ILLUSTRATION? SYNOPSIS. 2 Ie Comto 1e Sabron, cnptnln of Krcnch fcovnlry, tnkos to Ms uartcr lo rnlno by hand n motlicrloss Irlsli terrier pup, mid nnnics It Pltchounc. He dines with the Marqulso d'KtcllKimc unci meets Miss Julia Itedmond, Amerlcnn lielrenu, who n I n km fnr lilm an English ballad that lingers In his memory. CHAPTER III Continued. That overling tho Marqulso d'Escll gtiac read aloud to her nleco tho nows that tho Count do Sabron was not com Ins to dinner. Ho wan "absolutely des olated" and had no wordB to express his rogret and disappointment. Tho rleasuro of dining with thom both, a pleasure to which ho had looked for ward for a fortnight, must bo re nounced because ho was obliged to Bit up with a very sick friend, as thcro was no ono olso to tako his placo. in expressing his undying devotion and his renowod excuses he put his homage at their feet and kissed thoir hands. ,Tho Marquise d'Escllgnac, wearing another very beautiful dress, looked up nt her nioco, who was playing at the piano. "A very poor excuse, my dear Julia, and a very lato ono." "It sounds true, however. I bollovo him, don't you, ma tanto?" "I do not," Bald tho marqulso em phatically. "A Frenchman of good education Is not supposed to refuse a dinner invitation an hour boforo ho Is expected. Nothing but a caso of life nnd death would oxcuso It." "Ho says a 'very Blck friend.' " "Nonsonso," oxclalmod tho marqulso. Miss Redmond played a few bars of tho tuno Sabron had hummed and which more than .onco had soothed. Pltchouno, and which, did she know, Sabron was actually humming at that moment. , "I am rathor disappointed," Bald tho .young girl, "but if wo find it is a mat tor of lifo and death, ma tanto, we will forglvo him?" Tho Marqulso d'Escllgnac had In vited tho Count do Sabron bocauso sho had boon asked to do so by his colo nel, who waa an old and valued friend. Sho had othor plans for nor niece. "I feel, my dear," alio nnswered her now, "quite safo In promising that If It 1b a question of lifo and death wo shall forglvo him. I shall seo his colbnol tomorrow and ask him pointblank." Miss Redmond rose from the piano and camo over to her aunt, for dinner had boon announced. "Woll, what do . you think," sho ellpped her hand In hor aunt'o arm, "really, what do you think could bo tho reason?' "Ploaso don't ask mo," exclaimed tho Marqulso d'Escllgnac Impatient ly. "Tho reasons for young mon's ca prlcos nro somotlmes Justj as woll not Inquired into." If Sabron, smoking in his bacholor quarters, lonely and disappointed, watching" with an extraordinary fideli ty by his "sick friond," could havo Been tho two ladles at their grand soli tary dinner, his unilllod placo between thom, ho might havo felt tho picture charming enough to havo added to his collodion. CHAPTER IV. The Dog Pays. Pltchouno repaid what was given him. Ho did not think that by getting well, reserving tho right Tor tho rest of his lifo to a distinguished limp in his right leg, that ho had dono nit that was expected of him. Ho dovoloped an ecstatic devotion to tho captain, Imposslblo for any human heart ade quately to return, Ho followed Sab iron liko a shadow and when ho could not follow him, took his placo on a chair In tho window, thoro to sit, his uharp profile against tho light, his pointed oara forward, watching for tho uniform ho know nnd admlrod .extrav agantly. Pltchouno waB a thoroughbrod, and vory musclo nnd fiber showed It, evory hair and point nssortod it, and ho loved as only thoroughbreds can. You may say what you llko about mon .erel attachments, tho thorouchhmd in all cascB resorves his brilliancy for crises. Sabron, who had only soon Mlsa Redmond twlco nnd thought about hor countless tlmoa, novor qulto forgave hlB friond for tho Illness that kept him from tho chateau. Thoro was in Sab ron'a mind, much as ho loved Plt chouno, tho fooling that if ho had gone that night . . . Thoro was nover anothor Invitation I "Voyons, mon chor," his colonel had said to him kindly tho next tlmo ho met him, "what stupidity havo you been guilty of at tho Chateau d'Eacll gnnc?' Poor Sabron blushed and shruggod his shoulders. "I assure you," snld tho colonel, "that I did you harm thoro without knowing It. Madamo d'Escllgnac, who Is a very clover woman, nskod mo with Interest and sympathy, who your 'vory flick friend' could be. As no ono was vory elck according to my knowlodgo I toid hor bo, Sho Boomed triumphant and I saw at onco that I had put you La the wrong," mm RAYWALTERS It would havo been slmplo to havo oxplalncd to the colonel, but Sabron, reticent and reserved, did not chooso to do so. Ho mado a very Innulllciont excuse, and tho colonel, as well ns tho marqulso, thought ill of him. Ho loarnod later, with chagrin, that his frionds wero gono from tho Midi. Rooted to tho spot hlmBolf by his du ties, ho could not follow thom. Mean whilo Pltchouno thrived, grow, cheered his loneliness, Jumped over a stick, learned a trick or two from Drunctand a great many fascinating wiles nnd ways, no doubt inherited from his mother. Ho had a senso of humor truly Irish, a power of devotion that wo deslgrato as "canine no doubt bo causo no mombor of tho human raco has over deserved It. CHAPTER V. Tho Golden Autumn. Sabron longed for a chango with au tumn, when the falling leaves made the roads golden roundabout tho Cha teau d'Escllgnac. Ho thought ho would llko to go nway. He rodo his horso ono dny up to tho property of tho hard-honrted unforgiving lady and, finding tho gate open, rodo through tho grounds up to tho terrace. Seeing no ono, ho sat in his snddlo looking over tho golden country to tho Rhono and the castle of tho good King Reno, where tho autumn mists wero llko ban ners floating from towers. Thoro was a solitary beauty around tho lovely placo that spoke o tho young olllcor with a sweet melancholy. Ho fancied that Miss Redmond must often havo looked outfrom ono of tho windows, and ho wondered which ono. Tho terrace was desorted and leaves from tho vines strewed It with red and golden specters. Pltdhouno raced nftor them, for tho wind started them flying, and ho rolled his tawny little body over and over In tho rustling loaves. Then a rabbit, which before tho ar rival of Sabron had been sitting com fortably on tho torraco stones, scut tled, away llko mad, and Pltchouno, somowhat hindered by his limp, toro after It. Tho deserted chateau, tho fact that thoro was nothing In his military lifo beyond tho routine to intcr.est him now in Taraacon, mado Sabron eagerly look forward, to a chango, and ho wnltcd for lc'ttors from the mlnUtor of war which would send him to a new post. Tho following day after his visit to tho chateau ho took n walk, Pltchouno at his heels, and stood asldo in tho, highroad to lot a yollow motor pass him, but tho yollow motor at that mo- Stood Aside to Let a Motor Pass Him. mont drow up to Uio aide of tho road whilo tho chauffeur got out to adjust Bomo portion of tho mechanism. Somo ono loaned from tho yollow motor win dow and Sabron camo forward to apeak to" tho MnrqulBo d'Escllgnac ami anothor lady by hor Bldo "How do you do, Monsieur? Do you romombor us?" (Had ho over forcottcn thorn?) Hn regretted so vory much not having ooon nmo to dlno with thom in tho sprlug. 'And your sick friend?" asked Madamo d'Escllgnac koonly, "did ho recover7 "Yea," Bald Sabron, and Miss Rod mond, who loaned forward, smllod at him and oxtonded hor protty hand Sabron oponod tho motor door. "What n darling doKiM Mlsa nnrt mond cried. "What a bowltchlng faco no nasi uob an msu terrier, isu ho?" Sabron called Pltchouno. wlin ill vortod his attention from thn four to como nnd bo hauled up by the collar and presented. Sabron shook ou ins rotlconco. "U)t mo mako a confession," ho said with n courteous bow. "Thic my 'vory sick friond.' Pltchouno was at the point of donth tho night of your dinner and I wns Just loavlng tho hoUBo when I roallzod that tho lmin. loss llttlo chap could not woathor the - i 'Mh. breeze without inc. He had be n run over by a bicycle and ho needed some vory special caro." Mrss Redmond's hand was on Pit' chouno's head between his pointed oars. Sho looked sympathetic She looked nniUBcd. She smiled. "It wns a quostlon of 'lifo and death,' wasn't It?" alio snld eagerly to Sabron. "Rcnlly, It was Just that." answered tho young olllccr, not knowing how significant tho wordB wero to tho two ladles. Then Mndamo d'Escllgnac know that sho was beaten and that sho owed something nnd was ready to pay. Tho chauffeur got upon his scat and she nskod suavely: "won't you lot ua take you homo. Monsiour Sabron?" Ho thanked thom. Ho wns walking and had not finished his exorcise. "At nil events." sho nurauod. "now that your oxcubo is no longer a goodl ono, you will como UiIb week to din ner, will you not?" He would, of course, nnd watched tho yellow motor drive away In the autumn sunlight, wishing rather less for the order from tho minister of war to chango his quarters than ho had before. CHAPTER VI. Ordered Away. He had received his letter from the minister of war. Llko many things wo wish for, set our hopes upon, when thoy como wo find that wo do not want them nt any prlco. Tho order waB un welcome. Sabron was to go to Al glors. Winter is novor very- ugly around Tarnscon. Llko n lovely bunch of fruit In tho brightest corner of a happy vlnoynrd, tho Midi la sheltered from tho rudo experiences that tho seasons know farther north. Nevertheless, rains and winds, sea-born and vig orous, had swept In and upon the llt tlo town. Tho mistral camo whis tling and Sabron, from his window, looked down on his llttlo gnrdon from which summor had entirely flown. Pit. chouno, by his side, looked down as welf, but his expression, different from his master's, was ecstatic, for ho saw sliding along tho brick wall, a cat with which ho was on tho most excited terms. His body tense, his enra for ward, ho gavo a aharp eorlea of barks and llttlo soft growle, whilo his master tapped the window-pane to the tuno of Miss Redmond's Bong. Although Sabron had heard It several times, ho did not know tho words 01 that they were of a soml-rellgious, ex- tromely sentimental character which would havo beon difficult to translate into French. Ho did not know that thoy ran something liko this: Ood keep you safe, my love, All through tho night: Host close In his encircling arms Until tho light. And thoro was more of It. Ho only know that thoro waa a pathos in the tuno which Bpoko to his warm heart; which caressed and captivated him and which made him Jong deeply for a happiness ho thought It moat unllkelj ho woild over know. There had been many pictures added to his collection: MJbs Redmond at dlnnor, Mlsa Julia Redmond ho know hor first namo now boforo tho piano; Miss Redmond In a Btnart coat, walk ing with him down tho alloy, while Pltchouno chased Hying leaves and ap paritions of rabbits hlthor and thither. Tho Count do Sabron had always dreaded Juat what happened to him. Ho had fallon in lovo with a woman beyond hla reach, for ho had no for- tuno whatBoever, nothing but his cap tain's pay nnd his hard soldlor's life, a wandorer's lifo and one which he hesitated to aak a woman to shore. In spite of tho fact that Madame d'Escllgnac was agfeoablo to Mm, sho was not cordial, and ho understood that sho did not consider him a parti for her nloco. Othor gueats, ns well na ho, had shared hor hoapltallty. He had been Jealous of thom, though he could not help Boeing Mlsa Redmond's preference for himself. Not that ho wanted to help It. Ho recalled that sho ha3 really sung to him, decidedly walked by his Bldo when thoro had beon moro than tho quartotte, and he felt, in short, her sympathy. "Pltchouno," ho said to hla compan ion, "wo aro bettor off In Alglors, mon vloux. Tho desert is tho place for us. Wo shall got rid of fancies thoro and do some hard fighting ono way or an othor." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Worth While Quotation. Tho ploasuro that wo tako in beauti ful nature la essentially caprlclouB. It cornea ttomettmoa when wo least look for it, o,nd sometimoB, when wo expect it most cortalnly, It leaves us to gape JoylcBBly for days togother. Wo may havo passod a placo a thousand times and ono, and on the thousand and sec ond it will bo transflgurod, and stand forth In a certain splondor of reality from the dull clrclo of surroundings, bo that wo boo it "with n chlld'B first pleasure," aB Wordsworth Baw tho daf fodils by tho lakeside. Robert Louis Stovenson. 8ure to Get What Ho Wanted. Tho doctor told him ho needed car bohydrates, protelda, nnd abovo all, something nitrogenous. Tho doctor mentioned a long list of foods for him to eat Ho staggered out nnd wabbled into a restaurant. "How about boofBtoak?" ho asked tho waiter. "Is that ultrogonoua?" Tho waltor didn't know. "Aro tried potatoes rich In carbohy drates or not?" Tho waiter couldn't say. "Well, I'll' fix It," doclarod tho poor man In despair. "Bring mo a largo Plato of haan. Washington Embassies Center of Big Spy System WASHINGTON. That embassy circles in Washington are clearing houses through which which military information, gathered for belligerent na tions from all tho lnrigcr cities in tho United States, is transmitted to tho capltalB of tho warring countries In sion to tho headquarters of the de tective agoncy in Now York city, which in turri transmits them to tho em bassies in Washington. Tho revelations includo a complete koy to tho codo which is toeing used. Several dispatches have been intercepted and translated en route from branch offices throughout the country to Now York city, whence thoy wero to havo been relayed to Washington. ' National Parks Prepared for Tourist Travel Flood SECRETARY FRANKLIN K. LANE is a beliover in preparedness, Tho sec retary of the department of the interior naturally leaves to his associates in the cabinet, Secretaries Garrison and Daniels, tho study of preparedness related to war equipment. What he Is interested in is tho preparedness on tho part of tho government to han dle properly tho tremendous tourist travel in America, which is expected to bo ono of tho rosults of tho groat war. ' In tho opinion of tho interior de partment officials and others who aro familiar with conditions in tho nation al parka of tho West these great natural show places havo nover been visited by as many American peoplo as should havo toured thom, because there have not been the same kind of facilities to caro for travelers which aro found in Europe, where the touriat trade haB been catered to for hundreda of years, and where in many places it is the chief source of income -of tho people. Secretary Lane believes that many thousands of Americans will travel In this country during the coming season and following years who have heretofore apent their money in Europe, and that tho national parks of the West and points in Alaska, with thoir scenic wonders, will be the places sought out by largo numbers of American tourists. The work of reorganizing tho system of' caring for and developing the national parks is now going on, and in the near future it is believed that most of the American parks will havo facilities which will rival Europe for completeness in providing for tourists. Mark Daniels, tho California landscape engineer, whom Secretary Lane secured as tho general superintendent of the national parks, Is now working on plans for reorganizing tho system of management and bettering condi tions generally In all of tho great government reservations which are under the department of the interior. Mace of Lower House THE mace, tho historic symbol of authority in tho lower branch of congress, is to bo repaired before tho next house meets. It has been sent to New York in tho custody of a deputy sergeant-at-arms, who will bo held strictly accountable for its safe return. The A - llgorent is duly expected to become tongue-tied with confusion and exjilate his display of temper by humbly asking tho pardon of tho house. This courtly tradition received a violent setback, however, the lat time tho maco was used in response to a riot call. "Prlvato John" Allen was on that occasion tho center of tho mix-up. "Don't hit mo with that dam fool bird," ho said, when the maco was waved over him. Another time a sergeant-at-arms charged doVn upon a struggling crowd of congressmen who wore trying to terminate a long-drawn-out wrangle by aissault and battery. When tho bearer of tho maco reached tho scene he mood thoro llko a schoolboy who had broken down in tho midst of a recita tt"n, wondering what was to como noxt. v"What do I do now?" he asked, in a Btage whisper "Bang tho buanard on hlB head," advised a member, to whom tho mace wns no moro than a slapstick. Ever since then "tho mace has been known aH tho "buzzard." Uncle Sam Experimenting With Lights for War TAKING a lesson from tho European war, tho secretary of war has directed tho engineer corps to mako an oxhauativo study of and extenalvo field experiments with searchlights, flares, Btar bombs and other lights. For some time tho army and navy havo been using searchlights, and .in tho Ruaso Japanoso war thoy wero employed by both armies, but not until tho Euro pean conflict did thoy become such important auxiliaries of an army. Searchlights and star bombs havo become absolutely necessary to meet tho constant night attacks by armies in tho various thoators of war. Search lights aro not only used to detect tho movements of the enemy, but to blind troops when they nro charging acrosB tho zone of fire, and to discomfit tho pilots of aeroplanes flying aloft, The onglneer depot at Washington barracks, where tho experiments nro being conducted, has taken on tho appearance of a fireworks factory. Not only is tho engineer corps experimenting with every typo of light producer that It has beon able to obtain from foreign countries, but It is testing out qulto a numbor of American inventions. That work will continue at Washington barracks until soma timo in October, when all of the searchlights and light producing dovlces will be shipped to Texas, whore a battalion of engineers will try them out In tho field. It Is not proposed by tho secretary of war to purchaso n largo quantity of searchlights and fireworks, but according to his instructions, tho officers will dovelop typos of searchlights and light-producing devices that can be produced by small changes in standard articles of this character that can bo purchased In tho open market. In tho event of war tho country would de pend largely upon prlvato concerns to furnish that class ot equipment tor tho army. Europe, was indicated in revelations that roached this city from New York. Tho report received here tends to confirm rumors that havo been afloat since tho beginning of tho war, that each of the warring nationB main tains in the- United Stntea a secret information system through, which representatives of tho allies, assisted by a well-known detective agoncy, gather military Becrots for transmis Goes to the Repair Shop ancient bugbear of rofractory mem bers, which came down from medieval parliamentary bodies, is a long piece of sliver mounted on ebonV, at the business end of which is a silvei globe. Surmounting tho globe, with his talons firmly clutching the North pole, is an American eagle. Whenever a member becomes un ruly the sergeant-at-arms Is supposed to stalk solemnly down the alslo and confront him with the mace. Tho bel- Better Biscuits Baked You never tasted daintier, lighter, fluffier biscuits than thoso baked with (Jalumct , They're always good delicious. II For f!n1nrrih. In. ' cures perfect bnkinjr. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS I World Pnra FoaJ Ex portion. Qucaa-o. auinou. Part Expoeitloa, Franco, March, ASM, Tea don't tare money t yon tnj cleap or Mf-cas j bikini powder. Don't be milled. Bar Calumet, lt'i I more economical more wnoieaome tiree ben rettuu. I Calumet U far tupenor to tour nuk and eoda. Place of Amusement. Redd You know London has an automobile museum. Greene Wo ought to havo ono in this country. It, no doubt, would bo an amusing placo. "Why an amusing placo?" "Why, tho automobiles do so many funny tricks." Initial Cost. Patience What was tho Initial cost of your hat, dear? Patrice A. V. There's no ono to' be pitied moro than the man who has loved and lost unless It is tho man who has loved and won. Smile, Bmile, beautiful clear white clothes. , Red Cross Ball Blue, American made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. It takes an unusually polite sales man to overcharge a woman for any thing and get away with it. A Typewriter in Every Home The typewriter has come to be a ne cessity in almost every family. If the daughter is a stenographer, she can increase her earning power by home practice. The father and sons need a typewriter for their correspondence. The mother likes to keep recipes and other data In neat, read able form. You will be inter ested In our booklet, "A Lesson in Operating the L. C. Smith &Bros.Typewriter." Writeforit. L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 1819 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska SWntnonH.Oolf mnn.Waatv Ington, D.U. BoolCHtre; High est references. Ileal results. III? IJKTECTIVKS Ham ble wages. Mxperienco unnecessary. Write foi particulars. l,i,eUi ljut; , Bsferlw, UU