurr, was terribly bruised and hacked by a farm disc when the four horses which young Burr was driving on the road became frightened. As they ran Burr was thrown at their heels In front ol the sharp disc knives. Farmirs Buy Elevator. Guide Rock. Several farmers' un ion locals In this vicinity have been handed together and purchased tho East elevator at Guide Bock, formerly owned by Tt. W. McCallum and Wil Ham Crary, tho consideration being $5,000. E. Pont Will Edit Register. Stanton. Tho Stanton Register, which has been edited for the last eighteen years by Alfred Pont, who died recently, 111, In the future, ho edited and managed by Ervlne E. Pont, a nephew of tho lato editor. Hogs Die From Eating Cockleburs, David City. Dr. W. E. Hewitt, who owns a largo island in the Platte river about ten miles north of hero lost eighty head of hogs by poisoning, Death was caused by eating tho youni; sprouts oft cockleburs. Omahan In Charge of Grounds. Superior. Tho Men's league of Su perior closed a contract with A. E Eaton of tho Omaha Young Men's Christian association to take charge of tho playgrounds supervision for tho summer. State Taking Interest In O'Connor. Hastings Assistant Deputy Attor- npy General Barrett was In Hastings recently, seeking Information to on nblo tho state to bring numerous phases of tho O'Connor estate matter to tho attention of tho grand Jury hero May 10. Numerous rumors to the effect that O'Connor did not die from natural causes haB led, tho at- torney general to decide to thorough ly question everyone who waa with the recluse during the Inst twenty- lour hours of his llfo. Typhus is making horrible rnvnges as woll. Tho death rate Is frightful, to the burial places. ADVISORY Secretary of War Garrison formally opened tho first meeting of tho National ndvlBory committee for aero nautics, a committee appointed by tho president and provided for In recent legislation to study and advance tha scienco of aeronautics in this country. Gon. George Scrlven was chosen tho commlttoo'B first chairman. Tho meet Ing was held In tho war department. Back row, left to right: Naval Constructor H. C. Richardson; Prof. John F. Hay ford, Northwestern university; Capt. Mark Bristol, chiof of tho navy dopartmont's aorbnautlcal bureau, and Col. Samuol Rober, U. S. A. signal corps. Front row, left to right: Prof. W, F. Durand, Leland Stanford university; Dr. S. W. Stratton, chief of United States bureau of standards; Gon. Georgo P. Scrivon, chief signal officer, U. S. A.; Prof. C. F. Marvin, chief of United States weather bureau, and Prof. M. I. Pupin of Columbia university. TWIN MARINES FOOL THEIR OFFICERS Two marines have lately had tho entire marinecorps stationed at League island, near Philadelphia, shaking with Bllent laughter by the trouble they aro causing. After eight months In tho service their company officers and their follow marines cannot tell them apart. They are Leslie and Ilnlllo Woodcock, twins, twenty years old, and hail from South Carolina, vhoro they enlisted on the condition thnt they would never bo put Into separate companies. Many efforts have been made by their officers to do thin, but they have a written guaranty from tho recruiting station that It is their prldloge to servo their country together. GERMANS SHELLING THE RUSSIANS 1 S3 This photograph of a Gorman battery shelling a force of Russians takeu not far from Lodz, Russian Poland. In the ranks of tho Serbian and Austrian armloa, and among tho civilians and ox carts laden with the coffins of tho ; COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS was victims paBs in continual proccsBlon GEN. ALVAR0 0BREG0N Alvaro Obregon Is Carranza's first commandor and la recognized as the ablest general in Mexico. Though a military genius, he hates wur and de clares ho Is fighting for a revolution ary Ideal for land and labor roforras. Most of the men In his ranks ara regularly organized trade unionists. Obregon has been administering soma 80vero defeats to Villa