The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1915, Image 1

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No. 31
Miss Freda Hammer expects to go
to Omaha shortly to visit for a few
The Zenda dancing club will give a
dance at tho Masonic hall Tuesday ev
ening of next week.
Miss McNeil, of Grand Island, spent
a few days horo this week with her
brother, James McNeil.
Mrs. Glen O'Hara,' of Chicago, is tho
guest of Miss Grace Mooney whllo cn
eouto to the Pacific coast.
Mrs. Thos. J. Ryan and two children
left today for a visit with relatives In
Shclton and Grand Island.
For Sale Improved corner lot. See
Mrs. O. O. McKay or phonp black
524. 2!)-8
Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Fred
Barraclough will be held from the
Episcopal church thin afteroon
at 2:30.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson had as
their guest this week Mm Darner, of
Grand Island, Who returned homo
Kindling for snlc at Hcrshcy's.
Jess Smith has resigned his posi
tion with the Reso pantatorium and
will sell lifo Insurance for the J. E.
Sebastian Co. .
Tho residence of P. H. Lonegan was
placed under smalL-pox quarantine,
his son Charles 'developing tho dis
ease yesterday.
Joseph .Weeks, of Grand Island, a
former resident of this city, arrived
here Wednesday to visit his sons Rob
ert and Edward for a few days.
Wo have a largo assortment of dia
mond rings forladlcs and men. Very
pretty rings from $8.60 upwards.
CLIlTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Tho second installment of "His
Love Story" will be found on the extra
pages of this Issue. The third install
ment will appear next Tuesday.
P. L. Van Clave, yardmaster for the
Union Pacific, was taken to Omaha
Tuesday and on tho following day
submitted to an operation for appen
Lots Nos. 4 and 5, In Block C;
North Platte Town Lot Co's. Addition.
Buy direct from owner and save com
mission. See Ottensteln( or phono
258. 29tf
First class gasoline stovo for sale
cheap, lnqulro of Mrs. Guy Swope. 31-2
Mrs. W. J. Stuart went to Grand Is
land Wednesday to attend the sessions
of the Episcopal convocation.
Mrs. Richmond Blrgo will cntortaln
the Saturday Auction Club tomorrow
Miss Ruby Manuel loaves today for
Stockton, California, whore sho will
assume her duties with the Chautauqua.
Tho Domestic Sclonce
The animal meeting nnd banquet of!
tho Chamber of Cominerco was held!
last ovonlng In thd basement of the'
Episcopal church. Tho suppor fur-1
nlshed by tho Indies of tho church was '
well prepared, nicely served, ami
muc'i enjoyed. Covers were laid for
President Seobergor, following the
supper, called on tho secretary for
1il nntinnl rnnnrt. nnd Mr. Wortlliail
Club will responded by a financial statement
meet with Mrs. Will Maloney Monday j showing receipts and disbursements of
tho year, and enumerated tho cnnnneis
through which tho publicity fund had
been distributed.
Mr. Wortmnn also spoko at sor3
length as to tho courso the Chnmber
of Commorco might pursuo In becom
ing a greater factor In tho upbuild
ing of North Platto, and pointed out
very distinctly that Its ono great need
was a stronger and mor generous sup
port by the citizens genera ly and
tho need of tho members backing up
tho board of directors.
On motion tho directory was In
creased from seven to nine mombors,
exclusive of the president nnd vico
E. F. Seeberger and M. J. Forbes
were unanimously ire-elcfcted presi
dent and vico president respectively.
Four of the seven directors holding
over, It was necessary to elect five
now members, and eight or ten me
woro placed in nomination. A bal
lot resulted In tho election of F. C.
Piolsticker, J. J. Halligan, Harry Dlx
on, 0. E. Elder and W. R. Maloney.
Tho members holding over are J. Q
afternoon. A good attendance is de
sired as an election of officers will bo
With snow and freezing weather In
Colorado, Wyoming and Dakota, It is
not strange that Western Nebraska Is
having a period of cool winds and
light frosts.
Buy that Rug now at Wilcox De
partment Store.
Tho Ladles' Rowcna Circle of tho
Yeomen lodge will meet Tuesday af
ternoon with Mrs. Geo. Garrard, 211
east Ninth streot. A ten cent lunch
will bo served..
Governor Morehead has recommend
ed that next Sunday bo observed as
Mothers' Day and hopes it will be
recognized as generally as circum
stances will permit.
' Swift's Premium Hams 18c a pound
at Wilcox Department Store.
i The J. F. F. club were tho guests
of Mrs. Jno McDonald Tuesday after
noon. In the card games the first prize
was won by Mrs. Hencke. Nice re
freshmont8 wero served.
The literary dpartment of the Twcn
' A Suit
Once Good
Is Always Good
YOUR own experi
ence has taught you
to seek true quality.
It, has carved on
your mind the fact that a
good suit of good lines is
absolutely certain to serve
you well until you are tired
of it.
Collegian Clothes
are produced, first of all, for
the man who seeks "value."
The second consideration given
by the makers concerns style.
The combination guarantees
any man or young man the most
ideally perfect garments to be
had rcadyrto-wear.
Step into our shop to-day. See
our excellent Spring styles. Get
acquainted with us and our
Prices $15. to $35.
cox Department Store
Weather forecast for North Platte
land vicinity: Probably fair tonight
' and Saturday, continued cool. Prob
jably frost tonight. Highest tcmpera
' ture yesterday ,55.; a year ago 65; low
! est last night 34, a year ago 33.
I R.- D. Smith, living northeast of
Chappell raised last season 1,324 bu
' shels of vyhcat on twenty-seven acres.
1 He sold this wheat at an average of
$1.40 per bushel, receiving $1,853.G0,
equaling- a crop value of $68.G5 per
Are your eyes bothering you? We
make a specialty of fitting glasses,
a n djju a ra n t.e e sat is fa ct 1 o n
L.,-1 t?LlNTONt Jweler and Optician., (ind Sutherland.
Wilcox. T. C. Patterson, Ira L. Bare
nml W. P. Snviler.
. tieth Century club will hold a short Hlint. joffnrs nf the Nobrnska dlvl-
business meeting Tuesday afternoon sIon of tne Union Pacific and his chief
at 3 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. W.'cicric j, w. Adams, wero guests nnd
I F. Crook, 302 west Third street. ; eilcU addressed the meeting. Mr.
i Tho nearest approach to a now do-' Joffers reminded his auditors that ho
pot this year will bo the repainting was a North Platto product, that home
1 and a few repairs to the present build- and North Platto wero synonomous
Inc. In renalntinK brown will bo tho terms, and ho assured his hearers
, color used, this color having lately that so long as he remained in his
' been accepted as the standard. I present position North Platte would
Timor, cjniin nr trr,nf fnat nt wii-' have a friend at court. Mr. Adams
spOKC oi mo value oi a uumiutsruiui
organization and tho need or adver
tising, citing some very unique meth
ods of advertising he had observed
while tra.vollng over the country. Ho
complimented North Platto on its ev
idences of growth and prosperity, its
large number of pretty homes and the
pride Its people took in maintaining
pretty lawns.
President Seeberger read n letter
from General Manager Ware, In reply
to a request for better local train ser
vice to the west, lh Which Mr. Ward
stnted that a new time-card would go
into effect May 30th, at which time
train No. 11 would be put back and
that it would make stops at Hershey
The Fashion Shoe
and Loan
$4.00 Trimmed
Hats at $1.93.
Beautiful Models in New Spring Coats, Shepherd
Checks, Serges, Scotch Tweeds, Military Style, worth
$15.00 $8.9S.
$1.50, $2 Tub Silk Shirt Waists
and Dainty White Lawn Waists with Fine Organdie
Embroidery, at 95 C
Ruffled Dimities, Embroidered Organdies, Billowy'
Nets and Voiles of a Fineness to Suit Every Woman
for the Summer at. . $g.95
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
$6.00 and $8.00 Hand Made Hats of every descrip
tion, Strictly Up-to-date in Style and Quality; The
Fashion Shop Price . .
General Manager Ware's statement
that No. 11 will again bo placed in
service May 30th is good news for the
people oC Hershey and Sutherland,
as It revives for them an exceller.
train service. It also means tho em
ployment of several additional engine
and train crews.
C. R. Trent and G. W. Edniisten went
down to Junction City, Kansas after
the car that was stolon lastMfall from
Frank England and returned with it
Monday afternoon. The car was In
splendid shape. The boys report the
roads very good tho greater part of tho
way and that wheat crop conditions
there are two weeks ahead of this sec
tion. Hershey Times.
A New Fad
Bob-O-LInk bracelet links. Have
your friends buy a link with their
initial engraved and you will soon
have a fine silver bracelet.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Week Old Chicks
for sale at ten cents each. Inquire of
unrrv T.nntz. 321 east Fourth. 30-4
During the evening short talks were
mndo by President Seeberger, Messrs.
Halligan, Patterson, Forbes, Bare,
Donaldson and others, and the meeting
developed tho fact that the booster
spirit is still alive InN orth Platte.
Did you sec the new houses build
ing In Tnylor's Addition this yenrl
Only few lots left.. .We'll lonn you
money (o help you build.
rr .11 .. e. if....
uuiiimiu oil ouiiuniinu,
25-8 Exclusive Agents.
This week has been ono of low
tomperaturo for May, tho minimum
ranging from 38 to 32 degrees. Thore
was a light frost Tuesday night and a
heavier one this morning. Unpro
tected flowering plants and garden
truck was considerably damaged last
night. It is probable that cherry and
plum trees which are in full bloom
suffered more or less.
Tho lumber yard and other inter
ests of tho C. F. Iddlngs Co. at Her
shey has been sold to tho Farmers'
Co-Oporativo Assn., of which i'
DIckerson will be manager.
No. ItllHI
The First National Bank,
At North Platto, In the State of Nebraska, nt the cIobo of business Mny 1,
illHcounts (notes held In bank)
UV SSnas depo8Cteadto secure circulation (p'ar -value) '
Si ! bonds pleVd to ..our. U. S. depos ts (Par value..
Bonds otner man u. d. uunua i""b- .."..". .7. .. .$ 2C 000.00
SecuHtles'otbeV than U.' .'bonds (not 'nciudiriK 'stocks) " ' .
owned unpledged . i&,Jui.ui
Due from Federal lloserve bank . . . . ... . . ... . .
Due from approved reserve agents in New York Chicago R 3g
Due from1 approved "reserve BBanVBn'ptnorMryi'ojYliB Cl'.OGoibs
Duo from banks nnd bankers (other than Included in
Checks onanka In tho'samo "city or' ton ' as 'reporting
Fractional' cu'rren'cy.'nickies and cents
Notes of other national banks
Federal Hoservo notes
Lawful money reserve in bank:
Total coin and certificates ,.
Redemptlonfund wUhU.' S. Treasurer' (not' ' more' ' than
G per cent on circulation)
.$ 10,113,22
.$ 3,027.69
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Loss current expenses and taxes paid
DuoUto banks'and b'a'n'ker(other'than Included' l'ti 'ti or 'rf)
Demand deposits: t0
Individual dopos ts subject to check........ $j-J,fi7.SJ
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days 2S'22HS
Cashier's checks outstanding f'UXnnn
United States deposits iVaei nn
Postal savings deposits li.Bti.uu
Tlmp0rt!ncatesBbf denostt duo on or nftor 30 days 114,810,90
Total $703,280.83
State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, sh; ,u .
I. F. Ii. Mooney, Cashier of tho abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that
tho above statement Is true to tho borjt or my kn0Fvl,BrgmlJb.:y1iecashler.
Correct Attest:
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this ;1jgJ)KI(9otaPjr VaWe.
Jt Tnbcrimclc Announcements
Tho matrlal In tho tabernacle is
for sale. Also a lot of extra tar pa-
por which is on hand. Any ono Inter
ested will do well to see J. II. Van
Tho subject for tonight will bo "Tho
Greatest Business on Earthr Im
mediately following tho sermon there
will bo an after meeting of great im
portance to all Christians. Do not
fall to remain for this aftr meeting.
Saturday night Dr. Lowry will take
his .lesson from a Catholic bible. You
are urged to attend nil of these ser
vices. Tho largest crowd for the week
Mis in attendance last night.
IHg Street Parade
Tim irnlil cHHprlntr street nnrade
with the Barton & Bailey world colo
hrntPfl Rlinwn wll tnko nlftco on tho
morning of Thursday, May 13 at North
Platte, whero this noted nmnsement
enterprise is billed to exhibit nfter
nnnn nml nlcht. Rnftcral hundred men.
women and horses will bo in lino and
with Mm lnnsslvfi nnon caces of wild
animals will be a Bight wortli coming
mnnv iviIIpr tn Rf?0.
Five bands will participate, tore
most of which, Is tho world famous
Military Band, under the leadership
of Professor E. C. Jones.
Tho parade is about one mllo long
and no expense has been Bpared to
make it the greatest ever soen in
Notice for Hlds.
Bids will bo received up to Friday,
May 14th, 6 o'clock, on tho lumber and
all building material In tho big taber
nacle Invoices for same caii'bo ob
tained from the undersigned now.
Material to be taken down and re
moved at once upon the cjoso of tho
Lowry-Moody revival. -A rare chance
for prospective builders. A.jply at
onco for particulars.
The committee reserves the right
to reject any and nil bids.
Chairman Building Com.
The Elks held a dancing party in
ii.aU ! .-.,1 fc rnnlll last, evonlnc which
IUb ww... . . . ,
..,.., ,1,1 I,., -iiimit thlrtv r.ounles.
Tho White-Starr orchestra furnished
tho music. These parties aro grow
ing in popularity and overyono pro
nounced last evenings puny o
of tho most enjoyable affairs of the
season. It is tho intention of tho en
tertainment committee to give uiu
parties every two wuukb.
All pattern hats will bo placed on
salo at less than cost at our big clear-
.,i wiiinv nml Saturday. May
uui;u nam . ..." - ' . . -
n i o vrmr la Mii nnnnrtunlty to
secure your summor millinery at a
bargain. McVlcKors millinery ut mo
r .onilor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hatfield, of
Sheridan, Wyo., arrlvod hero a few
days ago to spend a week or moro at
tho Hatlleld nome. mr. uumum
nifrlv resided hero.
Wo give "S. & H." green trading
stamps with every cash purchase. Mc-
' .... 1 mi. T nmlflM
Vlcker s Millinery at iuo
. A 1 fulfn Heed
..$8.00 per bUBhel whllo it lasts. Seo
Bample at Derryborry ic ioruu.
Th Lutheran girls will meet with
Mrs. Harry Mooro this evening.
Several members of tho local chap
ter of tho Eastorn Star will leavo
Monday for Hastings to attend tho
convention which will bo held there
next week.
, A. W. Hoatson,tho Sutherland auto
liveryman, transartcd-buslnes3 In town
yostordny and drovo homo last oven
ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wood as
passengers. '
Electric Grill Stove
Kcgular price $5.00
On Sale During Hotpoint Week
Only, May 3-8, at $3.35
Sec it advertised in the May 1 Saturday
Evening Post and May Ladies' Home Journal
El Grilstovo boils, fries, toasts, and broils, both above and
below its glowing coils. Operates from any lamp-socket.
Pcrfoims two coo-king operations at the same time, at cost of
one. . '
El Grilstovo is ihe handiest, all 'round convenient electric
appliance ever olTered at the price.
North Platte Light 8c Power Co.
when you have a good Flro Insurance
Policy in one liniul. Shako tff tho leth
argy you aro In. Ho n business man
and look nfler your own I aires Is- The
wise would never think of allowing
their personal property to bo uninsured
If you liaro been so foolish hitherto,
wake up now nnd get interested for
your own interests. I cau Insure your
house and contents for a small premi
um. You will hardly feci tho paying
of It yet it affords you a permanent
protection against fire